Download - Mike Kelly€¦ · MIKE KELLY (PA-16) Backgrounder | 3 Kelly Sponsored & Voted For Tax & Energy Legislation That Would Help Enrich Him Significant Findings Kelly sponsored legislation

Page 1: Mike Kelly€¦ · MIKE KELLY (PA-16) Backgrounder | 3 Kelly Sponsored & Voted For Tax & Energy Legislation That Would Help Enrich Him Significant Findings Kelly sponsored legislation

Mike Kelly

Republican Incumbent in Pennsylvania’s 16th Congressional District

Research Backgrounder – 2018 Last Updated September 2018

Prepared by the DCCC Research Department

Mike Kelly (PA-16) Research Report The following report contains research on Mike Kelly, a Republican member of Congress in

Pennsylvania’s 16th district. Research for this memo was conducted by the DCCC’s Research Department in September 2018. By accepting this report, you are accepting

responsibility for all information and analysis included. Therefore, it is your responsibility to verify all claims against the original documentation before you make use of it. Make sure you

understand the facts behind our conclusions before making any specific charges against anyone.

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents ....................................................................................... 2

Kelly Sponsored & Voted For Tax & Energy Legislation That Would Help

Enrich Him ................................................................................................ 3

Kelly Sponsored & Voted For Trade & Consumer Legislation That Would

Benefit His Car Dealerships ..................................................................... 11

Kelly Benefitted From The Perks Of Congress, And Served His Party

Over His Constituents .............................................................................. 24

Kelly Supported His Special Interest Donors Over Pennsylvanians ........ 37

Appendix I – Personal Financial Disclosures ........................................... 42

Appendix II – Travel Expenditures .......................................................... 72

Appendix III – Bill Sponsorships & Amendments ................................... 74

Appendix IV – Bill Co-Sponsorships ...................................................... 82

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Kelly Sponsored & Voted For Tax & Energy Legislation That

Would Help Enrich Him

Significant Findings

Kelly sponsored legislation as part of “Tax Reform 2.0” that would primarily benefit millionaires like

Kelly, while draining federal revenues.

Kelly voted for the Republican tax bill that gave him personally an estimated $15,000 tax cut, while

adding $1.9 trillion to national debt, threatening Social Security and Medicare.

Kelly co-sponsored a measure to expand fracking, while making millions from investments in land along

the Marcellus Shale where companies planned to frack.

Kelly Sponsored Legislation As Part Of “Tax Reform 2.0” That Would Primarily Benefit

Millionaires Like Kelly, While Draining Federal Revenues

The Family Savings Act Of 2018 Would Benefit The Nation’s Wealthiest Savers By Allowing Them

To Set Aside Money In Tax-Advantaged Accounts

The Family Savings Act Of 2018 Would Allow Savers To Set Aside Tax-Advantaged Money In Universal

Savings Accounts And The Withdrawals From The Accounts Would Be Tax-Free. “The second bill, the

Family Savings Act of 2018 (H.R. 6757), includes changes to retirement and education accounts and creates a new

tax-deferred savings account. […] The bill also endorses Universal Savings Accounts, which would allow savers to

set aside tax-advantaged money for basically anything. The accounts, which would come without restrictions on

when (or why) the owners can make use of them, would work similarly to Roth IRAs. Up to $2,500 of after-tax

income yearly could be contributed to an account, while the withdrawals — including any investment gain or

interest — would be tax-free.” [CNBC, 9/13/18]

CBPP; The Universal Savings Accounts “Would Drain Federal Revenues Substantially, Distribute Its Tax

Benefits Overwhelmingly To The Nation’s Wealthiest Households, And Not Likely Boost Private Savings

Much At All.” “The ‘Universal Savings Accounts’ (USA) proposal in a new tax bill, part of what House

Republican leaders have dubbed ‘Tax Reform 2.0,’[1] would drain federal revenues substantially, distribute its tax

benefits overwhelmingly to the nation’s wealthiest households, and not likely boost private savings much at all.[2]

[…] USAs would deliver most of their tax benefits to wealthy Americans while doing little for those in the middle

or at the bottom.[10] In large part, that’s because the wealthy are best positioned to take advantage of the main tax

benefit of USAs: they can reduce their taxes by rearranging their portfolios, shifting their savings from taxable

accounts to tax-preferred USAs. Currently, wealthy households have substantial assets in taxable accounts that they

could shift into USAs.” [Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 9/19/18]

The Top 1% Of Wealthiest Households Would Have On Average $9.4 Million In Assets That Could Be

Shifted From Taxable To Tax-Advantaged Universal Savings Accounts. “The ‘Universal Savings

Accounts’ (USA) proposal in a new tax bill, part of what House Republican leaders have dubbed ‘Tax Reform

2.0,’[1] would drain federal revenues substantially, distribute its tax benefits overwhelmingly to the nation’s

wealthiest households, and not likely boost private savings much at all.[2] […] USAs would deliver most of

their tax benefits to wealthy Americans while doing little for those in the middle or at the bottom.[10] In large

part, that’s because the wealthy are best positioned to take advantage of the main tax benefit of USAs: they can

reduce their taxes by rearranging their portfolios, shifting their savings from taxable accounts to tax-preferred

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USAs. Currently, wealthy households have substantial assets in taxable accounts that they could shift into

USAs. Households in the top 1 percent of wealth have, on average, $9.4 million in assets that they could shift

into USAs,[11] according to our analysis of the Federal Reserve’s Survey of Consumer Finances, using the

methodology of New York University economist Edward Wolff.” [Center on Budget and Policy Priorities,


HEADLINE Center On Budget And Policy Priorities: ““Universal Savings Account” Proposal In New

Republican Tax Bill Is Ill-Conceived.” [Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 9/19/18]

Kelly Was A Millionaire

Kelly Financial Disclosure Toplines

Year Earned Income Asset Value Unearned Income Liabilities


2017 $23,831 $10,097,134 $28,905,000 $317,044 $818,200 $1,000,001 $5,000,000

2016 $24,000 $8,935,142 $26,876,000 $352,023 $911,000 N/A N/A

2015 $24,000 $9,471,144 $27,795,000 $553,961 $2,997,700 N/A N/A

2014 $24,000 $8,729,153 $26,715,000 $460,261 $2,027,400 N/A N/A

[Kelly 2017 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 6/27/18; Kelly 2016 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed

8/15/17; Kelly 2015 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 8/12/16; Kelly 2014 Public Financial Disclosure

Report, filed 8/12/15; Kelly 2014 Public Financial Disclosure Report Amendment, filed 9/10/15]

CNBC: “Tax Reform 2.0” Would Cost The Government Around $627 Billion In Revenue

The Family Savings Act Of 2018 Was Part Of “Tax Reform 2.0.” “The House Ways and Means Committee on

Thursday approved several bills that Republicans have dubbed Tax Reform 2.0. The legislation would make the

recently reduced tax rates for individuals permanent and would expand tax-advantaged savings accounts, including

for retirement and education. […] The second bill, the Family Savings Act of 2018 (H.R. 6757), includes changes

to retirement and education accounts and creates a new tax-deferred savings account.” [CNBC, 9/13/18]

CNBC: “Tax Reform 2.0” Would Cost The Government Around $627 Billion In Revenue. “The House Ways

and Means Committee on Thursday approved several bills that Republicans have dubbed Tax Reform 2.0. The

legislation would make the recently reduced tax rates for individuals permanent and would expand tax-advantaged

savings accounts, including for retirement and education. […] One of the new legislative package’s biggest sticking

points is its price tag: an estimated $627 billion over the next decade, according to a recent analysis by the Joint

Committee on Taxation. That’s on top of the $1.5 trillion the already-passed tax cuts are projected to cost over the

next decade.” [CNBC, 9/13/18]

Kelly Voted For Final Passage Of The Republican Tax Scam Bill That Gave Him An

Estimated $15,000 Tax Cut

Kelly Voted For Final Passage Of The Republican Tax Scam Bill

Kelly Voted For Adopting The Conference Report Of The Tax Cuts And Jobs Act. In December 2017, Kelly

voted for “adoption of the conference report on the bill that would revise the federal income tax system by lowering

the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent; lowering individual tax rates through 2025; limiting state and

local deductions to $10,000 through 2025; decreasing the limit on deductible mortgage debt through 2025; and

creating a new system of taxing U.S. corporations with foreign subsidiaries. Specifically, it would repeal personal

exemptions and would roughly double the standard deduction through 2025. It would raise the child tax credit to

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$2,000 through 2025, would repeal the alternative minimum tax for corporations and provide for broader

exemptions to the tax for individuals through 2025. It would double individual exemptions to the estate tax and gift

tax through 2025, and would establish a new top tax rate for “pass-through” business income through 2025.” The

conference report was adopted 227-203. [HR 1, Vote #692, 12/19/17; CQ Floor Votes, 12/19/17]

Kelly Voted For Final Passage Of The Tax Cuts And Jobs Act By Concurring With A Senate Amendment. In

December 2017, Kelly voted for “Brady, R-Texas, motion to concur in the Senate amendment to the tax overhaul

that would revise the federal income tax system by: lowering the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent;

lowering individual tax rates through 2025; limiting state and local deductions to $10,000 through 2025; decreasing

the limit on deductible mortgage debt through 2025; and creating a new system of taxing U.S. corporations with

foreign subsidiaries. Specifically, it would repeal personal exemptions and would roughly double the standard

deduction through 2025. It would raise the child tax credit to $2,000 through 2025, would repeal the alternative

minimum tax for corporations and provide for broader exemptions to the tax for individuals through 2025. It would

double individual exemptions to the estate tax and gift tax through 2025, and would establish a new top tax rate for

“pass-through” business income through 2025. It would effectively eliminate the penalty for not purchasing health

insurance under the 2010 health care overhaul law in 2019. It would also open portions of the Arctic National

Wildlife Refuge to oil and gas drilling.” The motion was passed 224-201. [HR 1, Vote #699, 12/20/17; CQ Floor

Votes, 12/20/17]

House Was Forced To Vote For A Second Time On The Final Bill After Small Changes Were Made To

Comply With Senate Budget Rules. “The House, forced to vote a second time on the $1.5 trillion tax bill,

moved swiftly to pass the final version on Wednesday, clearing the way for President Trump to sign into law

the most sweeping tax overhaul in decades. House lawmakers approved the tax bill 224 to 201 on Wednesday,

after being forced to vote on the bill again after last-minute revisions were made to it in the Senate, which

passed the measure 51 to 48 early Wednesday morning. The final House vote was essentially a formality, as the

changes, which were made to comply with Senate budget rules, did not significantly alter the overall bill.”

[New York Times, 12/20/17]

Tax Cuts And Jobs Act Gave Kelly An Estimated $15,000 Tax Cut

According To A Center For American Progress Study, Kelly Would Receive An Estimated $15,100 Tax Cut

From The Pass Through Provision. “A new analysis by the Center for American Progress Action Fund (CAPAF)

reveals that many Members of Congress who promoted and voted for the tax bill stand to benefit substantially from

the new passthrough tax break. Some of these Members played key roles in the development and passage of the

bill, including: Several Members of the Committees that wrote the bill (House Ways and Means and Sen ate

Finance), including Reps. Vern Buchanan (FL), Diane Black (TN), Kenny Marchant (TX), and Carlos Curbelo

(FL), Tom Reed (NY), Mike Kelly (PA), Jim Renacci (OH), Tom Rice (SC), and Sen. Rob Portman (OH). […]

Estimated Tax Cut Based on Top of Reported Income Range […] Mike Kelly $15,100” [Center for American

Progress, 4/5/18]

Mike Kelly Reported S-Corp Income From Mike Kelly Hyundai, Inc. [Mike Kelly Personal Financial

Disclosure, 8/15/17]

Tax Bill Gave “Passthough Entities” Like S-Corps Special Tax Preferences; The Provision

Overwhelming Benfitted Wealthy Business Owners. “One of the costliest provisions of the bill creates a

special new tax preference for business income earned through passthrough entities, such as partnerships, S-

corporations, and limited liability companies (LLCs). This new loophole will reduce revenues by more than

$400 billion over the next decade, with the benefits flowing overwhelmingly to wealthy business owners.”

[Center for American Progress, 4/5/18]

2017: Even Before The Tax Bill, Kelly Said There Were Years When He Didn’t Pay A Penny In Taxes

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Kelly Said There Have Been Years When He “Didn’t Pay A Penny In Taxes.” “I’ve told the chairman many

times, there’s been years I have not paid a penny in taxes. It’s not because I understand the tax code. It’s because I

didn’t make any money and one of those years was in 2009 when the annual sales rate for automobiles, by the way,

went from 16 million to 9.5 million” [House Ways and Means Committee Meeting, 5/18/17]

Tax Cuts And Jobs Act Benefitted The Wealthy, Corporations, And Special Interests…

New York Times: Tax Bill “Creates As Many New Preferences For Special Interests As It Gets Rid Of”

After Republican Ambitions “Fell To The Powerful Forces Of Lobbying And The Status Quo.” “The

Republican tax bill does not pass the postcard test. It leaves nearly every large tax break in place. It creates as many

new preferences for special interests as it gets rid of. It will keep corporate accountants busy for years to come. And

no taxpayer will ever see the postcard-size tax return that President Trump laid a kiss on in November as

Republican leaders launched their tax overhaul effort. This was not the grand simplification of the code that

Republicans promised when they set out to eliminate tax breaks and cut the number of tax brackets as they lowered

rates. As their bill tore through Congress, their ambitions fell to the powerful forces of lobbying and the status

quo.” [New York Times, 12/16/17]

Washington Post: Final Tax Bill Included A “Significant Tax Break For The Very Wealthy” And “A

Massive Tax Cut For Corporations.” “A new tax cut for the rich: The final plan lowers the top tax rate for top

earners. Under current law, the highest rate is 39.6 percent for married couples earning over $470,700. The GOP

bill would drop that to 37 percent and raise the threshold at which that top rate kicks in, to $500,000 for individuals

and $600,000 for married couples. This amounts to a significant tax break for the very wealthy, a departure from

repeated claims by Trump and his top officials that the bill would not benefit the rich. […] A massive tax cut for

corporations “A massive tax cut for corporations: Starting on Jan. 1, 2018, big businesses’ tax rate would fall from

35 percent to just 21 percent, the largest one-time rate cut in U.S. history for the nation’s largest companies.”

[Washington Post, 12/15/17]

…While Millions Of Americans Would Pay More In Taxes

Politifact: GOP Tax Bill Would Raise Taxes For The Middle Class After Individual Tax Cut Provisions

Expired In 2025. “Gillibrand said the Republican ‘tax [plan] raises middle-class taxes.’ That’s not true during the

first years of the new tax provisions. If not for the sunset for the tax changes for individuals, we likely would have

rated Gillibrand’s statement False or perhaps Mostly False. Middle-income taxpayers will either benefit or see no

change in their tax liability through 2025. But her claim could hold up after the bill’s individual provisions expire

that year. There’s no guarantee a future Congress will extend those parts of the bill.” [Politifact, 12/22/17]

Tax Policy Center: In 2018, 5 Percent Of Taxpayers Would Pay More In Taxes Under The GOP Tax

Bill, But Would Increase To 53 Percent Of Taxpayers In 2027. “Some taxpayers would pay more in taxes

under the proposal in 2018 and 2025 than under current law: about 5 percent of taxpayers in 2018 and 9 percent

in 2025. In 2027, however, taxes would increase for 53 percent of taxpayers compared with current law.” [Tax

Policy Center, 12/18/17]

RESOURCE: The Final Trump-GOP Tax Plan: National and 50-State Estimates for 2019 & 2027 [ITEP,


Tax Cuts And Jobs Act Would Increase Incentives To Move Jobs Overseas

Tax Experts Said The Tax Cuts And Jobs Act Increased Incentives For Companies To Move Jobs Overseas.

“What happened to the workers in Clinton, tax experts say, will probably happen to more Americans if the

Republican tax overhaul becomes law. The legislation fails to eliminate long-standing incentives for companies to

move overseas and, in some cases, may even increase them, they say. ‘This bill is potentially more dangerous than

our current system,’ said Stephen Shay, a senior lecturer at Harvard Law School and former Treasury Department

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international tax expert in the Obama administration. ‘It creates a real incentive to shift real activity offshore.’”

[Washington Post, 12/15/17]

Tax Cuts And Jobs Act Would Lead To More Expensive Health Insurance; 13 Million More


Final Tax Bill Eliminated Central Affordable Care Act Provision, Leading To 13 Million Fewer Americans

With Insurance. “The individual mandate is part of the Affordable Care Act, and removing it was a top priority for

Trump and congressional Republicans. The Congressional Budget Office projects the change will increase

insurance premiums and lead to 13 million fewer Americans with insurance in a decade, while also cutting

government spending by more than $300 billion over that period.” [Washington Post, 12/15/17]

GOP Tax Bill Would Cause Health Insurance Premiums To Rise, And Could Lead Insurers To Drop Out Of

Regional Markets. “The final GOP plan will repeal the Affordable Care Act’s individual insurance mandate,

which would allow young and healthy people to leave the insurance pool, forcing insurers to compensate by raising

prices due to the higher costs of insuring only less-healthy people. Not only would premiums likely rise, but many

insurers could drop out of regional markets.” [Newsweek, 12/18/17]

HEADLINE: Republican Tax Plan Will Make Health Insurance More Expensive [Newsweek, 12/18/17]

Tax Cuts And Jobs Act Increased The Federal Debt – Increasing Pressure To Cut Program Like


Congressional Budget Office Found The Tax Cuts And Jobs Act Would Increase The National Debt By $1.9

Trillion. “The GOP’s signature tax law is projected to increase the national debt by $1.9 trillion between 2018 and

2028, according to a new report by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). According to the report, the tax law

would cost the government $2.3 trillion in revenues, but economic growth would offset that figure by about $461

billion.” [The Hill, 4/9/18]

AP: “A Wide Range Of Economists And Nonpartisan Analysts Have Warned That The Bill Will Likely

Escalate Federal Debt, Intensify Pressure To Cut Spending On Social Programs And Further Widen

America’s Troubling Income Inequality.” “The tax overhaul of 2017 amounts to a high-stakes gamble by

Republicans in Congress: That slashing taxes for corporations and wealthy individuals will accelerate growth and

assure greater prosperity for Americans for years to come. The risks are considerable. A wide range of economists

and nonpartisan analysts have warned that the bill will likely escalate federal debt, intensify pressure to cut

spending on social programs and further widen America’s troubling income inequality.” [Associated Press,


After Passing A Tax Bill That Added Trillions To The Deficit, Speaker Ryan Said Medicare And

Medicaid Would Need To Be “Reformed” In Order To Decrease The Deficit. “With his dream of tax

reform now realized, Ryan is hoping to make progress on two other issues he’s targeted during his two-decade

career in Washington: entitlement and welfare reform. ‘We’re going to have to get back next year at entitlement

reform, which is how you tackle the debt and the deficit,’ Ryan, a former Budget Committee chairman, said in

a recent interview this month on the Ross Kaminsky radio talk show. Medicare and Medicaid are the ‘big

drivers of debt,’ Ryan said, suggesting Republicans could once again use the budget reconciliation process to

avoid a Democratic filibuster. Medicare is the ‘biggest entitlement that’s got to have reform,’ Ryan added.”

