Download - Mock, Robert - Blood Moon Tetrads and the Grapes of Wrath - 2014-01-24

  • 8/12/2019 Mock, Robert - Blood Moon Tetrads and the Grapes of Wrath - 2014-01-24


    3/9/2014 Blood Moon Tetrads and the Grapes of Wrath: European Vegetable, Fruit and now Diplomatic Boycott of Israel may invoke the Wrath of G-d - Destination Y

    Destination Yisra'el

    A Blog for the Lost Ten Tribers Awakening to their New Reality


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    Blood Moon Tetrads and the Grapes of Wrath: European Vegetable, Fruit and now

    Diplomatic Boycott of Israel may invoke the Wrath of G-d

    T he Blood Moon hangs ov er Jerusalem

    Anti-Sem itism is taking its ugly wrath and ven geance upon the State of Israel. One of the hardes

    hit are a group of 7,000 settlers living in the Jordan V alley in Shomron and Judea (Remember

    the West Bank is not a biblical region but a political nam e). Here in th is fertile valley , the

    grapes, grown in th e nearby v ineyards are nex t to where the famous date farm s of King Herod th

    Greats era fame were onc e grown, plus peppers and fresh herbs. These are taking an econ om ic

    hit because of the boyc ott executed by British and Scandinavian Western Eu ropean food chains

    Is it n ot strange that the in habitants of these nations that are taking such a personal interest in

    the I sraeli regions of Shom ron and Judea, are the T en Lost T ribes of the House of Israel? Yes,

    they are the literal cousins to th e Jewish people. Even m ore strange; this region was their form e

    hom eland given to th em by th e G-d of Israel.
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    3/9/2014 Blood Moon Tetrads and the Grapes of Wrath: European Vegetable, Fruit and now Diplomatic Boycott of Israel may invoke the Wrath of G-d - Destination Y 2

    It was over 3,000 y ears ago when King Solomon died, and the Northern T en T ribes expressed

    their anger at their southern Jewish cousins. T he on ce United Kingdom of Israel un der Kings

    David and Solomon was torn asunder and split into t wo kingdom s, the Northern Kingdom of

    Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah.

    It was they, who did not want to worship in G-ds House in Jerusalem, the fabulous T emple of

    King Solomon , neither did they want the Divine appointed kings of the Dy nasty to rule over

    them , and ev en m ore personal they did not want the priest, tem ple leader and the later the

    Jewish rabbanim who were th e guardians of the T orah, to be their legal judiciary to define thelaws of G-d of the T orah and how to live th em. And this feud continu es today.

    Is this just an aberrant econ omic policy or is this a fam ily v endetta representing the anger of th

    Lost T en T ribes of the House of Israel who are the c onstituent residents in these Eu ropean

    nations today? So here is the literal reality . Th e econo mies in the Jordan River Valley are driven

    by th e bu yers of the Jewish fruit and vegetable products today wh o are t heir literal tribal cou sin

    of the House of Abraham , Isaac and Jacob. As Dav id Elhayani, the director of the Jordan Valley

    Regional Counc il recently reported:

    Dav id Elhayani T he damage is enormous. In effect today, we are alm ost not selling to the

    (Western) European market anymore.

    Jewish Farmers and Palestinian Workers in the Jordan Valley are feeling the h urt (Photo: AP)

    In these 21 Jewish settlements co nstituting 7 000 Jewish residents in the Jordan Valley, and

    their 6000 Palestinian em ployees, their incom e has c ollapsed almost 14 percent. Th is loss of $2

    m illion is sim ple to un derstand because the grocery m arkets in Great Britain and Scandinavia

    are refusing to buy their exports and hav e these fresh com m odities imported into their own


    Who gets hurt? T he Jewish farm ers an d th e Palestinian s who work in th e fields and earn a good

    livin g in com parison to th e rest of the Palestinians in region. Here in this region, the world calls

    the West Bank is in historical reality the lands of the L ost Israelites of the Northern Kingdom o

    Israel that was on ce part of the United Kingdom of King David.

    In t he m eantime, the econom ic burdens by the Israeli vegetable growers in the region and the

    Palestinian farm workers are being affected by the A merican Secretary of State, John Kerry, who

    purports him self to be an Irish Catholic, but is actually a Czech oslovakian Jew. Is it not strange

    that the fate of the Jewish State of Israel is being undermined also by a Lost Jew for Kerry is usin

    ev ery political guile to marginalize the Jewish State of Israel? In the m eantim e, Kerry is also,7340,L-4475446,00.html
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    3/9/2014 Blood Moon Tetrads and the Grapes of Wrath: European Vegetable, Fruit and now Diplomatic Boycott of Israel may invoke the Wrath of G-d - Destination Y 3

    destroying the reputation of the United States of Am erica, known in biblical prophecy as the

    House of Manasseh of the Hou se of Joseph; for this land was onc e known as the Land of the Fre

    and the Hom e of the Brave as integrity and honesty are no longer a part of American foreign


    One of the prime leaders of the econ om ic boy cott against the Jewish settlers is Great Britain,

    recognized as representing the House of Ephraim of the h ouse of Joseph. It was they who first

    issued guidelines for the volu ntary labeling of products grown in th e Shomron and Judean

    region of Israel in the y ear of 2009.Later in December, 2013, this volu ntary gu ideline has taken a new dimension as the British

    governm ents overseas trade body sent out report strongly discouraging any vegetable and frui

    importers of doing any business with th e Israeli farms in the Jewish settlem ents of Samaria, the

    region of wh ere the c apital of the Northern Kingdom of Israel once stood. Joseph the mighty

    Viser of Egypt wou ld turn over in his grav e if he kn ew what h is descendan ts were doing to the

    Jews of the Hou se of Judah. So Michael Deas, the c oordinator of the In ternational European

    boy cott of Israeli products from th e regions of Shom ron an d Judea proudly report ed;

    Mich ael Deas Superm arkets are now starting to realize that th ere's a really big

    reputational risk inv olved h ere.

    What th ey are failin g to see is the bigger pictu re, the risk is n ot th eir arrogan ce and wrath agains

    the Jewish state but th eir arrogance against the G-d of Israel, that their forefathers began 3,000

    years ago. So it is im portant that the m erc antile experts in Europe be c ognizan t of one th ing, th

    eyes of the L-rd are upon y ou. T hese rebels in the ranks today against the G-d of Israel today


    Marks and Spencer who have refused since 2007 to buy any product s from Shom ron and


    Waitrose, the upsc ale superm arket chain , who stopped sellin g herbs from Shom ron sev eral

    years ago.

    Morrisons, the 4th largest grocery chain in Britain who refused to sell dates from th e JordaValley in 20 11.

    T he Co-operativ e Group, Britains 5th largest grocer who banned fruits and vegetables from

    all Israeli settlements.

    In Germany , the Kaisers supermarket chain refused to im port any more product s from

    either Shom ron but also the ann exed regions in the Golan Heights in 2012.

