Download - MONTHLY NARRATIVE REPORT · Cunt 14, Lamr caoyoa, horor*9 Oapea, baker, (MS final Cuoo 10, haot iatrono* Approach %UL

Page 1: MONTHLY NARRATIVE REPORT · Cunt 14, Lamr caoyoa, horor*9 Oapea, baker, (MS final Cuoo 10, haot iatrono* Approach %UL

10-23 (MaylWO)





May 27th to June 27, 1937 FILE NO. Region II





Sanford B i l l Resident Landscape Architect

Branch of Plans and Design

Howard Gregg Asst, Landscape Architect

Areas reported on-Yellowstone National Park Grand Teton National Park Lewis and Clark Cayerns National Ifenumaat

IMPORTANT This file constitutes a part of the official records of the

National Park Service and should not be separated or papers withdrawn without express authority of the official in charge.

All Files should be returned promptly to the File Room: Officials and employees will be held responsible for failure

to observe these rules, which are necessary to protect the integrity of the official records.

ARNO B. CAMMERER, l l . r a m R . n u a m «—7.10 DitectOT.

Page 2: MONTHLY NARRATIVE REPORT · Cunt 14, Lamr caoyoa, horor*9 Oapea, baker, (MS final Cuoo 10, haot iatrono* Approach %UL

LAanotfc Auto luwp Ground, 40 aeala, drawn by iray ulgns JUarsaoth hotel ~onoh tiom , drawa by ikwArd Aakar

Vh* first %(**§ mvka of -on* war* very cole- and wet, XhU vol wwathar with •now la *>ur> port* of the .-ark bo* been a groat help to i;rowiutt ncaaou, '?-* ,a»t waefc bma boon raff waru with a heavy Inwrtasa la tourist troYf!•

1*1*. u*torn* ****, Cm* **p<#ft MOT onafard Bi l l

i* iia• nx i,j; i v i. u.i ira fcfera, **• *a;» Mail Stay BTt frip to lake and 'bio/on oa ^oreaa work lay l i t loop trip vi ta Calof lauvywr Boy fit t Aft l«*aata isay 3ft, Lacmr C*a*a* »,r,R« toad projoot Jnae t 9 Aft taocntfc Jttn 2 , lake, yiahing dricg*, an! caoyoa •one 3 , aft Grtittd ?*toa national c*rfc A J O O U , • •

Juna o , flabiag Bridge with Heaard b&, or Cone 6, Laaar Caoyoa with oogora and Baker Cunt 7 f '.voaft Xflloortont with Ikmtf* Baker JUM e , Flaking 'ridg* I«partro*»t i**d iiewtlng with Baker Cue* L>, Beoiior -Aver 'oojrer Station, ki l ler , JaKoue, aod baker Cunt 10, l id Faithful aVPeu, work with aar.rr Jem l l 9 Can/co, and »eat Thorab9 tracral develops at witn ftahar Cut* 1*, At lianaoth C « * 13, " Cunt 14, Lamr caoyoa, horor*9 Oapea, baker, (MS final Cuoo 10, haot iatrono* Approach %UL Baker and Cap«a Cunt Id, Lewi* aod Clark Cavera* Batioml ;oaaneat, with Ikwyara,

Baker, LaHo u* aod Lent luM 17, caoyoa araa and platfora Cunt IS, l id Faithful iwrki**; Araaa, with OuJmr •tae IF, Canyon Lake road •eotlon, aod ^l«i>i% bride*, with baker Cane CO, at Lomuoth duo* - 1 , kan-oth Auto Canp Ground, with baker, f i l l er aod Gregg* Coo* EX, Grand Veto©, atloual rwrk, with Baker C U D * £ 3 , • " • " "

Caw £4, At hwavaot" Can* £0, old roitbful larking Araaa, with Cap** and &m»n Ctaw 'd, at iawaoth

Page 3: MONTHLY NARRATIVE REPORT · Cunt 14, Lamr caoyoa, horor*9 Oapea, baker, (MS final Cuoo 10, haot iatrono* Approach %UL

Xellovetocf. ierfc, vim* he^rt* 1W7

the p«e*rt »«P*a* eoatraota have been envlng aloag Airly well* Im aoot ontae the vert if procrftsin- so rapidly Mteuld be aapeotei with the touriat travel rapidly lanre&elag*

The A-A3 gradivaT A the Lauor rnnyon, was finalled on •hm* 14th* A«t«al aeetptante ef the Job will net b« aede until the old reithrol inra«« Arena* end the rtrthole hirer bridge hart been eewpleted*

FieuUng bridge ie ptwervneiag slower then expected* although tbia eeetrttt will be aniahed about Aosont 16th,

The ihet Approach 'eyed and the Ceoyon-inke aeetiene ere alee ah,pint; up and should be itniahed about the end of only*

The uibbau Jiivvir bridgta* CIA «*Uthfel iwjfclaf Arena* and the 1»£» tjradlng will* of auras* acetiaut through the anawnr* The firet taw>* hoenver* should be flniahea thia All*

Ibjmtrd Bnenr* Aaeietnst idgfe**! Unieoape .roidttot* arrived in the iWu on oai» Cth* and reaalned here until Jane flat* •"Urine hie vieit we eov£-i\d all baportant iu* blent at Tellovetoaeand Lewie and Olftrix C&ycrae National Ikjauanarg*

Herbert Uebtordt*. urohiteet* hst bees os a i.«nthe vacation in -aaifwauU* Ho in oepested Hae** ta the Are; about the firet of July* Ue ie eehedualed to retrain hire for the reat of the euaotr working ea varioae architeetaa probXenw for Xtllowatoae and Teton*

Howard virctu* Aoaietaat iauadaeape *rehitect» hae divided hia •iiao botvoen the lellswetcne and Teton SOI work* Hie report on thia war.: ie included in thia report*

MI MsaaaaM a rm^w?, The foil owl 04; report eeverias - "OV aetlvitiee in Tallow, tone

has been prepared by - cmrd 6reg*»«

Ae usual securing Juvwrinteartenta as<3 iwreuaa for the tear Tellowwtone oases hae neat with l i t t le SUOOCJS* The oavpe art at i l l operating with fron two to five fereawn*

Page 4: MONTHLY NARRATIVE REPORT · Cunt 14, Lamr caoyoa, horor*9 Oapea, baker, (MS final Cuoo 10, haot iatrono* Approach %UL

Yellowstone Rational Park


May 80 • 8ft In Yellowstone Park r M „ 87 « xttoo r«rk • 26 - June 7 " Yellowstone Park

June 6 - 11 * Teton Park " 1 2 - 1 4 " Yellowstone Park " 1 0 - 1 6 " Teton Park " 1 9 - 2 0 " Yellowstone Park


There are now four carps in Yellowstone Park* each located at a previously ooeupled eaap cite* They are aa followsi

Camp Y*K*P* 1 - Mostooth Camp Y*N*P* 2 - Canyon Coop Y.N.p. 3 - Lake Coup Y*H*P* 5 - lea Pares

Oaap Y,H*P* 3 - Canyon arrived In the Park on June 9* This oaap was scheduled to arrive sooner, but was under Quarantine in California*

All eaapa were handicapped up to the muddle of June due to lack of foremen* The approved H a t of men has arrived and men are being hired aa rapidly aa posslbla to mast the quota at each oaap* At the oampa arrived in the Park it was meeoaaary to place them in marge of an acting superintendent drawn from the ranks Of the foremen of the Mammoth eaap* These man are still acting in that capacity* leaving Just one camp - Has Pares - under an approved Superintendent* Xt le fortunate that these acting auparlntendente are capable men who are able to carry the work on in e very satis factory manner*

The weather throughout the month has bean cold with fre­quent raine* but few man days wars lost on this account* Those oonditlono have put the Perks in good shape with a fine growth of grasses* wild flowers* and other ground cover*


The number of foremen in each oamp to date is ee follows!