[The Hill, 12/27/17]

Kelly Co-Sponsored A Measure To Expand Fracking, While Making Millions From

Investments In Land Along The Marcellus Shale Where Companies Planned To Frack

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Kelly Was A Leading Supporter Of Fracking In The Marcellus Shale

Lower Gwynedd Patch: Kelly Was “A Leading Conservative Voice Supporting The Controversial Natural

Gas And Fracking Measures In The Keystone State.” “His district includes the Marcellus Shale Oil deposits,

and he has become a leading conservative voice supporting the controversial natural gas and fracking measures in

the Keystone State.” [Lower Gwynedd Patch, 11/5/15]

Kelly: “I Am Dedicated To Furthering Policies That Will Encourage The Development And Utilization Of

The Marcellus Shale That Is Being Developed Here In Western Pennsylvania.” “Western Pennsylvania is rich

in natural resources. It’s time we fully realize her total potential. I am dedicated to furthering policies that will

encourage the development and utilization of the Marcellus shale that is being developed here in Western

Pennsylvania. The Commonwealth is in a great position to become a leader in the development of natural gas and

coal. I believe that by working with emerging industries, like the shale industry, these new sources of energy can

provide an invaluable source of energy and provide sustainable, high-quality, high paying jobs for years to come.”

[, accessed 5/29/18]

In 2011, Kelly Made Millions From The Sale Of 317,000 Acres In The Marcellus Shale To

ExxonMobil, Who Planned To Expand Their Fracking Operations There

2011: Kelly Owned Up To $6.25 Million In Oil And Gas Companies, Including Two Companies Purchased

By ExxonMobil As It Planned To Expand Fracking In Pennsylvania. “Kelly’s defense of oil and gas subsidies

is bad enough on the merits, but it is all the more troubling given that he owns up to $6.25 million in oil and gas

companies. Kelly’s holdings include the following: — Up to $5 million in Phillips Resources Inc., an oil and gas

drilling company that is exploring major drilling expansions in the area of western Pennsylvania that Kelly

represents — Up to $1 million in TWP Gas and Oil, a natural gas company in western Pennsylvania. Both

companies were bought last week by ExxonMobil, which plans to expand its fracking operations in the Marcellus

Shale basin.” [ThinkProgress, 7/5/11]

The Two Companies Held 317,000 Acres In Gas-Rich Marcellus Shale Basin. “At the time, big energy

firms were eyeing the two companies, which had a leasehold on 317,000 acres in the gas-rich Marcellus Shale

basin, industry and shareholder reports show.” [Washington Post, 10/7/12]

Kelly And His Family Sold Their Shares Of Phillips Businesses After The Companies Were Sold To

ExxonMobil. “‘Representative Kelly and his family made the decision to sell their shares of T.W. Phillips Gas and

Oil Co. and Phillips Resources when those companies were sold to SteelRiver Infrastructure Fund North America

LP and Exxon Mobil Corp, respectively,’ explained spokeswoman Julia Thornton. ‘Talks to sell both companies

began in 2010, and in November 2010, SteelRiver Infrastructure Fund North America LP filed with the state Public

Utilities Commission to buy T.W. Phillips Gas and Oil Co, with the deal being completed on May 24, 2011. The

acquisition of Phillips Resources was finalized by Exxon Mobil Corp on June 2, 2011, after the months-long

transactional process.” [PoliticsPA, 7/14/11]

Phillips Resources Was A Natural Gas Company. “Exxon Mobil Corp (XOM.N) said it bought privately

held natural gas company Phillips Resources and related company TWP Inc for $1.69 billion last week, picking

up about 317,000 acres for exploration in the Marcellus shale basin.” [Reuters, 6/8/11]

Kelly Said Process Had Been Underway, But The Sale Was Announced After A Week Of Criticism That

Kelly Voted To Benefit His Personal Investments. “After a week of back-and-forth over Rep. Mike Kelly’s

personal investments in two oil companies, the Congressman’s office today made clear that Kelly had sold his

$6 million in shares of T.W. Phillips Gas and Oil Co. and Phillips Resources. The process to sell the shares

began before Kelly took office. The issue was brought to light last week by criticism from the Rev. Al Sharpton

during a segment on MSNBC, as well as several other groups.” [PoliticsPA, 7/14/11]

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The Businesses Had Been Founded By Kelly’s Wife’s Family Over 100 Years Prior. “I had investments in

an oil and natural gas company that was founded over 100 years ago by my wife’s family. Their success is a

testament to the blood, sweat, and tears that went into decades of hard work and sacrifice by God-fearing

people who believed that if you worked hard and kept the faith, anything could happen. Well something did

happen; they realized the American dream. That is not a bad thing. In fact, it’s why people from all over the

world, people who otherwise would never have a chance at success, come to our country in the hope of a better

tomorrow.” [PoliticsPA, 7/11/11]

According To The Washington Post, Kelly And His Wife Made Between $10 And $50 Million When Exxon

Mobil Bought The Companies. “When Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.) was elected to Congress in 2010, he and his wife

owned shares in two privately held natural gas companies, Phillips Resources Inc. and TWP Inc. They were

founded by his wife’s great-great-grandfather. When Kelly filed his candidate papers, he listed his shares at a

relatively modest level — between $2,000 and $30,000. His wife’s shares were valued at between $1.5 million and

$6 million. At the time, big energy firms were eyeing the two companies, which had a leasehold on 317,000 acres

in the gas-rich Marcellus Shale basin, industry and shareholder reports show. The couple made between $10.1

million and $50.2 million when Exxon Mobil bought the companies in June 2011.” [Washington Post, 10/7/12]

After The Sale, Exxon Mobil Was Using Fracking To Break Apart The Shale. “An Exxon Mobil

subsidiary is now at the basin using hydraulic fracturing — commonly referred to as fracking — to break apart

the shale and free the gas by injecting large volumes of water, sand and other chemicals.” [Washington Post,


As Of 2017, Kelly Was Also Invested In Two Other Partnerships That Owned Land Along The


2012: Kelly And His Wife Were Partners In Two Other Natural Gas Companies With Land Along The

Marcellus Shale. “Kelly and his wife, Victoria, also continue to be partners in two other natural gas companies:

Campbells Gas Partners and PC Exploration Ltd., which also have land along the Marcellus Shale, records show.

The couple earned between $37,000 and $100,000 from their holdings in 2011, Kelly’s latest disclosure statement

shows.” [Washington Post, 10/7/12]

As Of 2016, Kelly And His Wife Remained Partners In PC Exploration And Campbells Gas Partners.

[Mike Kelly Personal Financial Disclosure, 8/15/17]

As Of 2017, Kelly Reported Many Of PC Exploration’s Assets As Dissolved On June 30, 2017, And

Campbells Gas Partners Did Not Appear On His Financial Disclosure. [Mike Kelly Personal Financial

Disclosure, 6/27/18]

Kelly Opposed Efforts To Ban Fracking, And Co-Sponsored A Bill To Prevent Federal Regulations

Of Fracking

2013: Kelly Co-Sponsored A Bill To Prevent Federal Regulation Of Fracking. “Amends the Mineral Leasing

Act to prohibit the Department of the Interior (Department) from enforcing any federal regulation, guidance, or

permit requirement regarding hydraulic fracturing (including any component of that process), relating to oil, gas, or

geothermal production activities on or under any land in any state that has regulations, guidance, or permit

requirements for that activity. Defines ‘hydraulic fracturing’ as the process by which fracturing fluids (including a

fracturing fluid system) are pumped into an underground geologic formation to generate fractures or cracks, thereby

increasing rock permeability near the wellbore and improving production of natural gas or oil.” [HR 2728, co-

sponsored 11/12/13]

Unless State Had No Laws On Fracking, The Bill Would Prevent Any Federal Authority Over Fracking. “The federal government would have no authority over hydraulic fracturing in states that have their own

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fracking laws, if legislation set to be heard by the House this week is passed into law.” [ThinkProgress,


Kelly Voted To Bar The EPA From Regulating Greenhouse Gases That May Be Released During Fracking,

And Vocally Opposed EPA Efforts To Regulate Fracking. “After he was elected, Kelly joined more than a

dozen caucuses, including the Marcellus Shale Caucus, which held its organizational meeting on April 1, 2011. Six

days later, he voted for a bill to bar the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating greenhouse gases, which

passed the House but not the Senate. Some scientists have warned that large quantities of greenhouse gases can be

released during fracking. […] In two congressional hearings in May, he railed against the EPA for efforts to

regulate the industry and for investigating concerns about water contamination in relation to fracking. He thinks

such work is better handled at the state level.” [Washington Post, 10/7/12]

2012: Kelly Co-Sponsored A Bill To Provide Federal Tax Credits To Promote The Development Of Vehicles

Powered By Natural Gas, But Withdrew His Support Following Tea Party Opposition To The Bill. “In June,

his co-sponsorship of a natural gas bill — pushed by business magnate T. Boone Pickens — became an issue. The

legislation would have provided between $5 billion and $9 billion in federal tax credits for a variety of initiatives to

increase the number of passenger vehicles and long-haul trucks powered by natural gas. The American

Conservative Union and tea party groups launched an intensive lobbying effort to kill the bill, calling it a

‘boondoggle’ as they attacked lawmakers, including Kelly, who had campaigned on a message of fiscal

conservatism and promised to reduce government spending. Kelly withdrew his support, along with a host of other

Republican lawmakers, and the bill died.” [Washington Post, 10/7/12]

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Kelly Sponsored & Voted For Trade & Consumer Legislation

That Would Benefit His Car Dealerships

Significant Findings

Kelly ran against unfair trade agreements in 2010, but Kelly has voted for every free trade agreement

since he joined Congress.

Kelly supported the Korean Free Trade Agreement that hurt Pennsylvanians, but enriched car

dealers like himself.

Kelly even admitted he personally benefitted from the trade deal, but denied his support for the

treaty stemmed from personal gain.

Kelly’s car dealerships earned him between $669,005 and $2.1 million over his time in Congress.

Kelly co-sponsored a bill to block the CFPB from enforcing guidance to prevent discriminatory car loan

markups by auto dealers.

Kelly Was Also A Supporter Of Free Trade, Benefitting His Car Dealerships

Kelly Ran Against Unfair Trade Agreements In 2010…

During His 2010 Campaign, Kelly Attacked Unfair Trade Agreements That Disadvantage The United States,

And Noted How China Benefited From The Current Set Of Trade Deals. “So I would, you know, I look at all

this stuff and I see, you know, what it may be not the way we like it to be, it is the way it is, trade agreements,

please, let’s not have fair trade agreements that are unilateral and that only the United States has to fall, I’m not

gonna, I’m not gonna blame China for having a strategy that allows them to win because we’ve put ourselves

behind, we handicapped ourselves. So I look at this stuff pretty clear, and I have to because every two weeks I’ve

gotta pay 109 people, and if I ran my business again, the way these people run this government, I would be out of

business, but I had to do everything on my own, so you know, pretty easy, fix the spending stupid, and we all need

to keep our eye on the ball, don’t let them waterboard you with all these other issues.” [Allegheny County

Republican Primary Debate, 4/26/10]

…But Kelly Voted For Every Free Trade Agreement Since He Joined Congress, Including TPP

And The South Korean Free Trade Agreement

Kelly Supported Laws Which Allow The Free Flow Of Goods. ”Thus, I support laws that foster dynamic,

vibrant businesses and laws that allow goods and services to flow freely to our valued global trade

partners.” [Mike Kelly Congressional Website, accessed 5/2/17]

Kelly Said TPP Would “Benefit American Workers And Ensure That Our Country Is Both Shaping And

Dominating The Global Economy.” “Despite its nickname, TPA is carefully designed to give Congress a

prolonged and unprecedented oversight role in the crafting of any trade agreement that a president may seek to

negotiate. It is a critical watchdog mechanism for guaranteeing strong, job-creating agreements like TPP that will

benefit American workers and ensure that our country is both shaping and dominating the global economy.” [Time,

Rep. Mike Kelly op-ed, 6/2/15]

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Kelly Noted That Trade Agreements Like TPP Would Create An Awful Lot Of Jobs. “WEBER: For our

industry to grow and prosper, trade is absolutely essentially. I mean we -- you know, we basically do have a

mature market here in the United States. And I have a young son at home, and young herdsmen working with

me that, TPP it’s their future. It’s their future. It’s the growth of the industry and to us it will be a -- gaining

access into these markets will be critically important for the next generation. KELLY: And so it creates an

awful lot of jobs. Not -- maybe something we don’t look at but -- right off at the top, but these are incredibly

job producing products that you -- that you put out there. And what I -- I think what bothers me is, when we are

the most attractive -- attractive market in the world, why do we end up with such lousy trade agreements. I

would think if you deal from a position of strength, you’d have a little more leverage. And I think, when I look

at this, I say, what in the world are we doing? We’re getting gamed so badly, and we continue to sit back and

says, why, I wish they’d play by the rules. Well, if there’s no penalty for not playing by the rules, why they

heck would they. So I -- and I know you face it every day. And I, you know, I’ve got to tell you, right and we

have such an opportunity, but we’ve got to be stronger. If we’re a strong county, we’re a strong country and we

have to make trade agreements that really benefit not only our workers but our entire economy, and we have the

ability to do better. Why we don’t, I will never understand. Thank you Chairman.” [House Ways And Means

Committee Trade Subcommittee, 6/14/16]

Kelly Said That He Thought That TPP Was The Most Important Trade Policy In Asia. “On the TPP, I’m

really interested in this, now I know if we’re gonna get the economy back on track we’ve got to go after the

global market, there’s just no question about that, and in the district, we’ve all been talking about our districts

and how important the ability to sells things all over the world is to each of our districts individually but on the

TPP though, you’ve got a heavy, heavy load there and I’m wondering, we talk about this in this sense of

urgency because I would just say that sooner of course is better than later and as you see us approaching that,

the challenges that you’re going to have trying to get there, and I wonder because geopolitically right now I

don’t think there is more important trade policy that we can get than in that part of the world especially with the

influence of China and all the rest of the members that are talking to us, nations that are talking to you.” [House

Ways and Means Committee, 7/18/13]

2015: Kelly Voted For Trade Promotion Authority. In June 2015, Kelly voted for a “Ryan, R-Wis., motion to

concur in the Senate amendment to the bill (HR 2146) to allow public safety workers over the age of 50 to make

penalty-free withdrawals from retirement plans, with an amendment that would grant Trade Promotion Authority,

under which implementing legislation for trade agreements negotiated by the administration would be considered

by Congress under expedited procedures and could not be amended.” The motion passed 218 to 208. [HR 2146,

Vote #374, 6/18/15; CQ, 6/18/15]

2015: Kelly Voted For Trade Promotion Authority. In June 2015, Kelly voted for a “Division III of the Ryan, R-

Wis., motion to concur in the Senate amendment to the bill that would provide Trade Promotion Authority for trade

agreements negotiated by the administration, under which they would be considered by Congress under expedited

procedures without amendment, and would extend Trade Adjustment Assistance programs to help displaced U.S.

workers. The portion of the Senate amendment covered by the division would authorize special ‘trade promotion

authority’ for congressional consideration of legislation to implement U.S. trade agreements, under which such

agreements would be considered in Congress under an expedited process and would be subject to simple up-or-

down votes so they could not be amended. The expedited authority would apply to trade agreements entered into

before July 1, 2018, although the bill would allow for extensions.” The motion was agreed to 219 to 211. [HR 1314,

Vote #362; CQ, 6/12/15]

Kelly Supported TPA Because “Since It Allows For Easier Congressional Consideration Of Worthy

Trade Deals Like The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).” ”The debate over whether or not to enact the

Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accountability Act of 2015 is entering the final stretch, and, as

common in Washington, fiction is overtaking fact. As a result, should-be supporters are unnecessarily torn. The

legislation, approved by the Senate and on its way to the House floor, will establish a key policy partnership

between the legislative and executive branches known as Trade Promotion Authority (TPA). Most observers

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call it ‘fast track’ since it allows for easier congressional consideration of worthy trade deals like the Trans-

Pacific Partnership (TPP).” [Time, Rep. Mike Kelly op-ed, 6/2/15]

2011: Kelly Voted For The South Korea Trade Agreement. In October 2011, Kelly voted for “Passage of the

bill that would implement a trade agreement between the United States and South Korea. The agreement would

reduce most tariffs and duties on goods traded between the two countries, reduce barriers to trade in services,

increase protections for intellectual property and reduce tariffs on U.S. autos exported to South Korea.” The bill

passed 278 – 151. [HR 3080, Vote #783, 10/12/11; CQ, 10/12/11]

2011: Kelly Voted For The Panama Trade Agreement. In October 2011, Kelly voted for “Passage of the bill that

would implement a trade agreement between the United States and Panama. The agreement would reduce most

tariffs and duties on goods traded between the two countries, reduce barriers to trade in services, increase

protections for intellectual property and require Panama to take steps to strengthen its labor and environmental

enforcement standards.” The bill passed 300 to 129. [HR 3079, Vote #182, 10/12/11; CQ, 10/12/11]

2011: Kelly Voted For A Bill To Implement The Columbia Trade Promotion Agreement. In October 2011,

Kelly voted for “Passage of the bill that would implement a trade agreement between the United States and

Colombia. The agreement would reduce most tariffs and duties on goods traded between the two countries, reduce

barriers to trade in services, increase protections for intellectual property and require Colombia to take steps to

strengthen its labor and environmental enforcement standards.” The bill passed 262 to 167. [HR 3078, Vote #781,

10/12/11, CQ, 10/12/11]

Kelly Spoke In Support Of The Korean Free Trade Agreement, Specifically Citing His Work

Selling Korean Cars

Kelly Voted For The U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement. In October 2011, Kelly voted for: “Passage of the bill

that would implement a trade agreement between the United States and South Korea. The agreement would reduce

most tariffs and duties on goods traded between the two countries, reduce barriers to trade in services, increase

protections for intellectual property and reduce tariffs on U.S. autos exported to South Korea.” The bill passed, 278-

151. [CQ, 10/12/11; H.R. 3080, Vote 783, 10/12/11]

HEADLINE: Rep. Kelly Press Release: “Rep. Kelly Named Co-Chair of Korea Caucus; Celebrates The

First Anniversary Of The U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement.” [Office Of Rep. Mike Kelly Press Release,


Kelly Spoke On The House Floor In Favor Of The U.S.-Korea FTA, Emphasized His Position As A Hyundai

And KIA Dealer. “Mr. KELLY. I rise in strong support of the bill. I can speak very clearly about the relationship

that we have with Korea because, in addition to being a General Motors dealer who sells Chevrolets and Cadillacs,

I also sell Hyundais and Kias. I can tell you of the alliance that we have had, of the very strong partner we have had

in Korea for so many years. […] When we’re worried about the number of cars being sold here, let’s understand

one thing, that over 60 percent of the Korean cars sold in the United States are made by Americans. There are

60,000 jobs in the United States right now because of Hyundai and Kia’s investment between our borders.”

