Download - MorningConsult NationalTrackingPoll#170711 July27-29,2017 … · 2020. 5. 1. · MorningConsult NationalTrackingPoll#170711 July27-29,2017 CrosstabulationResults Methodology: ThispollwasconductedfromJuly27-29,2017

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Morning ConsultNational Tracking Poll #170711

July 27-29, 2017

Crosstabulation Results

Methodology:This poll was conducted from July 27-29, 2017, among a national sample of 1972 registered voters. The interviewswere conducted online and the data were weighted to approximate a target sample of registered voters based on age,race/ethnicity, gender, educational attainment, and region. Results from the full survey have a margin of error of plusor minus 2 percentage points.


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Table Index

1 Table POL1: How much have you seen, read or heard recently about White House CommunicationsDirector Anthony Scaramucci’s comments about White House staffers? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2 Table POL2: Based on what you have seen, read or heard about White House Communications Di-rector Anthony Scaramucci’s comments about White House staffers, do you think the comments wereappropriate or inappropriate? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

3 Table POL3: Do you think White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci should... . . . 9

4 Table POL4: Do you think President Donald Trump’s White House Staff... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

5 Table POL5: Do you think President Donald Trump’s administration is running... . . . . . . . . . . . 15

6 Table indPresApp_20NET: Next we will look at a list of names that are active in politics. It is a longlist, please take the time to go through the list carefully and give an individual answer for each namebelow. For each person, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, SomewhatUnfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each If you have heard of the person, but do not have anopinion, please mark “Heard Of, No Opinion.” If you have not heard of the person, please mark “NeverHeard Of.” Anthony Scaramucci . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

7 Summary Statistics of Survey Respondent Demographics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21


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National Tracking Poll #170711, July, 2017


Table POL1

Crosstabulation Results by Respondent Demographics

Table POL1: How much have you seen, read or heard recently about White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci’s comments aboutWhite House staffers?

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing Total N

Registered Voters 20% (393) 25% (496) 28% (552) 27% (530) 1972Gender: Male 23% (212) 29% (263) 26% (242) 22% (202) 919Gender: Female 17% (181) 22% (234) 29% (310) 31% (328) 1053Age: 18-29 15% (51) 21% (72) 29% (98) 36% (122) 343Age: 30-44 20% (94) 23% (108) 25% (116) 31% (146) 464Age: 45-54 17% (73) 25% (105) 32% (134) 26% (109) 420Age: 55-64 19% (60) 30% (99) 26% (84) 25% (82) 324Age: 65+ 27% (115) 27% (113) 29% (120) 17% (72) 421PID: Dem (no lean) 24% (167) 25% (171) 24% (167) 27% (183) 688PID: Ind (no lean) 16% (99) 25% (153) 29% (178) 31% (189) 618PID: Rep (no lean) 19% (127) 26% (173) 31% (207) 24% (159) 666PID/Gender: DemMen 26% (72) 29% (80) 23% (62) 23% (62) 276PID/Gender: DemWomen 23% (95) 22% (91) 26% (105) 29% (120) 412PID/Gender: Ind Men 18% (53) 26% (77) 28% (83) 28% (82) 295PID/Gender: Ind Women 14% (46) 23% (75) 29% (95) 33% (107) 323PID/Gender: Rep Men 25% (88) 30% (105) 28% (97) 17% (58) 349PID/Gender: Rep Women 13% (40) 21% (68) 34% (109) 32% (100) 318Tea Party: Supporter 22% (113) 27% (136) 28% (142) 23% (116) 507Tea Party: Not Supporter 19% (278) 25% (358) 28% (405) 28% (412) 1453Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 32% (210) 26% (173) 21% (135) 21% (137) 656Ideo: Moderate (4) 14% (62) 27% (118) 35% (152) 25% (108) 438Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 16% (114) 26% (185) 31% (223) 27% (193) 715Educ: < College 16% (210) 23% (295) 31% (398) 30% (392) 1296Educ: Bachelors degree 23% (102) 32% (139) 22% (94) 24% (103) 438Educ: Post-grad 34% (81) 26% (63) 25% (60) 15% (35) 238Income: Under 50k 18% (202) 23% (262) 29% (326) 29% (331) 1121Income: 50k-100k 22% (133) 27% (164) 27% (166) 25% (152) 614Income: 100k+ 25% (58) 30% (70) 26% (60) 20% (48) 237

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Morning ConsultTable POL1

Table POL1: How much have you seen, read or heard recently about White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci’s comments aboutWhite House staffers?

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing Total N

Registered Voters 20% (393) 25% (496) 28% (552) 27% (530) 1972Ethnicity: White 21% (330) 26% (410) 28% (449) 26% (416) 1606Ethnicity: Hispanic 25% (45) 28% (50) 27% (48) 19% (34) 176Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 18% (46) 22% (57) 26% (65) 34% (86) 254Ethnicity: Other 15% (16) 26% (29) 34% (38) 26% (29) 113Relig: Protestant 20% (105) 28% (149) 30% (159) 23% (125) 538Relig: Roman Catholic 22% (91) 28% (113) 28% (113) 22% (88) 406Relig: Ath./Agn./None 20% (95) 25% (121) 23% (111) 32% (156) 482Relig: Something Else 21% (68) 23% (75) 26% (83) 29% (92) 318Relig: Evangelical 16% (95) 24% (138) 33% (192) 28% (163) 588Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 23% (133) 28% (162) 29% (165) 21% (120) 579Relig: All Christian 20% (228) 26% (300) 31% (357) 24% (282) 1167Relig: All Non-Christian 20% (163) 24% (196) 24% (194) 31% (248) 801Community: Urban 20% (101) 25% (125) 30% (148) 24% (120) 494Community: Suburban 21% (192) 27% (254) 27% (247) 25% (233) 926Community: Rural 18% (101) 21% (117) 29% (158) 32% (177) 552Employ: Private Sector 22% (137) 25% (155) 27% (170) 27% (168) 630Employ: Government 18% (25) 26% (35) 28% (38) 27% (37) 135Employ: Self-Employed 22% (42) 32% (62) 30% (57) 17% (33) 193Employ: Homemaker 16% (24) 23% (33) 21% (31) 40% (57) 144Employ: Student 15% (14) 20% (19) 32% (29) 32% (29) 91Employ: Retired 22% (102) 28% (130) 29% (133) 20% (93) 459Employ: Unemployed 16% (28) 26% (46) 26% (46) 32% (55) 176Employ: Other 16% (23) 11% (16) 33% (48) 40% (57) 144Military HH: Yes 22% (79) 28% (100) 27% (99) 23% (83) 361Military HH: No 19% (314) 25% (396) 28% (453) 28% (447) 1611RD/WT: Right Direction 19% (141) 25% (189) 30% (223) 26% (190) 743RD/WT: Wrong Track 20% (252) 25% (307) 27% (330) 28% (340) 1229

