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  • 8/8/2019 Mobilink Strategic Analysis Report


    Business Policy and Strategy


    2nd Assignment

    Semester 3

    Anssa Khokhar


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  • 8/8/2019 Mobilink Strategic Analysis Report



    By the Grace of Almighty, the most Merciful, the most Beneficial, I'm today

    submitting my 2nd Assignment report, at the end of my pragmatic experience and

    I'm glad to make project MOBILINK, where you come first, only if you're the

    customer. Thirst of learning is inside you, and whatever the environment, if you're

    willing to learn, you do. At Mobilink, I had a new, challenging, yet a perfect

    environment to learn. My parents' prayers and their teachings were always with

    me and hereby I will like to take this opportunity to show my gratitude to all those

    who made my internship an adventurous outwit.

    . .Here I am, from more professional and rather corporate environment of

    Mobilink.I never knew what it all going to be.

    Despite of the most hectic schedule, my teacher helped me so much. I'm

    really grateful to you for clarifying my concepts and making me learn from your

    experience. Whatever I learnt from you will definitely help me in my upcoming

    study and the professional life ahead. Thank you so much for being so co-

    operative and so helpful every time. I hope I have been up to your expectations.


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    Table of ContentsTable of Contents

    Title Page No.

    Acknowledgment 2

    Table of Contents 3


    Management 6-7

    Planning 7-13


    About Mobilink 14-18


    SWOT Analysis 23

    Conclusion 24

    Recommendation 25-26

    References 26

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    It is useful to consider strategy formulation as part of a strategic management

    process that comprises three phases: diagnosis, formulation, and

    implementation. Strategic management is an ongoing process to develop and

    revise future-oriented strategies that allow an organization to achieve its

    objectives, considering its capabilities, constraints, and the environment in which it


    There are four primary steps in this phase:

    * Reviewing the current key objectives and strategies of the organization,

    which usually would have been identified and evaluated as part of the


    * Identifying a rich range of strategic alternatives to address the three levels

    of strategy formulation outlined below, including but not limited to dealing

    with the critical issues

    * Doing a balanced evaluation of advantages and disadvantages of the

    alternatives relative to their feasibility plus expected effects on the issues

    and contributions to the success of the organization

    * Deciding on the alternatives that should be implemented orrecommended.

    Formulation of Goals: Goals are what a business unit wants to achieve.

    First perform a SWOT analysis

    Next, formulate goals with specificity as to time (by when it will be

    performed) and magnitude or quantity (by how much it will be changed). An

    organization will normally have a mixture of goals.

    Order your goals from broad to specific categories: for example from

    increasing net earnings by 20%-dansk- to increase revenues by 15% and

    reduce expenses by 12 % in certain areas.

    Confirm that your goals relate realistically to the results of the SWOT

    analysis performed.

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    Examine your goals to make sure they are not at cross purposes with one

    another. For example, short term versus long term goals; sales goals

    versus profit goals; high growth versus low risk; development of new

    products versus deepening existing markets.

    This process is often called Management by Objective or MBO

    Strategy Formulation: Strategy is How a business unit will achieve what it

    wants. Michael Porter, HBS professor and worldwide competitive strategy expert

    breaks types of strategy into three categories:

    An Overall Cost Leadership Strategy

    A Differentiation Strategy

    A Focus Strategy

    Strategic Formulation:

    Strategic formulation means a strategy formulate to execute the business

    activities. Strategy formulation includes developing:-

    Vision and Mission (The target of the business)

    Strength and weakness (Strong points of business and also weaknesses)

    Opportunities and threats (These are related with external environment for

    the business)

    Strategy formulation is also concerned with setting long term goals and

    objectives, generating alternative strategies to achieve that long term goals and

    choosing particular strategy to pursue.

