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Morgan & EllenFebruary 7, 2011

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Symbols of (name of your state)

The state bird is

The state flower is

The state tree is

Add a picture here.

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State Nickname

Hawaii has many nicknames but only one is official.Hawaii's nickname is "The Aloha State".  Hawaii got the nickname by a 1959 Legislature of the State

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State HistoryFirst Inhabitants1500 Years ago, Polynesians from the Marquesas Islands were first to set foot .  They sailed over 200 miles in canoes only guided by stars.500 years ago, settlers from Tahiti arrived with their belief in gods and demi-gods.  They instituted a strict social hierarchy based on a kapu system.

Exploration1778 British Captain James Cook landed1820 brought the firt protestant missionaries

Which explorers visited your state and where did they come from?SettlementWhere was the first settlement located in your state? Who started the settlement and why?

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State History, continued

Colonial DaysIf your state was one of the original thirteen colonies, explain what life was probably like during that time.Territorial Days If your state was a territory before it became a state, explain when the United States Congress created the territory. Explain how settlers were able to obtain land in the new territory.

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This state became the __50th__ state in the United States in _1959___. The first governor of the state was ___James Dole______.

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National GovernmentName the current United States Senators and Representatives.This state has _4___ electoral votes.State GovernmentName the current governor.Neil AbercrombieDescribe the state’s legislature.51 member House and 25 member Senate

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In this space insert a political and/or physical map of your state.

Note: Check out Microsoft Design Gallery Live at for maps and other graphics of your state.

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Population1950:1960:1970:1980:1990:2000:Over the past fifty years the population has (increased/decreased).

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EconomyChief products of the state include:• Agricultural (farm) products:

Greenhouse /Nursey products, Pineapple, cane for sugar, coffee, and macadamia nuts.

• Mining products:Lava Cinder (used in landscaping) and basalt rock (for aggregates)

• Manufactured goods:

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The average high temperature in July is _________.

The average high temperature in January is __________.

The average yearly precipitation is _____________.

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Natural Resources

WaterName the major rivers and bodies of water.Wailuku River(Hawaii island), Anahulu River(Oahu island), and Salt Lake.MineralsName and describe a few different kinds of minerals.Quartz and EpistilbiteQuartz-Espistilbite - popular to collect

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Natural Resources, continued

Plant LifeName and describe some of the trees and wildflowers.Animal LifeName and describe some of the wild animals.

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Places to VisitChoose one place in your state that would be interesting to visit. Tell where it is located in the state and why it would be interesting to visit.

Note: Use Microsoft Internet Explorer to find information about your state.

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Famous People

Choose three well known residents of your state. Tell what they did to become famous.

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State Motto

Tell about the state motto and what makes this state special.Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka Aina I Ka Ponowhich means "'''The Life of the Land is Perpetuated in Righteousness.It has been the motto for 160 years spoken by King Kamehameha.

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Works Cited

List the resources you used for your research.