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National Tracking Poll #170711, July, 2017


Table POL1

Table POL1: How much have you seen, read or heard recently about White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci’s comments aboutWhite House staffers?

Demographic A lot Some Not Much Nothing Total N

Registered Voters 20% (393) 25% (496) 28% (552) 27% (530) 1972Strongly Approve 25% (105) 26% (112) 27% (113) 22% (95) 424Somewhat Approve 9% (37) 25% (104) 35% (145) 30% (126) 412Somewhat Disapprove 10% (22) 23% (53) 37% (87) 31% (72) 235Strongly Disapprove 28% (228) 27% (216) 24% (190) 21% (173) 807Dont Know / No Opinion 1% (1) 12% (11) 18% (17) 70% (64) 93#1 Issue: Economy 18% (96) 24% (128) 28% (147) 30% (159) 529#1 Issue: Security 17% (55) 25% (82) 33% (110) 25% (82) 328#1 Issue: Health Care 24% (111) 24% (114) 29% (137) 23% (109) 470#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 17% (48) 29% (83) 30% (86) 24% (68) 284#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 31% (27) 26% (22) 21% (18) 22% (19) 87#1 Issue: Education 15% (20) 21% (28) 24% (33) 39% (53) 134#1 Issue: Energy 33% (21) 24% (15) 22% (14) 20% (13) 63#1 Issue: Other 20% (15) 32% (25) 11% (8) 37% (29) 782016 Vote: Democrat Hillary Clinton 29% (211) 27% (198) 22% (160) 22% (157) 7272016 Vote: Republican Donald Trump 18% (132) 27% (199) 29% (215) 26% (190) 7362016 Vote: Someone else 11% (22) 23% (48) 36% (76) 30% (63) 2102012 Vote: Barack Obama 25% (220) 26% (230) 24% (212) 24% (207) 8682012 Vote: Mitt Romney 19% (106) 26% (149) 32% (183) 22% (127) 5642012 Vote: Other 9% (8) 23% (20) 29% (26) 39% (34) 882012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 13% (60) 22% (98) 29% (132) 36% (162) 4524-Region: Northeast 22% (80) 26% (92) 28% (101) 24% (87) 3604-Region: Midwest 18% (82) 25% (116) 27% (125) 31% (143) 4654-Region: South 18% (134) 26% (188) 29% (211) 27% (199) 7324-Region: West 24% (97) 24% (101) 28% (116) 24% (101) 414Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL2

Table POL2: Based onwhat you have seen, read or heard aboutWhite House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci’s comments aboutWhiteHouse staffers, do you think the comments were appropriate or inappropriate?

Demographic Appropriate InappropriateDon’t Know / No

Opinion Total N

Registered Voters 18% (257) 52% (757) 30% (428) 1442Gender: Male 26% (186) 49% (354) 25% (177) 717Gender: Female 10% (72) 56% (402) 35% (250) 725Age: 18-29 24% (54) 47% (104) 29% (63) 221Age: 30-44 22% (68) 47% (149) 32% (101) 318Age: 45-54 17% (52) 50% (157) 33% (102) 311Age: 55-64 13% (32) 58% (141) 29% (69) 242Age: 65+ 15% (51) 59% (206) 26% (91) 349PID: Dem (no lean) 9% (44) 70% (351) 22% (109) 505PID: Ind (no lean) 18% (78) 51% (218) 31% (134) 429PID: Rep (no lean) 27% (135) 37% (187) 36% (185) 507PID/Gender: DemMen 14% (31) 65% (138) 21% (44) 214PID/Gender: DemWomen 5% (13) 73% (213) 22% (65) 291PID/Gender: Ind Men 26% (55) 52% (110) 23% (48) 213PID/Gender: Ind Women 11% (23) 50% (108) 39% (85) 216PID/Gender: Rep Men 35% (100) 36% (106) 29% (84) 290PID/Gender: Rep Women 16% (35) 38% (81) 46% (100) 217Tea Party: Supporter 36% (140) 37% (144) 27% (107) 391Tea Party: Not Supporter 11% (117) 59% (610) 30% (314) 1041Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 14% (72) 70% (363) 16% (83) 518Ideo: Moderate (4) 16% (53) 50% (164) 35% (114) 331Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 24% (125) 39% (204) 37% (193) 522Educ: < College 17% (150) 50% (450) 34% (304) 904Educ: Bachelors degree 21% (69) 56% (187) 24% (79) 335Educ: Post-grad 19% (38) 59% (120) 22% (45) 203Income: Under 50k 17% (132) 51% (406) 32% (252) 790Income: 50k-100k 20% (92) 52% (238) 29% (133) 463Income: 100k+ 18% (33) 60% (113) 23% (43) 189

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National Tracking Poll #170711, July, 2017


Table POL2

Table POL2: Based onwhat you have seen, read or heard aboutWhite House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci’s comments aboutWhiteHouse staffers, do you think the comments were appropriate or inappropriate?

