Download - MILK - Dairy Markets · 2012. 1. 3. · 4. N.w suld.l1g •• for th. _11k •• ctor Zn thr •• polley docum.nt. dr.WD up by th. Commi •• ion .t th •• nd of 1980 .nd

Page 1: MILK - Dairy Markets · 2012. 1. 3. · 4. N.w suld.l1g •• for th. _11k •• ctor Zn thr •• polley docum.nt. dr.WD up by th. Commi •• ion .t th •• nd of 1980 .nd

European Community



Published by the Agricultural Information Service of the Directorate-General for Information European Community Commission - 200, rue de la Loi, 1049 Bruxelles


y ISSN 0250-5886


Page 2: MILK - Dairy Markets · 2012. 1. 3. · 4. N.w suld.l1g •• for th. _11k •• ctor Zn thr •• polley docum.nt. dr.WD up by th. Commi •• ion .t th •• nd of 1980 .nd


Manuscript finished: 12 July 1984 203

Page 3: MILK - Dairy Markets · 2012. 1. 3. · 4. N.w suld.l1g •• for th. _11k •• ctor Zn thr •• polley docum.nt. dr.WD up by th. Commi •• ion .t th •• nd of 1980 .nd

Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1984

ISSN 0250-5886

Catalogue number: C8-AV-84-203-EN-C

© ECSC - EEC - EAEC, Brussels. Luxembourg, 1984

Printed in Belgium

Page 4: MILK - Dairy Markets · 2012. 1. 3. · 4. N.w suld.l1g •• for th. _11k •• ctor Zn thr •• polley docum.nt. dr.WD up by th. Commi •• ion .t th •• nd of 1980 .nd

table of

I. Introductlon

II. .acqround

1. .arkat labalance

2. Producer cor •• pon.lblllt~

3. fte fir.t .upwr-l.vr

4. -- auldellne. for the allk .ector

S. fte adoption of a auarantee thr •• hold for aUk

6. fte 8tuttaart aandate

III. Princlpal featur •• of the ~uota .~.t ..

1. D1Iration

2. Det.raination and allocation of auarante.d total

~.antitl ••

3. Deteralnatlon of reference .uantltle. for dellyerle.

to dair~ within each ..... r 8tate

4. .eference .uantiti •• for dlrect .ale. to con.vaptlon

5. Tran.f.rabilit~ of reference ~uantitie.

6. Application and pa,..nt of .upwr-levr

7. Other proyl.lon.










• • •






Page 5: MILK - Dairy Markets · 2012. 1. 3. · 4. N.w suld.l1g •• for th. _11k •• ctor Zn thr •• polley docum.nt. dr.WD up by th. Commi •• ion .t th •• nd of 1980 .nd

XV. ~pl ... nt.tlon b~ the -.-b.r at.t •• of the quota .~.t ..

In 1984/8S In r •• pect of d.llv.rl •• to purch ••• r. 16

1. Gen.r.l 16

2. "oraul..A. or foraul. B 16

3. Cholc. of ~ •• r 17

4. V.rl.tlon. In the d.t.raln.tloD of qu.ntltl ••

• ccordlnl to c.telor~ of producer or reslon 17

S. ..t.bll.~nt of n.tlon.l r ••• rv. quantltl.. 18

6. ..tlon.l coapen •• tlon .... ur •• for the c •••• tlon of


ADp.l: 1: Gu.r.nt •• d tot.l qu.ntltl •• for d.llv.rl •• to

purch •• er. .nd quot.. for direct •• 1 ••

1984/8S - 1989/90 2: %apl ... nt.tlon of the quota .~.te. In 1984/8S

In ~h •• .-b.r .~.~.. In r •• p.c~ of d.llv.rl ••

to purch ••• r.





Page 6: MILK - Dairy Markets · 2012. 1. 3. · 4. N.w suld.l1g •• for th. _11k •• ctor Zn thr •• polley docum.nt. dr.WD up by th. Commi •• ion .t th •• nd of 1980 .nd

'Uk: n. 9»pt. Iy.t-

I, Iptrp4ucUop

n. taken b~ tb. Council of "lnl.t.r. On 31 •• rcb 198. for the

Introduction of •• uper-l.vy for • period of fly. ~ •• r. froa

2 April 1984 to allk d.lly.r.d In •• c ••• of d.fln.d .u.ntltl •• ••• nt the

culaln.tlon of •• y.r.l ~ •• r. of •• lon. orilln.tlns In tb. p.rt of

tb. 1970' •• on tb .... n. b~ whlcb Ca..unlt~ allk production c.n b • .or.

clo •• l~ .. tcb.d wltb tb. n •• d. of tb. aark.t,

n, '.cgrp9pd

1, •• rut lab.lug.

n. for comaunlt~ allk d.lly.rl •• to rl ••• t •• lsnlflc.ntl~

sr •• t.r r.t. tban tb. lncr.... In nora.l lnt.rn.l con'uaptlon .nd In •• port

d_and 1. not • r.c.nt but h •• b •• n • f •• tur. of the allk •• ctor

.lnc. tb ••• rll •• t d.~. of tb. Ca..on Alrlcultur.l Pollc~. Th •• chl.y ... nt

of ••• r.tlo In allk .nd allk product. w.ll In •• c ••• of

1~ w •• l •• dlns to .tructur.l In tb. .. rket .y.n b~ tb.

tl .. of tb. flr.t ... nt of tb. Ca.aunlt~ .nd tb. wld.nlnl production .nd noraal ca..ercl.l dMAnd could onl~ b •• llaln.t.d

tbroulb fr •• u.nt r.cour •• to public lnt.rv.ntlon, .ub.ldl •• d dl.po •• l

.cb .... on tb. lnt.rn.l aark.t .nd • sr •• t.r • .or. pr.c.rlou. on

tb ••• port outl.t. proyld.d b~ • yol.tll. world .. rket wltb ••••

con ••• lncr •••• d c.ll. on tb. KAOOP for •• pendltur. on lnt.rv.ntlon

.... ur •• and •• port ••

2. Prpd9g.r cpr •• pop.lbility

Wbll.t tb ••• rll •• t Ca.aunlt~ .... ur •• Int.nd.d to r.l.t. allk production

.or. clo •• l~ to dWAnd w.r. con~.ntr.t.d on Yolunt.r~ .ctlon. to r.duc.

production b~. for .... pl •• tb. p.,..nt of pr.alua. to produc.r. for


Page 7: MILK - Dairy Markets · 2012. 1. 3. · 4. N.w suld.l1g •• for th. _11k •• ctor Zn thr •• polley docum.nt. dr.WD up by th. Commi •• ion .t th •• nd of 1980 .nd cow .l.u,ht.r or tor conv.r.lon to b •• t productlon, •• w.ll •• on tb •

•• •• nd .tr.n,th.nins ot d ••• nd tbrousb int.rn.l dl.po •• l .ch ....

• nd the pur.uit ot .n .ctiv ••• port policy. th. introduction in 1977 ot •

tl.t-r.t. cor •• pon.ibllity l.vy on produc.r.· .ilk d.liv.ri •• to d.lrl •• ••• nt.d • tir.t .t.p tow.rd. th •••• umption by produc.r. ot • •• ot

tin.ncl.l r •• pon.ibility tor .tructur.l .urplu •••. w •• to .how. bow.v.r. tb.t while the cor •• pon.ibility l.vy

pl.~.d .n import.nt role in ,.n.r.tin, tund. wblch could be u •• d, in

p.rticul.r, tor •••• ur ••• l .. d .t .xp.ndin, •• rk.t •• n.ith.r thl. l.v~ nor

the non-mark.tlns ot .llk .nd r.conv.r.lon .ch ... which w •• lntroduc.d .t

tb ..... ti .. h.d .ny p.rc.ptlbl. lon,-t.rm l.p.ct In curbln, the .lmo.t

unr •• ittins upw.rd .volution in .llk d.llv.rl... In.t •• d, th. srowth In

production continu.d to out.trlp the po.ltlv. tr.nd In con.umptlon

whlch, d •• plt. tb •• pplic.tion ot both .xl.tln, .nd n.w dl.po •• l .... ur ••

w •• t.ndlns to .t.,n.t. or .v.n d.clin. In .0 .. i.port.nt product .r •••.

