Download - MIRROR | Rejab Syaaban - Issue #03

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“ The believer is the mirror of his brother. The believer is the brother of a believer: he protects him from ruin and guards his back.” – Rasulullah s.a.w. (Narrated by Abu Hurairah r.a)

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Muhammad Syaiful Bin Sam'an [email protected]


Mohamed Yazid [email protected]


Muhammad Ayyub Bin Abdul Kadir [email protected]


Ustaz Achmed Fahdly [email protected]


Fadhuli Taufek

Nur Khairunnisa

The Poets' Coffee: Faiz Johari, Hazrul Fitri, Irfan, Nurnina Syazwani


Bob Natasha Irrazimah Yulanda Nasuha Darke Hasbullah Johari


General Enquiries: [email protected]

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ALHAMDULILLAH, by the grace and mercy of Allah subhanahu wata'ala, the long awaited third edition is here. It's been four months since the last issue of MIRROR. For our first year of publication, MIRROR has decided to have new issues on Islamic months with major significance. We have already covered the months of Muharram, Rabi'ul Awwal and in this issue, Rajab/Sya'ban. InsyaAllah we will have more issues coming up. So do keep a look out! :) Rajab is the month where the five daily prayers were commanded upon us. The prayer being the pillar of Islam, we took that concept and made it the theme for this issue – sketch, as it is the "pillar" of a great design/artwork. Issue #3 is another milestone for MIRROR. We are excited to be collaborating with The Poets' Coffee, featuring their God given talent in poetry, in our Entertainment & The Arts segment. Adding on to that, we have a new segment called Travelogue, done by Irfan who is one of the poets as well.

We would once again like to take this opportunity to thank all our consultants, writers, contributors and everyone who has helped in one way or another, to make this possible. Thank you everyone for your du'as and continuous support. We ask Allah to make this issue of benefit to all, and may He give us the strength to continue putting this publication together. May Allah be pleased with this magazine, Amin. Help us spread the word! :) Jazakumullah khair.



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MuharramSafarRabi’ul AwwalRabi’ul AkhirJamadil AwwalJamadil AkhirRajabSya’banRamadhanSyawwalDzulqaidahDzulhijjah

The 7th month of the Islamic calendar. The word ‘Rajab’ means to ‘respect’. The Arabs respected this month tremendously and it was named Rajab. In this month, it is prohibited to fight (war), and the door of Ka'bah is open.

Sya’ban means to split. It is named so because during the month, the Arabs would migrate to other places in search of water up to the caves and the likes. Another opinion stated that the month is named such as a mark of separation between the months of Rajab and Ramadhan.


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Let's learn the numbers in arabic.

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Translation: O Allah, make the months of Rajab and Sha’ban blessed for

us, and let us reach the month of Ramadan.

“Allaahumma baariklanaa fii Rajaba wa Sya’baana wa ballighna Ramadhan.”


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The Islamic calendar is based on the phases of the moon, with it being approximately 11 days shorter than the 365 days of the year in the Georgian calender. Hence, the

dates of our festivals (Eid -ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha) move through the year.


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The splitting of the Moon was was one of the greatest miracle of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). When Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was 52 years old,

the leaders of the disbelievers of the Quraish tribe came to him and said, “If you are a Prophet, then split the moon into two parts.” The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) dearly wanted the people to convert to Islam, especially his close friends and relatives. He prayed,

raising up his hands, and the moon split into two equal halves. Each part of the moon was seen above different mountains. The disbelievers said, “Muhammad has performed magic.”

They did not accept Islam.


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The Ummah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) are more than that of all the Ummahs of all the previous prophets and messengers put together.


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According to reports there are over 1.2 billion Muslims in the world today. In other words, at least one out of every six persons in the world is Muslim.


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Albania is the only European country whose population is over 90% Muslim. It is on the Adriatic Sea, and in between the borders of Greece and Former Yugoslavia.



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by Fadhuli Taufek

The story of our beloved Prophet Muhammad’s (SAW) journey from Masjidil Haram in Makkah to Masjidil Aqsa in Palestine known as the Isra’(Night Journey) followed by his meeting with Allah known as the Mi’raj(Ascension) is one that we usually hear around this time of year. To share the whole

story here would not do it justice so instead I’ll share what we can learn from it.