Demographic Appropriate InappropriateDon’t Know / No

Opinion Total N

Registered Voters 18% (257) 52% (757) 30% (428) 1442Ethnicity: White 18% (215) 51% (609) 31% (366) 1190Ethnicity: Hispanic 27% (39) 51% (73) 21% (31) 143Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 16% (27) 59% (100) 25% (41) 168Ethnicity: Other 19% (16) 57% (48) 24% (20) 84Relig: Protestant 18% (76) 50% (206) 32% (131) 414Relig: Roman Catholic 21% (67) 56% (177) 23% (74) 318Relig: Ath./Agn./None 14% (45) 57% (185) 30% (97) 327Relig: Something Else 17% (39) 55% (124) 28% (63) 226Relig: Evangelical 22% (95) 42% (180) 35% (151) 426Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 17% (79) 58% (264) 25% (116) 459Relig: All Christian 20% (174) 50% (445) 30% (267) 885Relig: All Non-Christian 15% (84) 56% (310) 29% (160) 553Community: Urban 19% (72) 51% (189) 30% (113) 373Community: Suburban 18% (126) 55% (382) 27% (186) 693Community: Rural 16% (60) 50% (186) 34% (129) 375Employ: Private Sector 22% (100) 50% (229) 29% (132) 462Employ: Government 26% (25) 50% (49) 24% (24) 98Employ: Self-Employed 19% (31) 49% (79) 31% (50) 161Employ: Homemaker 7% (6) 53% (46) 40% (34) 87Employ: Student 22% (13) 44% (27) 34% (21) 61Employ: Retired 14% (51) 59% (217) 27% (98) 366Employ: Unemployed 15% (18) 54% (65) 31% (37) 121Employ: Other 14% (12) 50% (44) 35% (31) 87Military HH: Yes 23% (65) 50% (140) 26% (73) 278Military HH: No 17% (192) 53% (617) 30% (354) 1164RD/WT: Right Direction 33% (182) 33% (183) 34% (187) 553RD/WT: Wrong Track 8% (75) 65% (573) 27% (240) 889

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Morning ConsultTable POL2

Table POL2: Based onwhat you have seen, read or heard aboutWhite House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci’s comments aboutWhiteHouse staffers, do you think the comments were appropriate or inappropriate?

Demographic Appropriate InappropriateDon’t Know / No

Opinion Total N

Registered Voters 18% (257) 52% (757) 30% (428) 1442Strongly Approve 42% (138) 28% (92) 30% (100) 330Somewhat Approve 17% (50) 36% (104) 46% (132) 287Somewhat Disapprove 16% (26) 46% (75) 38% (62) 163Strongly Disapprove 6% (39) 75% (476) 19% (119) 634#1 Issue: Economy 19% (70) 51% (187) 30% (113) 370#1 Issue: Security 24% (60) 34% (84) 42% (102) 246#1 Issue: Health Care 14% (51) 59% (212) 27% (98) 361#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 16% (34) 57% (123) 27% (59) 217#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 21% (14) 62% (42) 17% (11) 67#1 Issue: Education 17% (14) 57% (47) 26% (21) 81#1 Issue: Energy 14% (7) 65% (33) 20% (10) 502016 Vote: Democrat Hillary Clinton 8% (48) 74% (423) 17% (99) 5692016 Vote: Republican Donald Trump 29% (160) 34% (188) 36% (197) 5462016 Vote: Someone else 13% (19) 48% (70) 39% (57) 1462012 Vote: Barack Obama 11% (72) 67% (442) 22% (147) 6612012 Vote: Mitt Romney 26% (114) 37% (162) 37% (161) 4372012 Vote: Other 17% (9) 39% (21) 43% (23) 532012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 21% (61) 45% (132) 33% (97) 2904-Region: Northeast 19% (53) 56% (154) 24% (66) 2734-Region: Midwest 14% (46) 49% (159) 36% (117) 3224-Region: South 18% (98) 52% (280) 29% (155) 5334-Region: West 19% (60) 53% (165) 28% (89) 314Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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National Tracking Poll #170711, July, 2017


Table POL3

Table POL3: Do you think White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci should...


Be fired or resignbecause of hiscomments

Allowed to stay on asWhite House


Don’t Know / NoOpinion Total N

Registered Voters 39% (560) 26% (369) 36% (512) 1442Gender: Male 37% (266) 33% (236) 30% (215) 717Gender: Female 41% (294) 18% (133) 41% (297) 725Age: 18-29 40% (89) 25% (55) 35% (77) 221Age: 30-44 38% (121) 27% (85) 35% (113) 318Age: 45-54 35% (110) 24% (74) 41% (127) 311Age: 55-64 40% (96) 26% (64) 34% (83) 242Age: 65+ 41% (144) 26% (92) 32% (112) 349PID: Dem (no lean) 58% (293) 13% (65) 29% (147) 505PID: Ind (no lean) 36% (153) 24% (102) 41% (174) 429PID: Rep (no lean) 22% (114) 40% (202) 38% (191) 507PID/Gender: DemMen 56% (119) 18% (38) 26% (56) 214PID/Gender: DemWomen 60% (174) 9% (27) 31% (90) 291PID/Gender: Ind Men 34% (72) 30% (65) 36% (76) 213PID/Gender: Ind Women 38% (81) 17% (37) 45% (98) 216PID/Gender: Rep Men 26% (75) 46% (133) 29% (83) 290PID/Gender: Rep Women 18% (39) 32% (70) 50% (109) 217Tea Party: Supporter 27% (106) 43% (170) 30% (116) 391Tea Party: Not Supporter 43% (452) 19% (197) 38% (393) 1041Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 57% (296) 17% (90) 26% (132) 518Ideo: Moderate (4) 38% (125) 22% (74) 40% (131) 331Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 23% (119) 38% (197) 39% (206) 522Educ: < College 36% (327) 25% (225) 39% (352) 904Educ: Bachelors degree 41% (138) 29% (96) 30% (100) 335Educ: Post-grad 47% (95) 23% (48) 30% (61) 203Income: Under 50k 37% (293) 25% (194) 38% (303) 790Income: 50k-100k 40% (187) 27% (123) 33% (153) 463Income: 100k+ 43% (80) 28% (52) 30% (56) 189

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Morning ConsultTable POL3

Table POL3: Do you think White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci should...


