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013 Local News

in EnglishWEEKLYSt-Barth

Published by Le Journal de Saint-Barth05 90 27 65 19 - [email protected]

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2 St Barth Weekly n°281

Hey everybody,time forC a r i b b e a nmusic! Thisyear, the SBJam Musik Fes-

tival cel-ebratesits 8theditionin factit’s this

w e e k -end with

three nightsof concerts onJuly 12, 13,and 14.

S u n d a yevening, the

last night of the festival includesthe traditional Bastille Day fire-works at 8:30pm at Fort Oscarand visible from the dock.The SB Jam Musik Festival opensits weekend of Caribbean rhythmswith Dominik Coco from Guade-loupe on Friday, July 12 at8:30pm. This former member ofVolt-Face plays zouk/blues, all ina Caribbean tradition. He will befollowed on stage by singerClaudette Peters from Antigua,with shades of Destra with herSoca style, eccentric look, andelectrifying stage presence. Satur-day night, it’s time for dancehallfrom wiht E. Sy Kennenga, andreggae with the young sensationEdwards Windel, alias Gyptian,

and his band. Sunday, it’s thegroup Bamboolaz from Mar-tinique, accompanied by PrincessLover, and Jean-Michel Cabrimol,to close the festival’s festivities onJuly 14.

SB Jam Musik Festival Takes Center StageThe 8th edition of the SB Jam Musik Festival takes place this weekend: July 12, 13, & 14, withthe young reggae sensation, Gyptian, or E. Sy Kennenga from Martinique among the stars.

Dominik Coco from Guadeloupe,Creole blues singer

Claudette Petersfrom Antigua

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The Tourism Com-mittee of SaintBarthélemy (CTTSB)is pleased with this“first time.” The firsttime referring to Sat-urday, June 22 whenthe CTTSB played animportant role inbuilding business/shopping tourism, animportant emergingmarket that can helpbuild up the summerseason on the island.More than 100 busi-nesswomen taking part inthe “Women With APurpose” Global Summitorganized by ValerieNorman-Gammon inSaint Martin and SintMaarten, came to SaintBarth to do their shop-ping. In collaborationwith merchants in Gus-tavia and Saint Jean, theiritinerary was establishedby the CTTSB. Uponarrival, these women(some with their hus-bands) set out in groupsguided by hostesses fromthe CTTSB. Highpointsof the day comprisedthree buffet/cocktailreceptions, one at theCarré d’Or and the CourVendôme, a second at theGallery Gréaux, and athird at the M’Bolo bou-tique, in order to controlthe traffic to the variousboutiques. And at eachevent, the guests had thechance to meet theirpeers among the female

business leaders in SaintBarth.A media personality andhead of Amethyst Enter-tainment, Norman-Gam-mon was last in SaintBarth during the TourismConference held on theisland last December, atwhich time she expressedthe merits of businessand shopping tourism.Norman-Gammon hasvisited Saint Barth for thepast 10 years: “But thereare plenty of islands withgreat beaches and sun,”she said, during lunch atDo Brazil. “A destinationthat wants to stand outhas to have somethingdifferent.” Amongst hermany activities, Norman-Gammon is also a con-sultant to tourist offices,including that of SaintMartin. As for the sum-mits she organizes, suchas this recent one in SaintMartin and Sint Maarten,she explains their impor-tance: “Men do business

when playing golf.Women by going to thespa or shopping,” shejokes. And hopefully theboutiques involved werehappy with the results.“In any case, the eventalso served as a market-ing tool,” according tothe CTTSB. “If they leftsatisfied, these womencan create an importantnetwork of good ambas-sadors for Saint Barthéle-my.” Many of themalready knew the destina-tion. And their recent

experience paved theway to help developbusiness tourism, a sectorthan can be very lucra-tive. The goal of theCTTSB is to “build themarket for meetings,conferences, and incen-tive trips” during the lowtourist season. Some ofthe women in this groupalso “visited some of thevillas and hotels on theisland with an eye towardorganizing an event herenext year,” adds theCTTSB.