    But fruits and v egetables are only the beginning. Recently the Dutc h pension asset m anager

    PGGM m ade the announ cem ent th at it was targeting the Israeli banks that were the financial

    institution holding the loans on the h om e and apartm ents that were built in the region of

    ancien t Sam aria and Judea, and were divesting their pension assets itself from t hese Israeli

    financial institutions. Supporters of the boy cott are elated for they believe that their cu rrent

    succ essful streak is just now taking mom entum . T hey point to the fact that the intellectuals of

    their countries, such as the Am erican scholarly group, whose voting m embership num bers

    1,252 scholars and intellectuals vot ed recently t o boy cott I sraeli univ ersities. T his action

    produced a boom erang effect because th ey were targeting th e State of Israel and its educ ational

    system but not just the settlements.,7340,L-4466288,00.html,7340,L-4474625,00.html
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    3/9/2014 Blood Moon Tetrads and the Grapes of Wrath: European Vegetable, Fruit and now Diplomatic Boycott of Israel may invoke the Wrath of G-d - Destination Y 4

    T he Israelite Capital City of Samaria in the Region of Shomron today

    Now today, the c apital city of Samaria is a pile of fallen ston es. It is a testim ony of a onc e proud

    and arrogant peoples, all T en T ribes, whose v ibrant c ulture th at once turned against the G-d of

    Israel and to Baal worship that cu lminated in th e fiery c onfrontation between th e indomitableprophet c alled Elijah and t he priests of Baal on Mount Carmel. Th is blazing barbecue on Mount

    Carmel led to the execu tion of hu ndreds of Queen Jezebels Baal priests, as the fiery breath of th

    G-d of Israel consu m ed the altar of Elijahs and all the Baal altars also.

    T he c apital city of Samaria was situated upon a prominent hill in the tribal territory of

    Manasseh, and reached its zenith in the day s of King Omri, the father of King Ah ab. T he capital

    city continu ed to grow and expand ov er the next 160 y ears until it reached the size of 150 acres,

    as large as the City of Jerusalem in the days of King Hezekiah in Judea. With steep slopes on all

    sides of the c ity , it was fortified and withstood the sieges of the Arameans (II Kings 6), the

    Assy rian s wh ose siege lasted 3 y ears (II Kin gs 17 ), and the Jewish Hasm on ean s wh ose siege

    lasted one year.

    Looking down from th e Anc ient Capital City of Samaria in Shomron today and see the v ast

    reaches of Undeveloped Land for Habitation, Farming and Busin ess

    So here were a peoples, the L ost T en T ribes of the Hou se of Israel, who were once ex iled to a life
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    of oblivion 2,800 y ears ago are now on the c usp of a new and greater Exodus from th e lands of

    their dwelling today . As the historical drama has portrayed, it was the Lost Israelites of the

    Northern Kingdom of Israel whose descendants would one day m ove from the lands of their

    exile in Khorasan in Northern Iran, Eastern Afghanistan and Western Pakistan. Over the

    centu ries, the Lost T en T ribes wandered lost as they m igrated over and un der the Black Sea and

    even tually these Lost Israelites settled in th e v irgin and u npopulated forests of Gaul in Norther

    Europe in Northern Europe today.

    T hese same peoples, the L ost T en T ribes of the House of Israel are today loc ated in the c entraland northern regions of Europe. T hey are the nations of the Isles of the West, Scandinavia, plus

    Netherlands, Belgium plus Northern France and Germany . Most of the readers of this blog are

    their descendants of the Lost T en T ribes of the House of Israel. They were once cast out of the

    Land that was called Holy by the G-d of Israel and sent into exile, one th at was so devastating

    that they lost their own identity .

    What about the Am ericas? It is n ow well known that Columbu s was a Kabbalist Jew (Colu mbu s

    real name was Cristobal Colon) and all of the m en who went with h im on his v oyages to the

    Am ericas were Jewish. The Dominican Republic was set up as a Jewish colon y wh o accepted

    Jews that were cast out of Spain by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabela on the 9th of Av , 1492.

    Is it n ot amazing th at it was this sam e date, the Seventh-day Sabbath, on th e 9th of Av , 1492, tha

    Columbus, after worshipping th e Jewish Sabbath, Sailed the Ocean Blue in 1492. Yet we also

    know th at the Con quistadors from Spain th at went to th e New Am ericas in Mex ico and South

    Am erican were also of Jewish descent an d th ey loved gold. T oday , many of their descendants ar

    called Jacob, Israel, Aaron or their last nam es are Peres and num erous oth er names similar to

    Jewish people today.

    Are the Lost 10 T ribes that today liv e in North ern Eu rope once again standin g up again to in vok

    the anger and hostility against the G-d of Israel? Are they cognizant that m ay on ce again invoke

    the wrath of G-d down u pon th em, but in t his final end, will receive a transformation and

    elevation of their own c onsciousness? Look around y ou today . Northern Europe is obsessed witthe destruction of the Nation of Israel. Yet the prophets of Israel and Judah spoke of that day in

    the futu re, when the L ost T en T ribes will be reclaimed, redeemed and restored to their tribal

    inheritance. Will they suddenly have a change of heart and com e to the Alm ighty One in

    supplication and prayer.

    T he Moun tains of Israel
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    3/9/2014 Blood Moon Tetrads and the Grapes of Wrath: European Vegetable, Fruit and now Diplomatic Boycott of Israel may invoke the Wrath of G-d - Destination Y 6

    Do we seriously think th at the Lost T en T ribes will have a change of heart and awaken with an

    elevated state of con sciou sness and say, Wow, its time for us to retu rn to the land of our

    forefathers? Of course, but it will not be because they chose to do so, but bec ause the G-d of

    Israel will chose to honor His Holy Name which the Lost 10 Tribes have cont inued to abominat

    to this day. Th ey will be thrust into wh at the Jewish sages call, redemption by bietah and will

    begin th eir redem ption proc ess to return to the lan d of their forefath ers in the Land of Greater

    Israel during tim es of great catastrophes and calamities.

    T he sages and rabbis of Judah h ave stated that th is is what will happen for this is what theprophets of Israel have foretold will happen. Yet th ey the L ost 10 Tribers (or we) will not create

    new heart within us, neither will our genetics be th e driving force of change within ou r hearts

    Rather, it will be the Div ine Spirit that will give u s a New Heart as He writes His T orah upon ou

    hearts and transforms our liv es.

    Let u s face on e reality, it m ay t ake a spiritual lobotom y to ch ange our wayward and rebellious

    way s we look at the world arou nd us. Will the Lost T en T ribes be pu t under the wrath of G-d and

    suffer the 7 last plagues of Revelation and the catastrophes that will com e at the final end? T his

    also th e con sensus of the anc ient prophets of Israel and Judah. Th e end of days will be one of

    great apocalypse and world catastrophes, truly Acts of G-d before the era of the Messiah will

    begin .

    Suc h catastrophes are destined to put the entire heavily populated coastline of Western Europe

    under water. You can see that reality in the recent National Geographic dyn amic m aps that

    depict Europe (map highlightin g this article) and other parts of the world in the wake of a globa

    catastrophe just from the m elting of the North and th e An tarctic Poles plus Greenland.

    T he biblical picture portrays a different pictu re than is th e propaganda for global warming fo

    it will not be a gradual shift that will take place ov er 500 y ears but probably a rapid transition

    that can only com e by a massive change in the latitude and longitude of the cont inents around

    us t oday; like a Pole Shift.

    T he Pole Shift is a quick phen omenon th at will cause a rapid change in the alignment of thecontin ents. It happened before in Siberia when Mam m oths were ice frozen in seconds with fres

    food in their mou ths.