    The considerations for the best strategy formulation should be as follows:

    Allocation of resources

    Business to enter or retain

    Business to divest or liquidate

    Joint ventures or mergers

    Whether to expand or not

    Moving into foreign markets

    Trying to avoid take over

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    The functions of managementconsist of five basic activities: planning, organizing,

    motivating, staffing, and controlling. An overview of these activities is provided in



    Planning is the:

    Start of the process

    Bridge between present and future

    Increases likelihood of achieving desired results

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    The only thing certain about the future of any organization is change, and

    planningis the essential bridge between the present and the future that increases

    the likelihood of achieving desired results. Planning is the process by which one

    determines whether to attempt a task, works out the most effective way of

    reaching desired objectives, and prepares to overcome unexpected difficulties

    with adequate resources. Planning is the start of the process by which an

    individual or business may turn empty dreams into achievements.

    Planning enables one to avoid the trap of working extremely hard but achieving


    Planning is an up-front investment in success. Planning helps a firm achieve

    maximum effect from a given effort. Planning enables a firm to take into account

    relevant factors and focus on the critical ones. Planning helps ensure that the firm

    can be prepared for all reasonable eventualities and for all changes that will be

    needed. Planning enables a firm to gather the resources needed and carry outtasks in the most efficient way possible. Planning enables a firm to conserve its

    own resources, avoid wasting ecological resources, make a fair profit, and be

    seen as an effective, useful firm. Planning enables a firm to identify precisely what

    is to be achieved and to detail precisely who, what, when, where, and why needed

    to achieve desired objectives.

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    Planning enables a firm to assess whether the effort, costs and implications

    associated with achieving desired objectives are warranted. Planning is the

    cornerstone of effective strategy formulation. But even though it is considered the

    foundation of management, it is commonly the task that managers neglect most.

    Planning is essential for successful strategy implementation and strategy

    evaluation, largely because organizing, motivating, staffing, and controlling

    activities depend upon good planning.

    The process of planning must involve managers and employees throughout an

    organization. The time horizon for planning decreases from two to five years for

    top-level to less than six months for lower-level managers. The important point is

    that all managers do planning and should involve subordinates in the process to

    facilitate employee understanding and commitment.

    Planning can have a positive impact on organizational and individual

    performance. Planning allows an organization to identify and take advantage of

    external opportunities and minimize the impact of external threats. Planning is

    more than extrapolating from the past and present into the future. It also includes

    developing a mission, forecasting future events and trends, establishing

    objectives, and choosing strategies to pursue.


    This comprises the overall strategy elements for the corporation as a whole, the

    grand strategy, if you please. Corporate strategy involves four kinds of initiatives:

    * Making the necessary moves to establish positions in different businesses

    and achieve an appropriate amount and kind of diversification. A key part

    of corporate strategy is making decisions on how many, what types, and

    which specific lines of business the company should be in. This may

    involve deciding to increase or decrease the amount and breadth of

    diversification. It may involve closing out some LOB's (lines of business),

    adding others, and/or changing emphasis among LOB's.

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    * Initiating actions to boost the combined performance of the businesses

    the company has diversified into: This may involve vigorously pursuing

    rapid-growth strategies in the most promising LOB's, keeping the other

    core businesses healthy, initiating turnaround efforts in weak-performing

    LOB's with promise, and dropping LOB's that are no longer attractive or

    don't fit into the corporation's overall plans. It also may involve supplying

    financial, managerial, and other resources, or acquiring and/or merging

    other companies with an existing LOB.

    * Pursuing ways to capture valuable cross-business strategic fits and turn

    them into competitive advantages -- especially transferring and sharing

    related technology, procurement leverage, operating facilities, distribution

    channels, and/or customers.

    * Establishing investment priorities and moving more corporate resources

    into the most attractive LOB's.


    In this second aspect of a company's strategy, the focus is on how to compete

    successfully in each of the lines of business the company has chosen to engage

    in. The central thrust is how to build and improve the company's competitive

    position for each of its lines of business. A company has competitive advantage

    whenever it can attract customers and defend against competitive forces better

    than its rivals. Companies want to develop competitive advantages that have

    some sustainability (although the typical term "sustainable competitive advantage"

    is usually only true dynamically, as a firm works to continue it). Successful

    competitive strategies usually involve building uniquely strong or distinctive

    competencies in one or several areas crucial to success and using them to

    maintain a competitive edge over rivals. Some examples of distinctive

    competencies are superior technology and/or product features, better

    manufacturing technology and skills, superior sales and distribution capabilities,

    and better customer service and convenience.

