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Mirror, mirror on the wall: Building a new PHP reflection library

James TitcumbDutch PHP Conference 2016

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© 1937 Disney’s Snow White -

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Mostly this...public function testSomething()


$myObj = new Thing();

$propReflection = new \ReflectionProperty($myObj, 'foo');


$propReflection->setValue($myObj, 'whatever');

// ... whatever ...


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● Structure● Metadata● Values● Type introspection● Modification


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How does it work?

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zend_object (zend_types.h)● zend_class_entry *ce (zend.h)

○ zval* static_members_table○ HashTable function_table○ HashTable properties_info○ HashTable constants_table○ zend_class_entry** interfaces○ zend_class_entry** traits○ (…other stuff…)


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lc_name = zend_str_tolower_dup(name, name_len);

if ((ce == zend_ce_closure && (name_len == sizeof(ZEND_INVOKE_FUNC_NAME)-1)

&& memcmp(lc_name, ZEND_INVOKE_FUNC_NAME, sizeof(ZEND_INVOKE_FUNC_NAME)-1) == 0)

|| zend_hash_str_exists(&ce->function_table, lc_name, name_len)) {



} else {




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Okay. What now?

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Better Reflection!

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Source Locator



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$reflection = new ReflectionClass(







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$reflection = ReflectionClass::createFromName(







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// In ReflectionClass :

public static function createFromName($className)


return ClassReflector::buildDefaultReflector()->reflect($className);


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// In ClassReflector :

public static function buildDefaultReflector()


return new self(new AggregateSourceLocator([

new PhpInternalSourceLocator(),

new EvaledCodeSourceLocator(),

new AutoloadSourceLocator(),



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Source Locator



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Source Locators

● PhpInternalSourceLocator● EvaledCodeSourceLocator● AggregateSourceLocator● ClosureSourceLocator● ComposerSourceLocator● SingleFileSourceLocator● StringSourceLocator

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StringSourceLocatoruse BetterReflection\Reflector\ClassReflector;

use BetterReflection\SourceLocator\Type\StringSourceLocator;

$source = <<<EOF


class MyClassInString {}


$reflector = new ClassReflector(new StringSourceLocator($source));

$classInfo = $reflector->reflect(MyClassInString::class);

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ReflectionClass::createFromName(new MyClass)

replace stream wrapper

disable error handling

call “class_exists”

restore stream wrapper

restore error handling

store attempted filename load


return stored filename

Read file and parse AST!

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What’s next?

Now we have CODE!

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Magic superpowers

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So what is AST?

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Source Locator



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use PhpParser\ParserFactory;

$parser = (new ParserFactory)





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echo "Hello world";

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Echo statement

`-- String, value "Hello world"

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echo "Hello " . "world";

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Echo statement

`-- Concat

|-- Left

| `-- String, value "Hello "

`-- Right

`-- String, value "world"

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$a = 5;

$b = 3;

echo $a + ($b * 2);

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Assign statement

|-- Variable $a

`-- Integer, value 5

Assign statement

|-- Variable $b

`-- Integer, value 3

Echo statement

`-- Add operation

|-- Left

| `-- Variable $a

`-- Right

`-- Multiply operation

|-- Left

| `-- Variable $b

`-- Right

`-- Integer, value 2

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So what?

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Source Locator



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AST to Reflection

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class Foo


private $bar;

public function thing()




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Class, name Foo

|-- Statements

| |-- Property, name bar

| | |-- Type [private]

| | `-- Attributes [start line: 7, end line: 9]

| `-- Method, name thing

| |-- Type [public]

| |-- Parameters [...]

| |-- Statements [...]

| `-- Attributes [start line: 7, end line: 9]

`-- Attributes [start line: 3, end line: 10]

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php-ast extension

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Here be dragons!

Some voodoo...

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class MyClass


public function foo()


return 5;



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// Create the reflection first

// ***BEFORE*** class is loaded

$classInfo = ReflectionClass::createFromName('MyClass');

// Or use specific source locators as already shown

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// Override the body...!

$methodInfo = $classInfo->getMethod('foo');

$methodInfo->setBodyFromClosure(function () {

return 4;


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// Bring the code into context now

$printer = new CodePrinter();

$classCode = $printer->prettyPrint([




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// Now create an instance, and call the

// method on this...

$c = new MyClass();

var_dump($c->foo()); // will be 4!!!

