Download - Mobile Media Ministry Training 2- Mobile Ministry Overview

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Mobile Ministry Overview

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The Last 210 Years1804- We pass a huge milestone, 1 billion people on the earth

1927- Another huge milestone, the world population doubles to 2 billion after just 123 years

2011- The world population grows from 2 billion to 7 billion! In 83 years we add FIVE BILLION souls to the face of the planet!

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The Good

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Majority Religion by Country 2010

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The Bad

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Buddhists, Hindus, and Muslims have relatively little contact with Christians. In each case, 86% or more of these religionists globally do not personally know a Christian.

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And people from every tongue, tribe and nation…

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That We Would Be Like the Men of Issachar

“men who understood the times and knew what

Israel should do”

1 Chron. 12:31

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A Roman Road?

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Mobile Ministry“Connecting and engaging the lost

with the life-changing message,community and mission of Christthrough personal, mobiletechnology.”

Mobile Ministry Forum, 2011 Consultation

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What are two strengths/benefits to using mobile technology for ministry purposes?

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What are two weaknesses/ disadvantages to using mobile technology for ministry purposes?

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A Mobile Ministry Top 10

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10The majority of Internet usagewill be through mobile devices,rather than through personalcomputers by the end of 2014

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% of Internet Users Accessing the Internet Though a Mobile Device

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The early mover opportunity

is still available (but the door is closing due to increasedinterest in commercial use, etc. of themedium as well as efforts to control it by governments)

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Mobile ministry allows the

viral spread of Christianmedia content

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7Mobile ministry provides oneof the most economicallyviable means for Christiancontent creation anddistribution.

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6The mobile is the device that is presentin the majority of circumstances whenbelievers come into contact with thelost and is typically the only mediadevice that could be leveraged in thoseencounters.

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5The mobile provides a powerfulway to reach vast numbers of themost difficult to reach (hidden,oral, women and children, etc.)

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4The mobile provides one of themost powerful media platformsfor two-way communicationsand the development of face-to-face relationships.

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3The mobile is an individual’s mostpersonal/intimate media device and

when the gospel is shared via thisdevice it is shared in one of theperson’s most personal/intimate spaces.

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What have you seen thatillustrates how personal/intimate the mobile phone


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Personal/Emotional Attachment

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The mobile is a near-universal “cultural insider”

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The mobile is a near-universal “cultural insider”


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The mobile is theworld’s most ubiquitousmedia device

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Media Device Installed Base (in billions)

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Every minute we’re together…

71 humans will be

added to our


406 people will get a new mobile phone


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What all this means and looks like for an unreached person

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In groups of 6-8, share ways you’ve seen the potential or power of mobile for ministry in your setting.

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A Focus on Mobile Media


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Mobile ministry allows the

viral spread of Christianmedia content

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Purdue University’s Experience with Bluetooth Video Distribution in Nigeria

(view particularly from 40 seconds to 1:57)

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7Mobile ministry provides oneof the most economicallyviable means for Christiancontent creation anddistribution.

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“The best camera is the one that’s with you”

Chase Jarvis

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100 million cameras of

any type sold worldwide

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1.5 billion phones with 1.5 billion phones with cameras were sold in 2012 cameras were sold in 2012


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Making Mass Media Creation Simple & Reproducible

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Deprem Korkusu A locally contextualized ministry video produced using a smartphone during a mobile media training in Turkey

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The Smallest Screen is the Biggest Screen in

the World

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Mobile Media Has Revolutionary


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Benefits of Mobile Media Ministry

• Available To potential content consumers, share-ers, and creators. Available not only in terms of ownership but also presence- it is the device that is always with you.

• Affordable (to ministries and users) No need to provide recipients with the hardware or

maintain it- they already have the device and will maintain and replace it themselves. With digital downloads there is also little need to provide the media on any kind of physical item (microSD card being the main exception).

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Benefits of Mobile Media Ministry• Interactive

It inherently is interactive with text, talk, social media, etc.

• ViralMedia on mobile devices can be virally from device to device using their inbuilt Bluetooth transmission functionality

• Reproducible Local/new believers can replicate and create more of their own (both exact copies and creation of similar media) especially if intentionally done with reproducibility in mind

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Benefits of Mobile Media Ministry

• Connected Allows for uploading, discovery and/or downloading of media

• Easy to use Due to users’ ownership/familiarity with the medium there are low training requirements

• Portable and “Stealthy” It can go/get into almost anywhere

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Benefits of Mobile Media Ministry

• High Quality Video For both consumption and HD quality audio and

video creation

• Special media creation characteristics

The mobile’s size allows the shooting of innovative shots from unique places/angles

It is discrete and doesn’t draw attention to itself or the fact media is being created.

It is non-threatening to those being filmed

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Benefits of Mobile Media Ministry

• Special media creation characteristics (continued)

A fast turnaround for filming/editing/uploading with ability to record and either livestream or edit on the device and upload within minutes

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Potential Drawbacks of Mobile Media Ministry

• Security Concerns Not only can Christian media on it be discovered if not

stored safely/securely but the device can be used to spy against its user through (among other things):

- Tracking/recording phone calls, internet usage and text


- Recording of off-phone conversations by remotely

turning on the phone’s microphone

- Tracking users movements using cell tower triangulation

or GPS location recording.

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Potential Drawbacks of Mobile Media Ministry

• Security Concerns In restricted access/persecution situations Christian

media may be relatively easy to discovered on the device if not stored safely/securely

• Less-than-Ideal Viewing Experience While the quality and size of mobile device screens

are growing the small size of the screen as well as limited power of device speakers can make for a poor viewing experience.

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Potential Drawbacks of Mobile Media Ministry

• Individualistic, not Community Medium

While enabling a private viewing experience may be a good thing at times, the Christian faith is community-centric and God’s sheep do best as a flock rather than as individual units out among the wolves!

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Potential Drawbacks of Mobile Media Ministry

• A mobile is not the best media recorder possible

Shaky footage Poor quality audio Not great in low light No optical zoom Exposure issues with subject being blown out or a silhouette Limited ability of iris, focus controls, and zoom Limited memory/storage