BUSINESS TOURISM AND SHOPPING: A NEW INITIATIVEParticipants in the “Women With A Purpose” Global Summit, a group of over 100 women spentthe day shopping in Saint Barth on Saturday, June 22.

President of the CTTSB and vice president of theCollectivity, Nils Dufau, greeted the guests duringlunch at Do Brazil © Gérald Tessier

Valerie Norman-Gammon, organizer of the “WomenWith A Purpose" Global Summit, surrounded by several participants of the event. © Gérald Tessier

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4 St Barth Weekly n°281

The epidemic of denguein Saint Barthélemy conti-nues, with new casesaccording to the mostrecent report by theFrench Institute for PublicHealth Surveillance(INVS). After a decreasein the number of cases,there was a sharp increasefrom June 10 to 23, accor-ding to the report, whilethe number of new casesfor the last week in Junehas not yet been confir-med. The number ofemergency room visitsrelated to dengue symp-toms also increased withthree in the second weekof June and six in thethird week, and two peo-ple remained hospitalizedas a result. After registe-

ring a death in Saint Mar-tin, caused by the samestrain of the virus,DENV-4, the RegionalHealth Agency (ARS)reminded the populationto protect itself against thevirus. This includes:removing all stagnantwater and any other possi-ble places for mosquitoesto reproduce, both insideand outside of homes;make sure gutters areclear; make sure rainwateris properly evacuated; usenetting even during theday if there are mosqui-toes, especially for youngchildren and any adultsthat have a high risk fac-tor; whenever possiblewear long sleeves andtrousers when outside; see

your doctor in the case ofhigh fever, headaches,nausea, vomiting, muscu-lar aches or joint pain; orskin rashes. In case of

fever, avoid taking aspirinor Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, andrespect the maximumdoses of paracetamol.


The Foundation for Emergency Medical Equip-ment, FEMUR, has once again made a donation ofequipment to the Irénée de Bruyn Hospital in Gus-tavia. Thanks to funds raised by FEMUR, two newmonitoring devices, one for blood pressure and theother electrocardiograph, were given to the hospi-tal. Both monitors are worn on a patient’s belt inorder to measure the heartbeat and blood pressurefor 24 hours. They allow hospitalized patients theopportunity for better cardiac and blood pressurediagnostics.

CINEMA AT THE ANGLICANCHURCHHallelujah! The Sunday evening cinema series isback at the Anglican Church with French films sub-titled in English shown on a large-screen TV. Theschedule includes: Sunday, July 14: De battre moncœur s’est arrêté, by Jacques Audiard; Sunday, July21: Thérèse Desqueyroux, by Claude Miller, withAudrey Tautou; Sunday, July 28: Être et Avoir, byNicolas Philibert, an award-winning documentaryabout a school teacher in a small town in Auvergne.The church house opens at 7pm; the films begin at7:30pm.


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The Gustave III Airport in SaintJean marked an increase in trafficduring the first quarter of 2013.According to figures provided bythe director of the airport, therewas an increase of 7.6% over thesame period last year. With anadditional 3,904 passengers thanduring the same period in 2012, atotal of 54,883 passengers passedthrough Gustave III during thefirst three months of 2013. Theincrease in January was 6.17%,compared to +4.5% in 2012; Plus4.5% in February in contrast to+4,3% in 2012; and +11.9% inMarch following a decrease of4.6% in 2012. So instead of thelower numbers recorded lastspring, air traffic has acceleratedthis year.

Once again it was the internationaltraffic—80% of the overall traf-fic—that fuels this increase, with a12% hike in the first quarter of2103. “Thanks to an increase fromcombined sectors,” notes the direc-tor of the airport. For example,traffic to and from Juliana in SintMaarten progressed 9.6% to35,575 passengers. Traffic withSan Juan was up by 24% to 3,895passengers. The increase withAnguilla was 8/2%, to 1,088 pas-sengers; Antigua was up 45% to821 passengers; and liaisons withSaint Thomas, Tortola, or SaintKitts were up by 56% to 348 pas-sengers. On the other hand, flights fromPointe-à-Pitre and Saint MartinGrand Case both marked a

decrease in the first quarter com-pared to last year: less 4% for thefirst; and less 10.5% for the latter.Overall in the first quarter, nationaltraffic was down by 6.5% to10.971 passengers. In addition, freight and mail arealso on the upswing, with 74 tonsof cargo and an increase of 17.5%,indicates the airport management.

