Download - MInd Control Guide

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Welcome to the Mind Control Victim website! I am your host Midea (pronounced My-Dee), a single man living alone here in Tehran. However, I am not Iranian. This website is dedicated to all victims  of mind control, black magic, electronic harassment, gang stalking, and other types of anonymous torture. I hope you enjoy your visit and come back soon!


Midea's picture is  distorted  to avoid

complications with the police state in Iran.

This homepage has several sections:

Introduction of world's first Mind Control Logo and badge designed by Midea

Explanation of mechanisms behind gang stalking and  similar  anonymous  torture

Audio section on George Orwell with Midea voice as a tribute to


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the New World Order

Additional information on mind control, links to other pages and websites, and final  notes

Mind control badges

required beyond this



Mind Control Identification badge and logo!



Extensive search on the Internet shows there are no logos or symbols for mind control victims, so I developed these logos which helps victims to unite and get the recognition they deserve.


The year 2009 might be harsh for everybody but there is good news too! The time has come for you to download the world's first ever mind control I.D. badge, exclusively designed by Midea for all victims. Now you can boldly go out and tell the world! Just imagine!You can spot other victims in the crowd at a glance and get recognized by them! Moreover, ordinary public never know what's up!


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Look smart  with one of  a kind   mind control badges!


Please point the computer mouse cursor and click on each logo to see a high-resolution version. Then download the picture by right-clicking and selecting Save Picture As...


For printing, the logos should be resized to 65 x 95 mm at an almost 300 dpi resolution for good printing quality. This is the size of a standard chest badge that is used in military bases, offices and other institutions for identification and security purposes. You can buy the transparent plastic standard size 65 x 95 mm badges from any stationary store. Samples of  applied  mind control badges with the owner's picture are presented in the animations above.



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option on the menu.


The 2012 logo on the left is a special tribute to the upcoming galactic events that will soon manifest. You can put this logo on the backside of the mind control logo inside a badge or use it separately






Learn the truth about perpetrators and mind control mechanisms


Before we  go into details, let's make a clear  distinction  

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between bullying   or mobbing   gangs that  are  always   present in every society, and the special type of  harassment  which  is the subject of this website.  While going  through this site, Please keep in mind that we are  talking about the latter system. Any analysis or conclusion presented here is restricted to this special system of harassment that is totally different than normal street gangs, international mafia, and the like.



Right from  the start,  I  am going to furnish you with  a  single important fact that may  save  your life,  and also  save years of theorizing. It can change your life forever. The biggest mistake that everyone in this field is making, is what I call:


The Fallacy of Scale  

To put it simply, That means when a victim is harassed  in every conceivable time and place, he/she tends to single out each event and never thinks about a whole torture system. By reading the following discussion and watching the drawings that I have prepared, you shall clearly see that the system of torture - though it manifests itself in many different shapes - is really and integrated system that employs advanced super computers, satellites, black magic practice, 4th. dimensional powers, etc. to keep the target always in focus.


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Thekey to understand these events is that you shall enlarge your point of view regarding all aspects of harassment. Try to place yourself in  their  shoes and  acquire a bird's eye view to see the whole picture.  This  way, you can upscale your understanding  of  the subject matter and bypass the dead-end of The Fallacy  of  Scale. You have to find  clues  in  all these events that lead you to the single source of the them all...

The second important point that helps you understand everything in this regard is  that  you   shall not make the  mistake that  I  had  made for many years! When  any  single  event of harassment or torture took place, I not only could  not  see  any connections with other  events  and  I  always  thought  the  event  is an isolated  act  (i.e. The  Fallacy  of  Scale) but,  I  also  thought  the perpetrator  is  a    single , isolated person or gang. Because  all  my life  I  have usually assumed apriori   that   every  person  is  like myself. That is,  I always  thought the  torturer  is  self-aware . That is,  I  imagined the torturer acts on his/her own freewill with  full awareness of what  he or  she  is  doing.  However, I found  out  that all  of  these   people, who    make   the  overwhelming    majority   in every society, are in a state of  almost  sleep-walking,  though  you see  them everywhere  minding  their  businesses  and managing  an apparently  normal  life.

