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Welcome to Module One: What is Fear? Video One: Important Stuff

Module One of the Fearless Living Training Program is all about building awareness. Awareness about what fear is, how it shows up in our life and what we do and don‟t do about it.

Throughout the module you are going to start noticing fear in your life…and I know that might feel a little scary since, “Wait a minute Rhonda; I see fear for what it is.” Well, I think I am going to offer you a broader view of what fear does to us and how it really works. So this module is all about awareness…open your heart, open your mind. As you start seeing fear, absolutely, you are going to become more Fearless.

This is your first video in Module One and there is some IMPORTANT STUFF you need to know. I am going to ask you to promise some things and I am going to promise some things in return. These promises are going to keep both of us going as we become Fearless.

I absolutely know that where you are in your life right now is going to change. In that area that you want to change, it will.

My job is to help you master your emotional fears, those hidden, invisible, insidious fears that trick you into being less than your best self. For example, fears that perpetuate your worry, doubt and confusion. Fears that give you permission to say words and do things that you would like to forget. Fears that give you permission to judge, isolate and pretend. I know how difficult it can be when fear is trying to get the better of you. I know how that feels. The good news is that you will soon see fear operating in your life. You will be able to get over your fear soon enough because what I know and what you are about to discover is: THIS is YOUR Course. It was designed to help you integrate the material through different channels of learning. You will watch videos, listen to audio chapters of my book, Fearless Living, as well as, if you wish, listen to the audio tracks of the videos themselves. You will also receive full transcriptions of the Course in case you like to read along AND most important, you will be given E-books for each Module that will contain follow-along outlines of each video and includes the Fearbuster Exercises that you will be completing throughout the Course.

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The Fearbuster Exercises are crucial. Those are what I, Rhonda Britten am famous for. I have an ability to create exercises that are unique to the problem at hand. These exercises are designed specifically to help you break through fear week after week after week. So please, do not skip them. I know what you are thinking…“Can‟t I watch the videos, listen to the audios or read…won‟t that be enough.” The answer: NO. The Fearbuster Exercises are the work. They are literally the way in which you will integrate the work into your life. It is the way you take the concepts and make them real to you. We‟ve all heard “the work only works when you work it,” and we all KNOW this. We‟ve all heard some version of “you must do the work to get the results.” And I‟m here to agree. Yes, that is true here too. So please… ASK FOR HELP when you need it. And practice trusting the process. I always tell my clients, just follow the Course, and the Course will start integrating without thought. So let the work, work you. Trust that. So in order for the Course to be the most effective, there are three things I ask of you as we move through the program together. Number 1: Compassion.

As we go through the Course together please, practice having compassion for yourself. I know, I know, for some of you it brings up your Wheel of Fear trigger: Weak, Stupid. And for those of you that do get triggered, and find compassion too sissy or have, up until now, ignored their need for compassion, I want to introduce you to a word that you may not be familiar with. It‟s a scary word for some. The word is GENTLE. Yes, I want you to be gentle with yourself for the next ten weeks. For the next 70 days, compassion and gentle are to be your guiding forces. Anytime, fear tries to be harsh with you - do not fall for it. Be gentle with yourself instead. You are going to be going through a lot of growth, a lot of transformation. You are going to be having insights. You are going to get confused “Wait, is this fear? Is this freedom?” You are going to be finding your path, so please, be gentle, have compassion and let the work, work you.

Number 2: Tell the truth.

Remember, no one is going to see your homework unless you decide to share it with someone. I never have to see it. Your best friend never has to see it. No one will see your answers unless you choose to share it with your Certified Fearless Living Coach or a friend, or me, Rhonda.

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So number two is - you must tell the truth to the best of your ability. During this program you are going to want to fudge and fear is going to say, “She doesn‟t need to know that” and “You don‟t really have to tell the whole story about that,” and “well, that‟s not really important.” Yes, if I ask you a question in the Fearbuster Exercises, it IS important. Tell the truth.

Number 3: Take Responsibility

Take responsibility for what you are doing and what you are choosing not to do. Notice I said “choosing not to do,” because even if you don‟t feel like it, hate to break it to you, you are going to soon find out, that it is a choice, and that it is fear. If you find yourself avoiding the videos, the minute you notice it…“I haven‟t watched a video for 24 hours, I haven‟t watched a video for 3 days,” I want you to grab that computer, click on the next video and watch it for just two minutes. Just two minutes. You can decide to keep watching. You can choose. Or you can answer ONE question on the next Fearbuster Exercise, just one question. You don‟t have to do all five questions or three questions, just answer one. Or pull out the audios and listen instead. If you are in your car, listen to my voice and you know you can always read my words if that works better for you. Put the transcript right next to the toilet. No excuses. „Ya gotta do what ya gotta do!‟ Remember, if anything I suggest seems stupid or silly, that is a judgment and that my friend, is fear.

To review: Number 1: Be Gentle Number 2: Tell the Truth Number 3: Take responsibility and trust the process

Let the work, work you. Let it do its job. How you do that is by doing your part such as watching the videos, or if you prefer, listening to the audios or reading the transcripts and, of course, no matter how you ingest the material, you must complete all the Fearbuster Exercises including the Integration Questions. That IS the work. This is what I promise you:

I promise to give you Fearbuster Exercises that will support you in being more and more Fearless week after week. I promise to give you videos that are informative, educational, insightful, and yes, sometimes even funny.

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I promise that your questions will be answered. But you must ask them first. Regardless of what you‟ve heard about me, I am not a mind reader. Not yet anyway.

Now grab the Fearbuster Exercise entitled “I Promise.” Got it?

Fearbuster Exercise: “I Promise” – Video 1.1 Just repeat after me… I promise to complete each and every Fearbuster Exercise to the best of my ability. I promise to watch each video and complete the quizzes to test my knowledge and comprehension. I promise to practice being present as I watch each video or listen to the audios by being in an environment where I will not be disturbed. I promise that if I get confused or frustrated or lost, I will either watch the video again, listen to an audio recording or ask a question in that modules Forum. And lastly: I promise not to give up on myself for the next ten weeks.

Signature: ___________________________________ Date: _____________

You did it! Now, I want you to grab your pen, sign and date that very important document because this is going to be one of your motivational tools. This Fearbuster Exercise entitled “I Promise” is going to be one of your main tools to support you. Post this exercise somewhere that you can read it regularly. I want you to read it daily. It‟s amazing how one minute you don‟t feel like doing a thing and then you read those statements and feel motivated to get going. I love that. So if you ever just want to give up, the first thing you must do is reread the promises to yourself, because this is what you promised yourself, not me. Look, I will make a deal, you can give up on yourself in ten weeks but give these ten weeks to me and devote yourself to the Fearless Living Training Program. Remember, this has worked for thousands of people. It doesn‟t give up on you. Don‟t give up on it. And I promise I will be here every step of the way. Heck, what do have to lose but fear!