3. the tir.t .up.r-l.yy prgpo •• l.:

Tb. .nd tln.ncl.l con •• •• ot the contlnuln, dlv.r,.nc.

b.twe.n th. pro.p.ct. tor production and tor ••• abl. d •• and 1.d th. •• ion tow.rd. the .nd ot 1979 (1) to l.uncb tb. ld •• ot a

.uppl ... nt.r~ l.vy .ppll.d to .llk d.llv.r.d to d.irl •• In .xc ••• ot

d.tln.d b ••• qu.ntltl ••• nd to pr ••• nt thi. ld •• In It. pric. propo •• l. In

1980 (2) ••• tlrm propo •• l tor th. lntroductlon ot a .up.r-l.vy •

• to tb •• xc ••• quantltl ••• t tb. r.t. ot 84~ ot tb. t.r,.t prlc.

In ord.r to ... t tb. co.t. ot the additlonal .llk. N.lth.r thl.

propo •• l, whlcb c.n b ••• id to h.v. tormed th. s.n •• l. tor the pr ••• nt, nor •• l.ll.r but modltl.d propo.a1 .ubmltt.d by th. comal •• ion

In 1981 (3) wa •• .t the tl .. by th. Councl1.

(1) "Ch.n, •• In the Common Alricultur.1 Polley to h.1p the •• rk.t • • nd .tr ... 1ln •• xp.nditur.". COK(79) 710 tln.1, 30.11.1979.

(2) "Co..l •• lon propo •• l. on the tlxln, ot prlc •• tor c.rt.ln .,rlcu1tur.1 product •• nd on c.rt.ln r.1.t.d .... ur •• (1980/81)". COK(80) 10 tln.1, 6.2.1980.

(3) "co..l •• lon propo •• l. on the tlxln, ot prlc •• tor c.rt.ln .,rlcultura1 product •• nd on c.rt.ln r.1.t.d .... ur •• (1981/82)". COK(81) SO tln.l,



Page 8: MILK - Dairy Markets · 2012. 1. 3. · 4. N.w suld.l1g •• for th. _11k •• ctor Zn thr •• polley docum.nt. dr.WD up by th. Commi •• ion .t th •• nd of 1980 .nd

4. N.w suld.l1g •• for th. _11k •• ctor

Zn thr •• polley docum.nt. dr.WD up by th. Commi •• ion .t th •• nd of 1980 .nd

durins 1981 (1) in th. cont.xt of th. Council'. m.nd.t. to th. Commi •• ion

of 30 H.y 1980, th •• n.1y ••• of th. outlook not only for milk but .1.0 for

oth'r .Sricultur.1 product •• how.d th.t It w •• n.ith.r .conomic.11y

•• n.ib1. nor fln.nci.1ly po •• lb1. to Ilv. produc.r •• full prlc. su.r.nt ••

for un1i_lt.d qu.ntlti •• of product. in .tructur.1 .urp1u.. Zt w ••

propo •• d th.t luid.lin •• for futur. on th. Common Asricu1tur.1

Polley .hou1d th.r.for. Includ. th. modul.tion of th. su.r.nt ••• In lin.

with .nnu.l production, d.t.rmln.d within. fiv.-y •• r of

th. p.r.p.ctlv •• for production, con.umptlon .nd tr.d., .0 th.t produc.r.

would b •• r .t l ••• t p.rt of th. dl.po •• l co.t. for qu.ntltl ••• xc •• dlnl th.

t.rl.t.. Th. •• form In which th. lu.r.nt ••• would b. modu1.t.d,

.lth.r throush • l.vy .y.t.m or .noth.r .. .uch ••• 10w.rinl of th •

• upport prlc., would d.p.nd upon th. ch.r.ct.rl.tic. of th ••• ctor


Por milk, th. obj.ctlv. of production .hould b. th.t d.11v.rl •• to d.lrl ••

• hou1d not Incr •••• mort r.pidly th.n th. Srowth In Community con.umptlon,

which .t th. tim. Impli.d .n incr •••• of .bout 0.5~ • y •• r. Th. Comml •• lon

con.ld.r.d th.t th ..... ur •• to b •• dopt.d for thl ••• ctor .hou1d Includ.

th. contlnu.tion of • prud.nt prlc. polley but with •• tr.nsth.ninl of

- the of th •• xi.tinl cor •• pon.lbl1ity l.vy .t it. th.n 1.v.1

of 2.5~ of the t.rl.t prlc. for •• lonl ••• xp.ndltur. on milk occupl.d

mort th.n 3~ of the Gu.r.nt •• S.ctlon of the BAGGP;

(1) - "R.fl.ction. on th. Common Alrlcultur.l Polley". COH(80) 800 fln.l, 5.12.1980.

- "R.port from the Comal •• ion of the Burop •• n Communltl •• pur.u.nt to the m.nd.t. of 30 H.y 1980". COH(8l) 300 fln.1, 24.6.1981. "H.nd.t. of 30 H.y 1980 - Guld.1in •• for Alrlcu1tur. -Hemor.ndum to compl ... nt th. Comml •• lon'. r.port on the •• nd.t. of 30 H.y 1980". COH(81) 608 fln.1, 23.10.1981.


Page 9: MILK - Dairy Markets · 2012. 1. 3. · 4. N.w suld.l1g •• for th. _11k •• ctor Zn thr •• polley docum.nt. dr.WD up by th. Commi •• ion .t th •• nd of 1980 .nd

th. introduction of •• upp1 ••• nt.ry 1.vy, d •• ian.d to cov.r th. co.t. of

di.po •• 1 of .i1k in .xc ••• of th. production obj.ctiv •• nd .pp1i.d to

d.iri •• who in turn would .pp1y it to individu.1 produc.r. on th. b •• i.

of .ddition.1 d.1iv.ri •• ;

- •• l.vy on .ilk from int.n.ive f.rm •.

Th. Commi •• ion •• d. it c1 •• r th.t If th ••••••• ur •• w.r. not

produc.r p.rticip.tion .hould be Introduc.d in the form of • reduction in

Int.rv.ntion pric •• if production .xc •• d.d th. obj.ctiv •.

5. th •• doptiop of • lu.r.nt •• tbr •• bold for milk

In it. pric. in 1982. tb. Council .dopt.d • production t.rc.t for

tb •• 11k •• ctor in th. form of • cu.r.nt •• thr •• ho1d for 1982. b ••• d on th.

qu.ntlty of community .i1k d.1iv.rl •• to d.lri •• in 1981 p1u. 0.5~ •

• cr.elnc th.t If thl. thr •• ho1d w •• exc •• ded •• pproprl.t. m ••• ur •• would b.

t.k.n to off •• t th •• ddltion.1 .xp.ndltur.. In f.ct. d.1iv.ri •• in 1982

.xc •• d.d th. thr •• ho1d by .bout 3~ .nd in it. 1983 pric. •• th.

Council. which .t th. tim. w •• not r •• dy to Introduc •• upp1.m.nt.ry .nd

inten.ive 1evie., accepled th. Commi •• ion·. propo.a1 for the auarant.e to

b. modu1.t.d throuah .n .quiv.1ent 3~ .b.t ••• nt of th. prlc. Incr ••••• for

th •• i1k •• ctor. At th •• am. tim •• th. Council flx.d • au.r.nt •• thr •• ho1d

for 1983 .qulv.l.nt to .11k de11v.rle. in 1981 p1u. 1~.

6. Th. Btutts.rt •• pd.t.

Durinc th. cour.e of 1983 It b.came c1e.r th.t th •• b.t ••• nt .pp1i.d to

.11k pric •• w •• f.i11nc to .chi.v. th. d •• lr.d .ff.ct of contro11ina the

incr •••• in production; ind •• d. th. for.c •• t .ddition.1 ri •• of 3.5 - .~

for 1983 .UCCe.t.d th.t d.11v.rl •• were exp.ct.d to .xc.ed th. cu.r.nt ••

thr •• ho1d by .t 1 ••• t 6~. Fo110winc the m.nd.te clv.n by th. Europ •• n

Council .t stuttc.rt in June 1983. th. Commi •• ion In the fo110wlnc month

th.refore .ubmitt.d n.w propo •• 1. for th •• of th. Common

Aaricu1tur.1 Policy (1).