Be fired or resignbecause of hiscomments

Allowed to stay on asWhite House


Don’t Know / NoOpinion Total N

Registered Voters 39% (560) 26% (369) 36% (512) 1442Ethnicity: White 37% (443) 26% (315) 36% (431) 1190Ethnicity: Hispanic 41% (59) 29% (42) 30% (42) 143Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 46% (78) 24% (40) 30% (50) 168Ethnicity: Other 47% (39) 17% (14) 36% (31) 84Relig: Protestant 34% (140) 31% (127) 35% (147) 414Relig: Roman Catholic 37% (118) 31% (97) 32% (103) 318Relig: Ath./Agn./None 46% (149) 19% (63) 35% (114) 327Relig: Something Else 45% (101) 19% (44) 36% (81) 226Relig: Evangelical 31% (133) 31% (134) 37% (159) 426Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 38% (176) 28% (126) 34% (157) 459Relig: All Christian 35% (309) 29% (260) 36% (315) 885Relig: All Non-Christian 45% (250) 19% (107) 35% (196) 553Community: Urban 39% (146) 24% (88) 37% (139) 373Community: Suburban 39% (273) 26% (180) 35% (240) 693Community: Rural 38% (141) 27% (101) 35% (133) 375Employ: Private Sector 40% (185) 27% (127) 33% (150) 462Employ: Government 37% (37) 34% (34) 29% (28) 98Employ: Self-Employed 34% (54) 32% (51) 34% (55) 161Employ: Homemaker 44% (38) 10% (9) 46% (40) 87Employ: Student 35% (22) 26% (16) 39% (24) 61Employ: Retired 41% (151) 25% (91) 34% (124) 366Employ: Unemployed 37% (45) 20% (24) 43% (52) 121Employ: Other 33% (29) 21% (18) 45% (39) 87Military HH: Yes 37% (103) 28% (77) 35% (97) 278Military HH: No 39% (457) 25% (292) 36% (415) 1164RD/WT: Right Direction 20% (110) 42% (233) 38% (211) 553RD/WT: Wrong Track 51% (450) 15% (137) 34% (302) 889

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National Tracking Poll #170711, July, 2017


Table POL3

Table POL3: Do you think White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci should...


Be fired or resignbecause of hiscomments

Allowed to stay on asWhite House


Don’t Know / NoOpinion Total N

Registered Voters 39% (560) 26% (369) 36% (512) 1442Strongly Approve 21% (68) 51% (167) 29% (94) 330Somewhat Approve 17% (49) 30% (87) 52% (150) 287Somewhat Disapprove 28% (45) 29% (47) 43% (71) 163Strongly Disapprove 62% (391) 10% (64) 28% (179) 634#1 Issue: Economy 36% (132) 26% (97) 38% (141) 370#1 Issue: Security 22% (55) 39% (96) 39% (95) 246#1 Issue: Health Care 47% (171) 20% (71) 33% (120) 361#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 41% (88) 23% (49) 37% (80) 217#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 45% (30) 34% (23) 21% (14) 67#1 Issue: Education 45% (37) 17% (14) 38% (31) 81#1 Issue: Energy 46% (23) 21% (10) 33% (17) 502016 Vote: Democrat Hillary Clinton 61% (345) 12% (71) 27% (154) 5692016 Vote: Republican Donald Trump 20% (108) 44% (239) 36% (199) 5462016 Vote: Someone else 34% (49) 22% (33) 44% (65) 1462012 Vote: Barack Obama 53% (353) 17% (111) 30% (198) 6612012 Vote: Mitt Romney 21% (92) 40% (175) 39% (170) 4372012 Vote: Other 28% (15) 26% (14) 46% (25) 532012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 35% (100) 24% (70) 41% (120) 2904-Region: Northeast 43% (116) 28% (77) 29% (79) 2734-Region: Midwest 34% (110) 26% (84) 40% (128) 3224-Region: South 38% (205) 26% (136) 36% (192) 5334-Region: West 41% (129) 23% (72) 36% (113) 314Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable POL4

Table POL4: Do you think President Donald Trump’s White House Staff...

Demographic Serves him well Does not serve him wellDon’t Know / No

Opinion Total N

Registered Voters 29% (564) 39% (765) 33% (643) 1972Gender: Male 34% (316) 41% (381) 24% (223) 919Gender: Female 24% (249) 36% (384) 40% (420) 1053Age: 18-29 34% (117) 32% (111) 33% (115) 343Age: 30-44 31% (146) 36% (169) 32% (149) 464Age: 45-54 29% (121) 39% (164) 32% (135) 420Age: 55-64 27% (86) 40% (129) 34% (109) 324Age: 65+ 23% (95) 45% (191) 32% (135) 421PID: Dem (no lean) 20% (134) 48% (333) 32% (221) 688PID: Ind (no lean) 22% (136) 35% (218) 43% (264) 618PID: Rep (no lean) 44% (294) 32% (214) 24% (158) 666PID/Gender: DemMen 24% (67) 50% (137) 26% (72) 276PID/Gender: DemWomen 16% (67) 48% (196) 36% (149) 412PID/Gender: Ind Men 23% (68) 40% (118) 37% (108) 295PID/Gender: Ind Women 21% (68) 31% (99) 48% (156) 323PID/Gender: Rep Men 52% (180) 36% (126) 12% (42) 349PID/Gender: Rep Women 36% (114) 28% (88) 36% (116) 318Tea Party: Supporter 42% (212) 33% (165) 26% (130) 507Tea Party: Not Supporter 24% (351) 41% (591) 35% (510) 1453Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 25% (165) 48% (315) 27% (176) 656Ideo: Moderate (4) 25% (111) 39% (172) 35% (155) 438Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 36% (255) 34% (241) 31% (219) 715Educ: < College 30% (384) 35% (452) 35% (460) 1296Educ: Bachelors degree 27% (120) 45% (198) 27% (120) 438Educ: Post-grad 25% (60) 48% (114) 27% (63) 238Income: Under 50k 27% (302) 36% (409) 37% (410) 1121Income: 50k-100k 32% (198) 40% (247) 28% (169) 614Income: 100k+ 27% (64) 46% (109) 27% (64) 237Ethnicity: White 30% (485) 38% (618) 31% (502) 1606Ethnicity: Hispanic 35% (61) 39% (69) 26% (46) 176

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National Tracking Poll #170711, July, 2017


Table POL4

Table POL4: Do you think President Donald Trump’s White House Staff...

