



File Ref: MC08.4268


----E-submission for Approval [-|

'Briefing Note for lnformation

trMedia Release

t] Routine


Approval of Expressions of lnterest under the Major Facilities Program


It is recommended the Minister:

i approve the schedule provided at Attachrnent I recommending 44 Expressions ofInterest to pioceed to the application stage for the Major Facilities Program;

ii sign the lefter at Attachment 2 to be sent to successful applicant organisations; andiii sign the letter at Attachment 3 to be sent to unsuccessful applicanl organisations by

the Executive Director, Sport and Recreation.

I Speaking Points

n MinisterialStatement

tf Premier'



t] Parliamentary Brief

t] Response to Question on Notice

s/Governor's Brief


E Draft




'Lr '/ tos


for Police, Conective Services and Sport

GRrMt & ]|I|SC0I{DUCT C0iltfilsslol{




1- To seek the Minister's approval of the attached schedule of recommended Expressions oflnterest under the Major Facilities Program (Majors) (Attachment {).


2, Expressions of Interest under the program 'closed

on 31 October 2008 and'to ensureorganisations are given suffrcient time to-prepare an application for the Program, lhe invitationto apply for funding should be sent in a timely manner.


3. Majors supports the construction, extension or improvement of significant sport and recreationinfrastructure with eligble applicants including Queensland local governments, incorporatedsport and recreation organisations, State schools and public universities, Majors funds local,regional, State, national and international standard facilities.

4. The Majors budget is $30 million, representing an increase of $10 million ftom the previousround. The Cabinet Budget Review Committee in November 2008 committed $6 million perannum for twenty years from the Majors budget to service bonowings for the redevelopmentof the Gold Coast Stadium at Canara.

5. The Majors application process for 2009 has changed to a two stage process that involves aninitial submission of an Expression of lnterest (EOl) which is assessed for comfliance with theProgram assessment criteria. Organisations approved by the Minister witl then be invited toStage 2, which involvis submission of an application containing detailed project information.

6. The Majors Expressions of Interest stage was announced on 27 August 2008 and closed on31 October 2008. Assessment of 140 EOls requesting $92.1 million for total project costs of$225 million has been completed by the Department.


7. A comprehensive summary of the applications and results of the asEessment process isprovided at Attachment 1. The assessment has been completed to identify those projectsthat are at the stage where they are ready to progress and are deliverable within the programtimeframes.

8. Based on the Department's assessment, 44 applications are recommended to proceed to thesecond stage with recommended project funding of approximately $30.75 million.

9. A drafi letter informing successful applicants has been prepared for your erdorsement(Attachment 2). This letter is proposed for issue after the organisation has been advised bythe locat Member of Parliamenl. lt is recommended that all unsuccessful applicants willreceive a letter from the Acting Executive Director, Sport and Recreation (Attachment 3).

10. Stage 2 of the process initially required applicants to subrnit a detailed application by 27February 2009, Due to the extended timeframes for assessment of the Expressions oftnterest, it is recomrnended that the date for submission for the detailed application bechanged to 27 March 2009.

Continuation of SR Ministerial Submission


11. A summary of recommended projects will be submitted for Ministerial approval on 4 May 2009for announcement of successful projects in early June 2009.


12: The Department has budgeted for the Majors projects to be delivered over the 2009/10 and2O1Ofi1 financialyear. lt should be noted that $1.4 million per year for three years has beencommitted to the Ballymore Redevelopment project, commencing 2008/09.


13. That the Minister approve:

i the schedule provided at Attachment { recornmending 4,4 Expressions of Interest toproceed to the application stage for the Maior Facilities Program;the letter at Attachment 2 to be sent to successful applicant organisations; andthe letter at Attachment 3 to be sent to unsuccessful appficant organisations by theExecutive Director, Sport and Recreation.

All statistics have been centrally verified by Ben Klaassen, Director, Program and RegionalDeveloprnent.

Content of submission approved by Ben Klaassen, Director, Program and Regional Developmenton 3O January 2009.


Tracv O'BrvanA{Execulive DirectorSport and Recreatio.q

Contac,t OfficenBen KbassenDrectorProgram and Regional DevelopmentTelephone 3006260030 January 2009

Page 2

fi^ *,\ l{z (ol

QueenslaDesartrnent of Locat Government'Spbrt and Recreation

Ministerial Schedule

Malor FacilitiesProgramI EOI

Print Date: 30/01/2009

Major FacilitiesProgram - EOI

44 EOls81 EOls15 EOls

{40 EOls

QueensbfdqsysDenartment of Loc*t 6wernment'ipb* and Recreation

Major Facilities Program - EOI Summary

Recommended @ $30'758'44{'00 Maximum Fundable Amount

Not RecommendedIneligible

$30,758,44{'00 Maximum Fundable Amount

Print Date: 30/01/2009

Major Facilities Program 'EOI

44 EOls44 EOls

Queensland qqY ,!-ryDenartment of Local Gwernment,spb* and Recreation

Major Facilities Program - EOI ScheduleRecommended

Recommended @ $30,758,441'00 Maximum Fundable Amountv

igo'Ise,a*L00 Maximum Fundable Amount

Print Date: 3010112009

Queesrsland Govern mentOepartment of tocal Government'Spbrt and Recrearlon

Ministerial $ehcdu[e RePontMaion Facilities Frogram - FOl


AmountMaximum Fundable


Total ProjectCost

EligiltleProject Cost


dffi? Retds ano inigation system I

touch football and sottball at Deagonsoccer, Maior

MowbraY construct multiPurpose for kayaking,

aerobics, fitness and life saving at Budeigh



Major CaPitalWorks

StateEast Sandgate

South East Burleigh

Far North Cairns

Far North Cairns

Far North Cairns



East Pumicestone

tenure is confirmed and funding contributions for the project are.evident. The project is at concepl Plan stage and the proiect is

vabte within the program fund,.g;ffiil; ;;tiJi". ti" r"quir""*nis ro proceeo to ttre Major Facilities Program 2009

water managemenL








F-033-001 1 5

F-033-001 16



Park Surf Life Saving Club


ffilicantasthec|ubhasdemonstareoproJeGtr|cgqa||uery gaps for the communiry. tn" oroi"'", "r.i"l't

-i".i't]"r ttt"^]i1i"" "i JJiu"""i

"sers and was identilied from research and

cack from sport coaches, rocar schoot sport€ pl?9ry:,':l':;":ny:' .'3-n]1.access

trainins space and a communitvacK lrom sPeIt waurree' 'vvs' --j't"

"i[""iiuaiiional interclub state and national events

The proposed facility is expected

indeoendentfeasibilitystudywasconducedwhichidentifiedvariousparticipants,comm^unity^groupg'organisationsandindividua|s: would utilise the propos"u tacitii',i!.'ii. p.i""t it planned with strategiei for water management and has we1 devised energy

fite"tnGAZidTot it will meet the service

construct a international standardWorks

hockey field at North Cairns

extenO t tacility for basketball' Major

netballand volleyball at Manunda Worl(s

6il[Iai walking/bicYcle Path Major

to sufiounding areas at Cairns' Works

swimming Poot Maior

crub is currentrv in the process of ob5,$A::"":,t#;ffif$:J::?'i'"",t'"""T*T:T"T;:J,T:i{l'"," Ffi!j{9!nd international

i. rhe project wirr p,ouiu' "isnin'"ii5#; ]; ii l1f.1"i il::'ji"*:i:::iifl#ili lJiJi?:ilS$ :tratesies ror,;1iillll,Tl?i"j,#lrt':Hff'il'ffi1',1ff1, t'J,,l'ii lJi iiu,ti*"l"a project costs nave vet ro be rinarised'

tenureiscon'irmedandacopyofatenyear|easehasbeensupplied.ADeve|opmentApp|icationforapprovalhasbeen| deemed Part of

GAE a sho.t-hsled applicant as the council has demoli]tll?1 pl;^ ^.^^^.-d ^ird,ir wiil orovide ta

