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  • 7/27/2019 Modul Bedah Dasar (Preoperative Assessment and Postoperative Management)






    Many congenital defects that are of interest to the pediatric surgeon can now be

    detected before birth, thus the preoperative assessment of the newborn with congenital

    anomaly starts in utero. When serious malformations incompatible with postnatal life are

    diagnosed early enough, the family may have the option of terminating the pregnancy.

    Therefore it is important for every pediatric surgeon who is familiar with the managementof the congenital anomalies after birth to be involved in management decisions and family

    counseling before birth.1 The main goal of prenatal diagnosis is to improve the prenatal

    care by maternal transport to an appropriate center and delivering the baby in the timing

    and mode that are appropriate for the specific fetal malformation. Although prenatal

    intervention for certain congenital anomalies has been reported recently almost all

    congenital malformations can be successfully managed after birth.

    During the past 2 decades there have been significant advances in modes and

    techniques for prenatal diagnosis. These modes include: amniocentesis, amniography,

    fetoscopy, fetal sampling and ultrasonography. The latter, enabling direct imaging of fetal

    anatomy, is a non-invasive technique, safe for both the fetus and the mother. However, it

    is important to remember that sonography is operator dependent and the reliability of the

    information obtained is directly proportional to the skill and experience of the

    sonographer. For example, it is important to distinguish duodenal from jejuna obstruction

    in a fetus with polyhydramnios, because duodenal obstruction is associated with Down

    syndrome and requires further genetic evaluation while jejunal obstruction does not.

    The real-time sonography may yield important information on fetal malformation,

    fetal movement and fetal vital functions such as breathing movements and heart rate

    variability. Serial sonographic evaluations are particularly useful in following the

    progression or regression of any fetal disease. All this important information is an integral

    part of the preoperative assessment of a newborn with any kind of congenital


  • 7/27/2019 Modul Bedah Dasar (Preoperative Assessment and Postoperative Management)


    Neonates born with congenital malformations are usually in urgent need of surgery

    and, in addition to their surgical problem, may suffer from a multitude of medical

    problems. Furthermore they are at a period when significant physiological and

    maturational changes of transition from fetal to extrauterine life are occurring. The

    surgical and anesthetic intervention at this time may affect this transition by interfering

    with normal homeostatic controls of circulation, ventilation, temperature, fluid, and

    metabolic balance. To facilitate a smooth preoperative course, close cooperation among

    the neonatologist, pediatric surgeon and pediatric anesthesiologist is necessary.

    All neonates undergoing surgery must be carefully assessed preoperatively, giving

    particular attention to the following:

    History and physical examination

    Maintenance of body temperature

    Respiratory function

    Cardiovascular status

    Metabolic status

    Coagulation abnormalities

    Laboratory investigations

    Vascular access

    Fluid and electrolytes, and metabolic responses.


    The history of a newborn starts months before delivery, as many of the congenital

    malformations (e.g. Bochdalek hernia, omphalocele, gastroschisis, sacrococcygeal

    teratoma and others) nowadays are known to the pediatric surgeon prenatally. Not only are

    the anatomical and structural anomalies important, but even more so are metabolic

    abnormalities or chromosomal aberrations, which must be diagnosed prenatally or

    immediately after birth.

    Anticipation of a problem in the delivery room is often based on prenatal

    diagnosis. For example, identification of a trisomy 21 in the fetus will increase the

    neonatologists awareness in evaluating the infant for those abnormalities closely

    associated with this chromosomal defect, e.g. evaluation for duodenal atresia and

    congenital heart disease. Conversely, prenatal identification of specific fetal anomalies

    should signal the pediatrician to evaluate the infant for a chromosomal abnormality.

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    The most important recent advance in prenatal detection of anatomical problems

    has been the development of fetal ultrasonography, and in experienced hands this mode of

    imaging can be used to detect a wide range of fetal problems, ranging from relatively

    minor abnormalities to major structural defects. However, this anatomical prenatal

    diagnosis is only one of the tools that aid in planning care management. An accurate and

    well-documented family history may increase the suspicion that an infant is at risk for an

    anatomical defect linked to an inherited disorder. In other cases, only the evidence of

    polyhydramnios should significantly increase suspicion of congenital anomalies.

    Most problems are best managed expectantly by natural labor and vaginal delivery

    at term. Certain malformations, however, such as conjoined twins, giant omphalocele,

    sacrococcygeal teratoma or large cystic hygroma, often require cesarian section for

    delivery. After birth, the assessment of the degree of prematurity, which is an integral part

    of the physical examination, and the specific type of congenital anomaly must be

    identified and recorded because of the profound anesthetic and postoperative implications

    that are involved. The normal full-term infant has a gestational age of 37 weeks or more,

    and a body weight greater than 2500 g. Infants born with a birth weight of less than 2500 g

    are defined as being of low birth weight (LBW). Babies may be of LBW because they

    have been born too early (preterm earlier than 37 weeks gestational age), orbecause of

    intrauterine abnormalities affecting growth (growth retardation). Small-for-gestational-

    age (SGA) infants are those whose birth weight is less then the 10 thpercentile for their

    age. Infants may, of course, be both growth retarded and born preterm.

    The principle features of prematurity are:

    A head circumference below the 50th percentile

    A thin, semi-transparent skin

    Soft, malleable ears

    Absence of breast tissue

    Absence of plantar creases

    Undescended testicles with flat scrotum and, infemales, relatively enlarged labia minora.

    The physiological and clinical characteristics of these babies are:

    Apneic spells



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    Hyaline membrane disease

    Blindness and lung injury due to use of high levels of oxygen

    Patent ductus arteriosus.

    In the SGA infant, although the body weight is low, the body length and head

    circumference approach that of an infant of normal weight for age. These babies are older

    and more mature. Their clinical and physiological characteristics are:

    Higher metabolic rate


    Thermal instability


    Increased risk of meconium aspiration syndrome.

    In relation to these differences, three important observations have been reported:

    1. LBW infants have a mortality 10 times that of fullsized infants.2. More than 75% of overall perinatal mortality is related to clinical problems of LBW


    3. The rate of anatomical malformation in LBW infants is higher then for infants atterm.8


    The mean and range of temperature for newborns are lower than previously

    described and most temperatures 36.3C are, in fact, within the normal range. Newborn

    infants, particularly premature infants, have a poor thermal stability because of a higher

    surface area/weight ratio, a thin layer of insulating subcutaneous fat and a high

    thermoneutral temperature zone. The newborn readily loses heat by conduction,

    convection, radiation and evaporation, with the major mechanism being radiation.

    Shivering thermogenesis is absent in the neonate, and the heat-producing mechanism is

    limited to non-shivering thermogenesis through the metabolizing of brown fat. Cold stress

    in these neonates leads to an increase in metabolic rate and oxygen consumption, and

    calories are consumed to maintain body temperature. If prolonged, this leads to depletion

    of the limited energy reserve and predisposes to hypothermia and increased mortality.

    Hypothermia can also suggest infection and should trigger diagnostic evaluation and

    antibiotic treatment if required.

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    Illness in the newborn, particularly when associated with prematurity, further

    compounds the problems in the maintenance of body temperature. The classic example for

    such an illness is the newborn with omphalocele or gastroschisis. In their group of 23

    neonates with gastroschisis, Muraji et al.found that hypothermia (3135.4C), which was

    found in seven patients upon arrival at the hospital, was the most serious preoperative

    problem. To minimize heat losses, it is desirable that most sick neonates be nursed

    inincubators within a controlled temperature. These incubators are efficient for

    maintaining the babystemperature, but do not allow adequate access to the sick baby for

    active resuscitation and observation. Overhead radiant heaters, servocontrolled by a

    temperature probe on the babys skin, are preferred and effective in maintaining the

    babys temperature; they also provide visual and electronic monitoring and access for

    nursing and medical procedures. Hyperthermia should be avoided, because it is associated

    with perinatal respiratory depression.

    The environmental temperature must be maintained near the appropriate

    thermoneutral zone for each individual patient because the increase in oxygen

    consumptionis proportional to the gradient between the skin and the environmental

    temperature. This is 3435C for LBW infants up to 12 days of age and 3132C at 6

    weeks of age. Infants weighing 20003000 g have a thermoneutral zone of 3134C at

    birth and 2931C at 12 days. In an incubator, either the ambient temperature of the

    incubator can be monitored and maintained at thermoneutrality, or a servosystem can be

    used. The latter regulates the incubator temperature according to the patients skin

    temperature, which is monitored by means of a skin probe on the infant. The normal skin

    temperature for a full-term infant is 36.2C, but because of many benign factors such as

    excessive bundling, ambient temperature may affect body temperature. Diurnal and

    seasonal variations in body temperature have also been described. Thus the control of the

    thermal environment of the newborn and especially the ill baby with congenital

    malformations is of the utmost importance to the outcome.