Please  do  not  misunderstand   this. What I am saying does not relieve them of the  hideous  acts they do and the painful life they create for  their victims. They  are

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responsible for their  deeds  and they  will  be  thrown into the  Hell  like  garbage by The Lord's Will. I  just want to point  out  this  fact  that  if  I had ever met only one human being who had guided me years  ago like   the following, I was totally another person now:


1- Be aware of The Fallacy of Scale! Know thou the universal scene! 

2- Do not assume the perpetrators are fully aware like yourself!

3-Connect all players and acts and see the single director!





Meanwhile, please take my word and accept that a large population around you are not really self-aware. They see them everywhere, in your home or workplace, or in the streets. The Center keeps track of them as it keeps track of all of us , 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.Anytime The Center sees fit, it enables its connection and moves them.I am still studying the exact mechanisms of this control. To have an idea of the quality and quantity of this steering ( or cybernetics) , imagine that you wear a pair of gloves .The gloves per se look like hands but do not move on their own, but when you insert your hands ,you can make any imaginable move without any resistance on the side of the gloves. The same is true for a flexible mask.When you fix it on your face, you can make many faces, smile or frown, talk obscene or son on , without any objections on the part of the mask.


Now, let's go through the illustrations. The drawings

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show some aspects of gang harassment and stalking that occur in person.The goal is clarification of the scale of events and mechanisms hidden behind the torture. We show a normal chain of street events that can happen anywhere around the world.The purple triangle or pyramid on the right is The Center.It is not located on the street, but looks down from above, that is, from the sky.However, we have to show it at the top-right corner here.There are commercial and residential blocks and the people who look quite innocent and walk around the victim while actually minding their own business. The victim is the one with yellow color scheme, and others are in blue. There are cars with different colors, and motorcycles shown in red.

Here, it is very important to be aware these people are not fully awake and do not know what they do. Look closely and see that it is the accumulation of their activities that creates a streaming flow of torture. For example, you think they are following your car and after a while, the car that pursues you goes away and another car takes its place, and this is repeated time and again throughout your journey on the road. Obviously, you think THEY are a big gang with extraordinary powers and can communicate instantly, exchange cars at certain points on your route, accurately predict your driving habits, etc. Sorry, but it is not true.

Look closer! It is The Center that instantly intercepts any of the available cars behind you that might take the same course as you for at least a few minutes. The Center exactly knows the  route and path of every car

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on the road, the ideas and intentions of drivers and the full identity of the cars and drivers, not only on highways, but in the remotest rural areas.( I know you will not believe this, but wait and we will see ! This is what THEY call Total Information Awareness! [See  post script 1],I have been around and I have seen the facts.) The Center steers the car for some minutes to continue with its routine, even makes the driver honk in a certain style, turn the headlights on, ask queer questions, etc. Then, when the driver really wants to make a turn or stop, it promptly disconnects  and links to another available car behind you and the chain of events continues endlessly. The drivers never ever know about following you!It is the accumulation of single, seemingly harmless and temporary events that you see as gangs! Imagine a monster sitting in a room with all supernatural powers and equipments , omniscient capabilities, who manipulates animals, people ,cars, aero planes, weather , etc. such that you just get the right doze of torture in a general way, without any of the links in the chain being the wiser. This is not science fiction, as you will soon realize.

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Alright!The above diagram shows the street block as we described it earlier.In this moment, nothing unusual is happening. The target is standing beside a shop window  and  looks  inside, then he turns around, faces the street and decides to go to the other side to watch more shops.




At this moment,The Center reads the target's thought and knows about going to the other side.The Center scans all available  robot-persons in the vicinity and


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feels free to choose among them. The Center scans all the robot-people you see here,but for the sake of simplicity, we only point to 2 robot-persons,1 car driver,and even another one inside the building (The Center can see everything inside building blocks, and also can bring him/her out any time it wishes.)



The Center makes a choice. It enables its connection with the pedestrian on the right (the start of the control process is shown with the white arrow), and returns  the robot-person, steers him/her towards the target, and on reaching the earshot, The Center speaks through the person. The phrase shown above is very  mild. The Center usually uses obscenity and other annoying subjects. One critical point here is that The Center repeats the victim's words, or talks about events that the victim is absolutely sure no one could ever have been witness to. Sometimes The Center reminds the victim of very obscure childhood memories that the person has forgotten for decades. However, all of The


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Center utterances have something in common that creates awe, shame, anxiety, fear and rage.



