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  • Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 20 (2005) 242264

    Mobile Construction Supply Chain ManagementUsing PDA and Bar Codes

    H. Ping Tserng

    Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan 10600

    Ren-Jye Dzeng

    Department of Civil Engineering, National Chiao-Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan 30050


    Yu-Cheng Lin & Sheng-Tai Lin

    Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan 10600

    Abstract: Construction project control aims to effec-tively obtain real-time information and enhance dynamiccontrol by utilizing information sharing and connectinginvolved participants of the projects to reduce construc-tion conflicts and project delays. However, extending theconstruction project control system to job sites is not con-sidered efficient because using notebooks in a harsh envi-ronment like a construction site is not particularly a con-ventional practice. Meanwhile, paper-based documents ofthe site processes are ineffective and cannot get the quickresponse from the office and project control center. Inte-grating promising information technologies such as per-sonal digital assistants (PDA), bar code scanning, anddata entry mechanisms, can be extremely useful in im-proving the effectiveness and convenience of informationflow in construction supply chain control systems. Barcode scanning is appropriate for several construction ap-plications, providing cost savings through increased speedand accuracy of data entry. This article demonstratesthe effectiveness of a bar-code-enabled PDA application,called the mobile construction supply chain management(M-ConSCM) System, that responds efficiently and en-

    To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected].

    hances the information flow between offices and sites in aconstruction supply chain environment. The advantage ofthe M-ConSCM system lies not only in improving the effi-ciency of work for on-site engineers, but also providing theKanban-like visual control system for project participantsto control the whole project. Moreover, this article presentsa generic system architecture and its implementation.


    The construction industry is one of the most complex in-dustries because the total development of a project nor-mally consists of several phases requiring a diverse rangeof specialized services and involvement of numerous par-ticipants. Therefore, it is not easy to control and man-age construction projects effectively. A real-time mon-itor and control system for construction projects maybe necessary and helpful in completing the projects andto meet budget and deadline. With the advent of theInternet, web-based information management solutionsallow information dissemination and sharing among allthe project participants. Usually, construction managersand on-site engineers need access to the construction siteto manage the project because most of the construction

    C 2005 Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. Published by Blackwell Publishing, 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA,and 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK.

  • Mobile construction supply chain management 243

    projects are operated in construction sites. Nowadays,desktops and notebooks have become essential tools inconstruction management. However, the current desk-tops and notebooks are not suitable for the constructionsites because of inconvenience in carrying. On-site en-gineers generally handle various types of digital infor-mation, such as drawings, specifications, checklists, anddaily reports. They usually use sheets of paper and/orfield notes. As a result, there is a gap in time and spacebetween the construction site and the office, which leadsto low efficiency and lack and confusion of data.

    Information technology (IT) plays an important roleto control and manage construction projects success-fully, especially in enhancing communication and co-ordination among participants. Communication andcoordination need to be maintained to support the shar-ing of resources and competencies in the network ofa construction chain. Furthermore, integrating promis-ing information technologies such as personal digitalassistants (PDA), bar code scanning, and data entrymechanisms, can be extremely useful for improving theeffectiveness and convenience of information flow inconstruction supply chain systems. This article presents anovel system called the mobile-based construction sup-ply chain management (M-ConSCM) system to improveconstruction information acquisition on site and providean information-sharing platform among all participantsof the construction chain utilizing web technology andbar-code-enabled PDA.

    1.1 Problem statements

    The performance of project management and controlcan be improved by enabling each participant to shareinformation with others. However, two important as-pects of information sharing are information acquisitionand information communication. Information acquisi-tion problems in a construction project follow from thefact that most of the data and information are gatheredfrom the construction site, which is an extension of theconstruction chain. The effectiveness of information anddata acquisition influences the flow of information be-tween the office and the construction site. However, on-site engineers usually use written documents, drawings,contracts, specifications, and shop drawings for job sites.As a result, a gap in time and space between the job siteand office causes the duplex, lack and confusion of dataand information. In other words, existing means of pro-cessing information and collecting data are not only timeconsuming and costly, but also reduce the performanceof project management in information acquisition. Fur-thermore, construction contractors normally depend oninteractions over the telephone or fax machine to com-municate with suppliers, subcontractors, and designers.Consequently, transactions are often lost or misunder-stood. Such means of communicating information be-

    tween sites and offices, and among all participants, areineffective and inconvenient.

    1.2 Research objectives

    A web portal is developed to solve the information com-munication problem. This portal is controlled by a gen-eral contractor and provides subcontractors and suppli-ers with real-time project-related information-sharingservices, dynamically responding to the entire construc-tion supply chain network. In this article, a mobileconstruction supply chain management (M-ConSCM)system is developed to be efficient and cost effective,to improve practical communication among participants,and to increase flexibility in terms of project delivery andresponse times. The M-ConSCM system is a web-basedsystem utilized to effectively integrate general contrac-tors, subcontractors, and suppliers, such that construc-tion merchandise is made and distributed in the rightquantities, to the right locations, at the right times.

    Paper-based documents are being superseded by inte-grating PDAs and bar code systems with the M-ConSCMsystem to solve the information acquisition problem.PDAs can extend M-ConSCM systems to constructionsites. The efficiency of data collection can also be im-proved using automated bar-code-enabled PDAs to en-ter and edit data on the job site. By using web tech-nology and mobile devices, the M-ConSCM system forgeneral contractors creates tremendous potential to in-crease the efficiency and effectiveness of informationflow, thereby streamlining construction processes withother participants.