    Assessment of respiratory function is essential in all neonates undergoing surgery.

    The main clinical features of respiratory distress are restlessness, tachypnea, grunting,

    nasal flaring, sternal recession, retractions and cyanosis. These symptoms are occasionally

    present in the delivery room due to anatomical abnormalities involving the airway and

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    lungs and require the most urgent therapy. These conditions include: diaphragmatic hernia

    (Bochalek), lobar emphysema, pneumothorax, esophageal atresia with or without tracheo-

    esophageal fistula, congenital airway obstruction, congenital cystic adenomatoid

    malformation of the lung, meconium aspiration syndrome and aspiration pneumonia. It is

    important to recognize that more than one condition may be present in the same patient.

    If there is any clinical suspicion or sign of respiratory insufficiency, a chest X-ray

    should be obtained immediately after the resuscitation to determine the cause of

    respiratory distress. All babies with respiratory distress should have a radio-opaque

    nasogastric tube passed and a radiograph taken that includes the chest and abdomen in

    order to localize the esophagus, stomach, and bowel gas, and to avoid misdiagnosis, for

    example, a diaphragmatic hernia which can be mistaken for a cystic adenomatoid

    malformation of the lung.

    Blood gas studies are essential in the diagnosis and management of respiratory

    distress. Arterial PO2 and PCO2 indicate the state of oxygenation and ventilation,

    respectively. In the newborn, repeated arterial blood samples may be obtained either by

    catheterization of an umbilical artery or by cannulation of radial, brachial or posterior

    tibial arteries. An important alternative is noninvasive monitoring techniques with

    transcutaneous PO2 monitors or pulse oximeters. Monitoring of arterial pH is also

    essential in patients with respiratory distress. Acidosis in the neonate produces pulmonary

    arterial vasoconstriction and myocardial depression. Respiratory alkalosis causes

    decreased cardiac output, decreased cerebral blood flow, diminished oxyhemoglobin

    dissociation and increased airway resistance with diminished pulmonary compliance.

    Respiratory failure is the leading cause of death in the neonate. High-frequency

    ventilation, use of surfactant, use of inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) and extracorporeal

    membrane oxygenation (ECMO) have been shown to improve survival dramatically in

    selected neonates. ECMO provides long-term cardiopulmonary support for patients with

    reversible pulmonary and/or cardiac insufficiency. It is well accepted as a standard of

    treatment for neonatal respiratory failure refractory to conventional techniques of

    pulmonary support. Typically, patients considered for ECMO are gestational weeks or

    older or weigh more than 2000 g, have no major cardiac lesions, intracranial hemorrhages

    less than grade 2, no significant coagulopathies and have had mechanical ventilation for

    fewer than 1014 days. It is limited to those infants who have a 20% or less chance of

    survival if treated with only conventional therapies.

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    The National ECMO Registry in Ann Arbor, MI, USA collected reports from all

    46 ECMO centers, summarizing their collective experience with 1489 newborns with an

    overall survival rate of 81.8%. Of this group of neonates, 139 newborns were born with

    congenital diaphragmatic hernia and underwent ECMO, two-thirds of whom survived.

    Failure of ventilatory treatment to reverse hypoxemia, acute clinical deterioration after a

    honeymoon period and an alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient > 600 mmHg for 12 hours

    were the principle criteria that justified ECMO in these babies. Premature infants were at

    highest risk and intracranial bleeding was the most common cause of death in these

    anticoagulated newborns. It is important to emphasize that emergency surgery for

    congenital diaphragmatic hernia is not necessary and that repair should be done only when

    the patient has been stabilized using conventional ventilation, high-frequency ventilation,

    or ECMO if necessary. ECMO is an accepted form of therapy in the treatment of neonates

    with otherwise lethal persistent pulmonary hypertension related to meconium aspiration

    and sepsis. This mode of therapy has been tried successfully in neonates with congenital

    cystic lesions of the lung who developed severe pulmonary hypertension following

    lobectomy and other life-threatening respiratory problems. However, the long-term effects

    on its survivors are unknown. At present, the reported morbidity still ranges between 13%

    and 33%. The developmental outcome is normal in most patients. Severe developmental

    delay has been found in only 28% of neonatal patients who undergo ECMO therapy.

    Only one randomized trial of conventional therapy vs ECMO in 185 full-term infants has

    been published recently. Of the infants included in the trial, 68% who were randomized to

    ECMO therapy survived compared to 41% in the conventionally treated group.22 The

    Extracorporal Life Support Organisation (ELSO), started in 1989, maintains an

    international database for all ECMO patients and centers. Due to the institution of new

    therapies and differing management styles for treatment of respiratory failure, there has

    been a marked decrease in neonatal patients treated with ECMO over time.

    Surfactant replacement is commonly used in the clinical management of neonates

    with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). It may also be effective in other forms of lung

    disease, such as meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS), neonatal pneumonia, the adult

    form of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), and congenital diaphragmatic hernia

    (CDH). It ensues that alveolar stability is promoted, atelectasis is reduced, edema

    formation is decreased, and the overall work of respiration is minimized.

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    iNO is available for treatment of persistent pulmonary hypertension of the neonate

    (PPHN). It decreases pulmonary vascular resistance leading to diminished extrapulmonary

    shunt and has a microselective effect which improves ventilation/perfusion matching.

    Clinical trials indicate that the need for ECMO in term newborns with PPHN is

    diminished by iNO.

    In newborns with severe lung disease, HFOV is frequently used to optimize lung

    inflation and minimize lung injury. The combination of HFOV and iNO is reported to

    cause the greatest improvement in oxygenation in some newborns with severe PPHN

    complicated by diffuse parenchymal lung disease and underinflation.

    In summary, the type of respiratory care in particular neonates will always depend

    upon clinical and radiological findings supported by blood gas estimations.


    At birth, the circulation undergoes a rapid transition from fetal to neonatal pattern.

    The ductus arteriosus normally closes functionally within a few hours after birth, while

    anatomical closure occurs 23 weeks later. Prior to birth the pulmonary arterioles are

    relatively muscular and constricted. With the first breath, total pulmonary resistance falls

    rapidly because of the unkinking of the vessels with expansion of the lungs and also

    because of the vasodilatory effect of inspired oxygen. However, during the first few weeks

    of life, the muscular pulmonary arterioles retain a significant capacity for constriction, and

    any constricting influences such as hypoxia may result in rapid return of pulmonary


    The management of neonates with congenital malformation is frequently

    complicated by the presence of congenital heart disease. At this time of life, recognition of

    heart disease is particularly difficult. There may be no murmur audible on first

    examination, but a loud murmur can be audible a few hours, days or a week later. A

    newborn undergoing surgery should have a full cardiovascular examination and a chest X-

    ray. The presence of cyanosis, respiratory distress, cardiac murmurs, abnormal peripheral

    pulses or congestive heart failure should be recorded. If there is suspicion of a cardiac

    anomaly, the baby should be examined by a pediatric cardiologist. In recent years the use

    of the noninvasive technique of echocardiography allows accurate anatomical diagnosis of

    cardiac anomalies, in many cases prenatally.

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    Acidbase balance

    The buffer system, renal function and respiratory function are the three major

    mechanisms responsible for the maintenance of normal acidbase balance in body fluids.

    Most newborn infants can adapt competently to the physiological stresses of extrauterine

    life and have a normal acidbase balance. However clinical conditions such as RDS,

    sepsis, congenital renal disorders and gastrointestinal disorders may result in gross acid

    base disturbances in the newborn. Four basic disturbances of acidbase physiology are

    metabolic acidosis, metabolic alkalosis, respiratory acidosis, and respiratory alkalosis. In a

    newborn undergoing surgery, identification of the type of disorder, whether metabolic or

    respiratory, simple or mixed, is of great practical importance to permit the most suitable

    choice of therapy, and for it to be initiated in a timely fashion. The acidbase state should

    be determined by arterial blood gases and pH estimation, and must be corrected by

    appropriate metabolic or respiratory measures prior to operation.