124 Flights Per Day The increase in passenger trafficgoes hand in hand with an increasein the number of flights over thefirst quarter of 1/1%, for a com-bined total of 11,200 take-offs andlandings—or an average of 124flights per day. The zenith was 221flights on March 23, with 1,310passenger arrivals.


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6 St Barth Weekly n°281

He looks a bit like SilvioBerlusconi, but youngerand thinner, perpetuallysporting a big smile. Likemany Brazilians, JoaoDoria Junior always putshis best foot forward interms of his physicalappearance. From SaoPaulo, he is a televisionpersonality who is a jour-nalist, writer, and business-man, who was also incharge of tourism for thegovernment of Sao Paulo.He was also the presidentof Embratur, an instituteresponsible for promotingthe destination auriverdearound the world. Today,

he is the director of theDoria Group, specialists inplanning events and busi-ness tourism, with morethan 1,400 businessesamong his clients. DoriaJunior visited Saint-Barthfrom May 30 to June 2,staying at the Ile de Francein Flamands. Three dayswith his cell phone pressedto his ear did not prohibithim from falling under thecharm of the island, whichhe had visited before. Sowhy not add the destinationof Saint Barth in the cata-logue of luxury locationsthat Doria Group offers toits clients? That’s why Doria Junior wanted to

meet president BrunoMagras, and InèsBouchaut-Choisy, directorof the Tourism Committeeof Saint Barth (CTTSB),who at the same time hadbeen seeking to seek newmarkets to extend thetourist season in Saint Barthduring the summer specifi-cally, when the island isquiet and its winter inBrazil. During his visit,Doria Junior confirmed thatBrazil does indeed repre-sent a good market to tar-get, and Sao Paulo en parti-culier. “The Braziliansalready represent the firstinternational client base inFlorida,” confirms DoriaJunior. “And two thirds ofthem come from SaoPaulo,” he adds. Doria Jun-ior is proud of his nativecity, the largest in SouthAmerica and the true capi-tal of Brazil in many ways,

if not its administrative cen-ter (Brasilia). “Sao Paulohas more private helicop-ters than any other city inthe world, and the secondlargest in terms of privatejets,” notes Doria Junior.One advantage of thisclientele is that they cantravel privately and notworry about the cost:“After the Chinese and theJaponese, the Braziliansspend the most when trav-eling, especially becausethey love shopping. Andthere are top brands in StBarth.” Concerning theisland, Doria Junior is verycomplimentary: “SaintBarth is really the top of theclass, a very high-end desti-nation.”So why not suggest that hisclients come to the islandfor seminars or confer-ences? “That is a real possi-bility,” says this expert inthe field.

Former Brazilian tourism director, Joao Doria Junior today is the head of the Doria group,specialists in business tourism. After a visit to Saint Barth, he will add the destination to hislist of destinations.

A Brazilian expert in business tourism, Joao DoriaJunior shared his ideas for Saint Barth with islandofficials. Pictured here with the president of the Collectivity Bruno Magras, vice president for tourismNils Dufau, and Inès Bouchaut-Choisy, director of theTourism Committee


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St Barth Weekly n°281 7

CNN ranked the 100 mostbeautiful beaches in theworld. And according tothe American network'swebsite, Saline in St.Barth is the fifth mostbeautiful, and the topFrench beach on the list.The CNN journalistsclaim to have listed thebest beaches in the worldon a totally subjectivebasis, from their memo-ries, or those of their col-leagues or acquaintances.The Grande Anse beach atLa Digue, in the Sey-chelles, has been designa-ted as the most beautifulin the world. "A must,especially if you practicesurfing," marvels CNN.La Plage du Lapin, on theItalian island of Lampe-dusa, in the Mediterra-nean, and Grace Bay, inthe Turks and Caicos (firstCaribbean beach) comple-