Page 5: MONTHLY NARRATIVE REPORT · Cunt 14, Lamr caoyoa, horor*9 Oapea, baker, (MS final Cuoo 10, haot iatrono* Approach %UL

Page Ho. 8 Yollowatone national Park

Camp M.X.P. X - Hanmoth Junior Foremen Welsh - Aotlng Superintendent Senior For awn Haas - Forestry - i a

dierge or TtttraaTT 1 Junior Foreman i n charge s f oon«ti*uotloa

of three raaldanoas for employees Caap Y.H.F. 8 • Canyon

Senior foreman Sweitser - iniglneorlng -Aotlng superintendent

1 Landsoepe Foreman 4 Junior Poraman

Camp Y.H.F. S - Laka 1 Lasdsoapa Foreman Lewie - Aotlng Superin-

tsnnant 1 Zettf soepe Fbxmnan X Junior Foramen

Camp Y.H.P. & - Has Pare© Camp l a eh or go of Superintendent sa arldaa from Haamoth Caap X Forestry Foramaa 8 Jualor For am an

rnxrlag the f i r s t half of the month Yellowstone was ass is ted by & foramen sent to I t by camps located at Thcraoopolta and Lake Guernsey. Wyoming. These men were a l l well trained and were a great help in se t t ing the work programs started and wave replaced as soon as other men ware available fa* hire*


Camp Y.H.P. 1 - HamnmtA Frojeet 28 - Fire Presuppresaion - Mammoth Three emrollaea hays bean assigned to the Dlatriot Reiger. These men hare been weed to elear the troll* In the naawnth Dlstrlet of downed timber and to repair the trails where small washes have eoourred. The weather conditions have been such that the men have not been required to do any smoke ohaalng.

Pre J set 28 - Contest work - Naamoth Threo enrolXoea have been assigned to the Ranger for so for use at the north Oate In Peeking ears and la order that a 24 hour wateh amy be maintained at the entranee*

Frojeet 178 • Preparation of material - Hammath A few man days hays bean spent on the transportation Of material from heenouartera to the various samps oat In the Park.

Page 6: MONTHLY NARRATIVE REPORT · Cunt 14, Lamr caoyoa, horor*9 Oapea, baker, (MS final Cuoo 10, haot iatrono* Approach %UL

Pege Xo* 3 YeUowstone Matt anal He.

Project 200 - Roadside Cloanup - Mammoth Vioinlty* M l eaap baa patrolled the reads from Mammoth i s Gardiner, Mammoth to Horrla and Hommoth to ?owtrf and picked up al l tho papers, boxes, bottles aid othar dobris from tha roadsidem*

Project 207 • atuup Rewmvul • Mawnoth and Vicinity* A Taw men, days ware cpant on removing tha old stumps from tha vicinity of the Kruamoth Hot Springs*

Project 216 • Tree Znsaet Control - Mammoth md Vicinity, Soma of thie work was dona on tha Mammoth Tar race a*

Projact 414 - Obliteration of Honda - Manuoth, Ueny old road aoars in the vicinity of the Mammoth Eo&pltal h&ve received treataant* Earth f i l l was heulad in as required &XK\ a small amount of sane and some cod clumps wore sot out In the re&radsd areas* I t waa round necessary to discontinue Ihia work be-souse Lczidaoapt Foremen Lewis was sent to tha Lake coops «s Acting Suporlntendent*

Projact 317 - Equipment stg* shade - Mammoth* Approximately 20 loads of gravel have been hauled In and spread on tha drives in front of the buildings and the application of roofing paper hoc bean started* This operation was discontinue last winter bocause of lnelcaant wasteier*

Project 0 • FAiraer^^ame Ranoh work on this projact baa oonalated of general laalntananot such as watering, weeding and cultivating* Some aspen seed was com tm scodlings began to appear Just three days after sowing* The moist spring experienced in the area has boon very beneficial to this prelect* ran men are assigned to this project*

Project 18 • Pine Grading - Mamaoth The old rood between buildings 3 and 4 wbtei fase en the parade ground, baa been obliterated* Enough aed to cover approximately 60* of tie area waa secured from the propose' road l ine at the Power Rouse, rhlla the balance of tha area was seeded*

The cone, curbing which ran behind the Museum south to the rear of the building No* 3 (the Superintondt'S residence) waa renured and the lawn graded down en e gentle rolling slope to the service road* The concrete retaining rai l on the lower or east aide of th is aerviee road wee also removed and f i l l waa put in to give a roll ing slope from tha road to tha existing lawn below*

Page 7: MONTHLY NARRATIVE REPORT · Cunt 14, Lamr caoyoa, horor*9 Oapea, baker, (MS final Cuoo 10, haot iatrono* Approach %UL

Fage l o . 4 Yellows tone ft c lonal Park

Theae f i l l aroa3 Trore e l l eoeded with grass . The old concrete garbage een raoka were alao remove from tho rear of theae bui ldings . The appearance of th i s road, and the rear of theae build Saga has been greatly Improved xtndor th i s project .

Project 236 - Obliteration of Oldnosorvoir - Mammoth This reservoir opposite cad above the lodge md at the foot of tho Mammoth Terraces, cons is ts of two aeperate oonorete welled open topped chambers approximate2y 13 f t . deep and 130 ft« square. I t has been decided to obl i terate the north ohamber only a d to leave tho southern one, which seta Into the h i l l s i d e fnlr ly wel l , for emorgenoy use In cose of f i r e . Tho north harbor has boon drains' and an overego of 3 f t . of concrete- has been removed from tho top of the treat wal l . The north aid eaet walla are being cut off at the bettor: of the tank and are to be la id down onto the inalde bottom slob and covered with s o i l in the f inal grading operation. Three to four f ee t w i l l have to be knocked off the top of the south wall A so no I t w i l l not show above tho i l l tt ich I s to run up to the north wall of the aouth tank. There are several old zcada In the v i c in i ty which wi l l also be obliterated under thi^ project as trio material from the f i l l s con bo used to grade up to the north wall of tho aouth tank.