Demographic Serves him well Does not serve him wellDon’t Know / No

Opinion Total N

Registered Voters 29% (564) 39% (765) 33% (643) 1972Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 22% (55) 38% (96) 41% (103) 254Ethnicity: Other 21% (24) 45% (50) 34% (38) 113Relig: Protestant 28% (148) 39% (210) 33% (180) 538Relig: Roman Catholic 31% (127) 42% (169) 27% (110) 406Relig: Ath./Agn./None 25% (123) 40% (193) 35% (167) 482Relig: Something Else 26% (83) 38% (120) 36% (115) 318Relig: Evangelical 34% (202) 33% (197) 32% (190) 588Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 27% (156) 44% (253) 29% (170) 579Relig: All Christian 31% (357) 39% (450) 31% (360) 1167Relig: All Non-Christian 26% (206) 39% (312) 35% (282) 801Community: Urban 28% (139) 40% (198) 32% (156) 494Community: Suburban 27% (251) 41% (381) 32% (294) 926Community: Rural 32% (174) 33% (185) 35% (193) 552Employ: Private Sector 33% (206) 38% (239) 29% (184) 630Employ: Government 27% (36) 46% (63) 27% (36) 135Employ: Self-Employed 34% (66) 44% (85) 22% (43) 193Employ: Homemaker 26% (37) 29% (42) 46% (66) 144Employ: Student 33% (30) 37% (34) 29% (27) 91Employ: Retired 23% (104) 44% (204) 33% (152) 459Employ: Unemployed 23% (41) 33% (57) 44% (78) 176Employ: Other 31% (44) 29% (42) 40% (58) 144Military HH: Yes 34% (124) 35% (125) 31% (112) 361Military HH: No 27% (440) 40% (640) 33% (531) 1611RD/WT: Right Direction 46% (339) 27% (198) 28% (206) 743RD/WT: Wrong Track 18% (226) 46% (567) 36% (437) 1229Strongly Approve 54% (230) 26% (109) 20% (85) 424Somewhat Approve 35% (142) 29% (118) 37% (152) 412Somewhat Disapprove 25% (59) 38% (89) 37% (88) 235Strongly Disapprove 15% (121) 54% (435) 31% (252) 807Dont Know / No Opinion 13% (12) 14% (13) 72% (67) 93

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Morning ConsultTable POL4

Table POL4: Do you think President Donald Trump’s White House Staff...

Demographic Serves him well Does not serve him wellDon’t Know / No

Opinion Total N

Registered Voters 29% (564) 39% (765) 33% (643) 1972#1 Issue: Economy 33% (172) 35% (186) 32% (170) 529#1 Issue: Security 39% (127) 30% (99) 31% (102) 328#1 Issue: Health Care 23% (107) 46% (216) 31% (147) 470#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 25% (70) 43% (122) 32% (92) 284#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 26% (23) 42% (37) 32% (27) 87#1 Issue: Education 22% (30) 35% (46) 43% (58) 134#1 Issue: Energy 35% (22) 47% (30) 18% (11) 63#1 Issue: Other 17% (13) 38% (29) 45% (35) 782016 Vote: Democrat Hillary Clinton 17% (125) 52% (379) 31% (223) 7272016 Vote: Republican Donald Trump 42% (311) 30% (221) 28% (205) 7362016 Vote: Someone else 19% (40) 41% (87) 40% (84) 2102012 Vote: Barack Obama 22% (188) 47% (406) 32% (275) 8682012 Vote: Mitt Romney 37% (207) 34% (190) 30% (168) 5642012 Vote: Other 31% (27) 29% (26) 40% (35) 882012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 32% (143) 32% (143) 37% (165) 4524-Region: Northeast 29% (105) 42% (150) 29% (105) 3604-Region: Midwest 26% (122) 39% (181) 35% (161) 4654-Region: South 30% (222) 36% (267) 33% (243) 7324-Region: West 28% (115) 40% (166) 32% (134) 414Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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National Tracking Poll #170711, July, 2017


Table POL5

Table POL5: Do you think President Donald Trump’s administration is running...

Demographic Very well Somewhat wellSomewhatchaotically


Don’t Know /No Opinion Total N

Registered Voters 10% (202) 23% (454) 22% (434) 38% (744) 7% (139) 1972Gender: Male 14% (127) 26% (235) 23% (209) 32% (296) 6% (53) 919Gender: Female 7% (75) 21% (219) 21% (225) 43% (448) 8% (86) 1053Age: 18-29 15% (50) 22% (75) 19% (64) 35% (120) 10% (33) 343Age: 30-44 13% (61) 22% (101) 19% (88) 36% (169) 10% (45) 464Age: 45-54 9% (39) 23% (98) 25% (104) 35% (146) 8% (33) 420Age: 55-64 6% (20) 25% (82) 23% (76) 39% (128) 6% (18) 324Age: 65+ 7% (31) 23% (97) 24% (102) 43% (181) 2% (10) 421PID: Dem (no lean) 4% (26) 8% (58) 16% (110) 64% (441) 8% (53) 688PID: Ind (no lean) 6% (36) 19% (120) 27% (165) 38% (235) 10% (63) 618PID: Rep (no lean) 21% (141) 41% (276) 24% (159) 10% (68) 3% (23) 666PID/Gender: DemMen 5% (15) 13% (35) 18% (49) 56% (155) 8% (23) 276PID/Gender: DemWomen 3% (11) 6% (23) 15% (62) 69% (286) 7% (30) 412PID/Gender: Ind Men 5% (16) 23% (67) 27% (79) 36% (105) 9% (27) 295PID/Gender: Ind Women 6% (19) 16% (53) 26% (85) 40% (130) 11% (36) 323PID/Gender: Rep Men 27% (96) 38% (133) 23% (81) 10% (36) 1% (3) 349PID/Gender: Rep Women 14% (45) 45% (143) 25% (78) 10% (32) 6% (19) 318Tea Party: Supporter 20% (99) 38% (191) 23% (115) 15% (78) 5% (25) 507Tea Party: Not Supporter 7% (103) 18% (260) 22% (316) 46% (663) 8% (112) 1453Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 9% (58) 12% (76) 13% (85) 63% (411) 4% (26) 656Ideo: Moderate (4) 8% (34) 20% (89) 26% (115) 39% (173) 6% (28) 438Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 14% (99) 37% (262) 28% (202) 17% (120) 5% (33) 715Educ: < College 11% (141) 24% (308) 23% (292) 34% (444) 9% (111) 1296Educ: Bachelors degree 10% (42) 21% (94) 19% (84) 45% (198) 5% (20) 438Educ: Post-grad 8% (18) 22% (52) 24% (57) 43% (101) 4% (8) 238Income: Under 50k 10% (115) 23% (260) 21% (233) 38% (423) 8% (90) 1121Income: 50k-100k 11% (67) 24% (148) 22% (137) 36% (223) 6% (40) 614Income: 100k+ 8% (20) 19% (46) 27% (65) 41% (97) 4% (9) 237Ethnicity: White 11% (176) 25% (407) 23% (362) 36% (571) 6% (90) 1606Ethnicity: Hispanic 20% (35) 24% (42) 16% (29) 33% (58) 7% (12) 176

