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Pinay, Syrian bomber nadakip sa Saudi Arabia!

Filipina Lady Joy Ibana Balinang (left) and Yasser Mohammad Al Barazi were arrested for plotting a suicide attack in SaudiArabia. (Photo by Saudi Gazette via Khaleej Times)

Liberal Party politicians in‘Playgirls’ sexy shows lambasted

MANILA – Members ofSanlakas party list and theBukluran ngManggagawang Pilipinoheld a rally at the headquar-ters of the ruling LiberalParty and denounced thealleged abuse and treat-ment of women as mereobjects for the enter-tainment of politicians fol-lowing the lewd shows atthe recent birthday bashof Representative BenjieAgarao, of the 4th District ofLaguna province.

Members of thePlaygirls – clad in bra andbikini – were spotted indirty dancing with politi-cians on a stage during thebash in front of a hugecrowd. It was also recordedin cell phone videos bysome of the people thereand uploaded onFacebook.

Agarao himself admit-ted to the press that hefinds no malice in theshows.

Aaron Pedrosa, Secre-tary General of Sanlakas, ina statement sent to the re-gional newspaperMindanao Examiner, said:“The scandalous display ofsexism, its tolerance andabsurd justification by sev-eral veteran politiciansonly fortifies the belief thatthis rotten political systembreeds debasement andprejudice against women.”

“No amount strong-worded statements by LPleaders and even by thePresidential spokespersonAbigail Valte and other dam-age control efforts could nothide the fact that the objec-tification of women is anorm and scantily cladwomen gyrating to pop mu-sic a regular fixture duringgatherings of politicians andeven their campaign sor-ties,” he added.

Both groups took ex-ception at a statement madeby Senator Franklin Drilonthat claimed that the La-guna incident was a “sorryisolated case.”

“We challenge Drilon todisclose to the public thebasis for his judgment toprove the incident’s remote-ness,” Pedrosa said.

He said in 2013, LP can-didates in Malabon City alsofigured in a similar incidentwhen they danced withskimpily dressed Playgirlsmembers during theirproclamation rally and alsotook off their clothesonstage.

BMP chairpersonLeody De Guzman alsocalled on Francis Tolentino,a senatorial aspirant whowas present at the birthdaycelebration, and Agarao andall complicit politicianspresent during the scandal-ous gathering to quit deny-ing and issue a public apol-

ogy; and withdraw from theelectoral race for good, outof delicadeza.

Tolentino, who was re-ported to have brought theshow girls, denied all accu-sations against him. He saidhe arrived at the party andthe girls were already per-forming their numbers.

“Retiring from the elec-tions and even from publicservice is the prompt thingto do. They must learn torespect the electorate if theycannot discipline them-selves and treat women asequals,” De Guzman said. “Ifthey refuse to do so, thepeople shall deliver theircollective verdict. ComeElection Day, let the axe fallwhere it should.”

De Guzman, who alsostands as the SecretaryGeneral of newly-formedPartido Lakas ng Masa,asked the Commission ofElections to totally ban lewdintermission numbers andthe contracting of scant-ily clad females for the en-tirety of the campaign pe-riod and make it punishablewith disqualification.

“How do we expectthem to enact and imple-ment laws in behalf ofwomen if they utilizewomen as cheap and vulgargimmicks to draw in hugenumbers in their sorties andentertain themselves?” heasked.

DAVAO CITY – Philippineauthorities are holding twoof 11 gunmen who kid-napped three foreigners anda Filipino woman from anupscale resort in Samal Is-land off the southern prov-ince of Davao del Norte, theofficial Philippines NewsAgency reported.

It said the announce-ment of the arrest of the twomen was made by DavaoCity Mayor Rodrigo Dutertefollowing a security briefingby the Intelligence Service ofthe Armed Forces of the Phil-ippines (ISAFP).

“I was privy to that. I wasinvited to the briefing to lis-ten,” the news agencyquoted Duterte as tellingjournalists on Monday inDavao del Sur’s Santa Cruztown.