Projeot C • Comfort Stations - Mraamoth Campground These structures nro locrted in tic nroa north of trie pro sent auto camp In the area proponed for coop ryound use . Three- sk i l l ed laborers - carpenters - have been hired to v/ork on there structures. The foundations for two of tho three have been poured and the third i s to bo poured next reck. Logs for tho frame have been out and arc being healed to the s i t e and trimnod and f i t t e d for use .

Project 412 - IScplyoeo Losidonooa - Mammoth Those atruobures are the beginning of tins Govt, housing unit to be developed according to tho Haster Plan, In the v i c in i ty of the Power Houco end Including a small portion of tho proaont auto oamp.

Ono structure i s about 501 completed. The foundation i s ready to be poured on the second and excavation i e complete on tho third.

A carpenter and a plumber have boon hired as sk i l l ed labor to f a c i l i t a t e the construction of those buildings!

as the housing s i tuat ion here in Mammoth wi l l be improved a great deal as soon as theao structures are available for u s e . A few minor a> n struct ion errors have boon noted and corrected during erection of the building.

Page 8: MONTHLY NARRATIVE REPORT · Cunt 14, Lamr caoyoa, horor*9 Oapea, baker, (MS final Cuoo 10, haot iatrono* Approach %UL

Fage *©• 6 Tel tstene latloaal Pk*

Camp Y*B#P* 2 • canyun

Project 22 • Fire Pro suppression - Csnyon Four enrolleoe hare been assigned to the District Ranger at Canyon and two to the Ranger at soda Butte for uae aa Smoke Chasers*

Project 176 - Preparation of Material - Canyon A few nan days hare been apent In hauling wood Into camp* which le to bo out up andueed for aire wood*

Projeot 206 - Roadside Cleanup - Canyon and Vicinity Tola earn has patrolled the follo-tlng road sections and picked up al l boxes* papers* bottles* etc*

Canyon to Ubrris Junction Korris Junction to Appollouaris Spring Korris Junction to albbon Falls canyon Junction to Tower Junction Canyon Junction to Mud ae*taer

Project 207 • Stump Rewsyral Some of this work hao boon carried on in the Cat yon area* but the largest amount of work has been done In the vicinity of the Morris Ceyser Basin ant on toward Madl sen Junotlon* Tho removal of tls ae atumps has greatly imrpovod the appearance of these areas* Only the atumpa which can be seen from the highway arc being removed under this project*

Project 414 - Obliteration of Oldltoeda • Canyon The road aeotlon from (Silttendon Bridge to Artist Point i s being wo? ked over f i r s t under this project* There ore many old road soare and rwnimants of old road grades along this road wliioh art being eloped and regroded to tho original ground forma* where rounding of slopes i s required* the existing turf la being removed and replanted in other rcgraded areas* Trees and cage arc being sot out whore feasible to help in tho obliteration* This i s one section of road whore this typo of vox* i s very necessary and desirable* The work ocwwpllshod to date i s of good quality and no a result tho inprovonont of the roadside io very marked* The landscape foreman and ono Junior • each of whom has taken an Interest in the work *» are in marge of this project*

Projeot 175 - Trail Mnlntenancc - Inspiration Point^aayon • 174 - * " Artist Point • * 427 - * Bhcle Tom's •

A small crew of enrolleoe has covered the above three t ra i l s end removed a l l the downed trees across the tra i l s and has done l ight regradlng where weahes* etc*

Page 9: MONTHLY NARRATIVE REPORT · Cunt 14, Lamr caoyoa, horor*9 Oapea, baker, (MS final Cuoo 10, haot iatrono* Approach %UL

Page *0« 6 Yellowstone Nat.' ml Pant

have disturbed the treed during the up ring run-off* No other work, emeh as widening or reallgnaent has been done under the as projeete*

Project 110 - 'frail Maintenance - canyon to Ncrrls This trai l hes been re-allgnod to run on the north side of Ice Lake and then to run directly to Norrie Junction froni the northwest side of the lake* This reollgn&wmt shortsno the distance between the points perceptively end provides a mar e.Aeslrable approach to the Norria Ares* I t will enter tie area in tho vicinity of the horse pasture* behind the ranker tntion instead of following the road at the Junction no at present* This wil l throw the trail junction back away from the road and will sirf>lify o d fac i l i tate tiorae travel through this ares*

The tra i l crew startel work on the northwest corner of lee Lake and her el eared one and one-half miles of trai l toward Canyon and the junction with the existing trai l west of Wolf Lrdce*

camp X*I*P« 3 - Lake

Project 2£ - fir© Fremiproa-sion - Lake anrolleoo are assigned to the Pro taction ^enortmt for smoke ohasing as follow*!

Two - Lake Ranger ? tot ion • - Heart Lrke " - South intra* e

Projeet 23 - Contact ' ork - Lake Two enrolleos ore nnsign^d to tho naturalist stationed at tine liahing Bridge Jfaaeum - two at the South Entrance • end two at the iaot ilntrane to the Perk to eiseist in cheeking ears*

Projeot 176 - Preparation of Material - vest Thus** A 50 man • spike" carp locatefl in a previously oceuplod carp s i t e have hauled approrlmotoly 40 cord of wood from the cleared right of way of the oldr'dL thful-iveet Thumb Hi (p. way. This wood was sewed into five and one-half ft* lengths by the road e) ntractor, and was hauled andpiled by the OiCid'l la the vicinity of the veat rhumb Incinerator for future use*

Projeot i.06 - Roadside Cleanup This esmp has patrolled the roadsides In the vicinity of Lake and picked up a l l the paper?, boxen* bottlea* ate* and hauled then to the duop* The roads cleaned up are as fOllOWS!

Page 10: MONTHLY NARRATIVE REPORT · Cunt 14, Lamr caoyoa, horor*9 Oapea, baker, (MS final Cuoo 10, haot iatrono* Approach %UL

Page HO* 7 YCllOW "WW NAOAOnn* r w i

Lako Junction to West Ibumb .vest Thumb Junction to 3outh Sntranoe Loke JttnotLon to Soot 3 ntraneo Lake Junction to Mud Coyner

Prod cot T07 - stujop Pienovra - Lake All straps within eight or the UP in roods have boon cigbop grubbed out or cut flush with the ground on the rood sections from Lain Junction to the Yellowstwne Rlvor Auto Carp - Lake Junction and Arnica Crook end the roods in t in v ic in i ty of west Thumb*

Project 318 • Tree Xnnoot Control Approximately coo trees havo boon cut out of the Pishing Bridge and west Thumb Areas. Thane trees after being out down, vwro hauled to open areas and burned.

Project 4.14 - Obliteration of Old roads Several old roads .south of tho fish. Ifotcliory hove been worked over with fine reoulto under the d i rec t Ion of Landscape Foromnn John Lords vho ia Acting f.\perintexAe»t Of th i s camp. Tho old load l ino east of the Lake Lodge has also been couplet©!/ obli terated under tiiio project . These old roads were worked over with picks and the herd packed ground loonened, before the planting of t reua. After the young treos wore eot oxit the raw soar was covered with duff. Thin procedure produced fine resui te especially wharo roods ran through wooded areas.