    The mechanisms of glucose homeostasis are not well developed in the early

    postnatal period; this predisposes the neonate, especially the premature neonate, to the risk

    of both hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia. Prenatally, the glucose requirements of the

    fetus are obtained almost entirely from the mother, with very little derived from fetal

    gluconeogenesis. Following delivery, the limited liver glycogen stores are rapidly depleted

    and the blood glucose level then depends on the infants capacity forgluconeogenesis, the

    adequacy of substitute stores and energy requirements. Identifies infants who are at risk

    for developing hypoglycemia according to three mechanisms: (1) those with limited

    glycogen stores, (2) hyperinsulinism, and (3) diminished glucose production. Infants at

    high risk of developing hypoglycemia include LBW infants (especially SGA infants),

    infants of toxemic or diabetic mothers and infants requiring surgery who are unable to take

    oral nutrition and who have the additional metabolic stresses of their disease and the

    surgical procedure.

    Hypoglycemia is usually defined as a serum glucose level < 1.6 mmol/L (30 mg%)

    in the full-term neonate and < 1.1mmol/L (20 mg%) in the LBW infant during the first 3

    days of life. After 72 hours, serum glucose concentration should always be above 2.2

    mmol/L (40 mg%).

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    Hypoglycemia may be asymptomatic or associated with a number of non-specific

    signs such as apathy, apnea, a weak or high-pitched cry, cyanosis, hypotonia,

    hypothermia, tremors and convulsions. The differential diagnosis includes other metabolic

    disturbances or sepsis. The possibility of hypoglycemia must be anticipated to prevent

    avoidable brain damage. All neonates undergoing surgery should have an infusion of 10%

    glucose at a rate of 75100 mg/kg body weight per 24 hours and blood glucose levels

    should be monitored every 46 hours by Dextrostix estimation and/or by blood sugar

    determinations. Blood glucose level should be maintained above 2.5 mmol/L (45 mg%) at

    all times. The symptomatic infant should be treated urgently with 50% dextrose, 12

    ml/kg intravenously, and maintenance i.v. dextrose 1015% at 80100 ml/kg/24 hours.

    Table 5.2 Categories of hypoglycemia

    Limited glycogen stores


    Prenatal stress

    Glycogen storage disease


    IDM (infant of diabetic mother)

    Nesidioblastosis/pancreatic islet adenoma

    BeckwithWiedemann syndrome

    Erythroblastosis fetalis/exchange transfusion

    Maternal drugs

    Diminished glucose production


    Rare inborn errors


    Hypocalcemia is usually defined as a serum calcium value < 1.8 mmol/L.

    However, occasionally the ionized fraction of the serum calcium may be low, but without

    a great reduction of the total serum calcium level concomitantly and with the end result of

    clinical hypocalcemia. This may occur in newborns undergoing exchange transfusion, or

    in any surgical baby receiving bicarbonate.

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    Hypocalcemia occurs usually during the first few days of life, with the lowest

    levels of serum calcium seen during the first 48 hours. The most common causes of

    neonatal hypocalcemia include decreased calcium stores and decreased renal phosphate

    excretion. The LBW infants are at greater risk, particularly if they are premature, or

    associated with a complicated pregnancy or delivery. Hypocalcemia may be asymptomatic

    or associated with non-specific signs such as jitteriness, muscle twitching, vomiting,

    cyanosis and convulsions. Asymptomatic hypocalcemia can be effectively treated by a

    continuous infusion of 10% calcium gluconate 75 mg/kg/day and can be prevented by

    adding calcium gluconate to daily maintenance therapy. The symptomatic patients should

    be treated by slow i.v. administration of 10% calcium gluconate, 6 ml in a LBW infant and

    10 ml in a full-term infant, with monitoring of heart rate to prevent too rapid an injection.

    Serum calcium levels should be maintained within the 2.02.63 mmol/L (810.5 mg%)



    Hypomagnesemia may occur in association with hypocalcemia in SGA infants and

    neonates with increased intestinal losses. If there is no response to correction of calcium

    deficiency, a serum magnesium level should be obtained. The treatment of

    hypomagnesemia is by i.v. infusion of 50% magnesium sulphate 0.2 ml/kg every 4 hours

    until the serum magnesium level is normal (0.71.0 mmol/L).


    Jaundice in the newborn is a common physiological problem seen in 2550% of

    all normal newborn infants and in a considerably higher percentage of premature and SGA

    infants. It is the result of a combination of shortened red cell survival, with a consequent

    increase in bilirubin load, and an immature glucuronyl transferase enzyme system with a

    limited capacity for conjugating bilirubin. This results in transient physiological jaundice

    which reaches a maximum at the age of 34 days, but returns to normal levels at the end of

    the first week and the bilirubin level does not exceed 170 mmol/L.

    Hyperbilirubinemia in the newborn may have a pathological basis such as severe

    sepsis, Rh and ABO incompatibilities and congenital hemolytic amemias. Neonatal

    hemolytic jaundice usually appears during the first 24 hours of life, whereas physiological

    jaundice, as mentioned before, reaches a peak between 2 and 5 days of life. Other causes

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    for prolonged hyperbilirubinemia, including those often associated with surgical

    conditions are: biliary obstruction, hepatocellular dysfunction and upper intestinal tract

    obstruction. The diagnosis of extrahepatic biliary obstruction should be done as early as

    possible, because early operations for biliary atresia are essential to obtain good short-term

    as well as long-term results. The major concern in neonatal hyperbilirubinemia (high

    levels of unconjugated bilirubin) is the risk of kernicterus that can result in brain damage.

    Predisposing factors include: hypoalbuminemia (circulating bilirubin is bound to

    albumin), hypothermia, acidosis, hypoglycemia, hypoxia, caloric deprivation and the use

    of drugs (e.g. gentamicin, digoxin, furosemide). When the serum bilirubin concentration

    approaches a level at which kernicterus is likely to occur, hyperbilirubinemia must be

    treated. In most patients, other than those with severe hemolysis, phototherapy is a safe

    and effective method of treating hyperbilirubinemia. When the serum indirect bilirubin

    level rises early and rapidly and exceeds 340 mmol/L, hemolysis is usually the reason, and

    exchange transfusion is indicated.


    Coagulation abnormalities in the neonate should be sought preoperatively and

    treated. The newborn is deficient in vitamin K and this should be given as 1 mg prior to

    operation in order to prevent hypoprothrombinemia and hemorrhagic disease of the

    newborn. Thus, 1 mg vitamin K should be administered by i.m. or i.v. injection to every

    newborn undergoing surgery.Neonates with severe sepsis, such as those with necrotizing

    enterocolitis, may develop disseminated intravascular coagulopathy with a secondary

    platelet deficiency. Such patients should be given fresh-frozen plasma, fresh blood or

    platelet concentrate preoperatively.

    Bleeding is one of the major risks associated with neonatal ECMO, a risk that has a

    particularly devastating outcome. In their group of 45 patients, Weiss and colleagues

    reported on 12 (27%) patients who sustained hemorrhagic complications.43 Most of these

    hemorrhages were intracranial and were the most serious complication. Other less frequent

    sites of bleeding included the cannulation site, the gastrointestinal tract and chest tube

    sites. Although the hemorrhage is related to systemic heparinization, no correlation was

    found between the activate clotting time or the amount of heparin used and the

    hemorrhagic complications. An increased risk of hemorrhage was associated with lower

    platelet counts, so that aggressive platelet transfusion remains important in preventing

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    hemorrhagic complications using ECMO. Attempts at correcting any coagulopathy should

    be undertaken before the initiation of ECMO. Lately, there is an interest in developing

    heparin-bonded circuits, which would allow ECMO without systemic heparinization.

    The potential of an increased rate of intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) has also

    been reported in term and preterm neonates following iNO therapy. INO leads to a

    prolonged bleeding time and an inhibition of platelet aggregation.


    A newborn undergoing surgery should have blood drawn on admission for the

    various investigations, including full blood count, serum sodium, potassium and chloride,

    urea, calcium, magnesium, glucose, bilirubin, and group and cross-match. Blood gases and

    pH estimation should also be obtained to assess acidbase state and the status of gas

    exchange. The availability of micromethods in the laboratory has minimized the amount of

    blood required to do the above blood tests. The coagulation status of infants who have

    been asphyxiated may be abnormal and should be evaluated. Neonatal sepsis can result in

    disseminated intravascular clotting and severe thrombocytopenia. A platelet count

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    Adequacy of the intravascular volume and the function of the heart can be assessed

    by a central venous catheter (CVC), which can be inserted through the umbilical vein,

    internal jugular vein, subclavian and femoral vein.Usually, catheters are placed using the

    Seldinger technique. This central line is often mandatory and a basic monitoring for the

    anesthetist at the time of operation, and sometimes can be performed at the theater

    immediately before starting the operation. It is a useful instrument for fluid resuscitation,

    administration of medication and central venous pressure monitoring. However, CVC

    lines are not free from risks. Infection rates of 2.35.3% are reported and duration of

    catheter placement is a risk factor for line infection. Most catheter-related bloodstream

    infections respond to appropriate antibiotic treatment and/or catheter removal.