Duterte, who wasamong those helping securethe safe release of CanadiansJohn Ridsdel and RobertHall; and Norwegian KjartanSekkingstad, and Filipina

The Liberal Party hasvowed to look into the inci-dent. Tolentino has re-signed from the senatorialrace last week. (MindanaoExaminer)

Maritess Flor, identified oneof the captured suspects asBandahar Adona aliasBanon.

Adona was positivelyidentified from the videotaken by security camerasduring the September 21kidnappings on HolidayOceanview Samal Resort.

Duterte did not give de-tails of the arrests of the twomen or whether they aremembers of the Abu Sayyafwhich the military claimedwas behind the daring raidon the resort. But the arrestscame after ISAFP traced callsmade by the kidnappersfrom their cell phones inDavao City.

He said the hostageswere allegedly taken by boatto Sulu, one of five provincesunder the Muslim autono-mous region, but police andmilitary cannot confirmDuterte’s report that theholidaymakers are beingheld by the Abu Sayyaf there.(Mindanao Examiner)

2 Samal resortkidnappers arrested

AAAAAWWWWWAK ngayAK ngayAK ngayAK ngayAK ngayon ng Son ng Son ng Son ng Son ng Saudi Araudi Araudi Araudi Araudi Arabia ang isangabia ang isangabia ang isangabia ang isangabia ang isangPinay at kanyang SPinay at kanyang SPinay at kanyang SPinay at kanyang SPinay at kanyang Syryryryryrian boian boian boian boian boyfryfryfryfryfriend naiend naiend naiend naiend napinaniniwalaang mga suicide bomberspinaniniwalaang mga suicide bomberspinaniniwalaang mga suicide bomberspinaniniwalaang mga suicide bomberspinaniniwalaang mga suicide bombersmatapos na lusubin ng mga awtormatapos na lusubin ng mga awtormatapos na lusubin ng mga awtormatapos na lusubin ng mga awtormatapos na lusubin ng mga awtoridad angidad angidad angidad angidad angH

kanilang aparkanilang aparkanilang aparkanilang aparkanilang apartment sa Riyadh kamakailan lamang.tment sa Riyadh kamakailan lamang.tment sa Riyadh kamakailan lamang.tment sa Riyadh kamakailan lamang.tment sa Riyadh kamakailan lamang.Nakilala ang Pinay na

si Lady Joy Ibana Balinangat ang Syrian terror sus-pect na si YasserMohammed Shafiq Al-Barazi. Nabatid nanadakip ang Pinay suot paang isang suicide vest,ayon sa ulat ng Al ArabiyaNews.

Mismong si Balinangdiumano ang siyangtumatahi at gumagawa ngmga suicide vests para kayBarrazi. Hindi pa mabatidkung miyembro ng ISISang dayuhan at patuloy nainaalam ng Department ofForeign Affairs ang ibapang mga detalye ukol saPinay na mahigit isangtaon na umanonglumayas sa kanyang amobilang domestic helper.

Punong-puno rinumano ng mga booby trapo improvised explosive de-vice ang tahanan ngdalawa ng ito’y maingatna pinasok ng mgaArabong sundalo at parak.Mahigit sa 12 oras angginugol ng mga ito upang

disarmahan ang lahat ngbomba sa bahay.

Nagbabalak rinumano ang dalawa namagpasbog sa SaudiArabia at ito ay base sainisyal ng imbestigasyonna isinagawa ng mgaawtoridad sa Pinay at sadayuhan. May mgabalitang pinuwersaumano ni Barrazi angPinay na mamuhay sakanya at pumayag paitong magpa-convert saIslam.

Sinabi pa ng SaudiArabia na may isa pangbahay si Barrazi naginagamit bilang safehouse ng mga jihadistsdoon at kamakailanlamang ay 2 sa mga itoang nadakip at mgaDaesh fighters umano.