[Congressional Record, Vol. 157, No. 152, Pages H6832 – H6836, 10/12/11; C-SPAN, 10/12/11] (VIDEO)

Kelly Admitted To Working With South Korean Car Makers Kia And Hyundai As A Car Dealership

Owner. “Drawing from my rich experience as a small business owner working with South Korean car makers

Kia and Hyundai, I am working towards practical solutions that help American businesses and workers to

complete globally.” [Mike Kelly Congressional Website, accessed 5/2/17]

Mike Kelly Automotive Group Included Mike Kelly Hyundai And Mike Kelly KIA Dealerships. [, accessed 5/29/18]

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Hyndai Was A South Korean Company. [, accessed 5/29/18]

KIA Was A South Korean Company. [, accessed 5/29/18]

Kelly Called The Implementation Of The Korea Free Trade Agreement A Big Accomplishment. “Thank you,

Chairman. Mr. Zumwalt, I know the implementation of the KORUS was a big accomplishment. I think it took

much too long, but we can’t do anything about what happened before. So the implementation right now, is it going

smoothly and is it improving the relationships that we needed to have with the Korean people? Because I know in

the elections, it hurt the conservative party, the fact that we couldn’t get there quicker to the agreement, and so

since the implementation now, just kind of give us a thumbnail sketch of what you see happening and the State

Department working with South Korea to make sure that we get the maximum benefit for both countries out of that

agreement.” [House Foreign Affairs Committee Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific, 6/6/12]

Kelly: U.S. Korea FTA Was An “Undeniable Success” With “Growth And Productivity.” “U.S.

Representative Mike Kelly (R-PA) issued the following statement today in recognition of the entry into force of the

United States-Korea Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA). Earlier this week, Rep. Kelly was named a co-

chairman of the Congressional Caucus on Korea. ‘Today’s anniversary is a chance to reflect on the undeniable

success that the U.S.-Korea FTA has brought our country in terms of growth and productivity. In just a year’s time

since the agreement went into effect, American manufacturing exports to South Korea rose 1.3 percent from $34.3

billion in 2011 to $34.8 billion in 2012; service-based exports rose 8.7 percent to $18 billion; agricultural exports

such as orange and grape juice climbed as high as 130 percent, while wheat and soybeans exports rose 38 percent

and 48 percent respectively. The facts are clear: lower tariffs between us and our Korean allies have meant greater

growth for our prized industries here at home.” [Office Of Rep. Mike Kelly Press Release, 3/15/13]

The U.S.-Korea FTA Hurt Pennsylvanians…

Economic Policy Institute Headline: “U.S.-Korea Trade Deal Resulted In Growing Trade Deficits And More

Than 95,000 Lost U.S. Jobs.” “When the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement (KORUS) was passed just over four

years ago, President Obama said that the agreement would support 70,000 U.S. jobs. This claim was supported by a

White House fact sheet that claimed that the KORUS agreement would ‘increase exports of American goods by $10

to $11 billion…’ and that they would ‘support 70,000 American jobs from increased goods exports alone.’ Things

are not turning out as predicted. Far from supporting jobs, growing goods trade deficits with Korea have eliminated

more than 95,000 jobs between 2011 and 2015.” [Economic Policy Institute, 5/5/16]

Economic Policy Institute: U.S.-Korea Trade Deal Resulted In Growing Trade Deficits And More Than

95,000 Lost U.S. Jobs [EPI, 5/5/16]

The U.S. Trade Deficit With Korea In Pennsylvania’s Top 10 Exports Grew 66 Percent After The U.S.-

Korea FTA. “In 2012, the Obama administration announced it had fixed the problems in past trade agreements and

its new Korea deal would create more exports and more jobs. In reality, the U.S. trade deficit with Korea in the top

10 products that Pennsylvania exports to Korea – from machinery to metal manufacturing – ballooned 66 percent

in the FTA’s first four years as exports actually fell and imports rose. The overall U.S. goods trade deficit with

Korea surged $15.4 billion (99 percent). The increase in the U.S. trade deficit with Korea equates to the loss of

more than 102,500 American jobs in the first four years of the Korea FTA, counting both exports and imports,

according to the trade-jobs ratio that the Obama administration used to promise job gains from the deal.”[Public

Citizen, Accessed 5/30/17]

U.S. Exports To Korea Of Eggs And Corn – Top Pennsylvania Agriculture Products – Fell After Passage of

The U.S.-Korea FTA. “U.S. exports to Canada and Mexico of cattle – one of Pennsylvania’s top five agricultural

products – fell 59 percent in the first 22 years of NAFTA. And in the first four years of the Korea FTA,

U.S. exports to Korea of eggs and corn – two more of Pennsylvania’s top five agricultural products – fell 45 and 57

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percent, respectively, comparing annual averages of the four years before the FTA and the four years afterthe FTA

went into effect.” [Public Citizen, Accessed 5/30/17]

…But Enriched Car Dealers Like Kelly

U.S. Korea FTA Eliminated The U.S.’s 2.5% Tariff On Passenger Cars From Korea In 2016. “The United

States will eliminate its tariff of 2.5% on passenger cars, including electric and hybrid vehicles, as of 2016. South

Korea cut its passenger car tariff to 4% upon implementation of the KORUS FTA and will remove the

remaining tariff in 2016. For trucks, South Korea dropped its 10% duty upon implementation, while the U.S. tariff

of 25% will remain in place for seven years and then be phased out entirely by 2021.” [Congressional Research

Service, 9/16/14]

Economic Policy Institute: After U.S.-Korea FTA, U.S. Car Exports Increased By Less Than $1 Billion, But

U.S. Car Imports From Korea Increased By $10.6 Billion. “U.S. exports of motor vehicles and parts to Korea

increased by less than $1 billion between 2011 and 2015, but U.S. imports from Korea in this sector increased

$10.6 billion in the same period. As a result, the trade deficit in vehicles and parts increased $9.6 billion in the first

four years that KORUS was in effect. The growth of the vehicles and parts deficit was responsible for 85.0 percent

of the increase in the U.S.-Korea manufacturing trade deficit, and nearly two-thirds (63.7 percent) of the increase in

the total U.S. Korea trade deficit between 2011 and 2015. Alarmingly, the KORUS agreement has not taken full

effect and still retains some important U.S. tariffs that protect our domestic auto industry. When they expire in

2021, our trade deficit with Korea will undoubtedly worsen.” [Economic Policy Institute, 5/5/16]

After U.S.-Korea FTA, Hyundai And KIA U.S. Car Sales Rose. Between 2011 and 2016, U.S. car sales for both

Hyundai and KIA rose. This finding is detailed below:

Hyundai And Kia Car Sales In The United States

Year Sales (Vehicles)

Hyundai Kia

2016 768,057 647,598

2015 761,710 625,818

2014 725,718 580,234

2013 720,783 535,179

2012 703,007 557,599

2011 645,691 485,492

2010 538,228 366,268

2009 435,064 300,063

2008 401,742 273,397

2007 467,009 305,473

2006 455,520 294,302

2005 455,012 275,851

2016-2011 Difference: 122,366 162,106

2016-2011 Percent Change: 18.95% 33.39%

[, Accessed 5/30/17]

Kelly Even Admitted He Personally Benefited From The Trade Deal, But Denied That It Motivated

His Support For It

After Being Elected, Kelly Noted That He Personally Benefited From The Korea Free Trade Agreement. “Mr. Kelly (50:20): Thank you, Mr. Chairman. And I’d like to thank the panel for being here today. I’ve been

accused of having some type of a personal interest in the KORUS moving forward and I have no problem with that.

I’m a Hyundai Kia dealer in addition to serving in Congress. So I would gladly say that I have a personal interest

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not only me, but the 60,000 Americans that are directly involved with the production in Alabama and Georgia of

those two products.” [House Foreign Affairs Committee Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific, 10/26/11]

Pittsburgh Post Gazette: Kelly Would Personally Benefit From Free Trade Agreement With

Korea. ”Mr. Kelly’s Kia and Hyundai car dealerships stand to benefit from passage of the South Korea agreement,

which would gradually eliminate tariffs on imported Kias and Hyundais and allow more competitive pricing and

better profit margins for American dealers. Eliminating a 25 percent tariff on pickup trucks would, in effect, open

the U.S. market to South Korean trucks for the first time.” [Pittsburgh Post Gazette, 7/17/11]

Kelly Denied That His Support For The Treaty Had Anything To Do With How It Would Personally

Benefit Him. ”Mr. Kelly rejects the notion that his advocacy stems at all from his personal gain. ‘There are

people who politically would use that,’ Mr. Kelly said. “I’d say, ‘C’mon, c’mon, stop it.’ If you can’t see the

benefit of an $11 billion to $12 billion boost to our economy and you want to say, ‘Does that benefit

Mike Kelly?’ Not only Mike Kelly but everyone else in America, too. So I think it’s kind of foolish, and those

are the kinds of games that get played.’” [Pittsburgh Post Gazette, 7/17/11]

Kelly Was The President Of Several Car Dealerships That He Earned Between $669,005 And

$2,108,986 From During His Time In Congress

2011-2017: Kelly Was The President Of Kelly Chevrolet Cadillac, Inc. And Mike Kelly Hyundai

2011-2017: Kelly Reported He Was The President Of Kelly Chevrolet Cadillac Inc. And Mike Kelly

Hyundai, Inc. [U.S House of Representatives 2017 Public Financial Disclosure Statement, Mike Kelly, filed

6/27/18; U.S. House of Representatives 2016 Public Financial Disclosure Statement, Mike Kelly, filed 8/15/17;

U.S. House Of Representatives 2015 Financial Disclosure Statement, Mike Kelly, Filed 8/12/16; U.S. House Of

Representatives 2014 Financial Disclosure Statement, Mike Kelly, Filed 8/12/15; U.S. House Of Representatives

2013 Financial Disclosure Statement, Mike Kelly, Filed 8/12/14; U.S. House Of Representatives 2012 Financial

Disclosure Statement, Mike Kelly, Filed 8/13/13; U.S. House Of Representatives 2011 Financial Disclosure

Statement, Mike Kelly, Filed 8/10/12]

2014-2017: Kelly Reported He Was The President Of Mike Kelly Automotive

2014-2017: Kelly Reported He Was The President Of Mike Kelly Automotive. [U.S House of Representatives

2017 Public Financial Disclosure Statement, Mike Kelly, filed 6/27/18; U.S. House of Representatives 2016 Public

Financial Disclosure Statement, Mike Kelly, filed 8/15/17; U.S. House Of Representatives 2015 Financial

Disclosure Statement, Mike Kelly, Filed 8/12/16; U.S. House Of Representatives 2014 Financial Disclosure

Statement, Mike Kelly, Filed 8/12/15]

2011-2013: Kelly Reported He Was A General Partner Of Mike Kelly Automotive, Inc. [U.S. House Of

Representatives 2011 Financial Disclosure Statement, Mike Kelly, Filed 8/10/12; U.S. House Of Representatives

2012 Financial Disclosure Statement, Mike Kelly, Filed 8/13/13; U.S. House Of Representatives 2013 Financial

Disclosure Statement, Mike Kelly, Filed 8/12/14]

2011-2017: Kelly Reported Making Between $669,005 And $2,108,986 From His Car Dealerships

2011-2017: Kelly Reported Making Between $669,005 And $2,108,986 From His Car Dealerships. [U.S House

of Representatives 2017 Public Financial Disclosure Statement, Mike Kelly, filed 6/27/18; U.S. House of

Representatives 2016 Public Financial Disclosure Statement, Mike Kelly, filed 8/15/17; U.S. House Of

Representatives 2015 Financial Disclosure Statement, Mike Kelly, Filed 8/12/16; U.S. House Of Representatives

2014 Financial Disclosure Statement, Mike Kelly, Filed 8/12/15; U.S. House Of Representatives 2013 Financial

Disclosure Statement, Mike Kelly, Filed 8/12/14; U.S. House Of Representatives 2012 Financial Disclosure

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Statement, Mike Kelly, Filed 8/13/13; U.S. House Of Representatives 2011 Financial Disclosure Statement, Mike

Kelly, Filed 8/10/12]

2011-2017: Kelly Made $158,986 In Earned Income From His Car Dealerships

2011-2017: Kelly Made $158,986 In Earned Income From His Car Dealerships. [U.S House of Representatives

2017 Public Financial Disclosure Statement, Mike Kelly, filed 6/27/18; U.S. House of Representatives 2016 Public

Financial Disclosure Statement, Mike Kelly, filed 8/15/17; U.S. House Of Representatives 2015 Financial

Disclosure Statement, Mike Kelly, Filed 8/12/16; U.S. House Of Representatives 2014 Financial Disclosure

Statement, Mike Kelly, Filed 8/12/15; U.S. House Of Representatives 2013 Financial Disclosure Statement, Mike

Kelly, Filed 8/12/14; U.S. House Of Representatives 2012 Financial Disclosure Statement, Mike Kelly, Filed

8/13/13; U.S. House Of Representatives 2011 Financial Disclosure Statement, Mike Kelly, Filed 8/10/12]

2011-2017: Kelly Made Between $510,019 And $1,950,000 In Unearned Income From His Car Dealerships

2011-2017: Kelly Made Between $510,019 And $1,950,000 In Unearned Income From His Car Dealerships. [U.S House of Representatives 2017 Public Financial Disclosure Statement, Mike Kelly, filed 6/27/18; U.S. House

of Representatives 2016 Public Financial Disclosure Statement, Mike Kelly, filed 8/15/17; U.S. House Of

Representatives 2015 Financial Disclosure Statement, Mike Kelly, Filed 8/12/16; U.S. House Of Representatives

2014 Financial Disclosure Statement, Mike Kelly, Filed 8/12/15; U.S. House Of Representatives 2013 Financial

Disclosure Statement, Mike Kelly, Filed 8/12/14; U.S. House Of Representatives 2012 Financial Disclosure

Statement, Mike Kelly, Filed 8/13/13; U.S. House Of Representatives 2011 Financial Disclosure Statement, Mike

Kelly, Filed 8/10/12]

Kelly Car Dealership Income

Year Salary





Asset Income Total










Receivable -

Mike Kelly


Mike Kelly




Receivable -



2017 $23,831 $15,001 -


$50,001 -

$100,000 $88,833 -


2016 $24,000 $15,001-




$50,001 -


$139,003 -


2015 $24,000 $15,001 -


$2,501 -


$50,001 -


$91,503 -


2014 $24,000 $15,001 -


$2,501 -


$50,001 -


$91,503 -


2013 $15,155 $15,001 -


$2,501 -


$50,001 -


$82,658 -


2012 $24,000 $15,001 -


$2,501 -


$0 $41,502 -


2011 $24,000 $100,001 -


$5,001 -


$5,001 -


$134,003 -


Total $158,986 $175,006 -


$65,006 -


$15,001 -


$200,004 -


$5,001 -


$50,001 -




$669,005 - $2,108,986

[U.S House of Representatives 2017 Public Financial Disclosure Statement, Mike Kelly, filed 6/27/18; U.S. House

of Representatives 2016 Public Financial Disclosure Statement, Mike Kelly, filed 8/15/17; U.S. House Of

Representatives 2015 Financial Disclosure Statement, Mike Kelly, Filed 8/12/16; U.S. House Of Representatives

2014 Financial Disclosure Statement, Mike Kelly, Filed 8/12/15; U.S. House Of Representatives 2013 Financial

Disclosure Statement, Mike Kelly, Filed 8/12/14; U.S. House Of Representatives 2012 Financial Disclosure

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Statement, Mike Kelly, Filed 8/13/13; U.S. House Of Representatives 2011 Financial Disclosure Statement, Mike

Kelly, Filed 8/10/12]

Kelly Cosponsored A Bill To Block The CFPB From Cracking Down On Discriminatory

Mark-Ups To Auto Loans

Dealerships Can Add A Markup To Car Loans Financed Through The Dealership, Which

Historically Has Been Discriminatory Against Minorities

Car Dealers Are Allowed To Tack On Additional Interest On A Car Loan Offer When A Buyer Opts For

Car Financing Directly From The Dealership. “The agency believes it’s proven that the traditional way auto

loans get made results in black people systematically getting charged more than white people with the same credit

histories and borrower qualifications, regardless of what salesmen intend. The whole thing centers on what’s called

‘dealer markup.’ When a buyer opts for car financing directly from the dealer, the dealership sends information on

the borrower to a third party — the finance arm of their parent company, a traditional bank, or a non-bank lender

willing to extend credit to people who buy vehicles — and waits to find out what the lender plans to charge for the

loan. Before showing that offer to their customers, the dealer tacks on some amount of additional interest to the

loan offer.” [ThinkProgress, 11/17/15]

Auto Lenders Pay The Dealership The Dealer Markup In A Lump Sum. “The dealer compensation method in

question is known as dealer reserve. Dealer reserve is the retail margin that is included in the consumer’s cost, or

interest rate, on an auto loan to cover the dealership’s cost in arranging it. Lenders typically cap the reserve at 2 or 3

percentage points and pay it to the dealership in a lump sum.” [Automotive News, 11/18/15]

Historically, The Dealer Markup For Minority Buyers’ Car Loans Has Been Higher Than That For White

Buyers. “There’s nothing inherently untoward about dealer markup as a business practice. The CFPB believes that

‘that auto dealers play a valuable role in facilitating auto finance transactions, and they deserve to be compensated

fairly for the work they do,’ as agency spokesman Sam Gilford put it to the American Banker. The problem isn’t

markups, they say, but consistently higher markups for non-white auto buyers. […] But dealer markups have been

far higher for black and latino borrowers than white borrowers for decades, as the National Consumer Law Center’s

Stuart Rossman notes in U.S. News and World Report. When borrowers sued dealers back in the 1990s, they didn’t

have to use the partly-anonymized data that the CFPB is using today. They uncovered that ‘dealers were twice as

likely to add a markup to the loans of African Americans,’ Rossman writes, and that even when dealers marked up

both white and black borrowers’ loans, the markup was far higher for the minority buyer.” [ThinkProgress,

11/17/15; U.S. News & World Report, Stuart Rossman Op-Ed, 11/17/15]

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Issued Guidance To Prevent Discriminatory Car Loan

Markups By Dealerships

2013: CFPB Issued Guidance To Limit The Ability Of Dealerships To Adjust, On A Case-By-Case Basis,

The Compensation They Keep From Arranging A Consumer Auto Loan, Saying It Can Lead To

Discrimination. “H.R. 1737 -- the Reforming CFPB Indirect Auto Financing Guidance Act -- would revoke 2013

auto lending guidance from the CFPB. The guidance suggests lenders should either impose limits on or eliminate

dealerships’ ability to adjust, on a case-by-case basis, the amount of compensation they keep for arranging a

consumer auto loan, a discretionary practice that the CFPB says can lead to discriminatory loan pricing. The bureau

oversees lenders but not dealers.” [Automotive News, 11/18/15]

Car Dealerships Got Nearly 40 Percent Of Their Gross Profit From Financing & Insurance In 2014. “The

average dealership gained more from F&I last year, even though retailers’ overall sales penetration for products

such as extended service contracts and GAP dropped a fraction of a percentage point. On average, F&I accounted

for 39.6 percent of gross profit for new- and used-vehicle departments combined in 2014, up from 38.8 percent in

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2013, according to the 2014 NADA Data released by the National Automobile Dealers Association last week.”

[Automotive News, 4/15/15]

Obama Administration Said CFPB Guidance On Indirect Auto Lending Prevented Discrimination. “A bill

that would limit the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s 2013 auto lending guidance passed the House of

Representatives late Wednesday by a 332-96 vote. […] The Obama administration said Monday it opposes the bill

because the CFPB guidance “helps ensure customers are not charged disproportionately higher prices for auto loans

because of their race, color, religion or other characteristics that should have no bearing on loan decisions.”

