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Support the population of the Mid North Coast Local Health District in achieving optimal levels of health and wellbeing through the utilisation and conduct of high quality research by a skilled workforce in collaboration with stakeholders.


For the last five years, the Mid North Coast Local Health District (MNCLHD) has been on a steady trajectory of growth in research performance. This has been based on a commitment by the senior executive team and staff at all levels to ensure that services provided are based on best evidence and that staff have opportunities and resources to support them in the development of individual and collective research capability. Key initiatives during this period include:

Creation of a research office and the appointment of staff in a range of managerial, advisory and operational roles

Implementation of research skills development learning programs in conjunction with external partners/providers

Generation of data on staff perceptions of research, ongoing educational needs and current research activity

The introduction of Higher Degree Research (HDR) support grants for staff

The refinement of research governance structures and processes

Development of a research advisory forum with key university partners and other healthcare providers in the region

Introduction of a small grants scheme to support individual and team based research in the District

Significantly, MNCLHD has shown leadership in the establishment of a Rural Health Research Alliance in NSW and was invited to partner with seven other organisations in an NHMRC Centre for Innovation in Regional Health bid. Looking forward, the NSW Ministry of Health will increasingly require data from the LHDs on research activity and outputs and has already begun trialling some metrics to this end. This may be viewed as a contextual driver. There is also an increasing need to involve consumers and carers as more active participants in research design and implementation. The development of a new strategy for the District, represents a powerful opportunity for the consolidation of research activity around defined priority areas and enabling strategies.

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There are four “pillars” of research focus which closely reflect the MNCLHD Strategic Directions, namely: 1. People, Patients and Communities Advancing understandings of person-centred strategies to enhance care and promote recovery. Researching strategies that empower individuals, families and groups to have greater control over their health, wellbeing and connectedness. 2. Leadership Workforce and Culture Evaluating best practice in recruitment, retention and development of a highly skilled and engaged workforce able to demonstrate leadership within and external to MNC 3. Integrated Care Conducting multi method investigations into those innovations, mechanisms and structural reforms which support the delivery of seamlessly provided, person centred care across the care continuum 4. Safety and Quality Systematic enquiry into initiatives and processes which advance the quality of service provision and governance of safety within the LHD

Closing the Gap is a priority within each pillar

Value and Accountability concerns underpins all research

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Specific priorities for research, reflecting the strategic directions are informed by the: MNCLHD Population Health Statistics; NSW Health Research Priorities and Core Values; NSW Premier’s Priorities; National Health Priority Areas (NHPAs); and the NHMRC Identified Key Health Issues.

Strategic Pillar Research Priorities 2017-2021 Closing the Gap Priority Focus

People, Patients and Communities

Programs to

Reduce hospital admission rates through enhancing chronic disease management and improving health literacy

Enhance healthy ageing including falls prevention

Prevent and reduce childhood obesity

Increase consumer and carers in the research process

Evidence-based community-focused programs to improve chronic disease management

Leadership, Workforce and Culture

Enhance a positive workplace culture through supporting people to work at “the top of their licence”

Design and develop innovative, context linked, recruitment and retention strategies

Trial approaches to “grow your own” leadership

Explore innovative ways to support and enhance research culture

Increasing representation of Aboriginal1 people in all roles, at all levels

Integrated Care Devise and evaluate initiatives aimed at:

improving the patient journey

enhancing service planning & integration

efficiency in delivery of right care at right time in right place

Enhancing the experience of care through provision of culturally-appropriate “joined up” and home/community based services

Safety and Quality Systematic enquiry into:

Hospital acquired complications

Unwarranted clinical variations

Effectiveness of governance mechanisms for safety and quality

Ensuring cultural safety of Aboriginal people using services

1 Within NSW Health, the term ‘Aboriginal’ is generally used in preference to ‘Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander’, in

recognition that Aboriginal people are the original inhabitants of NSW. Throughout this document, the word ‘Aboriginal’ will be used to represent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

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Culture – development of a vibrant culture in which staff understand the importance of research and in which research questions and developments are part of everyday practice-related conversations Capability/Capacity – provision of resources and supports which contribute to knowledge and skills development of staff to move along a continuum (see below) from research informed to research productive, undertaking research and scholarly enquiry through a range of approaches and methodologies guided by the research question and population Collaboration – working with consumers and carers and key stakeholders to create strategic research alliances with universities and other clinical/government/NGO and LHD partners to achieve the plan’s vision Resources & Infrastructure – over time, ensure adequate fiscal and other resources, facilities and equipment are available to support the research priorities identified in the plan Fig 1: Research Continuum

Research Informed

•Research Informed - uses research and evidence to inform everyday practice and to guide decision making. Target: 100% of staff

Research Engaged

•Research Engaged - engages with research processes but not as an investigator, eg. participates in skills based workshops, provides input on salient research questions, assists with proposal development. Target: 40% of staff

Research Active

•Research Active - is a chief or associate investigator in an approved study. Target: 15% of staff

Research Productive

•Research Productive - is actively disseminating publishing results/findings of research, mentoring or supervising new researchers. Target: 15% of staff

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1. Culture

Develop a vibrant research culture in which research is valued and utilised and in which research achievements are celebrated/showcased

Objective Initiative(s) Responsibility Indicator of Success Timeframe

Profile research role models in the LHD

Showcase engaged/research active staff each month in the Pulse and on website

Research Operations & Media Units in liaison with Departments

Monthly research submissions in the Pulse

Comprehensive listing of published authors on the website

Staff can identify peer researchers


Enhance levels of research focussed discussion / dialogue

Initiate “evidence forums” in disciplinary and service areas

Heads of Department / team leaders

Research included as a standing item on meeting agendas

Conduct of discipline and service-focused “evidence forums”

