Download - Mobile Marketing - Your guide to legal compliance from concept to activation

Page 1: Mobile Marketing - Your guide to legal compliance from concept to activation

Mobile marketing

Your guide to legal compliancefrom concept to activation

February 2015

Page 2: Mobile Marketing - Your guide to legal compliance from concept to activation

Mobile marketing means…

Format Focus Examples

Display /



Mobile apps

Mobile optimized sites

• banner ads

• “brought to you by”

• take-overs

• video pre-roll

Text / Voice


SMS (Short Messaging Service)

MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service)

IVR (Interactive Voice Response)

• standard rate messaging

• premium rate messaging

(vote, donate, download)

Search Search directed at mobile users • directories (yellow pages)

• ratings (restaurants)

Performance Mobile user action

• CPC (cost-per-click)

• CPA (cost-per-action)

• CPD (cost-per-download)

• “apply now”

• surveys

• downloads

• opt-in for texts or emails

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Mobile Marketing


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marketing is






but the law

has not

What does

this mean

for you?

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Mobile marketing legal issues

1. You and your developer• The Service Agreement

2. You and the app store• Key legal guidelines

3. You and your co-sponsor• The Sponsorship Agreement

4. Marketing to the consumer• Disclosures

• Privacy

• Anti-Spam (CASL)

• Contests

• Mobile commerce

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You and your Developer


The Service Agreement

Mobile-specific issues


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You and your Developer

Mobile-specific issues

The Service Agreement

Intellectual Property


Issue Comment

Ownership of the App • Licence ≠ Ownership

• Licence = Permission to use

• Any element to be transferred to you must

be assigned, with a moral rights waiver

Scope of Licence • For specific project only?

• For specific geographic area only?

Exclusivity • Do you expect exclusive use of code?

Icons, Licensed Photos, Other


• Representation & warranty that Developer

has rights to all contributions

Trade-marks • Obtain assignment of artwork and designs to

you for trade-mark use and registration


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You and your Developer

Mobile-specific issues

The Service Agreement

Responsive design – Cross-platform

• What are your expectations, and Developer’s commitments, for creative

or user interface elements that may be challenging to achieve on mobile?

Security and authentication

• Data security is a key concern for mobile

• Consider your needs for:

• secure client-server communication

• data encryption

• offline authentication

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You and your Developer

Mobile-specific issues

The Service Agreement


• Protect your brand and your campaign through confidentiality clauses or

a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

Liability for failure, breach of laws

• Consider the scope of liability for failure to perform, violation of laws

Conflict of Interest / Non-compete

• Competitive product or service? Time sensitive campaign?

Consider tailored conflict of interest and / or non-compete clauses

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You and the app store


Key legal guidelines


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You and the app storeKey legal guidelines

App store review guidelines:

Key legal requirements for marketing – general

• No apps that are primarily marketing materials or advertisements

• Obtain user consent before collecting, transmitting, using location data

• No Push Notifications to send advertising, promotions, direct marketing

• Comply with all legal requirements wherever app is made available to users:

Developer must understand and conform to all local laws

• No false, fraudulent or misleading representations

• Kids Category apps: no user behavioural advertising (OBA)

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You and the app storeKey legal guidelines

App store review guidelines:

Key legal requirements for marketing – privacy

• No transmission of data about a user without informed consent

• Limits on requiring email address and date of birth

• Compliance with applicable children’s privacy statutes

• Privacy policy required for apps that include account registration

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You and the app storeKey legal guidelines

Google Play Developer

Key legal requirements for marketing

• Obtain user consent before collecting user location or behaviour data

• Ads must not simulate or impersonate the user interface of any app

• Specific restrictions on use of Android advertising ID (user-specific ID for

advertising), including:

• usage for advertising and analytics;

• user opt-out and respecting users’ selections;

• association with personal information; and

• transparency to users.

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You and your co-sponsor


The Sponsorship Agreement

Mobile-Specific issues


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You and your co-sponsor

Mobile-specific issues

Intellectual property is valuable. IP rights should be clear. In addition

to the “usual” licences to use each other’s brands, consider:

• specifying who owns new brand elements, logos to be developed for the

mobile campaign; and

• specifying who owns the mobile app and design elements.

Privacy. If you collect personal information from users, consider:

• is the co-sponsor entitled to receive and use the personal information?

If so, your agreement should cover off privacy and anti-spam law

compliance, liability, and indemnity.

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You and your co-sponsor

Mobile-specific issues

Mobile development takes time. Consider:

• specifying how much sign-off authority each party has; and

• building in enough time for review and sign-off by the other party (“timely

and reasonable” or more specific?).

