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  • 8/11/2019 MO Group9 Updated Final


    GEOMETRIC LIMITED: Organizational Study


    Prof. ABHOY K. OJHA



    AUGUST 2013

    ANURAAG HOTA (13112

    M A H A V I R K U M A W A( 1 3 1 1 3 0 3

    R A G H U L

    ( 1 3 1 1 3 1 6

    S H A R A N Y A

    ( 1 3 1 1 3 2 9

    V E N K A T R I Y E

    ( 1 3 1 1 3 4 3

  • 8/11/2019 MO Group9 Updated Final


    Managing Organizations Geometric Limited



    Our first and foremost note of thanks goes to our guide, Professor Abhoy K. Ojha, OBHR, IIM-

    Bangalore, who made us understand the intricacies of organizational theory. While doing the

    project work, we could quite relate the theory with practice which led us to the better

    understanding of the course.

    We would like to acknowledge Mrs. Kadambari Tiwari, Regional Employee Engagement Head,

    Geometric Limited, our organization of study, for providing great insights about the organization

    structure and design helping us relates it to the theory we have studied.

    We would also like to thank Mr. Mahesh Kumawat Consultant at Geometric, for choosing the

    organization. This study would not have been possible had it not be the good relation he has with

    the organization.

    We are amused to relate our classroom understanding with the Organization. A word of gratitude

    should also be accolade to our classmates for making the classroom learning a fruitful experience.

    With our limited knowledge on the subject we tried our best to come up with the analysis on the

    above mentioned companies. We hope that we have done work of quality that is at par with the

    high standards that IIM Bangalore has set for itself.

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    Managing Organizations Geometric Limited



    1 Geometric Limited Overview ................................................................................................................ 3

    1.1 Organization Growth and History ................................................................................................. 3

    1.2 Vision and Mission ........................................................................................................................ 4

    1.3 Values ............................................................................................................................................ 4

    1.4 Organization Life Cycle .................................................................................................................. 5

    1.5 Organization Culture ..................................................................................................................... 6

    2 Organization Strategy ........................................................................................................................... 7

    2.1 CORE (Committee of Representatives and Executives) ................................................................ 7

    2.2 Internal Information Control System ............................................................................................ 8

    2.3 Strategy and Design ...................................................................................................................... 8

    3 Organization Structure .......................................................................................................................... 9

    3.1 Global Footprint .......................................................................................................................... 10

    3.2 Organizational Hierarchy ............................................................................................................ 12

    4 Environment........................................................................................................................................ 13

    4.1 Competitors ................................................................................................................................ 14

    4.2 Competitive Advantage .............................................................................................................. 14

    4.3 Formal Relationship .................................................................................................................... 15

    5 Workplace Technology........................................................................................................................ 16

    6 Issues and Recommendations ............................................................................................................ 17

    6.1 Issue 1: Frequent change in the organization structure ............................................................. 17

    6.2 Issue 2: Extensive levels of hierarchy .......................................................................................... 18

    6.3 Issue 3: Inter-vertical conflicts .................................................................................................... 19

    6.4 Issue 4: Low energy conservatism .............................................................................................. 20

    7 References .......................................................................................................................................... 20

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    Managing Organizations Geometric Limited




    Geometric Ltd is a specialized engineering solutions provider with its headquarters in Mumbai,

    India. With an employee population of over 4600 and presence across 13 delivery centers across

    the world, Geometric excels in the engineering services domain with specializations in:

    1. Product Engineering

    2. Manufacturing Engineering

    3. Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)

    4. Outsourced Software Product Development (OSPD)

    5. CAx or CAD/CAM/CAE

    In this project, we are aiming to study the Bangalore operations of Geometric Ltd located in

    Vrindavan Tech Village.



    Geometric has evolved as a successful company with a story of success all through its way. It

    was set up as a part of the Godrej group, one of the oldest and biggest industrial conglomerates

    in India in 1984. With an experience of over 60 years in the engineering services and 20 years of

    experience in CAx, PDM and PLM, it stands as a leading firm in the product realization space. It

    was one of the first firms to launch the first drafting software on UNIX platform in 1987. It

    launched the first solid modeling CAM and FEA software in the same year. It made an IPO in

    February 2000 and was listed on the National and Bombay Stock Exchanges of India.

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    Managing Organizations Geometric Limited




    Fig 1.3 Geometric Ltd.Organizational Life Cycle

    Geometric started as a part of Godrej Group in 1984 and delivered its first software in 1987.

    Though it cannot be completely classified as Entrepreneurial stage because it itself was a part of

    another big organization. After the first product launch in the year 1997 its focus was only that

    particular product. Then in year 1994, it was incorporated as a separate company. This brought

    Geometric to Collectivity Stage. The company got its own management; new products were

    developed along with the companys mission and vision. Employees were committed to the

    organizations mission. The structure was mostly informal, though procedures are still emerging.

