Download - Modern World History - Parkway Schools World History Age of ... Industrial Revolution (1 st I.R. 1780s-1850s) (2 nd I.R. 1850s-1900s) World History Mr. Weiss ... Industrial Revolution


1500 1700 19001600 1800 2000




Scientific Revolution


Ottoman Empire

Asia: China and Japan

Revolutions Imperialism


Modern World HistoryModern World History

Age of Exploration

Industrial Revolutions

Industrial Revolution(1st I.R. 1780s-1850s)(2nd I.R. 1850s-1900s)

World History

Mr. Weiss

Updated 01/20/2010

Why did the Industrial Revolution begin in England???

(4 Reasons)

1. Geography of England

•How would you describe the geography of England?

ANSWER: An island, lots of rivers, farmland, limited amount of land, many cities

•London became urban hub (center) for Industrial Revolution

•Farmers looking for ways to increase the amount of food production. Why would they want/need to grow more food?

•ANSWER: No more land, Population growing, French blockades trade to England (thank you Napoleon!!!) NOW WHAT?

Enclosure Movement– New law which allowed landowners to fence off lands for private use. Peasants couldn’t afford private property thus weren’t able to feed themselves


Peasants flocked to cities, looking for jobs in newly established factories

What were the peasants going to do! They needed to feed their families and were quickly looking for work.

• Capital- $$$$ available for investment. England had a lot of capital since they were one of the wealthiest nations in the world

• Entrepreneurs– People interested in investing in new business opportunities and ways to become more profitable.

• Entrepreneurs NEED Capital • English law required that more products/goods are

exported than imported – Why would England have this law???– Does America do this???



COLONY: Territory under the control of a state both politically & economically- Shipped raw materials to England- Cheap Labor (or slave labor) used- Raw materials used in factories to make goods.- Britain then sells goods around the world



Growing different crops in the same area; prevents soil erosion, improve soil fertility, and helps keep out pests that feed on onecrop

The Seed Drill

• How did they plant seeds during ancient/medieval periods?

• Higher productivity of crop yield

• RESULT: Plant seeds quicker + more easily = more food, more money, and less labor costs

• Population continues to increase because food demand is being met –poor people aren’t dying and looking for work!!!

Impact of Agricultural Revolution

• Increase in food supply = more people could be fed at cheaper prices with less labor

• Population increases; more peasants having to move to towns to find work

• Increase in urban work force (urbanization) = new factories built to produce raw materials into manufactured goods.

• Since so many people were looking for jobs factory owners didn’t have to pay them very much money

Importance of Coal

• Replaced reliance on wood in England• Steam Engine depended on coal (1st steam

engine in 1769) – invention of train coming!!• Mine shafts often employed young children;

why?- Small bodies could fit into tight spaces- Cheap Labor (kind of like today – cheaper to employ a teenager at Taco Bell than a college graduate)

Effects of Industrial Revolution1. Child Labor

2. Emerging Middle/Working Class3. Capitalism vs. Communism4. Sharp Increase in Population

5. Pollution and Unsanitary Conditions


Emergence of Child Labor• Rigid Schedule• Children 20yrs. and

younger made up 50% of work force in 1800s

• Paid at cheaper rate• Worked approximately

12-14 hour days• Harsh punishments for

slacking or bad behavior• No labor laws• Only allowed one half-an-

hour break per day• Many died before

reaching adulthood• Dangerous health


6s. 4d.13s. 6d.57 - 61

8s. 4d.16s. 4d.52 - 56

8s. 10d.16s. 7d.47 - 51

9s. 3d.20s. 3d.42 - 46

9s. 8d.21s. 7d.37 - 41

8s. 9d.22s. 8d.32 - 36

8s. 7d.20s. 4d. 27 - 31

8s. 5d.17s. 2d. 22 - 26

7s. 3d.10s. 2d.17 - 21

4s. 3d.4s. 1d.11 - 16

2s. 4d.2s 3d.under 11

Female WagesMale WagesAge of Worker

A Dividing Social System

What social class is representedin the pictures?

A Dividing Social SystemWhat social class is representedin the pictures?

Is this political cartoon for or against capitalism?

What complaints would the lower classes have against capitalism?

Is America a capitalists nation?

How do you know?

Capitalism vs. Communism Debate

Political Cartoons

What problems come from overpopulation?

What happened that causeda dramatic shift in the populationof England?

Staffordshire, England

Worker Housing in Manchester, England

What stands out in this picture?

9 People living in one room; all working…even after work the work day is over

Horrible Working Conditions• 6-day work

week….weekends did not exist yet!

• No job security

• No minimum wage• No minimum

working age

• No safety regulations

• No laws on meal breaks


The Locomotive Arrives!!!

•First steam-powered locomotive pulled 10 tons and 70 people at 3-5 mph•Created new jobs for peasants!!!•Less expensive transportation!!!•By the mid 19th century, railroads covered 6,000 miles of track across the country

Protests for Workers Rights!!!

The Luddites

• Social movement against the Industrial Revolution

• Destroyed mechanic looms in protest

• Ned Ludd –Imaginary leader of the Luddites

• Gov’t & Army ordered to execute Luddites

Ned Ludd Letter

• 1812 – “Information has just been given that you are the owner of those detestable shearing frames, and I have been asked by my men to give you a warning to pull them down. If they are not taken down by the end of next week, i shall send at least 200 men to destroy them. If you fire at my men, they have orders to murder you and burn all your houses. Go to your neighbors and inform them that the same fate awaits them if their frames are not taken down.”

Signed by the General of the Army,

Ned Ludd

New Political Theory

Socialism (Communism)

• System of Government that controls the means of production (Ex. Factories, Utilities)

• Wanted a society that focused on cooperation not competition

• Early Socialists were called “Utopian Socialists” (tried to create perfect society)

• Robert Owen