Nanawagan namansa pamahalaang Aquinoang Migrante-MiddleEast upang mabatid angkatotohanan ukol saPinay. Ayon kay JohnLeonard Monterona, angregional coordinator ngMigrante sa SaudiArabia, ay dapatimbestigahan angnaturang kaso.

“We are calling thePhilippine governmentto conduct an investiga-tion on the alleged in-volvement of undocu-mented Joy. First, (thegovernment must) estab-lish if she is indeed a Fili-pino citizen,” aniMonterona sa pahayagnito sa Mindanao Exam-iner Regional Newspa-per.

“Undocumented orillegal OFWs, like manyother undocumented ex-patriate workers in theKingdom, are in a de-plorable situation afterrunning away from theiremployers due to allegedabuses and labor mal-practices. Such was thesituation of Joy. It is pos-sible that Joy may not beeven aware that whatshe’s working, the sewingof belts, are used to carryexplosives especially ifshe is under the custodyand threatened by theSyrian bomb plotter,”dagdag pa nito.(Mindanao Examiner)

Jesus Miracle Crusade International MinistryJesus Miracle Crusade International MinistryJesus Miracle Crusade International MinistryJesus Miracle Crusade International MinistryJesus Miracle Crusade International Ministry

Oct. 12-18, 20152 The Mindanao Examiner

JOB OPENINGJOB OPENINGJOB OPENINGJOB OPENINGJOB OPENINGA multi-national NGO is looking for field enumerators and

researchers in connection with potential socio-economicprojects being considered in Mindanao.

TTTTThe minimhe minimhe minimhe minimhe minimum qualifum qualifum qualifum qualifum qualificaicaicaicaications oftions oftions oftions oftions of candida candida candida candida candidates artes artes artes artes are:e:e:e:e:

1. Between 18 and 40 years old2. Able to speak and write any of the local dialects

(Maguindanao, Maranao, Tausog, Ilocano, Cebuano,Ilonggo, Tagalog, etc.)

3. Physically fit4. Willing to travel5. At least high school graduate

Any ofAny ofAny ofAny ofAny of the f the f the f the f the following will be an adollowing will be an adollowing will be an adollowing will be an adollowing will be an advvvvvantaantaantaantaantaggggge:e:e:e:e:

1. Able to read and write Arabic2. Graduate of any Arts and Sciences or related courses

including but not limited to Islamic Studies, Psychology,Philosophy

3. With technical skills (e.g. computer, driving,carpentry, plumbing, etc.)

Interested applicants may send their resumés andapplication letters to: aaaaapplicapplicapplicapplicapplications082015@[email protected]@[email protected]

Please note that only those who will pass the initialscreening will be notified by email.

Mindanao Examiner 1: Oct. 5-11, 2015

Happy Zamboanga Hermosa Festival 2015Happy Zamboanga Hermosa Festival 2015Happy Zamboanga Hermosa Festival 2015Happy Zamboanga Hermosa Festival 2015Happy Zamboanga Hermosa Festival 2015

OBITUARYRetired teacher Harija Uddin Sahijuan, of Barangay Putik, Zamboanga City andBonifacio St., Lower San Raymundo, Jolo, Sulu province, died Friday, October 2,2015 at the age of 88.

ZAMCELCO Officers, Staff and Personnelheaded by

Engr. George LedesmaGeneral Manager

andDirector Omar Sahi

President, Board of Directors

Oct. 12-18, 2015 3The Mindanao Examiner

Oct. 12-18, 20154 The Mindanao Examiner

Happy Zamboanga Hermosa Festival 2015Happy Zamboanga Hermosa Festival 2015Happy Zamboanga Hermosa Festival 2015Happy Zamboanga Hermosa Festival 2015Happy Zamboanga Hermosa Festival 2015