Stimulate exposure to new research approaches & methodologies

Access to university / research organisations and NSW Health seminars

Research Operations Unit Staff attendance at seminars, workshops and conferences with research-focused content

Support creation of research focused communities of practice

Transform research interest groups into local / LHD-wide Communities of Practice

Research Operations Unit in collaboration with professional & service groups

LHD-wide collaborations developing practice-focused research initiatives


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Objective Initiative(s) Responsibility Indicator of Success Timeframe

Celebrate achievements of staff in innovation and research

Showcase local research Integrated Multi Media Unit in liaison with CGU and Research Operations Unit

Annual Innovation and Research Conference

Staff completing HDRs


Support managers to encourage their staff to participate in research activities

Investigate, develop and implement programs to support management

Senior Executive Team and Research Operations Unit

An increase in research projects from each Directorate

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2. Capacity Enhance knowledge and develop skills of staff at all stages of the research continuum – from research informed to research productive - guided by local, national and international research priorities

Objective Initiative(s) Responsibility Indicator of Success Timeframe

Enhanced access to research-focused continuing professional development opportunities

Communities of Practice initiative

Research Seminar Series

Research Mentoring program

Research skills based workshops e.g. writing-for-publication, study protocol development, grant application writing, participatory research methods etc

Research Operations Unit / Heads of Department

Research Operations Unit

Development, implementation and evaluation of initiatives

Number of skills- based programs delivered, attendees and feedback

Enhance research knowledge and skills at post graduate level

Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Support program

Research Operations Unit HDR Support grants provided

Staff commencing Higher Degrees by Research (HDR)


Enhance opportunities to participate in research processes

Research-based placement with research centres of excellence (up to 6 staff)

Participation in LHD based clinical trials and other research

Research Support Grants Program

Research Operations Unit in collaboration with Heads of Department

Suitable placements identified

Funding sources identified

Placements completed

Research support grants awarded


Integrate research into individual and work group planning

Annual reporting by clinical staff and managers on research related initiatives

Heads of Departments / Research Governance Officer

% increase in the number of research authorisations through the Research Governance Office

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Objective Initiative(s) Responsibility Indicator of Success Timeframe

Develop research leadership within the LHD

Establish Conjoint Chairs with University Partners

LHD Research Committee established

Heads of Department and Research Operations Unit

Establishment of conjoint chairs

Committee established

2018-19 2018-19

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3. Collaboration Develop strategic collaborations with university and other clinical, service delivery, NGO, national/international, community and LHD partners to develop research capacity of staff and undertake research in identified priority areas

Objective Initiative(s) Responsibility Indicator of Success Timeframe

Develop staff research capacity, activity and productivity through collaborative action

Garvan, NeuroScience and Black Dog collaborations Rural Research Capacity Building Program (HETI)

Strengthen collaborations between service providers and university-based researchers in priority areas Establish Asia/Pacific innovation and research collaborations (eg. Ko Awatea)

Research Operations Unit / Strategic Advisor

Research Operations Unit

Suitable placements identified, funding sources identified

Placements commenced & completed Collaborative research teams working across priority areas Collaborative MOU signed

2018-19 Ongoing 2019-20 2018-19

Generate and disseminate new knowledge through collaborations

Support local research initiatives through Research Support Program

Research brokerage assistance

Support Translational Research Grants Scheme applications

Support staff to present at local, national, international conferences

Research Operations Unit

Research Operations Unit

Heads of Department

Support grants provided

Linkages initiated

TRGS applications


Build LHD stakeholder awareness of, and

Research consultative forums

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Objective Initiative(s) Responsibility Indicator of Success Timeframe

engagement in, collaborative research where appropriate

Employment of participatory methodologies as appropriate to research topic

Work with partners to form research alliances

Centre for Innovation in Regional Health

Rural Research Alliance

HNECCMNC Research Hub

MNC Health Research Collaborative

CE / Research Operations Unit

CIRH established

RRA established

Hub-related activities

Bi-annual meetings of Collaborative





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4. Resources & infrastructure Optimise internal and external resource availability to support research activity

Objective Initiative(s) Responsibility Indicator of Success Timeframe

Provide financial and other support for staff undertaking Research Higher Degrees / research placements / CPD activities

HDR Support grants

Leave provisions

Backfill provisions

Research Operations Unit

Heads of Department

Grants offered

Placements undertaken



Support staff to conduct research in line with position descriptions

Investigate barriers and enablers for engagement in research by staff specialists, Nurse Practitioners, Clinical Nurse Consultants and other professional groups

Workforce Support Unit / Research Operations Unit

Executive Director Nursing, Midwifery and Workforce

Opportunities identified to support research in defined roles


Enhance access to online journals and databases

Library liaison program

CIAP training

Research Operations Unit / Librarians

Training sessions conducted 2017-18

Enhance research software access

Support access to reference management software

Conduct Needs Assessment

Research Operations Unit Endnote licences

Needs assessment conducted



Increase research funding sources

Internal funding support – competitive grants

External grants

Grow clinical trial income

Governing Board

Research Operations Unit / Heads of Department

Heads of Department

X% increase in research funding across the LHD

Y% increase in clinical trial income



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Objective Initiative(s) Responsibility Indicator of Success Timeframe

Increase research support staff Pilot statistical advisor program

Pilot Writer-in-residence initiative

Research Operations Unit Funding secured

Positions established

Pilots completed and evaluated




Provide the infrastructure to support multidisciplinary clinical trials

Multi-disciplinary Trials Unit (MDCTU) established

Research Operations Unit Clinical trials initiated through the MDCTU – HMN

MDCTU – CCN established

2017-18 and annually 2019-20