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Are you ready for your next Fearbuster Exercise? It‟s called Fear Journal, and your Fear Journal is how you feel about fear, right now. There is good news: There is no wrong answer, ever, to any of the Fearbuster Exercises, because YOU are the only one that knows how fear shows up in your life. Grab a pen and let‟s do this one together… I want you to answer the following questions using the first thing that comes to mind. You don‟t have to sit and contemplate what the right answer is because remember, there is no right answer. It‟s just what is going on right now in your life. I am going to read the question and you can read along. Print off and grab page 7 of this document entitled Fearbuster Exercise: Fear Journal. Be sure to fill it out as we go. At any time, feel free to pause the video if you need more time. Let‟s begin. Question 1: What does fear mean to you?

What is coming up for you right now? What immediately comes to mind? Write it down. Question 2: Where does fear show up in your daily life?

I know some of you are thinking to yourself “well I don‟t know anything about fear because I haven‟t taken the course yet, and I don‟t know what I am supposed to answer…” No. Where do you think fear shows up in your life right now? Go ahead, write down whatever comes to mind. Remember there are no wrong answers.

Question 3: What are you most afraid of?

Remember no one is going to see this. You do not have to share this with anyone. Examples: Are you afraid of being homeless? Are you afraid that no one really

loves you? Are you afraid that you are never going to get the career you want? Are you secretly afraid that you are never going to lose that weight and you are always going to feel unattractive, unhealthy and not proud of yourself? Are you afraid that no one is really going to help you when you are down? Are you afraid you aren‟t going to have enough money to retire? Are you afraid that you are never going to be able to put your kids through school? Are you afraid you screwed up your kids and ruined them for life? Are you afraid you can never get your wife, husband, mate or lover back? Are you afraid that you are secretly going to be alone even if you are married or with someone? Are you afraid that you are never going to get this?

What are you most afraid of? Just write it down.

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Question 4: Identify the color and shape of fear?

You can draw something here if you would like such as a shape, or you can write a color. You can also stop the video to go get some crayons. Crayons are really good for this course, so you might want to keep some near you as you work through each exercise. Write down a shape or scribble a color and shape of fear. Whatever comes to mind, there is no wrong answer.

Question 5: Where in your body does fear live and manifest itself?

What that might mean, for example, is extra weight. Maybe you always get a stomach ache, or your knee hurts. Or perhaps whenever you are stressed you get a headache, your shoulder aches, or you keep tripping. Where does your body feel like it is not cooperating with you? Where does your body feel like it is not fluid? Where is your body rigid and not flowing in your life? Where are you mad at your body? So where in your life does fear live- do you get a stomach ache, a headache, a back ache? What happens? Go ahead and write it all down, whatever you can remember. And remember you can always go back and add to your answers later. Write down what you can right now.

Question 6: What do you get when you choose fear in your life?

I know some of you are thinking “Rhonda, I didn‟t choose fear! You told me it was tricky, and insidious! I don‟t even know it is happening.” Yes that is true and yet you also know that sometimes you choose fear. You choose to ignore, you choose to hide, and you choose to pretend. Those are symptoms of fear. So where in your life are you choosing fear? What do you get when you choose fear?

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Fearbuster Exercise: Fear Journal – Video 1.1

1. What does fear mean to you?

2. Where does fear show up in your daily life?

3. What are you most afraid of?

4. Identify the color and shape of fear.

5. Where in your body does fear live and manifest itself?

6. What do you get when you choose fear in your life?


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You have just completed two Fearbuster Exercises; “I Promise” and the “Fear Journal”. Remember, you can always add to your answers as you find out more and more about fear. You can always come back to the “Fear Journal” Fearbuster Exercise. For now, this is a good indication of how fear shows up. The Fear Journal you just filled out is the beginning of Fearless Living. Now you may refer to this exercise again and again as we move through the Fearless Living Training Program. I want to get to video 2. Let‟s find out how, and what, fear actually is…. Please meet at Video 2. REMINDER: Be sure to complete the Fearbuster Exercise: Integration Questions before beginning the next video. You can find this exercise on the next page below.

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Fearbuster Exercise: Integration Questions – Video 1.1

REFLECT: Ask yourself… How could your life change if you fully invested in the Fearless Living Training Program? REFLECT: Ask yourself… What could get in the way of you fully investing? REFLECT: Ask yourself… Name three things you are willing to practice (or do) in order to invest more fully? 1. 2. 3. REFLECT: Ask yourself… If you practiced these three things, how could your life change?

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Welcome to Module One: What is Fear? Video Two: What is Fear?

Welcome to “What is Fear?” This video is about the origins of fear and how the brain and body all work together to keep us stuck and safe. Remember fear has a job: to keep you safe. And the body and brain have something to do about that. I‟m going to show you how. Once you understand the process of how fear works in our body and brain, I bet you are going to feel some relief. So, get ready to let go of some guilt and shame. Let me introduce you to how fear, the brain and body work together. When I figured out that fear was the culprit behind all my bad moods, poor decisions and lack of self-confidence I wanted to learn everything I could about it. Here‟s some of what I learned:

1. FEAR is one of our most PRIMAL survival mechanisms. 2. The body‟s reaction to fear is the SAME whether it‟s a PHYSICAL or EMOTIONAL

threat. 3. The hippocampus stores REAL or PERCEIVED threat signals in long-term memory. 4. The brain responds to potentially dangerous stimuli BEFORE it has all the facts. 5. The brain is programmed to detect dangers routinely experienced by our

ANCESTORS and those learned about by each of us INDIVIDUALLY. 6. Our ability to ERASE the memories of fear is HIGHLY UNLIKELY.

Okay, wait a minute! You might be thinking what I was thinking: “I don‟t have a chance.” I mean, how is anyone supposed to figure out how to change their life when fear responds with a hair trigger to perceived or real threats? Think about it: Any new action we take, heck any new thought, has an element of risk right? We don‟t know if we will be successful at it. We don‟t know what others will think. We don‟t know how our life will change if we fall in love, shift our job or lose weight. We all know life has no guarantees but we want them, don‟t we? We fantasize what it will be like. We talk about what it might be like. We might even do research on how it was for others before us when they started putting themselves first. But

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YOUR body and brain aren‟t convinced it‟s going to turn out okay and it doesn‟t know for sure if you will be safe because any new thought or action is still the UNKNOWN. Fear of the Unknown. According to all the research, once you even think about stepping into the UNKNOWN, fear will be activated. Here‟s what happens: The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) system in your brain releases chemical messengers, mainly dopamine and adrenaline. The HPA also triggers an outpouring of the hormone cortisol (We‟ve all been hearing about cortisol and how it relates to weight gain. It is a „stress‟ hormone) and that in turn activates a small, almond-shaped area of the brain called the amygdala. Your blood sugar and blood pressure rise steeply to give you a burst of energy. Your digestive system shuts down so you can use that energy either to meet the threat head-on or run away from it. This is a well-known fight or flight response described by William B Cannon. Later on freeze was added to the equation.

