Download - Monthly Planet 4 - Jan 009

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2 is published unposhly by in Association with Gravity Guide, London’s quarterly Arts Whats On from groovy places

Issue 03 - Jan 009

Credits & Contacts & Contents - in Planet Water style, every person in this issue is related in some what to everybody else, chaos magic...)

Words / Pictures via (alphabetically) Luke Newman, Martin Yuill, McNaughty, Shervorn Monaghan (Toy Toy photos/front page),

Once Upon Another Time chapter two: “In A Galaxy Far Far Away (from a tube stop...”) Uniqulture - Peace is now and division by nationality is so last century.


12 Milk Plus - rock, 13 The Alps - roll, 14 Costa del Thames / Deptford, 15: Form 696 - just say NO, 16 & 17 : Saar & Sky - together in electric dreams, 18 &19 - A Year In The Life of Earwax Radio, 20 - Peel Street (fave venues - what’s yours?), 21 - MTB allies, 22 - Chris Getliffe / Hannah Perry art, 23 Officer Kicks - new LP coming, 26 Chew Lips get set to bloom.


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In a galaxy far far away (from a tube stop)

A bird writes. Cheep cheep. That is bird talk for january sales. You can buy stuff for a more realistic price, then with what’s over, save up for train travel. (Hey, didn’t third class used to have seatiing?).

Grumpy old sussed out? Yes. It was all green fields and acid trips in my day. You plugged things in and they could then be turned on or off. Broadband providers take note, I don’t care whether your signal is strong, medium or weak. If it’s working it’s ON, the only other choice I want is OFF. Don’t do medium or weak. If you could be so kind. Oh hang on, I’ve misplaced me teeth, won’t be a mo...

We had a cold (can’t afford hot water or heating) Christmas and dread the amount of zeros on the weather reports right now. We kept warm in the tree house by laughing a lot. Wearing bed socks and caps like in the fairy stories. It was really cosy with two families and good cheer, and we know that we’re relatively rich cos we got more than an orange. I wonder if being poor as fug is what the future being orange means?

...Oh, hang on, birds don’t have teeth? That’ll be it. Anyway, this tale has plunged from the the Part One - The Orwellian Era (late 20th century) to the sequel Part Two - Animal Farm goes all Dickensian in addition. It really is another planet. Things have to go forward though in this surreal punky situationism.

003 was a magic number and a start. In Paradise, and from there, like a ripple in a small pond, to anywhere and everywhere. 006 was the next third year. By then, aside from some attention for the artists creating a geniune music movement from passion, there was the seeds of different collectives and individuals uniting. There are so many organisations for peace, environment, equality, aid, charity, health, education, shelter and social justice that you’d expect them to all keep uniting and show us how it’s done. The majority of the one race on Planet Earth are on the same wavelength of their common visions, and have evolved over thousands of years to realise that these are the best survival chances for the human race to have a future.

Because of what was starting to happen at the time zone, Music Tourist Board was now sufficiently grown by 006 to invite associates to put forward tracks for a compilation by Artful No.2 that year. The CD was to sell at shows and give to DJs to spread the word of the bands and hopefully make them something towards rehearsals, equipments, touring etc at least, but two offers to make it fell through. The tracks are available to hear / download at Tune Tribe and the story of all involved truly weaves into the tale Once Upon Another Time

009 is the second thirdyear and so much has happened, including the creation of a new part of London as an alternative adventure, a genuine network (mostly across BritainIreland but with contacts around the globe) of musicians, promoters, MCs, tour managers, band travel, comedians, photographers, media, cabaret, grass roots media, events, DJs, venues, studios, galleries, artists, film makers, students, creative industries, projects, collectives, invididuals and whoever that Planet Water version of multi-culture, uniqulture, is go.

Having used Fair Trading instead of capitalist business, largely through bartering contacts and skills, since 003, MTB has not only market researched but proven there are other ways to do things, and in a credit crunch, who better for ideas than those without enough money to be affected. i.e. just about everybody mentioned above - all have loads to say, and are bursting with ideas etc. It bodes well. The art and music being made in the Newer Wave Renaissance is world class. Next stop, Evolution witha capital R - New Year, New Ideas, New Allies, New Chapter...

updates on the R/Evolution of Uniqulture at

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UNIQULTUREThe Planet Water Alliance

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5- Uniqulture It Takes A Nation Of Millions... to move forward.

People being as unique as each snow flake is still a big deal on Planet Earth. As somewhere that imagines that there is more than the one race, there’s racism and any other ism going. Sure the human race has different nations, and therefore nationalities. But it’s all one flesh coloured race, mostly divisible by blood group. The protective skin mirrors the different shades and tones of the globe’s sands and soils etc. When all this is of no consequence, or even an accepted reality, real civilisation may follow.

Planet Water, the parallel dimension, might already be on to something in it’s first decade. A world wide family of friendship isn’t about Earth’s usual creed, culture, size, shape, looks, age etc divisions. Chic and scruffy mix seamlessly. Neither perfectly or violently but nationality isn’t an issue in what this is about.

In Costa del Thames multi-culture began centuries ago (Africans arrived with the romans across The Creek)

The parents and grandparents of the Music Tourist Board allies are from a spectrum of nations which include Holland, Wales, Phillipines, Pakistan, Norway, Jamaica, England, Dominica, Scotland, Croatia, Sri Lanka, Ireland, USA, Finland, Vietnam, South Africa, and Poland just for a start.