ted the podium. Next wasAnse Source d'Argent,also at La Digue, in theSeychelles. And Saline,St. Barth, in fith place."Although nudism is ban-ned in Saint Barthélemy,Saline is one of twobeaches on the island thatattracts fans of all-overtans," notes CNN,although it is not clear ifthis is what charmed theirjournalists. The secondmost beautiful beach inFrance, according to thisclassification is that ofMatira, in Bora Bora,Tahiti. Our neighbors inSaint Martin were not for-gotten: Long Bay, borde-ring the hotel La Samannais ranked 26th. Other dis-tinguished French beachesare those of the Normandylandings (42nd). And thePiémanson in Camargue(72nd).

Recently, a foreigner whooverstayed his welcomein Saint Barth was forcedto leave the island. In thiscase, it was a young man,age 25, whose mother isAmerican, but who neverrequested French nationa-lity. He arrived on theisland in December, withthe right to remain for 90days, leave, and returnafter a delay of threemonths. Not only did henot leave, but the youngman’s behavior was alsopart of the problem. Hehad broken severalFrench laws and “he see-med indifferent to thelaws of the Republic and

refused to comply,”explains the gendarmerie.It was during a control onSaturday, June 15, whenhe was driving a quadwithout a helmet, that theyoung man was found tohave stayed beyond thetime allowed by law. Assuch, he was obliged toleave the French territoryand the prefecture presen-ted him with an officialrequest. After which hewas transferred to thecenter for administrativedetention in Grand Case,Saint Martin. Beforebeing put on a plane forWashington.


Surrounded by his friends from around the world,Marius Stakelborough, founder of Le Select, cele-brated his 90th birthday on Wednesday June 5, inthe garden of his legendary bar.



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8 St Barth Weekly n°281

St. Barth Summer Camp YogaChallenge is a powerful tool forpersonal growth. Created and runby Diana bourel, this 5-weekannual island wellness event com-bines the richness and depth ofyoga’s great tradition with thechallenge of daily communitypractice amidst the natural splen-dor of St. Barth.The camp, now in its fifth year, isstructured as an a-la-carte experi-ence that lets students choose theirlevel of engagement, from walk-into warrior. Expert guidance anddetailed instruction are providedby a seasoned, caring, and enthu-siastic teacher who has prepared acarefully curated class menu forsteady, safe progress.A daily variety of practice styles(vinyasa, hatha, body tuning,

restorative) are scheduledthroughout the day (4 classesevery weekday), with a specialprogram on the weekend. Chal-lenging outdoor hikes and water

work provide a steady dose offresh air and sunshine.

The alfresco practice on the mete-orological station desk overlook-ing gustavia harbor is a rare yogatreat and a memorable and healthyway to spend your island summer.Special Summer Camp rates arebeing offered by the Tom BeachHotel [email protected] inSt. Jean. Sibarth rental villas isoffering a complementary ameni-ties basket and pass for visitingSummer Camp participants whorent a sibarth villa during their stay.

For schedule, registration andmore, please contact DianaBourel at 0690 499 921,[email protected] or

St Barth Summer Camp–Yoga Challenge:

Develop Your Personal Potential This Summer

Michel and his staff are happy to welcome you to their pool-side restaurant for lunch & dinner.

Holiday special, in addition to our regular menu. Lobsters Fresh From The Tank

100 g for 7,00 euros

Hôtel Baie des Anges • Flamands • 0590 27 63 61

INFORMATIONS ON THE SUMMER CAMP:• Dates: July 15-August 18, 2013• Where: St Barth Meteorological Station, Gustavia• Rates :- Single class : 25 € - 5-pack : 115 €- 10-pack : 200 € - Unlimited week : 125 €- Unlimited Summer Camp pass: * 500 € for new summer camp students * 400 € for former Summer Camp students

Please note class packs can be used any time duringthe camp to accommodate vacation schedule, but norefunds on unused classes will be made.- Private yoga class and transpersonal work schedu-led by appointment.Special summer camp rate 100 € for participants.