(1) "Common ACrlcu1tur.1 Po1iey - Propo •• 1. of th. Commi •• ion". COH(83) 500 final. 28.7.1983.


Page 10: MILK - Dairy Markets · 2012. 1. 3. · 4. N.w suld.l1g •• for th. _11k •• ctor Zn thr •• polley docum.nt. dr.WD up by th. Commi •• ion .t th •• nd of 1980 .nd

In thi. Co.-i •• ion document of July 1983. it wa. e.timated that in order to fully the additional expenditure likely to ari.e fro. the auarantee

thre.ho1d beina exceeded. the milk price for 1984/85 would have to be

abated by a. much a. l~. Thi. would have had •• riou. and i ... diat.

effect. on the revenue. of producer. while there would be .cae delay before

the full effect on production wa. achieved. a delay which could not be

reconciled with the financial imperative. facina the Community.

Por the.e rea.on •• the Commi •• ion concluded that the principle of the

auarantee thre.ho1d in the milk .ector .hou1d be implemented throuah a

quota .y.tem accompanied by a re.trictive price policy. In the.e initial

July, it wa. made clear that reference quanti tie. or quota ••

corre.pondina to the concept of the suarantee thre.ho1d. would be

e.tabli.hed for each dairy. ba.ed on deliverie. in 1981, and that all

deliverie. in exce •• of thi. quantity would be .ubject to a .upp1e .. ntary

levy de.ianed to cover the full co.t. of di.po.a1 of the additional milk.

The.e initial propo.a1 •• which were followed by preci.e in the

form of draft resu1ation. in September 1983 (1). were the .ubject of

inten.e •• ion. amona.t the Community in.titution. and the

.ocio-profe •• iona1 sroup. concerned durina the remainder of 1983 and the

openins month. of 1984 and formed the ba.i. for revi.ed propo.a1. (2) on

which the Council finally took it. deci.ion. of 31 Karch 1984 introducins a

quota and .uper-1evy .y.tem in the milk .ector.

(1) COK(83) 548 final, 14.9.1983 (2) COK(84) 190 final. 22.3.1984


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III. PrlRclple feature, of tbe Quot •• y,t ..

Th ••• in .lement. of the quota .y.t ••• r. th.t su.r.nt •• d tot.l qu.ntiti ••• r.

d.t.~in.d in r •• p.ct of d.liv.ri •• of milk to purch ••• r. for •• ch •• mb.r

st.t •• nd th.t, d.p.ndins on the formula cho •• n for the .pplic.tion of the

.up.r-l.vy, th ••• tot.l qu.ntitl ••• r •• lloc.t.d wlthln the ••• b.r st.t. In

the fo~ of qu.ntltl •• to purch ••• r. (d.lrl •• ) .nd/or to produc.r •.

A .up.r-l.vy, d •• lsn.d to .ddition.l production .nd •• n.c •••• ry to the co.t of di.po •• l of the .ztr. milk, i •• to d.liv.ri •• in

.zc ••• of th ••• qu.ntiti... Th.r •• r •• .rr.nS.ment.,

includins the •• of n.tion.l r ••• rv. qu.ntiti •• , to t.k •• ccount of

the difficulti •• of c.rt.ln produc.r. In .itu.tion.. Th.r •• r •

•• p.r.t. provl.ion. In r •• p.ct of dir.ct •• 1 •• of milk .nd milk product •.

1. Dur.tion

Th •• y.tem i •• to .11 d.liv.ri ••• nd •• 1 •• of cow.' .ilk for tiv.

con •• cutiv. p.rlod. ot 12 month. b.sinnins on 1 April 1984 th.t the

fir.t p.riod .t.rt. on 2 April 1984. Th. Commi •• ion will r.port to the

Council on the op.r.tion of the l.vy .y.t ••• t the .nd of the 1986/87


2. pet.rmin.tioR .nd .lloc.tion of au.r.nt.ed tot.l gu.ntitie •

• ) D.liy.ri., to d.lrie.

An .nnu.l su.r.nt •• d tot.l qu.ntity of milk h •• be.n determined for the

Community ••• whole, corre.pondins in prlnciple to the qu.ntlty of

cow.' milk dellvered to d.lri ••• nd other undert.kins. tre.tlns or

pros ••• lns .llk In 19S1 plu. 1~. Thl. qu.ntlty 1 •• lloc.t.d amons the

.e.ber St.te. In proportlon to their In the Communlty tot.l of

deliverle. In 1981 ezcept th.t, in recosnltlon of the p.rtlcul.r

clrcum.t.nce. of milk productlon In rrel.nd .nd, the su.r.nteed

tot.l qu.ntitle. for the •• two .ember St.te. b.en e.t.bll.h.d on

the b •• l. of thelr dellverle. In 1983. The su.r.nteed tot.l qu.ntltl ••

flzed for •• ch .ember st.te provld. the for d.termlnins the

qu.ntlti •• of mllk beyond whlch .ddltion.l d.liv.rle •• re ll.ble to the

.pplic.tion ot •• uper-levy.

Page 12: MILK - Dairy Markets · 2012. 1. 3. · 4. N.w suld.l1g •• for th. _11k •• ctor Zn thr •• polley docum.nt. dr.WD up by th. Commi •• ion .t th •• nd of 1980 .nd

In .um, the .nnu.1 su.r.nt •• d tot.1 qu.ntity for the Community •••

who1. for the fiv. y •• r p.riod h •• b •• n •• t .t 91,152,000 tonn... A ••

tr.n.ition.1 m ••• ur., how.ver, the Council h •• d.cid.d to sr.nt .n

.ddition.1 qu.ntity of n •• r1y 1 million tonn •• to the su.r.nt •• d tot.1

qu.ntity for the fir.t 12 month p.riod, SivinS • Ca.munity tot.1 for

the p.riod 2 April 1914 to 31 K.rch 1915 of 99,024,000 tonn... In

ord.r to cov.r the co.t of thi. conc ••• ion, the Council incr •••• d the

r.t. of the f1.t-r.t. cor •• pon.ibi1ity 1.vy from ~ to 3~ of the

pric. for .i1k.

Th. a.Su1.tion. on the quota .nd .up.r-1.vy .y.t.m .1.0 provide for •

"Community r ••• rv." to b. con.titut.d in ord.r to .upp1 ... nt .t the

b.sinnins of •• ch of the 12 month p.riod., the su.r.nt •• d tot.1

qu.ntiti •• of tho •• Kemb.r st.t •• in which imp1.ment.tion of the .y.t ••

r.i ••• p.rticu1.r difficult i •• 1i.b1. to .ff.ct .upp1y or

production .tructur... For the p.riod 2 April 1984 to 31 K.rch 1985,

thi. r ••• rv. h •• b •• n fix.d .t 335,000 tonn •• for .110c.tion •• n

Ir.1.nd (245,000 tonn •• ), Lux •• bours (25,000 tonn •• ), .nd the North.rn

Ir.1.nd r.sion of the Unit.d Kinsdom (65,000 tonn •• ). Thi •• us-.nt.

the tot.1 qu.ntity for the Coamunlty for 1984/85 to 99,359,000 tonn ••.

b) Dir.ct 8.1 ••

S.p.r.t. quota .rr.n&.m.nt •• pp1y in r •• p.ct of milk .nd .i1k product.

which .r. not d.1iv.r.d to d.irie •• nd oth.r purch •• inS und.rt.kins.

but which .r •• 01d dir.ct1y to con.umption by produc.r.. For th •••

qu.ntiti •• , quota amount. h.v. b •• n •• t.b1i.h.d for •• ch K •• b.r st.t.

on the b •• i. of the qu.ntity of milk .nd milk .quiv.1.nt .01d dir.ct1y

in 1981 p1u. 1~.

T.b1. I in .nn.x •• t. out for •• ch K.mb.r st.t. the 1.v.1 of .ctu.1

d.1iv.rl •• in 1983, the Su.r.nt •• d tot.1 qu.ntiti •••• t.b1i.h.d for

d.1iv.ri •• to purch ••• r •• nd the quota amount. d.t.rain.d for dlr.ct

•• 1 ••.