[Automotive News, 11/18/15]

ThinkProgress: CFPB Guidance Stopped System “That Routinely Charges Black And Latino Borrowers

Hundreds Of Dollars More For Car Loans Than Similarly-Qualified White Borrowers.” “A bill to allow

racially discriminatory car lending practices is up for a vote in the House this week. If it passes, it could restore a

system that routinely charges black and Latino borrowers hundreds of dollars more for car loans than similarly-

qualified white borrowers. The legislation would override the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s efforts to

combat the auto loan discrimination and prevent the CFPB from re-issuing the rule until it produces more research

on the matter.” [ThinkProgress, 11/17/15]

CFPB Guidance On Indirect Auto Lending Led To Changes At Honda Finance, Fifth Third Bancorp, And A

$98 Million Settlement From Ally Financial. “Ally paid $98 million, including $80 million in consumer

restitution funds, to settle CFPB charges of discriminatory lending but did not change its policies on dealer reserve.

Honda Finance, on the other hand, agreed in its settlement with the CFPB to change its policy and cap dealer

reserve at 1.25 percentage points for loans of 60 months or fewer and at 1 percentage point for loans greater than 60

months. No civil penalties were assessed. Honda Finance said it would establish a $24 million consumer

compensation fund. Fifth Third Bancorp reached an $18 million settlement with the CFPB and the U.S. Department

of Justice to resolve charges that it discriminated against African American and Hispanic borrowers, the CFPB said

in September. Fifth Third agreed to the same dealer reserve caps as Honda Finance.” [Automotive News, 11/18/15]

Kelly Cosponsored And Voted For Legislation To Overturn CFPB’s Guidance On Auto Lending

2016: Kelly Voted To Prohibit The CFPB From Issuing Or Enforcing Guidance On Indirect Auto Lending.

In July 2016, Kelly voted for: “Guinta, R-N.H., amendment that would prohibit the Consumer Financial Protection

Bureau from using funds to enforce or administer guidance pertaining to indirect auto lending.” The amendment

was adopted in the Committee of the Whole, 260-162. [CQ, 7/7/16; H.R. 5485, Vote 383, 7/7/16]

2015: Kelly Cosponsored And Voted For Legislation To Overturn CFPB Guidance On Indirect Auto

Lending. In November 2015, Kelly voted for: “Passage of a bill that would nullify the Consumer Financial

Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) guidance on indirect auto lending published on March 21, 2013. The bill would require

the CFPB to provide for a public notice and comment period, make available to the public all data and analysis used

in preparing the guidance, and consult with the boards of the Federal Reserve System, the Federal Trade

Commission, and the Justice Department when proposing and issuing guidance on indirect auto financing.” The bill

passed, 332-96. Kelly cosponsored the legislation in October 2015. [CQ, 11/18/15; H.R. 1737, Vote 637, 11/18/15;, H.R. 1737, Cosponsored 10/26/15]

Kelly Voted To Advance His Dealerships Commercial Prospects

Kelly: If You’re Only Representing Your Own Interests In Congress, You Shouldn’t Be In Office

Kelly: If You’re Only Representing Your Own Interests In Congress, You Shouldn’t Be In Office.

“[00:18:15] HOST: Do you take responsibility for that? Do you take responsibility for some of that yourself sir?

[00:18:21] KELLY: Well I think that all of us, all 435 of us better realize one thing. If you’re there representing

your best interests, go home, go home, this is not a career.” [NRA News, 1/2/14]

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Kelly Voted Against Providing Consumers With More Information On Used Cars For Sale

Kelly Voted Against Requiring Additional Information Regarding Vehicle History To Be Displayed On Used

Cars For Sale. In November 2015, Kelly voted against: “Schakowsky, D-Ill., amendment that would require the

Transportation secretary to make the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s vehicle safety databases

more publicly accessible and require certain additional information regarding vehicle history to be displayed on

used cars for sale.” The amendment was rejected in Committee of the Whole, 176-251. [CQ, 11/5/15; H.R. 22, Vote

619, 11/5/15]

Kelly Voted To Make Depreciation Write-Offs More Generous To Car Dealerships

Kelly Voted To Adjust For Inflation Depreciation Rules For Certain Passenger Cars. In July 2014, Kelly

voted for: “Passage of the bill that would make permanent the 50 percent bonus depreciation rules for businesses

that place new property in service in a tax year. It would allow businesses to deduct from their taxes 50 percent of

the adjusted basis of the value of that qualified property, in addition to amounts that they could otherwise claim

under depreciation rules. It would allow bonus depreciation against both the regular tax system and the alternative

minimum tax. It also would adjust for inflation the formula for depreciating certain passenger automobiles and

would make permanent the special rule for the allocation of bonus depreciation to a long-term contract.” The bill

passed, 258-160. [CQ, 7/11/14; H.R. 4718, Vote 404, 7/11/14]

Kelly Voted To Repeal Dodd-Frank, Give President And Congress The Power To Dramatically

Curtail The CFPB

Kelly Voted For The Partial Dodd-Frank Repeal Bill. Kelly Voted for passage of the Financial CHOICE Act of

17. [Clerk of the House, Roll Call Vote 299 On 6/8/17]

Dodd-Frank Repeal Gave Power Over CFPB To Congress And President.

Dodd-Frank Repeal Bill Gave The President The Power To Fire The Head Of The CFPB. “Hensarling’s

bill would give the president the power to fire the heads of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a

consumer watchdog agency created under Dodd-Frank, and the Federal Housing Finance Agency, which

oversees mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, at any time for any -- or no -- reason.” [CNN, 6/8/17]

Dodd-Frank Repeal Gave Congress Oversight Of The CFPB’s Budget, Allowing It To Potentially Defund

The Agency. “It also gives Congress purview over the CFPB’s budget, meaning lawmakers could defund the

agency entirely.” [CNN, 6/8/17]

Dodd-Frank Repeal Barred FDIC From Overseeing Bank Plans In Event Of Collapse.”The GOP proposal

would also bar the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. from overseeing the so-called living will process, which

requires banks to write up plans on how they would safely be unwound in the event of a collapse. The FDIC and the

Fed are the two regulators responsible for overseeing this requirement under the 2010 law.” [CNN, 6/8/17]

Kelly Opposes Border Adjustment Tax, Because It Would Increase Costs For Cars

Kelly Opposes Border Adjustment Tax Because It Would Increase Costs For Cars. “[00:00:00] HOST: Some

issues have come up that Republicans are divided in Congress as to whether you pay for this or pay for some of this

and the issues of a border tax has come up. Big retailers don’t like that because they think they’re disadvantaged

with imports coming into the country and we’re sapping T’s on them and that’s gonna hurt their sales and they

won’t take that very lightly. Are you for a border tax? [00:00:22] KELLY: No, I’m not because you know I’m an

automobile guy, Monroney label which as I’ve watched for years on the side of a car shows not only the equipment

on a car and the price of a car, it also shows parts content and when you look at global parts supplies you know that

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they come from all over the world, sometimes little things built in one part of the world go to big things built in

Detroit and everything else. So, I always thought that, look at how it’s constructed, just don’t go flying off the

handles saying “if it’s not made here, I’m not buying it..” Well you know what, then if that’s the truth you’re not

gonna buy very many things anymore because it takes a whole world now with that global supply chain to build

any products. So, it’s incredible that we understand how things are made as opposed to just making statements and

then going back later and say, “oh I didn’t really understand that.” Well you know what, get your head out of that

place where it’s so hard to breathe and look at things, look at things.” [Fox Business, 3/27/17]

Kelly Opposed The Minimum Wage

Rep. Kelly Opposed Federal Minimum Wage. During a telephone town hall, Rep. Kelly said, “Minimum wage to

me is not something that I would look and say ‘If I just had a higher stated federal wage that would be the answer to

people.’ […] A federal stated minimum wage is nothing that I look and say, ‘that’s the way to go.’ Let’s get people

for the jobs that are available, let’s get them educated, and let’s give them a fighting chance by getting our economy

back on track.” [Mike Kelly Tele-Town Hall, Timestamp 01:14:26, 6/21/17] (AUDIO)

Kelly On Outsourcers: It’s Not That They’re Unpatriotic, It’s Just They’re Not Stupid

Kelly On Outsourcers: “It’s Not That They’re Unpatriotic, It’s Just They’re Not Stupid.” “04:59 MR.

MOORE: Mr. Kelly, if I could, I head earlier that his is not causing jobs to move overseas, whether you’re a

company of my size and in your first now 25 year old company, we have set up our first outside united states

manufacturing facility, or you listen to some of the larger companies who, more recently, announced a seventy-five

million dollar new tax bill. Job loss is now up 1,000 in the US, while they’re hiring more in China. I connect those

two. As we get more tax burden, we have to find ways to make up for that tax, ad one way is to move jobs offshore,

and I don’t like it. 05:41 MIKE KELLY: No, nobody does. I talked to more people who, it’s not that they’re

unpatriotic, it’s just they’re not stupid. They can’t keep their companies open by trying to work under definitions,

under rules that make no sense. I talked to our comptroller today at our dealership this morning. Our cost no, we

just got the bids back, $500,000, which is nothing in Washington’s terms, but for my little dealership, that adds to

our cost of operations that affects, which affects the cost of labor, which affects the cost of every product we sell. It

affects the way we look into the future, and I think that’s the real bad part of this thing. We don’t understand how

badly we have hurt people’s looks into the future with any type of confidence where they can survive in an area

where the government should be your friend, they should be helping you get to a prosperous thing, and you know

what, we’re just the opposite.” [House Ways and Means Committee, 3/5/12]

Kelly Questioned Whether Car Dealerships Targeted For Closure Were Chosen For Political


“Headline: Rep. Kelly to Treasury Sec. Lew: Were Auto Dealership Closures Political?” [Mike Kelly Press

Release, 5/17/13]

While Struggling To Right-Size, GM Slashed One Sixth Of Its Dealerships. “General Motors notified 1,100

of its 6,000 dealerships Friday that it is terminating their contracts with the struggling automaker, the first step

in cutting up to 40% of its retail network.” [CNN Money, 5/15/09]

INTERNAL FLAG: Kelly Nearly Lost His Chevrolet-Cadillac Dealership To A Closure. “For Mike

Kelly, that moment came in May 2009, when General Motors, at the behest of the Obama

administration‘s Auto Task Force, announced plans to shut down more than 1,900 dealerships,

including Mike Kelly Chevrolet-Cadillac Inc., in Butler, Pa., founded by his father in 1953. Mr. Kelly

called his lawyer, went to arbitration, and eventually got that decision reversed.” [Christian Scientist

Monitor, 10/6/10]

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Kelly Sold $2.9 Million In Cars From Cash For Clunkers

Note: Kelly was not in Congress for the passage of Cash for Clunkers.

Kelly: “From A Selfish Standpoint,” Cash For Clunkers “Helped Us Sell Cars.” According to the DCCC, “In

February of 2010, Roll Call reported that Kelly was “either unsure or would not have voted for the Clunkers

program,” had he been in office despite the fact that his dealerships participated in the trade-in discount initiative.

“From a selfish standpoint, it helped us sell cars,” Kelly said. “But from a national standpoint, it begs the question:

Was this money well-spent?” [Roll Call, 2/25/10]” [Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Press

Release, 5/18/10]

Kelly Reportedly Sold $2.9 Million Worth Of Cars From Cash For Clunkers. “In July and August 2009, Mike

Kelly Automotive, Mike Kelly Hyundai and Kelly Chevrolet-Cadillac sold 147 cars, or $2,980,494 worth of

inventory, through the Cash for Clunkers rebate program. The dealerships provided the customers with $600,500 in

rebates for their trade-ins. [Department of Transportation,, accessed 3/31/10]” [Democratic Congressional

Campaign Committee Press Release, 5/18/10]

Kelly Said That The UAW Pocketed The Proceeds Of The Auto Bailout

Kelly Said That The UAE Pocked The Proceeds Of The Auto Bailout.

“[00:08:43] HOST: Alright Congressman so we will definitely you know, we will follow you, we will continue to

have you on for this topic because of course here in NRA News it’s a very big important story for us, the UN Arms

Trade Treaty and like I said (inaudible) our special correspondent has been up there all the time, we cover this story

like no other and it’s good to have you on for that. That being said, if we can move on to some couple other topics

real quick. We have of course it being the end of the year, we’ve been talking but we’ve been doing some year end

lists, some good, some bad, talking about what happened in the past year. When you think of, I know your

background is in the auto industry and you know, you know more than most there on Capitol Hill, when you look at

what happened this year with GM and the American taxpayer losing 10 million dollars, 10 billion dollars sorry if I

didn’t say it correctly, alright clearly enough. The taxpayers lose 10 billion dollars on this, the CEO of GM doesn’t

think that

[00:09:38] KELLY: The United Auto Workers Union found it” [NRA News, 1/2/14]

Kelly: The Auto Bailout Ruined The Trade. “Now, we gotta be careful how you talk about these things when

people say, “well they could’ve ruined the trade.” Well how did they save the trade? I mean I’m looking at the trade

now it’s kind of ruined. We’ll talk about how many jobs were saved. No idea, you know what that’s all I gotta tell

you. The investment that the American tax, we did not get a good return on that. Now, the spin will be on it that we

kept all these people in work and we didn’t lose. The reality of it is at the end of the day, at the end of the day it was

not a good investment for the taxpayers when you look at the full, full scope. It wasn’t a good deal for General

Motors, it kept them alive. […] I’m glad that the taxpayers are no longer they got some money back, they’re never

going to get their full return, hopefully the residual value over a long period of time will look well but, for General

Motors it was very important for them to get away from the government too. I think that was a drag on a lot of the

things they were doing. I know people who would come in the showroom and say, “ you know what, probably not

going to buy a GM car now because government motors.” It think they were looking at a Ford because they didn’t

take the bailout. So, I think it had, you know, a good deal, bad deal for GM overall. I’m glad it’s done. I feel bad

that the taxpayers took a hit on it, a big hit on it.” [NRA News, 1/2/14]

Kelly Likened CAFE Standard Hike To Judas’s Betrayal Of Jesus

Mike Kelly Criticized The Obama Administration’s Hike Of CAFE Standards, Likening It To Judas’s

Betrayal Of Jesus. “[00:13:56] Oh ok, the Corporate Average Fuel Economy and now what the manufacturers are

saying is they’re going to get to this 50 miles per gallon [00:14:03] HOST: They doubled it right. They basically

doubled it. [00:14:05] KELLY: Oh yeah, yeah and it can’t be done and there’s all kind of side bars in that but you

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know what they did it guys, they did it for the 30 pieces of silver. They thought that somehow they were gonna get

free money. That’s not free money, this comes out of taxpayers pockets for crying out aloud. I’m so sick of hearing

any time it comes from the government, it does not come from the government, it comes from the, pulling the

taxpayers up by their ankles and shaking every dime and penny out of their pockets and put it where they want to

put it so they went after that and we’ve gotten rid of, this green energy thing, it’s an old story if something is market

ready, it’s market ready. If it’s not then don’t subsidize it because no matter what kind of money, look at the Chevy

Volt for crying out loud 7500 dollar tax credit from the Fed. In Pennsylvania they give it another 3500 dollars,

that’s 11 grand to sell a car that nobody can afford and it it’s about gas mileage we get cars that are getting great

gas mileage right now, they’re not electric, they’re not enough to be hybrids, they’re doing much better than they

used to so you know a little bit of this goes a long way with me, I’m still fed up with being fed this formula these

folks have and never I mean really, they have trouble pouring pee out of a boot if the instructions are on the bottom

of the heel but they’re gonna tell people how to build cars, how to mess their money, you get the point, back the H

away from me. I know how to do this, get away.”

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Kelly Benefitted From The Perks Of Congress, And Served His

Party Over His Constituents

Significant Findings

Only two of Kelly’s sponsored bills have become law – both bills were to name Veterans Affairs


Kelly promised to hold a town hall after months of pressure, but had yet to actually do so as of October


Kelly voted with this party 96 percent of the time.

Kelly voted for the Republican’s heath care repeal and rip-off bill that gutted protections for people with

pre-existing conditions, and said coverage for pre-existing conditions were “a business proposition.”

Kelly suggested that essential health benefits were too extensive. Essential Health Benefits include

prescription drugs; maternity, newborn, and pediatric care; and mental health and substance use


Kelly found Trump’s budget to be a “major improvement,” despite deep cuts to programs

Pennsylvanians rely on.

Kelly claimed President Obama was remaining in Washington after his presidency to run a shadow

government with the aim of derailing the Trump agenda.

Kelly said talking about racial discrimination was “divisive” & “horrible.”

Kelly Was More Responsive To South Korea Than To Western Pennsylvania

Kelly Traveled To South Korea Twice While He Served In Congress

2015: Kelly Traveled To South Korea On A Trip Funded By The Republic of Korea. [, accessed 9/21/18]

2011: Kelly Traveled To South Korea On Taxpayer Funded Trip With The Committee On Oversight And

Government Reform. [, accessed 9/21/18]

Kelly Was The Co-Chairman Of The Congressional Caucus On Korea

Kelly Was The Co-Chairman Of The Congressional Caucus On Korea. [, accessed 9/24/18]

Only Two Of Kelly’s Sponsored Bills Became Law; Both Bills Named Veterans Affairs Facilities

Only Two Of The Bills Kelly Sponsored Became Law. [, accessed 9/18/18]
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2017: Kelly’s Bill “To Designate The Community Living Center Of The Department Of Veterans Affairs In

Butler Township, Butler County, Pennsylvania, As The ‘Sergeant Joseph George Kusick VA Community

Living Center’” Became Law. [, accessed 9/18/18]

2017: Kelly’s Bill “To Designate The Department Of Veterans Affairs Health Care Center In Center

Township, Butler County, Pennsylvania, As The ‘Abie Abraham VA Clinic’” Became Law. [,

accessed 9/18/18]

Kelly Promised To Hold A Town Hall After Months Of Public Pressure But Had Yet To Do So

As Of October 2018, According To Town Hall Project, Mike Kelly Has Not Held A Town Hall Since At Least

January 1, 2017. [Town Hall Project, 10/2/18]

May 2018: Kelly’s Staff Said Kelly Would Attend A Public Town Hall Meeting After The Primary If It Was

Public, Non-Partisan And Student-Run, After Public Pressure To Do So. “Kelly who has not held an in-person

town hall meeting in Erie since August 2015, said through his staff that he preferred to meet in private. After weeks

of exchanges, the students agreed to the private meeting on Tuesday, and Kelly’s staff said he would attend an in-

person public town hall that the students plan to put on after the May 15 primary, in which Kelly is running for re-

election. Kelly was unable to attend a public town hall the students held on April 24 because he was in Washington,

D.C., but a top staffer was there instead. Kelly’s staff said the next town hall, which will be open to the public, must

be non-partisan and student-run for Kelly to participate.” [, 5/2/18]

April 2018: Kelly’s Spokesperson Said That Kelly Would Attend A Public Town Hall If Certain Conditions

Were Met. “U.S. Rep. Mike Kelly has changed positions and agreed to attend what would be his first in-person

public town-hall meeting in Erie in nearly three years. The event has yet to be scheduled, but Kelly’s spokesman

said the congressman, if certain conditions are met, will attend the town hall at the invitation of a group of Erie

County high school students. The spokesman, Tom Qualtere, said Kelly will attend a town hall ‘as long as it is for

the students and by the students and is not at all partisan.’” [, 4/21/18]

Goerie.Com: “Kelly Has Changed Positions And Agreed To Attend What Would Be His First In-Person

Public Town-Hall Meeting In Erie In Nearly Three Years.” “U.S. Rep. Mike Kelly has changed positions

and agreed to attend what would be his first in-person public town-hall meeting in Erie in nearly three

years. The event has yet to be scheduled, but Kelly’s spokesman said the congressman, if certain conditions are

met, will attend the town hall at the invitation of a group of Erie County high school students. The spokesman,