Probably all sorts of Planet Earth class systems mixed in there, but that’s erased by what people choose to do in life. A boy named Jonny coined the observation, Playing Class Friends. Goodbye working class, toffs, chavs, middle class, slebs and plebs. Hallo Players!

Origins of some bands in this issueinclude Croatia, France, Ireland and England for Officer Kicks, while Kids Love Lies (pictured below) cite “Liverpool, Guernica, Portugal, Israel, Lincoln”

Toy Toy hail from “England / Belize / Italy” and when asking Chew Lips they replied “Spain, Russia, Nottingham, Wales, England, South Africa, Holland - we are mongrels.”

The above have more than New Cross Inn live performances in common. If there was a map with the origins of people’s heroes of sport, arts etc, it would certainly make geography and history more engaging lessons (writes an ex truant). Considering that the Royal Family of Bling Blighty live in a giant squat famous for having a rock guitar solo on it’s roof, and are descended from all over the world too, division by nationality is so last century...

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6 - Listlessness... PA News submits istings to national newspapers like the tabloid and broadsheets, plus some of the music publications and the UK’s Metro Newspapers etc. It used to also be a bit of a tipping sheet due to sussed compilers with their finger on the pulse, and at the best new band’s show. So, often, next big things would get their early news paper mentions as a couple of lines previewing a show in the major press. Bringing a new name to the attention of readers that propably don’t check out new music zines on line for early-doors star spotting.

Due to job lay offs etc coming at PA News it’ll soon be a case of well known names mostly, another loss to

the essential support for new talent, especially as much of getting national music press or radio play is more down to the taste making of a few, rather than what the talent inspires in small or medium venues. These taste-makers are on the guest list for so many cool events that they don’t get to catch special talents at seeling stage, like the sussed compilers that PA News used to have.

On the plus side, there are still on line forums, and grass roots publications to keep an eye out for the names that audiences and promoters alike are excited about iin advance of word getting out. Forself marketing bands, and promotion teams getting new favourites off the ground, all is not lost.

The World Is THEIRS... Hats off to The IRS, stars of Rocklands Bandstand at People’s Day Festival, then last year’s Urban Music Award winners at The Indys after battling against thousands of other hopefuls. Largely thanks to the feedback from their debut long playing release The World Is Theirs. After taking their magnetic live presence on the road around the UK they’ve spent winter hibernating so they could finish off two studio projects. Look out for a mixtape around spring time and the second album. They’ll be taking it out live on stage again this year so keep an eye and ear here:

CALENDAR : JAN 01 Liberation and New Year’s Day is the first of the year’s Cuban festivals, occurring on January 1st. All over the country, Cubans take to the streets, with enormous street parties held in every city and town. In Havana, this day is celebrated with outdoor concerts and other events.01 New Year’s Day (U2)01 Planet Water parallel dimension born as a brave new world Year 00002 A day which the saxons consider it extremely bad luck to work on. ***03 Slackers Day (see 30th December)06 Twelfth Night06 Happy Birthday Alex Turner, you arctic monkey, you...08 Happy Birthday Elvis Presley, Robert Owen, David Bowie10 Arts Not Arms Day11 Full Moon18 New Cross fire tragedy 198121 Martin Luther King Day26 Chinese New year27 Random Kindness Day - practise random acts of kindness and senseles acts of beauty.30 Kids Love Lies played their first gig (008) Look out for them in 009

CALENDAR : JAN 009 Costa del Thames / - Gravity Guide - London’s biggest free magazine circulation. Various such publications have started realising there is life in South East London and distributiing there, but this is the one with articles, news, listings and reviews of relevance to this locality, so grab a copy when you can/get in there! Latest issue is out this month.

+ + + + +

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Price Crunch Boozing at New Cross Inn (£2.50 a pint) and Deptofrd Arms. (£2 a piint) look out for new art at these venues too. To book events contact [email protected] forNew Cross Inn, 323 New Cross Road, Rocklands, London SE14 6AS

(open until 2am except Sundays midnight)Depford Arms, 52 High Street, SE8 4LS (open until 1am Monday to Saturday, live music Fridays

& Saturdays) Kate & Tristan Shop, 1 Clifton Rise SE14 6ASZone 2: New Cross / New Cross Gate / Deptford Bridge + loadsa buses 24 hrs


Weds 07

Spoon Of Music @ Brixton Windmill.8pm - Midnight. £4 Entry

Vile Imbeciles + V.E.G.A.S. Whores + Benjamin James Jinx + The Conscripts + Plastic Factory DJs

22 Blenheim Gardens, Brixton, London SW2

One Foot Cow @ New Cross Inn 8pm-2am, Free Entry before 9pm, £2/£1 after

Bo Ningen + Magnetic + We Are Swift + Scars and Sirens + + Residents DJ Kiss and Tim Upsetta DJs spinning electro, dub, ska,

tekno DnB....+ Floyd (Baby D) Dyce

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Thurs 08 : Crank It Up Live @ New Cross Inn- unsigned acts with DJs spinning an eclectic mix of party tunes and indie (Free)


Thurs 08 : On the vibe of Uniqulture and Music Tourist Board, the Left Field stage is a regular anging/lurching place at Glastonbury, and launches a new night this month at Camden Proud Gallery, 7.30pm-2am starring The Outside Royalty, Narration, Spaghetti Anywhere, The Dash, Levelload DJs, Not Enuff DJs + open mic hosted by Will Kevans, Film, and single giva away from Narration produced by Mark Williams (Fightstar, Biffy Clyro, Bloc Party etc).

