Download - Mobile Magic PREMIUM CALCULATOR Step By Step Tutorial.



Step By Step Tutorial

Mobile Magic – Need Analysis Calculators

Locate MM-PC

Open the Applications folder

(Depending on the make & model of your handset, this may be some other folder such as Installations in Nokia E-63)

How to start MM-PC

Mobile Magic – Insurance Calculators

Mobile Magic – Need Analysis Calculators

Launch MM-PC

Select & Open the MM-PC application

Center Button

In most handsets, the center button is available which acts like the ENTER key of the PC keyboard. You can also use this button to open the MM-PC application.

Mobile Magic – Insurance Calculators

Mobile Magic – Need Analysis Calculators

MM-PC Opening Screen

This screen will appear for a few seconds while the application is being loaded

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Mobile Magic – Need Analysis Calculators

Terms & Conditions

Go through the Terms of use and press this button to accept the terms & continue

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Mobile Magic – Need Analysis Calculators

Select the feature

Use this to scroll through the menu & press any of the Select option to get the desired plan. Eg: Special Plans (4th Option)

Main Menu

You have the following options

1. Children Plans

2. Endowment Plans

3. Money Back Plans

4. Special Plans

5. Single Premium Plans

6. Whole Life Plans

Mobile Magic – Insurance Calculators

Mobile Magic – Need Analysis Calculators

Special PlansSelect 1of the plan from the given menu option to proceed with the premium calculation. Eg: 162 (JEEVAN SHREE-1).

Follow the instructions as explained in the subsequent slide to benefit from this tool.

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Mobile Magic – Need Analysis Calculators

How to use this tool

1. Enter the Name of the prospect

2. Enter the Age of the same

3. Enter the Plan & Premium Payment Term

4. Type the Sum Assured to be taken for the prospect

5. Enter the Double Accident Benefit Sum

6. Enter the Term Rider Sum

Mobile Magic – Insurance Calculators

Mobile Magic – Need Analysis Calculators

Special Plans

How to use this tool (continued)

9. Enter the Critical Illness Rider Sum

10. Enter the Premium Waiver Benefit Rider details

11. Select the Premium Payment Mode from the drop down option

12. Select if you wish to calculate Maturity returns

13. Select if you wish to calculate Special Medical Requirements

14. Click on Calculate button to get the output

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Mobile Magic – Need Analysis Calculators

Special Plans

162- Jeevan Shree Result

Based on the inputs provided, the premium for the plan, along with the detailed break-up of Returns & Special Medical Reports are calculated & displayed on this screen.

SMS Option

Press this button if you want to send this result to the prospect by SMS or press the Back button to go back to the inputs screen.

Mobile Magic – Insurance Calculators

Mobile Magic – Need Analysis Calculators

Message Size Alert

You will be informed about the size of the text message and the no. of SMS that will be charged for sending this result to you prospect. Press OK button to proceed further or press the Back button to go back to the Calculated Result screen.

Mobile Magic – Insurance Calculators

Mobile Magic – Need Analysis Calculators

Input For Mobile No.

Enter Mobile number of the Prospect and press Send button to send calculated Result as a SMS.

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Mobile Magic – Need Analysis Calculators

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