    Critically ill neonates will require an arterial line especially at the time of

    operation, either because of the surgery, when it is expected to result in significant fluid

    shift and hemodynamic instability, or because of a significant underlying cardiopulmonary

    disease of the newborn. This arterial line is for monitoring the hemodynamic and

    biochemical status, especially throughout the operative procedure. Right radial artery

    percutaneous catheterization is preferred because it allows sampling of preductal blood for

    measurement of oxygen tension. If the baby has already had an umbilical artery catheter, it

    is safer to use it strictly for the purpose of blood pressure monitoring and blood sampling

    and not for the administration of drugs.

    A good fixation of all these venous and arterial lines is essential while these

    newborns have to be transported frequently, and reinsertion of these vascular lines can be

    very difficult.

    In an emergency, temporary vascular access can also be obtained by the

    intraosseous route.


    Estimation of the parental fluid and electrolyte requirements is an essential part of

    management of newborn infants with surgical conditions. Inaccurate assessment of fluid

    requirements, especially in premature babies and LBW infants, may result in a number of

    serious complications. Inadequate fluid intake may lead to dehydration, hypotension, poor

    perfusion with acidosis, hypernatremia and cardiovascular collapse. Administration of

    excessive fluid may result in pulmonary edema, congestive heart failure, opening of ductal

    shunts, bronchopulmonary dysplasia and cerebral intraventricular hemorrhage.

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    In order to plan accurate fluid and electrolyte therapy for the newborn, it is

    essential to understand the normalbody water consumption and the routes through which

    water and solute are lost from the baby. In fetal life around 16 weeks gestation, total body

    water (TBW) represents approximately 90% of total body weight, and the proportions of

    extracellular and intracellular water components are 65% and 25%, respectively At term,

    these two compartments constitute about 45% and 30%, respectively, of total body weight,

    indicating that (1) a shift from extracellular water to intracellular water occurs during

    development from fetal to neonatal life, and (2) relative TBW and extracellular fluid

    volume both decrease with increasing gestational age.

    In very small premature infants water constitutes as much as 85% of total body

    weight and in the term infant it represents 75% of body weight. The total body water

    decreases progressively during the first few months of life, falling to 65% of body weight

    at the age of 12 months, after which it remains fairly constant. The extracellular and

    intracellular fluid volumes also change with growth. The objectives of parenteral fluid

    therapy are to provide:

    Maintenance fluid requirements needed by the bodyto maintain vital functions

    Replacement of pre-existing deficits and abnormal losses

    Basic maintenance requirement of water for growth.

    Maintenance fluid requirement consists of water and electrolytes that are normally

    lost through insensible loss, sweat, urine and stools. The amount lost through various

    sources must be calculated to determine the volume of fluid to be administered. Insensible

    loss is the loss of water from the pulmonary system and evaporative loss from the

    skin.Approximately 30% of the insensible water loss occurs through the pulmonary

    system as moisture in the expired gas; the remainder (about 70%) is lost through the skin.

    Numerous factors are known to influence the magnitude of insensible water loss.

    These include the infants environment (ambient humidity and ambient temperature,

    metabolic rate, respiratory rate, gestational maturity, body size, surface area, fever and the

    use of radiant warmers and phototherapy. In babies weighing less than 1500 g at birth,

    insensible loss may be up to three times greater than that estimated for term

    infants.Faranhoff and colleagues found insensible water loss in infants weighing less than

    1250 g to be 60120 ml/kg/day. Chief among the factors that affect insensible water loss

    are the gestational age of the infant and the relative humidity of the environment. The

    respiratory water loss is approximately 5 ml/kg/24 hours and is negligible when infants are

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    intubated and on a ventilator. Water loss through sweat is generally negligible in the

    newborn except in patients with cystic fibrosis, severe congestive heart failure or high

    environmental temperature. Fecal water losses are 520 ml/kg/day.



    The kidneys are the final pathway regulating fluid and electrolyte balance of the

    body. The urine volume is dependent on water intake, the quantity of solute for excretion

    and the maximal concentrating and diluting abilities of the kidney. Renal function in the

    newborn infant varies with gestational age and should be evaluated in this context. Very

    preterm infants younger than 34 weeks gestational age have reduced glomerularfiltration

    rate (GFR) and tubular immaturity in the handling of the filtered solutes when compared

    to term infants. Premature infants between 34 and 37 weeksgestational age undergo rapid

    maturation of renal function similar to term infants with rapid establishment of

    glomerulotubular balance early in the postnatal period. The full-term newborn infant can

    dilute urine to osmolarities of 3050 mmol/L and can concentrate it to 550 mmol/L by

    approximately 1 month of age. The solute for urinary excretion in infants varies from 10

    20 mmol per 100 cal metabolized, which is derived from endogenous tissue catabolism

    and exogenous protein and electrolyte intake. In this range of renal solute load, a urine

    volume of 5080 ml/100 cal would provide a urine concentration of between 125 and 400


    If the volume of fluid administered is inadequate, urine volume falls and

    concentration increases. With excess fluid administration, the opposite occurs.We aim to

    achieve a urine output of 2 ml/kg/hour, which will maintain a urine osmolarity of 250290

    mmol/kg (specific gravity 10091012) in newborn infants. For older infants and children,

    hydration is adequate if the urine output is 12 ml/kg/hour, with an osmolarity between

    280 and 300 mmol/kg.

    Accurate measurements of urine flow and concentration are fundamental to the

    management of critically ill infants and children, especially those with surgical conditions,

    and extensive tissue destruction or with infusion of high osmolar solutions. In these

    situations, it is recommended that urine volume be collected and measured accurately.

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    Electrolyte and metabolic responses to surgical trauma in neonates must be

    assessed against the background of the normal metabolic responses of an infant to

    extrauterine life. Table 5.4 represents a reasonable composite of some of the changes

    occurring in the metabolism of electrolytes, nitrogen, water and calories in healthy

    newborn infants. Phase I lasts for 13 days after birth. In newborns with minimal oral

    intake, the salient metabolic features of this phase are the development of negative

    balances for electrolytes, water, calories, and nitrogen. The nitrogen balance observed

    during phase I depends on the stress incident to labor and delivery, and on caloric intake.

    Nitrogen excretion is accompanied by potassium excretion, and the potassium level is

    negative. During phase II, which is characterized by an increasing oral intake of nutrients,

    nitrogen and potassium balances become positive. Body weight begins to rise because of

    transition to positive caloric metabolism. Phase III is characterized by a further increase of

    body weight because of positive nitrogen, potassium, water and caloric balances.

    Physiological changes in fluids, electrolytes and energy metabolism, during

    postnatal life, however, can vary with different feeding regimens, gestational age, and

    other associated medical and surgical problems.62 Table 5.5 shows fluid and electrolyte

    disturbances, their mechanisms and treatment of common neonatal surgical conditions.



    Preoperative management is critical to the success of surgical intervention and the

    postoperative restoration of normal function. It has been observed that patients who have

    operations conserve sodium postoperatively.In fact, this sodium concentration is usually

    caused by hypovolemia, which has its genesis in preoperative dehydration, because of

    various surgical conditions. The remedy is to provide parenteral maintenance fluid

    preoperatively when oral restriction of fluid is required. Some patients may need fluid

    resuscitation preoperatively, and their extracellular fluid volume must be restored.

    Assessment of adequacy of the intravascular space can be done by measurement of pulse,

    blood pressure, capillary filling in the skin, core temperature, temperature of the skin,

    urine output, specific gravity and urinary sodium level. In addition to vital signs, an

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    accurate weight, and especially changes in weight, electrolyte levels and calcium and

    blood gas analyses should be obtained. Attempts should be made to correct any

    abnormalities encountered during this assessment.

