Download - MINUTES OF THE TEDBURN ST MARY PARISH Web viewA rural aid grant will be ... once training has been done then insurance cover is given. There is also a Community Road Warden Project

Page 1: MINUTES OF THE TEDBURN ST MARY PARISH Web viewA rural aid grant will be ... once training has been done then insurance cover is given. There is also a Community Road Warden Project


PRESENT: Chair Cllr C Pallot and Cllrs P Moody, T Tume, C Palmer, P Bromell, M Jones, L Bellshaw, J Putt, 12 members of the public, D Radford-Lewis Parish Clerk. Cllr Tume left after item 7.Open Forum – N.B: The Views expressed at the Open Forum are not necessarily those of the Parish Council. All members of the Public are invited to attend & discuss any matters they choose.

1. Apologies – none

2. Declaration of Interests and changes to Register of Interests – none

3. Open Forum - Mr Pike spoke on behalf of the Allotment Association as the fence post into the Allotment is beginning to rot and needs replacing and it is not clear who is responsible for this. The Clerk will check the lease and let Mr Pike know. If it is either the Parish Council or the landowners the Clerk will get the post replaced. Blocked drains were reported at Church Road, Chapel Cottage and the road to Crediton past the Village Hall. The Clerk will report these. Cllr Bromell stated he has reported the surface at Lillybrook Bridge as it was sounding a bit weak. This has been checked by Highways along with the rails at the bridge & further investigation will be done by Highways. A speeding car has been reported to the Police and to Neighbourhood Watch. The Construction work and road layout changes taking place at Pathfinder Village was discussed and the issues that this is causing was highlighted by Annice Matten, Secretary of the Residents Association. This included the road narrowing which now causes one car to pass at a time and leading to blind access on the main road into and out of the village. This is also at the site of the Post Office/Shop and Hairdressers with limited parking there and no pedestrian consideration. This will be further increased once another access road will be added and some homes are located right by the road. There is a further 20 homes planned to be put behind the shop. The Residents Association have met with Jonathan Blackman, TDC Environmental Health and issuing officer of the Site licence. He has seen the issues and a further meeting is due to take place between Avondale, the Residents Association and Mr Blackman. It was agreed Cllr Bromell and Cllr Jones will attend this meeting on behalf of the Parish Council. Ms Matten also highlighted that the correct consultation process was not followed according to the Mobile Home Act 2013. This has been brought to Mr Blackmans’ attention and the Residents Association will look into who should ensure this Act is followed. There is also a concern over what gas supply the new 20 homes will have, as there is no provision for gas tank or refuse bin storage. Mr Blackman is aware of these. Cllr Tume confirmed it was thought the new homes should be subject to building regulations and the Clerk will enquire about this. The Clerk will also ask SWW about the sewerage capacity for Tedburn area now that more new homes have been added to this. Cllr Bromell also asked that there is a concern that the fibre piping used for existing Pathfinder Homes has a shelf life and what SWW views are on this is. Water charges on the Pathfinder site was discussed as Avondale also supply water to some houses on Heath Lane and the Residents feel that they are paying for these homes to have cheaper water. This is a historic agreement and one the residents will pursue.The removal of trees on the side of the A30 has led to a louder road noise being heard and the replacement trees will take a long time to grow up. This was a Highways decision out of the Parish Councils control unfortunately. Open Forum closed 20:18

4. Planning – wef 3rd May 2016 paper planning applications will no longer be sent by TDC. 16/00527/FUL, Mr N & Mrs C Peckett, Treetops, Heath Lane – Single storey rear extension with terrace over – Cllr Tume proposed this was SUPPORTED, Cllr Moody seconded and vote unanimous.

16/00627/FUL, Mr B Mather, 6 Fulford Close – Decking with balustrading in rear garden – A letter was read out by from Mr Mather with regards to the application & answering a question posed by the Clerk re the Parish Councils suggestion that the decking height was reduced & drainage concerns re the installation of the P.V array, raised at a meeting for a previous planning application. Cllr Pallot proposed this application was NOT SUPPORTED due to impact on privacy of neighbouring properties on both sides and visual amenity. We also note changes to drainage difficulties effecting property no 5 Fulford Close, due to the focusing of rainwater runoff from decking and the P.V installation. Provision for adequate drainage should be provided within the boundary of no 6 Fulford Close. It would be suggested that if the height of the decking is reduced to the existing patio level this would be more acceptable. Seconded by

Page 2: MINUTES OF THE TEDBURN ST MARY PARISH Web viewA rural aid grant will be ... once training has been done then insurance cover is given. There is also a Community Road Warden Project

-1346 -Cllr Moody – unanimous.