*JJi#i.,f"'"mn"J3i:,:ili:it.Hff;i":;ffi'"lffilid":i:!:ilt,i*:in'roposed circuitwirrprovidetacirities in a

supportive environt"n,,o "n"o'ilg-"

inii""'t"J pnv"i*l activity by residents and visitors alike'

applicant has provided informatlon that addresses the Maior Facilities Program priorities as the proiect provides for significant

,ss to the generar community, ,""#:*';i""i;"i"v"i'irg, railg ;Jiu^"ing. critt Regional council has indicated thev will

G6T[ffid"Egional construct the

Council -

complex Works

Rotary Park for riding, Major Gregory

tennis and basketball at Emerald Works

con:fnrc-" Poot' Plant room, change Major CaPitalWorks

Northern DalrymPle



tenure is confirmed as Council is trustee' but land owner's p^::Xt::i51*been obtained as yet' Relevant approvals are not

The project has strategies for water management and well devised energy efficiency measures' Land tenure and funding contributions

:;|iilfi;;ence of community consultation was Presented'

Expression of lnterest indicates that while the project is still at.the sketch plan stage' land-tenure js confirmed although no

cation for approvat nas as yet oeel r"ig"o.'i,i.Jirg -ntrioutions ioitie i.j""fi* ""tnt*ed rhe project is achievable within the

Club Inc

F-033-00062Bowls Club Inc

F-033-00072 EFrn Suburbs HockeY

rooms, ramP and kiosk entry for swimming'

water aerobics and life saving at Charters


Bowls ; huoEisting natuA grass greens to

synthetic surfaces

& District t p6EC |"fi b"wis sreen and installretractable shading at Donnybrook

at Maior

,th" ry"i??t h""e,p9:?f:l'tll:k;,r-ii;Ga ;Ftii;;;i ;; ih; 6i;b h;; a;ffi;;[;i;a t;"j;;i ;;"dr* the repracement or a raciritv

ris project is recommended as a I

no ronser useabre. r-unu t"nrr" ii'i-J#;;;;ffi; Corn"il rr". iill"i"J tnat ttrev witt support the applicant in the development

,eroval. FyFiN:fio:r+!?ll?i:lls-r#j:T:1';Fpiica;i ;; ii ;aa;;;il ;;;i; e;iil;t Ft; i;; i[; ;F; in thisjocarity and-d_efines howris oroiect is recommended as a

wilt enhance participation opport*iti"". wnir"'ti,e proiect is """t

oii"t lu"iiiti"s unmetiemana nas been identified' The Major

acilities Prosram priorities are addressed as.the tt::l^f:Y:i:"-1i-i-"]g'il ""1"""i" " '""s" of tarset srouPs within the seneral


Bay Progress and c,onstt""t trlt''p"rpose c'"tls ind lighting for Major CapitalWorKs

Central Keppel

Sports Association Inc tennis and netball at YePPoon



*rj[[:lgil'iffi::mn"*1":;il':'Tl:i:':i'Tf,::ili".lil1;ji'iFilnn"'i""''vu"'"nsiritedhowtheproiectwirraftractnewrts, programs and competitions aittre locat, regional, state and n"tioi"iituJ *u nus identified programs for different user groups

Landtenurehasbeenconfirmedwithal0yearleasgbeingrteg.otiatedandfundingcontribgtionsareyettobefina|ised.overal|thehroiects satisfies tne requirements to i."JJ to tn" m"joiFacilities Program 2009 Application stage'

Club |nc

Print Date: 30/01/2009

Carinahockey and touch

WorKsSouth East Chatsworth

Page Number: 1

Sqieenpl al.?d G ove nn rn e ffi tDeDartment of Loeal Governm€nt'Spbrt and Recreatlon

ff!!nistenial Sehedule RePort

ffiajor Facilities Frograrn - FOI


Total ProiectCost


Project Cost


Maximum FundableAmount

G2 Reference client

F-033-001 00 FraserCouncil



F-033-00082 Logan



Eftio tne recreation centre fornetball, gymnastics and community sports at

Hervey BaY

constru"t a multipurpose sporting precinct for

motorcycling, motorsport and ttail bike riding at

for rugby league, soccer and athletics at

RunawaY BaY

construct alnglewood.

swimming Pool at

State Electorate

Hervey BaY

South West

Hervey BaY

South West Toowoomba North

South East lpswich West

South East Waterford

Maior CapitalWorks

South East Coomera


coNGuct stase one of four multipurpose fields Major Capital South East Broadwater





' ' = : : : l -

l = t i = " t *oroiect is recommended a"

" "nffidl![li""nt as the council has demonstfated this project m

foithe community and identifies how the project wirr "o*

n"'-"uJnt" 'n'o n'o*:f :::::'*:i3:3 i:1?ff'#:B;l"tlJff;t "l::T$"#11,ililfi:x?"."rTJ::d;::#ffiilil: il.'"ltion "nobp"n

space srrategv and the 2006 Draft Hervev

Spoil, Recreation & Community Facilities Plan'

ation with stakeholders and the community is demonstrated and new activities have been identified through ihis process' The

incrudes stratesies for *at r m"nli"'""i"'i """'gv "nl"l"13t T^":':::::^tfl'":T::::lTJ[]1i:t1fflii;'f;lli::'*'lJffiljfiY$:r"J'ffi'J""'"li:#fi:ll,Tifl:ff;:,:i'ilffi;:;;. il;;""p" or wJs a'e not "rearrv denned but are appropriate'

, ' , ; 6 i n r i i J * , r e p ' v , v v , q , ! e

l?Tffi ff :i'5ilJli"'i"'ff il:iffi ;;;il:i"iieho'|dershaslified new activities propoEed for the facilities'

tenure has not been confirmed but council has provided evidence that a 10-15 year lease will b€ provided' Although Junding

butionsand DeveropmentAppJ;;;;i;;vJasvet' *gql:Yq::::i:':':::::^-:::"::i::1"JlT':i?i::ft'::ffi;3[T:flS?;ffi::1ff"i,:iffi::i;::::;1,;,,:iiJn'i;;"iJ"ii.riu' *," requirements to proceed to the Major Facirities Prosram

new competition and events to the Club

university has indicated its intent to confirm land tenure if the project is approved and funding contributions have also been

ed which satisfi* the ,"qrn r"nti to froleeo to tne Major Facilities Program 2009 Application stage'

nities due,to.their age'';,m*le*;::":Hf]'U$Tj'ffi'::1-#ff::'ffiH:'ffi:ffiffiil;;i""oi;g.";i;' is required


)s in the community are otreaty ail;;J ;!ih" nearuy Hignrieils i"o*i sp"'tt Center G used. to capacitv during peak hourg A

ge of groups has been ioentiriea ls aJJition"t u""r" ano rttt"* "it'pp"i

ItJt itrese groups inoicate a major increase in participant

nbers. The Major Facilities prog; ;il;ii". are addressed through'access for a range of target groups with whom extensive

rsultation refined the design concept io meet theneeds tr t"tg"t gtl;'p"' A-;tt* lt",n ir'9.et1"J1niihas demonstrated a commitment

community use of the propos"o i"lirry. wnir" "

oevetopment npprov'aiapptication is yet to be lodged' funding contributions are

lfirmed including funding from r"""i ii" i"si"^al Council ""0

trot Ou"ltlttland Edulation under the Smart School Subsidy Scheme

: : ; : :: : lere are currently no iacilmesproiectisrecommendedasa"no?iilGlip-liiEltascouncilhasdemonstratedproiectneedasvabre in the area and fierd usage In surrounding areas are at capa;;. dp["";ail. irwided information that addresses the Maior

ities program priorities, ""

tt "

r""irit, *lrf provioe space within tl.,e Jommunity tor use by the adiacent St Edmund's College' local

ins groups and the wider comm;il;;;;;flt "ot

avaitable. r"na i*ui" i" iartiattv contirmeo and the desisns are appropriate'


2009 APplication stage. . . :: : :i :: : ;i;;G;urrent needs and will aikact

This project is recommenoeo as al66rtSteo "ppticant

as the council has demonstrated the proJe(

increased participation sucn as slccer iuos, "ri"'k"t "1,b",

baseball clubs' rugby league teams' gridiron teams and athletic clubs The

nroiect is identified as a high priority in a local plan including c"ro ioJ diivioun"'ricorpor"te Plan 2005-2009 and other strategy