Mobile is changing fast. If your agreement is long-term, consider:

• providing that you and your co-sponsor may amend specified

technologies over time; and

• providing for a periodic review of the sponsorship rights.

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Marketing to the mobile user






Mobile commerce


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Marketing to the mobile user

Disclosures Privacy Anti-Spam


Contests Mobile


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Marketing to the mobile user


The Competition Act applies “regardless of the medium”

Representations about the product / service must be accurate & fair:

• Including text, images, illustrations and audio

• Statements about product performance, efficacy or length of life must be

based on an “adequate and proper test”

Representations about your business must be accurate & fair:

• Text, graphics, logos, must not mislead the user about affiliations,

sponsorship, endorsement

Implications for mobile:

• Limited space means that a lot more is riding on your text and visuals

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Marketing to the mobile user



• Prominent disclaimer – don’t bury or hide

• Accessible disclaimer – regardless of technology

• Repeat disclaimer if necessary –e.g. call to action page + ordering page

• Use “click here for restrictions” or symbols (* or †) to indicate that disclaimer is below –particularly where it’s below the fold

• See: Application of the Competition Act to Representations on the Internet, Enforcement Guidelines

Call to Action*

One Week Only

Act now!

*Disclaimer text.

Up to



Menu Cart +


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Marketing to the mobile user

Disclosures Privacy Anti-Spam


Contests Mobile


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Marketing to the mobile user


Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada is increasingly active

on mobile issues

• Global privacy sweep raises concerns about mobile apps

• Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, Alberta Information and

Privacy Commission, British Columbia Information and Privacy

Commissioner: Seizing Opportunity: Good Privacy Practices for

Developing Mobile Apps

• OPC Guidance - Communicating Privacy Practices to Your App's Users

• OPC Guidance – Policy Position on Online Behavioural Advertising

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Marketing to the mobile user



• Informed consent

• Layered notices

• Just-in-time notice

• Opt-out

Notice and Consent

• Just-in-time notice

• Disclose purpose: Function? Ads?

• Opt-out


• Just-in-time notice

• Opt-out

• Avoid sensitive PI

• Destroy / de-identify ASAP

Behavioural tracking

• Explain what data you collect, how you use it

Social Media login

• Parental settings

• No geolocation, OBA collection


• Encryption

• Hashing

• Retention policy

• Destruction ASAP

Data Security


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Marketing to the mobile user


8 Best Practices

1. Build privacy into your app / campaign / program from the start

2. Decide what personal information you really need

3. Consider a privacy dashboard – clear and easy user customization

4. Make privacy information and policies easy to find

5. Layer privacy information – key points + click-through to detail

6. Remember: combining user data from different sources can enable

individuals to be identified (UDID, location, etc.) = Personal Info

7. Apply appropriate security standards and procedures to the type of

information you collect

8. Record user consents to demonstrate compliance

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Marketing to the mobile user

Disclosures Privacy Anti-Spam


Contests Mobile


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Marketing to the mobile user

Anti-Spam (CASL) – Texts, Emails and other “CEMs”

CASL targets “Commercial Electronic Messages”


• includes a text, email, or IM

• applies to most messages with any commercial / promotional element,

including message content, hyperlinks, or contact info

A CEM can be sent only if:

• You have CASL-compliant express (“opt-in”) consent;

• You have CASL-defined implied consent;

• The CEM is expressly exempted; or

• Consent is not required under CASL.

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Image Source: Compliance and Enforcement Information Bulletin

CRTC 2012-548, Guidelines on the interpretation of the Electronic

Commerce Protection Regulations (CRTC)

Marketing to the mobile user

Anti-Spam (CASL) – Texts and other “CEMs”

CEMs must include:

• mailing address plus one other

contact – phone, email or URL

• valid unsubscribe mechanism

How to fit your message + CASL

information into 136 characters?

• Short url to .ca website containing

Company contact info

• Text “STOP” to opt out or Text

“STOP” to end for unsubscribe


See also: Comparing CASL to CAN-SPAM


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Marketing to the mobile user

Anti-Spam (CASL) – Installing an app

Section 8 of CASL prohibits installing an app on a user’s device without

express consent

CASL does not apply where user installs the app on their own device

However, CASL-compliant express consent is still required:

• for updates or upgrades to that self-installed app; and

• where that self-installed app contains concealed software.

See: Canada’s Anti-Spam Law: Apps, Software, and other Computer Programs

See: Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation Requirements for Installing Computer Programs


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Marketing to the mobile user

Disclosures Privacy Anti-Spam


Contests Mobile


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Marketing to the mobile user


Promoting your contest on mobile

• “Limited real estate” is not an excuse for false or misleading messages.