MASTHEADPublished by "Le Journal de Saint-Barth"

issn-1766-9278 Ph. : 0590.27.65.19 -

email : [email protected] & layout : Avigaël Haddad Chief Editor: Hugo LattardEnglish texts & Translations :Ellen Lampert Greaux Advertising : Nabil 0690 770 070Photos : Rosemond GréauxImpression : Prim Services

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O nce again thissummer, Thier-ry De Badereau

and the association StBarth Rocks, with thesupport of the TourismCommittee (CTTSB),will amplify some pret-ty hot nights. FromAugust 3-15, the fifthannual edition of the StBarth Summer Sessions,a concept created by DeBadereau of Tom BeachHotel and La Plagerestaurant, will electrifythe island.

There are about 40 con-certs planned this year,on all four corners ofSaint Barth, in collabo-ration with 17 partnerrestaurants and hotels.This number keepsgrowing, thanks torecent additions of suchluxury hotels as CarlGustaf, Eden Rock, LeSereno, and Guanahaniwho have joined the

party. To ensure a greatprogram, De Badereaurelies on the advice ofconsultants Tom Howieand Alvaro Kapaz,musicians who are alsoon the roster of the StBarth Summer Sessionsand its “electro-acoustic” sounds, Eachevening, a DJ accompa-nied by a singer or aguitarist, presents aunique performance:For example, Eitch, afabulous singer whowas part of St BarthSummer Sessions last

year, or the duo of TomHowie and Jimmy Val-lance. The goal of theprogrammers is to alsoto present some musicthat is soft, especiallyfor the concerts (with 4per evening) that areduring the dinner houras there is no point indeafening the guests atEden Rock or CarlGustaf with hard rock or

heavy metal. And thosewho like Brazilianmusic can enjoy thesounds of Aberto PraBalanco and Andy Var-gas, naturally at DoBrazil, also a partner forthis event.

In another vein, PaulRandolph, the singer ofJazzanova who was ahuge hit at the St BarthSummer Sessions, willalso be back along withStefan Biniak and Flori-an Paetzold from Berlinfor some higher-octanesounds. A complete listof concerts and partnerscan be found online

St Barth Summer Sessions, August 3-15, 2013


READY TO ROCKAugust 3-15, St Barth Rocks presents 40 different concertsacross the island to electrify the summer air.

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Aberto Pra Balanco Paul Randolph

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Live Music� Thursday July 11- Live Music from 7:30pm@ La Voile, ManapanyHotel, Anse des Cayes- DJ Yo One Sutterat Bonito, Gustavia- Diner Cabaret withshow girls at Ti St Barth- Ladies First from 8pm@ First Place, Gustavia - Live music with PierreNesta, Dancer perform-ance & Fire Show, from8pm @ Nikki Beach Saint Jean� Friday July 12

- DJ Maxx C (Resident DjNikki beach) at Bonito

- Ladies Night @Bagatelle, Gustavia- Acoustic guitar withRobb, from 7 to 9pm at Isle de France- Madness Week End @Ti St Barth, Pointe Milou- «Disco evening» at LaTable de Jules- I Love Friday! DJChloe & Aurelie,Cristina's Pole DancingShow, Fire Spinning byCyril at La Plage, Saint-Jean� Saturday July 13

- Welcome to Frenchampton, from12pm until 6pm, BastilleDay petanque tourna-ment and BBQ @ LaPlage Restaurant- Madness Week End@ Ti St Barth- DJ Yo One Sutter atBonito, Gustavia- Lunch with Live Musicwith Robb, from 1pm atMango, Christopher Hotel� Sunday, July 14

- Brunch with Robb,11am, @ Toiny Hotel- Beach Lunch with DJ Yo-One @ La PlageRestaurant, St Jean- Live Music with Robbfor the dinner @La PlageRestaurant

� Tuesday, July 15- Brazilian Evening : Live Music with Nathaliefrom 6pm @ ChristopherPointe Milou- DJ Yo One Sutter atBonito, Gustavia- Diner Cabaret withshow girls at Ti St Barth� Wednesday July 16- DJ Yo One Sutter atBonito, Gustavia- Diner Spectacle Danceperformance from 8pm@ Nikki Beach, St Jean- Diner Cabaret withshow girls at Ti St Barth,Pointe Milou