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Morning ConsultTable POL5

Table POL5: Do you think President Donald Trump’s administration is running...

Demographic Very well Somewhat wellSomewhatchaotically


Don’t Know /No Opinion Total N

Registered Voters 10% (202) 23% (454) 22% (434) 38% (744) 7% (139) 1972Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 9% (22) 8% (21) 16% (39) 51% (130) 16% (41) 254Ethnicity: Other 4% (4) 23% (25) 29% (32) 38% (43) 7% (8) 113Relig: Protestant 12% (63) 26% (141) 28% (149) 31% (168) 3% (17) 538Relig: Roman Catholic 10% (40) 27% (109) 23% (94) 35% (141) 5% (22) 406Relig: Ath./Agn./None 7% (35) 16% (77) 18% (88) 48% (232) 11% (51) 482Relig: Something Else 9% (30) 20% (64) 19% (61) 45% (142) 7% (22) 318Relig: Evangelical 15% (91) 30% (178) 23% (136) 25% (146) 6% (37) 588Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 8% (46) 23% (133) 26% (149) 38% (222) 5% (30) 579Relig: All Christian 12% (137) 27% (311) 24% (285) 32% (368) 6% (66) 1167Relig: All Non-Christian 8% (65) 18% (140) 19% (149) 47% (374) 9% (73) 801Community: Urban 10% (49) 18% (91) 21% (105) 43% (215) 7% (35) 494Community: Suburban 9% (83) 23% (209) 22% (208) 39% (364) 7% (62) 926Community: Rural 13% (70) 28% (154) 22% (121) 30% (165) 8% (42) 552Employ: Private Sector 13% (83) 26% (167) 19% (121) 37% (236) 4% (23) 630Employ: Government 11% (15) 25% (34) 23% (31) 35% (47) 6% (8) 135Employ: Self-Employed 9% (18) 22% (42) 26% (50) 38% (73) 5% (11) 193Employ: Homemaker 9% (12) 20% (28) 20% (29) 34% (48) 18% (26) 144Employ: Student 12% (11) 19% (17) 19% (18) 42% (38) 7% (6) 91Employ: Retired 6% (30) 23% (104) 26% (119) 42% (193) 3% (13) 459Employ: Unemployed 8% (15) 20% (36) 18% (32) 37% (65) 16% (29) 176Employ: Other 12% (18) 18% (25) 24% (34) 30% (43) 16% (23) 144Military HH: Yes 13% (48) 25% (90) 23% (84) 34% (121) 5% (17) 361Military HH: No 10% (153) 23% (364) 22% (349) 39% (622) 8% (122) 1611RD/WT: Right Direction 22% (165) 45% (331) 22% (164) 4% (31) 7% (52) 743RD/WT: Wrong Track 3% (37) 10% (123) 22% (270) 58% (712) 7% (87) 1229Strongly Approve 34% (144) 47% (199) 13% (57) 2% (9) 4% (16) 424Somewhat Approve 6% (24) 47% (195) 36% (150) 5% (22) 5% (21) 412Somewhat Disapprove 3% (7) 13% (31) 49% (116) 28% (66) 6% (15) 235Strongly Disapprove 3% (23) 2% (12) 11% (86) 80% (642) 5% (43) 807Dont Know / No Opinion 4% (4) 17% (16) 26% (24) 6% (6) 47% (43) 93

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National Tracking Poll #170711, July, 2017


Table POL5

Table POL5: Do you think President Donald Trump’s administration is running...

Demographic Very well Somewhat wellSomewhatchaotically


Don’t Know /No Opinion Total N

Registered Voters 10% (202) 23% (454) 22% (434) 38% (744) 7% (139) 1972#1 Issue: Economy 10% (52) 26% (135) 23% (121) 35% (185) 7% (36) 529#1 Issue: Security 18% (60) 36% (118) 26% (86) 15% (49) 4% (15) 328#1 Issue: Health Care 5% (24) 16% (75) 21% (97) 50% (237) 8% (37) 470#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 8% (22) 24% (68) 25% (70) 38% (107) 6% (16) 284#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 22% (19) 10% (9) 13% (11) 52% (45) 3% (3) 87#1 Issue: Education 11% (14) 16% (21) 20% (27) 42% (56) 11% (15) 134#1 Issue: Energy 11% (7) 15% (10) 15% (10) 55% (34) 4% (3) 63#1 Issue: Other 5% (4) 22% (17) 15% (12) 39% (31) 18% (14) 782016 Vote: Democrat Hillary Clinton 2% (17) 6% (44) 15% (110) 71% (515) 6% (41) 7272016 Vote: Republican Donald Trump 20% (144) 44% (324) 27% (196) 5% (38) 5% (33) 7362016 Vote: Someone else 3% (6) 9% (19) 35% (73) 47% (100) 6% (13) 2102012 Vote: Barack Obama 5% (43) 12% (105) 17% (145) 60% (521) 6% (54) 8682012 Vote: Mitt Romney 16% (88) 42% (235) 29% (164) 11% (61) 3% (16) 5642012 Vote: Other 6% (5) 23% (20) 34% (30) 25% (22) 12% (11) 882012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 15% (66) 21% (93) 21% (95) 31% (139) 13% (58) 4524-Region: Northeast 9% (34) 25% (89) 21% (77) 40% (144) 5% (17) 3604-Region: Midwest 7% (31) 21% (98) 21% (98) 42% (196) 9% (42) 4654-Region: South 13% (95) 24% (179) 23% (165) 32% (235) 8% (58) 7324-Region: West 10% (43) 21% (88) 23% (93) 41% (169) 5% (22) 414Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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Morning ConsultTable indPresApp_20NET