Tom Qualtere, said Kelly will attend a town hall ‘as long as it is for the students and by the students and is not

at all partisan.’” [, 4/21/18]

HEADLINE: “Kelly Agrees To Town Hall With Erie Students.” [, 4/21/18]

April 2018: The Erie City Council Voted Unanimously To Urge Kelly To Hold A Public Town Hall On Gun

Violence. “Erie City Council today urged Congressman Mike Kelly to hold a public, town hall meeting on gun

violence. Just yesterday, Kelly told us he would prefer to meet privately with local students who have pushed the

idea of a public forum. Kelly says a town hall meeting can be chaotic when a group of people attempts to dominate

the session. But council today voted unanimously to urge Kelly to change his mind. Members say a town hall

meeting gives everyone a chance to speak and be heard on an important issue.” [Erie News Now, 4/4/18]

HEADLINE: Erie News Now: “City Council Urges Congressman Kelly To Hold Public Town Hall

Meeting On Gun Violence.” [Erie News Now, 4/4/18]

April 2018: Erie News Now: “Kelly Says Face-To-Face Town Halls Are No Longer An Option For Him To

Learn The Opinions Of The Public.” “Kelly says face-to-face town halls are no longer an option for him to learn

the opinions of the public. He said just 15 people showed up for his last town hall meeting. He says his preferred
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method for listening to the public is not with in-person town halls, but with telephone town halls. […] ‘So when

people say, ‘Well you’re not reaching any people.’ I say ‘Are you kidding me?’ We’ve had people from the U.K.

call us on telephone town halls. We believe the telephone town hall is the safest, most effective, and most efficient

way to do it. It costs our voters nothing to participate,’ he said.” [Erie News Now, 4/3/18]

Erie News Now: “Kelly Also Says In-Person Town Hall Meetings Can Create Chaos, Particularly When

A Group Of People Tries To Dominate The Session With Only One Issue.” “Kelly says face-to-face town

halls are no longer an option for him to learn the opinions of the public. He said just 15 people showed up for

his last town hall meeting. He says his preferred method for listening to the public is not with in-person town

halls, but with telephone town halls. […] ‘So when people say, ‘Well you’re not reaching any people.’ I say

‘Are you kidding me?’ We’ve had people from the U.K. call us on telephone town halls. We believe the

telephone town hall is the safest, most effective, and most efficient way to do it. It costs our voters nothing to

participate,’ he said. Kelly also says in-person town hall meetings can create chaos, particularly when a group

of people tries to dominate the session with only one issue.” [Erie News Now, 4/3/18]

HEADLINE: Erie News Now: “Congressman Kelly Explains Why He’s Not Fond Of Town Hall

Meetings.” [Erie News Now, 4/3/18]

Kelly Had Not Held An In-Person Town Hall Since August 2015. “Kelly who has not held an in-person town

hall meeting in Erie since August 2015, said through his staff that he preferred to meet in private. After weeks of

exchanges, the students agreed to the private meeting on Tuesday, and Kelly’s staff said he would attend an in-

person public town hall that the students plan to put on after the May 15 primary, in which Kelly is running for re-

election.” [, 5/2/18]

Kelly Benefitted From The Perks Of Congress

Kelly Has Received $880,000 In Taxpayer Funded Salary

Kelly has received a congressional salary of $174,000 since joining Congress in 2011. Over his four years on the

Butler City Council, Kelly received $10,000 in salary.

Over his seven years served in Congress, and four years on the Butler City Council, Perry has received a total of

$880,000 in taxpayer-funded salary.

Year Congressional Salary

2011 $174,000

2012 $174,000

2013 $174,000

2014 $174,000

2015 $174,000

2016 $174,000

2017 $174,000

TOTAL $870,000

[Congressional Research Service, 6/21/16]

Kelly’s Butler City Council Pay

Year Salary

2006 2500

2007 2500

2008 2500

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2009 2500

Total: $10,000

[Ordinance No 1594, 12/04/06; Ordinance No. 1601, 12/20/07; Ordinance No 1613, 12/18/08; Ordinance No. 1621,


Kelly Voted To Raise His Own Pay

2011: Kelly Voted Against A Motion That Included Language To Block COLA For Members. In 2011, Kelly

voted against a motion to recommit that included language blocking member pay increases. According to the CRS,

“Section 5421(b)(1) of H.R. 3630, as introduced in the House, would have prohibited any adjustment for Members

of Congress prior to December 31, 2013. Section 706 of the motion to recommit also contained language freezing

Member pay.” A vote yes was a vote to block pay increases. The motion was rejected 183-244. [Congressional

Research Service, 6/20/13; HR 3630, Vote #922, 12/13/11]

NOTE: When using this research, keep in mind that Kelly has also voted on various occasions against raising His

own pay.

Kelly Would Receive $23,664 Per Year In Taxpayer Funded Pension

According to the Office of Personnel Management, a “Member of Congress or Congressional Employee (or any

combination of the two) must have at least 5 years of service as a Member of Congress and/or Congressional

Employee” to qualify for their retirement annuity.

The annual pension is calculated as “1.7% of your high-3 average salary multiplied by your years of service as a

Member of Congress or Congressional Employee which do not exceed 20, PLUS 1% of your high-3 average salary

multiplied by your years of other service.” [Office of Personnel Management, accessed 7/18/17]

For Members who joined after 1991, the annual pension is calculated as:

[The Atlantic, 10/2/15; Congressional Research Service, 11/10/16]

For any current Member eligible for their pension, their High-3 would be $174,000, making the formula:

[$174,000 x .017 x Years of Service (Max 20)] + [$174,0000 x .01 x (Years of Service Over 20)] = Annual Pension

At the end of his current term, Kelley would have served eight years in Congress and would receive $23,664

in annual taxpayer-funded pension.

Kelly’s Wealth Increased $10.56 Million While In Congress

When Kelly ran for office, his net worth was an estimated $8.05 million. In 2015, after four years in Congress,

Kelly’s net worth grew to an estimated $18.61 million – a $10.56 million increase. [Center for Responsive Politics,

accessed 2/23/18]

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[Center for Responsive Politics, accessed 2/23/18]

Kelly Spent $19,249 On Taxpayer Funded Travel To 13 Countries

Kelly Spent $19,249 On Taxpayer Funded Travel To 13 Countries. [, accessed


Year Sponsor Country Dates Amount



Georgia, Ireland 5/26/2017 -



2017 DELEGATION TO BELGIUM Belgium 2/18/2017 -



2016 DELEGATION TO THE NETHERLANDS The Netherlands 6/26/2016 -






Turkey, Qatar, Saudi

Arabia, United Arab

Emirates, France

1/7/2012 -





South Korea, Vietnam,

Hong Kong, Philippines

4/27/2011 -



TOTAL $19,249.00

[, accessed 9/21/18]

Kelly Received $74,308 In Privately Funded Travel

Kelly Received $74,308 In Privately Funded Travel. As of February 2018, Kelly had gone on nine privately

funded trips, receiving a total of $74,308 in travel. [Political Moneyline, accessed 2/23/18]

Kelly’s Privately Funded Travel

Dates Sponsor(s) Location(s) Total Amount

8/6 - 8/11/17 Ripon Society, Franklin Center for Global Policy Exchange Berlin, Germany $20,015

11/9 - 11/14/16 Ripon Society, Franklin Center for Global Policy Exchange London, United Kingdom $13,897

11/20- 11/25/15 MECEA Republic of Korea Seoul, Korea $0

8/10 - 8/18/13 Franklin Center for Global Policy Exchange, Ripon Society Dublin, Ireland $20,000

6/22 - 6/23/13 ABC News New York, NY $0

2/6/ - 2/8/13 Heritage Foundation Baltimore, MD $0

10/7 - 10/8/11 Pennsylvania Automobile Dealers Assn Southampton, Bermuda $1,020

8/20 - 8/28/11 American Israel Education Foundation Tel Aviv, Israel $19,376

1/27 - 1/29/11 Heritage Foundation Westlake Village, CA $0

Total: $74,308

[Political Moneyline, accessed 2/23/18]

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Kelly Consistently Voted With The Republican Establishment

Kelly Has Voted With His Party 96% Of The Time

Kelly Has Voted With The Republican Party 96% Of The Time. According to CQ, in 2017, Kelly has voted

with other members of the Republican Caucus 96% of the time. [CQ Vote Studies, accessed 2/23/18]

Party Unity

Year Support Oppose

2017 96% 4%

2016 97% 3%

2015 92% 7%

2014 94% 6%

2013 96% 4%

2012 91% 9%

2011 93% 7%

Lifetime Average 94% 6%

[CQ Vote Study, accessed 2/23/18]

Kelly Voted With Paul Ryan 95% Of The Time

Kelly Voted With Ryan 95% Of The Time. According to ProPublica, in the 115th Congress Kelly had voted with

Speaker Ryan 95% of the time. [ProPublica, accessed 5/17/18]

Vote Comparison

Congress Total Votes Votes Disagreeing Percent Agreement

115th 21 1 95%

114th 575 50 91%

113th 1180 72 94%

112th 1545 161 90%

Lifetime Average 3321 284 91%

[ProPublica, accessed 5/17/18]

Funded By Republican Leadership, Receiving $16,500 From Paul Ryan

Over his career, Kelly has received $16,500 in donations from Paul Ryan and his associated entities:

Donations From Paul Ryan

Date Candidate/Committee Amount

4/8/17 Ryan for Congress, Inc. $4,000

4/8/17 Prosperity Action, Inc. $5,000

12/29/11 Prosperity PAC $2,500

10/27/10 Prosperity PAC $2,500

9/30/10 Prosperity PAC $2,500

Total $16,500

[FEC, accessed 2/23/18]

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Voted To Elect Paul Ryan Speaker Of The House

2017: Voted To Make Rep. Paul Ryan Speaker Of The House. In January 2017, Kelly voted for Paul Ryan to be

Speaker of the House. Ryan was elected by a vote of 239-189. [Election to the Speaker, Vote #2, 1/3/17; CQ,


2015: Voted To Make Rep. Paul Ryan Speaker Of The House. In October 2015, Kelly voted for Paul Ryan to be

Speaker of the House. Paul Ryan received 236 votes, Nancy Pelosi received 184 votes, and Daniel Webster

received 9 votes. [Election to the Speaker, Vote #581, 10/29/15]

Kelly Called The Return Of Preexisting Conditions A Business Decision

Kelly Voted For Republican Repeal & Ripoff

Kelly Voted For The American Health Care Act. In May 2017, Kelly voted for repeal and replace major parts of

the Affordable Care Act. According to the New York Times, the bill “would eliminate tax penalties for people who

go without health insurance. It would roll back state-by-state expansions of Medicaid, which covered millions of

low-income Americans. And in place of government-subsidized insurance policies offered exclusively on the

Affordable Care Act’s marketplaces, the bill would offer tax credits of $2,000 to $4,000 a year, depending on age.

[…] The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said the first version of the bill would trim the federal budget

deficit considerably but would also leave 24 million more Americans without health insurance after a decade.

Average insurance premiums would be 15 percent to 20 percent higher in 2018 and 2019, but after that, they would

be lower than projected under current law.” The bill passed by a vote of 217-213. [HR 1628, Vote #256, 5/4/17;

New York Times, 5/4/17]

American Health Care Act Would Gut Protections For People With Pre-Existing Conditions

Politifact Found That AHCA “Would Weaken Protections” For Those With Pre-Existing Conditions,

“Would Allow States To Give Insurers The Power To Charge People Significantly More.” “An ad by the

American Action Network says that under the American Health Care Act ‘people with pre-existing conditions are

protected.’ The only kernel of truth here is that the amendment has language that states insurers can’t limit access to

coverage for individuals with pre-existing conditions. However, the ad omits that the House GOP health plan would

weaken protections for these patients. The legislation would allow states to give insurers the power to charge

people significantly more if they had a pre-existing condition. While Republicans point to the fact that those

patients could get help through high-risk pools, experts question their effectiveness. Current law does not allow

states to charge people with pre-existing conditions significantly more. We rate this claim Mostly False.”

[Politifact, 5/24/17]

Kelly Called Return Of Preexisting Conditions A Business Decision

Kelly On Pre-Existing Conditions: “Based On A Business Decision, The Greater The Risk The Greater The

Premium Is Going To Be.” During an interview on CNN, Mike Kelly said, “It’s a business model. The greater the

risk, the actuaries have to determine how great the risk is. Insurance is nothing more than a business program, as

you well know. So if your risk is greater, then your cost, the premiums are going to be there. […] I think based on a

business decision, the greater the risk the greater the premium is going to be.” [CNN, Timestamp 4:58, 5/1/17]


Kelly Said Coverage For Pre-Existing Conditions “Is A Business Proposition.” During an interview on CNN,

Mike Kelly said, “Preexisting is very important to the people I represent back home. I understand that. I will fight

for those things. But at the end of the day, at the end of the day, there is a business proposition that is going to be

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put out there. Insurers are no different than any other business out there. You look at the market that you serve. You

look at the people that you serve.” [CNN, Timestamp 5:29, 5/1/17] (VIDEO)

In 2010, Kelly Defended Lifetime Caps, Noting That High Health Care Costs Were Driven By

Hospitals Being Unable To Turn Away Patients

Kelly Defended Lifetime Insurance Caps By Noting That Health Care Costs Were High Because Hospitals

Could Not Turn Away Patients. “[00:03:21] INTERVIEWER: Then the other issue is caps on health care

anyway. You get a 2 million, maybe a 1 million dollar cap on health policy and someone has a cancer bill of 4

million dollars, that’s another issue. [00:03:31] KELLY: Well you have to look at, why are costs so high? You

know, you go the hospital, I can’t turn you away. Now, who picks up the tab? Well maybe it doesn’t cost that

person a thing, but another person is picking up the tab on it, it gets rolled onto the person who can pay. So, I think

again, we’ve lost the focus on it and we’ve come up with this idea that the government knows best. No, no, it

doesn’t work that way.” [WQLN, 6/27/10]

Kelly Suggested That Essential Health Benefits Were Too Extensive

Kelly Said He Believed That The MacArthur Amendment To Gut Preexisting Conditions Would Help The

Health Care Bill Pass The House, And Suggested That Essential Health Benefits For Being Too Extensive.

“[00:03:29] HOST: But as you know we have to get past the talking point because we also have tax reform and

budget issues to deal with. This amendment, just quickly, this amendment that we’ve been talking about, the most

recent issue happening is the amendment the Meadows MacArthur Amendment, do you think that that will be

enough to get everything passed? [00:03:49] KELLY: Yeah with what, you know in addition to Mark talking with

Tom, I think there was also (inaudible) with Gary Palmer that high risk pool, that extra piece in there that maybe is

the reinsurance piece was critical also. The other thing the essential health benefits you know, there was so much

that went into it. Number one on my priority list right now is getting back to Congress and making sure there’s not

a government shutdown. That’s looming in front of us right now, that’s the biggest, that’s the biggest gorilla in the

room that we have to address, health care we’re gonna get to, we’re gonna do it in a sensible, reasonable way that

makes sense for the people that we represent and the people that we serve. That’s the only way to get it fixed.” [Fox

News, 4/27/17]

Essential Health Benefits Include Prescription Drugs; Maternity, Newborn, And Pediatric Care; And

Mental Health And Substance Use Treatment. “These essential health benefits fall into 10 categories:

Ambulatory patient services (outpatient services); Emergency services; Hospitalization; Maternity and newborn

care; Mental health and substance use disorder services, including behavioral health treatment; Prescription

drugs; Rehabilitative and habilitative services (those that help patients acquire, maintain, or improve skills

necessary for daily functioning) and devices; Laboratory services; Preventive and wellness services and chronic

disease management; Pediatric services, including oral and vision care” [Families USA, 2/9/18]

Kelly’s Staff Called Trump’s Budget A Major Improvement Despite $2 Trillion Error And

Massive Cuts

Kelly’s Staff Called The Trump Budget A Major Improvement

Kelly Staff Said That The Congressman Believed The Trump Budget Would Be A Major Improvement Over

Past Budgets. ”U.S. Rep. Mike Kelly also was unavailable. Spokesman Tom Qualtere said the congressman is still

reviewing the details and expects to find the budget to be ‘a major improvement over the irresponsible proposals

put out by the last administration.’“ [Pittsburgh Post Gazette, 5/23/17]

Trump Budget Cuts Vital Programs

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Trump’s Budget Cuts More Than $800 Billion From Medicaid, And Hundreds Of Billions More From

Nutrition Assistance. “Over the next decade, it calls for slashing more than $800 billion from Medicaid, the

federal health program for the poor, while slicing $192 billion from nutritional assistance and $272 billion over all

from welfare programs.” [New York Times, 5/22/17]

Trump’s Budget Cuts $72 Billion From Social Security’s Disability Benefit. “The plan would cut by more than

$72 billion the disability benefits upon which millions of Americans rely.” [New York Times, 5/22/17]

Trump’s Budget Would Eliminate Programs To Subsidize College Costs For People Who Go Into Service

Jobs. “It would eliminate loan programs that subsidize college education for the poor and those who take jobs in

government or nonprofit organizations.” [New York Times, 5/22/17]

Trump Budget Contains $2 Trillion Accounting Error

Trump Budget Makes $2 Trillion Accounting Error By Double Counting The Cuts Made. “President Donald

Trump’s newly unveiled budget contains a massive accounting error that uses the same money twice for two

different purposes. Based on its supersized projections of 3 percent GDP, the president’s budget forecasts about $2

trillion in extra federal revenue growth over the next 10 years, which it then uses to pay for Trump’s ‘biggest tax

cut in history.’” [NBC News, 5/24/17]

Larry Summers Called It The Most Egregious Error He Had Seen In The 40 Years He Had Been Tracking

Presidential Budgets. “Former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers put it another way, writing in his blog, ‘It

appears to be the most egregious accounting error in a presidential budget in the nearly 40 years I have been

tracking them.’” [NBC News, 5/24/17]

Kelly Voted For Key Republican Priorities In The 115th Congress

Kelly Voted For FY18 Senate Republican Budget That Set The Stage For Tax Reform

Kelly Voted For Agreeing To The Senate Republican’s Version Of The FY18 Budget. In October 2017, Kelly

voted for “Black, R-Tenn., motion to concur in the Senate amendment to the concurrent resolution that would

provide for $3.1 trillion in new budget authority in fiscal 2018, not including off-budget accounts. It would allow

the cap on defense spending to be raised to $640 billion for fiscal 2018, without the need for offsets. It would

require the Senate Finance Committee to report legislation under the budget reconciliation process that would

increase the deficit by no more than $1.5 trillion over the period of fiscal 2018 through fiscal 2027. It would also

instruct the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee to report legislation under the budget reconciliation

process that would reduce the deficit by $1 billion over the period of fiscal 2018 through fiscal 2027. The

concurrent resolution would authorize the establishment of various reserve funds, including a deficit-neutral reserve

fund related to repealing or replacing the 2010 health care overhaul law, and a revenue-neutral reserve fund related

to modifying the federal tax system.” The budget passed 216-212. [H Con Res 71, Vote #589, 10/26/17; CQ Floor

Votes, 10/26/17]

Washington Times: “The Goal Of The Budget Was To Set Up What’s Known As The ‘Reconciliation’

Process” For Tax Reform. “Already months overdue the fiscal year began Oct. 1 the budget calls for about $1

trillion in discretionary spending this year, and envisions deficits of $641 billion. But even Republicans said

those numbers were probably irrelevant, and it will take a bipartisan deal later this year to set actual spending

levels for 2018. Instead, the goal of the budget was to set up what’s known as the ‘reconciliation’ process,

which allows big financial measures to pass the Senate by majority vote, without having to overcome a

filibuster.” [Washington Times, 10/20/17]

HEADLINE: House approves Senate-passed budget plan, paving way for tax reform [CBS News,


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Senate Budget Cut $473 Billion From Medicare And More Than $1 Trillion From Medicaid Over 10

Years. “Under Capitol Hill’s byzantine budget rules, the nonbinding budget resolution is supposed to lay out a

long-term fiscal framework for the government. This year’s measure calls for $473 billion in cuts from

Medicare over 10 years and more than $1 trillion from Medicaid. All told, Senate Republicans would cut

spending by more than $5 trillion over a decade, though they don’t attempt to spell out where the cuts would

come from.” [Associated Press, 10/19/17]

Senate Budget Eliminated House Republican’s Requirement That Tax Legislation Be Revenue Neutral.