Theconsu|tationwithstakeho|dersandthecommunityiswe||demonstratedandnewactivitieshavebeenidentifiedthroughthismnsultation. rhe project is planned with stratesies forwater mana-si;:li"*l'l1l-::t:i:i1':":i::t"i:#;::t"J:1"-ffi;,"ion- The project ls pnnneo wlm suatssrE- rvr lrqre' "'-"-"*"- -r"ur"

enJrgy. l_ana tenure is confitmed, Development*"t"t

"nO "nutgy efficiency measures including wind-based renev

has been granted, lunOing contniiiJiri"r tnl prq*t "re

confirmed and thi scope of works are clearly defined'

, , , : : : ; ; ; : i how i tw i l i i n c reasepa r i i c i pa i i onproject i8 recommended as a

"noTiEiEE;lllicant as the club has demonstrated proiect need ano

rtunities. The appticant aooresses itre MajoiFacilities progrur prioii;i, "r

ln. p.i""t pt*ides significant access to a range of-

rt groups and the general .on.,nu^ii, "nJl"

pbnning new activities. ftre propct will ieliver significant water management strategles

I tenure is conrirm"a, "no

o"u"roprnl;i';;il;;i;; ;"i;;tq.:l ry^'ltt

;;tiiu'tion" ""

*nfirmed and the scope of works is


F-033-00007 Bay Bowls lnc upgrade two lawn greens at Scamess MajorWorks


F-033-00075 lpswich Council Aer/elotfield; and;cillary sructures for rugby Major

union. cricket and athletics at Tivoli Works

constnrct ptaying lields, clubhouse and ancilli

facilities for rugby union and touch football at

ffifl,;,;;:ffJ:,1"ffi?:ii,fi'liflll1i",1!Ll"rlill^,iii;;'olhu,u.",s,o,p.. rtre^appticaninas piovioe<t inrormation that

tdresses the Major Facilities Program as relocating will arrow tn" ciui'il expaJanj "nier

tne Premier Rugby competition which will


upgrade the sports facilitY Major South East

volleyball, badminton and basketball at Works

construcl structures for cricket, Major Northern Mackay

soccer and social golf at Mackay Works

basketball, netball and volleyball at Julia Creekcentre for Major Capital

WorksNorthern Mount lsa

Shire Council construct an indoor

6ns-[uct a new clubhouse at the


Association Inc

rc ican tas thepro ,ec tmeets ident t l |edserv |ceqe[ve IygaPs|u | l l |9

:fiiJ'iJ".:1l'$:fifi,Hffi$:ftT'ffiil'*;Flii':l;i;ri1:g.l*r:*,l::l:f"l':i".il'":1*ffi:!,:'o'"^'nitv and details how rt wrrr ennanwjr4 Hffiil#ffi;il;;i ;;;;. i;t rhe facirity and the number of competitions at a

i:Xlt$t:Js J.,ffiifii?:'Si. rhe proiect is pranneo witn strateiiliioi""tu' runugement and enersv erriciencv measures'

and tenure and Development Approvals need to be clarified tor the whole of the site due to the scale of the project Further evidence ot

sfiic5delvery gaps for the sPorts

" , , ,, : t : Gry gErPs, deftnes no* 't !rr;project is recommended as-a sno?iiiGi?ffilif a" this project meets the identified seryice delrv

rnce participation opponunrues "iJ "L",iv

iitonstrated how tne pioj""t '"itt attt""t n"* events' programs and competitions'

The project has incruded some waier etficiency measures with.Jurther consideration of this issue at application stage' The proposed sne

of the facility is owned by the State government and a lease will Uu un1o"o into and funding contributions have been confirmed'

contributions needs to be provided'

and energy efficiencY



Lnd tenure is confirmed and Deveropment Approvar has been prwided. Funding contributions for the project are confirmed' The project

at the detailed design stage "no "Jti'.ri".

rnu r"quirements to p'o*ua to tn" Miajor Faciliiies Program 2009 Application stage'

Print Date; 30/0112009

Sports Reserve at DecePtion BaYMajor CapitalWorks

South East Muffumba

Page Number: 2

DeDartm€nt of Local Government'Sp;rt and Recreation

Minlstenial Sehedule ReportMajor Faeillties Frograrm - EOI

RecommendedTotal Project


Project Cost($)



Maximum Fundable


Suburbs upgrade the

Club (MackaY) Inc roofing at Mackay

upgrade a lawn bowls'green and coveredshade cover at BraY Park.

construct a multFsport comPlexplaying fields, lighting and amenities for rugbyleague at YePPoon

green and install

upgrade of four tennis courts and lightinginstallation at Southport State High School

State Electorate

South East Redcliffe

South East Bulimba

South East Mansfield

South East Pine Rivers

South East Chatsworlh

Central Keppel

Northern Mackay

South East Southport


F-033-0001 1








F-033-00085 ThB



RiversBowls Club Limited

Rockhampton RegionalCouncil


Regional upgrade and extend theCentre and construct clubhouse

Australian Renovate the of the

Footbail Club Limited Momingside AFL club at Hawthorne. Works

Australian ionstruct a change room and officials facility Major

Football Club Inc forAFL at Upper Mount Gravatt Works

Major CapitalWorks

Major CapitalWorks

Major CapitalWorks


Rugby ind construct change rooms, medical room and a

Recreation Oub lnc referees room for rugby union at Birkdale Works

upgrade a 25 metre heated swimming pool at MajorCaloundra Aquatic Lifestyle Centre at Works

South East Caloundra


Junior Rltc lncorPoratedannum/BoYne upgraa;f fietas and ancitlary structures for Major Capitat

rugby league and touch football at Boyne lsland WorksCentral Gladstone

extend the Gold Tennis Sports Major South East Gaven

Tennis Association lnc Centre at Molendinar Works

F-033-00044 t n e District construct a fitness centre Major South East Redcliffe

Rugby League FootballClub lncorPorated

weighttifting and aerobics at Kippa-Ring Works

F-033-00014 Tingira ionstruct a concrete boat ramp at Macleay Major East Redlands

Incorporated lsland Works

F-033-00122 City Council redevelop the existing Major



and tenure and funding contributions have been confirmed and Development ApProval has been received. The project is at the detailed

stage and satisfies the requirement to proceed to the Major Facilities 2009 APplication stage

tifiedservicede|iverygapsforrugbyunionandthe.|runity. Th" project clearly defines how it wiil enhance participation opportunities and identifies the inclusion of additional users for

facilitf at the iocil and regional level. The project is planned with strategies for water management and energy efficiency

proiect is recommended as a shortlistedwithin the funding timeframes and

defined and appropriate

tenure is confirmed and Development Approval has been obtained. The project is at the detailed design stage and satisfies the

to proceed to the Major Facilities Program 2009 Application stage.

tenure is confirmed with a lease until 201 5 and funding contributions have also been confirmed. The proiect is at the detailed

stage and satisfies the requirements to proceed to the Major Facilities Program 2009 ApPlication stage.

ction of a facility to meet the demands for touch

and rugby league participation in the community. This facility has been planned for by the Council and have indicated that

rment Approval for the project is not required and funding contributions have been confirmed.

iidemonstratedthatthi9projectwil|eXtendopportunitiespartiiipation in and will attract new events, progmms and competitions at the local, regional and state level. The identified new

target new user groups for the facility.



- provided evidence that there is demand for the proiect.

e oi the funding contribution has been confirmed, with the remainder of the contribution anticipated and land tenure has been

@umber of groups use the facility. The project is

some of the funding contributions are confirmed. The scope of works for the project are

trated tnis projoct meets the identified service

gaps for the community and indicates intention to enhance cunent levels of participation based on trend analysis. There are a

number of programs identified for different user groups and a major increase in number of participants is projected. The

n with stakeholders and the community is demonstrated, and the project has some minimal water efficiency measuros but well

evidence is

proposed programs at the facility.