Page 13: MILK - Dairy Markets · 2012. 1. 3. · 4. N.w suld.l1g •• for th. _11k •• ctor Zn thr •• polley docum.nt. dr.WD up by th. Commi •• ion .t th •• nd of 1980 .nd

3. Ptt'raioltion of r.f.r.oc. QUlntltl •• for d.liy.rl •• to dlirY purchl •• "

wlthlp •• ch M*ab'r st.t •

• ) Cholc. of formul.

For •• ch r.slon within it. t.rritor" the tot.l su.r.nt •• d qu.ntit, to d.liv.ri •• to, purch ••• r. i •• lloc.t.d b, th. K .. b.r

st.t. in the fo~ of qu.ntitl •• (quot •• ) fix.d for 12 month

p.riod. for •• ch, purch ••• r .nd/or •• ch milk produc.r .ccordins to

• choic. •• n two fo~ul •• :

roraul. A. qu.ntitl ••• r. fix.d for •• ch produc.r, with

th. produc.r b.ins to •• up.r-l.v, .qulv.l.nt to 75~ of the pric. for milk (i .•.• l.v, of 20.57 BCU/100 kS for 1984/85),

p.,.bl. on the qu.otltl •• of .llk or milk .qulv.1.nt d.liv.r.d durins

the 12 month. conc.rn.d In .xc ••• of the qu.ntit,.

- Formul. B. qu.ntitl ••• r. fix.d for •• ch purch ••• r of milk

or oth.r milk product. with the purch ••• r b.inS li.b1. to •

• up.r-l.v, .qulv.1.nt to 10~ of the pric, (27.43 BCU/l00 kS

tor 1984/85), p.,.bl. on the quantltl •• ot .11k or .11k .qulval.nt

d.1iv.r.d to him b, produc.r. durlns the 12 month. conc.rn.d in

.xc ••• of the qu.ntlt,. Th. purcha •• r to the 1.v,

i. r.qulr.d to p ••• on the burd.n In the prlc. to tho ••

produc.r. who h.v. lncr •••• d d.11v.rl •• , In proportion to

contribution to the purch ••• r" qu.ntit, b.lns .xc •• d.d.

Th •• ,.t.m .1.0 provid •• th.t, for Gr •• c., .nd wh.r. fo~ul. B i •

• ppll.d, .11 purcha •• r. t.k.n ••• whole ar. •• on.

purch ••• r.

b) r1.xlbl •• pp1Ic.tion

Xn d.t.~lnlns qu.ntltl •• und.r .lth.r fo~u1 •• A or B, the

n.tion.l .uthorltl •• ma, b ••• th •••• lth.r on d.llv.ri •• or purch ••••

of .i1k or .11k .quiv.l.nt tn 1981 plu. 1~ or on d.liv.ri •• or

purch •••• in the 1982 or 1983 c.l.nd.r ,.ar •• dju.t.d b, • p.rc.nt.s.


Page 14: MILK - Dairy Markets · 2012. 1. 3. · 4. N.w suld.l1g •• for th. _11k •• ctor Zn thr •• polley docum.nt. dr.WD up by th. Commi •• ion .t th •• nd of 1980 .nd

.0 to en.ure that the .um ot the reterence quantitie. do •• not •• ceed

the total suaranteed quantitie. laid down tor .ach •• aber state. On

the ba.i. ot .pecitied Co..unit~ crit.ria. thi. percentas ... ~ be

varied between catesorie. ot producer or betw.en r.sion. in or4.r to

take account ot •• in production and collection condition.

within Keaber state •.

The percentase. u.ed to deterain. reterence quantitie. in relation to

d.liverie. or purcha.e. in 1981. 1982 or 1983 can al.o b. adapted to

provide tor the allocation ot reterence quantitie. tor certain .pecial

.ituation. and ca •••.

c) .atiogal r •• erye avag,lti ••

Xn order to take Into account the 'pecial .ituation. ot certain

produc.r. tor whoa .pecitic or additional quantiti .... ~ be

sranted. "'ber Stat ••• a~ con.titute a re.erv. quantit~ within the ot suarant •• d total quantit~.

d) EEPyl.iop tpE .peclal ca •••

Additional ret.rence quanti tie. drawn troa national r •• erv •• or troa

oth.r quantitie ... de available within the liait. ot th. suarante.d

~o~al quan~lt7 tor .ach M.aber state aa~ b. allocat.d in order to take

account ot the atore .. ntioned .pecial .ituation. ot certain produc.r.

and in order to p.rait .tructural adaptation. Specitic or additional quantitie. aa~ be srant.d in r •• pect ot th. tollowlns ca ••• :

(i) Produc.r. who have adopted ailk production develo..-nt plan.

under Directiv. 72/159/88C lodsed betor. 1 .arch 1984 aa~

obtain, accordins to th .... b.r State'. a .pecial

reter.nce quantit~ takins account ot the ailk and ailk product

quantlti •• provided tor In the d.velo..-nt plan it the plan wa •

• till b.ins iapl ... nt.d on 1 April 1984. or. In the ca.e ot

iapl ... ntation ot the plan atter 1 Januar~ 1981, a .pecial

reter.nce quantit~ takins into account th. quantlt~ ot allk and

allk product. in the ~ear durinS which the plan wa.

coaplet.d. Under certain condition •• non-d.velo,,-nt plan

t .... t...t ... ~ al.o be tate. con.tderatlon.


Page 15: MILK - Dairy Markets · 2012. 1. 3. · 4. N.w suld.l1g •• for th. _11k •• ctor Zn thr •• polley docum.nt. dr.WD up by th. Commi •• ion .t th •• nd of 1980 .nd

(ii) A .pecitic reterence quantity may be sranted to youns tarmer •

• ettins up atter 31 December 1980.

(iii) Producer. wbo.e milk production durins the year u.ed to

determine reterence quantitie. ha. been attected by exceptional

event •• hall obtain, at their reque.t, that their reterence

quantitie. be calculated on the ba.i. ot another reterence year

durins the 1981 to 1983 period. The exceptional event. may


a .eriou. natural di.a.ter attectins the producer'. tarm to a

con.iderable extent,

the accidental de.truction of the producer'. todder re.ource.

or build ins. u.ed tor dairy live.tock,

- compul.ory appropriation ot a con.iderable part ot the asricultural area ot the producer'. holdins,

re.ultins in a temporary reduction ot the fodder area,

it the producer run. the holdins him.elt, occupational

incapacity ot Ions duration,

thett or accidental 10 •• ot all or part of the dairy herd

where thi. ha. a .isniticant ettect on the milk production ot

the holdinS.

(iv) Subject to certain condition. and at the deci.ion ot the .ember

state, an additional reterence quantity may be sranted to

producer. realizins a milk production development plan approved

atter 1 April 1984 under Directive 72/159/BBC.

(v) Accordins to the deci.ion of the .ember state., producer. who

undertake tarmins a. their main occupation may al.o be elisible

tor an additional reterence quantity.


Page 16: MILK - Dairy Markets · 2012. 1. 3. · 4. N.w suld.l1g •• for th. _11k •• ctor Zn thr •• polley docum.nt. dr.WD up by th. Commi •• ion .t th •• nd of 1980 .nd

.) N.tion.l .id for the c •••• tiop of milk productiop

Xn ord.r to promote .tructur.1 d.v.10pm.nt in the milk •• ctor, •• mb.r

St.t ••• r. p.rmitt.d to sr.nt comp.n •• tion in on. or mor •• nnu.1

p.yment. to produc.r. und.rt.kins to di.continu. milk production

d.finitiv.1y. Th. qu.ntiti •• fr •• d by th ••• provi.ion •

• h.11 ••• n.c •••• ry. b •• dd.d to the n.tion.1 r ••• rv. qu.ntiti •••

4. 9y.ptiti •• for dir.ct •• 1 •• to cop.umptiop

Xn princip1., •• ch milk produc.r •• 11ins dir.ct1y to con.umption i •

••• isn.d • qu.ntity r.1.t.d to hi. dir.ct •• 1 •• of milk .nd milk

.quiv.1.nt in 1981 p1u. 1~. or. in the c ••• of • produc.r who b.s.n dir.ct

•• 1 •• from 1 1981 but b.for. 1 April 1984 or who h •• sr •• t1y

.1t.r.d hi. op.r.tion •• inc. 1 1981. r.1.t.d to hi ••• 1 •• in the

1 •• t 12 month. of op.r.tion. b.for. 1 April 1984. Wh.r. th ••• op.r.tion.

cov.r 1 ••• th.n 12 month ••• nnu.1 •• 1 •• qu.ntiti ••• nd .ppropri.t. qu.ntiti ••• r. d.t.rmin.d on the b •• i. of .ctu.1 •• 1 •••

Th. qu.ntiti •• c.1cu1.t.d und.r the .bov. provi.ion •• r.

corr.ct.d wh.r. .ppropri.t. by • p.rc.nt.s. to .n.ur. th.t the .um of the

dir.ct •• 1 •• qu.ntiti •• do •• not .xc •• d the tot.1 qu.ntity

.p.cifi.d for the •• mb.r st.t. conc.rn.d.