“The path to a compromise earlier looked contentious. The House’s budget writers, led by fiscal hawk Rep.

Diane Black of Tennessee, drew out a legislative map that would require any tax bill to be deficit-neutral and to

be coupled with billions in mandatory cuts. Members of the Senate budget panel, by contrast, have given

themselves much more flexibility. The Senate’s budget allows the GOP’s tax plan to add up to $1.5 trillion to

the deficit over 10 years, which proponents say will allow for more aggressive tax cuts.” [NPR, 10/20/17]

Senate Budget Promoted Reducing The State And Local Tax Deduction. “The Chairman of the Committee

on the Budget of the Senate may revise the allocations of a committee or committees, aggregates, and other

appropriate levels in this resolution, and make adjustments to the pay-as-you-go ledger, for one or more bills,

joint resolutions, amendments, amendments between the Houses, motions, or conference reports relating to

changes in Federal tax laws, which may include reducing federal deductions, such as the state and local tax

deduction which disproportionally favors high-income individuals, to ensure relief for middle- income

taxpayers, by the amounts provided in such legislation for those purposes, provided that such legislation would

not increase the deficit over either the period of the total of fiscal years 2018 through 2027.” [H Con Res 71,

Text As Engrossed In The Senate, 10/19/17]

Kelly Voted For FY18 House Republican Budget That Cut Medicare And Medicaid

Kelly Voted For FY18 Republican House Budget. In October 2017, Kelly voted for “adoption of the concurrent

resolution that would provide for $3.2 trillion in new budget authority in fiscal 2018, not including off-budget

accounts. It would assume $1.22 trillion in discretionary spending in fiscal 2018. It would assume the repeal of the

2010 health care overhaul law. It also would propose reducing spending on mandatory programs such as Medicare

and Medicaid and changing programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (also known as food

stamps). It would call for restructuring Medicare into a “premium support” system beginning in 2024. I would also

require the House Ways and Means Committee to report out legislation under the budget reconciliation process that

would provide for a revenue-neutral, comprehensive overhaul of the U.S. tax code and would include instructions

to 11 House committees to trigger the budget reconciliation process to cut mandatory spending. The concurrent

resolution would assume that, over 10 years, base (non-Overseas Contingency Operations) discretionary defense

spending would be increased by a total of $929 billion over the Budget Control Act caps and non-defense spending

be reduced by $1.3 trillion.” The budget pass 219-206. [H Con Res 71, Vote #557, 10/5/17; CQ Floor Votes,


AP: House Budget “Reprises A Controversial Plan To Turn Medicare Into A Voucher-Like Program.”

“The House on Thursday passed a $4.1 trillion budget plan that promises deep cuts to social programs while

paving the way for Republicans to rewrite the tax code later this year. The 2018 House GOP budget reprises a

controversial plan to turn Medicare into a voucher-like program for future retirees as well as the party’s efforts

to repeal the “Obamacare” health law. Republicans controlling Congress have no plans to actually implement

those cuts while they pursue their tax overhaul.” [Associated Press, 10/5/17]

CBPP: FY18 Budget As Passed By House Budget Committee “Would Cut Medicare Spending By

$487 Billion Over The 2018-27 Period, Largely By Shifting More Health Care Costs To

Beneficiaries.” “The 2018 budget resolution that the House Budget Committee approved this week would

end Medicare’s guarantee of health coverage by converting the program to a premium support system.

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Overall, it would cut Medicare spending by $487 billion over the 2018-27 period, largely by shifting more

health care costs to beneficiaries. President Trump’s budget, by contrast, would spare Medicare from cuts.”

[CBPP, 7/21/17]

House Budget Called For $5 Trillion In Spending Cuts, Including Slashing Medicaid By $1 Trillion. “The

plan, passed by a nearly party-line 219-206 vote, calls for more than $5 trillion in spending cuts over the

coming decade, promising to slash Medicaid by about $1 trillion over the next 10 years, repeal the ‘Obamacare’

health law, and force huge cuts to domestic programs funded each year by Congress.” [Associated Press,


AP: “Republicans Are Not Actually Planning To Impose Any Of Those Cuts… Those GOP Proposals

For Spending Cuts Are Limited To Nonbinding Promises.” “But Republicans are not actually planning to

impose any of those cuts with follow-up legislation that would be required under Washington’s Byzantine

budget rules. Instead, those GOP proposals for spending cuts are limited to nonbinding promises, and even a

token 10-year, $200 billion spending cut package demanded by tea party House Republicans appears likely to

be scrapped in upcoming talks with the Senate.” [Associated Press, 10/5/17]

Washington Post: House Budget “Set The Stage For An Ambitious Tax-Overhaul Bill They Are

Planning To Pass Without Democratic Help.” “House Republicans passed crucial budget legislation

Thursday, setting aside months of intraparty squabbles to set the stage for an ambitious tax-overhaul bill they

are planning to pass without Democratic help. The House budget resolution includes major spending cuts

demanded by the party’s conservative wing, but the party’s focus is now on passing a tax bill that could add as

much as $1.5 trillion to the budget deficit. Special procedures set out in the legislation would ultimately allow

Republicans to pass the bill over a potential Democratic filibuster in the Senate.” [Washington Post, 10/5/17]

Kelly Accused Obama Of Remaining In Washington To Run A Shadow Government

Kelly Claimed President Obama Was Remaining In Washington After His Presidency To Run A

Shadow Government With The Aim Of Derailing The Trump Agenda

Kelly Claimed President Obama Was Remaining In Washington After His Presidency To Run A Shadow

Government With The Aim Of Derailing The Trump Agenda. ”A Pennsylvania congressman has accused

former President Barack Obama of staying in Washington solely to run a ‘shadow government’ to undermine the

GOP agenda. U.S. Rep. Mike Kelly made the claim to fellow Republicans at an event Saturday north of

Pittsburgh. A video clip posted to YouTube shows Kelly saying that Obama remained in Washington for ‘one

purpose only ... to run the shadow government that is going to totally upset the new agenda.’“ [AP, 3/10/17]

Kelly Said Talking About Racial Discrimination Was “Divisive” & “Horrible”

Washington Examiner: Kelly And Maxine Waters “Engaged In A Fiery Back-And-Forth” On The

House Floor When Debating Legislation To Roll Back Protections Against Discrimination From

Car Dealers

Washington Examiner: Kelly And Maxine Waters “Engaged In A Fiery Back-And-Forth” On The House

Floor When Debating Legislation To Roll Back Protections Against Discrimination From Car Dealers. “Rep.

Mike Kelly, R-Pa., said that Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., was being unnecessarily divisive when she claimed

automakers discriminate against nonwhites when giving out car loans. Kelly, an auto dealer himself, said during a

Saturday segment on Fox News that Waters’ study that she cited was severely flawed. He and Waters engaged in a

fiery back-and-forth on Friday on the House floor on the topic. ’To say that somehow we prey on non-white people

is incredibly divisive and it is not who we are as a country,’ Kelly said on Fox News. ‘This cancer that is breaking

us down as a people you can’t talk that way.’ […] The House was debating whether to roll back an Obama-era rule

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that protected consumers from discrimination from dealers.” [Washington Examiner, 5/12/18]

HEADLINE: Newsweek: “Pro-Trump Congressman Suggests Talking About Racism Is Un-American.”

[Newsweek, 5/15/18]

HEADLINE: Fox News: “Rep. Kelly On Clash With Maxine Waters: She’s Trying To ‘Divide Us’ With

Her Rhetoric.” [Fox News, 5/14/18]

HEADLINE: Washington Examiner: “Mike Kelly Fires Back Over House Floor Clash With Maxine

Waters.” [Washington Examiner, 5/12/18]

HEADLINE: Erie News Now: “Kelly Addresses Heated Exchange With Congresswoman Maxine

Waters.” [Erie News Now, 5/11/18]

Kelly Said Waters Was Being Divisive When She Said Automakers Discriminated Against People

Of Color When Giving Out Car Loans & Called Her Accusation “Horrible”

Kelly Said Waters Was Being Divisive When She Said Automakers Discriminated Against People Of Color

When Giving Out Car Loans. “Rep. Mike Kelly, R-Pa., said that Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., was being

unnecessarily divisive when she claimed automakers discriminate against nonwhites when giving out car

loans. Kelly, an auto dealer himself, said during a Saturday segment on Fox News that Waters’ study that she cited

was severely flawed. He and Waters engaged in a fiery back-and-forth on Friday on the House floor on the

topic. ’To say that somehow we prey on non-white people is incredibly divisive and it is not who we are as a

country,’ Kelly said on Fox News. ‘This cancer that is breaking us down as a people you can’t talk that way.’ […]

‘As a person that works in the automobile industry you cannot sit there and listen to that kind of talk and not rise up

and say that is flawed, that is false and that is untrue,’ he said.” [Washington Examiner, 5/12/18]

Kelly: “As A Person That Works In The Automobile Industry You Cannot Sit There And Listen To That

Kind Of Talk And Not Rise Up And Say That Is Flawed, That Is False And That Is Untrue.” “Rep. Mike

Kelly, R-Pa., said that Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., was being unnecessarily divisive when she claimed

automakers discriminate against nonwhites when giving out car loans. Kelly, an auto dealer himself, said

during a Saturday segment on Fox News that Waters’ study that she cited was severely flawed. He and Waters

engaged in a fiery back-and-forth on Friday on the House floor on the topic. ’To say that somehow we prey on

non-white people is incredibly divisive and it is not who we are as a country,’ Kelly said on Fox News. ‘This

cancer that is breaking us down as a people you can’t talk that way.’ […] ‘As a person that works in the

automobile industry you cannot sit there and listen to that kind of talk and not rise up and say that is flawed,

that is false and that is untrue,’ he said.” [Washington Examiner, 5/12/18]

Kelly: “If We Can’t Get Away From This Divisive Type Of Talk, We Cannot Come Together As A

Nation. That’s Horrible. It’s Totally Unacceptable.” “The two lawmakers battled on the House floor last

week while debating if the automotive industry discriminates against women and people of color. ’Stop talking

about discrimination and start talking more about the nation,’ Kelly said. ‘We’re coming together as a people in

spite of what you say,’ Kelly said. […] ‘If people think it’s OK to sit back and not say anything when you know

it’s not true, when you know it’s an outright lie, when you know it’s an outright attempt to divide us and say

nothing, that is not being a stand-up American,’ Kelly said. ‘You have got to stand up for all Americans.’ He

said that for Waters’ entire political career, everything has always come back to discrimination. ’If we can’t get

away from this divisive type of talk, we cannot come together as a nation. That’s horrible. It’s totally

unacceptable.’” [Fox News, 5/14/18]

Kelly: “I Had 30 Minutes Of Democrats Coming Down And Talking About How Bad Automobile People

Are Because They Discriminate …I Said That’s Not America. We Don’t Talk About Those Things.” “‘I

had 30 minutes of Democrats coming down and talking about how bad automobile people are because they

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discriminate against nonwhite buyers,’ said Pennsylvania Representative Mike Kelly. ‘I said that’s not

America. We don’t talk about those things.’ […] Kelly, who owns a dealership, blasted the remarks and said

leaders should instead focus on other issues than racial disparity. He also said the suggestion was insulting to

car dealers. ’We are trying to make sure that we’re making America great, every day in every way,’ the

congressman said.” [Newsweek, 5/15/18]

Kelly: “We Are Trying To Make Sure That We’re Making America Great … And The Best Way To Do

That Is To Stop Talking About Discrimination And Start Talking About The Nation.” “‘I had 30 minutes

of Democrats coming down and talking about how bad automobile people are because they discriminate against

nonwhite buyers,’ said Pennsylvania Representative Mike Kelly. ‘I said that’s not America. We don’t talk

about those things.’ […] Kelly, who owns a dealership, blasted the remarks and said leaders should instead

focus on other issues than racial disparity. He also said the suggestion was insulting to car dealers. ’We are

trying to make sure that we’re making America great, every day in every way,’ the congressman said. ‘And the

best way to do that is to stop talking about discrimination and start talking about the nation.’ During his

Tuesday appearance, which was first reported by ThinkProgress, the congressman also credited President

Donald Trump with trying to heal the country’s racial divide and accused Democrats of sowing racial

tensions.” [Newsweek, 5/15/18]

The Ellwood City Ledger Criticized Kelly For Arguing That Talking About Discrimination Was

Un-American And Referred To His Remarks As “Ahistoric, Privileged Bluster”

Ellwood City Ledger: “Kelly’s Greater Failure Of Judgment And Insight Came When He Asserted That

Given The Nation’s Strengthening Economy, It Is Somehow Un-American To Talk About Discrimination.” “First, it would have been more prudent for Kelly to listen respectfully to perspectives other than his own. The

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau guidance that House Republicans voted to kill was put in place in 2013, the

year the bureau and the Department of Justice ordered a lender to pay $80 million in damages to settle claims it

overcharged 235,000 minority borrowers. Murky ‘dealer mark-ups’ might not have been Kelly’s experience in

Butler, but we doubt the lender would have paid if the claims were baseless. Kelly’s greater failure of judgment

and insight came when he asserted that given the nation’s strengthening economy, it is somehow un-American to

talk about discrimination. Kelly said that as a nation we are one. We agree. But the nation also has yet to make

good on its implicit promise for all.” [Ellwood City Ledger, Editorial Board, 5/21/18]

Ellwood City Ledger: “Adult Conversations, Hard Work And Smart Policy — Not Ahistoric, Privileged

Bluster — Are What Erie Needs To Move Forward.” “First, it would have been more prudent for Kelly to

listen respectfully to perspectives other than his own. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau guidance that

House Republicans voted to kill was put in place in 2013, the year the bureau and the Department of Justice

ordered a lender to pay $80 million in damages to settle claims it overcharged 235,000 minority borrowers.

Murky ‘dealer mark-ups’ might not have been Kelly’s experience in Butler, but we doubt the lender would

have paid if the claims were baseless. Kelly’s greater failure of judgment and insight came when he asserted

that given the nation’s strengthening economy, it is somehow un-American to talk about discrimination. Kelly

said that as a nation we are one. We agree. But the nation also has yet to make good on its implicit promise for

all. […] Adult conversations, hard work and smart policy — not ahistoric, privileged bluster — are what Erie

needs to move forward.” [Ellwood City Ledger, Editorial Board, 5/21/18]

HEADLINE: Ellwood City Ledger: “Our View: Kelly Misses The Mark On Racial Divide.” [Ellwood

City Ledger, Editorial Board, 5/21/18]

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Kelly Supported His Special Interest Donors Over Pennsylvanians

Significant Findings

Kelly received $396,760 from insurance companies over his career.

Kelly voted for eliminating limits on consumer internet privacy after accepting almost $35,000 from the

telecommunications industry and their lobbyists.

Kelly received $242,000 from pharmaceutical interests, and voted to give pharmaceutical companies a

$42 billion tax cut, but did nothing about the high price of prescription drugs.

Kelly received campaign contributions from companies that lobbied on his bills.

Kelly Took Money From Special Interests, And Supported Bills That Helped Them

Kelly Voted For Eliminating Limits On Consumer Internet Privacy After Accepting Almost

$35,000 From The Telecommunications Industry And Their Lobbyists

Kelly Voted For A Resolution To Eliminate Limits On What ISPs Could Do With Customer Information,

Including Browsing Habits, Usage History, Location Data, And Social Security Numbers. In March 2017,

Kelly voted for a resolution “that wipes away landmark online privacy protections, the first salvo in what is likely

to become a significant reworking of the rules governing Internet access in an era of Republican dominance. In a

party-line vote, House Republicans freed Internet service providers such as Verizon, AT&T and Comcast of

protections approved just last year that had sought to limit what companies could do with information such as

customer browsing habits, app usage history, location data and Social Security numbers. The rules also had

required providers to strengthen safeguards for customer data against hackers and thieves.” The resolution passed

215-205. [S J Res 34, Vote #202, 3/28/17; Washington Post, 3/28/17]

Washington Post: ISPs “Will Be Able To Monitor Their Customers’ Behavior Online And, Without

Their Permission, Use Their Personal And Financial Information To Sell Highly Targeted Ads.” “If

Trump signs the legislation as expected, providers will be able to monitor their customers’ behavior online and,

without their permission, use their personal and financial information to sell highly targeted ads — making

them rivals to Google and Facebook in the $83 billion online advertising market. The providers could also sell

their users’ information directly to marketers, financial firms and other companies that mine personal data —

all of whom could use the data without consumers’ consent. In addition, the Federal Communications

Commission, which initially drafted the protections, would be forbidden from issuing similar rules in the

future.” [Washington Post, 3/28/17]

Washington Post: The House just voted to wipe away the FCC’s landmark Internet privacy protections

[Washington Post, 3/28/17]

2016 Election: Kelly Received $34,700 From The Telecommunications Industry. According to the Verge,

during his most recent election, Kelly received $34,700 from telecommunications industry and its employees. [The

Verge, 3/29/16]

2017: Kelly Received $1,000 From The Internet And Television Association PAC (NCTA PAC). [,


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NCTA Was The Primary Trade Group Lobbying On Behalf Of The Telecommunications Industry.

“Lobbying by the primary trade group of the telecommunications industry jumped 71 percent in the last three

months of 2017, when the Federal Communications Commission readied to vote on a controversial yet

successful end to net neutrality. The Internet and Television Association (NCTA) spent about $4.3 million in

fourth quarter lobbying, up from $2.5 million in the previous quarter, according to disclosure reports.”