    The on-site engineer often wastes time by travelingto obtain information when no other efficient meansof communication is available. The portal and PDAsallow on-site engineers to update data from the con-struction site and then upload them immediately to thesupply chain web portal; suppliers and subcontractorscan receive real-time project-related information andmake better decisions for the future management andcontrol of the project. The system enables project man-agers to make the right decision in a quick-responseenvironment.

    This research develops a mobile supply chain controlsystem for construction projects. The constituent objec-tives include (1) developing a framework for a mobilesupply chain control system for construction contractors;(2) applying such a system that integrates bar codes withPDA technology to increase the efficiency of job sitedata collection; (3) developing a web-based portal forconstruction supply chain control providing real-time in-formation and wireless communication between officesand sites, subcontractors, and suppliers; (4) providing on-site engineers with updated information, accessed via theinternal supply chain control system between the officeand the job site; and (5) supporting project managers

  • 244 Tserng, Dzeng, Lin & Lin

    Ineffectiveness and inconveniencedata capture and collection on site

    Data input rework

    Easy to make mistakes in the information input process

    No automated data capture service

    Construction Site

    No real time site information/data update

    Information is distributed to manydifferent locations

    Main Office

    No Information SharingEnvironmentNo Dynamic Real-time Control

    Supply Chain Participants

    Problem Statements Problem Solutions

    Determine How to Transfer Data between Control Center and Site

    Program & Implement Portal System

    Link PDA To Portal

    Test and Modified System

    Design Database for Portal System

    Determine Needed Data for Portal System

    Developing Portal to Centralize and Access the Project Information

    Determine Which Information or Data toInformation Sharing among Participants

    Design and Determine Delivery Status for Development in the System

    Link to Portal from Participant by Web

    Test and Modified System

    Determine Information/Data to Monitor orInformation Sharing

    Improving Project Delivery via Information Sharing among Participants

    Study On-Site Needed Data for Use

    Developing PDA-based DataAcquisition in Construction Site

    Determine PDA Hardware

    Determine Dataflow to PDA System

    Program & Implement Mobile PDA System

    Design Database for PDA

    Determine Needed Data to enter PDA

    Test and Modified System

    Determine How to Transfer Data betweenPDA and Bar Code

    Print the Bar Code and Stick Tape toMonitored Component

    Design Data Attribute for Bar Code

    Test Connection between PDA and Bar Code

    Determine Hardware and Software for Bar Code

    Print the Bar Code and Stick Tape toMonitored Component

    Integrating Bar Code with PDA to Capture Data automatically for Construction Activity

    Fig. 1. Problem statement and problem solutions for construction information acquisition on site and information sharingamong participants.

    of each partner to monitor and control the constructionprocess dynamically. Figure 1 illustrates solutions usedin the real case of a construction in Nankang SoftwarePark in Taipei, by Century Development Corporation.With appropriate modifications, the M-ConSCM systemcan be utilized at any construction site for contractors orsuppliers in support of the M-ConSCM system.


    Supply chain management (SCM) is a concept that orig-inated and flourished in the manufacturing industry. The

    first visible signs of SCM were in the Just-In-Time (JIT)delivery system, as part of the Toyota Production System(Shingo, 1988; Ruben and Lauri, 2000). The supply chainhas been defined as the network of organizations thatare involved, through upstream and downstream link-ages, in the different processes and activities that pro-duce value in the form of products and services in thehands of the ultimate customer (Christopher, 1998).SCM is the supply chain management of activity fromraw material supply to consumer to minimize the timetaken to perform each activity, eliminate waste, and of-fer an optimal response by maximizing value (Robertand Nichols, 1999). Tserng and Lin (2002) combine the

  • Mobile construction supply chain management 245


    Consultant FirmSupervisor Firm

    General Contractor

    Material SuppliersEquipment SuppliersSubcontractors

    Design Firm

    Legend supply chain demand chain







    Fig. 2. Construction supply chain framework for the general contractor.

    quick response mechanism of IT with portfolio theory infinancial management to develop the Accelerated Sub-contracting and Procuring (ASAP) model for construc-tion supply chain management. An organization doesmore than merely managing its own portion of the supplychain. The process usually involves suppliers and users,as well as ancillary organizations.

    Supply chain control (SCC) is one of the importantparts of SCM. Supply chain control in construction usu-ally involves a group of companies and individuals work-ing collaboratively in a supply network of interrelatedprocesses or activities designed most effectively to sat-isfy end-customer needs, while rewarding all members ofthe chain (Arbulu and Tommelein, 2000). Supply chaincontrol in construction is recognized as improving theprocess of information flow, saving costs, and supportingrevenue-enhancing business strategy.

    Figure 2 presents an overview of the constructionsupply chain framework for the general contractor.The upstream supply chain for the general contractorincludes superintendents, architects/designers, consul-tants, and the owner. The downstream supply chain in-cludes subcontractors, equipment suppliers, and materialsuppliers.

    Usually, the construction supply chain includes an in-ternal supply chain and an external supply chain (seeFigure 3). From the general contractors perspective, theinternal construction supply chain is the internal net-work among the head office, job-site office, and job site.Besides, the external construction supply chain is a bigand complicated organization. With the assistance of In-ternet technology and applications, the internal networkand external network can be chained together to im-

    prove construction project information and communi-cation (Lin and Tserng, 2003a).

    In the construction projects, most initial constructiondata come from the construction site. On-site engineersobtain data on the job site and bring it back to the officeso that project managers can make the right decisionsusing his/her tools. Accordingly, the effective acquisitionof accurate data from the job site plays an important rolein governing the performance of the system.

