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MKT 475 Week 11 Quiz – Strayer

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Quiz 10 Chapter 15

Strategic Marketing Implementation and Control

True/False Questions

1. The analytical dimension of marketing planning process is concerned with the organizational structure in which planning is carried out, along with the associated information resources and corporate culture.

2. Internal marketing involves developing programs to win line management support for new strategies.

3. External marketing involves changing the attitudes and behavior of employees working at key points of contact with customers.

4. Internal marketing goals include promoting the external marketing strategy.

5. The balanced scorecard method is used to implement marketing plans.

6. The balanced scorecard method formally includes an assessment of the strategy component across all aspects of the business unit at the same time.

7. A benefit of the balanced scorecard methodology is that it is feasible for any business unit level strategy and provides a means to link performance evaluation to strategy

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8. The second step in marketing evaluation and control is determining performance metrics and standards.

9. When monitoring a firm’s effectiveness of marketing activities, external information sources must be excluded.

10. Marketing metrics should be chosen to reflect issues most closely linking marketing investments with value chain requirements.

Multiple Choice Questions

11. The _____ indicates marketing objectives and the strategy and tactics for accomplishing the objectives, and guides implementation and control. A. strategic marketing planB. traditional marketing designC. integrated marketing communicationsD. market positioning strategy 12. Which of the following techniques guides short-term marketing activities?A. Strategic marketing planB. Annual marketing planC. Situation analysisD. Positioning strategy 13. Which of the following marketing planning process dimensions is concerned with an organization’s structure, associated information resources, and corporate culture?A. Analytical process dimensionB. Behavioral process dimensionC. Organizational process dimensionD. Cognitive process dimension

14. Which of the following marketing planning process dimensions is concerned with managerial perceptions, participation, and strategic assumptions?

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A. Analytical process dimensionB. Cognitive process dimensionC. Organizational process dimensionD. Behavioral process dimension

15. Which of the following marketing planning process dimensions is concerned with techniques, procedures, systems, and planning models?A. Analytical process dimensionB. Cognitiveprocess dimensionC. Organizational process dimensionD. Behavioral process dimension

16. Which of the following is true about internal marketing?A. It positions the marketing strategy in the customer marketplace.B. Its goals include promoting the external marketing strategy.C. It aims at providing superior external customer service to support internal strategy.D. Its aim is to better align internal market objectives with external capabilities.

17. Which of the following is true about internal marketing?A. It positions the marketing strategy in the customer marketplace.B. It involves changing the attitudes and behavior of customers at key points of contact with employees.C. It is aimed at the potential customers within the company.D. It is targeted at particular market segments and niches.

18. _____ is a formalized management control system that implements a given business unit strategy by means of activities across four areas: financial, customer, internal business process, and learning and growth (or innovation).A. BenchmarkingB. Internal strategy-organization fitC. Strategic marketing auditD. Balanced scorecard method

19.Which of the following is true of the balanced scorecard method?

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A. It translates aggregate and broadly defined strategies to very specific actions.B. It provides a means to link customer satisfaction with value orientation.C. It is not feasible for business unit level strategies.D. It does not assess the strategy component across all aspects of the business unit.

20. The _____ approach allows consideration of specific activities which will accomplish the objective, but also formally includes an assessment of the strategy component across all aspects of the business unit at the same time. A. vertical assessmentB. balanced scorecardC. strategic marketing auditD. benchmarking

21. Which of the following is the initial step in setting up a strategic marketing evaluation program?A. Obtaining and analyzing information for performance-gap identificationB. Selecting performance criteria and choosing relevant marketing metricsC. Conducting strategic marketing audit D. Assessing performance and taking necessary action

22. Which of the following is the strategic marketing audit used for?A. To translate broadly defined marketing strategy into very specific actionsB. To provide a means to link performance evaluation to strategy implementationC. To ensure that activities in one area do not interfere with activities in another areaD. To initiate a formal strategic marketing planning program

23. The results of the _____ provide the basis for selecting performance criteria and choosing relevant marketing metrics to assess actual performance against plans and tactical intent.A. strategic marketing auditB. integrated marketing communicationsC. balanced scorecardD. customer relationship analysis

24. _____ use both internal and external information sources to provide a structure for monitoring the effectiveness of marketing activities and strategies.A. Marketing segmentation strategiesB. Balanced scorecard methods

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C. Marketing metricsD. Salesforce strategies

25. The choice of the most relevant marketing metrics should be made in the light of the need to:A. track performance relative to alliances.B. track performance relative to suppliers.C. track performance over investment capabilities.D. measure performance relative to strategy.

26. Which of the following is a danger of using a marketing dashboard?A. The dashboard contains metrics only relevant to assessing past performance.B. The dashboard contains metrics which only give insight into present performance.C. The dashboard contains metrics which only give insight into future developments.D. The dash board contains only metrics related to the main business drivers.

27. Which of the following approaches is a quality control technique useful in determining when operating results are fluctuating normally or instead are disorderly?A. Value chain analysisB. Statistical process-control methodsC. BenchmarkingD. Data-control processes

28. _____ is/are used to analyze and improve results in marketing performance measures such as the number of orders processed, customer complaints, and territory sales.A. Value chain analysisB. BenchmarkingC. Quality-control chartsD. Cluster analysis

29. A _____ indicates when the process is experiencing normal variation and when the process is out of control.A. data-control processB. value chain analysisC. BCG matrix

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D. control-chart analysis

30. Which of the following is true of a control-chart analysis?A. It cannot be used to detect randomness in operating results.B. Its control boundaries are set using historical data.C. It can only be used to establish average and upper limits of the measure.D. It can only be used to establish average and lower limits of the measure.

Essay Questions

31. What are the core tasks of a CMO?

32. Explain the dimensions of the marketing planning process.

33. Discuss factors that influence the implementation of a marketing strategy.

34. Discuss how organizational designs help implement a strategic marketing plan.

35. What guiding points should be considered when selecting relevant marketing metrics?