Proud Galleries/The Horse Hospital, The Stables Market, Chalk Farm Road, Camden, London, NW1 8AH - Tel : Phone: 020 7482 3867 £4 advance, £5 on the door Tickets 08700 600100

Leftfield is all about Music and Politics and Glastonbury’s Left Field Stage has gown since it’s inception in 2002 from a drum riser in the corner of a beer tent to the biggest covered venue on the Glastonbury site with a stellar international line up to match.Promoting the values of economic and social justice, anti-racism and global solidarity. Drawing on the legacy of Rock Against Racism, punk, Two Tone, the blues, the sounds of black America, militant reggae and our guiding light Joe Strummer we know there are many people out there very happy to mix up pop and politics so lets give them that opportunity. Our favoured beneficiaries at the moment are Anti Slavery International and Jail Guitar Doors

_________________________________________Fri 09 : Fri 9th LIAR LIAR CLUB @ New Cross Inn Live Garage Rock acts with king mod, Danny Grave, playing alternatives and classics (£3)

Fri 09 Crumbs. What a BILL. Popular Workshop AND The Kabeedies AND the music guru tipped popsters, Dynamo Garage all on one bill. Tis a Club Fandango night at the the Wilmington Arms on Clerkenwell Road, London EC1 - arrive early and miss NOTHING.

the one band scene that is Dynamo Garage live in Farringdon...

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Sat 10 : twobob at The Fox & Firkin, 8pm-2am 316 High Street, Lewisham SE13

The Johnsons: Stunning filthy rockabilly punkness with the hottest frontwoman around + Los Salvadores - Intense pacey folk influenced catchy punkness. Punk always needed more mandolin. A Sarf East London special place to rock. The fullest juice at

New Cross Inn Weekender:Sat 10 : JOHNNY REGGAE @ live Ska/Mod + DJs spin party SKA /oldskool tunes (£3)

Sun 11 : SUNDAY JAM! - Hosted by the Unkles of Funk (Free)Mon 12 : Open Decks (come early for a slot) & cheap drinks. Free Entry.

Mon 12 Jonny Cola & The A Grades live on a world wide webcast for Earwax TV

glam tinged new wave pop recent limited edition CD (99 copies!) We’re All Going To Die/Heroics has got those in the early know excited. “A lyrically biting underdog anthem... ruddy tremendous."(Teletext Planet Sound), "A tastily woven slice of sugar-laced princely pop... will blow you away." (Losing Today), "invigorating blast of pop vastness." (Kitten Painting)"trampoline of pure unadulterated fun." (Maps Magazine), "supreme examples of the gargantuan power of perfectly executed pop music." (Mudkiss). The single is also available on iTunes and various other download sites. It’s all a good excuse to tune in and check them out.. Earwax Radio show recorded from London’s Sound Loop Studios with a band interview. Meet up on line, rate the show and be part of it. Exchange chat from 9pm GMT and catch the band live in session on - if you can’t get to a computer for the recording, the entire sessions are streamable a day later.

Tues 13 : 15 MINUTES OF PHAMOUS. New Cross Inn’s weekly Open jam (back line supplied)/ mic night. Poets- bands- solos- Nutters- MCs- jokers (Free)

Thu 15 : SOUTH EATS LONDON @ New Cross Inn - Live Garage Rock alt acts including The Run-Up + DJs spinning indie electro classics (Free)

Fri 16 : BEDLUM NIGHTS LIVE @ New Cross Inn - The Bimmys + Friends. DJ Joe Carter spins Electronic Alt pop rock (£1)


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ROCKLANDS - 8pm-2am @ New Cross Inn , free entry then £3 after 9pm============================================================================

TOY TOY“Thrillingly filthy electro-poppers”

(Time Out Magazine).

Synth rocking, punx whose crackpipe rock chronicles the tales of general absurdity in the world. Toy Toy release their debut single F.M.B, produced by Robert Harder (Whitey, Babyshambles), on Valentines Day. They are a live explosion and tonight headlining one of their regular haunts to kick off 009 - outrageously fabulous

SAAR & SKY 21st century Duran-Chic disco electrovisual extravaganza LIVE ON STAGE! Earwax TV session at and article this issue.

HEADS.HEARTS Cooler than ice pop sharp edged electronica. They've recorded with Groove Armada and performed for Maxi from Faithless - not a bad start for any outfit!

HONEYTRAP Poptastical new wave folk punkers

THE HEARTBREAKERS rocking grrrlz DJ hosts


THE HANCOCKS DJ set early doors

ROMAN RAPPAK - Star of the Sci Fi Channel, creator of the KASMS video, member of the avant garde Breton and on show tonight just before the bands.

ROCKLANDS The Newer Wave Club - 1st Birthday Party - From pop of the tops to an artful hang out for creative playing class friends to recommended ENTERTAINMENT & Saturday night partying - Music Tourist Board's monthly face to face social networking at HQ - Come around SIX ish for chatting ideas etc

Check out Earwax Radio/TV to hear Rocklands faves

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Sat : 24 : How To Create A Winning Music Business Strategy For The Independent

Musician Or Music Entrepreneur Workshop. (BBM) has joined with Inner Rhythm to present the second of its extraordinary afternoon workshops. Practical help in usiing the science and art of creating and designing a winning strategy that will transform your music business and career to new heights. Registration starts at 1.30pm. Event Timings are 2.00pm – 5.00pm. Bigga Fish Workshop Room, Rich Mix Cultural Foundation, 35-47 Bethnal Green Road, London, E1 6LA. Cost: £35.