Night Club- Yacht Club, Gustavia- Eclipse, Gustavia- The Strand SupperClub, Gustavia

Exhibitions- Géry Langlais, Alain leChatelier, Jean YvesLefort at Les Artisans,Gustavia- Works by Cyrille Margarit, Nikki Beach- Wolfgang Ludes, Jean-Philippe Piter, Antoine Verglas, TonyCaramanico at ClicGallery, Gustavia- Rose Murray, Comptoirdu Cigare, Gustavia - Group show at PipiriPalace, Gustavia

� Art Galleries- Modernisme art & Antiques, CamarucheGallery- TomBeachArtStudio, - Clic Gallery, Gustavia- TomBeachArtStudio, - Pipiri Palace, Gustavia- Les Artisans, Gustavia- SpaceSBH Gallery, Gustavia

TIME OUTWhere to go dancing? See an art exhibit? Listen to live music?

Time Out keeps you up to date on local happenings. Let’s party !


Special EventsST BARTH SUMMERCAMPJuly 15-August 18Five-week intensive yogaprogramSB JAM MUSIKFESTIVALFree, open-air concerts inGustavia� Friday July 12Dominik Coco andClaudette Peter (Soca) � Saturday July Kennenga (Reggae-Dancehall) and Gyptian(Reggae-Dancehall) � Sunday, July 14Bamboolaz + Princesslover (Zouk Rock) andJean-Michel Cabrimol BASTILLE DAY� Sunday, July 14Fireworks, live music on thedock, Gustavia

SB JAM MUSIKFESTIVALDominik Coco andClaudette Peter (Soca)

SB JAM Kennenga (Reggae-Dancehall) and Gyptian (Reggae-Dancehall)

SB JAM MUSIKFESTIVALBamboolaz + Princesslover (Zouk Rock) andJean-Michel Cabrimol BASTILLE DAYFireworks on the dock,Gustavia

10 n°281

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� Classified adsLooking forProperty manager(Female) with over 12years of experience,speaking French, Eng-lish and Spanish is look-ing for property manage-ment. Serious referencesavailable upon request0690 26 34 68 [email protected]

Real EstateThis lovely 3 bedroomvilla with pool andJacuzzi is situated in alush tropical garden set-ting in Grand Cul deSac. Attractive price.Contact : St. Barth Properties Sotheby’s InternationalRealty: 0590 29 75 05

This charming threebedroom villa with poolis located on the hillside

of Corossol. Built in thetypical style of St. Barth,the property consists ofseveral bungalows ondifferent levels and is inperfect condition. Con-tact : St. Barth Properties Sotheby’s InternationalRealty: 0590 29 75 05

This two bedroom villawith pool was recentlyrenovated. Situated onthe hillside of Toiny theproperty offers a beauti-ful unobstructed view ofthe ocean. Contact St. Barth Properties Sotheby’s InternationalRealty: 0590 29 75 05

281- Urgent : For ourclients, looking for alltypes of lands or villasfor sale in StBarths.Please contact St Barth Villa: 05 90 87 30 80.

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Rescue At Sea 05 90 27 57 58/ 06 90 64 08 07 Gendarmerie 05 90 27 11 70Hospital 05 90 27 60 35Fire dept. 18 / 05 90 27 62 31Doctor on call 05 90 90 13 13Pharmacy Airport 05 90 27 66 61

Gustavia 05 90 27 61 82Saint Jean 05 90 29 02 12

Tourism office 05 90 27 87 27Harbour 05 90 27 66 97Airlines companyWinair 05 90 27 61 01

SB Commuter 05 90 27 54 54Air Caraïbes 05 90 27 71 90American Airlines 005995452040

Taxis Gustavia 05 90 27 66 31Saint-Jean 05 90 27 75 81

EDF (electricity company office) 05 90 29 80 81Marine Reserve 06 90 31 70 73

� Emergency numbers

� Useful numbers

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