Download - Minutes of the Meeting of the General Meeting of the Senior Citizen Association

Page 1: Minutes of the Meeting of the General Meeting of the Senior Citizen Association

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Minutes of the meeting of the General Meeting of the Senior Citizen Association,

Filinvest Chapter held last 0ctober 7, 20! at the Multi "urpose #all, Filinvest$

Meeting %as called to order at 7&00 "$M$ b' the "resident 0felia (azon$ )* senior citizen

attended, list of attendance attached$ She informed the attendees the purpose of themeeting, to organize a Senior Citizen Association, Filinvest Chapter because Filinvest is

the onl' subdivision no% in the municipalit' of Cainta that has no SCA$ +t %as initiated

 b' r$ -thel'n .ieto$ SCA, Filinvest Chapter %ill be the most famous and greatest SCAin Cainta$

MA//-S +SC1SS-&

$ /he president introduced herself and the interim officers and members of different

committees of the Senior Citizen, Filinvest Chapter$ /he reuirement is 3

mandated officers per chapter$ /echnical %or4ing group should come from all the

 phases of the subdivision including the satellite subdivision inside Filinvest$/here is still a need for 3 officers$ /he follo%ing members %ere selected for the

vacant slots$

a$ Serra Monte Mansions 5 odolfo Acosta

 b$ +rvine + 5 Mimi 6autistac$ +rvine +++ 5 Mel' alte

d$ "hase + 5 Amor 6olinao

e$ "hase 5 6ernardita "ineda

elilah Magadia

2$ /here %ere * among the attendees %ho %ere *0 'ears and above, list attached$r$ .ieto %ill as4 the 0ffice of the Ma'or for them to receive "300$00 monthl'allo%ance from the municipalit' of Cainta$

8$ +nduction of the interim officers and members of different committees %ill beduring the Christmas part' on ecember 3, 20!$ /he st activit' of the SCA$

/he attire is retro$

!$ Another suggestion %as to have 6ingo Social, Mr$ 9 Mrs$ Senior Citizen onFebruar' !, 203, alentine:s a' as fund raising$ /he Social Committee

%ill handle these activities$

3$ r$ .ieto announced that %e %ill be constructing our SCA office in Filinvest$

Suggested locations are a vacant lot near AMA or the gazebo in Moses St$ "ut

up a cooperative store for SCA, 20; discount for members$

)$ r$ .ieto %ill coordinate %ith 1.+<A6 to provide a diagnostic mobile for

00 members for free =5a', 1ltrasound, -CG and others and free laborator'

e>aminations of F6S, uric acid and cholesterol for 200 members$ +t is

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scheduled this coming .ovember 20!$

7$ Ma'or .ieto %ill provide free medicines for diabetic and h'pertensivemembers to be delivered at their doorstep$

*$ Members %ho %ere present during the general meeting %ill be the first toreceive free flu shots scheduled on 0ctober !, 20!$

?$ /here %as a proposal to open a faceboo4 account for SCA and it %as approved$

0$ Senior citizen %ho cannot attend meetings because of illness or old age can

avail of the medical and other benefits as long as their senior citizen card

registered in Cainta$

$ Members %ho %ere present %ere reuested to contact 0 senior citizen to

attend and register in the ne>t meeting to increase the number of membership$

2$ Medical committee %as created to be headed b' <agrimas Sombillo, 6S.5.$

/here being no more matter to discuss, the meeting %as ad@ourned at *&) "$M$

follo%ed b' a snac4 voluntaril' served b' the officers$