    Newborn surgical patients shift large amounts of protein and water into tissues or

    into potential spaces such as the peritoneal or pleural cavity. These so-called third-space

    losses are hard to quantify. Inadequate replacement of these losses can cause hypovolemia

    and shock. This is commonly seen in peritonitis (e.g. necrotizing enterocolitis, perforated

    viscus) and other congenital abnormalities such as gastroschisis and omphalocele. Infusion

    of colloid in the form of fresh-frozen plasma, 5% albumin, packed red cells, whole blood

    or plasma-like product is required to maintain intravascular integrity in the face of protein

    and fluid losses. Enterocolitis complicating Hirschsprungs disease or other intestinal

    obstructive lesions can cause massive losses of fluid and electrolytes and result in

    hypovolemia, hyponatremia, metabolic acidosis and hypokalemia. In the presence of

    severe enterocolitis secondary to obstruction, with accompanying large fluid losses into

    the intestine, adequate preoperative fluid replacement is mandatory to ensure a reasonable


    Vomiting of gastric contents as a result of gastric outlet obstruction caused by a

    duodenal atresia, a diaphragm or web, pyloric stenosis, intestinal bands, or malrotation,

    results in a chronic loss of gastric contents and primary hydrogen and chloride ions, in turn

    resulting in hypochloremic alkalosis. Chronic hypochloremic alkalosis results in

    hypokalemia. In renal compensation, hydrogen ions are conserved at the expense of

    potassium loss. Preoperative management of patients with gastric outlet obstruction

    includes fluid replacement and at least potential correction of the hypochloremic alkalosis

    by infusion of chloride and potassium chloride (Table 5.5).

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    This preoperative metabolic correction greatly enhances surgical outcome. Table

    5.6 represents the electrolyte content of bodily fluids, which are lost by various routes, and

    must be corrected with the appropriate balance to be replaced accurately.

    Bilateral obstruction uropathy exhibits a number of important and sometimes

    complex abnormalities of electrolyte metabolism and acidbase regulation. Depending on

    the severity of a lesion, patients can have dehydration, fluid overload, hypernatremia,


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    hyperkalemia, renal tubular acidosis and azotemia with variable degrees of renal failure.

    Patients with water and salt-losing nephropathy need additional salt and water

    supplements. Patients with defective dilutional capacity and renal failure require fluid

    restriction. Patients with renal tubular acidosis require bicarbonate supplementation with

    or without potassium exchange resins.


    Based on a consideration of the sources of water loss, an average parenteral fluid

    design for an infant receiving no oral feeding should provide about 40 ml of water per 100

    cal metabolized for insensible loss and 5080/100 cal for urine, with about 5 ml /100 cal

    for stool water, resulting in a total volume of 100125 ml/100 cal for the maintenance

    fluid losses under baseline conditions per 24 hours. LBW infants will require considerably

    more fluid because of an increasing insensible loss.Neonates weighing less than 1000 g

    may need 160 ml/kg/24 hours and those over 1000 g may require 110130 ml/kg/24 hours.

    With premature infants, a fluid intake >170 ml/kg/24 hours is associated with an increased

    risk of congestive cardiac failure, patent ductus arteriosus and necrotizing enterocolitis.

    Serial measurements of body weight are a useful guide to total body water in

    infants. Fluctuations over a 24- hour period are primarily related to loss or gain of fluid, 1

    g body weight being approximately equal to 1 ml water. Errors will occur if changes in

    clothing, dressings and tubes are not accounted for and if scales are not regularly


    The assessment of hydration status in every newborn surgical patient is essential

    for the infants outcome. This can best be obtained by changes in body weight,

    measurement of urine flow rate, concentration of urine, hematocrit and total serum protein.

    Estimation of serum electrolytes, urea, sugar and serum osmolarity gives an excellent

    indication of the hydration status.



    The past two decades have seen major advances in the management of critically ill

    newborns. During this period we have seen the introduction of innovative treatments for

    acute hypoxemic respiratory failure including surfactant replacement therapy,

    extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) and highfrequency oscillatory ventilation

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    (HFOV) which have resulted in improved survival of both term and preterm infants. At the

    same time advances in surgical and anesthetic management have led to corrective surgery

    being performed on complex lesions both prenatally and in low birth weight (LBW)

    infants, placing a demand for higher levels of care in the postoperative period. While the

    surgery itself may be only of a relatively short duration, success or failure will inevitably

    depend on the level and skill of the postoperative care.

    There are some distinct differences in the physiology of the newborn infant

    compared to the older child which may impact on postoperative management. Pulmonary

    vascular resistance is elevated in the first week of life, which increases the potential right-

    to-left shunting at ductal level. There are distinct differences in the coagulation system as

    plasma levels and activities are low at the time of birth and then increase in the first few

    months of life. Total body water is higher in the newborn, especially the preterm infant

    and the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is low in the first few days of life.

    Thermoregulation mechanisms are also poorly developed. The newborn increases cardiac

    output by increasing heart rate because stroke volume is relatively fixed. Finally, there are

    important hormonalmetabolic responses to surgery which have major implications for

    analagesia and sedation during and after surgery. While a comprehensive review of these

    topics is beyond the scope of this chapter the significance of these physiological changes

    to the postoperative care of the newborn will be discussed.


    The key to being able to successfully manage a critically ill newborn is the ability

    to measure and then adjust physiological parameters. For that reason invasive and non-

    invasive monitoring assume an important role in management in the postoperative period.

    The newborn, especially the preterm infant, has little tolerance to changes in normal

    physiological parameters and therefore minimum monitoring requirements should include

    continuously recorded ECG, rectal temperature, blood pressure by Doppler or automatic

    non-invasive blood pressure cuff, measurement of respiratory rate and hourly urine output.

    In addition, in infants with compromised cardiorespiratory function, more sophisticated

    respiratory and hemodynamic monitoring is required.

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    Blood gas measurement

    Monitoring of respiratory function in the postoperative period requires

    measurement of gas exchange. The most reliable and accurate method is to measurePaO2,

    PaCO2 and pH from an arterial sample. The common sites for invasive arterial monitoring

    are umbilical artery (newborns) and radial or dorsalis pedis arteries in the first few months

    of life. In the newborn, a blood gas drawn from the right radial will measure pre-ductal

    PaO2 values, whereas the other sites will be post-ductal. On some occasions the left

    subclavian artery is juxta-ductal and will therefore measure similar values to the right.

    With the newer generation of automated blood gas machines, samples as small as 0.1 ml

    are sufficient for a full blood gas and pH profile. This is particularly important in

    premature infants in whom frequent sampling may necessitate top up transfusions. An

    alternative method of measuring PaCO2, PaO2 and pH is to use arterialized capillary

    blood taken from an area of skin that has been vasodilated by warming, usually the heel.

    This technique is generally reliable for PaCO2 and pH. With arterial PaO2 levels above

    6070 mmHg, accuracy drops off considerably.

    Transcutaneous blood gas monitoring

    The development of pulse oximetry has made it possible to measure arterial

    saturation and heart rate on a beattobeat basis and has proved to be a reliable and effective

    method of monitoring and trending oxygenation. The absolute values do not correlate well

    with those measured at saturations of less than 70% and in low cardiac output states where

    there is inadequate perfusion for a pulse to be recorded by the probe.3 Careful sensor

    placement is important to prevent distortion by light and the probes are sensitive to light

    artifact. It is a useful monitor to record the rapid response ofPO2 to interventions such as

    suctioning and changes in ventilation. Due to the shape of the oxygen hemoglobin

    dissociation curve, high PaO2 levels (>12.6 kpa) will not be accurately reflected by

    saturation measurements. In the premature neonate (

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    flow. These devices correlate well with arterial oxygen in small infants who have little

    subcutaneous tissue, and are reliable where cardiac output and peripheral perfusion are

    good. However, quality declines in the older child and in those in low cardiac output

    states. Transcutaneous CO2 (TcPCO2) monitoring uses the modified Severinghous probe

    with a heating element, which heats the skin to 4144C.5 These have proved to be

    reliable in small infants. While transcutaneous PO2 and PCO2 monitoring are useful

    trending devices, absolute values should be occasionally checked against an arterial

    sample. Greater accuracy is obtained by careful maintenance of the probes and care in

    calibration and application to the skin. The risk of skin damage from the heating element

    requires that the measuring site be changed every 46 hours.


    Tube size and position

    Newborns are most commonly managed with nasotracheal tubes rather than oral

    tubes unless there is some congenital abnormality of or injury to the nasal area that

    precludes their use. They provide for greater patient comfort and acceptability and the tube

    may be more securely fastened to the face and upper lip. In terms of length, the tip of the

    tube should reach to the level of the clavicles on the chest film. Tubes that extend lower

    may enter a main bronchus, especially during flexion or extension movements of the head.