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by Fadhuli Taufek

The story of our beloved Prophet Muhammad’s (SAW) journey from Masjidil Haram in Makkah to Masjidil Aqsa in Palestine known as the Isra’(Night Journey) followed by his meeting with Allah known as the Mi’raj(Ascension) is one that we usually hear around this time of year. To share the whole

story here would not do it justice so instead I’ll share what we can learn from it.



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Rasulullah (SAW) was accompanied by the malaikah Jibril (AS) and it was during this part of the journey when Rasulullah (SAW) was shown representations of the rewards for people who strive in the cause of Allah, unwavering faith in Allah as well as the punishments of various misdeeds.

Rasulullah (SAW) encountered a group of people who sowed and reaped their harvest over and over again within the same night. Each time they reaped their harvest, it was as though they had not; their harvest kept on replenishing itself. Jibril (AS) explained to Rasulullah (SAW) that those were the Al-Muhajidun; people who strived in the cause of Allah. Every good deed of theirs is multiplied 700 times and whatever they spend in His cause is rewarded multifold.

Isra’(Night Journey)

As he continued on his journey, he noticed a fragrance in the air. It was coming from the grave of Masyitah (the woman who combed the hair of Firaun’s daughter) together with her husband and children. They were killed because they held firm to their iman and refused to submit to Firaun and acknowledge him as their god.

Rasulullah (SAW) saw many other things on his way to Masjidil Aqsa: People were shattering their heads, healing instantaneously and then shattering them again and again. These were people whose heads were too heavy to prostrate in salah.

People who only wore loincloths and were roaming like cattle. They were eating hot coal and stones from Jahannam. These were people who did not pay zakat.

Men and women who were eating raw and foul mean even though they had well-cooked ones in front of them. These were people who committed adultery when they were married.

A man was swimming in a river of blood and had stones thrown in his mouth which he then swallowed. This was a man who ate riba (usury).

Another man was gathering a stack of wood which he is unable carry but still kept adding more to it. This was a man who is unable to fulfil an amanah (trust) and yet still chooses to take on more.

People whose tongues and lips were sliced off with metal knives, returned to their original state and repeated this process over and over. These were people who lie and do not

carry out what they say.

People with copper nails were scratching their own faces and chests. These were people who backbite and insult others; ruining the reputations of others.

A huge bull came out of a tiny hole and was unable to re-enter it when it tried to go back. This represented someone who is Takabbur (prideful), regrets it but is unable to retract it.

It’s scary isn’t it? What if we’re under one of those categories of people? Are we willing to face the excruciating pain and suffering that seem to go on forever?

Rasulullah (SAW) led 2 rakaat of salat in congregation with every Prophet before him behind him at Masjidil Aqsa.

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A ladder from the highest level of Jannah, Jannah Al-Firdaus was brought down to serve as a passage for Rasulullah (SAW) to ascend from earth to meet with Allah.

Before Rasulullah’s (SAW) physical meeting with Allah, he had to ascend from one layer of heaven to another and at each layer, Rasulullah (SAW) met with a Prophet of Allah. On the 1st layer, he met Prophet Adam (AS). On the 2nd, he met Prophet Isa (AS) and Prophet Yahya (AS). The 3rd, Prophet Yusuf (AS). The 4th, Prophet Idris (AS). The 5th, Prophet Harun (AS). The 6th, Prophet Musa (AS) and on the 7th, Prophet Ibrahim (AS). Beyond that was the Lote tree which was the summit of Rasullulah’s (SAW) ascension. It marked the roots of Allah’s Throne. No one knows what lies beyond it other than Allah and no soul has ever reached it before Rasulullah (SAW). It was during that meeting where Allah had prescribed 50 daily salat.

As Rasulullah (SAW)


made his way back down through the layers of heaven, he was stopped by Prophet Musa (AS) and was asked about the salat. When Prophet Musa (AS) was told that we were to establish salat 50 times a day, he advised Rasulullah (SAW) to go back to Allah and ask for a reduction which Rasulullah (SAW) did. Allah granted the reduction, Rasulullah (SAW) descended, was stopped by Prophet Musa (AS), asked about the number of daily salat and advised to further reduce it. This went back and forth until the current 5 that we know. Even at 5, Prophet Musa (AS) still advised Rasulullah (SAW) to ask for a reduction as he felt that we would not be able to fulfil it but this time Rasulullah (SAW) did not go back as he was too ashamed to do so.