Xn ord.r to d •• 1 with .itu.tion •• th.r •• r. provi.ion., .imi1.r to

tho ••• p.cifi.d in the c ••• of the qu.ntiti •••• t.b1i.h.d in

r •• p.ct of d.liv.ri •• to purch ••• r •• for produc.r. who •• 11 dir.ctly to b.

sr.nt.d .ddition.l or .p.cific qu.ntiti •••

Produc.r. who h.v. • dir.ct •• 1 •• qu.ntity .nd who c ••••

th ••••• 1 •• wholly or in p.rt m.y in.t •• d d.1iv.r milk .nd milk

product. to • purch ••• r provid.d th.t the •• mb.r St.t. i •• bl. to sr.nt

th.m • qu.ntity from the Su.r.nt •• d tot.l qu.ntity to

d.liv.ri •• to purch ••• r.. Th.r •• r. provi.ion. in the c ••• of

produc.r. who wi.h to .witch wholly or in p.rt from d.1iv.rins to

purch ••• r. to dir.ct •• 11ins.


Page 17: MILK - Dairy Markets · 2012. 1. 3. · 4. N.w suld.l1g •• for th. _11k •• ctor Zn thr •• polley docum.nt. dr.WD up by th. Commi •• ion .t th •• nd of 1980 .nd

Th. r.t. ot .up.r-1.vy .pp1ic.b1. to dir.ct •• 1 •• ot milk .nd milk

.~uiv.1.nt in .zc ••• ot •• ch produc.r'. ~u.ntity i. 75~ ot the pric. (20.57 BCU/100 kS tor 1984/85).

5. Tr.n.t.r.bi1ity of qu.ntiti •• ~u.ntiti •• sr.nt.d to purch ••• r. or to produc.r. d.1iv.rins to

purch ••• r. or •• 11ins dir.ct1y .r. not tr •• 1y tr.n.t.r.b1. or •• 1 •• b1 •

• th.t wh.r •• ho1dins or und.rt.kins i •• 01d, 1 •••• d or tr.n.t.rr.d

by, .11 or p.rt ot the corr •• pondins ~u.ntity i.

tr.n.t.rr.d to the purch ••• r, t.n.nt or M.mb.r st.t •• m.y provid.,

how.v.r, th.t • p.rt ot the ~u.ntiti •• conc.rn.d b •• dd.d to the n.tion.1

r ••• rv.. Wh.r •• n .ntir. ho1dins i •• 01d, 1 •••• d or tr.n.t.rr.d by, the corr •• pondins ~u.ntity i. tr.n.t.rr.d in tu11 to

the produc.r who t.k •• ov.r the ho1dins, but wh.r. on. or •• v.r.1 p.rt of

the ho1dins .r. tr.n.t.rr.d, by •• 1., 1 •••• or, the

corr •• pondins ~u.ntity i. to b. di.tribut.d amons the produc.r.

op.r.tins the ho1dins, in proportion to the .r ••• u •• d tor milk production

or .ccordins to oth.r obj.ctiv. crit.ri ••• t.b1i.h.d by the M.mb.r St.t •.

rn the ca.e where, under formula B, a replace. wholly or in part,

on. or more purch ••• r., inc1udins c •••• wh.r. produc.r. ch.ns. trom one

purch ••• r to .noth.r, th.r •• r. provi.ion. tor the .nnu.1

qu.ntity ot the purch ••• r conc.rn.d to b •• dju.t.d to t.k. into .ccount .11

or p.rt ot the qu.ntiti •• ot the purch ••• r or purch ••• r. whom h.

r.p1.c..., M.mb.r st.t •• m.y provide th.t • p.rt ot the qu.ntiti ••

conc.rn.d may b. add.d to the nation.1 r ••• rv •.

Wh.r. tormu1. B i. b.ins .pp1i.d, the quantiti •• ot purch ••• r •

• r •• 1.0 .dju.t.d to t.k •• ccount ot .ddition.1 qu.ntiti ••••• isn.d to c ••• produc.r •• nd to torm.r dir.ct •• 11.r. who h.v. b •• n sr.nt.d • ~u.ntity in r •• p.ct ot d.1iv.ri •• to purch ••• r., .nd to t.k •

• ccount ot ch.ns •• r •• u1tins trom the •• 1., 1 •••• or tr.n.t.r by ot • ho1dins.


Page 18: MILK - Dairy Markets · 2012. 1. 3. · 4. N.w suld.l1g •• for th. _11k •• ctor Zn thr •• polley docum.nt. dr.WD up by th. Commi •• ion .t th •• nd of 1980 .nd

6. Applle.tlop .pd P', of th •• up.r l.yy

Xn th. c ••• of d.liv.ri •• to purch ••• r. und.r .lth.r foraul •• A or 8, th.

l.v~ du. on .ilk .nd .ilk product. d.liv.r.d in .ze ••• of

qu.ntltl •• I. coll.ct.d durlns •• ch 12 ~nth p.rlod b~ ... n. of qu.rt.rl~

p.~nt. on .ccount. c.lcul.t.d on th. b •• I. of th. qu.ntltl •• of .Ilk or

.llk .qulv.l.nt which for th. produc.r (for.ul. A) or th.

purch ••• r (foraul. 8) .zc •• d, for th. r.l.v.nt qu.rt.r. th. cwaul.tlv. qu.ntlt~ .t th •• nd of th. qu.rt.r conc.rn.d. P.~nt •• r. to b •

•• d. within .5 da~. of th •• nd of th. r.l.v.nt quart.r. Sp.cial

tr.n.itlon.l .rr.ns.mtnt. for th. coll.ctlon of th. l.vy .ppl~ in r •• p.ct

of Gr •• c., It.l~ .nd c.rtain ~untaln r.sion. of th. Co.aunlt~. Por th.

oth.r K •• b.r stat •• and Co .. unlt~ r.&lon •• th. l.vy a.ount. du. on .zc •••

• 1lk d.liv.rl •• durlns tb. flr.t two quart.r. of tb. 198./85 p.rlod .r.

t.k.n tos.tb.r .0 tbat tb. fir.t pa~nt. of tb. l.vy will b. r.quir.d b~

.id-Mov •• b.r 198 ••

Tb.r. i. provi.ion for ov.rp.~nt. to b. In c •••• wh.r. tb. l.v~

paid in r •• p.ct of a pr.c.dinS qu.rt.r or quart.r. b.. .zc •• d.d tb. .-Runt

actu.ll~ du •• inc. tb. b.slnnin& of tb. 12 ~ntb p.rlod conc.rn.d.

At tb •• nd of .acb 12 ~ntb period. tb.r. i •• final .ccount for •• cb

produc.r or purcba •• r to tb. l.vy. c.lculat.d on tb. b •• l. of tb.

aetu.l .zc ••• durin. tbi. p.riod b.~ond bi. annua1 quantit~. Th. •• n th. final a.ount of l.vy du •• nd tb •• wa of tb.

qu.rt.rl~ pa~nt. actu.ll~ •• d. i. to b. paid or b.for. 1 Jul~

followlns tb •• nd of tb. 12 .antb period conc.rn.d.

L.vy p.~.nt. du. fro. produc.r. wbo •• 11 dir.ctl~ to con.waptlon and wbo

.ze •• d quantlti •• wi11 b. coll.ettd .nnuall~ and ar. within tbr •• ~nth. or. b~ four .antb. of th •• nd of

tb. 12 .anth p.rlod eonc.rn.d.