Project 358 • Boat Dock - Lac © Work has boon star ted on the shore eribblng. I t i s planned to add another rovr of p i les onto fclxo width of the dock ©.a ./oil as replacing the f i f ty feet on the end which was token out by tEe ice th is spring. A design i s to be worked up to provide wore protection for the dock during the period in the jpring when the ioe i s moving in tho Lake.

Project 35 - Camp ground Development - .eat Thumb* Some woxfc wee accomplished, on th is project , but i t was dooided to discontinue construction because of the lack of a trained man to supervise tho v/ork. The Laadscapc man given tho job vc.s found to be untrained and inr experienced in such vork. he has been placed in charge of a atusp removal pro jec t .

Project 432 - Water Reservoir - Fishing Bridge The construction of th is project has been hold up ponding tho redesign of tin structure as recommended by the Act. Dcpt. Chief Sag. The hauling of material*

Page 11: MONTHLY NARRATIVE REPORT · Cunt 14, Lamr caoyoa, horor*9 Oapea, baker, (MS final Cuoo 10, haot iatrono* Approach %UL

Fog* lo* 8 Yellowstone Pork, r/^jdng

to too aito Has been* however* »ntlnued as par tha laoosnamia* t loa of Conrad r/irth l a his lattar to tha Regional Office* Region £* Dated Juna 18* 1937*

Camp Y«**P* 5 • Nos Paroa

Project 22 • Firs Prasopprassion Enroiloos have baan assignad to tha Frotaction Dapartoant as follows, for aaoka ahasingt

Baehlor Rivar - 2 OldFaithful * 8 wast Yalloastono - 2

frojaot 23 - Contaet ws?k Two enroiloos have baan assignad to tha Rletriot Hangar at Old Fa. thfuli ona i s naad in the Museum and tha Other supervises tha dursping of notarial aid junk in tha dump sound*

Thras enroiloos are assigned to the Hangar at the wast Gate to ass i s t in sneaking ears at tha gate*

Project 178 • Preparation of notarial A few man days nave baan spent in splitt ing wood at the Baehlor River Ranger station*

Projaat 206 • Roadside Protaotion A few areas have bean blocked off by using atonee as barriers* Xha old road lino &t tha Daisy Geyser and at the southern freight bridge are too of the areas completed* I t wil l bo neeeeasry to work oyer this romok barrier as they are placed in a straight l ine and hava not baan handled in a pleasing manner*

Projaat 206 - Roadside Claanup - Old Fat thful and Vicinity Shis oanp has patrolled tha following roads and pioked up a l l debris along thamt

Old Fat thful to Mftdl son Junction Madison Junction to Gibbon Palls Madison Junction to wast T olio wo tone Firohole Loop Road An old ontraoto's oampslta opposite sunset pool was also cleared up In preparation to tha obliteration of the approach road to i t*

Project 216 - Tree Insect Past Control a old Faltdiful Approximately 400 trees were out out of tha Old Fat thful area} of these 168 ware infested with bugs*

Project 414 - Obliteration of Old Roads She contractor's road into the old borrow pit* opposite Fountain Paint Pots* has been obliterated and planted out as wall as an old road leading east up Has Paroa Creak on the northslde*

Page 12: MONTHLY NARRATIVE REPORT · Cunt 14, Lamr caoyoa, horor*9 Oapea, baker, (MS final Cuoo 10, haot iatrono* Approach %UL

Pago 0 Yellow*tor. Nntlonol Park

Tho lnc'c cf t echn ica l ly t ra ined foremen ftno proh ib i ted any rapid progress on t h l e p ro jec t as wall ars on e t h e r s of tho aaae typo*

Pro3oct IbO - Lookout Tower - bochlor KiYor A po r t i on of tJilcproJoot «u« coRflotod l a a t aummor, © r e l a t i n g of one aide of the tower* fhe four aides Of th l a 00 foot tower arc being f i t t o a and fastened together end tlien tho e n t i r e tower v.dll bo t i l t e d up In to p o s i t i o n on tho foundations*

Project 435 - Telephone Line - Orr.yllng A for ty man "eplke" cmnp war; ontubliahod i n tho area Oecupl*>d by the biilldinga of tho o i l Gal la t in C*C*C* c&np on June 1, under the supervis ion of Junior Foreman Holnon* Tho l i n e has bean a talked out by Engineer wollfto* o*1^ one mid ouo-half miles of four-foot c lear ing ban been done* The l i n e runo on the we at side of the roevd from Grayling Greek north to the ?«rk Boundary a t the Ga l l a t in Ranger S ta t ion a t which po in t tho Fores t horvioe la to t i e on with t ho l r l i n o from

Boaonan, Montana* Pioia Grayling crook south to ffeat Yellowstone tho l i n o lo to be r e b u i l t In I t e p resen t locat ion*

Projcot 436 - l i r e Howard deduction - feat Yellowstone A f i r e t rench ha© boon dug around the dump ground a t "foflt Yellowstone aid sent to rod refuso ha;; boon gathered up and oonflned to ox* area*

Projec t 140 - f r a i l knlntonnnoo - Fomatnin to Old Fai thful Thla por t ion of the Howard aw. ton Tra i l baa boon gone ovor and regraded where fmind nocon wary mid a l l downed timber rceoovon from tho t r a i l nllgro* nt*

Page 13: MONTHLY NARRATIVE REPORT · Cunt 14, Lamr caoyoa, horor*9 Oapea, baker, (MS final Cuoo 10, haot iatrono* Approach %UL

Vm final iy» and S, jpaport for this job have neb been received by tbs rax** « naw»2atsnd thai tisy are being bald «P ey aertain details ooactrAiia; the eater syststu involved,

fmm M a a»Ua«a VaiiiBi Ceatrsator, Ptroag and urant Project, 16^ eeaolett

I'he contractor started laying stone peroral days ago for the firet bridge at station 400* The delay «a these bridges has bean eaueed by the dlfilouljy is lc-eattufc- a satisfactory stone quarry* this natter, lissavti't ASM finally been settled. She Contractor is to use stone from tits road side widecia*: aear the bridgo at station 400, from a vldiming of the road to Improve a blind sarvt at station COO, sad iron a hillslds ojtfrry about 1/4 milt above station £00* the last quarry site is located on the sanottaia side about a 1/4 mile off the road,

the Contractor is to blood tin various a tote to the deslrtd effect, its aitatotsr use aolwi of the stone fron tin tar to different uarrlss art similar in a;;pi*rcooo so that *fc should obtaiu oatlsfaetcry results,

wlmriivkM.;t^i*& MMMUMto m swam WUMUM* Coatxaotur, lager ilewit una boms rrsicet SO,i ocssplets

She 6VSIJ fcTodlut, project In the Uanr canyon was finished bone Uth, *hc final iwsoeotlon was o«U by ^operintendeat ivou-en», htiar, nd Capos, ?U xroj&et turned eat very veil exam* for a station between cutlone UUC and 1120 where rock mus wasted on the outside road slope, Hie rook swell was greater than figured and no ether pleas was avalable for wasting tide naterial,