Let’s take a minute to grasp this. We were originally prescribed 50 daily salat but because of Rasulullah’s (SAW) concern for us, he kept going back to Allah to finally reduce it to just 5. Imagine us asking our teachers for early dismissal from lessons over and over

again in the same day. If we don’t feel embarrassed because we’ve asked too many times, we’d feel like our teacher thinks we’re being annoying so we stop asking right? The thing is, this isn’t our teachers we’re talking about here. It’s Allah SWT; our Creator. The only one that gets to decide whether we enter Jannah or Jahannam and it’s our Prophet that’s doing the asking. How grateful are we to be given the reduction? How has our approach been with regards to taking care of our salat?

When Rasulullah (SAW) returned to Makkah, he related the first part of his journey(the Isra’)to the people there despite being warned by his cousin, Umm Hani not to do so for fear of him being called a liar and be insulted by them. Surely enough that happened as at that time the journey from Makkah to Palenstine and back in one night was impossible. This tested the faith of Muslims in Rasulullah (SAW) there at the time as well as everyone else. To prove that he was speaking the truth, Rasulullah (SAW)

described various things he saw in his journey such as the Masjidil Aqsa and the caravans that had just recently arrived in Makkah from Palestine. His accurate descriptions made more people believe in Islam while many remained unconvinced. It was because of those people that Rasulullah (SAW) did not convey of his ascension and meeting with Allah (the Mi’raj) for they would not be able to accept it.

Rasulullah (SAW) conveyed the depictions of Jannah and Jahannam as seen by his own eyes as well as the prescription of the 5 daily salat. This further strengthened the iman of Muslims then as it gave them something to strive for and at the same time fearful of the punishments for breaking Allah’s commandments.

May Allah grant us the strength to be steadfast in our iman as the Companions, forgive us for our misdeeds and make us amongst those who are thankful for the blessings He has given us and the concessions that we have been granted.

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Ramadhan is fast approaching, insyaAllah we will all meet and observe this holy month. Amiin! While

awaiting for Ramadhan to dawn upon us, we are also blessed to meet the months of Rajab and

Sya’ban.These two months prior to Ramadhan are of importance and significance as well.



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T he month Rajab is fittingly named the gateway to all of the blessed months.The month thereafter is Sya’ban followed by Ramadhan.

Rajab is also one of the sacred months along with Dzulqaidah, Dzulhijjah and Muharram.

In the middle of Sya’ban, we shall meet the blessed Nisfu Syaaban. It is a clear indicator of the impending arrival of Ramadhan. Rasullulah saw fasts the most during these three consecutive months of Rajab, Sya’ban and Ramadhan.

We are encouraged to do the voluntary fast in the months of Rajab and Sya’ban.These two months will prepare us physically and spiritually for Ramadhan. Cleanse our heart from every bad intention and correct

our perception so that it is in line with the teachings of Islam. When Ramadhan arrives, our hearts are all ready to embrace the light, blessings and fadhilah from Allah swt.

Prepare ourselves by increasing the quality and quantity of our worship, especially solah, sawm(fasting) and recitation of Al-Quran. These are prominent ibadah during the month of Ramadhan where we fast during the day, perform Tarawih prayers at night.

In many ahadith, Rasulullah s.a.w reminded his people to fast three days in a month, regardless if they are consecutive or separated. Rasulullah s.a.w also encouraged his people to fast on Mondays and Thursdays because all of men’s good deeds will be presented to Allah s.w.t

on those two days.

Sya’ban is also our last chance to pay back the days of fasting that we have failed to fulfill in the last Ramadhan. It is compulsory upon us all to pay back or qadha’, those days that we could not fast in Ramadhan. For those among us who have yet to make up for those missed days, let us take this opportunity in Sya’ban.

Fasting the last two weeks of Sya’ban is not allowed except for those whose fasting has been his tradition, such as fasting every Mondays and Thursdays.

Let's take this opportunity to fast in these blessed months of Rajab and Sya’ban. Plan, practice and prepare ourselves for the arrival of Ramadhan.

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meet OLIVE

One of those that is mentioned in the Quran several times.


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a 2 in 1 segment

"One of the most versatile on earth..."

