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Page 1: Mosaics rome

romans mosaics art 5º.notebook


February 08, 2012

feb 5­07:08


Who were romans?

Where did they live?

When did they live? Rome general

feb 6­06:17


feb 5­07:09

• Later a man looked after the twins until they grew up.Years later, Mars told his twin sons to build a city where they had been found. The city was Rome. One day, Remus made fun of the wall Romulus had built around the city. The twins argued, fought, and Romulus killed Remus. The legend is one of the most famous in world history.

• Rome is now the capital city of Italy. 2,000 years ago it was the centre of the Roman Empire. Building started in 753 BC

• The Romans had a story to explain how Rome began:

• Twin boys, Romulus and Remus, were the sons of Mars (the Roman god or war). • An evil uncle took them as babies from their mother and threw them into the River Tiber. The babies floated to land, and a mother wolf fed and cared for them. (brief roman history)puppets Romulus Remus story

feb 5­07:09

• How was Rome ruled?The republic was ruled by a Senate. Rich men, called senators, ran the government. Poor men (called plebeians) had much less power. The plebeians fought for fairer treatment. A plebeian, who was a free man (someone who was not a slave), could be a Roman citizen. Women and slaves though, could not be citizens - so they could not vote in elections.The Senate could not always control the Roman army. Army generals sometimes fought one another. Rome's best general was Julius Caesar. He lived in the 1st century BC and invaded Britain twice. Caesar came close to being emperor of Rome, but he was murdered in 44 BC. By then, Rome was more than a city. It was the capital of an empire. The Romans ruled lands from France to North Africa.

feb 5­07:09

• Who were the Roman emperors?A Roman emperor was the man who ruled over the empire.The first emperor was Octavian. He took a new name, Augustus, when he became Emperor in 27 BC. Augustus brought peace after years of fighting. Not all the emperors were good. Some were terrible. The emperor had a troop of special soldiers to protect him. They were called the Praetorian Guard. However, some of the bad emperors were so unpopular that their Praetorian Guards killed them!


feb 5­07:09

GladiatorsThe word 'gladiator comes from the Latin word for sword, gladius, so it literally means a swordsman.

Thousands of men and women were killed in combat or by animals for the entertainment of the people.

The best way to get a man to fight to the death is to use a man who has nothing to lose, which is why slaves, criminals, and prisoners­of­war were ideal for the job. If a man was really good, he might keep winning and get his freedom.

Gladiator WeaponsDifferent gladiators had different tools and weapons: • Myrmillo: Wore a fish­like helmet and had an oblong shield and a sword. • Retiaritus: Fought with a net, brandishing either a trident or a dagger. • Secutos: Had a shield, sword, heavy helmet, and armour on one arm. • Sagitarius: fought with a bow and arrow • Thrax: Armed with a curved sword and a small shield.

Page 2: Mosaics rome

romans mosaics art 5º.notebook


February 08, 2012

feb 6­06:08

Roman Baths (Thermae) Every town had its own bath complex (like a large swimming pool).

The Romans loved washing and bathing and rather it being done in private, the Romans built magnificnt public bath houses in towns across their empire.

feb 6­06:08

What clothes did men wear in Roman times?

Important Romans dressed in a long robe called a toga

feb 6­06:08

Important buildings

feb 6­22:23

feb 5­07:09

• Language• The language we used today was developed from the Romans. The Romans spoke and wrote in Latin and many of our words are based on Latin words. • The Calendar• Did you know that the calendar we use today is more than 2,000 years old? It was started by Julius Caesar, a Roman ruler. It is based on the movement of the earth around the sun, and so is called the 'solar calendar.' The solar calendar has 365 days a year, and 366 days every leap year, or every fourth year. The names of our months are taken from the names of Roman gods and rulers. The month 'July,' in fact, is named after Julius Caesar himself! • Laws and a legal system• The laws and ways we determine what to do with someone who is accused of breaking a law came originally from the Roman Empire. • The Census• The Roman Empire was huge and included millions of people living over a large area. How did they keep track of all these people? Easy! They counted them! The Roman Empire began the practice of taking a census, or a 'count,' of all the people within its boundaries every so often. Today, many countries like ours take a census every 10 years.The Romans also gave us:• straight roads • central heating • concrete • aqueducts (bridges for water)

feb 5­07:09

How to make a mosaic:cut out lots of little squares of colored paper, and assemble them into mosaics with glue. For the best results, make sure to have some light red and some darker red, and some light blue and some darker blue, and so on, so that you can do some shading. The pieces should be about (1/2 cm) square

The floors of Roman buildings were often richly decorated with mosaics ­ tiny coloured stones (tesserae).PRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=Mosaic"INCLUDEPICTURE \\d "../romans/images/mosaics/part.jpg"Many mosaics captured scenes of history and everyday Roman life make a mosaic online

The floors of Roman buildings were often richly decorated with mosaics - tiny coloured stone.Mosaic floors were a statement of wealth and importance.

Page 3: Mosaics rome

romans mosaics art 5º.notebook


February 08, 2012

feb 5­07:09 feb 5­07:09