7. Otb.r proyl.lop.

Tb. rul •• on tb. quota .nd l.vy .~.t •• provid. for th. l.v~ to b. appll.d

to d.liv.rl •• or dir.ct .al •• of not onl~ wbol •• ilk but al.o of oth.r .1lk

product •• ueb a. cr.~. butt.r and ch..... Tb. l.vy applleabl. to tb •••


Page 19: MILK - Dairy Markets · 2012. 1. 3. · 4. N.w suld.l1g •• for th. _11k •• ctor Zn thr •• polley docum.nt. dr.WD up by th. Commi •• ion .t th •• nd of 1980 .nd

product. i. b ••• d on whol. milk .quiv.l.nt. Th.r •• r •• 1.0

provi.ion. to t.k •• ccount of th •• v.r.s. f.t cont.nt of milk d.liv.r.d or

purch ••• d in ord.r to comb.t fr.ud.

A. i •• lr •• dy th. c ••• for th •• xi.tins cor •• pon.lbility l.vy, a.mb.r

St.t ••• hould .dopt wh.t.v.r .ddition.l .... ur ••• r. r.quir.d to .n.ur.

coll.ction of th. l.vy .nd info~ th. Int.r •• t.d p.rti •• of th. p.n.l or ••• nction. to which th.y will b •• ubj.ct if th.y to

comply with th. provi.lon. of th. l.vy .y.tem.

IY. Iapl ... nt.tlop by th. aemb.r St.t •• of th. 9Mot •• x.t.m in 19S4/85 ip

r •• p.ct of d.liy.ri.. to PMrch ••• r.

1. O.p.rt1 of th ... thod. by which a.mb.r st.t ••• r •• pplylns th ••• In

f •• tur •• of th. quota .y.t.m for th. fir.t 12 month p.riod .r ••• t out In 2 in .nn.x. It .hould b •• mph •• l •• d th.t th. d.t.

.nd th •• UMm.ry which i. cont.ln.d in th. followlns t.xt .hould b. r.s.rded

•• provi.lon.l .lnc •• om. of th. d.t.ll. by which the .y.t.m i. to b.

iaplement.d m.y b •• ubj.ct to .ub •• qu.nt revl.ion. compl.tion .nd tin.l

.dju.t .. nt durins or .t th •• nd of the p.riod conc.rn.d.

2. Formul. A or formul. B

With th •• xc.ption of th. Unlt.d Kin&do ••• 11 aemb.r st.t •• h.v. cho •• n to

.pply •• lnsl. formul. to .11 r.&ion. within individu.l t.rritori •••

B.l&iwa, G.rm.ny. tb. •• nd th. unit.d Kin&dom In r •• p.ct of

North.rn Ir.l.nd only, h.v. opt.d to .pply fo~ul. A (li.bility for l.vy by

produc.r.) durin& th. flr.t 12 month p.riod. In oth.r a.mber st.t •••

includinl tb. r.m.inins r.lion. of th. unit.d Kin&dom. formula B (li.bility

to l.vy by purch ••• r.) will b •• ppli.d.


Page 20: MILK - Dairy Markets · 2012. 1. 3. · 4. N.w suld.l1g •• for th. _11k •• ctor Zn thr •• polley docum.nt. dr.WD up by th. Commi •• ion .t th •• nd of 1980 .nd

3. Choice of reference year

The majority of ... ber State. have cho.en to ba.e the determination ot

reterence ~uantitie. tor producer. or on milk deliverie. durins

the 1983 calendar year, adju.ted by a percentaSe. Creece and Luxembours,

however, are to e.tabli.h reterence ~uantitie. on the ba.i. ot deliverie.

in 1981.

4. Yariation. in the dete~ination of reterence 9yantitie. accordinl to

catelorY ot producer or resion

a) 81 ,ile catelorY ot producer

In calculatins reterence ~uantitie. tor individual producer. or, Belsium. Cermany and Ireland have ditferentiated the

percentase applied to deliverie. in 1983, accordins to the volume ot

milk delivered by the producer8 concerned.

In Belsium. the reterence ~uantitie. tor milk producer8 dependent upon

dairyins tor a .ub.tantial part ot tarm income and who deliver Ie ••

than 60,000 litre. a year are calculated on the ba.i. ot a .maller

percentase deduction than tor other producer •.

In Ireland, ~he reterence quan~I~le. tor are ba.ed on 1983

deliverie. plu. an amount or percentase which di.tinsui.he. between

producer. deliverins more or le •• than 15,000 sallon. a year

<approximately 68,000 litre.). Thi •• hould en.ure that in compari.on

with 1983, the reference ~uantitie. tor with the sreate.t

number ot 8mall producer. are h1sher than tho.e e.tabli.hed tor where larser producer. predominate.

In Cermany. reterence ~uantitie. for producer. are calculated accordins

to percentase deduction. which are ditferentiated both accordins to the

volume of milk delivered by the producer but al.o. for certain


Page 21: MILK - Dairy Markets · 2012. 1. 3. · 4. N.w suld.l1g •• for th. _11k •• ctor Zn thr •• polley docum.nt. dr.WD up by th. Commi •• ion .t th •• nd of 1980 .nd

cate,orle. ot producer, accordln, to the increa.e in dellverie. between

1981 and 1983. Thu •• the maximum percenta,e deduction trom the 1983

ba.e i. made In re.pect ot the reterence quantltle. tor producer.

deliverln, the ,reate.t volume ot milk and with the hi,he.t Increa.e in

dellverle. in the period 1981-1983.

The United ~in,dom. In the reallocation ot reterence quantitie.

relea.ed by producer. benetlttln, trom national compen.atlon mea.ure.,

al.o intend. to ,lve priority to .ma11 producer. (in Bn,land and Wale.,

production ot 1e •• than 200,000 litre. In 1983), with the objective ot

.upp1ementin, their reterence quantiti •• to the 1ev.1 ot their actual

deliverle. in 1983.

b) By resion

Prance and the United ~in,dom have announced their intention. to apply

a de,ree ot re,ional ditterentiation In determlnin, reterence

quantltle. ba.ed on 1983 dellverle ••

In Prance, the Initial reterence quantitie. tor In mountain

reslon. are calculated on tbe ba.l. ot a •• aller percentase deduction

trom 1983 de1lverle. than tor other Prench re,ion •.

In the United Kin,dom. reterence quantitie. tor certain remote

and penln.ula area. ot Scotland are .lmllar1y e.tabli.hed by mean. ot a

.maller percenta,e deduction trom the 1983 delivery ba •• than tor the

remainder ot tbl. Hember Btate.

s. B.tabll.hment ot national re.erve guantltie.

In ae1,lum, Denmark. Creece, the Netherland. and the United Kin,dom. the

percenta,e. applied to deliver Ie. in the reterence year In order to

calculate reterence quantitie. tor producer. or make provl.ion

tor the e.tabli.hment ot initial national re.erve quanti tie •• to be u.ed

tor the ,rantlns ot .pecltlc or additional reterence quantltle. In re.pect

ot .pecia1 ca.e producer.. In other Hember State., it i. con.ldered that

.utticient quantitie. will be made available tor .pecial ca.e. trom


Page 22: MILK - Dairy Markets · 2012. 1. 3. · 4. N.w suld.l1g •• for th. _11k •• ctor Zn thr •• polley docum.nt. dr.WD up by th. Commi •• ion .t th •• nd of 1980 .nd

produc.r. who h.v •• lr •• d7 c •••• d milk production .inc. th. b.sinninl of

th. 7 •• r or fro. th. qu.ntiti •• which m'7 b.

from produc.r. who will 1 •• v. th ••• ctor in th. futur •• inc1udlns from

tho •• who from n.tion.1 comp.n •• tion .... ur •• for th. c •••• tion of

milk production.