    T he South Atlantic A nomaly

    T he recent speculations of a pole shift inclu des the reality that with the inc reasing and rapid

    m ov em ent of the North Pole towards Siberia or Mongolia, that Planet Earth will onc e again tilt

    and will place th e New South Pole somewhere in South Am erica in Southern Brazil or Argentina

    T his m ay be the reason a strange South Atlantic An om aly is developing ov er this sam e region

    today. Th e historical docu mentation from antiquity reveals that a pole shift did happen at the

    time of the Great Noachian Flood as revealed in the Book of Enoch, one of the rev ered books of

    the Essenes in Qum ran in the decades before our Com m on Era.'el/2014/1%20-%20%20January/Would%20YOUR%20house%20be%20underwater%3f%20Terrifying%20map%20reveals%20the%20devastation%20that%20would%20occur%20if%20ALL%20the%20world's%20ice%20melted
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    3/9/2014 Blood Moon Tetrads and the Grapes of Wrath: European Vegetable, Fruit and now Diplomatic Boycott of Israel may invoke the Wrath of G-d - Destination Y 7

    Book of Enoch In those days, Noah saw that th e earth became in clined, and that

    destruction approached.

    T his ev idence was discussed in depth in Destination Y israels article titled, As in th e Days of

    Noah, the Earth T ilted and became Inc lined and Sudden Destruction came upon th e Earth and

    wh ose test im on y was c ollaborated by th e testim on y of another revered book of antiqu ity called

    the Book of Jasher, possibly written by Joshua the mighty general of the I sraelites, and cited in

    the T aNaKh:

    Jasher 6:1 - An d on that day (Flood), the Lord caused the whole earth to shake, and the sundarkened, and the foundations of the world rages, and the whole earth was m oved v iolently

    and the lightning flashed and th e thu nder roared, and all the fountains in the earth were

    broken u p.

    T hen these two testim onies were collaborated by a third book of antiquity whose origins are als

    associated with the Essenes, the T hird Party of Judaism called T he Book of Revelation. T his

    association is because within the pages of the Book of Revelation are ov er 100 u nique phrases

    hav e only been found only in the Book of Enoch. Another amazing fact is that of all the scrolls

    and writing fragm ents discov ered in the cav es of the Essene Comm unity at Qumran, the

    fragments of the Book of Enoch are clearly m ore num erous than all of the oth er books of the

    T aNaKh (Old T estament).

    Once again, the Book of Revelation states that at the tim e of the end great catastrophes will

    env elop the earth in what was described then, 2000 years ago as the 7 Last Plagues. T hey all

    testify that th is destruction , during th e Great Noachian Flood, and the End of the Age will be

    started by stellar catastrophes which m odern m an have witn essed and may someday witness n

    the future.

    Revelation 8:8-10 T hen the secon d angel sounded; and someth ing like a great m ountain

    bu rning with fire was th rown into th e sea, and a third of the sea bec am e blood, and a third o

    the livin g creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroy ed.

    T hen the third angel sounded; and a great star fell from heaven , burning like a torch, and it

    fell on a third of the riv ers and on the springs of water. T he name of the star is Wormwood, A

    third of the waters became wormwood (bitter water), and m any m en died from the water,

    because it was m ade bitter."
  • 8/12/2019 Mock, Robert - Blood Moon Tetrads and the Grapes of Wrath - 2014-01-24


    3/9/2014 Blood Moon Tetrads and the Grapes of Wrath: European Vegetable, Fruit and now Diplomatic Boycott of Israel may invoke the Wrath of G-d - Destination Y 8

    National Geographic : What Eu rope will look Like if the Ice on the Poles were the Melt

    If y ou dont believe it can h appen, consider the recent National Geographic expose written up inthe Daily Mail titled, Would YOUR house be u nderwater? Terrifyin g map reveals the

    devastation that would occ ur if ALL the world's ice m elted? that postulates that secondary to a

    slow 500 y ear process, the eastern Seaboard of the United States plus th e entire State of Florida

    will sink under the waters of the ocean s because of the m elting of ic e off of the Antarctica,

    Greenland and the North Pole.

    T hen we h ave to c onsider the day wh en the Great Hand of the L-rd destroyed the 13th Dyn asty

    of the Egy ptian Middle Kingdom after a year-long era of great conflagrations, plagues and

    catastrophes. Th is era began with the return of the Moses (Mousos), the adopted prince heir to

    the throne of Pharaoh Khaneferre (Ras glory shines on th e horizon) the 24th ru ler of the 13th

    Dynasty in th e Middle Kingdom of Egypt whose personal name was Sobekhotep IV (Sobek, the

    crocodile headed god of the Egy ptians, is satisfied).

    It was this Mou sos (Moses) who was a Hebrew child, adopted by Merris (Beloved) the daughter

    of Pharaoh Palmanothes who later married Pharaoh Khen ephres, the Greek translation of

    Khaneferre. Mousos (Moses), the princ e heir to th e thron e was sent by his adopted father, the

    King of Egypt and in a huge m ilitary v ictory against the Ethiopians to the south , exten ded the

    Egy ptian dynastic rule all the way into Upper Nubia. Th is fact was identified in a Stela today in

    the British Mu seum which tells of the m ilitary c ampaign into Nubia during the reign of

    Khaneferre in the 13th dy nasty .

    T his was the same Hebrew Moses who after this great and decisive m ilitary campaign, fled intoexile but later returned after forty years to becom e HaShem s em issary to destroy the c orrupt

    and oppressive Egyptian Em pire of Pharaoh Dudim ose I with T en Plagues; each attacking the

    anim al gods of Egypt.

    T he Rivers and Water sources tu rned to Blood;

    Frogs took ov er the Land;

    Lice cov ered the bodies of the Egy ptians;

    T he Flies swarm ed the entire Land with t error and fear;

    T he Liv estock were destroyed by a Pestilence;

    Boils erupted on th e bodies of the Egy ptians;'el/2014/1%20-%20%20January/Would%20YOUR%20house%20be%20underwater%3f%20Terrifying%20map%20reveals%20the%20devastation%20that%20would%20occur%20if%20ALL%20the%20world's%20ice%20melted
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    3/9/2014 Blood Moon Tetrads and the Grapes of Wrath: European Vegetable, Fruit and now Diplomatic Boycott of Israel may invoke the Wrath of G-d - Destination Y 9

    Hail that descended as Fire and Brimstone destroy ed a large part of the infrastructu re of

    Ancien t Egy pt;

    T hree Days of Complete Darkness covered the Land of Egypt;

    Locu sts swept ov er the entire land eating every blade of food that they had growing or in the

    food storage areas; and

    T he Death of the First Born as the crme of Egyptian society was destroyed.

    Did Nibiru, the Dark Red Binary T win Star make a Passover Egy pt and Precipitate the Great


    As th e G-d of Israel destroy ed the largest empire of the world in the day s of Moses, so also He

    used Moses (Mousos) to fulfill the Divine m ission c alled the Great Exodus that effectiv ely

    returned the Children of Israel, all 12-tribes to the Land of Israel called the Land of Promise. At

    the End of the Age this new Moses will be called the Messiah son of Joseph.

    During this time, the Angel of Death m ade a fly-by over Egy pt and according to the biblical

    text, it oc curred after 3 Dark Days when th e Hebrews put th e blood of the Pesach Lam b on the

    lintels of their doors at Passov er, and the oldest sons life was spared. T o com prehend th is, we

    also hav e to un derstand that in the Hebrew cosmology of the univ erse, every planet has an ange

    wh ere th e Div ine En ergies flow th rou gh to gu ide and con trol that planet.