FIGHT, FLIGHT or FREEZE. That‟s what the brain does when fear is activated. And here‟s a secret that no one tells you…your fight, flight and freeze responses are unique to you… Your fight response might not be running away physically. It might be putting someone else down, or starting a ruckus at the coffee shop about the price of coffee, or having an internal wrestling match with your own thoughts. Your flight response might be blaming someone else for your problem, or comparing yourself to someone else, or walking away from a job or person because you don‟t feel comfortable anymore. And your freeze might be confusion, or ignoring, or denying, or pretending…it‟s not so simple is it? Every negative experience, both yours and those of your ancestors, however fleeting, can be a lesson in fear that is well-learned by our subconscious minds. The result can be an all-too-familiar heart-racing, palm-sweating, and wanting to run away experience. As well as suppression of the immune system and other activities in the area of the brain concerned with short-term memory, concentration, inhibition, and rational thought. Think about what I just said: fear affects our ability to concentrate. It affects our short-term memory. It affects our immune system. It affects our digestion and it affects our rational thought. When this happens on a daily basis over many years, mental, emotional, and physical health are clearly in jeopardy and so is our ability to function at peak capacity and the simple ability to enjoy life. This is where Fearless Living comes in.

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We have something that can change all this and it is called “consciousness,” which is our ability to be aware. When we become aware of how fear is running our lives and what our fears are, we then have the power to break free of our conditioning and make choices about how we behave. I want to repeat myself. When we become aware of how fear is running our lives and what our fears are, we are no longer at the effect of fear. Both of those things we are going to find out in the Fearless Living Training Program. We are going to discover how fear is running your life, that you don‟t see right now. The insidious, unconscious, invisible way it sneaks into your life, and we are going to find out what your core fear is. When you know those things, you then have the power to break free of your conditioning and make choices, take your power back, and decide how you choose to behave. Otherwise, your unconscious mind and conditional thoughts and actions will make your choices for you. And that will make us feel that all-too-familiar feeling that we are just hamsters going around and around on a wheel. Also note that those hamsters are usually in cages. Oh so not fun! My definition of fear:

Fear is both the cause and effect of the feelings, thoughts, or actions that prohibit you from accepting yourself and realizing your full potential. It stands between you and your ability to go anywhere you like, do anything you want and meet anyone you please. To help you stay safe, fear motivates you to hide your essential nature by thwarting your ability to express yourself truthfully.

Abraham Maslow described this in his classic work, Psychology of Being, as:

“This kind of fear is defensive, in the sense that it is a protection of our self-esteem...We tend to be afraid of any knowledge that could cause us to despise ourselves, or to make us feel inferior, weak, worthless, evil, shameful...We also tend to avoid personal growth because this, too, can bring another kind of fear...This is the struggle against our own greatness...Thus to discover in oneself a great talent can certainly bring exhilaration but it can also bring a fear of the dangers and responsibilities...The moment of fright is understandable, but it must be overcome.”

According to fear, you have got to conform, constrict and condemn. Conform yourself to what you think you “should” be doing or be like. Constrict yourself in some way so that you or others don‟t find you unacceptable. Condemn others who are out of the norm since they do not belong and may influence you in a way that frightens you. So you see how fear is the both the cause and effect…it is the thing that motivates you to stay a certain way and yet it also is the effect of that motivation. Fear causes it and it is also the result of it…because if fear had its way with you it would always choose safety, always and forever. That is fear‟s job, to keep you safe.

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Fear‟s number one job is to guard you against any negative feelings that would confirm your worst fear – you are not good enough. Fear has a job. Love has a job. Joy has a job. Every feeling has a job to support you. Fear‟s job is to keep you safe, but that type of safety keeps you stuck. BECAUSE…Fear is the gatekeeper to your comfort zone; your comfort zone is whatever is familiar to you. But how satisfying is safe all the time? Now, it‟s nice to feel safe. There‟s nothing wrong with wanting to feel safe. We want to feel emotional and physical safety. Those are not bad things to want. But fear – remember all those perceived and real threats, as well as our ancestors - fear makes decisions before it has all the facts. Well, the safe it‟s trying to make us feel is impossible to keep.

Fear keeps us from feeling alive and from being true to our self when there‟s a danger of not being accepted, approved, or understood. So what does this mean in practical terms… Your personalized version of fear, what I call your Wheel of Fear, was created by your family heritage, your belief systems and your life experiences. Fear added it all up and created your personal Wheel of Fear. Let me explain it a little bit differently…

You are one years old and you are hungry. You cry. Your mom has the bottle and she is coming over to you with it. You see your mother and immediately stop crying. But then the doorbell rings. In that moment, your mother, along with the bottle, goes and answers the door. Your response: you start crying again. In that moment, unconsciously of course, you learn that you aren‟t always fed when you are hungry. And your mom thinks the doorbell is more important than you. So you put on a pair of sunglasses because you don‟t want to see your mom walk away with the bottle. You put on a sweater because it hurts your heart that your mom walked away. You put on another sweater because your stomach hurts because you are so hungry. Now you are in kindergarten. It‟s the first day of school. Your mother has told you if you listen to the teacher, eat your snack, and take your nap, that you will be doing something special with mommy and daddy. You are so excited because you ate your snack and took your nap. Oh boy, you drew a special picture and you can‟t wait to show your mom and dad. The bell rings. You run

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out of class. You look around for your mom. You see her and start running. But, little Johnny is excited too and he starts running towards his mom with his picture. And the two of you collide. You fall on your picture and it rips in two. You start crying. You put on another pair of sunglasses because it hurts to see that picture ripped. You put another sweater on because your heart is broken. Your knees got all scraped up on the cement so you put on a big pair of pants because you don‟t ever want to scrape up your knees again. Depending on how your mother reacted, you might add more layers. Now, you‟re twelve years old and you are in junior high school, talking to your friends in the bathroom hiding out from the teachers. You say something and they look at you and shout, “That was really stupid.” You are embarrassed and ashamed. You blurt, “I knew it was stupid, I was just kidding.” You go sit in the stall and wait for them to leave. You put on another sweater because it hurt your heart to be called stupid. You feel like a fool so you put on a pair of earmuffs because you don‟t want to hear your friends call you stupid ever again. And now we‟re 22 years old and 36 years old and 47 years old and 55 years old and we have 63 pairs of sunglasses on, 92 sweaters, 83 jackets on top of that, 105 pairs of pants and we think we are free.