Land tenure and funding contributions are confirmed. Development applications are yet to be todged' Clarification is required regarding

court equipment included in the budget as it may be ineligible.

Extensive consultation with the sporting community is demonstrated and new activities have been identified through this process. The

project includes water saving and enerly efficiency measures. Land tenure is confirmed and Development Approval is not required'

ed as to how the projeet will increase participatit

the sport of table tennis. The project is at the detailed design stage and will be ready to proceed in the funding timeframes. Funding

s this project meets the identified service delivery'foithe

community and clearly deflnes how ii will enhance participation opportunities. The proiect also identifies tho inclusion of

users and has demonstraled how the project will attract new programs at the local and regional level. The proiect is planned

strategies for water management and energy efficiency

tenure is confirmed and relevant planning approvals are in place. The project is at detailed design stag€ which satisfies the

and planned energy efficiency measures.

tenure is confirmed as the applicant is the owner of the land. Relevant approvals are not considered at this stage but funding

Print Date: 30/01i2009

for swimming at MundingbunaMemorial Pool

WorksNorthern Mundingburra


Page Number: 3

QueensEamd GovernmentDeDartment of Local Government,Spdrt and Recreation

Ministenial $eheduaBe ReportFffiajor FaeE0ities Pnogram - EOI

RecormmendedTotal Project Eligible

Cost Projectcost

Requested Maximum FundableAmount Amount

G2 Reference Client

Townsville Council

University of theCoast





install lighting for AFL, cricket and basketball atThuringowa Central

SRQ State Electorate

Northern Thuringowa

South East Kawana

South East Sunnybank

Northern Burdekin

Northern Burdekin

South East Brisbane Central

TOTALS: $87,883,608.08 $81,949,323.00 $35,171,033.00 $30,758,441.00

RationaleThis project is recommended as a shorilisted candidate as project project clearly clearly defineshow it will enhance sport and recreation participation opportunities. The organisation has clearly demonstrated how it will aitract new

programs and competitions at the local and regional level. There are a significant number of programs identified for different userand a major increase in the number of participants, including juniur and senior AFL clubs, cricket clubs, baseball clubs, schools,

promoters and community programs. The proiect has not been identified in a plan, however Townsville City Council advised in athat they will provide matched funding in their 2009 budget. The applicant has provided information that addresses the Major

Facilities Program priorities as the project provides for significant access to a range of target groups. The consultation with stakeholders,and the community is demonstrated and new activities have been identified through this consultation. The project includes planned

measuresThis project is a 2006 election commitment and is recommended as a short-listed applicant as the University has clearly demonstrated it

service delivery gaps as there are no existing pools within the Sippy Downs catchment areas. There are a significant number ofidentified for different user groups, including local schools, sporting clubs, elite athletes, students and staff of the University,

the general community. The organisation has clearly demonstrated how the project will attract new events, programs andat the local, regional, state and national level.

The project will provide significant access to a range of target groups including students, sporting clubs, Queensland Academy of Sport,nisationB and businesses, and the general community. The consultation with stakeholders and the community is demonstrated andactivities have been identified through this consultation. The project is planned with strategies for water management and planned

project is as a short-listed applicant as the project the school to deliver soortwith outside school hours care programs. The proiect is a program priority to increase use of school based facililies for

project is recommended as a as the Council has demonstrated that the oroiect meetsgaps and clearly defines how it will increase participation opportunities- Land tenure is confirmed and Development Applications

have been confirmed.project to install heating at the Collinsville pool is recommended as a shortlisted applicant as the Council has demonstrated that thewould be open year round which will enhance participation opportunities. Council has committed funds for the project in their

budget. The project is planned with strategies for water management and will use solar blankets which are designed toa consistent water temperature and reduce water evaporation. The costs of the pool blankets have been excluded from the

costing as they are not eligible under this program. The installation of pool heating will include energy efficient equipment.

land is owned by the Whitsunday Regional Council, Development Approvals are not reguired and funding contributions for thehave been confirmed

project is recommended as a short-listed applicanl as the organisation has demonstrated project need as the inner city area hassport and recreation facilities. As a result of futu.e plans to build more high density housing in Bowen Hills and the intlux of

residents and workers to the area a sport and recreation facility of this kind will be essential. Land tenure is in the process ofconfirmed, funding contributions are confirmed, and the design and costings are appropriate for this project.






F-033-001 19

Major CapitalWorks

construct a swimming pool and roofing atUniversity of the Sunshine Coast at SippyDowns

construct amenities and redevelop the kitchenat Wanigal Road State School, Eight MilePlainsconstruct a Police Citizens Youth Club (PCYC)for gymnastics, fitness and marlial arts atEoweninstall pool heating at Collinsville SwimmingPool

construct a indoor sport and Major

Major CapitalWorks

Maior CapitalWorks

Major CapitalWorks


Worksaquatic centre for netball, soccer, swimmingand basketball at Bowen Hills

Print Date: 30l11l20gg Page Number: 4

Major Facilities Program - EOI

8{ EOls81 EOls

Queensland Fqygf!ilgryfiDenartment of Loeat Ggvernment'Spbrt and Recreation

Major Facilities Program - EOI ScheduleNot Recommended

Not Recommended 90.00 Maximum Fundable Amount

Misristenia0 $ehedule RePort

nUa;or Faeilities Fnogram - EOl

Not R.ecommended

Total ProjectCost{$)


Project Cost



Maximum FundableAmount


l:i::ffir';1"l.i#"i':1il;#;i;t "'iract new events and has

5ri'i'iJ" jiJ ;,, enhance participation in the sport of tennis' I ne'

,ifieJ new groups for the facility'ified new groups ror urc ravnrr'' -___^r E.,^Ai^^ .^ntributions have also not been confirmed.

tenure is confirmed however Dev€lopment Approval has not been confirmed' Funding contributiont

.ilnAeO to proceed to Application stage'


"*r"lJ"o t" proceed to Application stage'

ere s an antic pat"d ,.:,:?:,"tif""f:?l:ii;lii'ii:,fffi ;ii':':ff'fi1iJ:lff-'&iil*i:j;{ilT;,flfi,;1:ftriii;x.;:;:::a lanqe of target groups within mu s-'-r""]uio

t".rr" ir confirmed and Development Approval rl

,.roe-mentand energyefficiency , : r ::::I ill i l l i i i i

G2 Referercglglig! ffiliffiC;ne ot a centre ol exceilelrw

;;;;;;;tG;' administration buildins racilitv

#;Gi'* mtffiB*"aldinerennis Maior CaPitalWorks

State Electorate

Central Gregory

South East Statford

South East Nudgee

South East GreensloPes


Northern Mount lsa

Northern Mount lsa

Far North Mulgrave

South East Caloundra







BarcaldineClub Inc



Club Inc

MetroPolitanTouch AssociationIncorPorated



Ma.ior CapitalWorksRegional @nitiesblockat


a golf course system at MajorWorks


@tiesana Worl(silJ;il;r,i;ildbvbasue and soccer atGrange

Softball ifi Alishtinirftt"h/d;ft F;flieldsatzillmereH,?ilJ


The proiect need is partially demonstrated through the identified service delivery gaps for tennis, however recent courts in the area have

#J"o;;|""d and wiil impact on the need for the project' ^^..-^i, tr^r,a haan confirmed it'completed ano wil nrrPoei v'r

^^^rrihrridns from council have been confirmed in

tenure is confimed' Community letters of support have been provided' Funding contributions from

r^^6'6^^o h"'rder ,, =,,,. ;::;= ;x;ilil ;;fri;iili fii;;;6;6 i;aia6 6ili[; ' ':

fi :fl ''""J:ff H:T:'ilHffi ;;i'iu;ii;n"'a""isn'unoisei proiectwill result in increas€

^- ̂ -r,d.,r ,, , : :: ;::== ; iX;;;;;6;t;;A i;;;in deemed a lower

n to Proceed to

6iilfation with key


extend touch

CamP HillWorKs


rt'"no.a to pto""ed to Application stage'