    After the IPO in the year 2000 Geometric entered midlife. More employees were added resulting

    in increasing of the organizations size to 4600+ employees. Clear hierarchy and divisions were

    created. Growth was on top priority. It acquired two companies and also formed one joint

    venture with Dassault Systems. Now the companys goal is market expansion. They have already

    set up 13 delivery centers across the world with a presence in 5 continents. They also have vast

    line of products and services across different verticals. This brings us to the conclusion that

    Geometric is in its Formalization stage.

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    Managing Organizations Geometric Limited




    Fig 1.4 Geometric Ltd.Organization Culture

    Geometric is moving towards a culture that will reinforce its strategy, structural design and will

    help it to enhance overall organizational performance. MD & CEO of Geometric Ltd, Mr. Manu

    M. Parpia, in his letter to shareholders talked about these cultural changes, he talks about

    instituting a culture where continuous improvement (Lean) is the way of working leading, to

    greater efficiency and deeper involvement of employees. He also talks about not neglecting

    external sources of impetus which are need of hour for Geometric to expand its operation in new

    geographies and verticals.

    Hence organization is heading towards Mission Culture. In this culture a lot of emphasis is put

    on clear vision of organizations purpose and on the achievement of targets of sales growths,

    market share and performance etc. To achieve above targets employees also play a significant

    role hence they are evaluated based on their performance and rewarded bonuses and promotions.

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    Managing Organizations Geometric Limited





    CORE is the voice of employees to higher management. The committee is driven through the

    PSG i.e. Productivity Service Group functions, but is an independent body. It integrates the

    several disparate infrastructure, support and systems groups into a unified backbone, with a

    vision to align towards business goals. Facilities, IT infrastructure, internal IT, IT security,

    travel, procurement, and administration departments across several countries come under this

    group. This is a forum where various issues related to operations and policies are openly


    The committee which redresses employee grievances has employee representatives, HR and

    functional head. PSG was established across Geometric with single window approach regardless

    of geography and vertical.

    After the creation of PSG it has crossed many milestones to take its internal services backbone to

    the next level of maturity to build one Geometric. Some of these milestones are-

    Integration of global IT services, which led to unified IT support processes across all

    locations, stronger governance, offshoring of routine IT support services, and alignment

    among team members globally.

    Setting up of a single intranet across all centers, giving employees one home, regardless

    of their base geography. This has enabled consistent messaging across global entities.

    Supporting the integration of 3cap technologies and other expansions in Europe, PSGs

    IT wing has also paved the way for integrating Geometric Europe GmbH within the

    global ecosystem.

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    Managing Organizations Geometric Limited



    Geometric has adequate internal control systems and procedures to commensurate with its size

    and nature of business. All areas of the Companys operations are covered by such internal

    control systems including sale of software, purchase of fixed assets and equipment, other

    purchases, fixed assets accounting, personnel expenditure related processes etc.

    An independent firm of Chartered Accountants are the Internal Auditors of the Company and the

    Audit Committee accept their reports and the recommendations, where feasible, have been


    The Company has implemented SAP - a world class ERP system to serve as the information

    backbone and to further strengthen internal controls in the Company.


    Geometric has adopted differentiation strategy taking competitive advantage of the broad scope

    for its offerings of unique products and services. To implement its new strategy, Geometric has

    witnessed the below notable shifts in the markets centered on product realization:

    Restructuring of sales organization into verticals; This verticalization will help Geometric

    to be more focused on its existing customer businesses and understand the customer


    Separate sales organization, whose focus will be on adding new accounts

    Providing more comprehensive and leaner solutions that combine Consulting,

    Technology, Engineering IT (PLM), and Product & Manufacturing Engineering

    Harmonization of processes across locations to ensure that the same process is followed

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    Managing Organizations Geometric Limited


    Support the implementation of information backbone by identifying and adopting some

    of the industrysbest practices for a professional services organization.

    Improvement in speed of decision making. Delivery Vertical Heads and their Sales

    Vertical counterparts (Power of Two) will now own their vertical P&L and making




    Geometric Limited is headquartered in Mumbai, India. Having started off as a unit in Godrej and

    Boyce, its initial activity was in the Indian subcontinent. Over the years, the company has

    expanded and has made its presence felt globally. Currently Geometric Limited has offices in 13

    geographic locations.

    The company has been following a vertical approach to organization design. Over the past 6

    years, Geometric Limited has been through 5 organizational changes in order to align it with its

    goals. The latest reorganization done by the organization was to change from a Business Unit

    infrastructure to a more matrix form of organization structure. The driver for this organizational

    change was to align the company with the long term vision.

    The 2012-2013 year was the year of successful change management at Geometric.

    Organization structure change enabled Geometric to integrate our engineering services and

    software services team, and deliver higher value to our customers through integrated offerings.

