Download - Mission Statement: · 10/10/2020  · California and divination rituals. Lots of stuff believing contact with the dead and predicting the future. Lastly, I remember a terrible concern

Page 1: Mission Statement: · 10/10/2020  · California and divination rituals. Lots of stuff believing contact with the dead and predicting the future. Lastly, I remember a terrible concern

Mission Statement: “We strive to live by faith, be known by love,

and be a voice of hope and reconciliation.”


Epiphany Newsletter Email: [email protected]

October 25, 2020 FB page: Summerville Church of the Epiphany

60 Days and 60 Nights….that’s right, only 60 days til Christmas! Far to early to begin teaching the spiritual significance of the Incarnation, but a most

appropriate time to surface the secular pitfalls of that sacred time. It’s a special time like no other when every living human is treated as an ATM, a place

to obtain free money. Ahead of us is November. It used to be a sweet partriotic and family time, but alas, that’s in the past. Let’s just put up early

warning signs of impending dire fainancial predictions:

In the space of several years holiday debt has increased 34 % – the average consumer holiday debt for 2019 was $1,325

More than 75% of people surveyed admitted they did not pay off prior Christmas debt til the new midyear

Studies show many families begin their new year Christmas shopping before the prior year is paid off

Here are several Christian prudent financial suggestions for Christmas 2020:

A. Christmas and other gift sharing times should not be a souce of financial hardship. These special occasions are meant to bring you joy and

happiness, not angst

B. Right now have frank conversations with friends and family, setting giving and receiving gift parameters. For example: a) no adults…can’t

think of a thing that today’s adults need…and certainly not dustcatchers; b) grandchildren are the parents responsibility. A cute heartfelt

handwritten note to those of school age carries a very powerful message of the season…”GOD loves you and so do I”.

C. Less shopping equals less spending equals less dusting

D. Family traditions need to be honored. They don’t cost much but stress family history and ingenuity, ie., pieces of coal in the big stocking filled

with shell-on nuts, seasonal fruit and candy

E. Stay out of debt. Put an exact limit on seasonal spending

F. Agree to “no surprises”. The times for running around looking for an appropriate card and sticking money in it are gone. These are serious

times and not ever a time for frivilous shopping

G. Give the gift of Jesus…write and share a family newsletter and enclose a small unbreakable Christmas tree ornament

Look forward in the near future to a newsletter message on the true “reason for the season”…sometime in late November.

For now, the word on the street is caution…Safety first, financial prudence next. Remember, BE GOOD STEWARDS.

* Church family

*Chalmers, *Cassandra, *Tom P, *Edwin, *David, *Pastor Tom, *Pat S.,*Barbara, *Mary, *Francine,

*Father Len, Catherine, Lois, Curtis, Misti, Steve, Shawn, Kristan, Angie, William, Dave, Cathy, Vicki,

Louise, Patricia, Gracelyn, Arlene, Lisa, Danny, Rich, Debbie, Martine, Amore, Louise, Mattie, Christopher,

Edward, Brian, David, Lena, Emmanuel, Jenna, Renee’, Christine, George, Leland, Patty, Stanley, Rachel,

Jamie, Wanda, Bridget, Twanica, Itaski, Danielle, Zakiya, Jessica, Ellen O’Neal, Darcy, Zoe, Tammy, Vickie,

Ishia, Robin, Roy, Donnie, Lilly, Elisha, Carol, Mike, Annie, Logan, Arlene

Prayer requests received Sunday,10/18 for: Jerry & Martha B., Pastor Tom, Rita, patience, Sheri S., Bonita M., Craig, Daisy L., Sandra,

Rose, Paul, Christina, Isaac & Nadia, Ron C., end to political battles, Jake, Arlene

We pray and give thanks for our military; that they may be protected, strengthened in their

duty, free from temptation and imbued with a sense of God’s abiding presence, including: Chad Adams, Cleven Brown, Jimmy Blejski, Reuben Davidson, Valerie Hutchinson,

Nicholas Hutchinson, Nikki Hutchinson, William Howard, and all veterans

on the Second Reading

(1 Thessalonians 2:1-8)