    A routine chest film should be obtained immediately after intubation or change of tube

    position to ascertain correct placement. The proximal end of the tube should protrude

    sufficiently far from the nose so that the tube connector does not impinge upon the

    external nares. Severe excoriation of nares and erosion of cartilage can occur with

    longterm intubation. In selecting a tube of correct diameter, the size should be sufficient

    enough to provide a small leak under positive pressure, but not large enough to provide an

    airtight seal. Tight-fitting tubes left in situ for prolonged periods will lead to tracheal

    stenosis and vocal cord granuloma formation, requiring tracheostomy and extended

    postoperative care. At the same time, too large a leak will make positive pressure

    ventilation extremely difficult. In the term newborn 3 mm, 3.5 mm or 4 mm tubes may be

    used depending on the size of the infant; 2.5 mm or 2 mm tubes may be used in premature

    infants, but these are prone to becoming blocked with secretions.

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    Endotracheal tube suctioning

    Routine suctioning to maintain the patency of the endotracheal tube and prevent

    atelectasis is of prime importance in newborns.However, even skillful suctioning can lead

    to a profound fall in PaO2 and bradycardia, especially in infants who are already

    hypoxemic. Consequently, prior to suctioning, all patients should have their lungs inflated

    with 100% oxygen by manual hyperventilation. A catheter of a size that does not occlude

    the lumen of the endotracheal tube should be chosen so that the suctioning does not

    generate large enough negative pressures to cause atelectasis. End-hole catheters should be

    used rather than the side-hole type, which can trap and injure the respiratory tract mucosa.

    Suction should only be applied while the catheter is being withdrawn and for not longer

    than a few seconds. Between each suctioning, the patient should be ventilated with 100%

    oxygen. The onset of bradycardia during suctioning is an immediate indication to stop and

    ventilate with oxygen, as it is almost always indicative of hypoxemia. Endotracheal

    suctioning should always be performed as a sterile procedure using surgical gloves and a

    sterile catheter. The objective should be to pass the catheter down as far as it will go to

    beyond the carina and down either one or the other main bronchus, at the same time

    stimulating the patient to cough. The catheter tip may be encouraged to pass down either

    one or the other side by rotating the head to the opposite side. The presence of unduly

    thick secretions in the respiratory tract should alert one to the possibility of inadequate

    humidification. Intrapulmonary hemorrhage increases the chances of endotracheal tube

    blockage substantially and indicates the need for more frequent suctioning.


    Humidification is one of the least emphasized but most important aspects of

    respiratory care. The small diameter endotracheal tube in the newborn patient is

    notoriously prone to blockage from secretions, especially where they become inspissated

    due to inadequate humidification. Too much humidification leads to rainout, as the

    inspired gas cools during its passage between the humidifier and the infants airway and

    can lead to the absorption of considerable amounts of water

    . The goal of optimal humidity is to deliver fully saturated gases (44 mg/L H2O) at

    a temperature of 37C to the peak of the airway. This can only be achieved with the heated

    water bath type humidifier as opposed to the nebulizer type, which has little application in

    neonatal practice. The temperature of the water bath must be raised above body

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    temperature, to about 40C in order to deliver gases at 3537C at the endotracheal (ET)

    tube. Between the humidifier and the endotracheal tube, considerable condensation of

    water vapor may occur as the gases cool, which may impede gas flow. This problem has

    been overcome to some extent with the newer humidifiers, which have a heated electric

    coil inside the inspiratory line. This maintains a consistent temperature throughout the

    inspiratory line by means of a dual servo mechanism with temperature sensors in both the

    water bath and at the patients airway. There is therefore less cooling of gases in the

    respirator tubing and inspired gas is delivered to the endotracheal (ET) tube fully saturated

    and at 37C.

    The condenser humidifier or Swedish nose is alsocapable of supplying moisture

    and preventing heat loss from the respiratory tract. While obviously not as efficient as the

    water bath type, it is particularly useful for patient transport or for providing humidity to

    infants who have been intubated for upper airway problems. As the condenser humidifier

    becomes increasingly saturated, the airway resistance tends to rise and the humidifier must

    be changed every 24 hours.


    The respiratory system is probably the most vulnerable area in the maintenance of

    a normal physiological milieu. Abnormalities in the cardiovascular, renal and central

    nervous systems are rapidly reflected in changes in function of the respiratory apparatus,

    which in the newborn is ill equipped to deal with. The chest wall itself is highly compliant

    and increasing respiratory efforts, due to a fall in lung compliance, result in increasing

    chest wall distortion and eventual apnea from respiratory muscle fatigue.

    Major abdominal or thoracic surgical procedures in the newborn render the infant

    particularly vulnerable to developing respiratory failure, as surgery frequently has an

    adverse effect on the mechanics of the respiratory system. Repair of congenital

    abnormalities such as gastroschisis or congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) frequently

    result in rises in intra-abdominal pressure, upward displacement of the diaphragm and a

    fall in total thoracic compliance. Normal tidal respiration in the infant occurs around the

    closing capacity and therefore any loss of lung volume will result in further atelectasis and

    hypoxemia. Similarly, the use of inhalational anesthetic agents, narcotics and muscle

    relaxants will adversely affect diaphragmatic function not only during surgery, but have an

    effect which extends well into the postoperative period. In order to prevent respiratory

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    compromise in the immediate postoperative period, infants undergoing major abdominal

    or thoracic surgery will benefit from a period of ventilatory support, the duration of which

    will depend on the maturity of the infant, the underlying surgical problem and the presence

    or absence of disease or abnormalities within the lung itself.


    Mechanical ventilation of newborn infants came into widespread use in the 1970s,

    when it was appreciated that long-term intubation was both safe and feasible in small

    infants and that positive pressure ventilation was not necessarily damaging to the newborn

    lung. The initial concept was to adapt adult ventilators for use in the infant, using positive

    pressure to generate a gas flow into the lung, sufficient to expand alveoli by overcoming

    the opposing forces generated by the elastic properties of the lung (compliance) and the

    airways (resistance).

    The most commonly used ventilators in the newborn are the time-cycled, pressure-

    limited variety. The number of breaths delivered by the respirator is set by the operator

    while the duration of the inspiratory and expiratory phases of the respiratory cycle can be

    altered by adjusting the inspiratory time. The respirator cycles from inspiration to

    expiration when a preset pressure is reached. This preselected pressure is known as the

    peak inspiratory pressure (PIP), which may vary depending on the pressure needed to

    expand the lung by overcoming the compliance of the lung and the airway resistance. The

    airway pressure at end expiration (normally zero during spontaneous breathing) can be

    increased to 520 cmH2O, depending on whether positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP)

    is required to maintain lung expansion. The volume delivered by a pressure ventilator will

    change significantly according to conditions within the thorax. A fall in compliance or a

    rise in airway resistance results in the ventilator rapidly reaching its preselected cycling

    pressure. A reduction in delivered alveolar ventilation will inevitably follow, which can

    only be overcome by increasing the preset pressure. If one also takes into account the fact

    that there is invariably a leak around the ET tube in a newborn infant, changes in

    compliance and resistance will also increase the amount of wasted ventilation escaping

    between the tube and tracheal wall.

    The alternative ventilation system is a time-cycled, volume preset respirator which

    will deliver a set tidal volume at a preselected rate. In certain machines, the operator

    chooses the minute volume and ventilatory rate and the tidal volume can be calculated

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    from these two settings. Alternatively, in other types of respirators the tidal volume and

    rate are selected and the minute volume calculated. As with the pressure-type respirator,

    the duration of the inspiratory and expiratory time can be adjusted according to conditions

    within the thorax. A fall in compliance or rise in airway resistance will not result in a fall

    in alveolar ventilation as the machine will merely increase the pressure in order to

    overcome these changes. The respirator however will not compensate for leaks around the

    ET tube and a significant proportion of the preset volume will be vented around the tube

    when there is a large leak. These ventilators are most commonly used for ventilating adult

    patients where cuffed ET tubes are used, but are increasingly used in children and



    Carbon dioxide elimination

    Adequate CO2 elimination depends on the ratio between CO2 production

    (metabolic rate) and alveolar ventilation (tidal volume dead space). In the normal

    situation, the two sides of the equation balance and normal CO2 homeostasis is preserved.

    An increase in CO2 production can normally be met by increased alveolar ventilation and

    the newborn achieves this by increasing its respiratory rate. Similarly, abnormalities

    within the thorax will result primarily in an increase in respiratory rate rather than volume

    in order to achieve the same alveolar ventilation. In mechanical ventilation, the PaCO2

    level can be controlled by adjusting both ventilator rate and the volume delivered by each

    respiratory cycle (alveolar ventilation = tidal volume dead space frequency).With a

    pressure preset ventilator, minute ventilation is increased by increasing the peak

    inspiratory pressure (PIP) and rate, while in the volume respiratorPaCO2 is controlled by

    adjusting rate and delivered volume.