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Oh Olive!

THE olive tree is one of the most versatile tree on earth. All parts of it such as the oil, leaves, wood and the fruit are usable. From ancient civilization till the present, the olive tree has served many purposes.Beyond cooking, it has uses from personal care to natural remedies among others. Olive is mentioned several times in the Quran of its goodness. It is also recorded in some hadith of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W recommending the use of olive oil.

Olive trees are evergreen which thrives in mediterranean region where the summer is long, hot and dry and winter is cool. It grows well in temperate climates and even along coastal areas.The trees however are unsuitable in the tropics which are region surrounding the equator.

Olive trees are cultivated through grafting, a common method in propogating fruit trees. It can take more than five years for a tree to start

producing fruits. The trees can be harvested annually and continue to produce fruits until they become very old and hollow.

Every part of the blessed tree of olive is fully utilised as the medicinal and cosmetic uses are many: the fruits are eaten or used to produce olive oil; the leaves possess medicinal value; and the wood of the tree is highly valued for carpentry work.

Olive starts out as a green fruit which turns yelllowish, which will finally turn brown when fully ripen. The olive oil is extracted through a process known as crushing and pressing. There are multiple stages to extract the different types of olive oil.

Extra virgin olive oil- It is the least processed and extracted through the first pressing of the olive

Virgin olive oil– Derived from the second pressing.

Pure olive oil – Acquired from some processing, such as filtering and refining.

Extra light olive oil– Produced from the last pressing and only retains a very mild olive flavour.

Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats and anti-oxidants.Regular consumption of oil may reduce the risk of coronary heart diseases through lowering total and low density lipoprotein(LDL) cholestrol level.

In cosmetic, olive oil is used to cleanse sensitive skin and protecting dry and aging skin. It is also utilised in face packs, rich creams, shampoos, foam baths and bath oils.

The olive tree and its produce has benefited us with many favours , it is no wonder it is named as the blessed tree.

a 2 in 1 segment


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a 2 in 1 segment


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image from



Narrated Khalid bin Sad: We went out and Ghalib bin Abjar was accompanying us. He fell ill on the way and when we arrived at Medina he was still sick. Ibn Abi 'Atiq came to visit him and said to us, "Treat him with black cumin. Take five or seven seeds and crush them (mix the powder with oil) and drop the resulting mixture into both nostrils, for 'Aisha has narrated to me that she heard the Prophet saying, 'This black cumin is healing for all diseases except As-Sam.' Aisha said, 'What is As-Sam?' He said, 'Death."

Sahih BukharI, Book of Medicine, Hadeeth No. 591

Narrated Abu Huraira: I heard Allah's Apostle saying, "There is healing in black cumin for all diseases except death."

Sahih BukharI, Book of Medicine, Hadeeth No. 592


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follow @Uhnisa on instagram

In this issue, we share with you something a little fancy that you may don at any occasion.

You will need 5 hijab pins and 1 safety pin.


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Put the hijab on your head, ensure one side is longer than the other.

Estimate a length, (middle of the chest) and flip it to the back to create a fold.

1 2

Use a hijab pin to secure it.


This is how the fold looks like.


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Then take the shorter length, secure it at both sides of your head. This is to cover the neck coverage.

Pin it at the inside of the fold.

5 6

Do the same for the other side.


The longer side of the hijab, put it below the shorter one.


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Take it and put it all the way to the other side and pin it. (chest coverage)

To secure the hijab, take two pins and pin it at both sides.

9 10

(The other side)


And you're done~ (Front view of the hijab)


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14Suitable for chest coverage.

Side view of the hijab style.

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STREETSTYLE undercover aims to serve as a lookbook for our fellow sisters who are figuring out the different ways to dress up modestly, as well as for those who are thinking of or are just getting started to put on the veil.

Have some trendy looks that you would like to share? Send photos to us at [email protected].

Athirasari Diyana

Zahra Zahra Zahra

Siti Radhiah Anonymous

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Bag. The most important accessory that we carry with us in our daily lives; to work, school, even to hang out. To choose the right bag can often be confusing and intimidating. There are plenty of options to choose from with a myriad of colours, materials and sizes, all at varying price points. With so much to consider, it can be hard to make a decision. And guys being guys, sometimes all we need is that ONE bag that suits all occasion. Here is a list of the different kinds of bags for you to consider to suit your style.

