Download - Mixing Material Balance on The


Mixing material balance on theThe basis methane of 100kmol/hrThe ratio of methane to air = 0.3 (from the reference )The flow rate of air =100/0.3 =317.5 kmol/hrA: methaneB: air= O+NC: product

The mole fraction input of mixingMole fraction of methane=1Mole fraction of oxygen=22.2 kmol/hrMole fraction of nitrogen = 0.79 kmol/hrThe mole fraction output of mixingMole fraction of methane=

Mole fraction of oxygen =

Mole fraction of nitrogen =

Kg A=Kg O=Kg N=The total mass input = 6583.6KG/hr

Mitral balance on the reactor

Convertion of methan = 100% (Frome the refefrence ) Input to Reactor

Output From The Reactor

Total Mass 0f the output from reactor =

Flash Separator Antonio equation table

C B A component

266.55255.686.49457 nitrogen

222.309 1533.3137.38782 CH3CooH

2301473.117.87863 CH3OH

Tav=Tb*Xi Tav=(118.2*0.29)+(64.7*0.181)+(-195.8*0.53)=-57PT=0.754 mmHgBy trial and error of Antonio equation C0Assume T=-50

By trial and error