Associationdemonstratesthere.tsidentifiedservicede|ivery.gaps.forthissportinthis|ocati:l]l:o.j"o'.notnearotherfacilitiesdemonstrates thatthere is a n,g""d;";d f"i"Jditionalfacilities diti"gJi"i;"t"r management and energy etficiency are

luru i" ontv *nrirmed for five vears':i::X.?11':*'::3:"t'""t u""0""" "'t l'"^


'*:"*:":i:'ff""':;"'JiJl'Ji'l*t;'bns-termoccupancvIlr?l"iit *L,i";

" the proJecl While land tenure is confirmed' an exterrsru" '" "'-'----


, , =,''==,, -=a -;

F-oga-ootoz Bundaberg

-033-00033 Burke


F-OSS-OOt tg


F-033-00004 UnitedClub lnc.


cationrequiress|gntr|ca|tr|u|u|9.jtili ' ie1nprovla"ato

rd information to determine ̂"*' i'['tt "'li[v

uno "oiri*v

to deliver' No supporting documena$o


f wtffii"nn,nslG'ndl has provided

fr"m muliitle sources and

T6EE16 oni[inecdotal evidence

@rcourseatGregory Downs'

6iffiililii6'e"rY r z note course al


Junior RugbY ixtdATtA;bhouief-ff rusby leasue at

leaguJFootball ctuu tnc BurPengary



Maior CaPitalWorks


:l';':3ffffi iH$1ffi?;"oi' il;*anisation tras notliiii"""i"r'.i"i* "ppears

unreliabte as the club has been operattnu l"-*", J or*,oed to substantiate the ctub's increased

:',","",#:il',:';:ft ffi "i"';i,ff"ffi1",ff :i:ili"TlXi:illtilT'::ffi #il;;J;;;':],'"':.'l=.,l::=::::'lj}"-o


6iffiE an amenities at Biloela MajorWorKs


"onstr,,"ffi;iit$;'t f*tr court stadium

[t'stJ 6 A"t'alian Standards at Edmonton'

@ndinstall a

shade structure at CaPella

' ;ff :f i":':;:i'"#' "Tffi-#j' ;JiY'i s ne"o"a

,ffi"rlie;i;'i;-ract new events and the proiect is near other racr

*.::: J";; ,"'r""orved, rundins contributions are not vet confirmed and prannins approvals are vet to bo lodsed'

::H:::[i::fl':lHs''*'ovars have not been conr,rme" ;H;"il;;l n;: ."yiii'.1,itiJ::lJ:;,ill::l?:""TJ:l'ii li;

"'"0= statements

i.,*""'""'*r."nceparticipationandsuPportingdo"u*"n.".'on deemed a lowet

l"-"--l"J"a to proceed to Application stage'

," ffi;;;r;" need forthe project and how itwi'enhance parricipation oppoftunities' some water and energv

,"Jng ttt"t"gi"t have been planned' .-- rL^ ^.^i6r +^ na rrndertakr

;" ffi";';:';;; ;. *"d:,lT5'-:13:::::""".::*ffi,,111?;T:iff'J,?::'#f,1"J'::f:"ii3"TI nil:fJ"*"Relevant approval' n"u" not o"un lliliil'J uut t'nolng contributions for the project are conttrmet

. :::::; ^ i::;;;;; i i ;;;e;;;6i

@ethisProjecthas-*l^J"a to proceed to Application stage'


;*-"-..#ffi;;;H:yr::::J5"?l:i":,il1i:ililffii?ffiy$:i":"#r":oJ[:*communitv'andshows how levels of particiPatlon wtll Inersass

, , ..a -^r t^i^-i Att frn.lrno

tenufe is confirmed, |etters of support are provided and relevant aPprova|s have been considered but not |odged. A|l fundingF-033-001 14

Association lnc

Club Inc Works


are not confirmed'

Page Number: 1

Minieterial Sclreduie RePort

Major Faeilitics Frogram - FOfi

h!ot ReconranendedTotal Proiect



Project Cost



Maximum FundableAmount


sRa! : ::"'l':::::::::;:;i#effi ffi;Eil!;6# ;;;#;ffi=;:=-';; ;; -:: :-

The Program is heavllY oversuos

recommended to proceed to ApPlication stage'

isdemonstratedaswe||astncreasedparticipationopportunities.attheloca|andstate|evelandimprovedsafetyconditions.rrtation with stakehorders, ,""*;; d;;;;uniiv i" a""teJ and new activities have been identified throush this

to proceed to Applicaiion stage'

to proceed to ApPlication stage

;frm;"t r";A;ae I $id;lil?1 ; tfichool has-not identified the Iil6unt iequhed, has not

and details of ions and

in Council minutes.


and the scope of w!dgjgg!9!99!

the QS Estimate is

and is nol

G2 Reference Client


F-033-00036 Regional

6ffiF*lt.r!ilP.* court to an all weather

;nstruct a;ultipuipose sports including Malor I

i".r"[Ji""rrwrali, netballand gymnastics Works

@tudt, Malort

iiioor cricret ana rugby league and community Works

South East Mouni Ommaney


Northern Mirani

Major CaPitalWorks

South East cleveland

South West Warrego

South West Condamine

Mount lsa

Far North Mulgrave

Northern Mount lsa

South East Burleigh

South East Currumbin

Major South East Chatsworth


South East


East Nudgee

Northern HinchinbrooK

Far North Cook

Major CapitalWorKs

multi-activity facility at Carina'

F-033-00066 ffinaryRowing ii" con"truct a-rowing comPlex at MajorWorks

.033-00015 Highlands redeveloP oool and facilitY rooms at Maior

Blackwater Community Pool complex WorksCouncil

-033-001 36 Chelona State construct a metre pool and Major

F-033-00093High School

The crub has demonstrated project need as the facirity services over 24 schoors as wet as its crub membership. current facirities do not

provideadequatereverof servicetotFYl?l-91?,il'-t111n:5::i:l*lflrlliilruXn#a lower priority and is not

There is a significant number ot prosrams identifiod I:111:t*,r-l Sloups ?n9 "l i1"i":::.lil:tber

of participants is anticipate(

rhe project is eLanneg y,:tl :5,:,:$:h"y,# r**:r::l*:nym',"-,*t*,'m;w -""]

::.%orhowitwi l l meeihas not demonstrated need lor rn

iii@dapplicantastheschoolnasnotoemon5$a(vu'."*.:il;;;;m,nityi"lnal""t"oce delivery saps fo,.pon" o"n" Jolirn''"'w d;y;111:5::."-1",::'l*':: with kev stakehorders

;:I;"i;1ffi#li. in! piii;;in"s some water efficiencv measures incruded'

Landtenufeisconfirmed.Fundingcontributionsarenotconfirmedandthecounci|hasbeenidentifiedasthecontributorfor50%offundino but documentation suppo-*ing this has not been provided. ii"

"ppr[lir" "tso impties council support but this has not beon

' : : -:: ;; ; ;h;[ii;Ga ;ppi6;;i il iffi; i; ;; il?i;m;iffi ;i 6;.i;il;; ;; Deve|oPment Approva| for the

This proiect is not recommenoeqoroiect has not been roagea. wnirl-ciiicir nas tne Lpa"itv to ,niui"r" itrr projeci it has not provided documentation confirming

i@is not recommended Provided Also' costs


rogs-ooosz Council anduj-pstade-thePcicmulti-sportWorks

indoor facility at Dalby

Council i6istiliG muttipurpose complex for Ma.iorF-033-00103


" rnuhi*Ports complex for

WorksAssociation Inc volleyball and netball at Gordonvale

F-osg-ootgsShire Council

recreation at Doomadgee

F-033-00054 diil6iE ana oistrlct c"""tt""6 singl" tternational standard

Hockey Association synthetic turf hockey field at Gladstone Works

F-033-00090 Ga-st CitY Council cd"tr""t t"" "o"rts

and install lighting andWorks

rainwater tanks for tennis at Miami

Council construct Stage One of the Major-033-00092

the Palm Beach swimming pool complex WorKs

fcr ihis type of proiecJ and thg.scope ol worKs Js y'le'oo' ': -'-' :

,d aoolicant as there rs no evro"n;tro;i;A-i6;iGE prol:"i t;:lt ifll'l::^t":lff f ihor t l i s tedapp l ican tasmere lsnoev |qe ' |gEP|Uv |ugvu l9 ! ! !v r ' Jn"u"no tu" .n lodgedander iaps and is onlv tf';il1-l'-1!f'!'ie"tiuiiitv "tuov'

Relevant Development Approval - .. -

ar? slrr to bf:9llllfo;;;:;;;;;:;;;er;;;;;i;ffiiiil ;; ;;i ilnil;a ;;a rs inaicatins a shortrarr or

target grouPs.

