Download - Mingyuan Zhang , Guilherme Del Fiol Randall Grout, Siddhartha Jonnalagadda


Automatic identification of comparative effectiveness research from Medline citations

to support clinicians’ treatment information needs

Mingyuan Zhang , Guilherme Del FiolRandall Grout, Siddhartha Jonnalagadda

Richard Medlin Jr, Rashmi MishraCharlene Weir, Hongfang Liu

Javed Mostafa, Marcelo Fiszman

Comparative effectiveness


Information needsQuestions left unanswered at point of care (Del Fiol, 2012)

Access to resources

One common information need: Compare available treatment (Ely, 2000)

Comparative effectiveness


Information needsQuestions left unanswered at point of care (Del Fiol, 2012)

Access to resources

One common information need: Compare available treatment (Ely, 2000)

Too many ????

Goal• Use text summarization to help clinicians

meet their information needs• Design and assess algorithm to automatically

summarize comparative effectiveness studies– Identify studies– Extract interventions

Method• Algorithm Description

Retrieve citations

from Medline

Extract SemMedDBpredications

Knowledge summary system• Multiple NLP tools• Extract sentence related to treatment• Precision : 91% --Alzheimer’s

disease and depression (Jonnalagadda, 2012)

SemMedDB(Kilicoglu, 2012)

• Semantic MEDLINE database (SemMedDB)




• Comparative• Same_as• Lower_than• Higher_than• Compared_with

• Treats

In a third trial, mianserin was found to be as effective as diazepam in the treatment of anxiety states in general practice.

Method• Algorithm Description

Retrieve citations

from Medline

Extract SemMedDBpredications

Extract Medline citation fields

Background• Example of a Medline metadata fragment <PublicationTypeList>

<PublicationType>Clinical Trial</PublicationType> <PublicationType>Comparative Study</PublicationType> <PublicationType>Journal Article</PublicationType> </PublicationTypeList> …<ChemicalList> <Chemical> <RegistryNumber>79617-96-2</RegistryNumber> <NameOfSubstance>Sertraline</NameOfSubstance> </Chemical></ChemicalList>


Retrieve citations

from Medline

Extract SemMedDBpredications

Comparative study


Extract Medline citation fields

Identify study


Techniques• Naïve Bayes• Bayesian network• PART• Decision tree• Support Vector Machine

Five predictors• Publication type• Number of interventions

• Chemical list • Comparative predications• Treats predications• Total across data sources

• Merge interventions from• SemMedDB• Medline chemical list

Gold Standard

351 citations retrieved

256 relevant citations

95 non-relevant citations

163 citations for training comparative study classifier

93 citations for testing comparative study classifier

• Relevant• Comparative• Interventions• Direction


Retrieve citations

from Medline

Extract SemMedDBpredications

Comparative study


Extract Medline citation fields

Identify study


• Precision• Recall• F-

measure• AUC

Intervention • Percentage of completely matched• Percentage of partially or

completely matched Direction

• Recall• Precision

Results• Performance of the comparative classifiers

Precision Recall F-measure AUC

Publication Type

0.77 0.58 0.66 N/A

Naïve Bayes 0.83 0.83 0.82 0.90Bayesian net 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.89PART 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.76J48 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.82SVM 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.73


Retrieve citations

from Medline

Extract SemMedDBpredications

Comparative study


Extract Medline citation fields

Identify study


Intervention • 56.2% (41 out 73) completely• 86.2% (63 out 73) completely or partially

Direction• Recall: 6.8%• Precision: 45.5%

So What? • Potential applications

• Improve Pubmed’s comparative study filter– Recall: 0.56 versus 0.83– Precision: 0.77 versus 0.83

• Component of text summarization process to support point of care information needs care decision-making.

2 articles

3 articles

2 ar



19 articles 15 articles

9 articles

4 articles7


les 6 articles5 articles

9 articles

6 ar


s6 articles

The drug treatment of depression in general practice: a comparison of nocte administration of trazodone with mianserin, dothiepin and amitriptyline […] One hundred and twelve patients were randomised to receive trazodone therapy, 36 received mianserin, 35 received dothiepin and 44 received amitriptyline.  […] No significant differences were shown, using any measure of efficacy, between trazodone and any of the three comparator drugs. A double-blind controlled trial of mianserin and amitriptyline in depression[…] A double-blind trial was carried out in 47 patients with depression to compare the effectiveness of 30 mg mianserin, 60 mg mianserin and 50 mg sustained-release amitriptyline, each given as a single dose at night over a period of 4 weeks.[…] A consistent order of effectiveness was evident with most of the items, the greatest improvement being noted with 60 mg mianserin daily and the least with 30 mg mianserin daily.

Error analysis•Combination therapy

• Tryptophan+nicotinamide vs. tryptophan+nicotinamide+imipramine

•Different forms of the same drug/procedure• standard release vs. controlled-release• 30mg versus 60mg

•Non-pharmaceutical interventions• face-to-face vs. online therapy

Potential Solutions•Explore MeSH Headings

• Drug Therapy, Combination•Clinical trial registries:•Coordinating constructions (Chung, 2009)

Limitations• Generalizablity

• Assessed with one condition• Limited to treatment

• Needs to be adapted to other types of information need (e.g., comparison of diagnostic methods)

Conclusion• The proposed algorithm achieved good performance

• Identify comparative studies• Extract interventions

• Provides basis for automatic summarization of comparative effectiveness research to support point of care needs

• More test cases needed