[OpenSecrets, 1/23/18]

Kelly Received $242,000 From Pharmaceutical Interests, And Voted To Give Pharmaceutical

Companies A $42 Billion Tax Cut, But Did Nothing About The High Price Of Prescription Drugs

Career: Kelly Received $464,760 From Insurance Companies. According to Center for Responsive Politics,

over the course of his congressional career, Kelly received $464,760 from insurance companies and their

employees. [Center for Responsive Politics, accessed 10/2/18]

Kelly Voted For Final Passage Of The Tax Cuts And Jobs Act. [HR 1, Vote #699, 12/20/17; CQ Floor Votes,


Politico: Repatriation Provision In Tax Bill Was A “Major Victory For Pharma Manufacturers.” “The

bill, H.R. 1 (115), lowers the corporate tax rate and would offer a one-time reduction on profits U.S.-based

multinational companies earn and keep abroad. The repatriation provision is seen as a major victory for pharma

manufacturers who store boatloads of cash in countries where tax rates are lower.” [Politico, 12/4/17]

Pharmaceutical Companies Were “One Of The Biggest Beneficiaries” Of The Provision, And Were Seen

As Likely To Return Money To Their Shareholders, Rather Than Invest In Research And Innovation. “U.S. drugmakers will be one of the biggest beneficiaries of the repatriation portion of the bill. They’ve been

sitting on billions of dollars in overseas earnings and can now bring home that cash at a reduced rate. While the

tax bill has been promoted by Republicans as a job creator, the reality is that drug companies are more likely to

return the money to shareholders, or use it to make acquisitions.” [Bloomberg, 12/20/17]

Tax Bill Was Estimated To Save Top Five Pharmaceutical Companies $42.7 Billion. “The tax proposal

supported by President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans would give five top pharmaceutical

corporations a $42.7 billion tax break.” [Public Citizen and ITEP, 11/20/17]

Kelly Voted For The American Health Care Act. [HR 1628, Vote #256, 5/4/17; New York Times, 5/4/17]

NBC News: “There’s Nothing In” The American Health Care Act That Addressed High Prescription

Drug Costs. “Americans are angry about high drug prices and there’s no question that Americans are charged

far more for prescription drugs than people in other countries are. President Donald Trump has said he wants to

do something to lower drug costs and Congress has held a series of hearings in which they’ve scolded drug

company executives. Drug costs now account for about 17 percent of total U.S. healthcare spending. But

there’s nothing in either the ACA or the new bill about drug costs.” [NBC News, 5/11/17]

Kelly Received $$464,760 From Insurance Interests, And Voted For Republican’s Health Care

Repeal Bill

Career: Kelly Received $464,760 From Insurance Companies. According to Center for Responsive Politics,

over the course of his congressional career, Kelly received $464,760 from insurance companies and their

employees. [Center for Responsive Politics, accessed 10/2/18]

Kelly Voted For The American Health Care Act. In May 2017, Kelly voted for repeal and replace major parts of

the Affordable Care Act. According to the New York Times, the bill “would eliminate tax penalties for people who

go without health insurance. It would roll back state-by-state expansions of Medicaid, which covered millions of

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low-income Americans. And in place of government-subsidized insurance policies offered exclusively on the

Affordable Care Act’s marketplaces, the bill would offer tax credits of $2,000 to $4,000 a year, depending on age.

[…] The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said the first version of the bill would trim the federal budget

deficit considerably but would also leave 24 million more Americans without health insurance after a decade.

Average insurance premiums would be 15 percent to 20 percent higher in 2018 and 2019, but after that, they would

be lower than projected under current law.” The bill passed by a vote of 217-213. [HR 1628, Vote #256, 5/4/17;

New York Times, 5/4/17]

Kelly Received $382,802 From Banks And Securities And Investments Interests, And Voted To

Repeal Wall Street Reform

Career: Kelly Received $382,802 Banks And Securities And Investments Interests. According to the Center for

Responsive Politics, over the course of his congressional career, Kelly received $176,648 from commercial banks

and $206,154 securities & investment interests and their employees. [Center for Responsive Politics, accessed


Kelly Voted For The CHOICE Act To “Overhaul Financial Industry Regulations And Repeal Many

Provisions Of The 2010 Dodd-Frank Law.” In June 2017, Kelly voted for “passage of the bill that would

overhaul financial industry regulations and repeal many provisions of the 2010 Dodd-Frank law. It would convert

the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau into an executive agency funded by annual appropriations and would

modify operations at the Federal Reserve and at the Securities and Exchange Commission. It would repeal the

prohibition on banking entities engaging in proprietary trading and would modify regulations governing the amount

of capital that banks are required to maintain. It would also nullify the Labor Department’s April 2016 “fiduciary”

rule regarding standards for individuals who provide retirement investment advice to act in the best interests of their

clients.” The bill passed 233-186. [HR 10, Vote #299, 6/8/17; CQ Floor Votes, 6/8/17]

HEADLINE: House passes Choice Act that would gut Dodd-Frank banking reforms [CNBC, 6/8/17]

New York Times: CHOICE Act “To Erase A Number Of Core Financial Regulations,” Including Limits

On Risk Taking Enacted After The Financial Crash, And “Would Weaken The Powers Of The

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.” “The House approved legislation on Thursday to erase a number of

core financial regulations put in place by the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act, as Republicans moved a step closer to

delivering on their promises to eliminate rules that they claim have strangled small businesses and stagnated the

economy. […] The Choice Act would exempt some financial institutions that meet capital and liquidity

requirements from many of Dodd-Frank’s restrictions that limit risk taking. It would also replace Dodd-Frank’s

method of dealing with large and failing financial institutions, known as the orderly liquidation authority —

which critics say reinforces the idea that some banks are too big to fail — with a new bankruptcy code

provision. In addition, the legislation would weaken the powers of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.”

[New York Times, 6/8/17]

Funded By Special Interests

Top Overall Industries

Kelly Top Contributions To Campaign Committee By Industry

Industry Total

Insurance $464,760

Automotive $303,175

Oil & Gas $303,162

Health Professionals $273,967

Retired $254,137

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Misc Manufacturing & Distributing $247,440

Pharmaceuticals/Health Products $242,000

Leadership PACs $234,791

Real Estate $227,045

Securities & Investment $206,154

[Center for Responsive Politics, accessed 10/2/18]

Top Overall Sectors

Kelly Top Contributions To Campaign Committee By Sector

Sector Total Individuals PACS

Finance, Insurance & Real Estate $1,325,427 $306,713 $1,018,714

Misc Business $918,433 $250,072 $668,361

Health $707,353 $139,373 $567,980

Energy & Natural Resources $612,812 $120,600 $492,212

Transportation $553,253 $260,740 $292,513

Ideological/Single-Issue $459,710 $69,200 $390,510

Other $373,356 $338,856 $34,500

Lawyers & Lobbyists $365,889 $262,689 $103,200

Communications/Electronics $308,150 $110,750 $197,400

Construction $271,862 $112,762 $159,100

[Center for Responsive Politics, accessed 10/2/18]

Kelly Received Campaign Contributions From Companies That Lobbied His Bills

2017-2018: Kelly Received $2,000 From The Security Industry & Financial Market Association

PAC And Was The Only Sponsor Of Legislation They Lobbied

2018: The Security Industry & Financial Market Association Lobbied On H.R. 4189 The IRA Preservation

Act Of 2017. [Center for Responsive Politics, accessed 9/25/18]

Kelly Was The Only Sponsor Of H.R. 4189 The IRA Preservation Act Of 2017; There Were No Co-

Sponsors Of The IRA Preservation Act Of 2017. [, accessed 9/25/18]

2017-2018: The Security Industry & Financial Market Association Political Action Committee Contributed

$2,000 To Kelly’s Campaign. [FEC, Candidate and Committee viewer, accessed 9/25/18]

2017-2018: Kelly Received $5,000 From Companies That Lobbied On Legislation Kelly Sponsored

2017-2018: Northrop Grumman Lobbied On H.R. 3068 The Invent And Manufacture In America Act &

Contributed $3,000 To Kelly’s Campaign

2017: Northrop Grumman Lobbied On H.R. 3068 The Invent And Manufacture In America Act. [Center for

Responsive Politics, accessed 9/25/18]

Kelly Sponsored H.R. 3068 The Invent And Manufacture In America Act. [, accessed


There Was Only One Other Original Cosponsor Of The Legislation. [, accessed 9/25/18]

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2017-2018: The Employees Of Northrop Grumman Corporation PAC Contributed $3,000 To Kelly’s

Campaign. [FEC, Candidate and Committee viewer, accessed 9/25/18]

2017-2018: The Specialty Equipment Market Association Lobbied On H.R. 3068 The Invent And

Manufacture In America Act & Contributed $2,000 To Kelly’s Campaign

2017: Specialty Equipment Market Association Lobbied On H.R. 3068 The Invent And Manufacture In

America Act. [Center for Responsive Politics, accessed 9/25/18]

Kelly Sponsored H.R. 3068 The Invent And Manufacture In America Act. [, accessed


There Was Only One Other Original Cosponsor Of The Legislation. [, accessed 9/25/18]

2017-2018: The Specialty Equipment Market Association PAC Contributed $2,000 To Kelly’s Campaign. [FEC, Candidate and Committee viewer, accessed 9/25/18]

2017: Premier Inc. Lobbied On Legislation That Kelly Sponsored And Contributed To Kelly’s


2017: Premier Inc. Lobbied On H.R.2562 Making Pharmaceutical Markets More Competitive Act. [Center

for Responsive Politics, accessed 9/25/18]

Kelly Sponsored H.R.2562 Making Pharmaceutical Markets More Competitive Act; There Were No Co-

Sponsors Of The Making Pharmaceutical Markets More Competitive Act. [, accessed


2017-2018: The Premier Inc, Employees’ Civic Action Fund Contributed $2,500 To Kelly’s Campaign. [FEC,

Candidate and Committee viewer, accessed 9/25/18]

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Appendix I – Personal Financial Disclosures

2017 – Federal Personal Financial Disclosure

Net Worth

2017: Kelly Had An Estimated Net Worth Between $5,097,134 And $27,905,000

2017: Kelly Had An Estimated Net Worth Between $5,097,134 And $27,905,000. [Kelly 2017 Public Financial

Disclosure Report, filed 6/27/18]

Earned Income

2017: Kelly Reported $23,831 In Earned Income

2017: Kelly Reported $23,831 In Earned Income From Kelly Chevrolet Cadillac, Inc. [Kelly 2017 Public

Financial Disclosure Report, filed 6/27/18]

2017 Kelly Earned Income

Source Type Amount

Kelly Chevrolet Cadillac, Inc. Butler, PA Spouse Salary N/A

Kelly Chevrolet Cadillac, Inc. Butler, PA Salary $23,831

[Kelly 2017 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 6/27/18]

Assets & Unearned Income

2017: Kelly Reported Between $317,044 And $818,200 In Unearned Income

2017: Kelly Reported Between $317,044 And $818,200 In Unearned Income. [Kelly 2017 Public Financial

Disclosure Report, filed 6/27/18]

2017 Kelly Assets & “Unearned” Income




Asset Year-End Value Type Of


Amount Of Income Tx. >

$1,000 Min Max Min Max

- Kelly Automotive, Automotive

Dealership, Butler, PA

$50,001 $100,000 Business


$15,001 $50,000 -

SP Note Receivable - Claddagh

Propoerties LP - real estate

- - - - - -

- Pittsaburgh Road, Butler County, PA $1,000,001 $5,000,000 Interest $50,001 $100,000 -

SP Note Receivable - Kelly Automotive,

Butler, PA

$1,000,001 $5,000,000 Interest $50,001 $100,000 -

- Land 12.67 acres, Route 8, Butler

County, PA

$250,001 $500,000 None None None -

JT PNC Bank Accounts $250,001 $500,000 Interest $1 $200 -

- Pata FCO bank account $1,001 $15,000 Interest $1 $200 -

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 1985,

Warrendale, PA

None None Partnership


None None S

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 1989,

Warrendale, PA

None None Partnership


None None S

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SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2000,

Warrendale, PA

None None Partnership


None None S

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2001,

Warrendale, PA

None None Partnership


None None S

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2002,

Warrendale, PA

None None Partnership


None None S

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2006,

Warrendale, PA

None None Partnership


None None S

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2007,

Warrendale, PA

None None Partnership


None None S

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2007,

Warrendale, PA

None None Partnership


None None S

- PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2008,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership


None None -

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2008,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership


None None -

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2009,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership


None None -

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2010,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership


None None -

SP NTS 2013 Erwin LP, Indiana, PA,

Oil & Gas

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership


None None -

- 401(k) Investment as follows: - - - - - -

- American Funds Europacific gr R3 $1,001 $15,000 Deferred

Income account

None None -

- Hartford Small Company R3 None None Deferred

Income account

$1 $200 S

- Invesco mid cap core equity fund None None Deferred

Income account

$1 $200 S

- American Funds American Mutual

Fund R3

None None Deferred

Income account

$1 $200 S

- American Funds Invest Co of

America R3

$1,001 $15,000 Deferred

Income account

None None

- American Funds Balanced Portfolio None None Deferred

Income account

$1 $200 S

- Franklin Total Return None None Deferred

Income account

$1 $200 S

- American Funds Washington Mutual


$1,001 $15,000 Deferred

Income account

None None P

- American Funds Bond Fund of

America R3

$1,001 $15,000 Deferred

Income account

None None P

- American Funds 2025 Target Date

Fund R3

$1,001 $15,000 Deferred

Income account

None None P

SP IRA as follows: - - - - - -

SP Powershards Exch Treaded Fd TSTII $15,001 $50,000 Deferred

Income account

None None -

SP Vanguard Bd Index Fd Inc $15,001 $50,000 Deferred

Income account

None None -

- Athene Annuity and Life (variable

annuity) - S&P 500 @

- - - - - -

- Annual PTP Cap Activity $250,001 $500,000 Interest $15,001 $50,000 -

- General Motors Stock $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $1,001 $2,500 -

SP 401(k) Profit sharing plan - - - - - -

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SP American funds 2015 target date

fund R3 (formerly balanced portfolio


$15,001 $50,000 Deferred

Income account

None None -

SP American funds 2021 target date

fund R3

$15,001 $50,000 Deferred

Income account

None None -

- Bonds - - - - - -

SP Anchorage Ak Elec Utility Reve Sr

Lien -SE Rev 4% due 12/1/19

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $2,501 $5,000 -

SP Arlington City VA Ser A Go Bonds -

5% due 8/1/21

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 -

SP Boston Ma series to go call 2/1/22 $100,001 $250,000 Interest $1,001 $2,500 P

SP Broward cnty fl port faca rev bond

5% due 9/1/24

$50,001 $100,000 Interest $2,501 $5,000 -

SP California st go call 12/10/17 $100,001 $250,000 None None None P

SP Chicago IL O-Hare International

Bond -5% due 1/1/21

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $2,501 $5,000 -

SP Colorado health facs auth rev 5% due


None None Interest $5,001 $15,000 S

SP Connecticut state health & educ bond

5% due 7/1/24

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $2,501 $5,000 -

SP Georgia St Ser C Bonds -5% due


$100,001 $250,000 Interest $2,501 $5,000 -

SP Illinois St Go Bonds -5% due 7/1/19 None None Interest $1,001 $2,500 S

SP Illinois St Go Bond 2/1/25 None None Interest $1 $200 P,S

SP Illinois st fin auth revenue $100,001 $250,000 None None None P

SP Loudon cnty va ser A bonds $100,001 $250,000 Interest $2,501 $5,000 -

SP Maryland St 2nd S Go Call -5% due


$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 -

SP Michigan Mun Auth Rev Clean

Water Bonds -5% due 10/1/17

None None Interest $5,001 $15,000 S(mature


SP Minnesota St Public Facs Auth Se

Bond -5% due 3/1/19

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 -

SP Minnesota St St Var Purp Ser A G -

5% due 8/1/19

$50,001 $100,000 Interest $1,001 $2,500 -

SP Missouri St Hways & Trans Commn

Bonds -5% due 2/1/19

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $2,501 $5,000 -

SP Nevada St Unemployment Compens

Rev Call -5% due 6/1/18

None None Interest $5,001 $15,000 S

SP North Carolina St Esten Muni P Ref

Bonds -5% due 1/1/21

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 -

SP North Carolina St Ser A Go -5% due


$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 -

SP New Jersey at turnpike auth ser a rev $50,001 $100,000 Interest $201 $1,000 P

SP Ohio St Common Sch G Bonds - 5%

due 9/15/22

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 -

SP Piedmont sc muni pwr agy elecr ser b


$100,001 $250,000 None None None P

SP San Antonio tx elect -gas $100,001 $250,000 Interest $1,001 $2,500 P

SP Tampa Bay Wtr Fl A Regl Wtr Ref

Bonds -5% due 10/1/18

None None Interest $5,001 $15,000 S

SP Utah St Sar A Go Bonds -5% due


$100,001 $250,000 Interest $2,501 $5,000 -

SP Washington Md Surburban San Dist -

4% due 6/1/17

None None Interest $1,001 $2,500 S

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SP Wisconsin st hlth & education ascen $100,001 $250,000 Interest $2,501 $5,000 -

- STOCKS - - - - - -

SP Abott laboratories None None Dividend &

Capital gains

$2,501 $5,000 S

SP Abbvie Inc $1,001 $15,000 None None None P

SP Accenture PLC Class A (can) None None Dividend &

Capital gains

$2,501 $5,000 S

SP Aetna Inc New (set) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend &

Capital gains

$2,501 $5,000 S(partial)

SP Agllent technologies $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Alphabet Inc/c-a-cl a (googl)

(Formerly Google)

$15,001 $50,000 None None None -

SP Altria Group Inc (mo) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP American water works co $1,001 $15,000 Dividend &

Capital gains

$201 $1,000 -

SP Amgen Inc (amgn) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 S(partial)

SP Analog devices inc $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Applied materials inc $1,001 $15,000 Dividend &

Capital gains

$2,501 $5,000 S(partial)

SP Apple Inc (appl) $50,001 $100,000 Dividend &

Capital gains

$201 $1,000 P,S(partia


SP Bank new york mellon corp common $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 -

SP Berry Global Group (formerly Berry

Plastics group)

$15,001 $50,000 None None None -

SP Biogen Inc $15,001 $50,000 None None None P

SP Bioveratn Inc None None None None None S

SP Boeing co $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Borg warner inc $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 P

SP Burlington stores inc $1,001 $15,000 None None None P

SP CBS corp class b $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 -

SP Cintas Corp (ctas) None None None & Capital


$2,501 $5,000 S

SP Cisco Systems Inc (csco) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Citigroup $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Citizens financial group $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Comcast Corporation CL A (cmcsa) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Conocophillips $1,001 $15,000 None None None P

SP Constellation Brands inc (stz) cl a $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP CSX corp None None Dividend &

Capital gains

$201 $1,000 P,S

SP Cummins Inc $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 P

SP Devon energy corp None None Dividend $1 $200 S

SP Dicks sporting goods None None Dividend &

Capital gains

$1,001 $2,500 S

SP Disney Walt co (dis) None None Dividend $5,001 $15,000 S

SP Dow Chemical co (dow) None None Dividend $201 $1,000 E

SP Dow Dupont Inc $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $1 $200 E

SP Dr Pepper snapple Group Inc (dps) None None Dividend $201 $1,000 S

SP Edwards Lifesciences Corp (ew) None None Capital gains $2,501 $5,000 S

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SP Equifax None None None & Capital


$1,001 $2,500 S

SP ExxonMobil Corp (xom) None None Dividend $1,001 $2,500 S

SP Facebook $15,001 $50,000 None None None -

SP General Dynamics Corp (dps) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend &

Capital gains

$201 $1,000 S(partial)

SP General electric co (ge) None None Dividend &

Capital gains

$2,501 $5,000 S

SP Haliburton Inc $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P,S(partia


SP HD supply holdings None None None None None P,S

SP Home Depot (hd) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Honeywell Intl Inc (Hon) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend &

Capital gains

$201 $1,000 S(partial)

SP Illinois tool works inc $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Ingersoll rand plc None None Dividend &

Capital gains

$2,501 $5,000 S

SP Intel corp $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Johnson & Johnson (jnj) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend &

Capital gains

$2,501 $5,000 S(partial)