See that is how fear has taken over: choice by choice, moment by moment to protect yourself, unconsciously and invisibly. You put on the layers and you don‟t even know they are on you. During the Fearless Living Training Program you are going to start whipping off those layers. And you know what happens when you start taking off your layers of clothes? Think about it. When you are all bundled up and start taking sweaters or jackets off and a breeze blows- fear comes by, what do you do? You wrap yourself up even more tightly. You want to keep those layers on. That‟s why every time you have tried to break through your fears you ended up wrapping them around you even tighter. Do you see how silently, secretively, insidiously fear came upon you without you even knowing it? Layer upon layer. And you have come to believe those sweaters are who you are. That‟s why your negative self-talk is so convincing. It was with you every step of the way, every moment of your life. Those sweaters are not you.

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During the Fearless Living Training Program we are going to shed those layers so you can feel your real self again. Start experiencing yourself as you were meant to. That‟s why, for many of us, a crisis is the only way we face our fears because it is so scary to take off those coats...maybe we‟ve known we have wanted to change some area of our life for sometime but we haven‟t quite done it…that‟s normal. When any type of crisis hits…we get to the point where we can‟t bare the norm one more minute…that is good news…because then we are MORE willing to do what is necessary to change regardless of how uncomfortable it feels. It doesn‟t have to be as earth shattering or as dramatic as my story. It could simply be you are ready. You are ready to become fearless. You are ready to take off those coats. You are ready to shed that fear. I know if you are watching this video right now YOU ARE READY. CONGRATULATIONS!! I look forward to meeting you at the next video… REMINDER: Be sure to complete the Fearbuster Exercise: Integration Questions before beginning the next video. You can find this exercise on the next page below.

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Fearbuster Exercise: Integration Questions – Video 1.2

REFLECT: Ask yourself… Write down the reasons you are taking the Fearless Living Training Program. REFLECT: Ask yourself… Is there a problem you are trying to solve? If yes, what is it?

REFLECT: Ask yourself… What are some actions you have taken or thoughts you have had when you have wanted to fight?

Have you ever picked a fight with your mate?

Started complaining about anything or anything?

List some of the ways your „fight‟ response has shown up when you‟ve been triggered.

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Fearbuster Exercise: Integration Questions (Continued) – Video 1.2

REFLECT: Ask yourself… What are some actions you have taken or thoughts you have had when you have wanted flight?

Have you said no to an event before you knew anything about it? Left a party early with a made up excuse?

List some of the ways your „flight‟ response has shown up when you‟ve been triggered:

REFLECT: Ask yourself… What are some actions you have taken or thoughts you have had when you have felt frozen?

Have you ever said “I don‟t know” to a question because you felt pressured or stupid? Have you ever been confused and not sure how to answer, or what to do?

List some of the ways your „freeze‟ response has shown up when you‟ve been triggered:

REFLECT: Ask yourself… Write down one insight, awareness, „ah-ha‟ moment you have had while watching, listening or reading What is Fear? Video. How could this insight, awareness, ah-ha moment change your life?

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Welcome to Module One: What is Fear? Video Three: Being Willing Makes You Able

Welcome to the Video: "Being Willing Makes You Able." This video is all about obtaining and expanding your willingness to shift, grow and change. Now I know you're ready because you're right here with me, but I want to open up your willingness. I want you to have even more willingness, to have more insights, more „ah-ha‟ moments, more shifts in perception and behavior. Let's get to work. So have you embodied a little bit about "What is Fear" and how that brain works? All the ways that fear tricks you and traps you? Well, now let's talk about how "being willing makes you able." Because when someone comes to me for personal, private one-on-one coaching I'm looking for two things: are they willing and are they ready. We've already determined that you're ready because you are here with me. Let‟s determine your willingness. This is what willingness means: Your willingness to see things differently. Are you willing to experience new ideas? Are you willing to listen to people with new ears? Are you willing to accept compliments and praise? Are you willing to admit fear has been making your decisions in the area where you've been less than happy? Are you willing to shift and move and change to open up to true permanent transformation? I'm not a fan of temporary change. I like permanent change. Warning! Even if you are super willing, I want to let you in on a secret: Your resistance to change is a symptom of how strong a hold fear has on you. Let me say that again, your resistance to change is a symptom of how strong a hold fear has on you. I want to ask you right now: what is it that you aren't willing to change? I want you to see what thoughts pop up in your head. Check out what's going on in that brain of yours. So if you had to change your entire life - now, I'm not saying you have to, that's not where I'm going, but would you be willing to change anything? Ask yourself: Where is my resistance? Could you change your career? What you do for a living? Change how much money you make? Change the love in your life or the lack of love in your life? Or the friends you have

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or the friends you don't have? Where are you like, "I'm not gonna change that. No way." As we go through the Fearless Living Training Program I want you to pay attention to your resistance. Resistance can show up many ways. It can show up by you deciding to not watch the video, or do your Fearbuster Exercises. It can show up by you not really wanting to do more, not „feeling‟ like it, maybe not reaching out, not asking a question. I want you to be very attentive to your resistance while we go through this program because your resistance is going to let you know how important what you are about to do is. If it wasn't important, you wouldn't have resistance. I really want you to get that. So if you are resistant, it's probably really important. We've all heard the definition of insanity haven't we: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. That's how fear tricks us. It tells us to try harder, not something different. It tells us, if we were just better, not that we might be heading in the wrong direction. If fear has convinced you to try harder and just be better, I know how that feels. In the past, I used to say to myself, "I should know better, why can‟t I figure this out, what's wrong with me." The thought of trying anything new felt like a risk, almost impossible. That is, if I could think of something because fear makes our brains go numb. Remember that fight, flight, or freeze? Have you ever been in a meeting and your boss asked a question of you and you couldn‟t come up with an answer right then and there? You froze, right? That's fear. If your loved one tells you something wonderful for the first time in a long time and you just stare into space, that's fear. I want to point out that fear comes up during the good moments of your life and in the not-so-good moments of your life. I had a client who has been married over 20 years. They've been working on their marriage since she'd been working on the Fearless Living Training Program with me. Her husband is not big on compliments. Last week, as she was walking through the kitchen he looked at her and said, "Wow, you're so beautiful." Now, my client has been dying to hear her husband say, "You're so beautiful.” She‟s been telling me, “He never compliments me. He never mentions that he finds me attractive.” So here's her husband, whose she's dying to hear this from and he looks at her - out of the blue - and he hasn't said this for years, "Wow, honey, you are so beautiful." You know what my client does? She says nothing. She doesn't even get a “thank you” out.

