Download - Mobile

Page 1: Mobile

Social media

Marketing through mobile..

Page 2: Mobile

The First Handheld Phone..


Page 3: Mobile

ü  Voice call


First-generation wireless technology

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ü  Voice call ü  SMS


Second-generation wireless technology

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ü  Voice call ü  SMS ü  MMS ü  Video call ü  Internet browsing ü  …


Third, Fourth-generation wireless technology

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The world population is 6.8 billion

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of the world’s population now have a mobile phone

Over 80%

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of the world’s population now have a mobile phone

Over 80%

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Of the world’s

4 billion mobile phones in use,

1.08 billion are smartphones and a whopping

3.05 billion are SMS enabled (950million are no SMS enabled)

What is the size of the mobile market?

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What do people use their mobile phones for?

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By 2014, mobile internet should take over desktop internet usage

How fast is mobile internet growing?

Page 13: Mobile

30% of smartphone owners accessed social media services via mobile devices

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Over 1/3 Of Facebook’s

600 million+ User base uses


Page 15: Mobile

50% of Twitter users Use Twitter Mobile !

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200 million + YouTube views occur on mobile devices per day

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On average, Americans spend

2.7 hours per day socializing on their mobile device

That’s over twice the amount of time they

spend eating and over 1/3 of the time they

spend sleeping each day

How much do people use their mobile phones?

Page 18: Mobile


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Personal information from Social media

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Mobility of mobile +

Personal information of individuals

Able to reach targeted segment anytime anywhere with

the most appropriate marketing strategy