*im ebuTttS* has agrsat to «*» so rjumh of t ids waste rook as poe lble on fttture imssasry guard rail work in this Canyon,

Hit old .'etor i iowit onmp site used on ti» byLv grading Job was iaspeetad and found sail fuotury, a fins obliterstien Job was esBpleted an their samp site used far the 3-A3 grading.

final aaeeptarne of the a-13 sradiaf; in the Timer Canyon will net bt usde ontii the i'lrehole bridge mm ld x-altaful larking areas are eoaplttsd,

Sot firehslt Bridge and eld valthful larking rase are progressing satisfactorily, list location and approval of suitable rook for ourb stems end barrier stone has also bean a problem on this eontraot, The Contractor

• i r f U t i XeUowttoae ark, «kme stport, lfi«7

wm m TmiTifi m iuam mu M*jam m mum vr ,

Page 14: MONTHLY NARRATIVE REPORT · Cunt 14, Lamr caoyoa, horor*9 Oapea, baker, (MS final Cuoo 10, haot iatrono* Approach %UL

Ttllnwttcne ivrk* aunt :*part» 1937

finally daalded to go eutaiue too iark went of *aet fellewatoat to secure bio ours etaae* ffho barrier stone or* to ba secured fron t> rook alldt toy loo iOroo creek* Too top toil la olao to cotst froa thia area*

ioot of tha curb atone *»rc been act for th§ packing along tha utla idglevvy in front of OH JUKhful Cone* fbty here started to act curt) atone In tha larking are* adjaaaut to tha inttle fbe board walk at Txoelaier Geyser Seal* ia about SOjS eonpleta* all the parking nrtee hara beam graded and our© atone t i l l ba a st la plana ao rapidly an thia •attrial ia araiable*

tiny hate alto ••art** ejcaar&tiane for the ffrchole 3rldga» Oraabad rack ia be lag pm;«red for tha bridge aoaatracttoa by a sub-ooa-t rector*

i r f i n r a p i m a a i %m a • i m a

Tht Xaa lake—ast Sham* grading bee Wan reviag along aatiafbotory* cicbrlrc of tha Hckt-cfUny ana bfornlng la Tory utur «*HJUte* T)a trading opiraiiona are tolas ahead ysry rnol'ly and should b* rvughtC. out thia fill* la a nutate r of onaes along tha line haary cuts idlea wart rii,ur«d to ba rock hara toraed cat to be dirt exeavatl na* Salt- ales maid Sndlantp that tha Contractor ahoald be able to ooaplata hit rough grading this rail*

raring Baiecni Ticlt wt flcocjsad tit-: Pent ?cnrib nxen with tha hurcnu in ragarda ta the pxopasad dtraloprvut* a have ached the fnrtom to neca: cat certain control dataile for tha r.Mcndnry roafi sod yarklnc area* In front of the prcpoasd ctcre dartfgtpiconU -v« grades chick they hare art for their rain highvay through tic datelaraeat ceem to ba ratbar hiilU ia aararal plants* bf pica to /.alee BOB* studies of this area, and If it aaanc tdrUabls, va mill recusal the bureau to lover their gradttt

itcU n msm mm m umm <. ^ Contractors 8troac on* Cmi reject* 6o> otspletc*

The ooMtrttotioa of the bvldg*. 1c imt&*ealat cock footer than the wrk the Contractor* did laat fall* Tiny plan to be able to allow traffic crar the ctructvjra by the and of tha flret wak cf »bvly* The entire contract will act be ooaplotcd until about ha auddlt cf bugait*

" \ Tha flat! color cf the ctrlngera and hand mila la atll l uadetasvua*

ad* fait vat tar vac dlacuacad vith fcr. ea*er daring hit visit* It lc plaamed to try and natch thaha d rail with the atriag«ura«

tht roodwya and parking araa* in front of the atoms at finking bridge are practically cojaplatc except for oiling* Tha perking arvan Sum mine at tht rich. Hatohary arc also ueorly ocapleta*

Page 15: MONTHLY NARRATIVE REPORT · Cunt 14, Lamr caoyoa, horor*9 Oapea, baker, (MS final Cuoo 10, haot iatrono* Approach %UL

•tllomtona ar*» tyort 'unt, ISOf

iim A yaytfii ifevi &UT T*» Ay *%VAW.-

Coatr rttor* i.nmcftlln Onaat root ion *o# ra^eat *G> Uoanleta*

Sua •urfatoiiitf af tttta roe** a cation la outaylett txotf.t far oiling* 1 1 %m brier* • idU »« apaa. to traffic ay tha 4th of July* Tha paint-lay; af tua ataal apaava *«a atalalng of tat oonortte baa Juat Vata atarttd*

* atai-final laapaatlaa af this work at 11 b« mada with *r* Capta vary ton* to an ortr all aatalla of the alaaarop aad adaa* it ami not alr..:jiiy ta>*a tart of* *»« gantral nirptbrane* of tola ooatratt la vary aatlafaataryt l _ i r t U>t_ AV "> . ;» I V ,' : - «,/-!., : . I;- I f '«>f»V"^f laxM •irfw.v.. i w. »••-,,•„ a. • •> . . , . .«..,•>* . . . i . . * , . . , . . ,w,k.*.4^ wwiinoUr, -• A* aarrla rn>laot« &v» oonplatta

Vula r-rcjaat la aha-plat? op v%r/ fat* *««* fHtwild bt templet ad by tha l*t* of Attest* **11 tha amrfaaiaff h»a *a«a arrpUtd tanai* for a atotlaa of about £00 y*r4a in taa adddla of tr* a* at Ion wa«v«r acmtraot* *?ht olllaa; opentiona hart Vaan la ptog**** for atvrral mtka* *ht obi It ration af old loadu and tha planting of trtaa are alto <rro#yw»alar. la flrat olaaa shop**

aaJioJfrtlrdi.l ithVa f.mvflfra SVO lr*4u t>Jamw*q

A 0<uap UU at tht riOwar valla Utility area **.« approved for the auxll oraw »orkln* under the aoraau force amount lttn for thla pro^-ott Talc work lurolva* laarovlag the dralaan* uadtr lb* clipping rroond below craatnt "ill*

a o iaAaj*a zaMum, maavsn mn UMJL 1* laavny &i**r iiridaa* on June l*th* in o^Aaoj with Maaatrt -^tra*

amkar* ad Oapta tha new propoaed Aft, bridge cro«)l&r, of tht inner *'lrtr wot aiaanaatd on toe tnuod* la daalalona vera reached r*m

fording tha creasing*

£* Tha badlaon Joaoiion Gibbon 'llvtr Bridge and tht Gibbon ilrtr brUara about four nllaa abort :>*4iaon unoticn wart dlaouaacd with Lr* bogtra and Capta* Tha poaalblllty aa to wattnar a by-r*a» road around tht rlrobolt Uaayca antnt affect tin location of tha hodlaoa Juuotloa brldjra not bjwtgbt out dorlnc tht dlaaoasloa* aa definntt aonalualona wart rata bad on thla ,olat* howwvtr* It waa augrytted tint It jalfht be dtalrablt to delay ooxwtruatlan aatll t»4» oould be dttemixifd*