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She freezes. Remember what I talked about in one of the last videos, be gentle with yourself? One of the promises I asked you to make is be gentle with yourself. Yes? Because in these moments - this is a beautiful thing that happened to my client, yes? But when her husband told her she was beautiful, she froze. She starts analyzing it. “What does this mean?” she says to herself. In our next session, she told me what happened. “What did you do?” I asked. “I didn‟t know what to do,” she answered. “Did you say thank you?” “No.” “Did you go up to him and rub his back or give him a hug?” “No.” “Did you kiss him?” “No.” “Okay, lets come up with lots of ways to express how you really feel so next time you get a compliment from your husband, you know what to do.” That‟s one of the things we are going to do in the Fearless Living Training Program. You are you going to come up with things beforehand so that when things happen, you don't freeze. Because fear will always freeze your brain when it's a big important thing. I want you to notice fear doesn't just come up when something "bad" happens it can come up when something "good" happens, too. Review: When the Wheel of Fear is on patrol, yes, sometimes we can't think of anything new and different. That's why brainstorming in a group is so critical. That's why brainstorming with your Fearbusters is so important. So if you're by yourself and trying to come up with a bunch of new ideas for something in any area you've never explored before, you might just go blank. You're not crazy, you're not stupid, and you‟re not weak. It's just how fear works.

Note: We will be talking about Fearbusters and Fear Junkies in the modules ahead. We are going to talk about how to build a support team. Right now, as we go through the program, I want to remind you, that as you are recognizing your fear responses – as you‟re recognizing fear - and you don't know what to do, that's okay. We'll come up with some ideas together as we move through the program.

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Just take a breath and get out a nice thank you and put a smile on your face, that's absolutely wonderful. That's a good thing. And if somebody says something to you that‟s not so pleasant, you might just say... that hurts. You might try that. Again, you're not crazy or stupid if you freeze; it's a symptom of fear. Risk is inherent in any of our changes. And it is absolutely part of the equation. Remember during the videos you've already seen, before you purchased the Fearless Living Training Program, you saw the "Stretch, Risk and Die" video. Well, one of the bonuses I am going to give to you in this module is the longer version of "Stretch, Risk or Die." I want you to start recognizing how in this program, every week, as you start experiencing fear you are going to stretch, risk and yes, feel like a little bit of dying. Now, that's the good part. Because you're dying to your old self, you‟re dying to those old ideas and what is really dying is fear- is judgment, is worry, is stuck, is struggle, is pain, is your version of "I'm not good enough." I hear some of you say, "But Rhonda I will take more risk. I just need more courage and more confidence." I have a secret for you. Confidence doesn't come first. Risk does. Confidence is a result of risk, so as you take risks, you build confidence. If you don't take risks, you don't get any confidence. Confidence is a result. Now, I'm not telling you to go and do some “Dies” right now. Remember, we want to practice stretching then risking then moving out to some dies. You'll never do all of them either. That‟s not the point. Right now, I want you to focus on brainstorming and getting as many ideas as you can, and then doing what you can step-by-step-by-step. I invite you to watch "Stretch, Risk and Die" Bonus Video. I will see you at the next video. REMINDER: Be sure to complete the Fearbuster Exercise: Integration Questions before beginning the next video. You can find this exercise on the next page below.

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Fearbuster Exercise: Integration Questions – Video 1.3

REFLECT: Ask yourself... What area/s in your life, in the past, have you had the courage to take risks? What risks did you take? REFLECT: Ask yourself… Do you feel capable of taking those same risks now? What‟s changed? REFLECT: Ask yourself… What area of your life, in the present, are you not actively taking risks? What reason/s do you use not to take risks in that area? REFLECT: Ask yourself… If you could take risks when needed, no matter how scary it was, how would your life change?

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Welcome to Module One: What is Fear? Video Four: Perceptions and Filters

Welcome to “Perceptions and Filters.” Remember, this module is all about building awareness about how fear works in your life, the process of fear, perceptions and filters. The way in which we see the world, how we filter, what we see in the world is either motivated by fear or motivated by freedom. If you don‟t see fear, fear could be motivating your perceptions and filters without you even knowing it. We all have perceptions, i.e. the way in which we see the world. I perceive one thing, you perceive another. We can get really practical about it, can‟t we? We all know that if there is a car accident, and there are 10 witnesses, all 10 witnesses have a different perception. Two people arguing in a restaurant. We overhear it. We have different perceptions about what‟s happening. We see two people that are kissing in the corner. We might have different perceptions seeing the same scene. Perceptions that we have, come from where? Yes, our fear most likely. Sadly, many times we „think‟ it is coming from a fearless perspective, but for many of us and in many areas of our life, it actually comes from our fear. And remember what fear wants to do? Fear wants to keep us safe. Then based on that desire to be safe, we perceive the world a certain way in order for us to keep the illusion, and I do mean the illusion, of safety. How did those perceptions happen? They occur through our filtering systems. And now, how do you and I get our filtering systems? We get our filtering systems from our past. We get them from our parents. We get them from our life experiences, again from our experiences on our Wheel of Fear. Our perceptions are based on our filtering system. Our filtering system is created from our belief system. When I have certain belief systems that keep my fear in place that is where fear has its hold on me. Now, those places that I‟m fearless, I have a much wider perception, more ability to see other people‟s perceptions, other people‟s opinions. I see the world differently. When you‟re stuck in a fear-based mentality, your filter gets very, very small, and rigid. Then you can only see things one way and one way only. And, many times, you don‟t like

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other people‟s perceptions. You don‟t like to hear other people‟s opinions. They‟re stupid. Your judgment comes up. Let me share a story with you. Two people are walking through the same airport at the same time. One person‟s belief system is that strangers are grumpy, not very friendly. The other person believes that strangers are welcoming, inviting and polite. Now remember, they‟re going through the same airport at exactly the same time. Now, the person with the belief system that thinks the world is unsafe, that people are grumpy and unfriendly, what do you think she or he sees when she or he walks through the airport? What do you think she or he encounters? What about the person who has the belief system that the world is friendly and polite, and that a stranger is just a friend they haven‟t met yet? How do you think they walk through the airport? How do you think he or she interacts with strangers? I want you to think about yourself, when you‟re in that airport. What do you believe? What do you do? If somebody is nice to you, then are you nice back? Are you reacting or are you choosing? For instance, if somebody is short with you and rudely takes your money and shoves your diet drink in your hand, are you grumpy back? Remember, when you are reactive, you are in fear. Now, this is the trick, this is how fear tricks you into believing that your perceptions and filters are true, are right. Because let‟s face it, you like being right don‟t you? I like to be right. Being right is awesome, isn‟t it? I mean we get to say, “I‟m right, I‟m right, I‟m right.” Fear has a secret weapon. It knows you like to be proven right. And, because it knows you like to be proven right, human beings, you and I, we are experts at building evidence against ourselves and for fear. We are experts at building evidence to uphold our fear-based beliefs. And, those fear-based beliefs create our filtering system that influences our perceptions. When you are fearless – here are some examples of being fearless. Other people‟s opinions don‟t rattle your cage. You don‟t look at them and say, “That‟s stupid. That‟s a dumb thing.” You‟re okay with somebody else having an opinion different than yours. You don‟t have to agree with them or disagree with them. They can have their own opinion and you can have your own opinion. It is called being open-minded. When you are reactive and in fear, you are building evidence that you are right; that your belief system is right, that your perceptions are right, and the way that you live your life is right. Because again, we all like to be right, and how we live our life is we want to be right about it.

