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IMAGERY The image used for the front cover is a

compilation of photographs that depict Miley Cyrus wearing a short black coat with the title “Bangerz” stylized in florescent neon lighting that appear to be fixed on a couple of palm trees. The artwork uses various colour palettes that vary from pink to blue and purple. As the palette mainly represents warm colours, the viewer is drawn to associate the product with the youth culture. The neon lighting as well as the palm trees also represents night life, which denotes that the CD includes music that could be played in a club. The picture of the artist also promotes sexuality, as she is dressed in a rather short black coat with her legs remaining uncovered. Her appearance (the short pixy hair) also makes her look more masculine which gives her the aspect of a very strong person. The fact that she is looking directly at the viewer not only addresses the public but also provokes them into accepting her new persona and subsequently buying the new album. As Miley Cyrus recently changed her style of music and her aspect, the CD represents her new debut and therefore, tried to convey an accurate picture of who she really is now.

Page 3: Miley Cyrus Case Study

LEXIS AND HOUSE STYLE The typography of the CD is mainly

presented by the neon lighting that forms the word “Bangerz”. The choice of name for the album is also reinforcing the theme of the album’s artwork mainly because the slang term of “bangers” means either “a song that is unbelievably awesome” or “an intense party that often involves large amount of drinking”. The double meaning of the song is therefore conveying a lot of optimism and “rebel” life , both being commonly associated with the youth. The misspelling of the word “bangers” and the fact that she is using the letter “z” to replace the “s” also give a “rebel” vibe to the album, mainly because it makes it appear more liberating. The fact that her name is places on both upper and bottom side of the album photograph as well as the colours being very similar to the background denotes the fact that the artist has a personal connection with the new album, which represents her entirely.

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THE BACK OF THE CD The back of the CD also includes a

variation of warm colours from the same palette as the front of the CD. The fact that the image carries an almost identical aspect of the image from the front gives a sense of continuity to the overall product which gives it a focused target audience (the youth). The picture used depicts Miley Cyrus dressed in a leather jacket and sitting on a chair in a rather relaxed and laid back pose. The fact that her legs and chest are visible gives her a rather mature and “rockfish” vibe, which also associates her to street fashion/culture. Her appearance also gives the overall product a “liberating vibe”, which also imitates her desire to show everyone how she grew up as both a person and an artist.

Although the content of the back is mostly focused on the aspect of the product, the picture also includes information about the songs from the CD and their order. Additionally, the back photo also gives a couple of websites that includes more details of her album.

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THE INSERTS In terms of the inserts, the product includes a folded

paper that includes information regarding all of the songs. The appearance of the paper is also presenting various pictures of Miley Cyrus put on the background of the same colour palette from the front cover of the CD. The pictures appear to be put together in a form of photomontage that promote youth culture, this being mainly reinforced by the careless editing format of the pictures, as well as the addition of various symbols associated with young people (such as marijuana and the heart). The appearance of the CD is rather simplistic compared to the rest of the product: the CD is white with neon orange writing on it. The simple appearance of the CD makes it rather attractive, mainly because the colours work together without dispensing from the colours from the packaging. The simplistic nature of the CD is therefore promoting the content of the CD without distracting the viewer with other elements such as imagery.