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$if = AstKit::parseString(<<<EOD

if (true) {

echo "This is a triumph.\n";

} else {

echo "The cake is a lie.\n";




$if->execute(); // First run, program is as-seen above

$const = $if->getChild(0)->getChild(0);

// Replace the "true" constant in the condition with false

$const->graft(0, false);

// Can also graft other AstKit nodes, instead of constants

$if->execute(); // Second run now takes the else path

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ReflectionClass implements Reflector {

/* Constants */

const integer IS_IMPLICIT_ABSTRACT = 16 ;

const integer IS_EXPLICIT_ABSTRACT = 32 ;

const integer IS_FINAL = 64 ;

/* Properties */

public $name ;

/* Methods */

public __construct ( mixed $argument )

public static string export ( mixed $argument [, bool $return = false ] )

public mixed getConstant ( string $name )

public array getConstants ( void )

public ReflectionMethod getConstructor ( void )

public array getDefaultProperties ( void )

public string getDocComment ( void )

public int getEndLine ( void )

public ReflectionExtension getExtension ( void )

public string getExtensionName ( void )

public string getFileName ( void )

public array getInterfaceNames ( void )

public array getInterfaces ( void )

public ReflectionMethod getMethod ( string $name )

public array getMethods ([ int $filter ] )

public int getModifiers ( void )

public string getName ( void )

public string getNamespaceName ( void )

public object getParentClass ( void )

public array getProperties ([ int $filter ] )

public ReflectionProperty getProperty ( string $name )

public string getShortName ( void )

public int getStartLine ( void )

public array getStaticProperties ( void )

Reflection API is a big!public mixed getStaticPropertyValue ( string $name [, mixed &$def_value ] )

public array getTraitAliases ( void )

public array getTraitNames ( void )

public array getTraits ( void )

public bool hasConstant ( string $name )

public bool hasMethod ( string $name )

public bool hasProperty ( string $name )

public bool implementsInterface ( string $interface )

public bool inNamespace ( void )

public bool isAbstract ( void )

public bool isAnonymous ( void )

public bool isCloneable ( void )

public bool isFinal ( void )

public bool isInstance ( object $object )

public bool isInstantiable ( void )

public bool isInterface ( void )

public bool isInternal ( void )

public bool isIterateable ( void )

public bool isSubclassOf ( string $class )

public bool isTrait ( void )

public bool isUserDefined ( void )

public object newInstance ( mixed $args [, mixed $... ] )

public object newInstanceArgs ([ array $args ] )

public object newInstanceWithoutConstructor ( void )

public void setStaticPropertyValue ( string $name , string $value )

public string __toString ( void )


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namespace ??????????;

use ?????????????????????????????????????;

class Foo


public function something()


throw new InvalidArgumentException('Oh noes!');



Type determination

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namespace My\Package;

use Some\Package\InvalidArgumentException;

class Foo


public function something()


throw new InvalidArgumentException('Oh noes!');



Type determination

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Type determination

● FindParameterType● FindPropertyType● FindReturnType● FindTypeFromAst

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$finder = new FindTypeFromAst();

$namespace = '';

if ($method->getDeclaringClass()->inNamespace()) {

$namespace = $method->getDeclaringClass()->getNamespaceName();


$type = $finder(





Type determination

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DocBlock Parent Traversal Type


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DocBlock Parent Traversal Type Resolution

class Foo {


* @return int


public function myMethod() { /* ... */ }


class Bar extends Foo {


* {@inheritDoc}


public function myMethod() { /* ... */ }


It’s an “int” return type!

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DocBlock Parent Traversal Type Resolutioninterface Blammo {


* @return string


public function myMethod();


class Foo {


* @return int


public function myMethod() { /* ... */ }


class Bar extends Foo implements Blammo {


* {@inheritDoc}


public function myMethod() { /* ... */ }


Return type: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Evaluating Modified Reflections

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Evaluating Modified Reflections

$methodInfo = $classInfo->getMethod('foo');

$methodInfo->setBodyFromClosure(function () {

// Nasty, evil, malicious code here !!!


$classCode = (new CodePrinter())->prettyPrint([




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Reflecting Internal Functions

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Reflecting Closures

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Better Reflection API is BIGGERERgetStartLine
































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(at least for now)

Out of scope

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It’s not fast :(

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Reflecting from STDIN

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Instantiation & Invocation

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Use Cases

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API diff tool

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What’s next?

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Your ideas welcome!¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Better Reflection

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Any questions? :) Titcumb @asgrim