16/00706/NPA – Mr M Tootel, Building at Roselake Copse – Application for Prior Approval under Part 3 Class Q (a) and (b) and paragraph W of the GPDO for change of use of an agricultural building from agricultural use to a dwelling. A letter was read out from Mrs Bromell regarding the ownership of the building at Roselake Copse as she owns Roselake Copse where there is a barn. The name of the location is therefore incorrect. After discussions Cllr Pallot proposed and Cllr Tume seconded that this was NOT SUPPORTED. The Parish Council views remain the same as the previous application 16/00060/NPA – vote unanimous. The Clerk will submit these to TDC.

Decisions – 16/00200/TPO – Mr Alan Powell, Sunflower Cottage – Height reduction of one oak (T2) by 3-4m-REFUSED

5. Minutes of the Council meeting held March 7th 2016 for approval: proposed by Cllr Moody, seconded by Cllr Jones– Cllr Moody signed as approved.

6. S106 money including allocation of remaining funds – As at the last meeting the Clerk confirmed the figures from the total S106 money held at TDC for us. This is from Tremletts - £40,617.60, from Moor Park - £12,273.22 - TOTAL - £52,890.82. £7,000 is set aside for indoor improvements to the Recreation Pavilion and quotes have been obtained for £10,057.13 and £9,619.30 exc VAT for this work. £22,000 has been set aside for the new play area which leaves £23,890.82. The Clerk has asked TDC to confirm the actual amount outstanding and if there are any restrictions on how this may be spent.Current funds for indoor improvements at the Recreation Ground are £9,200 and the Clerk has authorised the work to commence with Mr Bridewell being the contact for this. Mr and Mrs Bridewell spoke about possible improvements for the Recreation Ground. These are- outdoor gym equipment as two quotes have been received. One for £10,795 and the other £11,198 less Rospa inspection £350. The recommended company would be Caloo who can do a site visit and look at the locations of this equipment with installation. Full discussions for and against this took place. -Rebound wall – quotes received are £1,700 block - £3,000 block/£4,500 brick - £2,100. The recommendation would be to go for the £1,700.-Climbing frame in Children’s play area – quote £6,000 fully installed a further quote would need to be obtained and it was suggested that this would be obtained through the same company as supplying the proposed new play area. This would leave approx. £6,500 for further improvements at a later date. A rural aid grant will be submitted for resurfacing the access lane to the Recreation Ground with some quotes already received.A vote was taken on the proposal of allocating funds of £10,795 for the Outdoor Gym Equipment and £1,700 for the rebound wall. Cllr Putt proposed and Cllr Tume seconded this proposal and remaining councillors voted unanimously. Pro-forma invoices will be emailed to the Clerk to send to Lorraine Montgomery at TDC for payment for the outdoor gym equipment and rebound wall. It was confirmed the Clerk will authorise the work when funds are released and the VAT will be reclaimed through the Parish Council.

7. Millennium Orchard Project – The lease is still being progressed however, TDC have now stated the Parish Council may have to apply to Persimmon Homes for their permission to develop the site. The solicitor at Cartridges is seeking clarification regarding this.

8. Little Chapel Lease – Cartridge Solicitors have completed the review of the lease and possible amendments specific to Tedburn St Mary have been sent to the Clerk and Chair for review. This was passed to Cllrs Bromell and Bellshaw who will discuss it with the Trustees and let the Clerk know about suitable amendments. The Clerk will then re-type the lease and get it signed and witnessed appropriately.

9. Monthly Reports to include all reports from Clerk, District Councillor & County Councillor & Issues Log update shared. Cllr Bromell reports: With regret it is not possible to do the beacon to celebrate the Queens 90th birthday. However, he would like to hold an event in the Village Hall with Cream Teas, a television showing the national celebrations and the play group has agreed to run a bouncy castle and face painting stall on June 11th. The Clerk will add this to next month’s agenda so that the Parish Council can formally vote on if to contribute and support this event.