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    Competitive strategy is about being different. It means deliberately

    choosing to perform activities differently or to perform different

    activities than rivals to deliver a unique mix of value. (Michael E. Porter)

    The essence of strategy lies in creating tomorrow's competitive

    advantages faster than competitors mimic the ones you possess

    today. (Gary Hamel & C. K. Prahalad)

    We will consider competitive strategy by using Porter's four generic strategies

    (Porter 1980, 1985) as the fundamental choices, and then adding various

    competitive tactics.

    Porter's Four Generic Competitive Strategies:

    He argues that a business needs to make two fundamental decisions in

    establishing its competitive advantage: (a) whether to compete primarily on price

    (he says "cost," which is necessary to sustain competitive prices, but price is what

    the customer responds to) or to compete through providing some distinctive points

    of differentiation that justify higher prices, and (b) how broad a market target it will

    aim at (its competitive scope). These two choices define the following four

    generic competitive strategies. which he argues cover the fundamental range of

    choices. A fifth strategy alternative (best-cost provider) is added by some

    sources, although not by Porter, and is included below:

    1. Overall Price (Cost) Leadership: appealing to a broad cross-section of the

    market by providing products or services at the lowest price. This requires being

    the overall low-cost provider of the products or services (e.g., Costco, among

    retail stores, and Hyundai, among automobile manufacturers). Implementing this

    strategy successfully requires continual, exceptional efforts to reduce costs --

    without excluding product features and services that buyers consider essential. It

    also requires achieving cost advantages in ways that are hard for competitors to

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    copy or match. Some conditions that tend to make this strategy an attractive

    choice are:

    * The industry's product is much the same from seller to seller

    * The marketplace is dominated by price competition, with highly price-

    sensitive buyers

    * There are few ways to achieve product differentiation that have much

    value to buyers

    * Most buyers use product in same ways -- common user requirements

    * Switching costs for buyers are low

    * Buyers are large and have significant bargaining power

    2. Differentiation: appealing to a broad cross-section of the market through

    offering differentiating features that make customers willing to pay premium

    prices, e.g., superior technology, quality, prestige, special features, service,

    convenience (examples are Nordstrom and Lexus). Success with this type of

    strategy requires differentiation features that are hard or expensive for

    competitors to duplicate. Sustainable differentiation usually comes from

    advantages in core competencies, unique company resources or capabilities, and

    superior management of value chain activities. Some conditions that tend to favor

    differentiation strategies are:

    * There are multiple ways to differentiate the product/service that buyers

    think have substantial value

    * Buyers have different needs or uses of the product/service

    * Product innovations and technological change are rapid and competition

    emphasizes the latest product features

    * Not many rivals are following a similar differentiation strategy

    3. Price (Cost) Focus: a market niche strategy, concentrating on a narrow

    customer segment and competing with lowest prices, which, again, requires

    having lower cost structure than competitors (e.g., a single, small shop on a side-

    street in a town, in which they will order electronic equipment at low prices, or the

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    cheapest automobile made in the former Bulgaria). Some conditions that tend to

    favor focus (either price or differentiation focus) are:

    * The business is new and/or has modest resources

    * The company lacks the capability to go after a wider part of the total


    * Buyers' needs or uses of the item are diverse; there are many different

    niches and segments in the industry

    * Buyer segments differ widely in size, growth rate, profitability, and

    intensity in the five competitive forces, making some segments more

    attractive than others

    * Industry leaders don't see the niche as crucial to their own success

    * Few or no other rivals are attempting to specialize in the same target


    4. Differentiation Focus: a second market niche strategy, concentrating on a

    narrow customer segment and competing through differentiating features (e.g., a

    high-fashion women's clothing boutique in Paris, or Ferrari).

    Cooperative Strategies:

    Another group of "competitive" tactics involve cooperation among

    companies. These could be grouped under the heading of various types of

    strategic alliances, which have been discussed to some extent under Corporate

    Level growth strategies. These involve an agreement or alliance between two or

    more businesses formed to achieve strategically significant objectives that are

    mutually beneficial. Some are very short-term; others are longer-term and may be

    the first stage of an eventual merger between the companies.