    Information sharing eliminates the need to regener-ate or reenter the same information in different offices.Eliminating multiple data entry also helps maintain dataconsistency and reduces human errors. For instance, thestaff in the estimating department estimated the requiredquantity of cement in a project. With this informationtogether with the project schedule, a purchasing officercan use the information and place an order. Tradition-ally, this information is reentered into various isolatedsystems such as scheduling and purchasing systems. Withinformation sharing, the information is entered once andshared with other departments and partners.

    The construction industry is one of the most com-plex industries because its products are unique and sev-eral participants are usually involved in the project.Participants change in every construction project. Con-sequently, developing a formalized SCM system for theconstruction industry is extremely difficult. However, ITcritically enables effective supply chain control (Simchi-Levi et al., 2000), as is demonstrated by the ConSCMsystem, which uses various technologies to share and dis-tribute information.

    Designing the framework of a construction SCMsystem in activity-based units is helpful, because

  • 246 Tserng, Dzeng, Lin & Lin



    Job Site

    Job Office


    Design Firm

    Consultant Firm

    Internal Supply Chain

    External Supply Chain



    General Contractor

    Bar Code

    Head Office


    Internet Construction Supply ChainControl Portal System

    Fig. 3. Framework of internal and external construction supply chain.

    construction projects are normally distinguished and an-alyzed in activity units. Figure 4 presents a sample con-struction process, in which each activity of the project hasmanpower, equipment, and material supply components.The upper part in Figure 4 is expressed in the way of tradi-tional schedule controlling for the activity, the lower partis explained with the combination of supply, delivery, andtraditional schedule controlling for the component sup-ply and delivery of each activity. The resulting combina-tion allows any project participants to trace and controltheir project more efficiently and progress while beingfully integrated with the supply chain concept. The stock-pile following steel assembly means waiting status beforesteel assembling finishes and the stockpile for concreteplacement means waiting status before concrete place-ment starts. The information sharing is the key to thesuccess of a supply chain because it enables project par-ticipants to make decisions that cross both systems andcompanies (Sunil and Peter, 2001). A practical construc-tion SCM system can incorporate PDA, bar code, andportal technologies to empower participants in construc-tion projects. The rest of this section discusses the use ofPDAs, bar code systems, and portals in more detail.

    2.1 Using PDAs on construction sites

    Various kinds of mobile device have been adapted tofield jobs on construction sites. Recently, the PDA rev-olution has come to the construction industry. The pop-ularity of PDAs is growing rapidly because more pow-

    erful devices are being developed and a wider range ofapplications are becoming available. The main featuresof PDAs include: (1) access to calendar, address book,notes and to-do lists; (2) browsing the Internet or provid-ing web-clippings; (3) Internet access either via modem,cell phone, or wireless access; (4) synchronizing data be-tween PDAs and desktop PCs; and (5) a platform foradd-on software (McPherson, 2000; Johnson and Broida,2000).

    The benefits of using mobile devices in the construc-tion industries have been well documented (Baldwinet al., 1994; Fayek et al., 1998; McCulloch, 1997). Fur-thermore, mobile devices have been applied in many ar-eas in the construction industries, such as the following:(1) to provide wearable systems to support field inspec-tion (Sunkpho and Garrett, 2003); (2) to support pen-based computer data acquisition for construction surveyrecords (Elzarka and Bell, 1997); (3) to support collab-orative and information-sharing platforms (Pena-Moraand Dwivedi, 2002), and (4) to utilize mobile comput-ers to access data capture for piling works (Ward et al.,2003).

    In a construction project, engineers and workers needto be provided with the latest available informationon the construction site. To understand the problemson construction sites and solving them with PDAs, asurvey was conducted during a construction project ofNankang Software Park located in Taipei by Century De-velopment Corporation, to determine the informationrequired by on-site engineers. Project managers, on-site

  • Mobile construction supply chain management 247






    Form Work

    Place Concrete







    :Manpower Supplier :Equipment Supplier :Material Supplier


    :Activity Name : Supply Relationship



    Form Work

    Place Concrete



    :Progress Flow

    Supply Chain Concept

    Typical Construction Project Scheduling

    Supply Chain Project Scheduling

    Fig. 4. Construction supply delivery supporting illustration of an example.

    engineers, and general engineers completed the survey:the response rate to the 20 questionnaires was 90%(18 responses). The survey was made to identify the do-main knowledge that relates to the problems on the con-struction site and to classify information required at theconstruction site. The result of the survey is summarizedin Table 1 and Figure 5. Table 1 shows how PDAs can pro-vide support in situations that commonly arise on con-struction sites. Figure 5 shows the applications of PDAson construction sites.

    2.2 Applying bar code to construction

    Bar code is an automatic identification solution thatstreamlines identification and data acquisition. Further-

    more, bar code has been applied to many fields sincethe early 1960s, such as assembly checking, fixed assetinventory control, tracking, and records management.In the construction industry, Bell and McCulloch (1988)started a research project to explore the potential appli-cations and the resulting cost-saving benefits of bar codeuse in construction. Then, the application of bar code hasbeen used in many areas in the construction industry, asfollows: (1) to identify and find materials and build com-ponents on a construction job site (Bell and McCulloch,1988; Bernold, 1990; Anderson, 1993; Skibniewski andWooldrige, 1992; McCulloch and Lueprasert, 1994);(2) to automate yard control to reduce loss and misiden-tification of material and equipment (Lundberg andBeliveau, 1989); (3) to track and manage both small and