Cllr Brook reports: No actual report but took questions. The blocked drains were raised with Cllr Brook so that the procedure for clearing all the drains were clarified. He believes they are only done once every

Page 3: MINUTES OF THE TEDBURN ST MARY PARISH Web viewA rural aid grant will be ... once training has been done then insurance cover is given. There is also a Community Road Warden Project

-1347 -two years and not in between these times, but he will look into these for us. He confirmed he had received the form for the Community Funding and this is being processed.



Rural Aid Grant process open – closing date for applications April 25th to be with TDC by May 6th.Jonathan Blackman – Environmental health is sending sound levels re Motorbike event to residents when available.Dog Warden confirmed any sheep worrying is a Police matter

Shared in TT and Website

FYI – no further action at this time

Notice put in TT and on webBBC Freedom of Information request re Cemetery spending Clerk is preparing data

CPRE Devon Our Outdoors Competition formerly village of the year Details sent to Cllrs & Enhancement Group

Cemetery – no reportVillage Hall – Cllr Jones reports: The Village Hall committee met on 21st March. Matters arising from this meeting for information share and consideration by Parish Council are as follows.It was brought to attention of the hall committee that clarification is needed around the legal position regarding electrical PAT testing for equipment used by the Village Hall and equipment brought in by Private Hirers. This is being actioned by a committee member who will contact Devon County Council Fire Officer. This will be on the April Agenda for further discussion. The Newly formed Constitution Sub-Committee are continuing with their research. Maintenance: The toilets are to be painted, Cllr Bromell will award £300 towards this from his District Councillors fund, which will be matched funded from Village Hall Resources. The next meeting of the Village Hall Committee will take be on Monday 18th April at 7.30pm. Footpaths and Bridleways – Cllr Moody reported the green lanes around the Parish have been resurfaced and are now being ridden and improve all the time. Recreation Association – see item 7Welfare Trust – no reportHousing Committee – no reportNeighbourhood Watch – no reportLocal Emergency Planning – no report TALC – Cllr Moody reports: Councillor Stuart Hughes, David Whitton & Simon Pearson spoke to give some insight on Highway management & flood prevention in our district. Information on funding revenues and funding capital for 2016/17 & details of flood relief throughout the County were given. They answered questions about potholes & the different criteria and timescale they have in which to mend them. It was pointed out that some potholes have to be done very quickly & they cannot wait until the weather is dry, therefore it is more difficult to get the best result. All reported potholes are plotted & can be viewed on the Highways website so that people can check to see where in the system that pothole is. Training is given for repairing holes, once training has been done then insurance cover is given. There is also a Community Road Warden Project Officer in place on a 12 month secondment to develop & roll out the plan to train volunteer road wardens. Sue Goodfellow, Chairman for Natural Devon spoke next about her organisation, set up in 2012 with the aim of maximising collaboration between all relevant organisations, partnerships & individual. To ensure that a healthy natural environment underpins a high quality of life across Devon, with a strong green economy & healthy communities, to improve communications speak with one voice which includes a wide variety of expertise. This forum is open to all. Natural Devon is making a difference by having a 25 year environment plan supporting various funding bids to help River Otter restoration & Greater Horseshoe Bat, to input into National Strategies & Defra Biodiversity Group, bringing sectors together to share ideas and actions. To find out more go to Tedburn – no reportWebsite – no report Youth and funding Youth Worker – Cllr Jones reports: I am very pleased to inform the Parish Council that we have been successful in appointing a Sessional Youth Worker for Tedburn. Sarah Croft & her assistant dog, Ziggy will be taking up this post subject to the necessary checks being completed. A date for re-opening the Youth Club is still to be finalised. Sarah is an experienced, qualified Youth Worker currently running a Rural Youth Club in Chudleigh. We look forward to welcoming her & Ziggy to the Village.

10. Accounts for Payment and balance of accounts Supplier Description Amount VAT Total Chq.NoDCC Pension Clerks pension from March 2016 £115.00 £115.00 231Mrs D Radford-Lewis Clerk wages March 2016 inc home worker less pension £462.16 £462.16 232

Mrs P Moody Travel to TALC £18.40 £18.40 233

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-1348 -Proposed Cllr Palmer seconded Cllr Jones, signed by two signatories as required. Meeting closed 22:04The next Parish Council meeting Tuesday 3RD MAY 2016 7.00pm Tedburn St Mary Village Hall including the AGM and Annual Parish Meeting