Table indPresApp_20NET: Next we will look at a list of names that are active in politics. It is a long list, please take the time to go through the listcarefully and give an individual answer for each name below. For each person, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable,Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each If you have heard of the person, but do not have an opinion, please mark “Heard Of, NoOpinion.” If you have not heard of the person, please mark “Never Heard Of.”Anthony Scaramucci

Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Never Heard Of Total N

Registered Voters 19% (379) 34% (669) 47% (924) 1972Gender: Male 26% (237) 34% (315) 40% (367) 919Gender: Female 13% (141) 34% (354) 53% (557) 1053Age: 18-29 17% (59) 27% (92) 56% (191) 343Age: 30-44 20% (91) 30% (139) 50% (234) 464Age: 45-54 20% (83) 32% (136) 48% (201) 420Age: 55-64 17% (55) 40% (130) 43% (139) 324Age: 65+ 21% (90) 41% (172) 38% (159) 421PID: Dem (no lean) 9% (65) 47% (324) 43% (299) 688PID: Ind (no lean) 15% (91) 35% (215) 50% (312) 618PID: Rep (no lean) 33% (223) 19% (130) 47% (313) 666PID/Gender: DemMen 15% (42) 47% (129) 38% (104) 276PID/Gender: DemWomen 5% (22) 47% (195) 47% (195) 412PID/Gender: Ind Men 19% (56) 35% (103) 46% (136) 295PID/Gender: Ind Women 11% (35) 35% (112) 54% (176) 323PID/Gender: Rep Men 40% (139) 24% (83) 36% (127) 349PID/Gender: Rep Women 26% (84) 15% (47) 59% (187) 318Tea Party: Supporter 37% (186) 18% (93) 45% (229) 507Tea Party: Not Supporter 13% (190) 39% (572) 48% (691) 1453Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 14% (89) 51% (334) 35% (233) 656Ideo: Moderate (4) 16% (70) 33% (146) 51% (223) 438Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 29% (205) 22% (155) 50% (355) 715Educ: < College 17% (226) 31% (401) 52% (669) 1296Educ: Bachelors degree 23% (100) 37% (163) 40% (176) 438Educ: Post-grad 22% (53) 44% (106) 33% (79) 238

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National Tracking Poll #170711, July, 2017


Table indPresApp_20NET

Table indPresApp_20NET: Next we will look at a list of names that are active in politics. It is a long list, please take the time to go through the listcarefully and give an individual answer for each name below. For each person, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable,Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each If you have heard of the person, but do not have an opinion, please mark “Heard Of, NoOpinion.” If you have not heard of the person, please mark “Never Heard Of.”Anthony Scaramucci

Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Never Heard Of Total N

Registered Voters 19% (379) 34% (669) 47% (924) 1972Income: Under 50k 18% (201) 33% (369) 49% (550) 1121Income: 50k-100k 20% (120) 33% (206) 47% (289) 614Income: 100k+ 24% (57) 40% (95) 36% (85) 237Ethnicity: White 21% (330) 34% (540) 46% (737) 1606Ethnicity: Hispanic 28% (49) 33% (58) 40% (70) 176Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 14% (35) 35% (88) 51% (130) 254Ethnicity: Other 12% (14) 37% (42) 51% (57) 113Relig: Protestant 22% (119) 31% (164) 47% (255) 538Relig: Roman Catholic 26% (106) 35% (141) 39% (159) 406Relig: Ath./Agn./None 14% (66) 39% (186) 48% (230) 482Relig: Something Else 16% (50) 38% (120) 46% (148) 318Relig: Evangelical 23% (133) 24% (142) 53% (313) 588Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 22% (128) 38% (220) 40% (231) 579Relig: All Christian 22% (261) 31% (362) 47% (545) 1167Relig: All Non-Christian 15% (117) 38% (306) 47% (378) 801Community: Urban 19% (92) 36% (178) 45% (225) 494Community: Suburban 19% (180) 37% (340) 44% (406) 926Community: Rural 19% (107) 28% (152) 53% (293) 552Employ: Private Sector 21% (133) 33% (211) 45% (286) 630Employ: Government 21% (29) 35% (47) 44% (59) 135Employ: Self-Employed 23% (45) 37% (71) 40% (77) 193Employ: Homemaker 11% (16) 29% (41) 60% (87) 144Employ: Student 23% (20) 26% (24) 51% (46) 91Employ: Retired 20% (92) 39% (179) 41% (188) 459Employ: Unemployed 12% (22) 34% (59) 54% (95) 176Employ: Other 14% (21) 26% (38) 59% (86) 144Military HH: Yes 26% (95) 32% (116) 42% (150) 361Military HH: No 18% (284) 34% (553) 48% (774) 1611

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Morning ConsultTable indPresApp_20NET

Table indPresApp_20NET: Next we will look at a list of names that are active in politics. It is a long list, please take the time to go through the listcarefully and give an individual answer for each name below. For each person, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable,Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each If you have heard of the person, but do not have an opinion, please mark “Heard Of, NoOpinion.” If you have not heard of the person, please mark “Never Heard Of.”Anthony Scaramucci