    Oxygen uptake

    The diffusion gradient for oxygen within the lung is high as the PO2 in the

    pulmonary artery is (PvO2) 5.3 kpa compared with alveolar PO2 (PaO2) of 14 kpa on

    FiO2 0.21. Despite this favorable gradient, the alveoli must remain open for gas exchange

    to occur. In the normal lung, due to the hysteresis, the alveoli open during inspiration and

    remain open during most of expiration and only cease gas exchanging at end expiration. In

    the diffusely atelectatic lung, of which RDS is a prime example, the alveoli become

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    unstable and tend to collapse at low lung volumes. The degree of alveolar expansion

    depends to a large part on mean airway pressure (Paw), which is a measure of the average

    pressure that the alveoli are exposed to during the respiratory cycle. This in turn is

    determined by a combination of the PIP, PEEP and duration of the inspiratory phase of the

    respiratory cycle. Attempts to improve oxygenation are based on the manipulation of one

    or more of these variables in order to increase Paw. The simplest and most time honored

    of these measures is to increase the amount of PEEP, which was first introduced to

    improve oxygenation in RDS. Abnormalities within the lung that cause a large difference

    betweenPaO2 andPaOo2 (A-a DO2) may also be compensated for to a certain extent by

    increasing the FiO2. However, both oxygen and positive pressure have been implicated in

    causing the chronic lung injury (BPD) seen in newborns with respiratory distress

    syndrome (RDS). High PaO2 levels have also been implicated in the development of

    retinitis of prematurity (ROP). Consequently, there are good reasons for carefully

    monitoring and controlling oxygen therapy in the newborn.


    Choosing the options for ventilatory management of the newborn is in a large part

    determined by conditions within the patient. The objective is to maintain gases within a

    physiological range (PaO2 812 kpa,PaCO2 56.5 kpa) using the lowest FiO2 and airway

    pressure compatible with that aim. This may be relatively simple where the lungs are

    normal, but may require a completely different strategy in the presence of abnormalities

    within the abdomen or thorax. Therefore one must take these considerations into account

    when selecting ventilator settings for the newborn infant. Generally speaking, the term

    infant with normal respiratory system compliance and airway resistance on a pressure-

    preset ventilator would require a PIP of 1020 cmH2O, a rate of 3040/minite, an FiO2

    0.250.35 and an inspiratory to expiratory ratio (I:E ratio) of 1:2 or 1:2.5 and a minimum

    of 35 cmH2O PEEP as routine. Using a volume respirator, a tidal volume of 810 ml/kg

    would be adequate in a newborn with normal lungs. Having selected these settings, the

    adequacy of gas exchange must be verified by an arterial blood gas sample to ensure that

    hyperventilation is avoided.

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    Synchronized ventilation

    Synchronized mechanical ventilation has evolved from the use of patient triggering

    in the assist/control mode of mechanical ventilation. The drawback to this system was that

    it was frequently not sensitive enough to pick up the small negative inspiratory efforts

    frequently seen in the tachypneic newborn infant. The concept of synchronized

    mechanical ventilation is to trigger the ventilatorspositive pressure early enough during

    inspiration to avoid stimulating active expiration against the triggered breath. This type of

    asynchrony may result in suboptimal gas exchange, increased risk of barotrauma and an

    increased incidence of intraventricular hemorrhage. One method of overcoming this is to

    use sedatives or neuromuscular blocking drugs, both of which carry with them an

    alternative set of problems. Neuromuscular blockade is associated with loss of vasomotor

    tone and circulatory insufficiency, while the immature drug metabolism of the newborn

    may result in a prolonged effect of sedation.

    A more ideal solution to this problem is to use a form of synchronized ventilation

    that does not compete with the patients own breathing pattern. Most of these systems

    have been adapted from designs incorporated into adult ventilators and they include

    synchronous intermittent mandatory ventilation (SIMV), pressure support ventilation,

    volume support ventilation and proportional assist ventilation (PAV).Most experience in

    neonatal intensive care has been with the SIMV mode, with which the ventilator senses

    either airway flow or pressure and the set rate or mandatory breaths from the ventilator are

    triggered so they do not interfere with the expiratory phase of respiration. There are an

    increasing number of studies that have compared synchronized ventilation with

    conventional intermittent mandatory ventilation (IMV) in neonatal respiratory failure.

    Jarreau et al.6 have shown that patient triggering decreased the work of breathing in

    neonates compared with IMV and Donn et al.7 showed that flow synchronization was

    associated with a shorter time to extubation and decreased patient charges compared with

    IMV in a randomized prospective trial. Other studies have compared SIMV with

    conventional IMV in newborn infants. Bernstein et al.8 found increased and more

    consistent tidal volumes were associated with the use of SIMV. In a large multicenter

    randomized, controlled trial which enrolled 327 term and preterm infants, SIMV and IMV

    were compared in terms of outcome (death or survival), need for supplemental oxygen at

    28 days, incidence of intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) and the need for pharmacological

    paralysis. The infants were stratified for birth weight and the results show there was no

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    difference in outcome except for infants with a birth weight of greater than 2000 g who

    had a shorter duration of mechanical ventilation associated with the use of SIMV. There

    was also an increased use of ECMO therapy in the IMV group.

    Weaning from ventilation

    Weaning from mechanical ventilation has been considerably simplified by the

    widespread use of IMV and other forms of ventilatory-assist modes.With these systems

    the infant may take spontaneous breaths from a gas flow provided either through a demand

    valve or from a separate spontaneous breathing circuit. In this manner the mandatory

    breaths are gradually reduced as spontaneous respiratory effort improves, until the infant is

    breathing entirely spontaneously through a constant positive airway pressure (CPAP)

    system. The pace of weaning depends on the type of surgery and any additional pathology

    within the lung, and is set by observing the spontaneous respiratory rate and the measured

    blood gas response to changes in ventilation settings. In order to tolerate the transition

    from CPAP to extubation, the infant should be on FiO2 0.4, PEEP 5 cmH2O, with normal

    blood gases. A more recent innovation has been the introduction of pressure support

    ventilation, with which each spontaneously initiated breath generates a positive pressure

    from the machine to a preset inspiratory level.10 This helps to overcome the fixed

    resistance of small endotracheal tubes.

    Hyperventilation and ventilator-associated lung injury

    Since the first introduction of intubation and ventilation for the treatment of

    neonates with acute respiratory failure, the objective has been to adopt a pattern of

    ventilation designed to produce gas exchange within normal physiological parameters.

    Since the original description of the induction of a respiratory alkalosis to reverse ductal

    shunting in persistent pulmonary hypertension (PPHN),11 hyperventilation became one of

    the mainstays of treatment. Although there may be a shortterm benefit from this approach,

    there have been no prospective trials that have shown an improved outcome with the use

    of hyperventilation. In addition, there is now increasing concern that this may result in

    serious adverse consequences. The high inflation pressures required to reduce the CO2 can

    frequently result in ventilator-induced injury to the lung, thereby compounding a

    pulmonaryvascular problem with a pulmonaryparenchymal one. There are numerous

    animal models of ventilator-induced lung injury where pulmonary edema, hyaline

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    membrane formation and pulmonary epithelial cell injury can be produced in normal lungs

    with peak inflation pressures as low as 30 cmH2O. As few as six manual inflations using

    high pressure at the time of birth have been shown to induce lung injury in an animal

    model.12 Wung et al. in 1985 was the first to suggest that PPHN could be treated

    effectively without the use of hyperventilation and showed excellent outcomes with

    pressure-limited ventilation and hypercarbia.13 This is true not only in the premature lung

    but also in the dysplastic lung of infants with CDH, which are equally vulnerable to injury.

    There are several series reporting improved survival using a pressure-limited strategy

    which does not use hyperventilation to treat ductal shunting.

    There is also increasing evidence that low PaCO2s may adversely affect cerebral

    blood flow and injure the developing brain18 and may partly account for the alarmingly

    high incidence of neurosensory deafness seen in these infants. Conversely hypercarbia

    increases cerebral protection in experimental models of neonatal brain injury.

    The first human randomized trial that addressed theissue of hypercarbia in

    neonates has shown a decrease in number of days on a ventilator and absence of adverse

    events when permissive hypercapnia was compared with the conventional approach.26

    Finally, in terms of avoidance of ventilator-associated lung injury, there is increasing

    evidence that the use of nasal CPAP together with early intervention with surfactant

    improves outcome in premature infants with moderately severe forms of IRDS.