&ha daaltja of tht hodlaoa Juaotlan bndaw ma alto dltcuastd* It la our fttliufi that thla hrt'g? a .uld bf out of taa flue at briigta in tht x'trk baciarjuia af tha ffaaeral oiaonct r of tht ar»a aa It txlet* and alaot boootua of tht foot that Uadlaoa vunotloa la tha altt vten tht amtlonnl -*rk hanlajjpaa orlginttad*

Page 16: MONTHLY NARRATIVE REPORT · Cunt 14, Lamr caoyoa, horor*9 Oapea, baker, (MS final Cuoo 10, haot iatrono* Approach %UL

\wAloMtoat ark. teport Jraw. IK*.

keeping with the deelred ohojweter, aed ihi o»M traotloa of a brio** ehoelcl bt earried oat la tat tamo feeling. «• plan to make ton* 4tatlto for tola •traotui'j to doltattlac «• \vthsr It la pe1*!*!* to iir*nrwr* oa tht nrerent dtaigs.

The Clbboa ?lY*r Irlfbye four nllte abort kodleoa Cuaotlen raa aalo dlaoateed* Mr. Rogers question's the ohaanal ohaaro lrrrolrtd. and alto broufht op th* x£lat of toe allravnairt change union would «fftot a •light out tit*; l»t« the rook cl i ff on the onpooite ale* of the rirtr froa tho riroatnl rood*

la alien* lug thatt two brldfitl further with «r» bctctr, «t ac:ttd that It ooomod Aeelrabl* to pirt other road pro>ot« priority to that atudlts oould be ranee for these tut bridge l i t e* .

3 . Tht trot Thumb Ptwtloprd art* wna titousad oa tht frooad with ua» **»gftrt vuzw) l l t n . farther ttusJloo of tbt area nlcag. tht lino* of the prteeat taater Klaa art to bt tndc for tht roart**y§ ted parkins artoe* it hope to bt able to oeour* «atn frora th* Sextan to that tbt relation of tht armoAair/ road*! m**l ratttins aroao --ay b* wr»tmwl out la oon rtriOtloa with tht fXAdte established tor tht main hlgtrmy now nndor •eJatraf/t.

m warn mm WEM* mssx m* JUJM m ToAfOt frO.i Complete.

Tida project la praoticnlly ootoplttt except for ralnor ooaatruotloa ittaa and tht general cleanup of the arte*

4* Tat 4'lahlttf Bridge ::trtlDr»tfat as prcpoaad by tht Uaattr 9laa aas Alamosaoft dnrlas a :-*;*rtmnt land raining at * ltl4a£ -Jrirtgt «feoe f ib . Tht Rtntr 1 layout ae-:n*<.i to mt>t with irreirybodyt ajpfamwaal. F,t>r*eatlen wero aado to dtwelop* a torapornry oarcp ground in part of tbt aroa thowa for tho houaoktrplafj oabla extension*

5. ?h* road station between tbt 'tut Lntr«Jtod langer station and ia-eseni tor facing Ooatraot on tht Saat Approach ?tot*L wai distrained with Mr* Capet oa June lath. *x» Capes agreed to ratio* furthtr •tudlte oa the aov lino oaat of tht Fifty Hilt Croak Auto Camp.

G. Xbt Uaoyoa *rt« was diaeuteM with lira J»f*«rt. Zha ourtaa If runnlag a P Hat for the Trueough iltjhway* Troy hart btoa fumlahed a copy of proposed layout far this area.

T. The luiirroth Area was alxo litouosod la gtneral. Ctar latest Auto ran*? ?round ilea was dlsouieed in the f ield. Three Comfort ctatloao wore looatod ai ohomn oa the new plan.

Page 17: MONTHLY NARRATIVE REPORT · Cunt 14, Lamr caoyoa, horor*9 Oapea, baker, (MS final Cuoo 10, haot iatrono* Approach %UL

rt Willi ••• T% jvttone wk t Jum "vport* 1931

gam am emcau a—• osa as aaa to& m P*0jatt* 10O» Conplott*

2hia pro J eat tni-nM out fairly well alUoufdi there *»r* a number of nuatakaa wada durlnp oo Retraction* Qm tht oat tide wall faaloc tat Valla aaall ataaa wart aa«l la blewklu* tor tht larger atone of tht wall* Thtte analltr stone show op very plainly fraw tht Lcdfre aids of the Canyon* Actually this i*rtla*l*r fault night hate bean aa Treated by diretting th* »-orK fw-i tht anpoaltt aldt af tht valla* Yhe general appaoiwatae* howevar,blende *tll* end tht work la central turned eat by the rarfc Ornr mat rrj aatltfattory* Tht lea; bridge hat beta ttalaed and painted a ctay aolor to blend tola ttiuoturt with the atone wtirfc* A aaall atom brldgo would hte/t haloed a ortai dtal* but this wat not aonaldtrtd because of expense*

iflOfagflfr'tf *Y-Vttn ibrdJAi ^ u „ i

A temporary wood water stare.;* tank la being treated at tithing arldaw to help tarry the heavy dtrawk! tor this area* yiana hart be a •ubnltted Ajar a tonarete ttawaow tank for thla area*

awmwwtia aawfli aVawV MM

on June 9th wt dlaoaawd with kV* Lord tin propoaad road its. provectnt for tht entra&oe roue to tat ntahltr *!»*» -aw^er . tuUou* bt reoostcjtnded following tht prtteat read tie autint oiwtauAt froa tht oaJLa lilghway to the utatloa* Shis wat agreed to by Mtb Lord*

Tht vurk wtrvlot It oiling the bW.2 otufciow fron tht Lasar Canyon bo Ufda tut It* A general prucr&n of ro d jxpalrlag i t also bring carried out by t i t yarloaa road anapa*

mm ommmjimaMttiL ( lMrti.\W ft\.i> WviiiMiH

The Pining :*ll and Lunch -tow of tht hjuaoth hotel development wat optatd for twain*** June ;<Hh* Tht inuaga aad iottl via*; haa btaa opta for about a wwtlc* although the build lac la wot complete* rxeavatlawa) have boon started for the Btortatiuw .'fell* -Tho Cabin ire* la rapidly alanine up althttuyh they have, not started to construct tablnt*

Canyon aad eld faithful ictolt vtrt opened at usual* tht Lekt Hotel* vnioh hat b^enoloecd for the past four yeart* wat alto opened t int opria*:* At tht Inlet iiottl a tniocrary water ayateti (puawplnt; froai the lake) la bticft installed due to tht »i»rt*e* tf water fron the precast, tytteu*