If in doubt, choose a holdall. It’s the default choice as it is practical and functional on a daily basis while still retaining an element of style.

This is the ideal bag for the gym goer who needs a big storage for gym gear. Also for those looking for a portable wardrobe, this is it.

Get one that is medium in size and if possible go for a leather version in black or brown. Leather is more versatile than canvas, especially when it comes to selecting an all-purpose bag. It also goes well with most looks.

For the modern gentleman who only ever needs to carry around his laptop and a hand full of papers. If you wear a suit to work, purchasing one in leather would be ideal. For the others, try one in canvas for a more casual look.

The Duffle Bag/Holdall

The Briefcase

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Another great bag that can carry a reasonably huge amount of supplies as well – laptop, camera, magazines, notepads, spare shoes, spare shirt, accessories – all in what is essentially a giant portable pocket! Good for those who always have lots of stuff to stuff into their pockets.

The good old backpack. Hands free, minimal fuss and capable of holding a fair amount of stuff, it is the ideal pick for the stylish student, casual working man or the every day biker. With a wide range of colours and materials to choose from, not forgetting the different styles, the choice really is yours. Go for something that would complement your style, not the other way around (getting a bag that needs you to go shopping for outfits just to match the bag).

The Tote

The Backpack

So there you have it! We hope this has been beneficial. Till the next issue...insyaAllah.

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by Muhd Irfan follow @feeamanillah on instagram

I searched for love and peace. I found Islam, and I found a curious traveller in myself through it.

With Allah’s will, I seem to thrive in solitude and the observance of strangers, and in no better place could I find solace and wisdom through it other than in mosques.

Every mosque has its own serenity and tranquility to it. At least, just at least a congregational prayer with humility and sincerity of the heart, being submissive, with understanding and purpose; only Allah (Glorified and Exalted Be He) understands the wonders He brings with it, filling me each day. Hence this is the first recorded start of my journey to each and every mosques there is in Singapore InsyaAllah. May Allah (Glorified and Exalted Be He) guide me in this lonesome yet purposeful journey with my ever-faithful Vespa.

image courtesy of xs33431/deviantart


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Wives rapedHusbands forced to watch, tied and tapedParents killed for being MuslimMan shot in the midst of takbir, a martyr, a muazzin

Children slowly burntWhile brothers buried aliveAny kind of help they yearnYet we are silent, and evil thrive

We live in comfort and sufficient wealthWhere is the gratitude we ask each selfWe close our ears to their moans and groansWould we be quiet still, if they were our own?

May I raise one like you one day, o little oneMay you fight for what I may have left, undoneI sit here today with a small dua as if they are mineIt’s not the eyes, but it’s truly the hearts that are blind

“So have they not traveled the earth and have hearts by which to reason and ears by which to hear? For indeed, it is not eyes that are blinded, but blinded are the hearts which are within the breasts.” (Al-Hajj 22:46)

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Some days and many more nightsI counted your every little steps to the mosque

On the day may you have pulpits of lightDrops of sweat for His sake, will there be any loss

In the sacrifices of every step you takeAs you love one another, purely for His sakeYou give off so much love, not a tad of harm

As you come near me to offer this hand of salaam

You live in this world just like a wayfarerMerely a stranger, yet not many feels any dearer

I clenched my heart as I looked in the mirrorA tear fell, than you will I ever be any better.

“Be in this world as if you are a stranger or a wayfarer.”(Hadith Bukhari)

“For those who love one another for the sake of My Glory, they will be given pulpits of light (on the Day of Resurrection),

and they will be envied by the Prophets and martyrs.”(Hadith Tirmidhi)


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I am a slaveI have become a slave of my desires;I have fallen into the trap of this worldAnd change is something dire.I have become a slave of anger;A spark of fire was all it took,And now I am an oncoming danger to everyone.Never was that my intention,Thus, the only way out is Ablution,To which I am cooled down the moment I am enraged.I have become a slave of sorrow;Forever bringing back the pastAnd never positive for the morrowWhile the present is left unattended.I have become a slave of the people;I followed the flock of emptinessAnd I am finding it hard to find a way Out of the darkness they enjoy -The heart is left devoidAnd now I am stranded in a sea of sorrows.I have become a slave of technology;Piling up frivolous stories that do not concern me -Oh the mental slavery!"None but ourselves can free our minds."As much as it seems of the slavery I have become,And the sins I have collected,I am reminded -I am a slave of The Most Merciful.Everything is BeautifulWhen you add HimInto your equation of life and deathFor it only reminds youOf the deceptionThis world contains.Turn back now to the right path.It is never too lateFor you and ITo seek His forgiveness.Remember nowAnd tell yourself:"Indeed, I am what I am: I am Abdullah."I am a slave of Allah -I am the slave of The Most Merciful.