Demographic Total Favorable Total Unfavorable Never Heard Of Total N

Registered Voters 19% (379) 34% (669) 47% (924) 1972RD/WT: Right Direction 37% (277) 15% (111) 48% (355) 743RD/WT: Wrong Track 8% (102) 45% (558) 46% (569) 1229Strongly Approve 44% (186) 13% (57) 43% (182) 424Somewhat Approve 27% (111) 17% (68) 57% (233) 412Somewhat Disapprove 10% (24) 34% (81) 56% (131) 235Strongly Disapprove 6% (50) 56% (451) 38% (306) 807Dont Know / No Opinion 9% (9) 13% (12) 78% (72) 93#1 Issue: Economy 20% (108) 31% (166) 48% (254) 529#1 Issue: Security 31% (103) 19% (63) 49% (162) 328#1 Issue: Health Care 13% (62) 45% (211) 42% (198) 470#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 17% (49) 32% (92) 50% (143) 284#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 20% (18) 48% (42) 31% (27) 87#1 Issue: Education 13% (18) 26% (34) 61% (82) 134#1 Issue: Energy 20% (13) 45% (29) 34% (22) 63#1 Issue: Other 11% (8) 42% (32) 48% (37) 782016 Vote: Democrat Hillary Clinton 9% (69) 53% (387) 37% (271) 7272016 Vote: Republican Donald Trump 34% (249) 18% (131) 48% (356) 7362016 Vote: Someone else 9% (19) 36% (76) 55% (116) 2102012 Vote: Barack Obama 13% (114) 47% (410) 40% (344) 8682012 Vote: Mitt Romney 32% (181) 19% (109) 49% (275) 5642012 Vote: Other 15% (13) 24% (21) 62% (54) 882012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 16% (71) 29% (130) 55% (251) 4524-Region: Northeast 21% (77) 34% (121) 45% (163) 3604-Region: Midwest 14% (67) 35% (161) 51% (237) 4654-Region: South 22% (160) 32% (231) 47% (341) 7324-Region: West 18% (75) 38% (156) 44% (184) 414Note: Row proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. For more information visit

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National Tracking Poll #170711, July, 2017Respondent Demographics Summary

Respondent Demographics Summary

Summary Statistics of Survey Respondent DemographicsDemographic Group Frequency Percentage

xdemAll Registered Voters 1972 100%

xdemGender Gender: Male 919 47%Gender: Female 1053 53%

N 1972

age5 Age: 18-29 343 17%Age: 30-44 464 24%Age: 45-54 420 21%Age: 55-64 324 16%Age: 65+ 421 21%

N 1972

xpid3 PID: Dem (no lean) 688 35%PID: Ind (no lean) 618 31%PID: Rep (no lean) 666 34%

N 1972

xpidGender PID/Gender: DemMen 276 14%PID/Gender: DemWomen 412 21%

PID/Gender: Ind Men 295 15%PID/Gender: Ind Women 323 16%

PID/Gender: Rep Men 349 18%PID/Gender: Rep Women 318 16%

N 1972

xdemTea Tea Party: Supporter 507 26%Tea Party: Not Supporter 1453 74%

N 1960

xdemIdeo3 Ideo: Liberal (1-3) 656 33%Ideo: Moderate (4) 438 22%

Ideo: Conservative (5-7) 715 36%N 1809

xeduc3 Educ: < College 1296 66%Educ: Bachelors degree 438 22%

Educ: Post-grad 238 12%N 1972

xdemInc3 Income: Under 50k 1121 57%Income: 50k-100k 614 31%

Income: 100k+ 237 12%N 1972

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Morning ConsultRespondent Demographics Summary

Summary Statistics of Survey Respondent DemographicsDemographic Group Frequency Percentage

xdemWhite Ethnicity: White 1606 81%

xdemHispBin Ethnicity: Hispanic 176 9%

demBlackBin Ethnicity: Afr. Am. 254 13%

demRaceOther Ethnicity: Other 113 6%

xrelNet Relig: Protestant 538 27%Relig: Roman Catholic 406 21%Relig: Ath./Agn./None 482 24%Relig: Something Else 318 16%

N 1745

xreligion1 Relig: Jewish 41 2%

xreligion2 Relig: Evangelical 588 30%Relig: Non-Evang. Catholics 579 29%

N 1167

xreligion3 Relig: All Christian 1167 59%Relig: All Non-Christian 801 41%

N 1968

xdemUsr Community: Urban 494 25%Community: Suburban 926 47%

Community: Rural 552 28%N 1972

xdemEmploy Employ: Private Sector 630 32%Employ: Government 135 7%

Employ: Self-Employed 193 10%Employ: Homemaker 144 7%

Employ: Student 91 5%Employ: Retired 459 23%

Employ: Unemployed 176 9%Employ: Other 144 7%

N 1972

xdemMilHH1 Military HH: Yes 361 18%Military HH: No 1611 82%

N 1972

xnr1 RD/WT: Right Direction 743 38%RD/WT: Wrong Track 1229 62%

N 1972

Continued on next page


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National Tracking Poll #170711, July, 2017Respondent Demographics Summary

Summary Statistics of Survey Respondent DemographicsDemographic Group Frequency Percentage

Q172 Strongly Approve 424 22%Somewhat Approve 412 21%

Somewhat Disapprove 235 12%Strongly Disapprove 807 41%

Dont Know / No Opinion 93 5%N 1972

xnr3 #1 Issue: Economy 529 27%#1 Issue: Security 328 17%

#1 Issue: Health Care 470 24%#1 Issue: Medicare / Social Security 284 14%

#1 Issue: Women’s Issues 87 4%#1 Issue: Education 134 7%

#1 Issue: Energy 63 3%#1 Issue: Other 78 4%

N 1972

xsubVote16O 2016 Vote: Democrat Hillary Clinton 727 37%2016 Vote: Republican Donald Trump 736 37%

2016 Vote: Someone else 210 11%N 1672

xsubVote12O 2012 Vote: Barack Obama 868 44%2012 Vote: Mitt Romney 564 29%

2012 Vote: Other 88 4%2012 Vote: Didn’t Vote 452 23%

N 1972

xreg4 4-Region: Northeast 360 18%4-Region: Midwest 465 24%

4-Region: South 732 37%4-Region: West 414 21%

N 1972

Note: Group proportions may total to larger than one-hundred percent due to rounding. All statistics are calcu-lated with demographic post-stratification weights applied.


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Morning Consult