6. N.tion.1 comP.OI.tioO ".,ur •• for th. c.,I.tioR of milk productioR

O.rm.n7., Xt.17 .nd th. Unit.d Kinsdom .r. amons.t th. K.mb.r st.t ••

which lnt.nd to Ir.nt n.tion.1 comp.n •• tlon to produc.r. who und.rt.k. to

di.continu. milk production d.finltiv.17 .0 th.t th. qu.ntltl ••

r.1 •• ,.d to th. n.tion.1 .uthoriti •• m'7 b. u •• d to sr.nt .p.clflc or

.ddition.1 qu.ntiti •• in r •• p.ct of th. r.mainins .nd n.w

produc.r. who qu.1if7 ••• pecl.1 c •••••

Xn GermARY, .n amount of 1.000 OK p.r 1.000 kl. up to • m.ximum of

150,000 OK p.r f.ra wl11 b •• w.rd.d to th. produc.r conc.rn.d. P'7.b1. ov.r

a 10 p.riod. Thl •• ch .... which co ... nc.d In Jun. 198. and for which

.pp11c.tlon •• hou1d b. b7 1 octob.r 198 •• 1 •• xpect.d to r.1 •••• quantltl •• tot.11lns up to 1 million tonn •••• qulva1.nt to a

11tt1. ov.r .~ of th. su.rant •• d total qu.ntlt7 for O.ra.n7.

In •••• ch.m. w •• commenc.d In Jun. 198. to op.n for

.pp1ic.tlon. until th •• chi.v.m.nt of th. obj.ctlv. of r.1.a.lns

quantltl •• tota111ns 1 million tonn •••• quiva1.nt to approxlaat.17 .~ of

th. suar.nt •• d total qu.ntit7 for Pranc.. Thi •• ch .... for which fund.

total1ins 605 million PP ar. aval1ab1. for 198 •• provld •• for thr ••

•• par.t. c.t.sorl •• of .id:

Por produc.r. of more than 65 of .s. or oth.r produc.r. in r.c.ipt

of an old as. p.n.ion. a pa~nt .quiv.1.nt to 1/3 of th. tarset pric.

(i.e. 0.61 PP p.r 1itr.> up to a .axlmum of 30,000 11tr •• of cow.' milk

or 18,300 PP p.r produc.r.


Page 23: MILK - Dairy Markets · 2012. 1. 3. · 4. N.w suld.l1g •• for th. _11k •• ctor Zn thr •• polley docum.nt. dr.WD up by th. Commi •• ion .t th •• nd of 1980 .nd

- An .nnu.l p.,..nt to produc.r •• S.d 55 to 65 y •• r •• nd not .1iSibl. for

old .S. pen.ion •• ~uiv.1.nt to 1/3 of the pric. (0.61 PP p.r litre

in 1984/85) on the fir.t 45.000 litr •• p.r produc.r .nd 1/6 of the

pric. (0.305 PP p.r litre in 1984/85) on the n.xt 15,000 1itr •• , up to •

m.ximum .nnu.l p.,..nt p.r produc.r of 32.025 PP. Th. p.ym.nt continu ••

until the r.cipi.nt i. 65 y •• r. of .s. or r.c.iv ••• n old .S. p.n.ion.

- •• insl. p.,..nt to produc.r •• S.d 1 ••• th.n 55 y •• r., .~uiv.l.nt to 1/3

of the pric. on the fir.t 60,000 litr ••• nd 1/6 of the

pric. on the n.xt 30,000 litr •• , up to • m.ximum p.,..nt p.r produc.r of

45,750 PP.

In the Vpit.d Kipadom, • c •••• tion .ch.m. provid •• for • p.ym.nt to

produc.r. of L 650 p.r 5,000 litr •• of ~u.ntity r.1 •••• d. Thi.

amount, .~uiv.l.nt to 13 p.r litr., i. in .~u.1 in.t.lment.

ov.r five y •• r.. Th.r. i. no m.ximum amount p.r produc.r .nd up to L 50

million h •• b •• n mad •• v.i1.b1. to fund the ov.r the five y •• r

p.riod. Th. obj.ctiv. i. for up to 2.25~ of the tot.1 amount of

~u.ntlti •• to b. bouSht up in Bnsl.nd .nd W.1 ••• nd in scotland .nd up to

5~ in North.rn Ir.1.nd, or 385,000 tonn •• for the Unit.d ••• whol •.


Page 24: MILK - Dairy Markets · 2012. 1. 3. · 4. N.w suld.l1g •• for th. _11k •• ctor Zn thr •• polley docum.nt. dr.WD up by th. Commi •• ion .t th •• nd of 1980 .nd


VI - 0 - 1 Brussels, 6.7.1984

!!~!.~_1: Guaranteed totaL quantities for deLiveries to purchasers and quotas for direct sales 1984/85 - 1989/90

ActuaL Guaranteed Community deLiveries totaL reserve

~o purchasers quantity

1983 (1) 1984/85 1984/85

BeLgium 3 225 3 138 -Denmark 5 227 4 932 -Germany 25 176 23 487 -France 26 120 25 585 -Greece 444 472 -IreLand 5 280 5 280 245

ItaLy 8 323 8 323 -Luxembourg 283 268 25

NetherLands 12 909 12 052 -United

Kingdom 16 585 15 487 65

EUR 10 103 572 99 024 335

(1) ProvisionaL

TotaL quantity


3 138

4 932

23 487

25 585


5 525

8 323


12 052

15 552

99 359

<thousand tonnes of miLk d miLk eauivaLent) ---

TotaL Guaranteed Direct quantity totaL saLes quota 1984/85 : quantity

actuaL de L i veri es 1985/86 - 1984/85 -

1983 <X) 1989/90 1989/90

- 2.7 3 106 505

- 5.6 4 882 1

- 6.7 23 248 305

- 2.0 25 325 1 183

+ 6.3 467 116

+ 4.6 5 280 16

0 8 323 1 591

+ 3.5 265 1

- 6.6 11 929 145

- 6.2 15 327 398

- 4.1 98 152 4 261


Page 25: MILK - Dairy Markets · 2012. 1. 3. · 4. N.w suld.l1g •• for th. _11k •• ctor Zn thr •• polley docum.nt. dr.WD up by th. Commi •• ion .t th •• nd of 1980 .nd


T&a~ 21 ,..) .... '.'1 ••• , ". 'Mot& ",t .. II 1".'" t. , ....... r It.~ •• la r .... ot of •• II,.rl •• to lU!!k'l.r.

I-----------t l--------I------------1----------1----------------------------------------------------------1--------------------------------------1 1 ".r •• t ... I 1 .11k 1 •••• rY ••••• t1tl ••

I Total I zdellw,rl'.1 :------------------I-------------------t I •••• tltw ,ror..l .... t .... c. .1. r.t.- Co1 •• 1.tlo. of r.tor •• c ..... t1tl •• o. t •• b •• I. , Acco •• t .. for I fa) •• pplted ,.ar lraae. ,.arl of d.lly,rl •• la tk. ,.,.r •• c. ,.a, 1 b, r,'

, • , ... tltw c.lco- ot.or 1 1_ to.OO81 1 1_ laUo.

1 \0 •••• 1000 t.o •••• 1000 ~o •••• 1 ___________ I ____________ I ________ • ___________ I __________ t ____________________________________________________ ~ ____ t-_________________ I-~-----------______ l

• .. lal.. • J131 A 1913 '22S. (I) Dolly.rl •• 10 •• ~ ... 10,000 Iltr ••• 1911 - ~ appro.. lS .(11) Do1Iyorl •• .oro th .. 10,000 lltr •• ' 19.1 S. 2-----------I-----------I-------'------------t---------I--------------------______________________________________ : _____________ -----1-------------------:

• Oe-..k 4912 • 1913 5221 • pvrc.a •• r, d.llv.rl •• la 19.' - 5.1. .ppro.. 51 Produc •• , d.lly.rl •• la 19.' - I.~

.ppro •••• I fra. produc.r • • co •• I •• 1.1.1' -I 11.3.14 . --------.------.----. .----------.----------.---------------------------------------------------------.------------------1-------------------• oo ..... w 214" .. 19111 25111 • (I) Prodoc.r. d.llverl •• 1 ••• tb .. 161,000 ta wltho.t .ppro •• 1000

laeroa •• I. d.llverl •• I. 19.1 to 1911 period • a. a ro •• lt of 1913 - 2S o. flrot 10,000 ta c •••• tlo. 19.3 - •• o. r ... doll •• rl.. p.,..nt •

• (11) Ot •• r prod.cor. , 1913 - ... pl •••• ddltloa.l reductio. 01 O.,~ per 1. pol.t of

I.cra ••• I. d.lly.rl •• I. 19.1 to 19.,1 period. pl •• , r.ductlo. of 0.1. accord I •• to

.la. of produc.r of 0.1. per 1000 ka for d.llverl •• of 161,000 to 1'0,_ ka 2S for dell.arl •• of 1'0.000 to 2'6,000 ka 2S plu. 0.1. per 1000 k& for d.1Iyorl •• of 216,000 to 1100,000 ta 3.5. for dollv.rl •• of .oro th .. 300,000 tao

J-----------J----------:--------:------------I----------I----------------------------------------------------------:------------------:-------------------: : IFt •• c. ;U5.5 • U.3 26120 1 (I) 19.' - rL for aOD .. unt.l. &0 •••

,(II) 19.3 - 1. for .. u~t.l~ ao ••• : CI )appro •• 300 'ra.:

producer. c ••• tas: 1.1.13-31.1."