- short-listed candidate aslunolng con{trputrurt -:'"::""""-::::-..,rni. *,ir,,ndino oeriod andhis proiect is not recommenoeo a

1,375,000. As a result ot the 1""* "r """rirr"J

r"nding' the prole"t islxr"mely unlikely to be eommenced within the funding period a

:rraintv wiil note be compteted #;il';r"n;; urliuri". i'ru*iis approuartor 0;e proiect has not commenced'

moderate access to a range

Ili"T"?:::,is"Hl',iff##iJl'"l;; apptication tor oeveropment approvar is not vet rodsed'

trated need' it has

mminded to proceed to Application stage

tenure is not confirmed, however Education Queensland (owner of the land) is in the process of transferring the land title to Gold

i City Councit for ttre tennis courtsl6"""iipr""i nppt"""L "ru

Vui to O" ioiged and funding co"n'ot*"t "t


@need, i thasbeena tower PrioritY and is not

Proqram is heavily oversuDscnDeo alrq wl

mm-ended to proceed to APplication stage'

The council has identified servrce delivery gaps fo, the sport and_the community as the existing pool has insufficient depth for training

and competition. rn"r" "r"

u ,,gnii,;;,.,iriuiiu., or programs identified for diffeient user groups and an increase in the number ot

ffied a lower Priority and not

ffimentApproval isnot

is projected for this facility'

FdEctE not recommended as a

-033-00084 State School 6fr6i6ttre construction of the multipurpos€n"tt on s"noot grounds for basketball' netball'lratinton

"no uolleyball at Gumdale State

ect relies on Pending fundlng

aDDrications and inerisibre 'in kind'works' rhe crub has demonsfi:lili:*:".:ii:i|.**:Jj:'ff:Yi';:'i:':i:fiHffi1'il:nffi:ications and ineligible

'in kind'.works' l he uruD na5 qcilr ii-i"i" pi"-A;J However due to the issues regarding land tenure


to oroceed to APplication stage'

number of pariicipants The project

|ere are a significant number of programs identified for diff.erent'user groups and an i."11'^?-'l ll"n

identified as a high priority uy cou'n'cii'i-;;;;;;; i; ";ntirr"a.

irnling'contributions, design and project costs require confirmation'


F-033-001 21 Hendra PonY

F-033-001 37

F-033-00030 Hope ValaCouncil


ffi[ie and District.Hockey Association Inc


6iltruct a clubhouse forat

Maior CaPitalWorKs


Major CapitalWorks

tignting at tne showgrounds rugby

league and equestrian at Ingham

Sh.";ofir"A a s'rrmmts pool complex atWorks


r"d""aop sh"tgr""nd" into a community Malor

Print Date: 30/01n009

equestrian centre at Rosewood WorksSouth East lpswich West

is not

Page Number: 2



rc-7- : . r

Queensland Gove rnrnenttepailm€nl of toal covtrnmcot'5tgort a.d a..f.atbo

Ministerial SineAu|e RePortMajor Facilities Program - EOI

Not RecommendedTot.t eroFcr ElhlDt'' Regurrtod

lmoudlLrtmrntr fmdrblr

AttrootdC6t PrDi.ct Cott





Latg Pstk

o334r1{2 Lod(FrCoonca

F4$-A0061 Loggl


F43340144 $a*zY

upgrad. tlt hocisry al Rao€YiaU

Collod qg.rdc O.6dding Gflg Aqur{cCar|ar by cdtrfit ce€ e muHprpoo qracoant foa *lmni|g d llclsch

florfErn D.h/rnplt

Ea.l l(.lrena

East SPnngrrood



Sd:o €.rt Lod(Fr

Sot/h €arl

Naatrom Mackty

Norlhem lrad(ay


lpri'ch HocfeY

Ar.oclslion Inc



ovoFub.c{ibed arid

- ! ! i l i i i ; i i t i i i i la* anauris proierl hac ddtldrslnrbd neeo

b p.oc!.d loAgilha0oo dsgc

club lres povit.d infofln lion dotttrmg hol' dlfttofn Itolrpt wil u.. ttt taclllty- n it rnliciPsl'd fiat lhc Pfdad wit 'ttract tl6r

J, p,ogt".t "t

d -.nFtti'on3 et tfi' 3l'lc ot nallond l"|l''

f lcq'tktna<t'.cnurt FoJ.ct

Fild not rsaoantneadcd ,t a ffiingEnu*oo. ar€trt ala nrey not co,rg thc btel cortr


Pro0tam b.avi|y r^ib ha. hat danronrltetld it Drs

to paocc.d b Apdlctdon |t{c.

d.I\,rrygepsa|!notcJ.o'ty.ftiql!il'd,{'oughltl.pdic.tionk'€iiii.drdh/d!.'.ogco'frt|6ra'd39odifggftilFs'hohreEbd in th. hcjlity.

b oot fldnnr.rdod as a epplcent ar hrr;i6?€{tronrtri.d lh' n"d for th'

hos thc ptoirct ttfould inccacc parlijpo{on'

Idoclmqnbtionw!3]FtProi,i'Gdtosub'tantiat.u|csd|odtl.tfiFnB.Th.pfol..iPlan'j'lgha!b*n|imitod.ttrxoiactno tim.tamca. !.nd t".- n"" not'L*o-tlt'J

"tta ptttt*s' u Jrc wr not qrritrmd' Fundlng otlbutlon mre

ar|d thc bt dgpt Yec not eddEst'd'

f iffi datro'ldnbd.n1 :t Y-'A9T,:-ffi ;#;sx;E'tr"#ffi :ffi "ffi;lH"H;,mmtiFt*r htg.Ood. Tho Faciltlt'3 l'lrcoril Fs|F r' '- *":";;d;.

Thb pnojcct doa; oot mel thc cribria toilt ii r."i t-,r-' trnding contribrlior. d€lgrrr attd P'Dilct cortt ''

J to n. m"io. F.cItic. P'ogram 2009 epy'lcetion rQr'

ffi#trtrffi,X:#H:1ffi ;;;;A- ;;i- r," p-r.a ."c stst6 ha. prol€d T ir iocr"saio.llon .nd cn€oufaglc rr!. o, th6 f.€iEty by o6pr groupr. ard Lmit d delril hr' *a provScd on orc dcdon tnd 'pdt|'3"

' bgo'd l'ddrqE:9llY!* ffi0mf;ffiffi f il:Efu ;; ;6; ffi; ffi6 iltGqlT no stoono. or cqpurt'itonpa(*tat b mt tecotnrnctill.o at ' sl

itmilr, hci{de, in lha er6a b tustity tho pd6t nc€d. Th6rt ir r-ioo .il--t-l *-tnuntty tott*ltrlion end sUPfoft se'Pt ta

fuavily owroUrcriuca rhrrfir"d tt t d"-trot'tild nrod. tr n'3 docrnad !

b procaed lo AP@lion $.9''

is nol recotrlmcnded es a ;tffi',ta land t€nure B not confmed' Thc Appoval has not been

and lundlng contr'rbulions ero not yet con6'med'

as and "/hil€ has illo. tl Gi oeen oecmed a lower ard is not

to proc€ed to APPlication stege'

i( Eours t{' rsdadop ho ldo bods ItoG6, 6h!dcat

JUNO' rwbyAufaf.o Fooib.ll Club hc ChPel Hll

coBtuct t rfad and €ornmunatyMato.