    Some of the reasons for strategic alliances are to: obtain/share technology,

    share manufacturing capabilities and facilities, share access to specific markets,

    reduce financial/political/market risks, and achieve other competitive advantages

    not otherwise available. There could be considered a continuum of types of

    strategic alliances, ranging from: (a) mutual service consortiums (e.g., similar

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    companies in similar industries pool their resources to develop something that is

    too expensive alone), (b) licensing arrangements, (c) joint ventures (an

    independent business entity formed by two or more companies to accomplish

    certain things, with allocated ownership, operational responsibilities, and financial

    risks and rewards), (d) value-chain partnerships (e.g., just-in-time supplier

    relationships, and out-sourcing of major value-chain functions).


    Functional strategies are relatively short-term activities that each functional area

    within a company will carry out to implement the broader, longer-term corporate

    level and business level strategies. Each functional area has a number of

    strategy choices that interact with and must be consistent with the overall

    company strategies.

    Three basic characteristics distinguish functional strategies from corporate

    level and business level strategies: shorter time horizon, greater specificity, and

    primary involvement of operating managers.

    A few examples follow of functional strategy topics for the major functional

    areas of marketing, finance, production/operations, research and development,

    and human resources management. Each area needs to deal with sourcing

    strategy, i.e., what should be done in-house and what should be outsourced?

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    Orascom Telecom Holding S.A.E. ("Orascom Telecom") or ("OTH") was

    established in 1998 and has grown to become a major player in the

    telecommunication market in the world. OTH is considered among the largest and

    most diversified network operator in the Middle East, Africa and Pakistan.

    About Mobilink:

    Mobilink GSM (PMCL), a subsidiary of Orascom Telecom, is the market leader in

    providing state-of-the-art communications solutions to over 3.4 million people in Pakistan.

    They can proudly boast of being the first cellular service provider in Pakistan to operate

    on a 100% digital GSM technology. Mobilink GSM started operations in the year 1994,

    from then on it has shown enormous growth.

    Mobilink Coverage:

    Mobilink provides the most extensive network coverage footprint across

    Pakistan through an integrated technology infrastructure in more than 5,000

    cities, towns, villages, and countless remote destinations, including

    International Roaming in 110 countries through 300 partner operators.

    Market Share:

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    In April 2001, when the OTH (Orascom

    Telecom Holding) took over management

    control of the company, the market share

    was only 40% but as of March, 2006;

    Mobilink served over 14 million subscribers,

    representing a market share of approximately

    56.2% of total mobile subscribers in Pakistan.

    However, during the past two years the market share of Mobilink has gone down

    to 41% (As of March, 2007).

    Competition Status:

    Competition faced by the company is

    from al the operators in telecom that

    includes all the face SGM (Global

    System of mobile) operators, CDMA

    operators and LDI operators and land

    line operators. All these telecom

    companies Human Resource

    Departments are in constant need of

    new employees. So there is stiff competition in the telecom market for Mobilink.

    Comparison with competitors in the market is shown as in the table.

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    Number of subscribes:

    The number of subscribes of Mobilink has been fast increasing since year

    2000,the number of

    subscribes of

    Mobilink has almost

    doubled in the last

    one year from 5

    million approx to 10

    million approx this

    figure has almost increased by 50 times as it was in year 2000. This in fact is a

    milestone for Mobilink. Currently the company has a customer base of over 24

    million and its growing.

    Market Share

    Mobilink had a great advantage for years as being the only GSM mobile operator

    in Pakistan, however with the entrance of Ufone in 2001 and later on by Telenor,

    Warid and Zong, the competition in the mobile sector is heating up. However the

    subscriber base Mobilink has remained steady and growing as seen in the table


    Table 1: Number of Mobilink Subscribers from 2005-July 20081

    Although the number of subscribers has increased over the years, the same

    cannot be said about the market share of Mobilink, which has gradually

    decreased over the year. However, although the market shares of Mobilink might

    have decreased over the years, but it still remains the market leader in the mobile

    sector. The market shares of Mobilink are as follows:

    Table 2: Market Shares of Mobilink from 2005-20072



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    Year 2005 2006 2007 July-2008

    Subscribers 7,469,085 17,205,555 26,466,451 32,056,336

    % Change - 130.3 53.8 21.1

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    ISO 9002 Quality Management System Certification for Billing,

    Engineering Departments and CS Contact Center Biggest Call Center in Pakistan,

    which is there to assist the customers 24 hours.

