Download - Module II: Relativity and Electrodynamics · 2017. 8. 4. · Module II: Relativity and Electrodynamics Lectures 9-10: Lagrangian formulation of relativistic mechanics Amol Dighe TIFR,

  • Module II: Relativity and ElectrodynamicsLectures 9-10: Lagrangian formulation of relativistic


    Amol DigheTIFR, Mumbai

  • Outline

    Lagrangian, Hamiltonian, energy, EoMs

    Non-relativistic particle in a potential

    Relativistic free particle

    Relativistic particle in EM fields

  • Coming up...

    Lagrangian, Hamiltonian, energy, EoMs

    Non-relativistic particle in a potential

    Relativistic free particle

    Relativistic particle in EM fields

  • What these two lectures (and the next) will do

    I The principle of least action in classical mechanics (CM)suggests that, while going from a state to another, the systemtravels along such a path in coordinate space so as to minimizea quantity called the action S. This principle gives rise to theequations of motion (EoMs).

    I The equations of motion may be obtained using the Lagrangianformulation or the Hamiltonian formulation.

    I Specifying the Lagrangian (whose time integral is the action) isthen equivalent to specifying the system completely.

    I We want to reach a stage whexre, using principles learnt in lastfew lectures, like Lorentz invariance and Gauge invariance, weshould be able to derive the equations of motion satisfied by theEM fields and by particles travelling in them.

    I We’ll start in small steps, first with non-relativistic CM, leading torelativistic CM and then finally to relativistic electrodymanics (inthe next lecture). We expect to lead ourselves to Maxwell’sequations and the Lorentz force law.

  • The Lagrangian formulation

    I The action S is given by

    S =∫ t2

    t1L(~x, ~v)dt (1)

    I The canonical momentum ~P is

    ~Pα =∂L∂vα


    I The principle of least action leads to the equations of motion(see Goldstein)




    I The definition of canonical momentum and the EoM abovespecify the moton of the system in the Lagrangian formulation.

  • The Hamiltonian formulation

    I The Hamiltonian is defined as

    H = Pαvα − L . (4)

    This is the energy of the system.

    I Equations of motion in terms of the Hamiltonian are





    = − ∂H∂xα

    . (5)

    I The EoMs obtained through the Hamiltonian formulation shouldbe the same as those obtained through the Lagrangianformulation.

  • The 4-d covariant formulation

    I From the action S, using the principle of least action, one canget EoMs in a covariant form (i.e. a form that will stay valid in allreference frames.)

    I The EoM is to be obtained by extremizing the action, and will beobtained by an explicit procedure in all the examples we shallconsider here.

  • Coming up...

    Lagrangian, Hamiltonian, energy, EoMs

    Non-relativistic particle in a potential

    Relativistic free particle

    Relativistic particle in EM fields

  • The Lagrangian formulation

    As a warm-up, let us take a non-relativistic particle of mass m, insidea potential V (~x).

    I Lagrangian:

    L =12

    mv2 − V (x)

    I Momentum:Pα = mvα

    I EoM:ddt

    (mvα) = −∂V∂xα

    This is just Newton’s second law for a force that arises from apotential.

  • The Hamiltonian formulation

    I Hamiltonian:

    H = mv2 − L = 12

    mv2 + V (x) =p2

    2m+ V (x)

    Thus, the total energy is the sum of kinetic energy and potentialenergy.

    I EoM1:dxα


    m, i.e. Pα = m


    dtThis is the momentum in terms of velocity.

    I EoM2:dPαdt

    = − ∂V∂xα

    This is Newton’s second law, as before.

  • Coming up...

    Lagrangian, Hamiltonian, energy, EoMs

    Non-relativistic particle in a potential

    Relativistic free particle

    Relativistic particle in EM fields

  • Defining the Lagrangian

    I For the non-relativistic case, we knew that the Lagrangian hasthe form L = T − V , where T is the kinetic energy.

    I We do not know a priori what the Lagragian becomes withspecial relativity. However there is a strong principle guiding us:the action has to be a Lorentz invariant, and has to reduce to thenon-relativistic limit (moduli total derivatives) in the limit of smallvelocities.