  • 248 Tserng, Dzeng, Lin & Lin

    Table 1Problems on construction sites and their solutions with PDAs

    Function Current status Problem Solution with PDAs

    ControlInventory control Assist on-site engineers handle inventory

    management on the siteMaintenance control Paper-based work Time-consuming and


    Assist on-site engineers handle assetmaintenance management on the site

    Schedule control Assist on-site engineers to handle schedulecontrol on the site

    Quality control Assist on-site engineers to handle qualitycontrol on the site

    RecordExperience record Provide on-site engineers a portal tool to

    write down know-how tips on the siteProcess record (voice) Inconvenient & not

    handyInconvenient, no

    handy devicesProvide on-site engineers a portal tool to

    write down experience tips on the siteProcess record (photo) Easy for on-site engineers to record

    construction processProcess record (video) Easy for on-site engineers to record

    construction processCommunication

    E-mail N/A N/A Provide on-site engineers to send and reade-mail by PDA

    ReferenceE-drawing Help on-site engineers refer to the

    construction drawings directly from PDAE-specification Paper-based work Dreadful,

    inconvenientHelp on-site engineers refer to the

    specification directly from PDAE-contract Help on-site engineers refer to the contract

    directly from PDAE-manual Help on-site engineers refer to the manual

    directly from PDA

    Web SearchWeb Search



    Digital PhotoDigital Photo

    Scan Label

    Use PDA to collect data accurately and rapidly

    Use PDA to search Information or access Portal by Wireless Modem and Browser

    Use PDA to record digitalphotos with accessories

    Use PDA to refer and note construction drawings

    Use PDA to refer digital manuals

    Contracts & SpecificationContracts & Specification


    Memos & Notes

    Digital FilmsDigital Films


    Use PDA to search GPS Information on the Portal by

    Wireless Modem and Browser

    Use PDA to refer digital contracts and specification

    Use PDA to edit memos and notes

    Use PDA to record digital films with accessories

    Use PDA to edit checklist

    Fig. 5. Application of PDAs used on construction sites.

  • Mobile construction supply chain management 249

    large equipment on the job site (Wirt et al., 1999); (4) totrack job-site workers (Bell and McCulloch, 1988);(5) to support scheduling, resulting in better budgetarycontrol and substantial cost savings (Blakey, 1990); (6) toidentify documentation, drawings, material, equipment,and project activities (Stukhart and Cook, 1990; Rasdorfand Herbert, 1989; Finch et al., 1996); and (7) to integratebar code and GIS for monitoring construction progress(Cheng and Chen, 2002).

    Bar code technology can be used with PDAs to enableon-site engineers to integrate seamlessly work processesat job sites because of its accuracy and ability to cap-ture data effectively. With a bar code scanner pluggedinto a PDA, the bar-code-enabled PDA can be a power-ful portable data collection tool. Additionally, bar codereadings increase the accuracy and speed of informationcommunication, indirectly enhancing performance andproductivity.

    2.3 Using a portal in the construction supply chain

    Portals, a unique but occasionally complex concept in-troduced in the late 1990s, are web sites that collect in-formation related to specific themes or topics and pro-vide users with access to related services and informationsources. Besides, a portal is an ideal platform for sharinginformation in a supply chain system. When a portal isused, all project-related information that is centralizedin a project database can be obtained only through aweb interface. The portal also provides authenticationand access control mechanisms so that project partici-pants can access information according to user privilegesand activity-related units. In practice, however, the ex-change of information among participants is not as easyas it seems. Several different systems and standards areused; the peer-to-peer relationships among companiesin the network are normally too many to manage, andmost systems do not support easy exchange of informa-tion with other systems. Furthermore, most participantsare very reluctant to share information with other par-ticipants. A portal represents a solution to these prob-lems. Tserng and Lin (2003) develop an electronic ac-quisition model for project scheduling (e-AMPS) portalto automatically acquire external information and pro-vide participants with construction information sharing.An e-Hub construction supply chain management (Hub-ConSCM) system is developed for information sharingand analysis among project participants (Lin and Tserng,2003b). Standardized interactions with one portal areeasier to manage than are many peer-to-peer relation-ships. IT can help to solve the problems that plagueseveral supply chains. Electronically exchanging infor-mation reduces the number of errors and increases theefficiency of the work processes. When one participant

    can use the information of other participants in the sup-ply chain, the negative effects of uncertainty can be the-oretically eliminated. Figure 6 presents a framework inwhich all participants share updated information to theirrelated activities via a web portal.


    The internal construction supply chain management(ConSCM) system can be divided into three subsys-tems: the construction enterprise resource planning(ConERP) system, the construction supply chain man-agement center (ConSCMCenter) system, and the M-ConSCM system. The M-ConSCM system extends theConSCM system from offices to job sites to assist withforecasting and analysis services, whereas the ConERPsystem mainly deals with data transactions in all de-partments or systems integration within a constructioncompany.

    Similar to project scheduling management, M-ConSCM, which is based on the concept of undertak-ing activities of project planning and control, is devel-oped to integrate M-ConSCM with the ConERP andConSCMCenter systems. All data are stored and clas-sified by activity-based units in the M-ConSCM system.Also, the M-ConSCM services described in this work aremade available to all the participants (suppliers and sub-contractors) of a project, through a specially designedportal, which also serves as a real-time and mail com-munication channel for projects. All the authorized par-ticipants can run their quality controls, schedule con-trols, and inventory-management work, based on thedata shared through the portal service. When the dataare updated on the server side, e-mails are automaticallysent from the server to the general contractors projectmanager and participants involved in the relevant activ-ity. The following section presents a detailed treatmentof the development of the M-ConSCM system.

    3.1 System usage overview

    The M-ConSCM system is comprised of three compo-nents: PDA, bar code, and portal. Notably, both the PDAand the bar code components are on the client side,whereas the portal component is on the server side (seeFigure 7). Within the M-ConSCM system, all project-related information acquired by on-site engineers is cen-tralized in a supply chain system database (portal modeldatabase). Project participants (subcontractors and sup-pliers) in the supply chain may have access to all or someof this information through the portal, depending ontheir access privileges.