al MCo(Wbrkj






.lolri lbrsobict faming. badminton end

n€6al d loilno|! Stab High S€ttool

coodrucl atl indoa llaald.o{idqdKlngJst,

.t Laif,cy

for tf,o spoft


oonrtuctrt cilvandgtrnn*rdcaai MsclaY


l|| rt!€., ta,rd bflorr eno tu,rorne Jti il- ".

i".rr."l -o o. il;iFtti;'ttt of support for communilY u|. ol lha facilrty ir

onrfude gnrunrtics f.caftt alP't $.b Hhh Scfiool.t

Sollb Cbb . 90 ril.to3 r 40 m6ttr 3h.dc MairC+ibaWortt


*rrclsc oucdslhg cynffi catFt bowlino

gracrr iocorporeliru mtar hcating atd

rlinsqtt trnlr tt lc.rcntoy

pdl M4r

rsoatbn lbcilty fo.firbal, v*)&8! C5f*tr|l ro.kt

Sou.,rE dan

srcba an and.|g sPa@ Nnd coaBtlt<tan MePr Ce6ftrlWottsirxtoor tnrdltpu(Fs. .sliviv tFG. at

mdliAfpocc matusl arts,boxing and badminlon at Mt Pl6a6anl worl(r

CtuU tnc c"nstruct ttvo n6tbal courts and sixcouds and lighting tor netbal, bnnis and

Bolvte Ctub upgrade lawn bods Iteen arut

D@iert ir th. addldon o, Iglrline. wtjch wfl od6nd thc hourt ot tsrha||g .nd pby .t fi. di.ttry r.oity- Tht 'pclcant htl Pfovidcd

maijon trat d<!r*ser uro ilaior FaffiP!q"'i-il#t',:t*1ti,11r Jl ett'iot tLlra"o houtt ot urc to ot't*-

iffif#r',ffiJ'1ffi ffi "trffi;ffi

;;;.;':;#;;'L-t-.'r-"c.Noluppo'rinodoqncnldionsaslGd b subd.nti.ta tlu ctub'3 suietntntr or ovitcnct Ptovioto." *"J-t"t:g.::***:f:'#r#m ""to subd.nti.ta thc ctub'3 sr'letntns q qwotr FrelE- - -''-

,rrr; lne ncxt tunoing round of h8 uaior FacilitlesimJiemes. ano it trouts bo advi!€d hai he aPdcant consldo( tsopp


proloct b PCYC! third prloEity and pdority onc atd tu,o havc bceo ocpmmended'

Ihc club ha: ch€rty demonstrated this pKiecr mcctB 0r6-ldst]tf* scrvlc' ddivcry gape for (he sports and the local cotnmunlty' Th€

vomcd axlan6lon io their currcnt tacirtv trcdd enablc ttp d* ' "p"'I"

i7'jrv ii:l*g'1f::: :H*f "*o

tht needs of'osc{ cx6n6lon P m'r wr rsr rqwjiir-gc;;"L".mocrof

programs itcntified for dltfctEnt user grouPs'groups curt nly using the facility'


con3uttation with s{akeho|ders and |he commun|ty is demonsbated,a.d n€w ac{ivi0ca havo b6n idcntificd. Th6 ptoi,d ha8

^-a'hr 'd aMrnv "fi'j'evncasuas'**"""Jt*ofirmecuod'thaJaod(s^'neLhasp@vided+crnissioo


proiectdo6smeeltha|denti ' iedservicadc|ivarygaPsforthosPofl.andcomiluniV.Theprojectindicatesthoir*en|iontoonhano?nreversorparricrp"tionint'"poirliJii;:JJil;t-i::f:j,1::.:*m::-{*U;1"#ffii#";fffi"J:"j^t


tlcorPorated roo{ at Ttinlty Boach


Far North Eaton Rivor

lffi:i:Jifi!|fr:i::l$fi:TfiffiHi#"c"1iil,;"aiJ.,ryi','",snrhep'o,isionorimprcv€ds'e€'lrandshade.'iir it"di,"OtCa3 stra(egies lor ''lat€r nrarragement aod energv efficiency'

illinisterial Sehedule RePodMalor Facilities Program - EOI

Not Recomrnendedfcrld Paotact





iltrimum FondaDl.


cmrbud a mu[bpo.t r.dFato' Sordt Eact l(arnn.

6i]lt it ''qulrld indlxllng c

'|tr"rrt"tirn, oroof or nrnotne commitilni''iry lfr"Lo ptfa at'igttt' # J"ttkr atrd capadtv to tuiH wihis l'|. p'ogram

F-o33{Ot lo Ucdfen Stab CAcgcbaskalbd, futsal and spod* aclrviL3 alM€r5in SEb Colcg|. h CSufil.t

Worltrnaod, baan dcg$ad a ldrt' aDd i3 nol

6rtrud;nrl||pq?€! sF tr h.l tot tuua'.

@thFPmicqh'tnrqra.a o pocaca b ApCicatidl ltagt'

St b Sclmlbrlt3td1'|d b.dmlobn triloggil Sltb


WdttLadc'mosffidom'ndbf.ddito[d'Ei|lb|and.rrom!.fof.n.'radiviti..a.dProgr.ntbb.c.iErdatdr|bc|tr}.Th.nt ln ond.d.ksn signific.nt p|rnnir{, irc detignr. ofaOr eO LrOeJ.o ;pplogrlC- tanuG 8|d tundm e cilfnn'd'

C.ribtF{3340079 Woats

Foo0.lAr.o.idhn ln

a clrblF{s.

Coutlct S.mfo(d VdbY Wdt.

F433-00 Cound coarmrda tl{*tCqitalWdl(s*rooica d Ch.rbvilc

trro t vo Oortts gn€na and alcilbry lrrior CsgtblWo(ks

Souo EastF43frms

sln ctur€s .t Nes Ftrm Edds Cllub

it rtimr arc not oonftrned- Ttrqc rr on,, so.ns rv6cnca of condracoo-ffi LI iobrroto-", rrccrs ard tra corwtrstlity' ln'und

rldardoP fi€lds stA.hgrov€ ArlrgrqrrcrEd in th. budortrril bc indgibb'Suburb tloctcY

Wafl(|Clf d

-033-001 I EArrtf.rlan Rql.. Foo6all


condnrct ]l a||{arcdd(.t.t Picifc PlnG3

bonls Otoan3 and ||aPtCathlWqtr

H€.vct Bat

Bdlrclub lnc 3hEt$a d Pldba

corducl coertt foa bnnb, Major tlorh.mF'-0'33{0121

vofctlal rrd stscct hoc*sY tt Pkntco Wofil b€'; td€qudct

th. Folcct rrr,le na lan suo'#'ffi"j "Jo" "tglnai'con

n"t *ltst &ttp'rsttabd tht trr d lor thc proirt

IE oqbyle.cuc fic| Frr llortlr CoimsLcegts

gfrnrdun or rugbY laeti.' bding.nd Worl6ChS ttmit d

cdllitud a PCYS br M.jor CaPitCWo{t!

ctt!.nt Yorr|l|Urelirre fidc rtl3 et llrroochddl

B€dr Sgotts Edn-fra a-nltttmirg Pott comCox n Mrior

Rrqrxdon-rtd tlqnoald



upgrrda a .nul0'tPo,tSandgrt

Hi{nSdtod nooal and nolcYbd .t D..g€tlwbiL fi3 Pnd*{


b proc€ad to^Pdhslort ctaog

o'kJc( !occ., atd sydh[ et N@ta tLrdt n#rrHss*iln:ffi s;#Ti!.",$lffi ffi#,['$ff #ff tr#ff ril";;;;dpr t"ntAPro'al has becn rcceived' Fundlng contibdio

a3 lhc proitct it ;ieffi6,fr-ciiaJfr;trce'rs nol P'odded ot

M,{d Capl(alWod(s


iffiE not rccommendcd a3 a $En-[trt

f,l;l t*oitg -.,utbu[on3 tEing conlined'Strco

ho€ley rnd at [lcridan Plginr

a mrrltiF rpo$f.alitt Maio. CaFtalWotls

FatNorth Cook

rugbF l€ag{e snd tdrch f€otbdl at Tagai State


€Frn0n WortsClub Inc

hstal an lnlgation sYsom t|6 course at Maior CaPilal Soub Ea8( Ommancynt to cover lhc cosls

ho proiect T]le des,gn w"" noiln li'Jd'"lo tn" .o.rtng. p.rlo"o rotariili-i'zii,ooo are signlrrcanttylo'itr $an ttre 3tated pfoiacl

rt c{ t447,500 and tha dittetcncs r;;;"; rt i' cjlrerv m proFa dJc o"oeft"*"0 wiu$n lhe tunding poliod

