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Mise En Scene

Retail Store Urban/Street

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Setting and PropsRetail Store

This scene will be set in an inside location. It will be open to public as it is a working space and we want that idea of a busy store to emphasis where our artist is. The target Audience will be able to relate to there working day to day life and relate to this particular to scene to there busy lives. This isn’t an up beat scene like the others are going to be because it sets the narrative up and shows the beginning of the music video. It will be filmed in the day light so there wouldn’t be any special lighting and the building is light brightly. The props will be mainly what is already in the building, so the till, coffee machine and general cafe equipment.

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Costume, Hair & Make-upRetail Store

The Costume will be typical/stereotypical working clothes. This is all black and a waist apron. This will show the target audience what the artist is doing by the clothing and will set the mood of the scene by the dull colours she is wearing. The Artist’s hair will be up to convey the working element and that she works in a cafe, with food and drinks. The make-up will be very plain and will show the target audience that she isn’t happy by the dull colours she will be wearing for make-up and then that will change during the different scenes.

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Facial Expression & Body LanguageRetail Store

The facial expressions will be very plain in this scene because the artist is longing for her break from work and is fed-up and doesn’t want to be at work and the target audience will be able to see that by her facial expressions and will show the mood that we wanted to convey in this scene.The body language is very simple and straight forward in this scene. She will be stood up for the whole scene but in different places of the cafe, For example behind the till, in front of the coffee machine, and wiping tables near the customers. This will show the wide variety of what work the artist does and why she is longing for her break.

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Lighting & ColourRetail Store

The cafe is quite lit up because of the big windows they have at the front of the shop, so that will be the main lighting as we are filming the day. But at the back of the store, where she will be cleaning up tables there is low lighting, so we will either use little lamps or torches to bring the light in to the shots. But everything else is well lit and will have no problems with the lighting. There isn’t going to be any special lighting for this scene because it is a short scene but we do film outside the shop, so we might need to add a protector from the sunshine.

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Setting and Props

This will be an outside scene, so we need to make sure the weather is appropriate and the public won't be in the middle of our shots. We will also Juxtapose between this scene and the Ural scene to create contrast of each of them. The target audience will be able to relate to this scene because it sets the next location up and conveys freedom and peacefulness that the artist was longing for.The props will be simple, there will just be the natural surroundings on the streets and also a guitar to show that she will be going somewhere with her guitar.

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Costume, Hair & Make-up

The costume will stay the same in the outside scenes. The costume is blue jeans, a stripy indie/stereotype jumper and brown ankle boots, with a natural looking coat. This will show the target audience the genre of pop/indie with the chosen costume for most of the scenes. This is because the colours are simple but a stylised to fit the mode of the song.Her hair will be down, with her fringe tied up, this is to show she isn’t at work and has the freedom and the target audience will be able to see that with the chosen hair style. Her make-up will have more life to it and will still look natural as we don’t want it to be over powering but will still stand out.

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Facial Expressions & Body Language

The artist’s facial expression will change during this scene because she is first at work and then goes down the street and is happy that she is out of work and has freedom to do what she wants around these natural surroundings. So she will be happy and peaceful.Her body language will be straight forward as she will be on her feet all the way through this scene as she is walking along the street but her movement will be small at the beginning because she doesn’t know where she is at first and then realises and it gets bigger.

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Lighting & Colour

The lighting will be simple in this scene because we will use natural daylight and we are at an outside location so we won’t need bright lighting but if the sun is reflecting on the camera then we will need to put a cover on the camera. Or if the weather is bad then we might need extra lighting to make the location brighter.