  • 250 Tserng, Dzeng, Lin & Lin

    Fig. 6. Information sharing in the project scheduling using the portal.

    3.2 System architecture

    The server of the M-ConSCM system has three distincttypes of layerspresentation, application, and databaselayerseach with its own responsibilities.

    The presentation layer defines administration andend-user interfaces suited to the work of that end user.The users can access information through web browsers,including Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Nav-igator. Administrators can control and manage informa-tion through the web browser as well as a separate serverinterface.

    The application layer defines various applications forinformation collection and management. These applica-tions offer system security, information sharing, projectcontrol, project monitoring, and system administrationfunctions. The database layer includes DB2 Everyplace,DB2 Universal, and SQL Server 2000. All the data are

    stored and organized in DB2 Everyplace for mobile de-vices. The data uploaded from mobile devices (client) arestored in DB2 Universal Database as a medium betweenthe server and the client. Finally, SQLServer 2000 pro-cesses and manages the M-ConSCM system database.

    3.3 Modules of the M-ConSCM system

    The M-ConSCM system is composed of a constructionsupply chain control portal integrated with mobile de-vices and bar code technology (bar-code-enabled PDA).The following is a brief description for each module.

    3.3.1 Web portal module of M-ConSCM systemConSCM portal. The ConSCM portal is an informationhub in the M-ConSCM system for general contractors.The ConSCM portal enables all the participants to log

  • Mobile construction supply chain management 251


    Client Side

    InventoryOn-siteInspection ConstructionDelivery

    Check Refer Note


    Server Side

    Subcontractor Head Office On-site Engineer ManagerSuppliers

    Presentation layer

    Application layer

    Database layer Database ServerMS SQL Server 2000


    Personal computer &Web browser (IE)

    MS Windows 2000 ServerApache Server


    Application Server

    ComponentsJava 2 SDK


    Tier 1

    Tier 2

    Tier 3

    Fig. 7. M-ConSCM system framework overview.

    onto a single portal site and immediately obtain the in-formation they need to make their own plan. The portalis a simple presentation such as Kanban to both suppli-ers and subcontractors. It gives suppliers information onthe inventory levels of other portal users and allows them

    to manufacture products accordingly. The GC can accessdiverse information and services via a single front end onthe Internet. For instance, a supplier can log onto the por-tal, enter an assigned security password, and gain accessto real-time information about the production schedule.

  • 252 Tserng, Dzeng, Lin & Lin

    Fig. 8. Information delivery from the PDA.

    The general contractor can check on the production orshipping status of an order, the availability of inventory,or a variety of other project-related data.

    The ConSCM portal is based on Microsofts Windows2000 operating system and Internet Information Server(IIS) as the web server. The prototype is developed us-ing Java Server Pages (JSP), which are easily incorpo-rated with HTML and JavaScript technologies, to trans-form an Internet browser into a user-friendly interfacefor users. Microsofts SQLServer 2000 is used as thedatabase for storing all information. All e-specificationand e-contracts saved in the server side must be storedin the e-book format for downloading into PDAs at thejob site. The ConSCM portal provides a single person-alized gateway that enables all engineers on the Con-SCM system to access relevant information sent backfrom the PDAs. The ConSCM portal provides a solu-tion that involves a single, unified database, linked to allfunctional systems with different levels of access to in-formation, depending on the users role, both within anorganization and across organizations and other supplychain participants.

    3.3.2 Bar code module of M-ConSCM system. Two mo-bile device platforms, Palm OS and Windows CE, are se-lected as the bar-code-enabled PDA hardware systems.The M-ConSCM system uses Palm Scanner (Symbol SPT1500) and iPAQ Scanner (Symbol SPS 3000). In the M-ConSCM system, bar code tags and labels are appliedto the materials, equipment, and property, as well as tothe item control list. All construction bar code applica-tions in the M-ConSCM system use the Code 39 symbol-ogy (Bell and McCulloch, 1988), and bar code labels areprinted using high-quality laser printers.

    Two types of bar code software are used in this sys-tem: bar code labeling software and bar code trackingsoftware. Bar code labeling software provides the func-

    tion for designing and printing quality labels. Bar codetracking software is applied to read and track the barcodes.

    3.3.3 Mobile device (PDA) module of M-ConSCMsystem. As mentioned in the previous section, Palm OSand Windows CE are the two platforms used to operatethe M-ConSCM system. Visual Basic and eMbedded Vi-sual Tools 3.0 are the programming language and toolsused to develop the module. IBM DB2 Everyplace andUniversal Database serve as the PDA database for thePalm OS-based PDA; SQLServer for CE serves as thePDA database for the Windows CE-based PDA. Addi-tionally, On-site Viewer ( forWindows CE is installed on the Windows CE-based PDAto allow viewing, marking up, and measuring AutoCADdrawings on the PDA.

    In the PDA module, all the data files are first storedin the PDA database before being sent to the serverthrough the Internet. After the application in the PDAis run, all the data files are sent, transformed, andsaved in the server side database using open databaseconnectivity (ODBC) and Java database connectivity(JDBC) technologies. Figure 8 shows information deliv-ery from PDA module and Figure 9 offers further detailof the conceptual semantic diagram of the PDA modules.Furthermore, Figure 10 presents an E-R diagram for thePDA module.

