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  • 7/29/2019 Motifs in Star Trek II


  • 7/29/2019 Motifs in Star Trek II



    Mid life crisis

    Friends with elders on the Enterprise

    Has never faced death, until Spok dies

    Lost his best friend


    Cryogenic sleep kept him from aging

    Strong relationships with crew of the Botany Bay

    Has experienced a great deal of death

    Lost his wife and son

    Age, Friendship and Death

  • 7/29/2019 Motifs in Star Trek II



    Needs glasses to see

    Exiled the crew of the Botany Bay to a lifeless planet (he didnt know that)

    Khan (anti-heroic)

    Lost his wife

    Trying to save his people

    Becomes obsessed with vengeance

    The flawed hero

  • 7/29/2019 Motifs in Star Trek II


    Kobayashi Maru Ship cannot be saved

    Kirk changed the program (cheated) to escape

    Genesis Project

    Can create life, but can also take life away and replace it with new life

    Kirk narrowly escapes, but loses his friend to radiation poisoning

    Khan almost destroys the Enterprise

    Kirk knew something about the ships that Khan didnt

    Spoks sacrifice

    Spok sacrifices himself to save the Enterprise, which leads to his death

    No-win situations

  • 7/29/2019 Motifs in Star Trek II


    Science has always been a pawn of the military Science creates

    Military uses creations intended for good for use as a weapon

    Nuclear energy

    Ironman Afghan Rebels capture Tony Stark and want him to make the Jericho missile for them

    Genesis Project

    Starfleet has the power to take control of the project and implement as they wish

    Science vs. Military

  • 7/29/2019 Motifs in Star Trek II


    Only God has the power to create

    Genesis Project allows humans to play God

    In the wrong hands, it can be used to destroy

    Moral and Ethical implication?

    David Marcus vs. Starfleet

    David vs. Goliath


    Science vs. Religion

  • 7/29/2019 Motifs in Star Trek II


    Kirk had a brief interlude with Dr. Carol Marcus Resulting in a son (David Marcus)

    Carol wants Kirk to stay away from son

    David sees Kirk for what he is, and accepts him after he proves himself

    Scotty has a nephew on board

    Peter Preston dies in an attack

    He remained after everyone else left their post

    Khan lost his wife on Ceti Alpha 5

    Also lost Joachim (his son)

    Joachim tried to reason with Khan Didnt want to go into the nebula

    Thought they should abandon their vengeance

    Family: Kids are Smarter

  • 7/29/2019 Motifs in Star Trek II


    Moby-Dick Khan quotes Ahab

    To the last I grapple with thee.

    From Hells heart I stab at thee.

    For hates sake I spit my lest breath at thee.

    Kirk is the whale (always escaping) Khans blind pursuit of Kirk mirrors Captain Ahabs obsession with Moby-Dick

    Both Khan and Ahab pursue their quarry against the better judgment of their crew, and

    end up killing themselves in an effort to take their foe with them

    Tale of Two Cities

    Spok gives Kirk a copy for his birthday

    Kirk recites the first and last lines of the book during the film

    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times

    It is a far, far better rest I go to, than I have ever known

    In the end, Carlton- a man who wasted his life- goes to the guillotine and his death for

    the better man, Darnay.

    Other Literary References

  • 7/29/2019 Motifs in Star Trek II


    Bifurcated: splitting of something into two parts

    Dueling halves of the human condition


    No emotions

    Logical and infallible



    Human reality- prone to error

    At odds with self

    Bifurcated Hero

  • 7/29/2019 Motifs in Star Trek II


    Spoks sacrifice at the end of film allows for Kirks spiritual rebirth

    Kirk goes from feeling old to feeling young

    Kirk never faces death until Spoks sacrifice
