Download - Morality

  • 1. Christian Moral Living
    • So for one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, it is a sin.
  • James 4:17

Mr. Pablo Cuadra Religion Class 2. Question?

  • Why do you think peoplecommit actions that they know are sinful or wrong?
  • Ex: Speeding

3. Aspects of Morality

  • A. Theability to knowrightfromwrong .
  • The ability to knowgoodfromevil .
  • B. Theability to distinguish what is appropriate from what is inappropriate .
  • C. The commitment to do what is right .
  • .

4. Questions?

  • What is one action you consider wrong or evil?
  • What is one action you consider right or just?

5. Christian Moral Living

  • Christian morality is based ontheteachingsof Jesus and his Church through:
  • The teachings of the Magisterium (Pope, bishops).
  • The essence of Jesus teaching islove.

6. Christian Moral Living

  • Jesus summarized the way we are to live when he taught:
  • You Shalllovethethe Lord, Your God, with all your soul, and your neighbor asyourself .
  • Matthew 22: 37-39

7. Question?

  • Why is loving our neighbor as important as loving God?

8. Christian Moral Living

  • Jesus teachings about love have two dimensions:
  • 1. Vertical = pointing to God
  • 2. Horizontal = pointing to others
  • Faith in God alone is not enough in order to live a good life. We must also love our neighbor.

9. Question?

  • Why do you think people who consider themselves Christians commit actions that are not Christ like?

10. Did You Know?

  • The book,The Day America Told The Truthreports:
  • 91% of Americans lie on a regular basis both at home and at work.
  • Most Americans admit goofing off on the job on the average of seven hours per week, according to this book.

11. Did You Know?

  • Most workers admit calling in sick regularly even if they feel well.
  • 25% of Americans say they would be willing to leave their families if offered $10 million to do so.

12. Did You Know?

  • 23% of Americans would be willing to act as prostitutes for a week for that same amount.

13. Did You Know?

  • 7% of Americans would agree to murder strangers if offered $10 million dollars.

14. Question?

  • Do you think money has the power to blind peoples good judgment?

15. Catholic Faith

  • A. The Catholic Faith teaches that wrong is wrong, even if everyone is doing it.
  • B.And that right is right, even though no one else is doing it.

16. Catholic Faith

  • God is going tojudgeus:
  • on our COURAGE
  • to choose what is good in ALL circumstances.

17. Questions?

  • What makes something wrong?
  • What makes something right?

18. The Sources of Morality

  • Because we havefree willandreason ,
  • we areresponsiblefor our acts
  • and ourfailuresto act. (sin of omission)

19. The Sources of Morality

  • We can judge whether our actions are good or bad by reflecting on three traditional sources of morality:
  • A. The object
  • B. The intentions
  • C. The circumstances

20. The Sources of Morality

  • A. The o bjectChosen (What I choose to do).
  • B. Theintention
  • (Why I choose to do something).
  • C. Thecircumstances(The what, where, when, how of my actions).

21. What is the Object Chosen?

  • In morality the Object chosen is what we choose to do,the act itself.
  • The act can have good matter, bad matter, or just be neutral.
  • An example of a good act could be tutoring a classmate in math.

22. What is the Object Chosen?

  • Bad matter automatically makes an act evil.
  • Ex: Gossiping about a classmate is consider bad matter.
  • Spreading half truths about someone is always wrong.

23. Questions?

  • What is one thing you would considerbad in itself ?
  • What is one thing you would consider good in itself?

24. The Intention

  • What is the intention?
  • A. The motive
  • B. The purpose
  • C. The end for which we choose to do something.

25. The Intention

  • Our intentions answerwhy we acted in a certain way.
  • Intentions can be good, bad, or mixed.
  • Intentions determinewhether our acts are morally right or wrong.

26. Intentions

  • An example of a good intention:
  • You tutor a friend because you want him or her to do well on the upcoming test.
  • In this example, what you choose to do, the Object,and why you choose to do it are both good.
  • The act is good.

27. Intentions

  • Our intentions may also be mixed.
  • Example: You can give money to a charity for two reasons:
  • First, you wish to help the poor.
  • Second, you want to be praised for your generosity.

28. Intentions

  • A good intention can never turn something that is bad (the object) into something good.
  • Ex: Robbing a bank in order to help the poor.

29. Intentions

  • Good intentions can never justifychoosing something that is by its nature wrong.
  • Example:cheating to get higher grades so you can get into a good college.

30. Intentions

  • Wanting to go to a good College is a worthy motive; however, cheating is a bad action.
  • A good intention cannot make something that is bad into something good.
  • The opposite is true.

31. Intentions

  • A bad intention can turn something that is good into something bad.
  • For instance: complementing someone just to get a letter of recommendation.
  • In this case, one is insincere and deceitful using a person to get something you want or need.

32. Question?

  • How would you feel if you discovered your friends are nice to you just to get something out of you?

33. Circumstances

  • Circumstances are the how, who, when, and where of an act.
  • It includes the acts consequences.
  • Circumstances canlessenorincreaseour responsibility for an act.

34. Circumstances

  • Ignorance, fear, psychological, and social factors can lessen and in certain cases cancel out our responsibility for our actions.

35. Summary

  • For an act to be morally good and acceptable, the object, the intention, and the circumstances must all be good.
  • A person also has to have full knowledge of his or her actions.
  • And free consent of the will (permission to act in a certain way).

The end