    3.4 Analysis of the supply delivery process

    To trace the supply delivery process, expected varianceand actual variance expressed by set (1) and (2) are used,integrated with signal presentation in this system. Theexpected variance is calculated by the expected avail-able date from supplier-confirmed response for the ex-pected variance. The actual variance is calculated by theactual date from supplier-confirmed response for the

  • Mobile construction supply chain management 253

    Fig. 9. Conceptual semantic diagram for the PDA module.

    Fig. 10. E-R diagram for the PDA module.

  • 254 Tserng, Dzeng, Lin & Lin

    actual variance. Furthermore, a performance indexcalled Supply Performance Index (SPI) is used for mea-suring the delivery performance. The SPI expressed byset (3) is calculated by dividing actual delivery durationby plan delivery duration. A negative variance and anindex of 1.0 or smaller are favorable. If actual deliveryduration exceeds plan deliver duration, more attentionhas been paid for the further project control.

    Expected variance (EV) =Expected arrival date Plan arrival date (1)

    Actual variance (AV) =Actual arrival date Plan arrival date (2)

    Where Plan arrival date means the arrival or finish datefor the delivering component; Expected arrival date in-dicates actual confirmed delivery data by the supplier;Actual arrival date implies actual delivery date.

    Supply performance index = Actual delivery durationPlan delivery duration


    If expected arrival date is behind plan arrival date, it im-plies there is not sufficient time to supply or deliver tothe job, and the delivery status is possibly behind sched-ule. If expected arrival date and plan arrival date arethe same, the delivery status is possible on schedule. Ifexpected arrival date is ahead of the plan arrival date,the delivery status is possibly ahead of schedule. Simi-larly, if actual arrival date is behind plan arrival date, itimplies the delivery status is late already. If actual ar-rival date and plan arrival date are the same, the deliv-ery status is on schedule. If actual arrival date is ahead ofplan arrival date, the delivery status is ahead of schedule.Table 2 summarizes these statuses and relates them to thevariance and signal using in the system.

    Table 2The relationship between variance, status, and signals

    Variance Status Signal

    EV > 0 Delivery status is possibly behindschedule

    Light red

    EV = 0 Delivery status is possibly onschedule

    Light yellow

    EV < 0 Delivery status is possibly aheadof schedule

    Light blue

    AV > 0 Delivery status is already late Deep redAV = 0 Delivery status is on schedule Deep yellowAV < 0 Delivery status is ahead of

    scheduleDeep blue

    To illustrate clear progress, there are eight statusesutilized in the system. They are production status, teststatus, storage status, delivery status, on-site status, in-ventory status, inspection status, and installation sta-tus. These progress statuses may be different from theprojects. Engineers just select the proper progress statusfrom the lists in the PDA or portal. When the current sta-tus is updated in the portal, the related participants of theactivity can understand the newest situation of projectprogress. Furthermore, the system displays the status ofdelivery progress in the PDA and portal with differentcolors. For example, in the delivery process, the graphicfeature displayed in deep red represents that the com-ponent has been behind schedule. Light red color showsthat the component was delivered in the behind-schedulestatus, and deep blue color signifies that the componentis in ahead-of-schedule status. As the installation of thecomponent is completed and confirmed by the on-siteengineers, the color of the associated graphic feature ischanged to black.

    Figure 11 presents an analysis flowchart of the sup-ply delivery status used in the M-ConSCM system. Also,Figures 12 and 13 present the transition of the supplystatus during the inventory and inspection status.


    This section illustrates the implementation and moduleof the bar-code-enabled PDAs system.

    Daily Report Module: Daily Report module provideson-site engineers with an exhaustive record of dailyactivities on site. Engineers can record data regardingdates, weather, schedules, work done, situations thathave arisen, and manpower, machines, and material inthe inventory.

    Inventory Management Module: Inventory Manage-ment module represents an easy-to-access and portableenvironment in which on-site engineers can trace andrecord all information on the status of materials in thewarehouse or on the scheduled delivery list. The moduleenables on-site engineers to better manage inventory onconstruction sites.

    Quality and Inspection Module: On-site engineers maydownload the most up-to-date tests of quality over theInternet. On-site engineers can enter the test result di-rectly in the PDA. Also, PDA displays the code and/orchecklist for each important component and work. On-site engineers can also plot the position of unacceptableon a drawing and select related items from the lists inthe PDA. The advantage of the module is that on-siteengineers may enter/edit quality and inspection test re-sults on the construction site and all test records can

  • Mobile construction supply chain management 255

    Start the Alarm Function

    Identify the Item with Red Signal in Portal System

    Notify AuthorizedParticipants by E-mail

    Identify the Item with Red Signal In the PDA

    Identify the Item withSignal in Portal System

    Enter Expected/ActualArrival/Finish Date

    Get Plan Arrived Datefrom System

    Scan Bar Coding Label

    Calculate the AV value

    Deliver status is onschedule

    AV =0

    Deliver status is ahead ofschedule

    AV < 0

    Deliver status is alreadylate

    AV > 0

    Actual Delivery Day

    Identify the Item with DeepBlue Signal In the PDA

    Identify the Item with DeepRed Signal In the PDA

    Identify the Item with Deep Yellow Signal In the PDA

    Calculate the EV value

    Deliver status is possiblybehind schedule

    Deliver status is possiblyon schedule

    EV =0

    Identify the Item with Light Red Signal In the PDA

    Deliver status is possiblyahead of schedule

    EV < 0

    Identify the Item with LightYellow Signal In the PDA

    Identify the Item with Light Blue Signal In the PDA

    Expected orActual Delivery


    Expected Delivery Day

    EV > 0

    Fig. 11. An analysis flowchart of the supply delivery status used in the M-ConSCM system.

    be communicated between the PDA and the portal viareal-time synchronization, eliminating the need to enterrepeatedly the same data.