    So we hav e to ask a poignant qu estion, Could the G-d of Israel also be bringing back hom e, the

    same Angel of Death, that was seen by the Children of Israel whose close pass-over led to the

    m ost fam ous m igration of peoples in hu m an history; the Exodus of the Children of Israel from

    the lands of their oppression in Egy pt.According to th e ancien t Sumerians, the Planet called Nibiru, and oth er sc ientific inv est igators

    call Planet X had an elliptical orbit of 3,600 y ears around our solar systems sun. Is it possible

    that th is planetary body , 3,600 y ears later (1585 BCE to 2015CE) is returning back to visit u s wit

    anoth er rendezvou s and close fly-by with Planet Earth as portraying in the Destination

    Yisraels article, titled, Is Planet X G-ds Divine Judgment du rin g th e Fin al Apocaly pse o f


    Here we are introduc ed to the ev idence of possibly a secon d sun, a dark red binary dwarf star an

    its solar system of five to seven planets would effectiv ely m ake our solar system a twin solar

    system . Astronom ers hav e long known that most of the solar system s in the univ erse were twin
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    3/9/2014 Blood Moon Tetrads and the Grapes of Wrath: European Vegetable, Fruit and now Diplomatic Boycott of Israel may invoke the Wrath of G-d - Destination Y 10

    solar systems, but they also though t that we were unique in the fact that we had only one sun .

    T hat m ay n ot be true, for the ancient Sum erians, the land of where Abram was born and whose

    father, Terah was a Sumerian oracular priest, understood their world cosmology to be ou r sun

    and m oon plus t en oth er planetoid bodies, instead of nine today, assum ing that we still accept

    Pluto as a planet of our sun. Yet, the 10th solar body in the Sumerian Cosm ology was mu ch

    larger than ev en Jupiter.

    It appears that the evidence portrayed by the Sum erians, has become t he secret obsession of

    NASA today with all of their solar probes roam ing into th e southern hem isphere and theerection of the Antarctica South Pole T elescope whose primary m ission is secret. What was

    revealed in 1983 was the fact that a solar body did mov e into th e outer reaches of our suns solar

    field as BibleSearchers Reflection s in the article titled, Velikov sky vs. Sagan Th e Quest to

    Understand Catastrophic Earth History.

    Is th is the Dark T win Binary Star known to th e An cient Sum erians as Nibiru and will Bring

    Destruction to Planet Earth?

    In the early 1980's, articles attesting to th e new finding appeared in m ajor newspapers, includin

    both th e New York T im es an d th e Washington Post . T he Washington Post publish ed the

    following article on Decem ber 31, 1983 with the following title, Mystery Heav enly Body

    Discov ered and gave to us th e following facts:

    T he Washington Post - A h eavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and

    possibly so c lose to Earth t hat it wou ld be part of this solar system has been found in th e

    direction o f the con stellation Orion by an orbiting telesc ope aboard the U.S. infrared

    astronom ical satellite.

    So m ysterious is the object that astronomers do not know if it is a planet, a giant c om et, a

    nearby "protostar" that nev er got hot en ough to becom e a star, a distant galaxy so young

    that it is still in the process of form ing its first stars or a galaxy so shrouded in du st that n on

    of the light c ast by its stars ever gets through. "All I can tell y ou is th at we don't know what i

    is," Dr. Gerry Neugebauer, IRAS chief scientist for California's Jet Propulsion Laboratory an

    director of the Palomar Observatory for the California Institute of T echn ology said in an


    Dr. Gerry Neugebauer - T he m ost fascinating explanation of this my stery body , which
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    is so cold it casts no light and has never been seen by optical telescopes on Earth or in

    space, is that it is a giant gaseou s planet, as large as Jupiter and as close to Earth as 50

    billion m iles. While th at m ay seem like a great distance in eart hbound term s, it is a

    stone's throw in c osmological terms, so close in fact th at it would be the nearest

    heaven ly body to Earth beyon d the ou termost planet Pluto. "If it is really th at close, it

    would be a part of our solar sy stem ," said Dr. Jam es Houck of Cornell Univ ersity 's Cente

    for Radio Phy sics and Space Research and a member of the IRAS science team . "If it is

    that c lose, I don't know how t he world's planetary scientists would ev en begin to classif


    Here we may now see the future cause of massive v olcanism around the world. It m ay be the

    astrophy sical source of the warming of the deep trenches m iles down in th e depths of the

    oceans, the warming of m assive portions of the ice fields of the Antarctica, the wobbling of our

    Planet Earth and th e revv ing up of the m agnetic core within Planet Earth, causing the rise of the

    m olten magma under the con tinental and oceanic plates. T he global warm ing catastrophists

    beholden to an ev olution ary mindset fail t o com prehend th at global warm ing is not a steady -

    state weather phenom enon. It is not caused by th e hand of hu mans, but instead driven by the

    hand of the Divine.

    T hese ev ents will lead us ev entually into an era of global catastrophes, like the T en Plagues ofEgypt bu t this time c alled the Seven Last Plagues. T his appears will become the fast mov ing

    vortex of prophetic ev ents that will t hrust Planet Eart h into th e era of th e World to Come with

    the beginning of the Era of Messianic En lighten m ent and Peace.

    Salvation and redemption of the Lost T en T ribes of the House of Israel, the restoration of Klal

    Yisrael (All Israel) and th e establishm ent of the Messianic Kingdom of Greater Israel on Planet

    Earth will becom e the great them es of this era with th e restoration of Gan Eden and the T hrone

    of King David with th e Maschiach ben Dovid (Messiah son of David)

    What is m issing in th e equation is the failing to com prehend th at there is a third force, under th

    control of the Alm ighty G-d of Creation that is causing the c old oceanic waters to heat up. Th iscou ld effectiv ely c ause the earths oceans and seas to rise an estimated 675 feet on the av erage.

    T his is what makes the concept of another planetary body arriving into our solar system so

    com pelling and whose arrival will com e at G-ds appointed tim e.

    Will it be a stellar body like an asteroid or a plan etoid, or another solar sy stem th at He c reated at

    the tim e of the creation of this un iverse? Was it conceived and created by the G-d of the Univers

    for this very age, when the era of mankind is ov er, and will it become an emissary of the Divines

    udgm ent u pon all mankind. Will it bring about the final cy cle of the restoration of Gan Eden

    (Garden of Eden), the restoration of that primordial place called the Garden of Eden when

    Paradise was Created, and then Paradise was Lost and ev entu ally it will return to Paradise


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    T he Rise in the Oceanic Waters to 675 Feet will Subm erge a large Section of Northern Europe an

    Northern Eurasia

    Consider the facts that th e National Geographic is c om puting th e rise of the seas to 217 feet is acalculated fact premised upon th e m elting of the ice u pon the Antarctic, Greenland, and the

    North Pole. Yet, what is not com puted in the ov erall pictu re is the evidence that land m asses

    under the great oceans will be swelling with th e eruption of the magnetic c ore engine in the

    m iddle of the earth. Could it will require the reheating of the magnetic core of the earth and the

    rise of the great plum es of magm a that will erupt from th at reenergize magnetic core and rise to

    expand the cont inental mantle and in num erous places of earth explode through the m antle as

    m ighty volcanoes around the world? What better astro-physical dark binary star with its

    imm ense geom agnetic force field cou ld m ake a close fly-by and Pass-over Planet Earth with

    imm ense destruction?