    Bilateral-roaming agreements signed with 100 countries around the world to

    have true roaming service operational in 151 operators of the world.

    Mobilink GSM Short Message Service Center allows Vehicle Tracking and Fleet

    Management services that are being provided by Tracker (Pvt.) Ltd. under the

    brand name of C-Track, a company licensed by Pakistan Telecom authority

    (PTA). Tracker currently operates from Karachi but can provide these facilities at

    all those locations where GSM coverage is available

    Mobilink's Values:

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    Years 2005 2006 2007

    Market Share 51.4% 46.3% 39.8%

    Change - (5.1%) (6.5%)

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    Total Customer Satisfaction:

    Customers are at the heart of our success. They have placed their trust and

    confidence in us. In return, we strive to anticipate their needs and deliver service,

    quality and value beyond their expectations.

    Business Excellence:

    We strive for excellence in all that we do. We aspire to the highest standards and

    raise the bar for ourselves everyday. This commitment to delivering world-class

    quality translates into unmatched service and value for our customers and all


    Trust & Integrity:

    At Mobilink, we take pride in practicing the highest ethical standards in an open

    and honest environment, and by honoring our commitments. We take personal

    responsibility for our actions, and treat everyone fairly, and with trust and respect.

    Respect for People:

    Our relationships drive our business. We respect and esteem our employees and

    all stakeholders. We believe in teamwork, empowerment and honor.

    Corporate Social Responsibility:

    As the market leader, we recognize and fulfill our responsibility towards our country and

    the environment we operate in. We contribute to worthy causes and are dedicated to the

    development and progress of the society


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    Mission and Objectives:

    Total Customer Satisfaction:

    Customers are at the heart of our success. They have placed their trust and

    confidence in us. In return, we strive to anticipate their needs and deliver service,

    quality and value beyond their expectations.

    Business Excellence:

    We strive for excellence in all that we do. We aspire to the highest standards and

    raise the bar for ourselves everyday. This commitment to delivering world-class

    quality translates into unmatched service and value for our customers and all


    Trust & Integrity:

    At Mobilink, we take pride in practicing the highest ethical standards in an open

    and honest environment, and by honoring our commitments. We take personal

    responsibility for our actions, and treat everyone fairly, and with trust and respect.

    Respect for People:

    Our relationships drive our business. We respect and esteem our employees and

    all stakeholders. We believe in teamwork, empowerment and honor.

    Corporate Social Responsibility:

    As the market leader, we recognize and fulfill our responsibility towards our

    country and the environment we operate in. We contribute to worthy causes and

    are dedicated to the development and progress of the society


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    To be the leading Telecommunication Services Provider in Pakistan byoffering innovative Communication solutions for our Customers whileexceeding Shareholder value & Employee Expectations

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    The findings mentioned reflect three types of major strategies employed by the

    organization at various levels. Namely they are:

    1). Corporate level strategy

    2). Business level strategy

    3). Functional level strategy

    Corporate Level Strategy:

    As their corporate level strategy, they have entered into partnerships with

    different organizations.

    On the basis of findings, it appears that for the past few years (1999-2003),

    Mobilink had a focus on internal growth. All this is evident from the fact that since

    the deregulation of the mobile service industry of Pakistan, Mobilink has

    undertaken various efforts to ensure that it changes its stance from concentrating

    on its existing market to growing its market presence. The main reason for this

    change is mainly to keep up with the competition and to retain and increase its

    market share. This transition is obvious in Mobilinks repositioning itself and hitting

    the market with a new face with the catchphrase Reshaping communication

    With the threat of new entrants into the industry after the deregulation, Mobilinks

    strategy took a new turn. To keep abreast with the company, Mobilink took the

    following steps during the last 2 years:

    Expanded its international roaming Service scope in 14 more countries

    including Vietnam, Germany, Bangladesh, Ukraine, Iran, Venezuela, Nigeria,

    South Africa, Ethiopia, Uganda, Sudan, Bahrain, Caribbean Islands. Bilateral

    roaming agreements signed with 100 countries around the world to have true

    roaming service operational in 151 operators of the world.