    I For a free particle, the only relevant Lorentz invariant is theproper distance

    ∫ds. The action therefore has to be

    S = α∫ x2

    x1ds (6)

    whete x1 and x2 are the initial and final coordinates.I Since we want to get to the Lagrangian, which appears in the

    action in the form S =∫

    Ldt , we use ds = cdt/γ to write

    S = αc∫ t2



    ⇒ L = αcγ.

  • Lagrangian and EoMs

    I Now at small velocities,

    L = αc/γ = αc√

    1− v2/c2 ≈ αc[1−v2/(2c2)


    I This should correspond to the non-relativistic limit for theLagrangian of a free particle, L = 12 mv

    2, up to a derivative. Thisgives α = −mc, and one gets

    L = −mc2√

    1− v2

    c2= −mc


    γ. (8)

    I With this Lagrangian, the momentum is

    Pα =∂L∂vα

    = mγvα (9)

    Thus, the expression for relativistic momentum has emergednaturally with our formalism.

    I The EoM is dPα/dt = 0, or Pα = constant, not surprising sincethis is a free particle, so momentum has to be conserved.

  • Hamiltonian and EoMs

    I Hamiltonian:

    H = Pαvα − L = mv2γ −mc2

    γ= mc2γ =

    √P2c2 + m2c4 (10)

    This is exactly the relativistic energy E of a particle.

    I EoM1:dxα


    Pαc2√P2c2 + m2c4



    This gives ~P = E~v/c2.

    I EoM2:dPαdt

    = 0 , (12)

    since this is a free particle. Note that this is the same E0M asthe one obtained from the Lagrangian formulation.

  • 4-d covariant treatmentI Let us see the consequences of the minimization of action,

    S = −mc∫ x2


    in the 4-d formalism. We denote by δX the deviation in a quantityX along a path that deviates slightly from the actual one.

    I Using (ds)2 = dxk dxk , we get

    S = −mc∫ x2

    x1ds = −mc

    ∫ x2x1

    dxk dxk

    ds= −m

    ∫ x2x1

    uk dxk .

    I The variation of the above equation gives

    δS = −m∫ x2

    x1(δuk )dxk −m

    ∫ x2x1

    uk d(δxk )

    = 0−m[uk (δxk )

    ∣∣x2x1−∫ x2



    δxk ds]

  • Equations of motion in covariant notation

    I The first term inside the square bracket in eq. (13) vanishessince δxk = 0 at x1 and x2.

    I The vanishing of δS then corresponds to


    = 0 . (13)

    This is the EoM. Note that this leads to the conservation of4-velocity. Since Pk = muk , we have dPk/ds = 0, which is theconservation of 4-momentum.

  • Coming up...

    Lagrangian, Hamiltonian, energy, EoMs

    Non-relativistic particle in a potential

    Relativistic free particle

    Relativistic particle in EM fields

  • The action and the Lagrangian

    I With the addition of the electromagnetic field, we now have anadditional quantity, the EM potential 4-vector Ak

    I Then in addition to ds, we can make one more Lorentz invariantquantity: Ak dxk .The most general expression for the Lagrangianis then

    S =∫ x2


    (−mcds − ηAk dxk


    where η is a constant that we’ll have to determine after matchingthe EoMs with experiment.

    I The Lagrangian is thus

    L = −mc2

    γ− ηφ+ η~A · ~v (15)

    since Ak = (φ/c,−~A), dx0 = c dt , and d~x = ~vdt .

  • What about gauge invariance ?

    I The Lorentz invariance of the action has been guarateed byconstruction. However we have not yet checked gaugeinvariance explicitly. Let us do it for the interaction term now.

    I The gauge transformation A′k = Ak + ∂kψ gives∫A′k dx

    k =

    ∫(Ak + ∂kψ)dxk =

    ∫Ak dxk +



    ∫Ak dxk + ψ(x2)− ψ(x1) .

    Thus, the action changes by a constant, and hence the EoMs donot change. The gauge transformation thus leaves the actioneffectively invariant.