Be clear. Be truthful. Link to details.

• Rules must be easy to find – e.g. clearly labelled link to home page with

short rules, link from home page to full rules

Text message entry

• See “Contests” section of Canadian Common Short Code Application

Guidelines at

• May not imply that someone has won, if they have not

(e.g. “selected to win”, “enter phone number to claim prize”)

• Remember CASL requirements – see slide 25

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Marketing to the mobile user


Social Media Platforms

• Review the current rules and policies for the platform (Facebook, Twitter,


• Releases

• Acknowledgements

• Personal information collection

• Use of logos and icons in your promotions

• Remember that other laws may apply:

• Anti-Spam (CASL) and other restrictions on “invite a friend” entries

• Use of #hashtags must not be misleading

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Marketing to the mobile user

Disclosures Privacy Anti-Spam


Contests Mobile


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Marketing to the mobile user

Mobile Commerce

Includes in-app purchase, mobile content (ringtones, game extras,

wallpapers), and much more

• Consumer protection laws vary province by province

• “Limited real estate” is not an excuse for misleading marketing.

Be clear. Be truthful. Link to details.

• Small screen poses a challenge for all of the mandatory disclosures required

by law: product / service, price, terms, conditions, contact information

• Make your contact information easily accessible – address complaints directly

before they become disputes

• Provincial law imposes rules for turning free trials into paid subscriptions

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Marketing to the mobile user

Mobile Commerce

• Privacy

• Know the law and best practices for collecting consumer personal, financial

information (see slides 21 and 22)

• Are your partners or suppliers collecting, using or disclosing personal

information? If so, cover off privacy and anti-spam law compliance, liability,

and indemnity in your agreements

• Children and Minors

• Children are a vulnerable group, easily influenced

• Quebec prohibits marketing to children

• Contracts with minors may not be enforceable

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Some of our advertising and marketing work

Agency Agreements

Prepare and advise on

agreements between

advertisers and their agencies

for short and long-term

campaigns, including mobile


Ad Copy Review

Provide detailed review and

clearance on advertising copy

for all media and platforms.

We address issues such as

misleading advertising, proper

disclosures, and permitted

representations about

regulated products. We also

advise on ASC and TVB


Promotional Contests

Preparing long-form rules and

minimum disclosures. Advice

on sponsorships, events,

packaging and point of sale

materials, waivers and

releases. Advice on multi-

country contests, and on how

to include Quebec residents

as contest participants.


Specialized advice on privacy

policies and procedures for

online, gaming, mobile, and

other platforms.

Anti-Spam (CASL)

Prepare CASL compliance

programs for website, mobile,

and email marketing. Advise

on compliance for partner /

sponsor marketing, “refer a

friend” programs, subscriber

programs, and ongoing

promotional outreach.

Regulated Products and


Specialized advice to

manufacturers, distributors

and retailers of alcoholic

beverages, cosmetics and

drugs. Ad clearance support.

Representation on

investigations and reviews by

government regulatory


Intellectual Property

Expert advice on brand

protection and licensing. This

includes trade-mark

registrations, copyright

licensing and assignment, and

advice on user generated

content, sponsorship

agreements, and infringement


Service Agreements

Review and advise on

developer agreements for

mobile campaigns and


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Thank you


Margot Patterson


Intellectual Property, Communications Law,

Competition Law, Entertainment | Sports | Media

D +1 613 783 9693

E [email protected]

Margot is Counsel with Dentons' Ottawa, Canada office.

Margot provides advertising and marketing advice to a broad range of clients in relation to broadcast, print, and digital media. Industry

areas of focus include beverage alcohol, food, travel, fashion, cosmetics, home improvement products, and consumer electronics.

Margot also assists Canadian and international businesses to meet the requirements of Canada's Anti-Spam (CASL) and Privacy laws.

She is designated by the Law Society of Upper Canada as a Certified Specialist in copyright, and is recommended by Best Lawyers in

Canada 2015 as one of Canada's leading lawyers in the area of Communications Law.

Before joining Dentons, Margot was General Counsel and Vice-President, Legal Affairs for the Canadian Association of Broadcasters.


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Offices, associate officesx and facilities*

Associate firms and special alliances*

Kansas City



San Francisco

Silicon Valley

Los Angeles





New YorkShort Hills

Washington, DCSt. Louis


LondonMilton Keynes





St. Petersburg


















São Tomé


Cape Town


Port Louis









Abu Dhabi


Hong Kong



New OrleansMiami






KrasnodarRostov on Don


Houston Casablanca



World map