Please  note  that  the  steering control is still acting on the torturer until he/she passes after the victim(shown with dark red wavy arrow). Now, The Center steers another robot-person on the other side of the street and  makes  him/her  suddenly  return, cross the street, come near the target and the same torture repeats. Here, the sentence is one of the usual  phrases  that  The  Center uses.It  means the torture and harassment will continue until the end of the target's life, which can    occur by suicide as well.This is really degrading the victim's morale.


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Here, The Center returns the torturer to his/her normal path of walking on the other side (dark red arrow), and releases the robot-person till the next session.However,at  this  moment  that  the  target begins to move towards the zebra strip to cross the street, The Center enables three other robot-persons that are coming towards the target and gather around.




Now, as the target walks normally towards the zebra  

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strip, three robot-persons (with another one at the back) surround  him and  block the way.This configuration is  called Crowding ,  which is sometimes the beginning of what we call the Street Theatre.The street theatre is a chain of events that The Center has preplanned and acts it out using the robot-persons.These events may include threatening scenes ( usually with participation of the police or militia troops)or imitating a part of the victim's personal life,etc.However,In this setting, the torturers leave the victim alone and go their own way.


  As the last link in the chain of harassment that occurred  in this short period, when the victim finally reaches the edge of the street and steps on the pavement, The Center steers a motorcycle rider from the other side to make a u-turn and cut the path of the target  in a fast movement.The target is shocked, since he/she did not notice any motorcycles on that side coming forward.


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Please take note  that  The Core Competitive Advantage of The Center, aside from supernatural powers (i.e. 4th dimension access), high technology  and wide  space  networking  is that you are led to  believe your daily torturers are independent, self-ware individuals that enjoy harassment or had a bad childhood.It can be very true indeed,but when the steering command of The Center takes the lead and directly tortures you using their bodies; you  have to  get  smart. Their success also is due to the fact that there are billions of robot- persons here on this planet and the normal  human beings are in real minority, which  is  the best occasion for The Center to surround one human by a multitude of robot-persons  and  isolate  him/her  very efficiently.


  Worry not, though, since a single man/woman with courage, is a majority.


  If  there   was   a  way for all victims to get  together  in  person  and unite, it should be possible that we  move towards the hubs  of   The Center and destroy most of it. But I do not know how this is feasible. Any action must take place immediately,  since The Center is working on all remaining human minds by various means and waves to drive  them  crazy, and this is not to be taken lightly.Voice to skull transmissions,


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remote communications, microwaves, cell phones, GPS, HAARP technology, electromagnetic blanketing around the planet Earth, chip implants, nanotechnology & nanoparticles, artificial food/blood/limbs/skin, with complex cities in closed artificial environments and various types of silent sounds are spreading rapidly in the human  living  habitat and environment.



I tried  my  best  to  visualize  a small   part  of  what  happens  daily to all victims. Some people can not sleep for a single night,some have to leave their homes or workplace,friends and family,and some people commit suicide.There is no one but The Lord to turn to .Neither the police, nor other authorities will pursue these claims, since almost all of them are robot-persons and The Center is eager to harass you if you make any close encounters with them!





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The Anti- Christ and hence the world government are not like anything you have seen before. They have omnipotent, omnipresent powers that surpasses any form of resistance by orders of magnitude unimaginable to ordinary man.

In this website when we refer to the 4th. dimension, it includes other 3-D parallel worlds and distant normal 3-D, too.

  Post Script-1

For a better understanding of the situation at hand, please check the DARPA (The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency -Department of Defense, USA) logo on the right. Here, the designer is restricted with the same limitations that we had above, i.e. we  attempted  to show the 3 dimensional street scene in this 2 dimensional web page with the all-seeing-eye pyramid on the top-right corner but it is actually located in the sky (the 3rd. dimension in those illustrations). Now you see that the designer of this logo is  faced with the same dilemma and that is how one must go about imaging a 4-

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dimensional scene in a plain 2-dimensional page. The DARPA logo designer had no other way but to picture the Earth as a 3-dimensional globe and then put the all-seeing-eye pyramid on the top left corner. It is clear that the drawing suggests an omnipresent and immense power which looks into the  3rd. dimension on our planet Earth. This is an all encompassing gaze that can see everything inside the 3-dimensional level of existence that we live in. Please read Midea's The Mind Control Q&A for  more details.