District 1

Hon. Charlie MarianoCouncilor

Zamboanga City

Hon. Melchor “Rey” SadainCouncilor

Zamboanga City

Hon. Gerky L. ValescoCouncilor

Zamboanga City

Hon. Luis “Noning” R. Biel IIICouncilor

Zamboanga City

Hon. Myra Paz V. AbubakarCouncilor

Zamboanga City

District 2

Hon. Roel “Elong” NatividadCouncilor

Zamboanga City

Dr. Elmeir ApolinarioCity Disaster Risk Reduction

Management Office HeadZamboanga City

Hassan Gabra “Sani” T.Jumdain

Regional DirectorOWWA

Dr. Mario ArriolaCity VeterinarianZamboanga City

Engr. Rene Dela CruzGeneral Services Office Head

Zamboanga City

Hon. Godofredo Sabordo Sr. Canelar Barangay Captain

Zamboanga City

Hon. King OmagaCalarian Barangay Captain

Zamboanga City

Attorneys Manuel M. Wee Sit/Carl Andrew M. Rubio, CPA

Attornies-at-Law(Notaries Public)

Hon. BG B. Guingona IVCouncilor

Zamboanga City

Hon. Mike C. Alavar IIICouncilor

Zamboanga City

Hon. Percival RamosCouncilor

Zamboanga City

Hon. Eduardo “Eddie” T.SaavedraCouncilor

Zamboanga City

Hon. Jerry E. PerezCouncilor

President, Liga ng mga BarangayZamboanga City

Hon. Ysmael MusaCouncilor

(Indigenous People Representative-Zamboanga City)

Zenaida JaymeCity Secretary

Zamboanga City

Engr. Luis Vicente DespaloCity Engineer

Zamboanga City

Engr. Rodrigo RebollosAssistant City Engineer

Zamboanga City

Art OnrubiaExecutive Assistant on Barangay

AffairsZamboanga City

Noel NocheLTO District Officer

Zamboanga City

Montano “Bebot” CortezBarangay Affairs Head

Zamboanga City

Victor Liozo Jr.Red Cross Administrator

Zamboanga City

Crisanto “Monsi” dela CruzFounder, Nuevo Zamboanga College

Zamboanga City

Attorney Alfredo A. Camins

Viva! Nuestra SeñoraLa Virgen del Pilar!

Greetings from:

Alviola Dental LaboratoryGreetings from:

Viva! Nuestra SeñoraLa Virgen del Pilar!


The Mindanao Examiner 5Oct. 12-18, 2015

Happy Zamboanga Hermosa Festival 2015Happy Zamboanga Hermosa Festival 2015Happy Zamboanga Hermosa Festival 2015Happy Zamboanga Hermosa Festival 2015Happy Zamboanga Hermosa Festival 2015

Juan Climaco “Kim” Elago IIDistrict 2 Councilor

Zamboanga City

Atty. Aminola AbatonLTO-9 Regional Director

Pettit Barracks, Zamboanga City(Western Mindanao)

Congresswoman Lilia M. NuñoDistrict 2 Congresswoman

Zamboanga City

Vice Mayor Cesar S. IturraldePresiding Officer, Sangguniang Panglungsod

Zamboanga City

Oct. 12-18, 20156 The Mindanao Examiner

The Mindanao Examiner Regional Newspaperis published weekly in Mindanao, Philippines.

ZAMBOANGA CITY OFFICE:Unit 15, 3rd Floor, Fairland Building,

Mayor Vitaliano Agan AvenuePhone & fax: 062-9925480

Mobile: 0917-7103642

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26 Juna Avenue, Juna Subdivision, MatinaPhone: 082-2960658

Mobile: 0918-9180895

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The Mindanao Examiner

REGIONAL PARTNERSMindanao DailyBusiness WeekMindanao Star

Web MasterMindanao Examiner Productions

Newspaper, Film and Television Productions

Maritess FernandezPublisher/Executive Producer (On Leave)

Al Jacinto

Editor-in-Chief/Producer (OIC)


Zamboanga PeninsulaEly Dumaboc/Jun Feliciano


Central Mindanao North- South CotabatoMaguindanao, Sultan Kudarat

Zamboanga del Sur

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Ely Dumaboc

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The last week’s banner title “MNLF joinsearch for abducted foreigners” should haveread “MNLF joins search for abductedforeigners”. -Our apology