    T his stellar twin solar system cou ld also becom e the sou rce of the eruptions of deep sea

    volcanoes and th e foldin g and collapse of the su b-ocean ic plates around Planet Earth. As such,

    the m issing dynam ics m ay now be unfolding that will include increasing water vo lum e from th

    m elting of the glacier ice fields plus also the increasing rise in th e tem perature of the cold water

    in the deep trench es of the earth. This then will expand and swell the silt lined continental plate

    under the oceans. As the deep trenches are heated up with u nderwater volcanoes, the heat will

    rise and the water will expand. As suc h, theoretic scientists suggest that a m ore accurate rise of

    the oc eanic waters will be closer to 675 feet.

    If all these facts are true, could a solar body larger than the Planet Jupiter and 5 tim es the

    electromagnetic field could som eday, as the Death Angel of the First Exodus produce thecosm ic disturbances that will recreate a Second Exodu s? T his time it will be with a m assive

    influx of millions even hu ndreds of millions of the L ost T en T ribes of the House of Israel who it

    appears will lose their hom elands along the coastline of Europe and inun date a large section o f

    Central Europe. It will also include also the return of the ot her 50 % of the Jewish people who

    hav e assimilated cultu rally predomin ately in th e United States and will event ually willingly or

    in duress return in Aliy ah from the cou ntries of the Diaspora back to the L and of Israel.

    T he returning Jews will hav e their hom elands in Judea and Jerusalem, and the Lost T en T ribes

    will hav e th eir hom elands in Shom ron , Galilee, Lebanon , plus th e regions of Basham and Gilead

    on the Syrian and Jordanian side of the Jordan River. NO! T here will be no room for Mahm oud
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    Abbas and th e Palestinian s, for they will hav e to go hom e to th e lan ds of their forefath ers, for

    even Jordan will no longer be available for them to live, exc ept under one c ondition; accept the

    One G-d of Israel, the Jewish rabbanim as their religious and moral authority , and accept the

    Jewish people along with the Lost T ribes as their long lost brothers of the House of Abraham.

    Reminiscent of the Th ree Dark Days during th e Exodu s, futurists and catastrophists are today

    m odelling the prophetic fact that on ce again Planet Earth m ay stop its rotation for upwards to

    three days. Th e part of the earth that is stopped while facing th e sun will become a blazing

    inferno. T he part of the earth facing away from the su n wh en its rotation is stopped, will bespared. One prophetic prom ise by th e G-d of Israel is that He will protect the Land of Israel and

    His chosen people.

    When these facts are m odeled in the futu re of our world, the cities along th e coastlines of all

    nations of the world in the Northern Hemisphere will be completely engulfed. How so will this

    be? If the rotation of the earth com es to a halt, the oc ean ic wat ers that su rround ou r equ ator by

    the centrifugal force of the earths rotation will begin to drift to the north, away from th e

    equatorial bulge. Suc h regions such as Canada and Siberia at this tim e will be expected to

    disappear as increasing water levels con tinue to m ove to the n orth from the equator. These

    lands will be inundated and in the world to com e, they will no longer exist.

    In t hese m odels, according to the v isions of the prophets of old, there will be great catastrophes

    It also appears that this will occu r very soon, in our near futu re. T his may occ ur as close as the

    year of 2017, as reported in Destination Yisrael an d Rabbi Judah ben Sam uel Ju bilee Prophec y

    gives the Y ear of the Messiah, then th e Lost T en T ribes would have no oth er place to go but in

    m assive m igrations back to the lands of their forefathers. Th is is one reason why the G-d of Isra

    through the prophets told them that the Land of Israel will becom e elevated higher than all th

    other m ountainou s regions of the world in an era in which appears to be a c omplete Pole Shift:

    Zechariah 14: 6-10 It will be on th at day (when the Maschiach will be revealed) the light

    will not be v ery bright or very dim . It will be a unique day ; it will be kn own as HaShems

    [day], neither day n or night, but it will happen towards even ing tim e that th ere will be light[Pole Shift where the sun will set in the western sky over Jerusalem will suddenly rise from

    the west).

    It shall be on th at day, spring water will flow out of Jerusalem; half of it [will flow] to th e

    Eastern Sea (Dead Sea) and h alf of it to the Western Sea (Mediterranean Sea). T his will be in

    sum m er and in winter. HaShem will be the King ov er all the land; on th at day HaShem will

    be One and His Nam e will be One. T he en tire land (in cludin g th e Mountains of Israel in

    Shom ron and Judea) will ch ange to a plain (major seism ic c hanges of elevation to a plain],

    from Geba to Rim mon, south of Jerusalem, and [Jerusalem] will become lofty [raised up lik

    a lofty mount ain]..

    Yet t he sam e G-d of Israel warned throu gh th e pen of the Nazaren e auth or of Rev elation, that

    there will be a global earthquake that will make global seism ic c hanges to th e topography all

    around the world:

    Revelation 6:12-14 T hen I watc hed as he broke the six th seal, and there was a great

    earthqu ake, the sun turned black as sackcloth worn in mo urning and the full moon becam e

    blood-red. T he stars fell from heav en to earth ju st as a fig tree drips its figs when shaken by

    strong wind. T he sky receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mount ain and island

    was m ov ed from its place.

    T he first six seals that were heralded by an archangel blowing a shofar were revealed to the
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    v isu al v iew of a person standin g on earth . What he witn essed were truly acts of G-d that were

    being cast down from th e heav ens. T here h e was able to watch bolides of fiery hail slam m ing

    against the earth, an asteroid plummeting towards Planet Earth and striking a major ocean.

    Yet, in the sam e cosm ic ev ent called the Sev en Last Plagu es the Essen e-Nazarene auth or of

    T he Revelation was now transported to the v isual perspective of the h eavenly sanctuary (the

    T ent of Witness in heaven).

    T here he witnessed seven angels again given a shofar and this tim e a bowl of coals of fire from

    the altar before the sanctu ary. Th ese were the same seven global catastrophic ev ents seenearlier but th is time were seen from a cosm ic heav enly v isual perspective t han an earthly

    perspective. Then he docum ented this for our understand today:

    Revelation 16:17 -21 T he sev enth one poured out his bowl on th e air, and a loud v oice cam

    out of the T emple from th e throne, saying, It is done! T here were flashes of lightn ing,

    voices an d peals of thunder; and th ere was a m assiv e earth qu ake, such as had nev er

    occu rred since mankind has been on earth, so violent was the earthquake. T he great city

    was split in to th ree parts, and t he cities of th e nations fell, and G-d rem em bered Bav el the

    Great and m ade her drink the wine from the c up of his raging fury.

    Every island fled, and no m ount ains were to be found. And h uge seven ty pound hailstonesfell on people from the sky . But th e people cursed G-d for the plague of hail, that it was suc h

    terrible plague.

    It is not speculation but biblical revelation that like the num erous civilizations that have

    disappeared under the oceans in past eras, the Pharaonic dy nastic Egy pt when the Pharaoh

    refused to listen and h eed the directives of the G-d of Israel through the v oice of Moses was

    destroyed in a great apocalypse about the year of 1585 BCE.

    What we are witnessin g is the Hand of the Div ine rem odeling Plan et Eart h in preparation for

    "World to Come" in whic h all men living in th e future messianic kingdom will have an

    ascendnent state of spiritual enlightenm ent and will willingly live u nder the the

    com m andments of the T orah L aw. For those not willing, we could share that same fate as those

    livng in Egy pt, 3,600 y ears ago.

    T he Div ine Fate of North A merica after the Polar Melting Apocalypse
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    In the real world in the winter of 2014, the boyc ott and the European th rust to delegitimize the

    State of Israel is about t o erupt upon the int ernational scene. As the Netanyahu gov ernmen t is

    seeking to find a comm on ground u pon whic h th e State of Israel can forge a peace agreement

    with th e Palestinian govern men t, th is tim e it m ay be interru pted an d tu rned u pside down by a

    new Palestinian Econ om ic and Political Intifada in April of 2014.