26 Toy Toy live on a world wide webcast for Earwax TV (electric electronic punk powerpop sensation gear up for their valentine’s day debut single release - Earwax Radio show recorded from London’s Sound Loop Studios with a band interview. Meet up on line, rate the show, exchange chat from 9pm GMT at

30 Chucklebucket. Comedy, Music, Film and Party - courtesy of The Blue Light District.

With host, Phil Licks. Free Entry. 8pm. Deptford Arms, 52 High Street, Deptford Fun City, London SE8 4RT

Fri 30 : gDA - Greenwich Dance Agency presents The gDA Cabaret, its unique monthly cabaret event - Doors: 7.30pm; Start: 8pm. Tickets: £15: ringside seating; £12/£10 concs: tiered seating; £80: ringside table for six

On the last Friday of each month throughout Spring 2009 gDA presents its very own Cabaret event; a unique addition to the dance world featuring an intriguing line-up of dance and performance acts, work-in-progress, excerpts and snippets: a place for the experimental and the tried-and-tested to dance together cheek-to-cheek. The event celebrates the social side of dance, and makes for a fantastic night out. Enjoy table service in the magnificent setting of the art deco Borough Hall, comedy introductions from New Art Club, live music from house band, the swinging Cuban jazz Alex Wilson Trio, plus a line-up featuring artists and companies from the worlds of contemporary dance, acrobalance, breakdance and music. Greenwich Dance Agency, The Borough Hall, Royal Hill, Greenwich, London SE10 8RE Box Office: 020 8293 9741

31 The Unplugged Sessions. A saturday afternoon of free entry, high quality entertainment at The Albany Cafe, Douglas Way, Deptford, SE8 4AG - lovely space, friendly place. Contact Cameron via for more info or to play

31 Club J.A. - London’s authentic Ska/Reggae club at Deptford Arms - Free Entry. 8pm-1am.

Feb 009 highlights include 05 Britrock quartet, Officer Kicks, headline Monto Water Rats with a special one hour show including a live play back of the new album they are currently finishing in the studio. £6 advance, more on the door, or £6 list via the band

07 Maps Magazine birthday party @ Deptford Ams, London SE8.

Starring Akira, The Bridport Dagger, The 18 Carat Love Affair, Verse Chorus Verse

and Sex Tourists + special guests + art/photo gallery. The essential new music zine’s annual bash- . Maps is also the place to check out up and coming writers and photographers too. Articles, reviews, downloads and more (including a networking / news forum) fuller info

12 "Too Many Broken Hearts Have Fallen in the River". A Walk, not a talk hosted by

South East London Folklore Society - A love stories in reverse walk with Chris Roberts featuring headless queens, golden castration devices, deceased lovers and phantom - 7.30pm-10.30pm @ Hay's Galleria, Tooley Street, London SE1. For more info email [email protected]

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literally, the cream of the new rock...

MILK PLUS The self-released debut ep, ‘Little Victories’ by Milk Plus sets the band up from a

fruitful 2008 to the next step, and is already earning them great feedback.

“There's genuine firepower here that's all too uncommon, and a lack of pretension that's even rarer. Keep an eye on them.” (Rock Midgets). “Little Victories by Milk

Plus is one of those CDs where, every time you put on your stereo, you wish it would go on forever....” (Hazy Days). Nailing your ears to the floor with a sneer

across their faces... balls to the wall rock ...out to demolish all with glee ...a

confidence bolstered by a catchy hook and chant inducing lyrics ...foot

tapping ferocity ...unleashing an eerily mesmerising wail of ska tinged punk” (Room

Thirteen). “If only more bands weren't afraid to ROCK AND ROLL. The 21st century is too much about nanny approved hair cuts and clothes above mighty tunes and riffs. This is classic cool cat blues tinted newer wave marvellousness.” (Music Tourist Board)

Milk Plus have already been snapped up for the mid february Amnesty International events by The Armed Forces and are unleashing their return to live shows this spring. If you get the idea of how much you need to download this EP, then get to

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THE ALPS are Daniel Heptinstall - Lead Vocals / Guitar, Sam Brace - Lead Guitar /

Vocals, Dan Gray - Bass, Hezi Yechiel - Drums. Musical men from the maritime caves of old Greenwich town, London, who look set to barge their way into mainstream consciousness with their confident and stylish brand of 3 minute pop gems. They claim inspiration from all kinds of unlikely sources including sea shanty folk, grandiose 70's power rock and modern day electro but at their heart they know their spiritual heritage lies in the 1980's with bands like The Cure, The Police and The Smiths.

The foursome have had many successes since their birth in 2005. Their debut single 'World At War' claimed's single of the week - The Alps played live sessions for Radio 1 and Xfm that summer before appearing at Reading festival on the same bill as Graham Coxon, BMRC and The Futureheads. Four further singles, an album, several European tours and about a million gigs later, the band find themselves at the start of a new chapter with a new bass player, their own record label 'Elusive Music' and a swagger not seen since John Travolta swayed down a New York sidewalk in Saturday Night Fever. Other accolades include a prestigious Mighty Boosh Aftershow Party, the attendance of David ‘The Hoff’ Hasselhoff at a headline Koko show, first album financial backing from an internet stock market company, Spanish album release, Secret Garden Party Festival (on the same bill as Grace Jones) and the production talents of the formidable Dave Allen (The Cure, Depeche Mode) on debut album 'Something I Might Regret'.