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It‟s one of the reasons change is so hard by the way. It‟s because we like to be right so much, we build so much evidence about being right, that if we want to change our life in any way, some part of us has to admit, that maybe we are wrong. It doesn‟t have to be right or wrong, but that‟s what fear says. Fear says, “Well, you know, if you change that, then that means you are wrong. You‟ve been wrong a long time, and you‟ve been telling everybody the wrong thing, and oh, by the way, people are not going to like that.” A lot of people know they want to shift something. They have a real heart‟s desire to shift something in their life, but they don‟t do it, because the fear of being seen as somebody, who has been wrong, sadly, feels worse than the benefits of the changes it would take to feel more true to themselves. So, what is your filtering system telling you? What is your belief system? How does that affect your filter? What does it do to your filtering system? Take a second and jot down your immediate response to the questions above. Remember, your belief system determines how you filter, which determines how you see in the world. Because every moment of every day, every second - there‟s some ridiculously high number like, our eyes, and our brain, and our body take in 72, 000 things in one second. So, if you and I are walking through the airport, and we both see 72,000 things, we‟ve got to make decisions. And, our belief system determines what we see and what we don‟t. We all have belief systems, and belief systems are normal and natural as human beings. Our belief systems tell us what to stand for and then we feel good, because we have something to believe in. That gives us some sense of center.

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Now is the time we must be willing to see if our belief systems are being run by fear or being run by freedom. Remember: belief systems run by fear make us closed, disconnected, feel victimized, feel like we‟re not loved, not appreciated, that we aren‟t safe out there. Now, I know that you might have had experiences in the past that made you feel that way. And, fear tells you that what was true in the past will be true now, and that is a lie. That is a lie. Freedom-based belief systems: I can believe in something. I can have a religious belief or a political belief or a belief about the weather, and you can have yours. I‟m not threatened by yours. I don‟t have to decide that yours are wrong, and I don‟t have to make you wrong or bad for having your beliefs. If I have a fear-based filtering system, I have to make you wrong and shame you for your beliefs, because they threaten mine. Fear-based beliefs give us permission to be more rigid. Freedom-based, I‟m flexible. I can have my beliefs, and, you can have yours. That‟s freedom. And, that‟s a Fearless World™. You can believe what you believe; and it doesn‟t impact me. What do you believe? And, are you more interested in being right or happy? Are you more interested in being right or free? Are you more interested in keeping your past evidence in place or changing your mind and seeing yourself differently? Are you more interested in staying right or actually accepting yourself fully and completely? It‟s your choice. Fear or freedom every day. This module is about building awareness. And, that‟s what I invite you to do. Build awareness about your beliefs and start seeing your perceptions for what they are. So then, you have the power to change them, if you choose. I‟ll see you at the next video. REMINDER: Be sure to complete the Fearbuster Exercise: Integration Questions before beginning the next video. You can find this exercise on the next page below.

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Fearbuster Exercise: Integration Questions – Video 1.4

REFLECT: Ask yourself… Do you believe the world is for you or against you? REFLECT: Ask yourself… How does that belief help you or harm you? REFLECT: Ask yourself… Name three beliefs you have that have stunted your ability to grow? REFLECT: Ask yourself… Name three beliefs that support you in taking risks and growing? REFLECT: Ask yourself… If you had to name your filtering system, what name would you give it? In the past, my filtering system was “me against the world.” Now, my filtering system is “bring it on.” Name yours:

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Welcome to Module One: What is Fear? Video Five: Thriving, Not Surviving.

Welcome to our last video in Module One: “Thriving, Not Surviving.” Remember, the theme of Module One is Building Awareness. The fact that you are here with me now, joining me on this video, I want to say - Congratulations! You have done a lot of work this module and I just want to say, "Yes, WOW!" I really want you to take that compliment in because you are doing good work. Just listening to these videos, being willing to do the Fearbuster Exercises, is already shifting your insides. It's literally shifting the atoms in your cells. Remember that fear thing - the way our body and brain work with fear - the fact that you are seeing it, is already changing it. You are going to start seeing results very soon, if not already. So many people, when they first start working with me, just understanding how fear works starts shifting the hold fear has on them. I am knowing, right now, that you've been having some shifts in awareness and your mind is being opened and you're actually starting to see things a little differently. And you're also probably calling yourself on the carpet, because you're probably seeing how fear has run your life. Remember what I asked you when we started this Course together, about compassion and gentleness? Self-acceptance is what I ask for. We've all been through the negative self-talk - I could've been better, you could have been better - but remember we didn't know better. No one taught us about fear. You're innocent and I'm innocent. No one told us any of this. If we read about fight, flight and freeze in a psychology book back in high school or college, it didn't apply to us. We weren't getting into fist fights, and we weren't running out the door. We didn't understand how it literally applied to our everyday life. How it showed up in coffee shops and in our relationships, and in our work environment. We didn't know how subtle that fight, flight and freeze is. This video is called Thriving, not Surviving, because as we determined, in that area of your life that you are starting to make some shifts, you might have felt you were just surviving in that area. You may have felt like you were making do. Even if you are successful every place else in your life, in that area, you might be feeling frustrated and have some heartache. Well, I want you to thrive not only in all those other areas, but I want you to thrive in all the areas of your life including this one. So time for another Fearbuster Exercise.

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In this Fearbuster Exercise, you are going to start dismantling the fears that have been keeping you from thriving by noticing them first. Your dedication and commitment to this Course will support you in blossoming in your life. I absolutely know this. Think of the last 24 hours. What percentage of those hours were spent just surviving? Now before I start going through the list, I want to be sure you have this Fearbuster Exercise in front of you. On top it says “Surviving versus Thriving”. Do you have it? What we are going to do together is I am going to read them, and you are going to see a place to make a checkmark next to each sentence. If you've been doing this, I want you to take responsibility and I want you to check it off. If you haven't been doing it, great, leave it blank. When we get into Thriving, you are going to do the same thing. I want to repeat myself, have the Fearbuster Exercise “Surviving versus Thriving” out and ask yourself: What percentage of the last 24 hours have you spent surviving?