    As rev ealed by DEBKAfiles on January 18, 2014, the world will be riv eted again in fron t of their

    T Vs as the world inside the land of Israel is expected to explode into a full scale war. T his tim e it

    m ay n ot just be suicide bombers and missiles, but in alliance with the European Lost T ribes ofIsrael, a full scale diplomatic war and econom ic boy cott is about to be unleashed.

    T his is not because of any strategic preparations or actions by the Netanyahu governm ent but

    by th e diplomatic action s of North ern Eu ropean c ou ntries an d th e Lost T en T ribes of the House

    of Israel in c ollusion with the Palestinian governm ent and Y asser Arafats succ essor, Mahmou d

    Abbas. It is h e wh o today rules withou t an y democ ratic vote nor by any strategic m ilitary

    v ictory ex cept to get the Eu ropean govern ments to side with h im in a diplomatic war against

    Israel. As stated:

    DEBKAfiles In 2000, President Bill Clinto n brou ght Israels Prime Minister Eh ud Barak

    and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat to Camp David, purportedly to knock th eir heads

    togeth er for a peace agreement. He was perfectly aware that Palestinian plans were in place

    for the suicide bombing in tifada war a month henc e in Septem ber, and that noth ing would

    com e of the heavily televised encoun ter. In the repeat performanc e today, those three face

    hav e changed but little else. US Secretary of State John Kerry and Prime Minister Binyamin

    Netanyahu h ave com piled a peace proposal. But when it was put before Palestinian

    Auth ority chairm an Mahm ou d Abbas, his m ind was elsewh ere.

    Withou t waiting for the peace talks to wind down th e en d of April, as agreed, Abbas,

    according to intelligences reports, was deep in plans to enlist 63 international organization

    for a massive anti-Israel boycott. T he same nu mber of teams was busy drawing up separate

    applications for these organizations to join boy cotts against Israel in every field of endeav oaccording to t heir respectiv e spheres.

    Am on g th e addresses is the International Cou rt at The Hague which is to be asked to indic

    Israel for hun dreds if not t hou sands of alleged war crimes and th e practice of apartheid.

    Abbas is fond of telling ev ery on e that he is again st terrorism . He is th erefore set ting up a

    diplomatic intifada withou t th e v iolence the Palestinians dem onstrated in their former

    assaults on the Jewish state.

    However, Debkafiles cou nter-terror sources hav e found that, in recent weeks, Abbas and h

    security agencies have lost con trol of suburbs in th e West Bank town s under their rule, and

    especially th e 19 refugee cam ps which h ave been taken ov er by local armed militias. T hese

    m ilitias, as well as Hamas, Jihad Islami and other v iolent bands, are getting organized for a

    fresh outbreak of terrorist operations including suicide bom bers. In t he Nablus and

    Bethleh em areas of the West Bank, some Palestinian gangs are also preparing to shoot

    Qassam rockets at Jerusalem and other I srael towns

    At the sam e time, th e forth com ing eru ption of a Palest inian diplomatic-terrorist war on

    Israel will not only terminate yet another peace process, it will gravely jeopardize Israels

    legitimacy and international credibility, which is its object. It h as to be said that Netanyahu

    went a lot furth er toward m eeting Palestinian dem ands than expec ted, inclu din g ex tensiv e

    territorial conc essions in Jerusalem. He is gambling on m ajor concessions conv incing th e
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    Obama administration that if any one is to blame for the negotiations runn ing aground whe

    they do, it is not I srael

    Abbass tactics are built around nev er parting from Israel, but stay ing uncom fortably close

    and provin g to the world that Israel is an occu pying power which denies them

    independence. Disengagement wou ld spoil the game wh ich h as kept Abbas in power since

    Nov. 2004 as Arafats successor.

    Calls on the prime m inister from the politic al left wing to take cou rageous steps are

    likewise divorced from this reality . However c ourageous his steps may be, Abbas will stillsay they are not enough and try and squeeze more. Nothing Israeli or the m ost diligent US

    Secretary of State does will divert h im from this strategy and th e path he has set h imself.

    Som etim e in April, therefore, Israel will face the on set of a disastrous Palestinian diplomati

    assault on its legitimacy , backed by their friends in many coun tries. Only time will tell how

    it evolv es.

    T he 7 th Shemittah Y ear in the Jewish Year of 57 75

    And so an other Passov er (eve of Pesach is April 14, 2014) may be destined to becom e the

    harbinger of the n ext era of global war and the assault of the nation s of the world, spearheaded b

    the Jewish anti-Jews with th e Jewish Am erican Secretary of State John Kerry plu s the European

    nations that are the hosts of the Lost T en T ribes of the House of Israel. From all appearances,

    the L ost T en T ribes of the House of Israel are on a collision cou rse with th e G-d of Israel. T heir

    self-focused denial of their ancestral legacy , and their denial of their ancestral hom eland

    promised to them in the cov enant with Abraham m ay also becom e their harbinger of doom

    unless they are willing to y ield to the wooing of their Creator.

    T oday, a large sector of the Lost T ribes are in league with the V atican whose underlying m ission

    is the destruc tion of the Jewish dom inion ov er their capital city of Jerusalem. T hey seek to

    engineer an anti-Sem itic apocaly pse against th e political State of Israel and the spiritual rabbini

    Mechoqu ek who are the guardians of the T orah and the Land of Israel. T omorrow their

    hom elands in Europe m ay be history and they m ay becom e the v ictims of another epic and

    global catastrophes.

    As th e world fights for con trol of the city of Jerusalem and th e destruction of the Jewish

    settlements, the hom es to predom inately Orthodox Jews in Shom ron and Judea, we now learn
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    that four Blood Moons over the next 18 mon ths during th e y ears of 2014-2015 will herald for the

    only tim e in the rest of the 21st cen tury a T etrad or a series of 4 Blood-Red Moons between

    Passover 2014 and Suc cot 2015. T hese Blood Moon dates include:

    T he L ast Blood Moon T etrad before the Messianic A ge

    April 15, 2014 (Passover: A pril 15-21), seen best in A ustralia, Pacific and Americas

    October 8, 2014 (Suc cot: (October 9-15)), seen best in A sia, Au stralia, Pacific and Am ericas

    April 4, 20 15 (Passover: A pril 4-10), seen best in Asia, Au stralia, Pacific and Am ericas and

    Septem ber 28, 2015 (Succot: Septem ber 28-October 4), seen best in the Pacific, Am ericas,

    Europe and West Africa

    T he interesting fact is that the Blood Moon T etrads did not occ ur in th e 17 th, 18th, nor the 19t

    centu ry, yet in the 21st centu ry they will occu r as though directed by the hand of the Divine.

    Over the last 500 y ears there have been Blood Moon T etrads but th ey did not occu r inrelationship with th e Land of Israel and the Festiv als of the L-rd. T he first T etrad occ urred

    right after the State of Israel was resurrected as a Nation for the Jewish people in 1948. T hen

    another, T etrad of Blood Moons occ urred together when for the second tim e occ urred this

    tim e in the y ears of 1967 and 1968 right after the State of Israel won th e war against the inv asion

    of a coalition of Islamic forces and gained possession of Eastern Jerusalem and the T emple

    Mount in the Jubilee Year of 1967.