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    Managing Organizations Geometric Limited


    Fig 3.1 Geometric Ltd. - Matrix Organization Structure


    Fig 3.2 Geometric Ltd.Global Location Distribution

    Geometric Limited has a truly global footprint with Delivery and Sales Locations in over 19

    cities in the world. The geographic distribution is shown in Fig 3.2.

    The company divides its operations into 5 categories based on geography. These are:

    APACAsia Pacific

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    Managing Organizations Geometric Limited





    Rest of the World

    Moreover, we have made significant progress in adopting Lean methodology in our services

    delivery organization (Global Operations). Lean methodology has not only helped eliminate

    waste, but also change the mindset of our employees towards continuous improvement, which in

    turn is helping Geometric strengthen their relationship with their customers.

    To improve speed of decision making especially related to our customer response, our delivery

    verticals are being increasingly empowered. Delivery Vertical Heads along with their Sales

    Vertical counterparts (Power of Two) will now own their vertical P&L (Fig 3.3). They will be

    jointly taking most business decisions, and we believe that this will not only improve speed but

    also accelerate growth as well. The Horizontal (Practices) teams are equally focused on growth

    and are working very closely with our vertical teams. Given Geometrics growth plans,

    horizontals are also involved in competency development across global delivery centers.

    The focus with the new structure will be to create a framework to build One Geometric.

    This will mainly involve:

    Harmonization of the global business processes, and

    Re-implementation of the ERP backbone

    This is critical for building a scalable organization as it would help:

    Eliminate mistakes that occur due to changes in key business processes across


    Give the management more control and visibility of operational performance; and

    Make it easier to compare performance of different business verticals.

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    Managing Organizations Geometric Limited


    Fig 3.3 Geometric Ltd.Concept of Power of 2 per vertical



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    Managing Organizations Geometric Limited


    Fig 3.4 Geometric Ltd.Hierarchy of Authority

    Geometric Limited follows a vertical structural framework while at the same time encouraging

    horizontal interactions to promote growth.

    The levels of hierarchy are broadly as given below:

    L15 : Chief Executive Officer

    L14 : Chief Financial Officer

    L12 : Global Operations Head

    L10 : Vertical Managers

    L8 - L9 : Program Manager, Horizontal Managers

    L7 : Middle Level Managers, Senior Managers handling multiple products

    L6A - L6B : Senior Engineers

    L3 - L4 : Campus Fresher, Entry Level Engineers, Junior Design Engineers


    The environmental conditions of complexity and change create a greater need to gather

    information and to respond based on that information. Organizations to be effective must cope

    with and manage uncertainty. Geometric faces stiff competition from its competitors and with

    the current economic condition it has to be proactive and constantly evolving to be in the race.

    Because of high competition, engineering services sector is highly unstable and uncertain. Hence

    Geometric falls in the high uncertainty category of the environmental uncertainty framework.

    The framework is shown below and the category in which Geometric falls is highlighted in


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    Managing Organizations Geometric Limited


    Fig 4.1 Environmental Impact on the organization


    Engineering service sector has many players and so it is a tightrope walk to satisfy the customers

    and be the market leader. Major competitors for Geometric in PLM service is Tata Consultancy

    Services and in engineering service are Quest and InfoTech. These competitors post a threat with

    regard to adapting to the changing environments and it has been in Geometrics mission to stay

    ahead of competition and have a competitive advantage. In the lines of staying ahead of

    competition and advancing its market share, Geometric Limited is aligning itself to the long term

    goal that it seeks to achieve by 2020.



    The competitive edge Geometric has over its competitors is given below. These are the factors

    they can use for their advantage.

    i. Experienced Player

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    Managing Organizations Geometric Limited


    Geometric Ltd has over 60 years of experience in Engineering Services and 20 years of

    experience in PLM and CAX solution development and implementation services.

    ii. Technology

    Solution powered by strong IP based tools and technologies across, manufacturing and

    visualization space. Also they have strong partnerships with leading PLM ISVs, who work

    closely with them on product development and services.

    iii. Global Reach

    Geometric Ltd has the global delivery infrastructure with near-shore centers in USA and Europe

    and off-shore capabilities in India, Eastern Europe and China.

    iv. Recognition

    Geometric is assessed atSEICMMI 1.1 Level 5 for its software services. Geometric is also ISO

    9001:2008 and ISO 27001:2005 certified for its engineering operations.


    The guiding philosophy of Geometric has been People building partnerships. In an

    organization if resources are scarce, organizations seek to reduce vulnerability by developing

    relationship with other organizations. The relationships can be through acquisition, joint ventures

    and partnerships. Geometric has built enduring relationship with major firms and is into strategic

    alliances with following companies.