What’s the latest news for the band? “We're going back into the studio to work on new material for the second album and we'll be tweaking our sound slightly to bring it back into line with the original sound of the band, (me on keys and guitars basically).” says Sam.

The Alps at The Painted Hall, GreenwichThey kick off 2009 with a new single 'Obstacle Race', which will be supported by a smattering of London/UK/Euro dates and a video made by Jennie Kong who just released her debut short film 'made by maggie' which also features a couple of their tracks.

the hills are alive with the sound of

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COSTA DEL THAMESGet the bus to Space Pirate Fairy Lane. Once I saw a green tinged girl and a blue tinged boy on Fordham Park in New Cross. I’m sure it had nothing to do with the magic mushrooms and I later realised that they were moon fairies. Just up the road, the bar manager at New Cross Inn, Phil Phamous, is also from The MooN. Lunar-tic central. Some Favourite Places

The Thailand, Lewisham Way, SE14 (opp. Goldsmiths Library) - “Best Thai in london, has won loads and loads of awards and is really cheap!!” (Sexy T, love pirate, SE11)

“Wolfgang Bopp (new bands club which thrilled Montague Arms SE15) and Modern Love (Lord Hood SE10 and New Cross Inn SE8). New Cross is next to the wonderful Greenwich, home of time, restaurants, markets and loads of places to buy vintage 70s and 80s vinyl.” (Saar & Sky, 21st Century Planet Earth disco starz)

“Mmm..! Saturday morning...been out friday..need breakfast? try this place, imagine a full english breakfast packed inside a french stick. Again, not one if your on a diet, but then WHO CARES! You only live once right? Lee high road, opposite the Rose of Lee (now the Dirty South)” SE13. (Big Dave Meantime)

Tony's Chip Shop, 399 New Cross Road, SE14 - open until about 4pm daily. Does REAL 20th century chips. None of that fries bollocks. Doubles up as a gallery too. Chips, beans and mushrooms - yummy! If youre dieting, treat yourself to a day off! (Minxy McNaughty, love pirate, SE8).

Various honorary mentions for Maggie’s Cafe in Lewisham SE13 and see the Chew Lips article for a few more favourite places around the South East Bank.

London's Pirate Cove declares peace. Following connections made at Artful between various collectives and events and venues, 009 will share the unity vibe that has changed an old sailor's town and the borough of Lewisham (Brockley, New Cross etc) and surround areas into the heart of art, positively. As ever, all involvement invited. .




Teenage Hope.

Friends & Family.

Open Minds.



The unity of community has helped to create

the model for a future that is London S. E. 8.

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An unelected bloke condones... “New Labour. New Animal Farm. Who shall we make life hell for? Weapon carriers? Convicted rapists? paedophiles? Terrorism supporters? Bullies? Vandals? Drink drivers and speeders? Violent bigots? Neighbours from hell? Nah, let’s pick on the people that create positivity in friendly atmospheres. Anybody for Form 696?”

This latest vandalism of our civil liberties will probably create another thousand useless jobs for cronies, which everyone else will have to pay for. The Third Reich styled Form 696 compels licensees who wish to hold live music events in 21 London Boroughs to report to the police the names, addresses, aliases and telephone numbers of performers, and most worryingly, the likely ethnicity of their audience. Failure to comply could result in fines or imprisonment.

As the jails are all over full, Music Tourist Board allies will probably be included. As a promoter, it’s obvious how unworkable this red tape is. Perhaps the cronies they will store all the details on a disc and then leave the laptop on a train. You can trust the kind of people with personal information as much as you can trust a bank to look after your money... With enough music people in jailhouse rock, we could start a new live circuit.

Form 696 places unnecessary and frankly Orwellian powers in the hands of the Metropolitan Police, an institution which does not have the best record of racial fairness. Form 696 can only deter the staging of live music - a positiveactivity anywhere.

It will also stifle free expression and quite possible penalize certain genres of music and ethnic audiences - an intrusion too far. If you agree sign the petitiion - we have until the end of November to swell the 10,000 + signatures so far and find out what 21st century democracy is really about

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SAAR & SKY The sound of wolf-like life-forms twisted and distorted from their human form. Through the haze of a cityscape, glow the headlights of two oncoming night runners. . .

SAAR; The man and the mystery. Before working with Sky, Saar worked as a professional top liner and 'ghost singer' (i.e. filling up the lead vocal gaps for well known artists). In addition to being the enigma behind many tracks, he has had international releases featuring his smooth vocals, under different names...

SKY; Previously a member of Riviera F – a band who worked on many tracks in Duran Duran's studio with Nick Rhodes as producer. Logan Sky played and DJed alongside Hot Chip, Ellen Allien, Ladytron, Client & Radioactive Man at venues all over Europe. With Saar, Logan has been able to refine his solo experimentation with 80s analogue synthesisers and electronic beats into an exotic European disco sound with a glitchy, electro funk undercurrent.

Every so often something comes into the radar and causes a raised eyebrow. The music industry and the economy are fairly messed up at the moment, but Saar & Sky know how to ride the storm. They sprang from South London's underworld. A fusion of early Madonna, Michael Jackson and Duran Duran, they and are here to lift our spirits while the city burns.