    Experience Tips Module: Experience Tips module pro-vides on-site engineers with a tool to record their notes,solutions, unsolved problems, and important thoughts onthe construction site. On-site engineers enter the infor-mation into the PDA and send the information back tothe ConSCM portal directly, using the PDAs wirelesstelecommunication capability. All unsolved problemsand valuable experiences will be posted in the ConSCM

    portal to augment the service of knowledge collection,sharing, and e-learning in the construction field.

    Progress Monitor Module: This module has beenbuilt for managers and on-site engineers to monitorthe progress of the important components. Furthermore,managers, on-site engineers, and project-related partic-ipants can share the current progress or delivery con-dition of these critical works and components. Sched-ule Management module represents an easy-to-accessand portable environment in which on-site engineerscan trace and record all information on the status of

  • 256 Tserng, Dzeng, Lin & Lin

    Check Delivery Quantity =

    Order Quantity

    Set the supply status withgreen signal to In inventory


    Identify the item with red signalin inventory status

    Receive Notice is sent tosupplier & GC by mail



    Add the cumulative quantity for the item in the

    inventory status

    Scan Bar Coding Label

    Need to edit the command in


    The edited content/note isupdated in the portal


    The notice of updated content is sent to

    authorized participants bymail



    Identify the item withupdated signal in inventory


    Edit the command/note in the PDA

    Fig. 12. Transition of the supply status during the inventory status.

    components delivered in the warehouse or on the sched-uled delivery list.

    E-Contract and E-Specification Module: This modulegives on-site engineers the ability to download specifi-cations in advance and reference them, as if they werereading e-books on the job site during construction. Italso has a search function that allows required infor-mation to be easily found and retrieved, saving time inthe usually dynamic construction environment. On-site

    engineers need not carry paper contracts and can evendownload these contracts in advance and reference themdirectly from their PDAs.

    E-Drawing Module: The e-drawing module supportedby AutoCAD provides on-site engineers with a conve-nient way to work on shop drawings without carryingpaper drawings. On-site engineers can download thesedrawings in advance and reference them on the job siteduring construction.

  • Mobile construction supply chain management 257

    item orcomponent pass


    Identify the item to move tonext status as inventory


    Identify the item with no passsignal in inspection status



    Test item or component needed to inspect

    Scan Bar Coding Label

    Need toconfirm by supplier?

    The content of result is updated in the portal

    The notice of test result is sent to authorized member

    by mail



    Edit the test result in the PDA

    Identify the item with red signal in inspection status

    Fig. 13. Transition of the supply status during the inspection status.


    A precast building project in Taiwan is selected to useas the basis for our case study. Full consideration ofconstructability in planning, design, and manufacturingphases to improve construction efficiency could signifi-

    cantly affect the success of precast building construction(Tatum et al., 1987). Furthermore, selection of prefab-ricated structural components is a major critical activityin precast building construction projects. Therefore, anefficient controlling of scheduling and plan is able to sig-nificantly reduce the construction conflicts and project

  • 258 Tserng, Dzeng, Lin & Lin

    delay. The structural components are prefabricated inthe manufacturing plant and transported to the job sitefor installation. The schedules for prefabrication andtransport of the structural components to the job site aredeveloped based on the construction installation sched-ule. Also, the storage and management of the prefabri-cated components, installation sequence, schedule, andconstruction path planning should be well planned inadvance.

    In this case, the general contractor and the precast sup-plier try to use the M-ConSCM system to improve theproject control ability. The precast component for the

    Phase1: Production Status

    Phase2&3: Test & Storage Status

    Phase4: Delivery Status

    Supply Side

    Phase5&6: On-site& Inspection Status

    Phase8: InstallationStatus

    Phase7: Inventory Status

    Demand SideInput Flow Output Flow

    Supply ManagerM-ConSCM System

    On-Site Engineer

    Production EngineerHead Office

    GC Manager


    Fig. 14. Process flowchart of illustration for M-ConSCM system.

    building project is produced in the precast manufactory.In the precast supplier phase, the supplier discusses withthe general contractor to determine which componentwill be tracing or monitoring in the beginning. When thecomponent is determined for project control, the barcode label regarding the component is made and therelated information is setup in the system. The main de-scription of the scenario (eight phases) is illustrated toexplain the application of supply control using bar-code-enabled PDA and portals (see Figure 14). The systemimplementation flow diagram for the progress monitoris shown in Figure 15.

  • Mobile construction supply chain management 259

    Item or Component IsReady to be Produced

    Is it Important orNecessary to


    Determine the Tracing or Monitoring Information



    Stick Bar Coding Label

    Make Bar Coding Label

    Enter the Portal

    Register Component for Tracing and Monitor

    Select the AuthorizedParticipants to Notice

    Setup the related Information to the system

    Start Tracing and Monitor

    Scan Bar Coding Label

    Select the Current Status

    Whether ThisPhase Is last


    Move the Next Phase



    Standby and Monitor

    Notify the AuthorizedParticipants by E-mail

    End of Tracing and Monitor Progress

    Select the Current Status

    Any Dataor Information to


    Enter Data or Result and Edit Description



    Update System

    Scan Bar Coding Label

    Setup Phase Progress Phase

    Fig. 15. The system implementation flow diagram in the progress monitor.

    5.1 Production phase

    In the precast supplier phase, the supplier will discusswhich component will be tracing or monitoring in thebeginning with the general contractor. After the com-ponent to be tracing and monitoring for project controlis designed, it will be scanned with the bar code labelto enter the information for the portal. Also, the gen-eral contractor can understand the updated productionschedule in the portal directly.