    Yet, over the last 500 years, during the 16th, 17 th , 18th , 19th, and the 20t h c entu ries, the Blood-

    Red Moons fell on the 1st day of Pesach; three separate tim es. Back in the 16th c entu ry, in the

    1500s, there were six blood red m oons. T he m ost fam ous of dates was the y ear of 1492, the final

    year of the Spanish Inqu isition wh en by th e Alham bra Decree, all th e Jewish people who refuseto con vert to Roman Catholicism were expelled from Spain on th e 9th of Av in the y ear of 1492.

    T his ev ent th at also sent Ch ristopher Colum bus sailing the oc ean blue in 1492.

    T his ignoble event that did such c atastrophic dam age to the flourishing Jewish com m unities in

    Spain was also highlighted during the following two y ears by a Blood Moon T etrad of four lunar

    eclipses as HaShem s lunar light of the heav ens shed divin e tears over the destruct ion of the

    syn agogues, yeshivas, and the u prooting of the great rabbinic lights in Spanish Europe. T hese

    Blood Moon dates and their associated Jewish festival feast occ urred in the years of 1493 and

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    T he Blood Moon T etrad after the Expulsion of the Jews from Spain on th e 9th Av 1492

    Passover, April 2, 1493

    Suc cot, Septem ber 25, 1493

    Passover, March 22, 1494

    Sukkoth, Sept. 15, 1494

    T hen t he G-d of Israel went back into h iding, so that the Jewish people and the L ost T en T ribes

    would hav e to search h arder to find th e G-d of Israel. When th e 16th c entu ry cam e, th e Ottoman

    Empire gained control of the Land of Israel in the Ju bilee year of 1517. T he v oice of HaShemremained silent and the finger of the Divine allowed the Ottomans to rule the Holy L and for

    four hu ndred years or eight (8) Jubilees between the y ears of 1517 to 1917 .

    After th e Blood Moon T etrad cam e du rin g th e 9th of Av in 1492, two more T etrads wou ld com e,

    and both of them were in the 20th centu ry. T hirty on e years after the British forces under

    General Allenby in the y ear of 1917 took con trol of the City of Jerusalem from the Ottom an

    Im perial forces in Israel (called Palestine) the harbinger of doom on ce again hov ered over Israe

    On May 15, 1948, the State of Israel declared its independenc e from Great Britain and

    imm ediately and Islamic h orde descended upon the hatch ling state in what in history of called

    Israels War of In dependenc e. In the t wo y ears of war following that epic date of independen ce

    a Tetrad of Blood Moons cast its pale over the Middle East.

    T he Blood Moon T etrad on Jewish War of Independence in 1948

    Passover, April 13, 1949

    Suc cot, October 7, 1949

    Passover, April 2, 1950

    Sukkoth, Septem ber. 26, 1950

    T he Blood Moon T etrad on the Six Day War of 1967

    T he fledgling Jewish State huddled but surv ived ov er the nex t decade. Eastern Jerusalem, the

    T emple Mount and ev en the Western Wall were wrestled from Jewish lands promised by th e

    nations of the world in th e League of Nations. T he I slam ic Jordanian State on the Eastern Bank

    of the Jordan River had taken c ontrol of the Western Bank of the Jordan River in 1949 and

    captured also East Jerusalem sending t he Jewish people living th ere for hu ndreds of years once

    again fleeing into ex ile.

    T he G-d of Israel and His angelic hosts again shed th eir tears of sorrow as the Jewish people wer
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    once again separated from the on e region of the world they longed so mu ch to live, pray, and

    learn t he T orah in order to becom e the Light to th e Nations of the World.

    First Day of Passover, April 24, 1967

    First Day of Sukkoth, October, 18, 1967

    First Day of Passov er, April 13, 1968

    First Day of Suc cot, October 6, 1968

    T he Blood Moon T etrad once again cast it pallor over the city of Jerusalem during the Pesach

    and Suc cot festiv als of the years of 1967 and 1968, for this tim e the Jewish peoples were forbiddeby alien forc es of the dark side th at were now in c on trol of the T em ple Mount; the site that once

    hosted three different tem ples of God; Solom ons Tem ple, Zerubbabels T em ple and last, King

    Herods Tem ple.

    Now we are approaching another prophetic T etrad series of Blood Moons during the eighteen

    m onths starting with a Blood Moon on Pesach 2014 and ending with a Blood Moon on Rosh

    Hashanah 20 15 (Jewish y ear 57 7 6). What is ev en m ore fascinating and pondering in all its

    implications, twelv e m onths later on th e twelve m onths after Rosh Hashanah 2016 (Jewish y ea

    57 7 7 ), when the n ext Y ear of Jubilee Year will be proclaimed, the Era of the Messiah is expected

    to begin, as predicted by Rabbi Judah ben Samu el in the Jubilee year of his death in 1217, 800

    years ago.

    Once again, the Christian Lost Sheep of the House of Israels understanding of the Messianic Age

    is the fact that the com ing of the Messiah is an ev ent. T o the Jewish peoples who first pioneers

    and pilgrims to th e Land of Israel at the beginning of the 19th c entury were the disciples of the

    famed Vilna Gaon, the author of the Kol Ha T or, who believed through their rabbinic sage that

    the com ing or the revealing of the Messiah was a process that wou ld unfold over days, weeks,

    or y ears.

    After th eir aliy ah from Eastern Europe, the disciples of the Gaon understood th at the G-d of

    Israel is revealing His Hiddenness so that all m ankind has the privilege of using th eir freedom

    cho ice to search for Him, yearn for Him, so that th eir unfilled hun ger to learn m ore about t heprocess of revealing the Maschiach ben Yisrael [Messiah son of Israel (Jacob)] will be fully

    revealed like the unv eiling or the bloom ing of a beautiful rose. It was the Prophet Joel speaking

    of the Day of the L -rd, when he wrote of th ose days of the future when the Messiah will be

    revealed in all His glory:

    Joel 2:31 T he sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the grea

    and the terrible day of the L -rd com e.

    A sec on d witn ess com es from th e pen of the Prophet I saiah when he wrote con cern ing th e Day o

    the L -rd when the wrath of the Divine will place His judgmen t upon the Sunni and Shiite lands

    ancient Babylon in Iraq and Iran:Isaiah 13:9-10 Behold the day of HaShem is com ing [a day] of cruelty , rage and burnin g

    anger, to make the land desolate and He will annihilate its sinners from it. For the stars of

    the h eavens and their con stellations will not radiate their light; the sun will be dark when it

    rises and the m oon will not shine forth its light.

    T he were the Hebrew Essene-Nazarenes who in th eir histories of Ac ts shared the same Jewish

    prophetic traditions as all other Orthodox Jews when they quoted the Prophet Joel and gave to

    us a th ird witness:

    Acts 2:18: I will perform mirac les in th e skies above and upon the earth below blood, fire
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    and thick smoke. T he sun will becom e dark and the m oon blood before that great and

    fearful Day of Adonai come. And then, whoev er calls on th e name of Adonai will be saved.

    Blood Super Moon by Washingtons Lincoln Mem orial

    For with the destruc tion of ancient Baby lon-Iraq and Persia-Iran where the splendor of the glor

    of the Chaldeans will be like G-ds overtu rning of Sodom and Gomorrah. T his is where Babylon

    Persias final judgment will be giv en; the land will not be in habited forever, no Arab will ever

    pitch h is tent there and shepherds will not m ake their flocks lie there.