    Dassault Systems


    Siemens PLM Software (Formerly UGS)
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    Managing Organizations Geometric Limited


    Anark Corporation

    Tech Soft 3D

    Also Geometric has the following industry association which helps in controlling the elements in

    the environment.

    ProSTEP iViP


    Geometric is keen on creating value to customers and shareholders through organic and

    inorganic growth. Acquisition has been a vital strategy for Geometric to tap newer markets and

    to get new customers. They have acquired the following companies and increased their

    knowledge database.

    3cap technologies GmbH

    Teksoft Inc.

    Modern Engineering



    Global markets are increasingly competent where process productivity and knowledge

    management solutions are of utmost significance. The technology solutions business unit of the

    company provides out-of-the-box (OOTB) software products and technologies as point solutions.

    They include feature recognition manufacturing automation, thickness analysis tools, nesting for

    material optimization, multiCAD viewing and design for manufacturability (DFM) tools.

    The products and technologies deal with a wide gamut of issues in the processes. They are:

    CAMWorks and Feature recognition technology for driving machining automation.

    eDrawings and Glovius are technologies aimed at better collaboration of designers and

    suppliers to perform reviews over designs and for extensive consumption of 3D data.
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    Managing Organizations Geometric Limited


    DFMPro and Geomcaliper are products to check design for manufacturability, weight

    optimization and optimal wall thickness

    NestLib technology aims to make optimal layout of sheet metal parts.

    3DPaintBrush, CAMWorksXpress, 3DSearchIT are the other products of Geometric Ltd.

    Fig 5.1 Geometric Ltd.Products and Services Portfolio





    Geometric has been continuously changing the structure almost 5 times in the past 6 years with

    major changes in the senior management. From the employees perspective, they cannot be

    effective or improve their performance if the structure is constantly changing; that doesnt

    demarcate their span of work clearly leading to muddiness in the workspace. On the supervisory

    side, they find it difficult to deal with peoples anxiety and confusion. They are uncertain about

    their span of control due to the nonroutine tasks that arise with the recurring changes in structure.


    Fig 5.1 Geometric LimitedProducts and Technology

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    Managing Organizations Geometric Limited


    Geometric should align its transformational process to their vision and mission and try to

    stabilize their current matrix structure with multifocused grouping and not switch to another

    structure in the near future. With the help of such a structure, organizational goals can be met

    with both technical expertise and product innovation. Also, equal authority is given to product

    managers and vertical heads by this matrix structure, which can in turn reduce chaos in the span

    of control of managers. This can serve the purposes of maintaining economies of scale and

    excelling in the six product lines with equal emphasis to both functional and product hierarchies.



    With the presence of many levels in the hierarchy right from L3 to L15, every process becomes

    highly formalized. It takes a lot of time for decisions to come down from the top. Each top tier

    has to be informed by the lower tiers or vice versa to be able to respond quickly with the changes

    in the market, which is tedious with the vertical intricacy of the structure. The creativity and

    stifle suggestions from the lower tiers dont gain importance with such a structure, leaving no

    chance for the lower employees to feel the ownership in his part of the business. This ultimately

    damages employee relations making them inefficient.


    The drawbacks of this vertical structure can be overcome by clubbing levels and by giving equal

    levels for vertical and product heads. This will form a group with particular expertise and that

    will have a greater say in the decisions. This can alleviate greater productivity and more

    incorporated solutions across the board because employees are prompted to work together to

    formulate systems and solutions that bear results and ultimately benefit the company as a whole.

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    Managing Organizations Geometric Limited




    Allocation of projects that can be categorized under more than one vertical leads to inter-vertical

    conflicts. Such disputes among automotive and aerospace industry is not uncommon. Also when

    an employee has overlapping roles between two verticals, assessment of his performance is



    Implementation of horizontal linkages like integrators, task forces or teams may reduce the

    intensity of the conflict arising among verticals or may even fade away with time. Assessing an

    employee based on his contribution to the overall performance of the company and also

    rewarding a vertical manager based on the effectiveness of his reporting employees and not

    based on the importance of the vertical will mitigate the chaos among verticals.



    Global Ops head

    Vertical ManagersProgram Managers

    Middle Managers

    Senior Engineers

    Junior Level Engineers

    Fig 6.1 Proposed change in hierarchy

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    Managing Organizations Geometric Limited




    Existing infrastructure and equipment in the company are not energy efficient and gets added to

    the total energy costs of the company.


    Use of energy conserving computers and equipment, lean technologies and LEED certified

    infrastructure can change the level of energy consumed. Also the recommendations given by the

    Energy Audit should be implemented in the technologies and processes of the company to reduce

    its energy costs.



    Mrs. Kadambari Tiwari, Regional Employee Engagement Head - Geometric Limited

    Mr. Mahesh Kumawat, ConsultantGeometric Limited

    http://geometricglobal.comOrganization Website

    2013 Annual ReportGeometric Limited