    I The term∫

    Ak dxk is thus Lorentz invariant as well as(effectively) gauge invariant. These are two conditions that eachterm in the Lagrangian should necessarily satisfy.

  • EoMs from the Lagrangian

    I The canonical momentum ~P is

    Pα =∂L∂vα

    = mγvα + ηAα = pα + ηAα , (16)

    where ~p = mγ~v is the kinematic momentum.

    I The EoM is


    (pα + ηAα) = −η∂φ

    ∂xα+ η

    ∂xα(Aρvρ) (17)


    (~p + η~A) = −η∇φ+ η∇(~A · ~v) (18)

    I To simplify this, use



    + (~v · ∇)~A ,

    ∇(~A · ~v) = (~v · ∇)~A + (~A · ∇)~v + ~v× (∇× ~A) + ~A× (∇× ~v)

  • The Lorentz forceI Since L(~x, ~v), the partial derivatives of ~v with respect to ~x vanish.

    As a result, ∇× ~v = 0. Adding this simplification, one gets

    ddt~p = η

    (−∇φ− ∂


    + ~v× (∇× ~A)

    )= η(~E + ~v× ~B) (19)

    I With the knowledge of the Lorentz force law, we can identifyη = q, in order to get

    ddt~p = q(~E + ~v× ~B) . (20)

    Thus, we have derived the Lorentz force law, starting from theaction that we obtained simply by using the Lorentz invariance ofaction.

    I The Lagrangian is thus

    L = −mc2

    γ− qφ+ q(~A · ~v) . (21)

  • Analysis through Hamiltonian formalism

    I The Hamiltonian is

    H = Pαvα − L = (mγv2 + qAαvα)− (−mc2

    γ− qφ+ qAαvα)

    = mγc2 + qφ =√

    p2c2 + m2c4 + qφ (22)


    √(~P− q~A)2c2 + m2c4 + qφ (23)

    which shows that the energy is equal to the total relativistickinematic energy (= mγc2) plus an additional energy due to thescalar potential φ. The vector potential ~A plays no role here.

    I In the non-relativistic limit,

    H ≈ mc2 + p2

    2m+ qφ (24)

    which matches the results we already know.

  • EoMs from the Hamiltonian formulation

    ProblemUsing the Hamiltonian

    H =√(~P− e~A)2c2 + m2c4 + qφ ,

    determine the equations of motion.

  • The 4-d formalism

    I From S = −m∫

    uk dxk − q∫

    Ak dxk , we get the variation of S as

    δS = −m∫(δuk )dxk −m

    ∫uk d(δxk )− q

    ∫Ak d(δxk )− q

    ∫(δAk )dxk

    = 0 + m∫

    dukδxk + q∫

    dAkδxk − q∫(δAk )dxk (25)

    I Further using

    dAk =∂Ak∂xm

    dxm , δAk =∂Ak∂xm

    δxm ,

    one obtains

    δS = m∫

    dukδxk + q∫∂Ak∂xm

    dxmδxk − q∫∂Ak∂xm

    dxkδxk . (26)

  • EoM from 4-d formalismI The condition δS = 0 gives[∫


    δxk + q∫∂Ak∂xm


    dsδxk − q




    ]ds = 0


    I This reduces to∫ [m


    + q∂Ak∂xm


    c− q ∂Am



    ]δxk ds = 0 (28)

    That is,


    = q(∂k Am − ∂mAk )uk = q Fkm um (29)

    I The last equation, when written explicitly in terms of ~E and ~B,gives the relativistic Lorentz force equation.

    ProblemShow that the above equation corresponds to the Lorentz force law.

  • Take-home message from this lecture

    I The principle of least action, combined with the Lorentzinvariance of action, allows us to obtain the expressions forrelativistic energy, momentum, and the 4-momentumconservation equation through the Lagrangian, Hamiltonian, orthe 4-d covariant formalism.

    I When the interaction with an EM potential is included, modifiedexpressions for energies and momenta are obtained, and theLorentz force law emerges.

    Lagrangian, Hamiltonian, energy, EoMsNon-relativistic particle in a potentialRelativistic free particleRelativistic particle in EM fields