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VajrakayaDesign | Develop | Brand

Mobile Application Development: Do’s

And Don’ts

Page 2: Mobile Application Development Dos And Don'ts

VajrakayaDesign | Develop | Brand

Big ideas propelled the app industry to where it is today, but user

experience is the new key for success. What can you do to ensure your

app’s popularity?

Page 3: Mobile Application Development Dos And Don'ts

VajrakayaDesign | Develop | Brand

Do: Keep Content Consistent

You need to constantly update and upgrade your mobile app to

add new features and fix bugs. Users will disengage with or even

delete your app if its content stays and one place and is dead.

Content should be renewed regularly, and your mobile app should

have notifications encouraging users to check out new features.

Whether it’s new offers, new abilities, or more traditional content

like image or video attachments, if you want to keep your audience

engaged, keep the content flowing.

Do: Cater To The Platform But Don’t

Forget Innovation

You shouldn’t create a mobile app just to ensure that it works on

all devices. However, it’s best to ensure your app is tailored for

different devices while keeping its crucial features consistent across

platforms. Basic app interactions, like access to the menu, must be


If your app can snap pictures, or can otherwise take advantage of

the identical capabilities of a smartphone, users will find it more


Do: Make Sure That Your App Works For

The Basic User

Young children, grandparents, and tech-savvy millennials all use

smartphones and tablets. If you want your app to be extensively

used and regularly purchased, you have to cater to the basic app

user. Mobile apps need to pass the “mom test”: the most basic

user should be able to open your app and use it for its first level


Page 4: Mobile Application Development Dos And Don'ts

VajrakayaDesign | Develop | Brand

Don’t: Push Too Much Content

That being said, too much unwanted content can harm your brand.

Although consistent updates keep users coming back for more, you

don’t want to bog them down with more than they can handle.

Keeping your app simple the first time out. A buggy app with too

many bells and whistles can frustrate users and perform poorly on its

initial try.

Don’t: Forget Design

Although user experience should be your mobile app’s top priority, Apps still

need great design. Basically, pretty apps bring in sales. You need great user

experiences to ensure regular app usage, but colorful screens, great sound

effects, and a popping design are what could get smartphone users tied to

your product in the first place.

Of course, you don’t want to overdo it: an app that’s making irritating noises

every thirty seconds is probably not one that will be topping sales charts any

time. Still, having a visually and orally engaging experience is critical, so try

your best to balance interesting quirks and economy of design.

Consistently putting out new content will keep users from deleting your app.

Apps should have the same basic functions across devices, but should

creatively fit the needs of different platforms. And, while apps need to be

complex enough to retain consumer interest, they need to be accessible to all

users at the same time.

Page 5: Mobile Application Development Dos And Don'ts

VajrakayaDesign | Develop | Brand

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