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Fearbuster Exercise: Surviving versus Thriving – Video 1.5

Surviving looks like: ____Settling ____Waiting for the other shoe to drop ____Hiding out from other people ____Doubting yourself ____Not allowing anyone to really get to know you ____Friends are really like enemies ____Waking up dreading next 24 hours ____Complaining ____Saying yes when you want to say no ____Giving up on yourself ____Putting your needs last ____Holding yourself back ____Not speaking up ____Wishing things were different ____Calling yourself stupid ____Not questioning authority ____Holding a grudge ____Blaming ____Being unwilling to the rock the boat ____Drinking too much ____Doing things because you think you have to, need to, or should ____Hoping someone will take you away from all of this ____Worrying

____Holding yourself back from whistling, giggling, or singing ____Making excuses ____Not asking for support ____Spending money you don‟t have ____Comparing yourself ____Unwilling to love first ____Blaming your parents or caretakers ____Thinking that everyone knows more than you do ____Not speaking up when you feel ignored, unimportant, or undervalued ____Waiting for something - anything- to change ____Eating foods that aren‟t good for you ____Ashamed of your body ____Never allowing yourself to cry ____Saying things you regret ____Give your opinions to people who don‟t ask for it ____Hesitate to speak up ____See losing as bad ____Defend your position no matter what ____Denying your creativity

Read the entire list above and be sure to check off the ways in which you have been surviving. Are you ready to thrive? That‟s what Fearless Living is all about, thriving. The things below are experiences you will have as you live more and more on your Wheel of Freedom. These are some of the characteristics of what it feels like as you experience and embrace more of who you really are and start living true to yourself on the Wheel of Freedom. When you are fearless you can start trusting yourself more and more. You might not be experiencing the following words of Thriving 100% yet because maybe you are practicing. Are you doing any of them at all? What percentage are you thriving? Check it off if it is a part of your life and be sure to hold yourself accountable by

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jotting down a percentage of how much is it in your life, or how often percentage-wise, do you experience it? In Fearless Living, what matters is movement forward. Not perfection.

Fearbuster Exercise: Surviving versus Thriving (Continued) – Video 1.5 Thriving means: ____Trusting yourself ____Learning something new ____Being grateful for your life ____Smiling out of the blue ____Giving up your worry list ____Standing up for what you want in your life ____Singing without concern for what others think ____Saying no when you mean no ____Giving yourself a break ____Having more compassion for yourself ____Standing up for yourself ____Asking for what you want ____Embracing your feelings ____Crying when you need to ____Falling in love with no guarantees ____Praising yourself for all your efforts ____Dancing down the street ____Buying something frivolous for fun, as a gift to yourself ____Having someone in your life who you are blessed to call a friend ____Giving up a grudge ____Dancing ____Being somebody‟s confidante ____Giving up your worry list ____Telling yourself you can do it when

fear makes you think you can‟t ____Asking people in your life to help you ____Asking a question in the Comment Section, if you‟ve had one ____Being grateful ____Saying yes to you and what you want ____Sharing with someone you love what you need to feel more loved ____Being willing to be wrong ____Giving time to an organization or event just because you care ____Taking steps toward your vision ____Allowing yourself to have a vision ____Claiming your purpose in life ____Letting love guide your words ____Wearing your favorite shirt for no reason ____Anticipating that everything will work out ____Spending time in nature ____Doing something just for you and no one else ____Inviting yourself to an event you really want to attend ____Forgive yourself ____Forgive another ____Spend time communing with Spirit

Fearless Living is finding the courage to change the things that you want to change and to stand for the things that you are proud to own and be in your life. I want you to keep going even if you falter because that's Fearless Living. It‟s about mastering the fear that comes from your past regrets and using it to gather strength to take another risk and another risk and another risk.

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Remember, those risks can be thoughts or actions. It's about living without regret. Let‟s face it, insights are nice. Both you and I have had insights that are amazing but insights without action mean nothing. It's about mastering the fear that comes from those past regrets and when you do become more and more fearless, giving up all your regrets and living with no regret. Then using that courage and strength to take another risk and another risk, because it is about living with no regret and being able to live true to yourself. You've probably had a lot of insights during this module and I'm thrilled for that. Insights are really nice and they can be big motivators and make you feel really good and yet insights without action means nothing. What you must do is take those insights and apply action by practicing and doing your Fearbuster Exercises and writing down all the ways you are becoming aware of fear. Now I want you to find ways to support your insights and your new actions because those insights and new actions are what is going to change your life. I want you to respect your effort this module and I want you to absolutely know that you are doing the work. Congratulations! As you move through each session in this Course you will begin to recognize when fear comes up and you will be stepping into your "Stretch, Risk and Die" zone more and more and the process will look different for different people. You will be able to start recognizing fear and call it what it is: Fear. You'll be able to wave at it and say, "Oh, there's my good friend fear." And make a choice that empowers you. Remember, there's nothing wrong with you. Fear has just lied to you all this time to keep you safe. It wasn't meaning to hurt you; it didn't want you to be hurt. Remember, always, that fear is smart. It is as smart and as educated, and as spiritual as you are. It knows everything you know. And everything you know can be used in service to fear or freedom. Fear will try to use everything against you and I bet you've seen that this module. The good news is that as we go through this Course together you are going to learn new skills and new tools to support you. Fear will no longer be able to trick you. Remember this module is about awareness and every exercise I‟ve given you has been about awareness. That's what we're doing to build your awareness because I know, as you build awareness and then start applying the skills and tools, you will master fear and you will learn that fear is an affirmation of your growth. Your relationship to fear is not only the most freeing tool you can use, eventually, once you get it, it‟s the most empowering thing you have. So use the following statement on a regular basis whenever you feel like, "I don't know if I can do it.” Just say to yourself: "I'm willing to be fearless. I'm willing to practice being fearless. I'm willing, right now to be fearless."

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Fear is an affirmation of the growth and you will master fear. There is one more Fearbuster Exercise for this module. I want you to choose the area of your life that you want to focus on for the next 10 weeks. You are going to focus on one area. Now, of course, as you focus on that one area, all the areas in your life, if they need tweaking and changing, are also going to adjust themselves. In order to know that you really have results, that it really works, having one focus is going to give you that information. I want to focus on one area so you have a sheet in front of you right now, it's called, “In the Year to Come.” “In the Year to Come,” I ask you particular questions and we are going to do them together right now. As we go through them, I want you to have a pen in hand, because you are going to answer some questions about the areas in your life to help guide you to what area you really want to focus on. You might know right now what that area is, and that's great. It's awesome. But you might want to pick a different area once these questions are answered. Let‟s do them together, shall we? Please print out the Fearbuster Exercise: In the Year to come, found below. Or if you prefer to keep all your work on your computer, use the Fearbuster Exercises PDF fillable version. You can keep all your work right on your computer/ipad/smartphone. The entire PDF fillable version of the Fearbuster Exercises for each module can be found in the right-hand sidebar titled: ALL Fearbuster Exercises. Each module has their own complete version of fillable form Fearbuster Exercises.