    5.2 Test and storage phase

    In the test and storage phase, the precast manufac-tory produced the precast component and stored in in-

    ventory before they are delivered to the constructionsite. The engineer in the supplier side uses the PDA toscan the precast component in the inventory and en-ters the data and attribute concerning the precast com-ponent. The data in the PDA synchronously updatedthe data/information to the portal, and the manager ofthe general contractor may understand that the precastcomponent has already been produced, and is under theInventory status.

    5.3 Delivery phase

    The staff will use bar-code-enabled PDA to scan thebar code label and select the status when the precast

  • 260 Tserng, Dzeng, Lin & Lin

    Fig. 16. The application of PDAs used in on-site phase.

    component is ready to be delivered to the constructionsite. The data in the PDA will synchronously update theportal, and notify the general contractor to update thestatus of the precast component for starting delivery.

    5.4 On-site inspection phase

    When this component has been delivered to the site, theon-site engineers scan the bar code label to update the

    status (see Figure 16). PDA displays the basic informa-tion of the component and the checklist of each item.On-site engineers enter the result and edit the descrip-tion in the PDA and update the updated information tothe portal. In the meantime, the system will automati-cally alert the project manager in the head office to seethe portal and check the updated information. Also, thesupplier may check from the portal the amount of com-ponents delivered to the construction site.

  • Mobile construction supply chain management 261

    Fig. 17. The application of PDAs used in the inventory phase.

    5.5 Inventory phase

    After the component is delivered in the constructionsite, the field engineer needs to check the component forquantity and quality, then enter the result in the PDA.Finally, the tracking process for the component will up-date the status to pass the test synchronously in the por-tal, and let the manager of the general contractor or theauthorized suppliers check the process. Furthermore, theon-site engineer utilizes the web browser (IE6) on the

    PDA directly to check the late-delivery items for in-ventory, according to the special day and project (seeFigure 17).

    5.6 Installation phase

    Before the installation, the engineer checks the installa-tion locations and marks the problems in the PDA di-rectly (see Figure 18). The result/problem is updated inthe M-ConSCM system portal. The project manager and

  • 262 Tserng, Dzeng, Lin & Lin

    Fig. 18. The application of PDAs used in the installation phase.

    subcontractor can understand the installation situationquickly and directly from the portal. When the compo-nent is ready to be installed after the testing and confir-mation process, its bar code label needs to be scannedagain by the on-site engineer to update the informationfor the installation phase. Also, the information will beupdated and announced synchronously in the portal. Forthe contractor and suppliers, they can gain informationand understanding of real-time situations and advance aplan concerning their tasks.


    This article presents a web-based portal system that in-corporates wireless technology and mobile devices toimprove the efficiency and effectiveness of data acqui-sition on site and information sharing between partic-ipants to assist the managers to control and monitorthe construction supply chain delivery progress. The M-ConSCM system not only improves the data acquisitionon site efficiency by using automated bar-code-enabled

  • Mobile construction supply chain management 263

    PDA, but also provides a monitor to control the construc-tion progress. On the client side, on-site engineers usePDAs to overcome time and space constraints, enablingthem to read and record/edit all necessary or importantinformation. On the server side, the M-ConSCM systemoffers a hub for the information and control center toprovide suppliers and subcontractors real-time updatedproject-related information and to monitor the construc-tion progress. In the case study, the application of the M-ConSCM system assists in improving operation progressmonitoring for precast building construction (real-caseapplication for office buildings in the Nankang SoftwarePark of Taiwan, Taipei). The integration of real-timeproduction and delivery information from precast sup-plier makes it easy for the GC manager to monitor andcontrol the whole construction progress. Furthermore,the precast supplier may update the erection progressto reschedule the precast components production andassessment in real time. Real-time feedback regardingthe status of progress on-site is provided to the fabri-cator off-site, so process steps can be resequenced op-portunistically. In comparison with the current meth-ods, all the information/data communication in the sitecan be improved by using automated bar-code-enabledPDAs and the information sharing among participantsand is made quicker and more efficient through the por-tal technology.


    Based on the findings of the case study, it appears thatmobile devices are useful tools as they are related to theconstruction site operation progress. As the next step inthe implementation process for further research, somesuggestions are provided as follows:

    1. It is very important to understand what informationis needed to be shared among project participantsbecause all content or information shared will dif-fer from project to project. Therefore, it is neces-sary for participants to have several meetings anddiscussions about information sharing before mod-ifying and developing the system.

    2. The general contractor needs to take an activerole in implementing the system on constructionprojects because most participants (suppliers) maybe unable or unwilling to cover the additional costsinvolved due to their budget constraints.

    3. Mobile devices should include durable functions forprotection against physical shock, rain, moisture,and dust, if on-site engineers have to use them inconstruction sites.

    4. Easy user interface by pen-touch is convenient andsuitable for on-site construction engineers because

    most of them may input data to the PDA with gloveson their hands.

    5. Speed of operation and long-life batteries play animportant role in the use of the mobile device inconstruction sites. Furthermore, the capability of amember card influences the use time when on-siteengineers check drawings and pictures on the mo-bile device.

    6. Bar code labels may be easily damaged duringtransportation, and items of construction are cum-bersome to scan for on-site engineers. Use of barcode labels handbook should be suggested for easyscan. This handbook contains all bar code labels forall kinds of the construction components/materialstraced or monitored by the system.


    The authors would like to acknowledge the NationalScience Council, Taiwan, for financially supporting thiswork under contract number NSC-90-2211-E-002-071.The authors would also like to thank the managersand engineers of Century Development Corporation fortheir assistance of this research project.


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