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  1. 1. David SharpesOnline TRANSFORMATION BootcampandNew Member Orientation
  2. 2. Let me Tell You My RealStory
    I struggledI invited
    I soldI attended
    I called I pretended
    I chased I came close to quitting
  3. 3. It Has Got A Lot Better
  4. 4. Whats Your Vision?
  5. 5. Empower + Inspire + Education = FreedomYou Need A Solution That Will Finally Work
  6. 6. The Five Deadly IssuesThat Will Destroy Your Chance To SucceedSUCCESS
  7. 7. Problem #1 Lack of Cash Flow
    You need to promote Your business and in
    Order to promote your business you Need
    CASH FLOW!!!
    What earned $4.42 for from every lead
    You create even if they dont join your business
  8. 8. Problem #2Lead DepravationWho else can Ishow my business?
    What If You Could Generate 25-50 Leads A Day
  9. 9. Problem #3 Broken Systems
    You May Be Winning or You May Be Losing.
    Home and hotel meetings, 3 way
    calls, chasing friends and family
    And that next Super Saturday
    Training is the next big thing!
    But Your Right Back In The Rat Race!
    Imagine Working A Couple Of
    HoursA Day And Being Done
  10. 10. Problem #4RuthlessCompetition
    Jim, I have a great business for you to look at!
    I quit Bobs business and now make 10 billion per minute!
    Great, Bob I just need to Google it
    What If You Could Stand Above The Crowd And Make Your Competition Look Obsolete?
  11. 11. Problem #5Attrition
    Average MLM Retention
    Is 10%-15%
    You Need A Minimum of 50%
    To Create Real Residual Income
    Trying To Build A Residual Income With Average Industry Retention Is Like Trying To fill A Bucket Of Water With Holes In It
    The Death Of Residual Income
    Imagine if You Could Have A Retention Of 50% Or Higher
  12. 12. So We Get Back To The Almighty Why?
  13. 13. The Real Vision Appears When The Obstacles Of Time And Money Disappear
    What Are 5 The Things
    You Would Do, Have or Become ???
  15. 15. How Do You Create Immediate Cash Flow, Generate Massive Leads, Implement A Simple Step By Step System, Solve The Attrition Problem And Crush The Competition Forever?
    3 Simple Steps
  16. 16. Step 1TheFunded Proposal
  17. 17. Step #2 Personal Branding
    Nobody Has The Magic
    You Do
  18. 18. And Most ImportantlyStep #3 An Automated System
    The Automated Sales Funnel
    Online Marketing
    Relationship Builder
    Sponsor Into Your Business
    Monetize Your List
    We Are Going To
    Help You Set Up
    Your Automated
  19. 19. This All Sounds Great David But.
    I Do Not Have The Skills To Set All This Up
    I Dont Have Thousands Of Dollars To Afford This Kind Of System
    I Dont Know How To Market Online
    I have never Sponsored Anyone Into My Business
    I Sponsored Too Many People Into My Business
  20. 20. I Personally Recommend.
    This Is Your Call To Action
    Its Time To Build A Business!
    Its Time For You To SUCCEED!!!
  21. 21. You Have My Contact Information In Your E-mail Inbox, Check It NOW.
    If You Want Me To Help You Personally, Reply With your Contact Information To Set Up An Interview.I Will Call You.
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    Read And Watch the Videos
    Set Up Your System
    Schedule A Personal Interview With Me By Replying To My E-mail
    Welcome To The Mastermind Team!