  Post Script-2

(Italics by Midea) - There are a few authors who have


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written books on gang/cause stalking. The most famous (notorious) one is David Lawson. He is a Florida-based Private Investigator who (claims that he )works cause stalking cases. He is the author of Terrorist Stalking in America (2001) and Cause stalking (2007).He is so intelligent that after years of getting acquainted with the gangs and traveling with them( in his sleep or fantasies) remarks that:

The investigations conducted by extremist groups against individuals can last for decades and involve hundreds of investigators...This book is a guide for victims on how to get rid of these people.(!!!)

This is just one example of hundreds of his hilarious opinions  in those books. As if these are not enough, a curious aging lady by the name Eleanor White, who (claims) has been a mainframe computer technician in the past century and now lives in Canada (and has her own website, radio, and  visualizes herself as a grandma authority in the mind control field) has this to say about the books:

This book is an INCREDIBLE resource for victims of organized stalking. The author accomplished what multiple stalking victims only DREAM about - he penetrated street level stalking groups and rode with them as they carried out harassment assignments.(!!!)

Dear readers! If I had the tiniest doubt about what I am

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going to say, and if I had not been directly witness to the most amazing operations one can imagine as I described in this website, there was no reason for me to be concerned, but:

This I tell you for sure, that is for a 100%, David Lawson is a big liar and all his adventures with the gangs described in those books  are absolutely false and fabricated. Most probably he was so skilled in inventing gibberish  that  THEY have found he could   well be a mislead for all who truly look into this subject.


If you want to see a real victim talking about real victims, look this way. See how I am sitting in the midst of one of the darkest tyrannies the human history might have experienced, maintaining this website that may cost me my life. Living on a very low budget and jumping by the slightest noise on the other side of the wall... 

Of course, when you see people who have so much convenience and wealth to write books, travel with gangs and so on, you shall take it with a grain of salt. There are more. There is another David by the surname Icke .This British researcher has been traveling to all countries, has a huge website, has written numerous books on Illuminati and secret world affairs. But when

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you attend his  scandalous speeches in, say, the Los Angeles Airport Hilton Hotel, please remember that a real victim is sitting in an obscure room in a gloomy city and types these words in the hideout with trembling hands.

Finally, I have to mention at least another name: Alex Jones, the founder of The Prison Planet website. A former New York Times reporter. His manners and websites are obvious enough, so I do not have to add any comments. But, for the sake of clarity, I point out just one fact. He claims that he is the first reporter who have ever infiltrated The Bohemian Grove retreat in San Francisco, California, and filmed the worship of the owl (or cow) god Moloch ceremony with the participation of world leaders. He shows shaky scenes taken with an allegedly hand-held hidden video camera. Do you really believe the world leaders who have been holding those sessions for over 130 years without any publicity, are so naive that let a reporter  infiltrate  (!) their premises, publish it on the Internet and survive it?

What really happened is that THEY are reaching the end times, which they have known and prepared themselves for hundreds of years. This is  why they do not care and even are willing to disclose ancient mysteries, since the cost and manpower to maintain the old secrets is not justified  as we move closer to the end. In the same manner, the Freemasons are opening the gates of their castles and fortresses to the public. The major corporations are increasingly using their

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waste materials-which they had to discard in the past-for business and profit. This way, they convert their liabilities to assets and somehow manage to make the ends meet  in the dark landscape of the future trends.

 Forget not, THEY have many opponents that eat out from their hand.   




Excerpts from the famous novel 1984 by George Orwell (Eric Arthur Blair 1903-1950),who wrote the novel  in  1948 . The child is Orwell's adopted son.



The most famous scene of the Matrix movie , in which a shocking and revealing dialog is presented to the audience.

The Audio Section




Power is inflicting pain and humiliation. Power is tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing. There is nothing that we could not do. Invisibility, levitation -anything. We make the laws of Nature. Children will be taken from their mothers at birth, as one takes eggs from a hen. The sex instinct will be  eradicated. Procreation will be an annual formality like the renewal of a ration card. We shall abolish the orgasm. Our

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neurologists are at work upon it now.There will be no loyalty, except loyalty towards the Party. There will be no love, except the love of Big Brother. There will be no laughter, except for the laugh of triumph over a defeated enemy. There will be no art, no literature, no science. There will be no distinction between beauty and ugliness. There will be no  curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life. If you want a picture of the future Winston, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - for ever...