St. Paul stresses he came to

share the good news (Gospel) of

the risen Lord. His motive is

not one of seeking self-

glorification, but to lead us to

life eternal. Pastor Tom+

READINGS FOR NOV. 1, 2020 Revelation 7:9-17; Psalm 34;

1 John 3:1-3; Matthew 5:1-12

Birthday & Anniversary blessings to:

10/26 – April Lloyd

10/28 – Brittany Teyer

10/30 – Fr. Robert O’Connell

11/01 – Judy Shelton


10/29 – Donald & Vanessa Ketchens

Page 2: Mission Statement: · 10/10/2020  · California and divination rituals. Lots of stuff believing contact with the dead and predicting the future. Lastly, I remember a terrible concern

ROBIN’S MEATLOAF (submitted by Robin McGee)


1 lb Hamburger, 80/20%

1/2 onion, diced

1 stalk of celery, diced

1/4 cup bell pepper, diced

2 eggs

1/2 cup Panko bread crumbs

1 Tbs olive oil

1/2 cup of water

1/4 cup of ketchup

1 Tbs curry

1 tsp smoked paprika

1/2 tsp Italian spice

2 Tbs balsamic vinegar

1 Tbs Worcestershire sauce

1/2 tsp salt & 1/2 tsp ground pepper


1. Sauté diced onion in olive oil and cook for 2 minutes. Add diced

celery and cook for 3 more minutes stirring occasionally. Finally,

add bell pepper and cook for 2 more minutes.

2. Add the curry, paprika and Italian seasoning to the pan and stir.

After about 30 seconds add balsamic vinegar and stir. Then add the

water. Allow it to reduce until most of the liquid is gone.

3. Add this mixture to the ground beef in a bowl. Mix in the ketchup,

Worcestershire sauce and salt and pepper.

4. Add the eggs and some of the bread crumbs. Mix together,

continuing to add more bread crumbs until it is firm enough to form

into a loaf.

5. Place in a loaf pan and pat it down to make smooth and loaf shaped.

6. Squirt a wiggly line of ketchup on top and cook at 350 degrees for

1 hour.

7. Remove from pan, let rest for ten minutes. Slice and serve.

Smashed pumpkins…so short-lived. Here it comes…a day that lives on infamy. No, not December 7 or 9/11. I’m talkin about Halloween! This year there’s a full moon, better to see kids and the mischief they’ve left behind.

Too bad it also falls on a Saturday this year. Now according to the pundits—it’s meant to be a time of church services that emphasize prayer, fasting and vigils. I’ve lived a long time and still open to discovery. Show me the religious backbone of Halloween. Some say Halloween began solely as a Christian holiday; other’s claim it has particular pagan roots. I, for one, will vote for the Celtic harvest festivals. Here’s what I remember about Halloween…kids, kids, everywhere now transported by caravan from poor neighborhoods. As night falls, the kids get bigger and bigger and more assertive. Little kids are cute in creative garb…bigger kids don’t even make a pretense. This year I predict masks will be the only costumes big kids wear, at least I hope so. Kids of all ages vie for handfuls of sugary candy, more than their stomachs can bear. For adults, there are bonfires…think California and divination rituals. Lots of stuff believing contact with the dead and predicting the future. Lastly, I remember a terrible concern for kids the night of and days following. I dread the destruction of property and feel sorry for all the smashed pumpkins…they deserve better.

STAFF *Robert L. Schwarz, Priest

843.870.0982 Mary Ellen Altman, Admin/Music

843.813.5549 Yolanda Boller, Communications

843.873.3176 Isaac M. Hutchinson, Jr., Treasurer


*Call Father Bob or the Wardens in a pastoral emergency

VESTRY MEMBERS *Stephen L. Jackson, Sr. Warden

843.819.3648 *Kenneth Wallace, Jr. Warden

843.364.2514 Margaret Bailey

Sampson Boatwright R. C. Boller

Edward Keith Mary Ellen Peterson

Nichole Smalls Wally Sobol Ken Wallace

++++ Dee Wallace, Recording Secretary

Chalmers Duncan, Church Consultant


Page 3: Mission Statement: · 10/10/2020  · California and divination rituals. Lots of stuff believing contact with the dead and predicting the future. Lastly, I remember a terrible concern