,(II).,pro •. 1000 •• : • r •• ul~ of c ••• -: t10. pa,.. .. t.

-----------t------------t--------:------------:----------:----------------------------------------------------------:-~----------------1-------------------1 • ClNec. 412 • U.l 462 Ge.ralt •• d total - 10& "1.2

1-----------1------------1--------1------------:----------1----------------------------------------------------------:------------------:-------------------1 I lr.l ..... 5525 I 1913 5210 , (I) Prod.c.r. d.llvorl.a 10 •• th •• 15,000 •• lloa.:

, 19.' + 500 .a110 •• ICll) Producer •• el1 •• ,1.a .or. thaa 15,000 aal10 •• :

19.3 + 3.6. :-----------:------------1--------:------------1----------1-------------_____________________ ~ _______________________ :------------------:-------------------! 1 n.1W nn • .... •. a . 1-----------:------------:-_______ : ____________ : __________ 1-----------------------~----------------------------------:------------------;-------------------: I Lu • .-bovra: 29' I. 1911 212, 1.'1 + 2.31. 25

2-----------:------------:--------:------------1----------:----------------------------------------------------------1------------------:-------------------1 : •• tll.rl ... d.: 12052 A 191' lU09 I 1'" - 1.65. 260

1-----------:------------:--------:------------1----------1----------------------------------------------------------:------------------:-------------------: , Ualt.. 15552, al •• 19.' (1'510' (I) 19.3 - .. tor "al .. d .ad V.10., lr.laad 3.... .ppro&. 3.5 .. a I XI.adQa , •. Ir.:A, &Ad .o.t of 'cotl .. d ro •• 1t of co •• -

(II) 19.3 - OS for ... tl •• d l.load. .tlo. p.,..nt • • (111) 1 •• 3 - 5." for c.rt .. la oth.r 'cottl •• 1.1 .. d.


(a' •• C ..... ltw r ••• rv. , ... tltlo •• ~: ~o .bov. data .ro .o~ ~.e ..... llW .. d ... be .u'S.ct to •• h ...... t rovl.loo &ad c ... 1.tlo ••

Page 26: MILK - Dairy Markets · 2012. 1. 3. · 4. N.w suld.l1g •• for th. _11k •• ctor Zn thr •• polley docum.nt. dr.WD up by th. Commi •• ion .t th •• nd of 1980 .nd


Newsletter on the co~n agricultural policy

No. L "Iua,' I -165 15 ,.ars of Gr •• n Europ. DA, DE, EN, F., IT, NL

166 "ilk I probl •• child of tA, 01, IN, F., IT, NL agricultur.

167 EEC agricultur. : the world di •• nlion DA, DE, EN, F., IT, NL

1 .. agricultur. 1979 DA, DE, EN, F., IT, NL

169 Europeln Igr1cultur. into the n1n.t •• n- DA, DE, IN, FlIt, IT, NL .ightiel

170 Agricultur. and the probl •• of lurplul.1 DA, DE, IN, FlIt, IT, NL

171 EEe food i.portl : the N.v Z.lllnd fill DA, DE, IN, F., IT, NL

172 Win. in the .ightiel DA, DE, EN, F., IT, NL, GR

173 Th. Igriculturll Ilpects of .nllrg ••• nt DA, DE, EN, FlIt, IT, NL, GR of the EurOP.ln Co .. unity :

174 Th. agricultural alp.cts of .nllrg ••• nt DA" 01, IN" F., IT, NL of the Europ.ln eo .. unity : Spltn

175 The co .. on agricultural policy and world DA, DE, EN, FlIt, IT, NL food Ihortag.1 - Food aid

176 Alpectl of the ca-MOn agricultural polJcy DA, DE., EN, FR, IT" NI. of conc.rn to conlu.erl

177 Policy for feedingltuffs : the C:Ole F. of "substitutes"

171 Th •• nlarg ••• nt of the Coaaunity FlIt

179 Th. eo .. unity', agr1cuUural and food FlIt .xports

'10 A nev CDeaon organization of the .ark.ts DA, 01, IN, FlIt, IT,NL in sugar IS fro. 1 July 1911

'11 A ntv :o .. on agricultural structur. policy OA, DE, UN, F., IT,NL

Page 27: MILK - Dairy Markets · 2012. 1. 3. · 4. N.w suld.l1g •• for th. _11k •• ctor Zn thr •• polley docum.nt. dr.WD up by th. Commi •• ion .t th •• nd of 1980 .nd

NO language :

lIZ Fin.ncing the .arket side of the co..on DA, DE, EN, FI, IT, Nl agricultural policy - EAGGF-Guarantee

113 Co·ordination of agricultural research in DA, DE, EN, FR, IT, Nl the Co .. unity

114 Co..unity food aid DA, DE, EN, II, IT, Nl

115 Th. contribution of the co •• on agricultural DA, DE, EN, II, IT, Nl policy to the .cono.ic dev.lop •• nt of the C.,..unity

116 Th. d.velop •• nt of v.t.rinary legislation DA, DE, EN, II, IT, Nl

117 Th. C~nity's agricultural policy and DA, policy on trade in agricultural products

DE, EN, II, IT, Nl

1. M.chanis.s of the co .. on organization of DA, DE, EN, '1, IT, Nl agricultural .. rkets - livestock products

119 M.chanil.1 of the co..on organization of DA, DE, EN, II, IT, Nl agricultural .arkets - Crop products

190 Th. agricultural alp.cts of .nlarg ... nt DA, DE, EN, FI, IT, Nl of the Co..unity Portugal

191 Stat. aidl and the coa.on agricultural DA, DE, EN, FI, IT, Nl, GR policy

19Z Th. co • .on agricultural policy and agri- DA, DE, EN, '1, IT, Nl, GR cultural trade with the d.v.loping countri.s

193 Prevention of fr.udl aga1nlt the agricultural fund DA, DE, EN, FI, IT, Nl, GR

194 In.,l.icationl for the agricultural sector of the lack of a .atching degree of 1ntegrat1on in the other of Co.munity policy DA, DE, EN, FI, IT, NL, GR

195 Agriculture and .norgy: current problems and future outlook DA, DE, EN, II, IT, NL, GR

196 The COlIIIIIDn agricultural pol icy and the food indultry DA, DE, EN, FI, IT, NL, GR

197 For the Southern legions of the Co..unitv - Th. integrated .editerranean programm •• - DA, DE, EN, FR, IT, Nl, GR

198 The .iracle of the CAP DA, DE, EN, FI, IT, Nl, GR

Page 28: MILK - Dairy Markets · 2012. 1. 3. · 4. N.w suld.l1g •• for th. _11k •• ctor Zn thr •• polley docum.nt. dr.WD up by th. Commi •• ion .t th •• nd of 1980 .nd

NO Language

199 The new co..on agricultural structures pol icy DA, DE, EN, FR, IT, NL, GR

200 Agriculture in the United State. and in the European CO_Jnity: a co.,arhon DA, DE, EN, FR, IT, NL, GR

201 Sheepmeat DA, DE, EN, FR, IT, NL, GR

202 Agriculture as a creator of jobs DA, DE, EN, FR, IT, NL, GR

Page 29: MILK - Dairy Markets · 2012. 1. 3. · 4. N.w suld.l1g •• for th. _11k •• ctor Zn thr •• polley docum.nt. dr.WD up by th. Commi •• ion .t th •• nd of 1980 .nd

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