F-033-00025Mounl Oflrm.ney Wo,tE


Lee$rGs con3ttl|ct and arnenifFs for MaprF-033-OO106

Hod(ayClub |nc at RcdcfiGffisdemon3trat€d

{33-00117 oowomba Rogional coFtruct a bss.d ofi-toad




iilFbecndecmed alowet and is nol

Oueensland GovernmentOeganment of Lcd 6*tmm.t|t'Spirtand RcarOoo

ililinisterial Schedule RePortMaior Fecilities Program - €Ol

Not Recommendedtoltl?t*cr


EOgibbPnol.ct co$


l| Fuod.blt


€l R 604!13

t - i* proittl """-t

b bt to"0m tnifltallros' ;lgaccn

;H #ffiHiffl;#'llHgffi :;""5Hff ff;; ;fii'd'' * * Ys at e.'t


-03H0101 U'|ngfll


Assoclrtoo lrr

Clob Lhdted





rper;aG trrtt|g fdd. lttd tlrod3 ror nl(iDt

LaOU.. tough foddl atd dt.g atVttnnum l/\

constuc{ to{t

m,fipt .Posc f..ttY fo, m.rtid 'r{3

.nd co.ntnuoiv..thddas atzlfian te

upgredc fF Gxistins wltcrbat "


hercy rurfacc o I @dd urud.y sutf'ct at

tftporpo-"ports .sntc al M.ior


F@iDal lrrc coadn ct afi€nitas tor tocD., et ilu'raY

ffiua aoEuetic ildffh.s crrto bl

corntrua an lnaor 3potrrng coflubx ba udd

be.rs6r[. n$.fi .nd fut J d urrtrear! \,\rbrl.3

coortrucl e


fr pnriccttatr ar not


and it nol

.f! NCi

ilotlidtl Budcfiln

Sordr Earl Loc*Fr

Ht\nty 8at



b.Ina h- bon cotutlnlo' l|llqlg sE}a.*

;dht d rdffflulv r't '""tt o#tl6-ii;s'-"r' l'si"tu" tlilJcorri Dc inrulticixrt tor tt pr.Cod b Ptocacd to

Fir na rommrdco ar e .rfirnalino h.l ttt

it ldteltlo I to*hd Frt!'

p{oi6ct i.t n €d. it has

IffiinoteeProvd'N notiF;Arccqnmara '3 th* B rp tYoF uEr v'tw*r-"

flFd..nd d.i$l. r'-," nt on pitill' congre0m giUl cbkdr&rl i' rtfiibd'

noa .smd|.ndad lt a tb.ptl iGditd|lYdpbn tLgo


anOmr,tn P*rnY ':1! tlLslllc

d. willr hc qrrsnt *'t' ** l.ffiTitili-*p"ttttl at t*?#iJ dc"ro c€rt cilv cot'nol (Gccc) for il's

oLL hbnd b ".. h" p,o"-d. o fr ffi 'il 0,""'a**g*ffi il1fig#'ffi#:l.ffi ", *;;;:. !t.;; gi,ro"{trct' nr tundlno corruibulitm

"3 mt @m


Hocttlmmrndad b gec*t b Applbarim ttago'

c|ubh.3d.''|O3trbd||.tocPt\cl.dsilprorlUcgrrbth.drrnr,nity.leG.ronabboo:}a''dq''Dri!.t*|'!&caihco. .xc6. ,.rbr tfi.tlc. - - ffilffi;

"*; ;'til'a "t'

*ttrt" t* -urr 't *' :"


ttllc th' ir'€d lo Ptouoe

iord rpecc b oroaoco rhc sd"icor;;trt o'*o* ".T :P-tffi#J;'.,T IlflH n"#l#3' t*

Iif,C lk ".tt-F

the M't!dr! U" of tlto t'nd d llr€'! tr no c

Page Ntmber: 5

Major Facilities Prograrn 'EOf

Department of local Government'Sport ard Recreatlon

Major Faeilities Program - EOI ScheduleIneligible

15 EOlg15 EOls 10.0O tlaxlmum Fundable Amount

Print Date: 30/01/2009. '

@;eoanmeot rt llocrl couorn|||€rt,Spont ind€atloe

ffiindsterial Scheduie P.ePort

Malcr iacilities Prograum "EOl



E!gibl.Prolact Cct











8olb Clrb ln€

alAcad. Rld{p. tVo,I!

cor3tud. rg0nda pavi{bn at Mj6C.pabl tlrhd.n lloorrt ltr

Ltd odard o.ltl imp,q6 lEdam fdlh.g€f @m

bdcr,lbp.tamnt Sodr Edt $dnotdtrbndy rndUFJr?6. cdr rnd |gil dntnng Wb*t

ry|rtn rot6.ll C+ilJ F.# crit drkJGtd U.irC.pibl Sqtt Wed

condu.{ r| irdooa fifing NortFdld Wbt!

llinl lnc dBfrrc{a difti.trn€ dlh/ay compbx fs ilrixc4it l Far t{orth llulgravc

brrn bonlt al Kiby. t{.nar|{pWortt

Lilr Club Of Captdo adcnd lhc rtA€n6. llaFrCapitdWo.ts


CootlrT0rencsWalEr Yuzbrtl'1770.

Pa,k Sfab Scho<, uplrado fi. ovd plathg srrtac. d

3rifing d MqlorCapiblWstr

golrlh E 6t

Cid, tncorpa.Ed Scartorough

Pctb 8oilr|€o Inc r!fucdc .n cd.dng .rd|.ay f.cift frq|l*ofib B€lildrt

F-039F126 The tioo3 Pmrrpfir t*ldop mol ond Norlh"in

ConnunlV f\Jcfac Cemp fId|cr/dnhg rE n for!rc&!@ and mhr

opgrdc [|c ed3[o9 U]t Sos|h East lndoot@pilt


Alspoflt Inc

t3 arihatot lb apply un(bra A{!'r rou.d o,!F tlitFrt prcgr.|n

ir hclagblla as u|c ir no{ wiltr &c tu.rdhg

F(&'cf b ot r dsn.t t|.gof Euts rlol sab-rfy 6r

ir ;naligiDta aa il it nol fo. !9orr.Jd tE latbn F posat.

p((irct i! .rlh. bbl 9fq.dc6t un&t !|.t3

Fririirin lidbL a.u|a rt$Ic|!d a3a

w4a lha ilEio.t

ar0nbLl cct ia undca

F*rcla3 r. h€ bU litditrg rlgmrbd lh. U.j6

t! fdt ut$.at irt t! rc.nd dtl'. ilhdr Pogratn-

,.C.db i,3ligabL t3 rligibb pcricct c8st i3 mdor ha P]!g(.|n'3

0tlF Ftircl r. !r tr€ bLl tundm €qJGC.d it b.b'r thc ot. &1OO.000

too* funding ontibufql tr|n th. D€P..tno.{-

Iroc..d b nr3

dt2oo.o00. a brC. parl cl

thr.ltrld oa a 3200,0s bad p.oirct 6t Th. d.nt shouE bc

Foi.d coct lhc dsnl wil

n n&lc&rclddof


of t20O,000. Thc elLnt d b.dYilcd


lo.riLlilrin lh.e3 il i$td |tr r*c.Uon d.n arclrry

do6 not 3F tand as lh€ar F nart

a3 lh6 projcd ruinbfiatrt €pair rcrt of on

hp.oi€d iE


t2,06E.890.00 t2,034,149.00 t1,200,8t0.00