Check out The Poets' Coffee on facebook! Visit

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MUSOLLAHlisting courtesy of

MIRROR goes back to school this month to share with you musollah at our

tertiary education institutions.

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Nanyang Polytechnic 180 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 8, Singapore 569830 Block ELocationThere are 2 staircases at block E. Not the one in front of the Student Development Office.

Block HLocationLevel 6, staircase H.1

Block LLocationLevel 5, staircase L.5

Temasek Polytechnic 21 Tampines, Avenue 1 Singapore 529757 IIT, Block 3LocationLevel 6 & 8

Admin East WingLocationEast Lobby C, Level 1.5

Applied Science, Block 7LocationLevel 7 and 8DetailsFor Muslimah

Admin West WingLocationLobby D, Level 1.5DetailsFor Muslimin

Engine, Block 19LocationLevel 8DetailsFor all to use

Engine, Block 22LocationLevel 6DetailsFor Muslimin

Singapore Polytechnic500 Dover Road Spore 139651

Singapore Polytechnic Malay Language Society (SPMLS) Location Room. Building FC 5.DetailsThe Singapore Polytechnic Malay Language Society room is available for fellow muslims to pray there. Amenities are all provided.

School of Architecture & The Built Environment Location - T4 highest level - T3 level 3

School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Location - T14 highest level - T15 highest level - T16 highest level - T18 highest level Singapore Maritime Academy Location T1A level 3 School of Chemical & Life Sciences T11B level 6

Ngee Ann Polytechnic 535 Clementi Road Spore 599489

Muslim Students Society (MSS) Clubhouse. Location Block 71. You can head down to the first floor and pray at the'Mambo' room. You can ask the security guard for help.

Note: Telekung for muslimah is not provided. Required to bring your own.

Ngee Ann Polytechnic Convention CentreLocationThis is the main musollah for NP students. Located at the batsement level, it is below the staircase near the lift lobby.The main entrance is near Block 56 carpark,directly oppo-site the motorcycle carpark.When you enter, it is located on the right.Toilet is nearby the musollah, enter the door in front of the lift lobby and turn left.

Note: Slippers,sejadah and telekung provided. It is stored in the two "cabinets" which you will see when you enter from the entrance mentioned above. Please do take ablution at the toilet for the disabled, between the male and female toilet. Reason being it would make the janitor's job harder from the wet toilets. Please cooperate, thanks!

Singapore Institute of Management (SIM)461 Clementi Road Spore 599491

LocationIt is located below Staircase 24, beside Lecture Room 1.17DetailsIt is maintaied by SIMCMS. Slippers, telekung, kain and prayer mats are all available for use. For ablution, please use the toilet nearby on the same ground floor as the Musollah.

Republic Polytechnic37 Woodlands Avenue 9 S(737904)

LocationBlock E5, Level 2. (It is an unofficial location though.)DetailsTake the stairs/lift to an open area outside LT E5. There are seats at the area. To get the qiblah, face the railings and turn 45 degrees to the right. Ablution can be taken at the toilet right next to the area. Prayer peripherals have to be brought along as none is available at the location.

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For more details of the events listed, visit

WHAT’S GOING ON?Sharing with you a list of happenings going on around town.


WHAT’S GOING ON?Sharing with you a list of happenings going on around town.

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We would like to apologise to everyone. Our letter containing your queries to Ustaz was sent back to our doorstep! Apparently we need a stamp for the postage to get through. Pffft! Stamp? Who collects that anymore right? So lesson learnt, we will purchase stamps and make sure we paste one of those on the envelope the next time around. It's weird how the first one got through. Once again, we sincerely regret for the inconvenience caused. It won't happen again, insyaAllah amiin!


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