    JAZZ BUNDLE OFFERS: These bundles include a handset, a JAZZ

    connection and airtime worth Rs. 200

    INTERNATIONAL SUMMER PROMOTION: Discounted international tour

    packages to Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Maldives

    JAZZ-AUR-SUNAO, LIFE MEIN JAZZ LAO (a change in the marketing


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    Indigo packages deliver nation wide cellular freedom at local Call rates

    Exclusive deals to 6 northern area destination including Chitral, Galliat, Hunza,

    Kaghan , Skardu and Swat.

    Roam the World: year long promotion including travel to the Holy Land in

    Ramadan, avail amazing offers at the Dubai Shopping Festival, be a part if the

    FIFA World Cup in Germany or visit Paris, Milan, London and NY.

    Joint Promotional Agreements with Various Organizations

    JAZZ-HYUNDAI BUNDLE OFFER: Jazz connection and a latest Hyundai L-

    120 phone set for only Rs. 2750

    Jazz member Get Member: Opportunity for customers to become the brands

    ambassador and at the same time earns Rs. 400 in airtime. The new Jazz

    customer will also get Rs.100 free airtime.

    Mobilinks Nokia 9500 offer

    MOBILINK-AVIS partnership: Mobilink joined hands with AVIS, a global brand

    and the worlds leading car Rental Company to offer discounted car rental rates

    (locally as well as internationally) to all Mobilink post-paid customers.

    Foreigners visiting Pakistan using the Mobilink network for cellular services swore

    able to receive a 20% discount on Avis-Car rental Service.

    Mobilink and UBL launch online bill payment facility for Indigo subscribers

    MOB- Motorola V3 launch

    Mobilink CITIBANK Joint Promotion (free INDIGO and Call n Control

    connections to all Citibank Credit Card members)

    Handset Kiosk inside Mobilink Service Center: a hand-set Kiosk set up at

    Mobilink service center at Awami Markaz, Karachi. The kiosk was set up in

    collaboration with Mobile Zone. It gave customers the added convenience of

    purchasing quality hand sets of leading manufacturers such as Nokia Samsung or

    Sony Ericson right from Mobilink Service Center. On every purchase the

    customers would get some free gifts to add more value to their purchase.

    Business Level Strategy

    As theirbusiness level strategy it has focused on Differentiation strategy ever

    since it started. Mobilink has always made successful attempts to distinguish their

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    products or services from other in the industry. They make their product unique



    Highly creative people in the marketing dept

    Billboards, TV commercials, bringing in famous personalities from media to

    endorse their packages

    Functional Level Strategy

    Sales and Marketing

    Differentiation Advantage:

    Because they target the customer groups they offer tariff plans that are

    exclusively designed to cater to the communication needs of a diverse group of

    people, taking into account occasional users to businessmen. To achieve this

    objective, they offer both postpaid (Indigo) and the prepaid (JAZZ) solutions to

    their customers

    The marketing department immediately identifies and responds to the customer


    Comes up with interesting marketing strategies which include advertising,

    Commitment to Total Customer Satisfaction:

    Customers are at the heart of my success. They have placed their trust and

    confidence in us. In return, I strive to anticipate their needs and deliver service,

    quality and value beyond their expectations.

    Passion for Business Excellence:

    I strive for excellence in all that I do. I aspire to the highest standards and raise

    the bar for myself everyday. This commitment to delivering world-class quality

    translates into unmatched service and value for my customers and all


    Trust & Integrity:

    At Mobilink, I take pride in practicing the highest ethical standards in an open and

    honest environment, and by honeying my commitments. I take personal

    responsibility for my actions, and treat everyone fairly, and with trust and respect.