"Initially we met and hung out in Now We've Got Europe club and completely zoomed in on a strand of nostalgic, but forgotten 80s European pop, including Italo-Disco. We’d already stopped listening to mainstream radio and felt a strong urge to have fun doing our own stuff. Apparently ClubLand has lifted off in previous recessions, so I guess we just wanna be part of a London escapist rollercoaster ride." Nowadays you'll find Saar & Sky partying at Altered Beast, The Blitz Club, Durr and Bodybox - their suave residency at The Player in Soho ."We're hoping for a return of clubland from Shoreditch to the more sleazy and sophisticated Soho .We wanna capture the 80s sense of thrill-seeking abandon and make strong pop songs that will last.".

As DJ Fonteyn (M8 Magazine) noted; “Major digitally FM-aural slice of supreme 80's pop, but underneath they are a lot darker, experimenting and subverting electro, into frantic energy with Daft-funk-synth-stabs that lodge in your brain like a sugar-coated pickaxe. It sounds like Chic, early Prince, Scritti Politti, Duran Duran, Falco, Michael Jackson, Harold Faltermeyer, Giorgio Moroder, Danger and old-skool 80s disco pop. "They have nailed the sound of zooming around Monaco in a Ferrari pretty well.. A bit like if Mount Sims was given a good seeing to by Rick James!!"

Saar describes their creative process happening at the Time Zone (all recordings are made in Greenwich); "Logan usually has put together a nifty verse-chorus backbone of beats onto which I flesh out with vocals, melodies, lyrics and ideas for development. We get together, bounce ideas and usually the finished track happens very quickly after that".

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Talking of art, they place a strong focus on visual aspects, developing projections and striking slide shows to accompany each track, using Saar's video editing skills.

All this has won the band a strong myspace following in the USA, adopted as the UK contingent to a wave of new melodic and dance dudes discoverinig the many pleasures of analogue synths.

Saar & Sky were invited to appear on the massive "Master's Of The Universe" compilation with their track "Rip It Out". As a result they have received publicity and a fair amount of airplay in America, Germany, France and in the UK on Earwax Radio (which recently included them live in session)

Saar & Sky have tapped into a stream of cartoon and cinematic culture and are not afraid to dress-up, make-up and party hard. Bloody tuneful, fabulous melodies, vocoded harmonies. If the charts actually meant anything, then Saar & Sky would be regulars.

It makes them a must-see.

"Live gigs are very important to us, we want to give a unique experience to people – plus we get to really rock-out!"

"Synth laden, beat driven electro music at its absolute finest. Drawing influences from 80's cracker pop, early Madonna records and Dragon 32 graphics.

Saar & Sky would not look or sound out of place alongside Michael J Fox on the set of Back to the Future. Hell Yeah!!" said a preview for their recent Water Rats show.

Catch the South London duo on home turf, Saturday 17th January at New Cross Inn (with Toy Toy, Heads.Hearts, Honeytrap - Rocklands Club)

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2008 - A Year In The Life Of An Underground Radio Show

ARWAX TV launched as the Artful Broadcast No.4 in October.

It’s the latest venture, in conjunction with computer whizz, Doug Gray, of South East London’s Sound Loop Studios, from Andy Pettman and Jamie Earwax, whose website organically evolves and spreads.

The half hour live set webcast with interview and a radio show recording format is instant, and incorporates live web chat where feedback, ideas, shout outs to the performers and even gig plugs go on. A day after this live recording, the whole session is available to watch on computers/phones whatever and has even provided some armchair a&r opportunities (see the future for details).

It has already had music fans, promoters etc alike tuning in from as far as Australia, The Far East, Japan, Amsterdam and, erm, Bishops Stortford. A DIY new grey whistle test of sorts, check out the videos from previous sessions at and see the full sessions and interviews with Saar & Sky (featured in this issue) Public Service Announcers, Kids Love Lies, Upsetta, The Bright Young Things and Bleech at www.mylivesession/recordings.php

The core media of this outfit, Earwax Radio, has not only picked up fans in national broadcasting, but is also a place to find some favourite new bands a few weeks or even months before they’re the latest favourite next big things to the general public. No wonder subscriptions at iTunes (search “ Earwax”) are growing steadily, and bigger names are getting in touch. At the heart of all this lies a passion for the vast array of quality music of all genres, that is around for the finging.

Monthly Planet grabbed Earwax for a catch up in December...

“Well I can’t believe we have come to the end of 2008, it’s been another manic year for Earwax and over the last twelve months we hope we have brought some great new music to your attention.

A year ago we decided to re-launch as a thirty minute bi weekly show and the first show opened up with the demo of Public Service Announcers ‘Moneyblind’ which became one of our 2008 anthems. As part of this re-vamp we introduced an artist in session each week, with the first being an acoustic set from The Telegraphs. Sessions became an integral part of the Earwax experience.

Up to October we used Deptford Arms and New Cross Inn to record sessions with some of our favourite musicians including Their Hearts Were Full Of Spring, Guardians Of The Ancient Wisdom, Officer Kicks, Mr Bligh, Alexander Wolfe, Nebraska, The Moon, Responsible Adults, Dexy, Superman Revenge Squad, Heath, Greg Mcdonald and Stagecoach. he biggest honour for us though was when Bluetones legend and all round top bloke, Mark Morriss, came down to the New Cross Inn and previewed his solo album with a special acoustic set for us. I believe a week later he was playing on Jonathon Ross’s show live (But at least at Earwax we didn’t offend Manuel)

The Earwax Sessions

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Mark Morriss at New Cross Inn for the Earwax Radio Session, photographed by Martin Yuill._____________________________________

In May, Diesel-U-Music Radio came to New Cross making its home on the top floor of the Amersham Arms, we were very pleased to have the opportunity to present a show featuring the best of Rocklands talent.