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Copyright 2011 Fearless Living Training Program 877-663-3270

Fearbuster Exercise: In the Year to Come – Video 1.5

What is possible for you regarding your career? What is possible for you regarding intimate relationships? What is possible for you financially? What is possible for you with regards to health and well-being? What is possible for you socially/friends?

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Copyright 2011 Fearless Living Training Program 877-663-3270

Fearbuster Exercise: In the Year to Come (Continued) – Video 1.5

What is possible for you with regards to your family relations? What is possible for you spiritually? What is possible for you regarding your home/living space? What is possible for you creatively? What is possible for you with regards to adventure/play?

What is your one area you will focus on for the next ten modules?_________________

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Copyright 2011 Fearless Living Training Program 877-663-3270

Fearbuster Exercise: “In the Year to Come” As you ask yourself each question, write down whatever comes to mind. If it seems impossible, write it down anyway. Push yourself to vision what could truly be possible for you, perhaps beyond what you can see for yourself in this moment. Possibility allows us to step beyond goal setting and instead, embrace beyond the apparent realities of our present path. Be as specific as possible. Step out of your comfort zone. Brainstorm three things that could happen in each area of your life. What I am truly seeking is what you WANT to make possible in these areas. Aim for three desires/goals for each area of your life and if only one thing pops up, write that down, that works too. Reminder: Aim for one to three desires/goals per area of your life. Be sure to listen to the audio or watch the video for extra brainstorming support. What is possible for you regarding your career?

Example: Get a raise? Change jobs? Start your own business? Feel more empowered to talk to your boss as an equal? Get a big client? What is possible for you in the next year?

What is possible for you regarding intimate relationships?

If you are not in an intimate relationship maybe one of things that becomes possible is having an intimate relationship. Could your friends and family become more intimate? Maybe you have a friend that you are vulnerable with and share your intimate qualities with. Good. Could you become more intimate with them, could you share maybe a secret or two? If you are in an intimate relationship maybe it is actually getting to know your partner better, maybe it is learning to be accepting, maybe it is learning to go first, maybe it is sharing needs, maybe it is saying I love you every day.

What is possible for you financially?

Could you become debt free? Could you earn more money? Could you get a raise? Could you start a budget? Could you even look up budget? Could you get a financial planner? Could you change your credit card so you get a better interest rate?

What is possible for you with regards to health and well-being?

Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to eat better? Do you want to give up gluten or sugar? Do you want to start exercising more, eating more vegetables? Do you want to start meditating? Do you want to start doing breathing exercises? Do you want to stretch every day, every other day, once a week?

What is possible for you socially/friends?

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Copyright 2011 Fearless Living Training Program 877-663-3270

Could you build more of a friendship base? Could you get closer to the friends you have? Could you add to your friends? What area of your life do you need more friends?

What is possible for you with regards to your family relations?

Could you have a family reunion? Could you tell someone you are sorry? Could you ask for forgiveness? Could you let go of that grudge? Could you see your family members for who they are and accept them? Could you share something with some of them that you have been afraid to? Could you have that tough conversation?

What is possible for you spiritually?

Maybe this is where you want to start some breathing exercises, meditating, or doing contemplative readings. Maybe you could just be alone with your thoughts, maybe you could go to church regularly, or maybe you could join a choir.

What is possible for you regarding your home/living space?

Could you maybe paint a wall? Buy a new couch? Maybe you could fluff up a new pillow? Maybe you could go to garage sales, or make a commitment that everywhere you look in your house you love it.

What is possible for you creatively?

How could you express your creativity? And I‟m not just talking about painting and pottery and ceramics. I‟m talking about all kinds of creativity- creative writing, creative thinking, creative expression, creative dressing, and creative words.

What is possible for you with regards to adventure/play?

How much more adventuresome could you get? How much more playful could you be? How could you grow in the area of adventure and play?

If you're “freezing” right now, remember you can work on this exercise after the video ends or at any time you can pause the video and work on it right now. It's up to you. And I know fear might be numbing your brain right now, and you might be saying, “I don‟t know what‟s possible.” I get it. Listen to my voice as we go through each question and if anything comes up, write it down and we‟ll go from there. If you want to get a Fearbuster Buddy to help you, great. Get on the Forum (Comment Section) and ask for help brainstorming. Somebody might answer. They might help you come up with three things, or one or two things that could be possible for you in these areas of your life. So don't let fear win, and numb you out. After you have filled out the form with one to three things in each category, and if you

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Copyright 2011 Fearless Living Training Program 877-663-3270

have more than three, great; I want you to really look through those areas and decide what are the three areas that would have the greatest impact on your life if you made these changes? What three areas would have the greatest impact on your life? After you get it down to three, go ahead and look, what are the three areas that if you made these changes would have the greatest impact on your life? And from those three areas, I want you to narrow it down to one. What's the one area, if you made those changes, if those things that are possible actually happened, what would have the greatest impact in your life? That's the area I want you to choose. That's the one. What is your one area you will focus on for the next ten weeks?_________________ If you haven‟t completed the entire exercise, remember, you can pause the video at any time. Or finish it after I complete, which will be in another minute. You must do this exercise to pick your area. Once you have your area, you are going to start watching that area like a hawk. When we do Fearbuster Exercises in the modules ahead, you are going to be using this area to do all the other Fearbuster Exercises in the Program. So this area is going to be extremely useful week after week after week. You have your area. You have more awareness. It's been a good week. Remember, this is all about becoming Fearless. This is the Fearless Living Training Program and you've just completed Module One! Congratulations! I look forward to seeing you in Module Two. REMINDER: Be sure to complete the Fearbuster Exercise: Integration Questions before beginning the next video. You can find this exercise on the next page below.

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Copyright 2011 Fearless Living Training Program 877-663-3270

Fearbuster Exercise: Integration Questions – Video 1.5

REFLECT: Ask yourself… Name three “surviving” experiences that you would like to release. REFLECT: Ask yourself… Name three “thriving” experiences you would like to embody. REFLECT: Ask yourself… If you could accomplish one dream/goal/desire in your life, only one, what would it be? REFLECT: Ask yourself… Name three things you would have to do, or change, in order to accomplish your one dream/goal/desire? REFLECT: Ask yourself… Who would you have to become to accomplish your one dream/goal/desire?