    Respect for People:

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    My relationships drive my business. I respect and esteem my employees and all

    stakeholders. I believe in teamwork, empowerment and harmony.

    Responsible Corporate Citizen:

    As the market leader, I recognize and fulfil my responsibility towards my country

    and the environment I operate in.

    SWOT Analysis


    Strong Brand Image

    Potential customers

    Highest Coverage

    First to introduce IR

    M2 Motorway coverage

    Biletral roaming with 50 operators

    Motorola Time port Tri band (TT) handsets

    Tracking and Fleet (VTF) Management services.


    Currently providing not good quality service because of changing their

    Network from 900 MHz to 1800 MHz.

    Fewer advertisements now days.

    Most expensive telecom company both in call rates and SMS

    Weak customer retention

    Engineering department of Mobilink is not well competent


    Can expand its networks in the uncovered areas

    Services in the future can be



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    Calling Cards

    Can target maximum corporate Customers

    Lower prices


    New market players

    Competitors can offer packages for corporate customers in better way.

    Wireless local loop service providers

    Brand names survival.

    Corporate customers can shift to other companies

    Employee retention

    Loss of loyal customer


    The mobile industry has seen phenomenal growth over the year, showing growth

    rate of more than 80% in 2007. This growth is not new to the industry, as previous

    years have shown substantial growth as well. This growth is a direct result of the

    increased competition in the mobile industry, resulting into better services at

    reduced rate. Furthermore, this has favorably affected our economy as a whole,

    generating revenues for the government, through direct and indirect taxation and

    creating employment opportunities for the people. The mobile industry of Pakistan

    is considered by a majority of prospective employees as the best industry for a


    Mobilink has been in operation since 1994, and since then has become the

    market leader by providing its customers with the state of the art products and

    services. Mobilink has for years enjoyed a good market share of the total industry;its current market share is 36%3.

    Even though Mobilink has been a market leader, for so many years, providing the

    most technological advanced products and services, it has for a number of years

    been facing strong competition from Telenor and Ufone, which has resulted in a


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    decrease of its market share. This has led Mobilink to a policy of diversification, by

    introducing products like Mobilink PCO and WIMAX services. Although Mobilink

    has diversified, it still is providing competitive products and services for its core

    products-Jazz and Indigo.

    Finally, internships are an important part of the academic program, as they

    provide us with the practical experience during our academic career. I am very

    grateful that I received an internship at Mobilink as it was a great learning

    experience on how a multinational company works and further improved my skills

    of team working and critical decision making.


    The problem that I identified was the lack of job rotation within department and not

    enacting on job advancement rules and procedures. Some of the

    recommendations to this problem are as follows:

    Firstly I would recommend that the department officially start job rotation. The

    major benefit of which would include even more motivated employees, with

    enhanced skills.

    One of the major arguments against job rotation is that without it, employees will

    perform only one task and will become specialized in that particular job.

    Furthermore, the argument also suggests, that with job rotation, only general

    information is imparted to employees, not essentially helpful in doing complex

    tasks. However, in todays business environment, multitasking is becoming more

    and more essential and thus rotation becomes essential in making employees


    Furthermore, the organization structure of the treasury department makes it easy

    for job rotation, as all sub departments major functions are interlinked to eachother and mostly all departments currently have more than one associate

    employee, except cash management.

    Secondly I would also suggest that specific job related training should also be

    imparted to the employees, this would have an additional benefit of further

    improving their current skills and knowledge, while attaining new through job

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    rotation. Also professional counseling programs should also be started to provide

    employees with the information, regarding future prospects at Mobilink and in the

    mobile industry.

    Lastly, I would suggest, that Mobilink adheres to its job advancement procedures

    because for an employee that has worked with Mobilink for more than 2-3 years,

    they should be awarded with the fruits of job advancement, as I believe that the

    criteria of job advancements currently used is a standard in most MNCs and job

    advancements are a part of career growth. Furthermore, job advancement s will

    create future leaders for Mobilink.

    Selected References:

    Mobilink (

    Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (

    Porter, Michael E. (1980). Competitive Strategy: Techniques for

    analyzing industries and competitors. New York: Free Press.