As well as a playlist featuring Ten City Nation, The Rank Deluxe, William, Lucky Soul and loads of great South London music the show also had an LA flavour with an interview with The Pity Party and a live session from Heath. Nearly as great as LA is Brighton and the show also featured music from Telegraphs, 4 or 5 Magicians and an interview with Chris TT showing that Brighton still rocks. It was great to be back on FM radio as well as having a chance to broadcast to Diesel-U- Music Radio’s global audience. In Miranda Sawyers round up for The Observer of 2008’s Top 10 radio moments she that “Diesel:U played the best music mix of any radio station out there”

Links to the Earwax Diesel-U-Music shows via

Also in May we were asked to record a feature on War Childs ‘Army of You’ gig at the Scala. The bill featured Does It Offend You Yeah? The Rumble Strips, Autokratz, Kid Harpoon and Edward J Hicks. It was a great honour to be asked to work with a charity that has been close to our hearts since the Help album in 1995.

Hear the War Child Feature here:

In July we teamed up with Doug at Strange Loop Studios for the first time by hosting the Strange Loop Tent at the Danson Festival.

Earwax faves Ceri James, Greg Mcdonald, Guardians Of The Ancient Wisdom and The Darling Reds joined an eclectic bill of local talent and the partnership was formed which led to the idea for

In October Earwax had a new home in Strange Loop Studios, now bi-weekly we broadcast live an hour show which features a 30 minute live session from our special guests.

Due to Doug’s technical wizardry you can watch the whole show being broadcast live at the above website from 9pm Greenwich Mean Time, (just down the road from Greenwich, and having a mean time!)

We then edit it down to the half hour radio version featuring two tracks from our session guests. In the past we were restricted to acoustic sessions, but because of the great facilities at Strange Loop we can now accommodate full bands. The first guests in our new home were Kids Love Lies who provided us with a storming and fun session for the Artful 008 Broadcast.

Watch Earwax Session Tracks being recorded at Strange Loop Studios here:

Unfortunately it looks like our stay at there is going to be short lived with supermarket Morrissons planning to demolish it for a new superstore. For more info sign up to the facebook group, as we try to get Morrissons to help with relocating Strange Loop.

Search for Sound Loop Studios

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So 2008 has been another varied year for Earwax but hopefully you’ve enjoyed some of our output and we have helped to find you your new favourite band.

Ways to Enjoy and Engage with Earwax

Or go to iTunes and subscribe there. (Just put earwax into the search engine and you'll find it.)

Join the live recordings at search Earwax Radio * * *


The list of UK / Ireland venues recommended by artists, as well as audiences is growing. The Planet Water vibe epitmosed by the legendary John Peel. By last month; Bath Moles, Brixton Windmill, Cambridge Portland Arms, Camden Proud Gallery, Glasgow King Tuts Wah Wah Hut, Goldsmiths S.U., Hitchin Club 85, London Fly (Oxford Street), New Cross Inn, Newport TJs, Norwich Arts Centre, Oxford Zodiac, Portsmouth Wedgewood Rooms, Shoreditch Old Blue Last, and Southampton Joiners nominated by various Music Tourist Board allies, including the bands Kids Love Lies, The Run-Up and Toy Toy.

This month’s addition is Southampton Lennons courtesy of Chew Lips. It’s a venue which

Art Brut were pretty keen on. Chew Lips find it “really great for new bands before they are big”. Which is a definite recommendation from a band on the up. For more Chew Lips, flick the pages...

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Don’t Panic by Chris Getliffe

Art on Goldsmiths by Hannah Perry

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Officer Kicks

made their mark on 2008. They rounded it off in a West End Recording studio making a formidable follow up to their highly acclaimed debut album, The Six Grand Plot.

Jamie Fisher, Michael Skorjanec, Jamie Scallion, Keith Wickham by Luke Newman

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Officer Kicks hold the Late’n’Live stage captive at Glastonbury Festival. Massive thanks and love to The Incredible Mr Bligh who is not only a star on stage in his own right, but also off stage, for taking these pix. He was seen recently outside New Cross Inn, having walked from Hackney, under the Thames (via the Greenwich foot tunnel), all the way to see a band, as some bastards had nicked all his stuff, money included. After all that, he’d gone to the wrong venue and could have saved himself the walk from the Cutty Sark end of the tunnel as the venue, The Lord Hood, was opposite! The bloke is a legend, so it was a bit special to bump into him in a tent late at night in a field...

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Although a couple of songs from the new recordings are already live favourites (having been played to great response at live appearances of all sizes last year), there are exciting surprises in store from the britrock quartet.

They begin the next episode of their story at the Rhodes Rocks event on 23rd January, an all ages show at a legendary venue - Rhodes Art Complex - which David Bowie, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple and many more have played in the past.

It’s an All Ages event. The lively bawdy and engaging shows that OK play have gone down a treat with all sorts of crowds.

Then they reveal the new LP live on stage at the start of February. . .