    A number of innovative techniques have recently been introduced into the

    management of acute respiratory failure, which include high-frequency ventilation,

    inhaled nitric oxide (iNO), and, if all else fails, ECMO. It is very likely that a significant

    number of these therapies are being resorted to as rescue therapy from ventilatorinduced

    injury. This speculation is supported by the figures from the Extracorporeal Life Support

    Organisation (ELSO) registry which show the annual number of cases is actually falling

    for the first time since neonatal ECMO was first introduced in the late 1970s. It is likely

    that we will recognize that the single most important advance in ventilator management

    will be the recognition that the solution is part of the problem and that the ventilator must

    adapt to the underlying pathophysiology of the lung rather than to outmoded physiological


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    High-frequency oscillatory ventilation

    One of the prinicipal strategies for the prevention of ventilator-associated lung

    injury is the use of HFOV. This has been tested in a large number of randomized, clinical

    trials in preterm infants. Although the original National Institute of Health (NIH) study30

    suggested that there was an increased incidence of intraventricular hemorrhage associated

    with its use, subsequent trials have led to a general acceptance that it is a safe and effective

    form of ventilation without there being any clear demonstrable benefit in terms of

    increased survival and decreased incidence of chronic lung disease. This may be because

    the lung recruitment strategies (the open lung approach) were not aggressive enough or

    introduced early enough. Most of the protocols in neonatal trials have used levels of mean

    airway pressure (MAP) of 12 cmH2O above that of conventional mechanical ventilation

    (CMV) increased in small increments. The PROVO trial in 1996, which was an early

    intervention study and used a clearly defined lung recruitment protocol with all patients

    receiving surfactant, was the first to show a reduction in chronic lung disease with HFOV

    (24 vs 44%), less surfactant usage and decreased hospital stays. However, the rates of

    chronic lung disease in this study do not compare favorably with a Japanese HFOV study

    published in 1993,35 in which the rates were 9% and 13%, respectively. This highlights

    the problem of comparing different modes of ventilation in small randomized studies in

    which an optimal open lung approach with HFOV is compared to a conventional

    technique where little attempt was made to use a lung recruitment strategy. In addition, no

    study has compared HFOV with a conventional ventilation approach that uses an optimal

    lung-recruitment strategy. When this has been done in experimental animals HFOV have

    been shown to be equally effective in opening the lung. It should also be emphasized that

    surfactant-replacement therapy has made a major impact on the mortality rate from

    neonatal lung disease. Clearly, if one is to use HFOV, early intervention before the lung

    sustains significant damage is key and has been demonstrated by the excellent results

    published by Rimensberger et al, in which premature infants at risk from IRDS were

    placed on HFOV in the delivery suite. The incidence of chronic lung disease, as defined as

    oxygen dependency at weeks postgestational age, was zero compared to 34% in

    historical controls. The optimal recruitment strategy also needs to be determined. Copying

    the recruitment maneuvers (30 cmH2O for 15 seconds) used in the experimental lung

    lavage model is frequently insufficient to achieve optimal recruitment strategy in

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    premature infants. Thome et al41 has shown that lung volume recruitment on HFOV is

    both time and pressure dependent in these patients. He was able to show that stabilization

    of mean lung volume after modification of mean airway pressure took 225 minutes

    (median 9 minutes) in premature infants. HFOV has also proved effective in the

    management of term and near-term infants with PPHN, meconium aspiration and in

    preoperative stabilization of infants with CDH.31.

    High-frequency jet ventilation

    High-frequency jet ventilation (HFJV) was first developed in clinical anesthesia to

    provide small tidal volume ventilation for procedures involving the larynx and

    tracheobronchial tree where the ability to achieve a normal CO2 with low airway pressures

    provided ideal operating conditions. Although HFJV and HFOV operate on the same

    physiological principles of very small tidal volumes delivered at high rates, they should

    not be considered as merely two variations on the same theme. HFJV uses a high-pressure

    gas source to deliver small tidal volumes at frequencies of 15 Hz.Apart from the slower

    rates used in HFJV, the other major difference is that expiration is passive in the former

    while it is active in HFOV. The published experience with jet ventilation in acute

    hypoxemic respiratory failure (AHRF) is considerably less than oscillation and until

    recently only documented its use as rescue therapy in patients with either hypoxemia

    despite high PEEP or an established air leak. The rationale for the switch is usually the

    avoidance of further barotrauma by the use of smaller tidal volumes while maintaining a

    high mean airway pressure, but with lower peak airway pressures. Improvements in

    oxygenation can be obtained by driving up the MAP but this usually involves some

    compromise to cardiovascular function because of the transmitted pressure. A randomized,

    controlled clinical trial of HFJV in neonates with pulmonary interstitial emphysema (PIE)

    has shown an improvement in PIE and lower mortality rate in infants treated with HFJV

    compared to conventional ventilation.

    In the past 2 years, several prospective randomized trials have compared HFJV in

    both premature and term infants with AHRF. The two studies on premature infants

    showed conflicting results. Keszler et al. found better pulmonary outcomes in patients

    randomized to HFJV without a difference in survival rate while Wiswell48 found no

    difference in pulmonary outcomes but an increased risk of death and intraventricular

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    hemorrhage associated with the use of HFJV. Engle etal., in a randomized trial in term

    and near-term infants found improved oxygenation without any difference in survival rate.

    There are some technical safety concerns about the adequacy of humidification in

    this system as well as reported cases of tracheal damage (necrotizing tracheobronchitis) in

    severely ill newborn infants. In addition, the airway pressures measured from the catheter

    within the trachea during HFJV probably represent a serious underestimate of true MAP

    because of the Bernoulli effect and consequently there is likely to be a significant amount

    of auto-PEEP present.

    Inhaled nitric oxide

    As well as having a key role in the modulation of vascular tone, exogenously

    administered NO has been shown to be a highly selective pulmonary vasodilator. When

    administered by inhalation, NO diffuses rapidly from the alveolus into the endothelial cell

    and the vascular smooth muscle, where it stimulates guanylate cyclase to produce cGMP.

    The systemic nitrodilators currently in clinical use work by a similar mechanism but their

    pulmonary vasodilator effects cannot be separated from the systemic effects. In the case of

    inhaled nitric oxide (iNO), the vasodilatory properties are confined to the pulmonary

    circulation because the marked affinity of NO for the hemmoiety of hemoglobin results in

    its rapid binding and inactivation as soon as it crosses the alveolar capillary membrane,

    which explains its highly selective effect on the pulmonary vascular bed.

    A series of randomized, controlled trials (RCTs) have shown that iNO improves

    oxygenation and decreases the need for ECMO in term and near-term infants with PPHN.

    Although the response may be very dramatic, by no means do all infants respond well to

    it. This may reflect the fact that respiratory failure in this group of patients is not always a

    single disease entity and individual responses will vary according to the underlying

    pulmonary pathophysiology. Those infants with pure right-to-left ductal shunting and little

    parenchymal lung disease would be expected to respond best, while the infant with

    extensive pulmonary parenchymal disease as a cause of their hypoxemia (e.g. in

    meconium aspiration) may have little response. Although patients with alveolar capillary

    dysplasia have a dramatic response, the outcome is always fatal.

    An interesting alternative approach to iNO is to enhance the effect of endogenous

    production of NO in the vascular endothelium by blocking the inactivation of cGMP by

    phosphodiesterase inhibition. Two phosphodiesterase inhibitors, dipyridamole and

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    zaprinast, have been shown to decrease pulmonary vascular tone in newborn animal

    models of pulmonary hypertension, and both dipyridamole and sildenafil have been

    successfully used to treat the rebound pulmonary hypertension associated with withdrawal

    of iNO. The combination of HFOV and iNO together has proved particularly effective in

    one RCT.

    Surfactant-replacement therapy

    Probably the most important advance in neonatal medicine in the past 20 years has

    been the introduction of surfactant-replacement therapy for the treatment of lung disease

    of prematurity. This has resulted in a reduction in neonatal mortality without a significant

    impact on the incidence of chronic lung disease. This may be because it has not been used

    with an optimal ventilation strategy that minimizes ongoing lung injury. Also, there are

    important differences between synthetic and natural surfactants, the latter having

    surfactant proteins which may have important anti-inflammatory properties. In term and

    near-term infants the situation is less clear cut. These infants are not surfactant deficient

    but it may be inactivated by lung injury. Human studies have shown that t