    T he qu estion we m ust ask, will 2014-2015 be just a Blood Moon T etrad? What are these these

    long predicted lunar eclipses predicting? Will they be after the catastrophic even t or a harbinge

    of G-d warning us of som ething global that will happen? As we kn ow today, the foundations of a

    Palestinian Peace Acc ord are expected to be com pleted by April and the Pesach season in 2014.

    Will th ese fou r dates that c oincide with th e Festiv als of the L-rd reveal the Hand of the

    Alm ighty wh en He proclaims His v engeance upon the Middle East. In a regio ns what is

    collapsing un der the hand of the Alm ighty , and torn asunder by th e wrath of the Divine, we are

    remin ded that the Anger of G-d is because the descedants of Isaacs brother, Ishm ael have faile

    to protect th e Jewish people and have c reated instead a religious cultu re of death. We m ay be

    about to see the Anger of the Almighty One of Israel.

    Isaiah, the prophet of Catastrophes speaks of this day, and this is what m ay happen in th e Middl

    East in the next two y ears:

    Isaiah 13:1-18 (parts) A Prophecy con cernin g Baby lonI hav e com m anded My dedicated

    ones; I hav e also summ oned My warriors to [execute] My wrath, to be exuberant over My

    grandeur. T he sound of com m otion is in the moun tains, like that of an enormou s people,

    the crescendo of the kingdoms of gathering nations; HaShem, Master of Legion s, is assignin

    officers for the legion of war. T hey com e from a faraway land, from t he ends of the h eavens

    HaShem and His weapons of anger, to devastate th e entire land.

    Wail, for the day of HaShem is near; it will c om e like a sudden at tac h from th e Alm ighty .

    T herefore, all hands will grow weak and every h um an heart will m elt. T hey will be
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    3/9/2014 Blood Moon Tetrads and the Grapes of Wrath: European Vegetable, Fruit and now Diplomatic Boycott of Israel may invoke the Wrath of G-d - Destination Y 2

    terrorized, aches and pains will seize them; they will be in travail like a woman in ch ildbirth

    Each m an will be astonished at his friend; their faces are faces of flam e. Behold, the day of

    HaShem is com ing [day of cruelty , rage and burning anger, to make th e land desolate and H

    will an nihilate its sin ners from it.

    T he Great Day of the L-rd Cometh

    T hen someth ing strange happens. Right after the prophetic judgm ent of G-d is cast down u pon

    Babylon and Persia at the en d of days, for the Blood Moon T etrad has not y et been fulfilled to i

    fullest, the Prophet I saiah continu es to write the words of the L-rd from his quill pen:

    Isaiah 14:1-2 For HaShem will show mercy to Jacob (Jews and Lost Israelites). He will

    choose Israel (Lost Ten T ribes of Israel] again and grant them rest upon th eir land. T he

    proselyte will join th em and be attached to the House of Jacob. T he n ations will take them

    and bring th em to their place (hom eland) and the House of Israel will possess them as slave

    and m aidservants upon the land of Hashem (Land of Israel), they will be captors over their

    captors and they will rule over their oppressors.

    Four Bloody Moon s will hov er over the Land of Israel in the n ext 18 months. T heir typology has

    already been written by their predecessor Blood Moon T etrads; expulsion by the long arm of th

    Roman Cath olic In quisition in Spain (1492), a War of annihilation by Islam ic foes who seek only

    in Israels total destruction (1948), a secon d war of Islam ic annihilation to wipe the Jews from

    the map (1967 - a Year of Jubilee) and now as the 20 17 Year of Jubilee approaches, we know from

    Rabbi Judah ben Samuel th at the era of the Messianic A ge is about to erupt as the strong arm of

    the G-d of Israel will finally cleanse the Land of Israel; from th e River (Euphrates) to the Sea(Mediterranean).

    Oh House of Israel, your day of redemption is nigh ! Wake up, and Call upon the L-rd!


    Catastrophic Prelude to a Pole Shift just before the Revealing of the Messiah

    Part One; Prelude to a Pole Shift? As in t he Days of Noah, the Earth T ilted and becam e

    Inc lined and Sudden Destruc tion cam e upon th e Earth

    Part T wo; Prelude to a Pole Shift? T he Magnetic North Pole is Moving to Siberia
  • 8/12/2019 Mock, Robert - Blood Moon Tetrads and the Grapes of Wrath - 2014-01-24


    3/9/2014 Blood MoonTetrads and the Grapesof Wrath: EuropeanVegetable, Fruit and nowDiplomatic Boycott of Israel may invoke theWrath of G-d - Destination Y 22

    Part T hree; Prelude to a Pole Shift? Dimin ished Gauss Strength or Magnetic Mom ent of

    Earths Geom agnetic Field a warning of a future Magnetic Pole Reversal

    Credit to BibleSearchers Reflections Does a Polar Shift on Planet Earth h erald the Beginn ing o

    the Fragmentation of Continen tal United States?

    T he Death An gel of the Egy ptian Exodus returns for the Final Apocalypse

    Is Planet X Gods Divine Judgm ent du ring the Final Apocalypse of Redemption?

    Velikov sky and Sagan T he Quest to Understand Catastrophic Earth HistoryT he Spiritual and Scientific Quest to Find Planet X

    Nibiru, the Binary T win Dwarf Star arrives to ou r Solar System s Sun with Planet X

    T he Catacly smic Role of a Binary Dark Star for the Com ing of the Messiah

    T he Future Catacly sms on Earth through th e Eyes of Jewish Catastrophist Im m anuel


    T he G-d of Israel claimed th at there are only two groups of people who will be restored back int

    cov enant with Him, the Jews of the House of Israel and the L ost T en T ribes of the House ofIsrael. Both fam ilies, the Jews and the I sraelites were scattered across the face of the earth and

    would becom e HaShem em issaries incognito sent to elev ate th e 7 0 nation s of the world, so th a

    even Righteous Gentiles would become part of the cov enant. Even those children of Ishm ael wi

    be assim ilated into th e Jewish culture when deep in th eir heart s th ey are safe to save and

    willing to liv e in peace with th eir broth ers, the descen dants of Abraham . Only th e G-d of Israe

    knows who th ey are.

    We are qu ickly polarizin g a world in which t here will be on ly two choices; we are either for the

    Hebrew Israelites; both now part of the Jews of the h ouse of Judah and the Lost Israelites of th

    House of Israel or we will be against them . Th is com es to one sobering conc lusion, if you are a

    descendant of the Lost T en T ribes of the House of Israel and yo u still despise you r brothers, th

    Jews, you will be left cohabitating with peoples who will hav e a genetic hatred to y ou ev en

    though y ou think y ou want to be a part of them.

    So today, the G-d of Israel is whistling for you to com e back hom e to th e brotherhood of Klal

    Yisrael (All Israel). T o learn m ore about this redem ptiv e process, you are Welc om e to Contact

    Kol Ha T or, the V oice of the T urtledove. Here is a joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-T riber Vision

    to bring awareness of the imm inent fulfillment o f the Biblical Prophecies regarding t he

    Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-con ciled and Re-United). T his super Ev ent of all Tim es wi

    entail establishing in the region of Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) an

    the Judean Wilderness into a new h om eland for the Return of the Lost T en T ribes of Israel whe

    All Israel will fin ally be redeem ed.

    For inquiries about Kol Ha T or Vision for the L ost T ribes of Israel, Visit Shom ron Liv es!, a

    Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria, that h osts Shomron (Sam aria) T ours to

    reacquaint th e Returning Lost T ribers of the House of Israel.

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