Page 18: MONTHLY NARRATIVE REPORT · Cunt 14, Lamr caoyoa, horor*9 Oapea, baker, (MS final Cuoo 10, haot iatrono* Approach %UL

Submitted by,

bMurorA m u , u t i « u iftadttftpt Ai*hit««t tad HotftOVi br«fc«, Asrtfttftat ftadaftftpt rowltaot

Jkhao ftgl rollout cat --''.rk, Vane. Atport, 1S£7

Foarttea old ttyU lufc tiara tabic *trt Approved, tor tht I f M itosfttkttplag Carta layout* « • • • were arproTtd en t u tool* of ia» rlooiag the olt teat fro**** ftuHdia^ the MOOT typo noald hart reqairo* fcutftlllaf. ft w tttef ftyttaa and ftlafto thlft layout «1U profefthly W aar«l vltata ft ftw yf«r» thtftt ftftbloft ftua bt aorta very tftftHr*

J.i>cr.tlotu» for too MV Uapormry domitftrttt amd • Oath ho«M ftt tht CftftyoB !.»££# wire ftlto <*?p?orfd* £invla&ft arc- to b# oubaltttd for tlMftt Oxlldlftst, e aa ftoottd that tuttt bftlldlngo bt o*a*treotea of fmue,

ran «* m&in iiviM So ftftjor InpmortGftfttft have both r«*oys«l by tir, Uft/Ui to fftv

thlft ftuooar*

a M ttOBI 19* ^oiwltwrjr ftftd ot<*r« tepjorerwnto at Ca&yoB nyo fcltttot uutx«lcfc*t

A ftvAll hiuitawnt &v* fr-tti, no* n!«vn on the ftpprortd pins*, *s»:< ocutirusttd la th* lowattrjr* Mro* i1ryor dlaftuftatd thio cutter with At out so approval vftui clrta* ftrlftf Ihft ooaotruction of t V bur-*.v.«t thu ;via% MM tolled to iTf^-r^ro fttttattoia ohiafc rftftalttu in tht lot ten to • l i l l ftfliWi

•otftUftotB WSMitk

Wr* HK&llto* haft rorooftted a «{%• fcr A Store and Cws Ctotlw. la th» v«»t *luwb Art*, to piaa to b»v« Dr, aehhtrll trark up akottfcto for tht ftrohitJCtuAl work la thlt AIT A tod napt that oe. raj- \c «h}r to develop* a fttyif of huildloA; ohlftb amy b« tftrrlta thrott aout all tht at* Building** farther *t«4y of tht fcrtft aust at aadt btfort • f 1ml tltft ftfta ho defiaately trt ftaldt for *>• Kwlltoa*

Approval MM £tvta to «t> Hoialltoa to r retail tht roof of bio l i t rftlthfal *Armi»$ ->tl.

Page 19: MONTHLY NARRATIVE REPORT · Cunt 14, Lamr caoyoa, horor*9 Oapea, baker, (MS final Cuoo 10, haot iatrono* Approach %UL

^nid V9Umt*St eporty XWT

ujawji sit mm* JIBE IKT

r*y A# At Cwwud Teton Hattoaal 'ark iwy £A> • • • •

Jxavt 8 t • • • H o\ms 4 V I " • Cons 2 I t " " • •* Juno W , • • " •

MMaaa ss&MEk &a nw* VIM ¥.uirc JU^ I , 'rellsOnary .laws for : wploysas uunrttrw9 litodquartsra Art**

drawn by inward nakiv a. Additions to rrwosnt 'tottdquarUrs Suilclixit,

druvn by toward dra«l» J# KntrsavM lens for ^odqutirtcrsy ceauty inks at r e s t , and i«orth atrasstf

drawn by ciifrsd i l l 4y .Moras «ridg*9 Cottonwood •raek9

drawn by uafcrd t i l l

The wsst&er at a'ats* urinj Junt was aiwllar to that of Xfllowstoncy *ba first two wsaka vsro oold and vet xritha grtat dtal of mow in ths *eton ibs^ey Only t«« lowtr portions of ths trail ay*ten art open because nt ths ns*ry snowSy

Thp awjority of tat work \n:iac curried out by the t%m i s swing dons under "".Q.;» A repart by i-owurd Grsg/; oovsrs a l l indlvldsjtl projects.

Ens "stun trip of coy £1 and "Je, was sads with 1*1 hirls won is spsodlat' ths svvawvsr in xtllov*toncy on this trio wi oortrsdsll Ky'JyWy WjBj JS«1« US l i t t t fA # * t h t VstOO ytWjyOWJUy

Ths Tstrfji trip of owns l a und 49 was ends with Art *.acob-oa9 *or*-tery ^urint bhis v is i t wt covered a l l project* set up for tali mxa&ra w»rV«

Ths v*toa trip of O*M 2£9 an* £39 vs.- --.xi* with 'tounrd cukar during; whloh tint we covered the various problems of the iwrk* Ths Aollowiut; itena wen iluoussed with ths jupertntendewt oaring swkorw v is i t to ths Grand Tttoma*

1# fso rsaldsnos JHS* wsrs approved for ths ^saduusvrtsrs r**# tea* of those) buildings will be oonatrooted by ths plan as drawn for ths

Page 20: MONTHLY NARRATIVE REPORT · Cunt 14, Lamr caoyoa, horor*9 Oapea, baker, (MS final Cuoo 10, haot iatrono* Approach %UL

JBNKUk ..and Teton, done diportt ***""

Chief i t f l ^ n qturttra. The other eai icing wi l l reqmlra ft revleed plan* The liTtliBdnary «;.etohea v«r« ooapleted. by baker aurinv; his i t*y la fellow?tout* *h« sxetehea have been vent to vojahn for working drawinga*

1* dltta for five ooablofttlott ftftiftftw and wood a hods were approved la easnoot Ion with the exist ing and x>n>po:iad guartere la the ^eadgafcvtere •'rwft* The drawings for theaa bulldlnge hare been approved,

3* The roadway • • shown on the ift;>t«r +l*a for the Residential *rea was dieeuAoed* It wat desided that to waay traee would hart to btoat la order to wake any rood change la bank of the ouartero* a alight change of tht road la front of the quarters MM spread, to*

4 , * pica tvs beet, tiriiun for the ad It Ion to the ftdnlnlstrftt Ion Julialog* Tale was discussed with *ir« Ba>*r and .vhitaraft* The Han la being eabw nltted tor approval*

8 , The. equipment shad£ vjtia &A>I dis ousted and subcdttcl for appro van, Vhc looatloa of thla building la MOMJ O-'> tut ..aster ela*

4* Loaatlox-.e for the ntreuoe l^ua t»t --v»dqu»rt«ri, Jtany lake, and the Sorth ntranee were dlrwiaeed rad approv-*'< in the fl"M, The drawing for these SIGXM la being eub:aitt«d for approval •

T* fza) uenny iel:e *evalop«.:d Area wna discussed on the ground with Heescre, HI tarn f t , Hanks, ,ra;:.«r,nrev3r, £««rxwst end daoobaou* '..he general layaat

• f the addition to the ftato Can? f-ronnfl wax approved*

8* The 3it« for the Horse Iriage oroitlof, WAJ dl*aa*sed on the iround, ft drawing for to la bridge hta bern submitted for a /pjov*l*

V* The Horse Goaoeasion layout v-us also :'1Jousted on the ground with dap -art at indent '..'hltomft. It waa agreed that lx- the present owner of the zona aaloa develapee hia builaeaa properly that t i l e unit ahould be anvtd Into the open urea, near the vena/ lake Ant react i'-o&d* >e plan to eaka atudlea for a possible layout on this s i t e .