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As previously mentioned, everybody in Monthly Planet is related to each other somehow. It’s Planet Water Chaos Magic. Like Officer Kicks, Chew Lips are one of the bands that rehearse on the art

gallery and studio cladded Creekside in Deptford. Both gropu’s have managed to make it out of the area to fresh audiences last year and are well worth keeping an eye out for, and grabbing a ticket for if the chance arises

whether rock, electropop or both are your thing, in 2009.

CHEW LiPSBig pop thrills with some actual personality.

If you’re not already hooked, you may well be, very soon.

Tigs, Will n James are an exciting new favourite.

Fun times with serious tunes.

In May 008 they cooked their first gig in a New Cross Kitchen before taking outdoors at one of the fab Dead Planet nights locally.

Within bars of this set, they were obviously so fab that they were snapped up for the Midsummer Dream all dayer at New Cross Inn (erm, a good excuse for Rocklands Club to round up a bunch of bands, good friends, a cheap bar, a day of DJs, filming by up and coming posse, Loose Belt, and (of course) spicy potatoes. Lotsa lovely people shouting happy solstice. Aah...

Earwax Radio were early fans, and more were made that day as CHEW LiPS stormed the gaff. The stage (and the top of the bar itself) could not contain them.

They’ve continued to proved unstoppable ...

From Clash Magazine and Artrocker gigs to Swn Festival and the BBC Electric Proms via a live session on Radio 1 for Steve Lamacq, CHEW LiPS made a mark on their first year in business.

It may be the slightly unhinged spirit of their live performance or the fact that their demo CD sounds infectiously already like a classic when pumping out on the dance floor. This is shiny shimmer beat cool, but still okay to show joyful abandonment for.

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When not creating enjoyment for others, where do CHEW LiPS hang out?

we like to rehearse at premises on hackney road or creekside studios in deptford or tape the radio's lovely place in deptford,

go to the laban centre for coffee, smile cafe in brockley for thai, the old shoreditch station for coffee & meetings, the reliance for boozing, indo's in whitechapel for late night drinks, victoria park for walks & gigs, greenwich park for ice cream & dog-napping, & lots more we've forgotten!

In summary then, last year was...

crazy... we've formed a band, done loads of gigs, played the bbc electric proms, been on the radio, done a session at maida vale, been in dazed & confused & even the london lite - fame at last), played in paris & stopped work!

they’re off to a roaring start. Look out for a debut single on Kitsune in Spring when CHEW LiPS are set to bloom...

cheers to da lips for helping out with the Uniqulture and Peel Street Pages. X X X

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The Peace Candle, Love Doves, Moon Fairies, Channnel 6 TV, space travellers, Cuba, Stonehenge, Greenwich, Deptford, pirates, Rhys Ifans, Damien Hurst, Anita McKeown, Utrophia, Artmongers, Raw Nerve, Pyepi, Trotters Independent Trading, Desmond the barber, The Hancocks, 2bob, Kooba, Orange & Blue, Popular Workshop and The Blue Light District., The Deptford Mice, Tom Baker, Doctor Who, Pirate Paul, Creekside Centre, Laban, Greenwich Dance Agency, Tape The Radio, Chew Lips, Officer Kicks, the Birds Nest, Space Vixens, Vega Fair, dimensional gateways, Hill Fields, Telegraph Hill, Vulcan landings, Midi Music, The Albany, Radiohead, Pendulum, Don Letts, Manic Street Preachers, Gina Yashere, Vic Reeves & Bob Mortimor, The Rank Deluxe, Squeeze, Athlete, Dire Straits, Blast, Junior Simpson, Kate Bush, Charlie Chaplin, John Kennedy, Rocklands, Digital Sneakers, Mabel Lucie Attwell, Hatcham Social, Universe City, The Fairies Band, Roman Rappak, Blackheath Tea Hut, Ministry of Sound, the o2, Docklands, Zac of The Refuseniks (as recently flirted with on Countdown by Carol Vorderman!), Brockley, Canada Water/Rotherhithe, Deptford, Darth Kitty, Neil Gordon Orr, South East London Folklore Society, Gateside, Rocklands Party, Nicola Pritchard, The Tower (BBC Documentary), X Party, Artful, Deptford X, 13:53 Magazine and Artists, Kate Wolfenden, Tristan Scutt, New Cross Inn, RAR!Deptford Town Hall (New Cross Road) where Damon Albarn stopped time, Monthly Planet and the start of Chapter Two - “In A Galaxy Far Far Away (from a tube stop)”, Deptford Creek (queens on cloaks in mud, Henry VIII’s shipyards, art galleries etc), Jonny Lives!, Ambershades, Deptford Fun City (offers to reprint it most welcome).,Michael Nebraska (from the days of art blue tacked to the Paradise Bar walls), Crossfields, New Cross by Lenny Love/Mulka of Dirty Sounds. Mulka (ex White Man Kamikaze rocking out with Palpitations right now and Lenny Love is a co-creator of Artful Festival)., The Box Robots / Martin Yuill, Various contacts, Feedback courtesy of Heath (or Heath!-Heath!-Heath!, as he is known locally!) and what it’s all about...

Draft of the Costa del Thames holiday brochure is now uploaded at and

will be whittled down to images, art and a few lines of info, on special

places by contributors.

You involved?

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Planet Water

The Costa del Thames holiday brochure marks the End of Chapter 1 : Once Upon Another Time

Chapter 2 : “In A Galaxy Far Far Away (from a tube stop)”

begins Jan 009