Happy Zamboanga Hermosa Festival 2015Happy Zamboanga Hermosa Festival 2015Happy Zamboanga Hermosa Festival 2015Happy Zamboanga Hermosa Festival 2015Happy Zamboanga Hermosa Festival 2015

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The Mindanao Examiner 7Oct. 12-18, 2015

Founded 2006 P10 Oct. 12-18, 2015FOR ADVERTISEMENTS, PLEASE CALL (062) 9925480 or (082) 2960658

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ARMM Eastern Mindanao Western Mindanao Cebu Manila

Philippines investment planfocuses on priority sectors

CEBU - Three prioritysectors will be givenfocus by the Aquinogovernment in thethree-year InvestmentPriorities Plan or IPP2014-2016 identified asthe sectors that can bestsustain and catalyzefurther the country’spositive economicgrowth.

D o m i n g oBagaporo, Director ofthe Investment Assis-tance Service of theBoard of Investments orBOI, said these prioritysectors are in the manu-facturing, agribusiness,and services.

The IPP serves as aguide to investors onwhat directions to takeas well as an investmentand industry develop-ment tool. It alsosupports domesticindustries by way of

incentives, according toBagaporo.

He said IPP’s objec-tives are to create morejobs in strategic activi-ties; improve access tosocial services; and toimprove competitivenessof the nation.

Bagaporo said the fo-cus is also given to theproduction of long-termemployment and refersto the pace and pattern ofgrowth.

He said IPP wasdeveloped in consulta-tion with the privatesector and governmentagencies coupled withresearch and peer review.

Bagaporo said thereis also a need to encour-age investments thatimprove our country’scompetitiveness espe-cially in the areas ofenergy, infrastructure,and research and devel-

opment.Among the incentives

of the BOI for companiesthat are registered withthe agency are income taxholiday and dutyexemption on importedcapital equipment, spareparts and accessories.

Cebuano business-man Enrison Benedicto,whom is the Chief Execu-tive Officer of theMabuhay FilcementCorp., said also urgedinvestors to take advan-tage of the BOI incentivesand register with theagency as “incentives areprobably the lifeline ofour existence as inves-tors.

“If somebody will askme what investment I willtake in five years fromnow, my reply would bejust check out the BOI-IPPpriorities,” said Benedicto.(Fayette C. Riñen)

Job applicants sa New Zealandgipahimangnoan sa POEA

batok sa pekeng dokumentoBAG-OHAY lang ngamipahimangno siPhilippine OverseasEmployment Administra-tor Hans Leo Cacdac samga trabahantengPilipino nga mopalusotug pekeng dokumento sailang pag pang aplay ugtrabaho gawas sa nasud.

Matud ni Cacdac ngaang Embahada saPilipinas sa Wellingtonmipahibalo nga ubayubay sa mga Pilipinodairy farm workers nganakasulod sa nasud ngaNew Zealand gahupot ugmga peke nga employ-ment certificates.

Matud pa usab sataho adunay mga Pilipinonga mohimo ug fake cer-tificates nga binayran ugigo-igong kantidad.

Tungod niini giabisuhan na ni LaborSecretary RosalindaBaldoz si Cacdac pagimbestiga sa gikatahonga pagpalusot ug mgapekeng dokumento ngamahimong maka apektosa labor agreement tali sanasud nga New Zealandug Pilipinas.

Mipahibalo si Cacdacnga ang ImmigrationNew Zealang (INZ) striktona nga mo susi sa mga

dokumento sa mgaPilipinong aplikantehuman masubay ngaadunay mga kakulian sailang papeles.

Tungod niini ngakakulian madelatar naang pagpagawas sa mgawork visa sa mgaPilipinong aplikante isipdairy farm workersmatud ni Cacdac.

Basi usab sa mgataho ang katawhang motrabaho sa mga peke ngadokumento maningil ugbayad nga NZ$15,000pagproseso ug illegalnga visa. (Leandria P.Pagunsan)