10* The second Teton CCC G*M$ la loaatad la the meadow beak of the exist ing i*rs# Ooaoesslon xu/out* Thla a l t* w*s approved oa the Hate of **y»

11* The lookout tovwre and m i l s w re discussed in geaeral* further data la aeedtd oa the lookout bowers before site*- aau b* uetaralned*

If* The iawalopwaat of the ;«any maeh Cabin layout by the Tetaa Ladao Cowpany waa dlsousred with **her and Ihitoruft* *a aa*t Mr, Ireenburf; and hr* uoblnaon t t the fanon oad vaxlKtd over the develepwent* They have

Ooastrueted •bout t.'drty new l^g oablna, revieed the dining ball >**& plea tft ant «T • eaall store ad gaa tat I on* The d«velom**wt aa • w>ole laa bean hauvcled i*rj well*

-ubsutted by,

uaaforh m i l , awaUeat iusadeaape ftr«hlt*at

Page 21: MONTHLY NARRATIVE REPORT · Cunt 14, Lamr caoyoa, horor*9 Oapea, baker, (MS final Cuoo 10, haot iatrono* Approach %UL

strong O K s*c*v»'* AqTi\T7i8r»

Grand Teton national Fork


Cost) G.T*N*P* 5 - Cottonwood errlvod in the Park on June 1 ana wee installed in a new campsite located in the meadow near Camp 4 - Jenny Lake* Camp G*T*N*P* 4 arrived in the Park on Me/ 17 to oeoupy the previously uaod campsite at Jenny Lace*

The weathir ouring the f i r at part or th» month was cold and damp and as a whole was- very cttsngro oablo* But during the le t ter part of the month the wo other wnrmod up ae did the spirita oT the boys*

Both camps were under the Acting Suporintondents upfront the ThormopAllo, vyoming camp until the laiddlo of June and without other foremen until that tine also* Consequently l i t t l e work was aooossplishod duidn/s tlmt period* The carps s t i l l ere not up to their quotas of foremen, but ronn are being hired ea rapidly as possible*


Carp 0»?*H*P* 4 - Jenny Lake Project 4 - Landscaping Heodcnuu'tara

Grass seed was sown ovor the barren areas around the headquarters buildings*

Project 67 - Dwellings iknpioyoea • Headquarter a A oraull screw of men has been arsigned to finish up those build inge, vaiich need staining, interior finishing, atone veneor on the foundations, and other minor jobs*

Project 70 - Ihxeeum Alteration - Jenny Lace The alterations to thin building arc practically complete except for the ntaining ofthe exterior* The additional space afforded by tlio addition to the original structure la Doing very offlsicntly use! for exhibit eases*

Project bo* - Rasing structures - $%ui& Lon*r! uoc°arca Smm^1^ ISPmmxtoPJ&m gfoltxy haprovea the appearonce of the nroa*

Project 67 - Rasing Btruoturos - Taggart Lako Rome cowixmt as on project 66*

Project 60 - Road llalnteixenoo - Headquarters to nlxitograas* This road hnu been bleded and the

Page 22: MONTHLY NARRATIVE REPORT · Cunt 14, Lamr caoyoa, horor*9 Oapea, baker, (MS final Cuoo 10, haot iatrono* Approach %UL

Page No* 2 Grand To con V ionul Pork

r u t s f i l l e d In* No other work la ce ntenpl*tod xindor Vhia projec t*

Pro jec t 102 - Development of ciucp Ground - Jenny I^ko All stuwpa which ahow arc or sow marks have boon e i t h e r grubbed or sewed off f lush with the gro>a»d* The loop road, xhidi includor. the area behind the Mueouta enrl artploithor.tor, has boon elonre" and in nor/ romly for surfacing suitoriul* The loop - i l l include aitprorJLtvitoljr t h i r t y new caxrpeifces* All of tlxo numerous old xoods will oh ran on bhe outokir t . , of the c»Ap# t h a t i s between the wain highv/ay andtho ridgo upon which the camp {jroiinrt I s looatod* have been .vorkocl or ox* with picka and the ^•oicncl loosened, up* Aoeesa to thorn linn boon blocked from the sarin rend r.nd the auto cuapi and thoy novo been, topped off with a layer of duff co ob l lbora te the scar ac ranch as p o s s i b l e . The depleted area d i r e c t l y south of tho Huseum and adjacent to tlxe Turk road hnn boor, blocked off with log b a r r i e r s i n ordor tha t r e fo re s t a t ion may toko place*

The ar*ic which ?n;s formerly wood yard - behind end to the nor*Us of Crandal l 'a Photo : hop - i s rocas.rAendod for use as a t r a i l e r corop* with the removal of r few boulders the area w i l l bocono r ead i ly adrpted for ruch \ ise t belngopen alroady vrithout around cover, and well 3croonod from othor por t ions of tlio Auto Orwip,

Tho lnclc of a hrndecapo .1 euw/awn in l>oth camps i s luxixdicf4>ping the work to c. groat ex ten t , but these tochnlcal men a r t 03q;ootod to be hi red ae noon as they bom mo avai lable*

Project 112 - AmpMtheater - Jenny bake No o.'.vor.v.iv'j dev.-lopiant or inrprovenorit i s reoorsTonded undor t h i s project* A few addi t ional sea ts hevo boon tuidod urv! two xrpi-ight poles have been erected to auopond the screen from during i l l u s t r o t o d lootor©o*

Coap G*T#H#P* 5 - Cottonwood

Projoot 74 - f r a i l balntenauoe - An t i r e System This cai.vj iuxn been covering jrtnnt of the lower t r o l l s under th i s p ro jec t ) doing l i g h t grmilng work and oloarlng the t r a i l s of downed timber* dost of the men from t h i s osxap have been U3<xl on th i s p ro j ec t , nhe balance) being re ta ined i n earns on con a tract.ton*

Projoot 29 - Fra i l Construction - Granite Canyon A "spike" oanp has been rxefc up to work on th io project*

Pro jec t 31 - Toot T ra i l - Garnet Canyon Seme Cosrjent as on Projec t 29*

Projoot 79 - Tree Xnaeet Control - Developed Areas tork har. Jus t boon s t a r t ed in cu t t ing t r e e s out of the Eeedquarters area*

Page 23: MONTHLY NARRATIVE REPORT · Cunt 14, Lamr caoyoa, horor*9 Oapea, baker, (MS final Cuoo 10, haot iatrono* Approach %UL

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