Please right-click and select Save Target As...option to down-load the MP3 file.

To download the text  by Midea's


640 KB MP3

click here

To download the Matrix scene  by

Midea's voice

700 KB MP3

click here

To download the Anti-Christ clip

100 KB MP3

click here


Electric Eye

Judas Priest-1982

Genre: Heavy Metal

Sounds of Silence

1964-Simon & Garfunkel

Genre: Folk rock

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Electric Eye is an allusion to the book 1984 by George Orwell, in the use of the name of the satellite that always watches people. In this dystopia, the government, IngSoc (Newspeak for English Socialism), is utterly totalitarian, and if citizens are caught rebelling in any manner, they "disappear". Musically, the song is in the key of E minor.

Rob Halford: vocals, Glenn Tipton : lead guitar, K.K. Downing:rhythm guitar,Ian Hill: bass, Dave Holland:drums

Sounds of Silence reflects the strange atmosphere of USA in the 60's when the New World Order was gathering forces. It illustrates  an excellent picture  of the robot-persons and their dull existence. The innocent character  of singers with classic guitar accompaniment can be very descriptive of today's mind control victims.

Paul Simon: lead vocals, guitar-Art Garfunkel: lead vocals

Up here in space, I’m looking down on youMy lasers trace, Everything you do

You think you’ve private livesThink nothing of the kindThere is no true escapeI’m watching all the time

I’m made of metal, My circuits gleamI am perpetual, I keep the country cleanI’m elected electric spy, I’m protected electric eye

Always in focus, You can’t feel my stareI zoom into you, You don’t know I’m there

I take a pride in probing all your secret movesMy tearless retina takes pictures that can prove

I’m made of metalMy circuits gleamI am perpetualI keep the country cleanI’m elected electric spyI’m protected electric eye

Electric eye, in the skyFeel my stare, always thereThere’s nothing you can do about itDevelop and exposeI feed upon your every thoughtAnd so my power grows

Hello darkness, my old friendI've come to talk with you againBecause a vision softly creepingLeft its seeds while I was sleepingAnd the vision that was planted in my brain still remainsWithin the sound of silence

In restless dreams I walked aloneNarrow streets of cobblestone'neath the halo of a street lampI turned my collar to the cold and dampWhen my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon lightThat split the nightAnd touched the sound of silence

And in the naked light I sawTen thousand people, maybe morePeople talking without speakingPeople hearing without listeningPeople writing songs that voices never shareAnd no one daredDisturb the sound of silence

Fools said I, you do not knowSilence like a cancer growsHear my words that I might teach youTake my arms that I might reach

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I’m made of metalMy circuits gleamI am perpetualI keep the country cleanI’m elected electric spyI’m protected electric eyeProtected. detective. electric eye.

youBut my words like silent raindrops fellAnd echoedIn the wells of silence

And the people bowed and prayedTo the neon God they madeAnd the sign flashed out its warningIn the words that it was formingAnd the signs said, the words of the prophetsAre written on the subway wallsAnd tenement hallsAnd whispered in the sounds of silence.

To download Electric Eye (1MB MP3): click here To download Sounds of Silence(430 KB MP3): click here




Ask not what The Anti-Christ can do for you, ask what you can do about The Anti-Christ.


To read Midea's

       The   Mind        Control Questions & Answers

To read Midea's commentary on

The World Shadow Government and the role

of Iranian regime

click here 

A more insightful explanation of the overall world events and its major players.

click here

Learn the truth about the hidden agenda between the  West and the

Islamic Iran .

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To visit the Midea's web blog on the Ning social network along with many

other victims  

click here

To visit the Website for European Targets of Remote Technological Abuse

page that contains many international victims' links  

click here


April 2009,Tehran, Iran . The  content   of  this website  is free, however please mention the  name Midea and insert a link to this website when you make a quote or copy from this site. Thanks. 


Dear visitor, if you find this website useful and enlightening, please sincerely pray for the author to survive and see the end times.