SP JP Morgan Chase & Co (jpm) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend &

Capital gains

$201 $1,000 S(partial)

SP Kraft heinz co None None Dividend $201 $1,000 S

SP Lam Research Corp (rcx) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend &

Capital gains

$2,501 $5,000 S(partial)

SP Lauder estee cos inc $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 P

SP McDonalds corp $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 P

SP Microsoft Corp (msft) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 P

SP Mohawk inds inc $1,001 $15,000 None None None P

SP Morgan Stanley $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Nike Inc Class B (nke) None None Dividend $1 $200 S

SP Northern trust corp None None Dividend &

Capital gains

$2,501 $5,000 S

SP Northrop Grumman Corp (noc) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend &

Capital gains

$1,001 $2,500 S(partial)

SP Nucor corp None None Dividend $1 $200 P,S

SP O’Reilly Automotive Inc (orly) None None Capital gains $201 $1,000 S

SP Parker Hannifin Corp $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 P

SP pepsico inc $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Pfizer Inc (pfe) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 P,S(partia


SP PNC money market fund #405 $15,001 $50,000 Interest $1 $200 -

SP Price T Rowe Group Inc $1,001 $15,000 None None None P

SP Prologis inc $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 P

SP Raytheon co $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Royal Caribean cruises ltd $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 P

SP Royal dutch shell inc $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 P

SP S & P global inc $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Schlumbergerger Ltd (slb) None None Dividend $1 $200 S

SP Sherwin Williams co $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

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SP Simon property group None None Dividend $1 $200 S

SP Stanley black & decker $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP State street corp $15,001 $50,000 Dividend &

Capital gains

$201 $1,000 -

SP Stryker corp $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Suntrust banks inc $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 P

SP T-mobile us inc $1,001 $15,000 None None None P

SP TE connectivity ltd $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Texas Instruments (txn) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc (tmo) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 -

SP Total S A (tot) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $1 $200 -

SP Transcanada corp $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 P

SP Tyson foods inc cl A $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 P

SP United health group $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 P

SP United rentals $1,001 $15,000 None None None P

SP Valero energy corp None None Dividend &

Capital gains

$1,001 $2,500 S

SP Vantiv inc cl A None None Capital gains $1,001 $2,500 S

SP Verizon communications inc (vz) None None Dividend $201 $1,000 S

SP Visa inc (v) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 S(partial)

SP Vulcan materials co None None None None None S

SP WEC energy group inc $15,001 $50,000 Dividend &

Capital gains

$201 $1,000 S(partial)

SP Wells fargo & company (wfc) None None Dividend &

Capital gains

$1,001 $2,500 S

SP Wyndham Worldwide Corp (wyn) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

- MUTUAL FUNDS - - - - - -

SP AQR Managed Futures Strategy

(aqmix) Fund Class I

None None Dividend $2,501 $5,000 S

SP AQR Equity Market Neutral - - - - - P

SP Artisans Fds Inc (artix) international

fund #661 Inv Class

$100,001 $250,000 Dividend $1,001 $2,500 -

SP Blackrock strategic municipal OP $500,001 $1,000,000 Dividend &

Capital gains

$15,001 $50,000 -

SP Carlyle group LP $15,001 $50,000 Dividend &

Capital gains

$1,001 $2,500 -

SP Diamond Hill Long Short Fund

(dhlex) Ci I

$250,001 $500,000 Dividend &

Capital gains

$1 $200 -

SP Dodge & Cox International (dodfx)

Stock Fund #1048

$100,001 $250,000 Dividend $2,501 $5,000 -

SP Disney Walt co (dis) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 P

SP Driehaus Active Income Fund

(Icmax) fund #640

None None Dividend $2,501 $5,000 S

SP Eaton vance global macro absolut $250,001 $500,000 Dividend $5,001 $15,000 -

SP Goldman Sachs Absolute (glrtx)

Return Tracker Fund Cl I Fund


$100,001 $250,000 Dividend &

Capital gains

$1 $200 -

SP Harbor International Fund (hainx)

Class Ins Fd #2011

$100,001 $250,000 Dividend &

Capital gains

$2,501 $5,000 -

SP Myovant sciences ltd $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

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SP PNC money market fund #405 $500,001 $1,000,000 Dividend &

Capital gains

$1,001 $2,500 -

SP Spdr nuveen barclays short term

municipal bond ETF

$500,001 $1,000,000 Dividend $5,001 $15,000 -

SP T Rowe Price Growth Stock (prgfx)


$250,001 $500,000 Dividend &

Capital gains

$1,001 $2,500 -

SP T Rowe Price Value Fd Inc (trvix)


$500,001 $1,000,000 Dividend &

Capital gains

$5,001 $15,000 -

SP Vanguard Growth (vug) ETF $500,001 $1,000,000 Dividend $5,001 $15,000 -

SP Vanguard Mid Cap Growth Index

(vot) ETF

$100,001 $250,000 Dividend $1,001 $2,500 -

SP Vanguard Mid Cap Value Index


$100,001 $250,000 Dividend $2,501 $5,000 -

SP Vanguard Mid Cap (vo) ETF $100,001 $250,000 Dividend $1,001 $2,500 S(partial)

SP Vanguard Small Cap (vb) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Vanguard Small Cap Growth (vbk)


$50,001 $100,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Vanguard Small Cap Value (bvr)


$50,001 $100,000 Dividend $1,001 $2,500 S(partial)

SP Vanguard Value (vtv) ETF $500,001 $1,000,000 Dividend $5,001 $15,000 -

TOTAL $10,097,134 $28,905,000 $317,044 $818,200

[Kelly 2017 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 6/27/18]


2017 Kelly Liabilities

Owner Creditor Date

Incurred Type

Amount Of


SP PNC Bank 12-Aug Mortgage on Clardagh




[Kelly 2017 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 6/27/18]

Transactions & Legislation

2017: Kelly Voted To Nullify A Rule Requiring Internet Providers To Obtain Permission From Customers

Before Selling Their Personal Information And Then Bought Stock In T-Mobile A Month Later

March 28, 2017: Kelly Voted For Nullifying A Rule Requiring Internet Providers To Obtain Permission

From Customers Before Using Or Selling Their Sensitive Information. In March 2017, Kelly voted for

“passage of the joint resolution that would disapprove and nullify a Federal Communications Commission rule that

requires broadband internet service providers to obtain affirmative permission from customers to use or share their

sensitive information, such as web browsing history, geolocation information, content of communications and

Social Security numbers; to take reasonable measures to secure customer information; and to notify customers, the

commission and law enforcement when a data breach occurs that could result in harm.” The resolution passed (thus

cleared for the president) by a vote of 215-205. A “yea” was a vote in support of the president’s position. [SJRes

34, Vote #202, 3/28/17; CQ, 3/28/17]

March 28, 2017: Kelly Voted For Consideration Of Nullification Of A Rule Requiring Internet Providers

To Obtain Permission From Customers Before Using Or Selling Their Information. In March 2017, Kelly

voted for “adoption of the rule (H Res 230) that would provide for House floor consideration of the joint

resolution that would disapprove and nullify a Federal Communications Commission rule that requires

broadband internet service providers to obtain affirmative permission from customers to use or share their

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sensitive information.” The rule was adopted by a vote of 231-189. [H.Res 230, Vote #200, 3/28/17; CQ,


April 28, 2017: Kelly Bought T-Mobile Stock. On April 28, 2017, Kelly bought between $1,001 and $15,000 in

T-Mobile stock. [Kelly 2017 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 6/27/18]

NOTE: Kelly sold between $1,001 and $15,000 of Verizon Communications stock on April 28, 2017.

2017: Kelly Voted To “Overhaul Financial Industry Regulations And Repeal Many Provisions Of The 2010

Dodd-Frank Law” And Then Bought Stock In Citigroup Around A Month Later

June 8, 2017: Kelly Voted For The CHOICE Act To “Overhaul Financial Industry Regulations And Repeal

Many Provisions Of The 2010 Dodd-Frank Law.” In June 2017, Kelly voted for “passage of the bill that would

overhaul financial industry regulations and repeal many provisions of the 2010 Dodd-Frank law. It would convert

the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau into an executive agency funded by annual appropriations and would

modify operations at the Federal Reserve and at the Securities and Exchange Commission. It would repeal the

prohibition on banking entities engaging in proprietary trading and would modify regulations governing the amount

of capital that banks are required to maintain. It would also nullify the Labor Department’s April 2016 “fiduciary”

rule regarding standards for individuals who provide retirement investment advice to act in the best interests of their

clients.” The bill passed 233-186. [HR 10, Vote #299, 6/8/17; CQ Floor Votes, 6/8/17]

HEADLINE: House passes Choice Act that would gut Dodd-Frank banking reforms [CNBC, 6/8/17]

New York Times: CHOICE Act “To Erase A Number Of Core Financial Regulations,” Including Limits

On Risk Taking Enacted After The Financial Crash, And “Would Weaken The Powers Of The

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.” “The House approved legislation on Thursday to erase a number of

core financial regulations put in place by the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act, as Republicans moved a step closer to

delivering on their promises to eliminate rules that they claim have strangled small businesses and stagnated the

economy. […] The Choice Act would exempt some financial institutions that meet capital and liquidity

requirements from many of Dodd-Frank’s restrictions that limit risk taking. It would also replace Dodd-Frank’s

method of dealing with large and failing financial institutions, known as the orderly liquidation authority —

which critics say reinforces the idea that some banks are too big to fail — with a new bankruptcy code

provision. In addition, the legislation would weaken the powers of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.”

[New York Times, 6/8/17]

July 28, 2017: Kelly Bought Citigroup Stock. On July 28, 2017, Kelly bought between $1,001 and $15,000 in

Citigroup stock. [Kelly 2017 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 6/27/18]


2017 Kelly Positions

Position Name Of Organization

President Kelly Chevrolet Cadillac, Inc

President Mike Kelly Hyundai, Inc

President Mike Kelly Automotive

Board Member Emertis The Mardian Museum

Board Member Emertis Hyundai Hope On Wheels

[Kelly 2017 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 6/27/18]


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Kelly Did Not Report Any Agreements

Kelly Did Not Report Any Agreements. [Kelly 2017 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 6/27/18]

2016 – Federal Personal Financial Disclosure

Net Worth

2016: Kelly Had An Estimated Net Worth Between $8,935,142 And $26,876,000

2016: Kelly Had An Estimated Net Worth Between $8,935,142 And $26,876,000. [Kelly 2016 Public Financial

Disclosure Report, filed 8/15/17]

Earned Income

2016: Kelly Reported $24,000 In Earned Income

2016: Kelly Reported $24,000 In Earned Income From Kelly Chevrolet Cadillac, Inc. [Kelly 2016 Public

Financial Disclosure Report, filed 8/15/17]

2016 Kelly Earned Income

Source Type Amount

Kelly Chevrolet Cadillac, Inc. Butler, PA Spouse Salary N/A

Kelly Chevrolet Cadillac, Inc. Butler, PA Salary $24,000

[Kelly 2016 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 8/15/17]

Assets & Unearned Income

2016: Kelly Reported Between $352,023 And $911,000 In Unearned Income

2016: Kelly Reported Between $352,023 And $911,000 In Unearned Income. [Kelly 2016 Public Financial

Disclosure Report, filed 8/15/17]

2016 Kelly Assets & “Unearned” Income





Year-End Value

Type Of Income

Amount Of Income Tx. >

$1,000 Min Max Min Max

- Kelly Chevrolet Cadillac,

Automotive Dealership, Butler,


$50,001 $100,000 Business Income $15,001 $50,000 -

- Mike Kelly Hyundai, Inc.

Automotive Dealership, Butler,


$50,001 $100,000 S Corporation

Dividend and Interest

$50,001 $100,000 -

JT Note Receivable - Claddagh

Propoerty LP - real estate

- - - - - -

- Pittsaburgh Road, Butler County,


$1,000,001 $5,000,000 Interest $50,001 $100,000 -

- Note Receivable - Mike Kelly

Hyundai, Butler, PA

$1,000,001 $5,000,000 Interest $50,001 $100,000 -

- Land 12.67 acres, Route 8, Butler

County, PA

$250,001 $500,000 None None None -

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SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 1985,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership Income None None -

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 1989,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership Income None None -

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2000,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership Income None None -

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2001,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership Income None None -

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2002,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership Income None None -

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2006,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership Income None None -

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2007,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership Income None None -

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2007,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership Income None None -

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2008,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership Income None None -

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2008,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership Income None None -

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2009,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership Income None None -

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2010,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership Income None None -

sp nts 2012 Blue Jay LP, Indiana,

PA Oil & Gas

None None Partnership Income None None S

SP NTS 2013 Erwin LP, Indiana,

PA, Oil & Gas

$15,001 $50,000 Partnership Income None None -

SP Campbells Gas Partners 2005 $1 $200 Partnership Income None None -

- Campbells Gas Partners 2005 $1 $200 Partnership Income None None -

SP Campbells Gas Partners 2004 $1 $200 Partnership Income None None -

SP Campbells Gas Partners 2003 $1 $200 Partnership Income None None -

SP Campbells Gas Partners 2002 $1 $200 Partnership Income None None -

- 401(k) Investment as follows: - - - - - -

- Vanguard LT inv Grade fund None None Deferred Income

Account, tax deferred

None None S

- Ivy Asset Strategy Fund None None Deferred Income

Account, tax deferred

None None S

- Vanguard Windsor II Fund None None Deferred Income

Account, tax deferred

None None S

- T Rowe Price Large Cap Growth None None Deferred Income

Account, tax deferred

None None S

- Goldman Sachs Growth

Opportunities Fund

None None Deferred Income

Account, tax deferred

None None S

- Ivy Small Cap Growth Fund

Class Y

None None Deferred Income

Account, tax deferred

None None S

- Dodge & Cox international stock


None None Deferred Income

Account, tax deferred

None None S

- ivy Global Natural resources fund None None Deferred Income

Account, tax deferred

None None S

- American Funds Europacific gr


$1,001 $15,000 Deferred Income

Account, tax deferred

None None P

- Hartford Small Company R3 $1,001 $15,000 Deferred Income

Account, tax deferred

None None P

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- Invesco mid cap core equity fund $1,001 $15,000 Deferred Income

Account, tax deferred

None None P

- American Funds American

Mutual Fund R3

$1,001 $15,000 Deferred Income

Account, tax deferred

None None P

- American Funds Invest Co of

America R3

$1,001 $15,000 Deferred Income

Account, tax deferred

None None P

- American Funds Balanced


$1,001 $15,000 Deferred Income

Account, tax deferred

None None P

- Franklin Total Return $1,001 $15,000 Deferred Income

Account, tax deferred

None None P

- Mary H. Phillips Residuary Trust $500,001 $1,000,000 Trust Income $15,001 $50,000 -

SP IRA as follows: - - - - - -

SP Powershards Exch Treaded Fd


$15,001 $50,000 Deferred Income

Account, tax deferred

None None -

SP Vanguard Bd Index Fd Inc $15,001 $50,000 Deferred Income

Account, tax deferred

None None -

- Athene Annuity and Life

(variable annuity) - S&P 500 @

- - - - - -

- Annual PTP Cap Activity $250,001 $500,000 Interest $15,001 $50,000 -

- General Motors Stock $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP 401(k) Profit sharing plan - - - - - -

SP American funds balanced

portfolio R3

$15,001 $50,000 Deferred Income


None None P

SP American funds target date fund


$15,001 $50,000 Deferred Income


None None P

- Bonds - - - - - -

SP Anchorage Ak Elec Utility Reve

Sr Lien -SE Rev 4% due 12/1/19

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $2,501 $5,000 -

SP Arlington City VA Ser A Go

Bonds - 5% due 8/1/21

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 -

SP Blackrock Liquidity funds $50,001 $100,000 Interest $201 $1,000 -

SP Broward cnty fl port faca rev

bond 5% due 9/1/24

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $2,501 $5,000 P

SP Chicago IL O-Hare International

Bond -5% due 1/1/21

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 -

SP Citizens property insurance co

bonds -5% due 6/1/19

None None Interest & Capital


$5,001 $15,000 S

SP Colorado health facs auth rev 5%

due 2/1/19

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $1,001 $2,500 P

SP Connecticut state health & educ

bond 5% due 7/1/24

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $1,001 $2,500 P

SP Georgia St Ser C Bonds -5% due


$100,001 $250,000 Interest $2,501 $5,000 -

SP Illinois St Go Bonds -5% due


$50,001 $100,000 Interest $2,501 $5,000 -

SP Loudon cnty va ser A bonds $100,001 $250,000 Interest None None P

SP Maryland St 2nd S Go Call -5%

due 8/1/21

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 -

SP Maryland St Dept of

Transportation 3

None None Interest $5,001 $15,000 PS

SP Michigan Mun Auth Rev Clean

Water Bonds -5% due 10/1/17

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 -

SP Michigan St Environmental Prog

Bonds -5% due 5/1/17

None None None $2,501 $5,000 S

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SP Michigan State Trunk Line Fd

Ref Fsa -5.25% due 11/1/16

None None Interest $1,001 $2,500 S

SP Minnesota St Public Facs Auth Se

Bond -5% due 3/1/19

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $2,501 $5,000 -

SP Minnesota St St Var Purp Ser A

G -5% due 8/1/19

$50,001 $100,000 Interest $2,501 $5,000 -

SP Missouri St Hways & Trans

Commn Bonds -5% due 2/1/19

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $2,501 $5,000 -

SP Nevada St Unemployment

Compens Rev Call -5% due


$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 -

SP North Carolina St Esten Muni P

Ref Bonds -5% due 1/1/21

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 -

SP North Carolina St Ser A Go -5%

due 6/1/22

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 -

SP Ohio St Common Sch G Bonds -

5% due 9/15/22

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 -

SP Tampa Bay Wtr Fl A Regl Wtr

Ref Bonds -5% due 10/1/18

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 -

SP Utah St Sar A Go Bonds -5% due


$100,001 $250,000 Interest $2,501 $5,000 -

SP Washington Md Surburban San

Dist -4% due 6/1/17

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $2,501 $5,000 -

SP Wisconsin st hlth & education


$100,001 $250,000 Interest $2,501 $5,000 P

- STOCKS - - - - - -

SP Abott laboratories $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Accenture PLC Class A (can) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 -

SP Aetna Inc New (set) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 -

SP Alaska Air Group Inc (alk) None None Dividend $1 $200 S

SP Alphabet Inc/c-a-cl a (googl)

(Formerly Google)

$15,001 $50,000 None None None S(partial)

SP Altria Group Inc (mo) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend & Capital


$1,001 $2,500 S(partial)

SP American Electric Power Inc


None None Dividend $201 $1,000 S

SP Applied materials inc $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Ameriprise Financial Inc (amp) None None Dividend $1 $200 S

SP American Waterworks Co $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Amgen Inc (amgn) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Apple Inc (appl) None None Dividend $201 $1,000 S(partial)

SP Bank new york mellon corp


$1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Berry Plastics Group $1,001 $15,000 None None None P

SP Biogen Inc $1,001 $15,000 None None None P

SP Boeing co None None None None None S

SP Burlington stores inc $1,001 $15,000 None None None P

SP CBS corp class b $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Celanese Corp-Series A (ce) None None Dividend $1 $200 S

SP Check Point Software Tech None None None None None S

SP Cigna Corp (ci) None None Dividend $1 $200 S

SP Cintas Corp (ctas) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 S(partial)

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SP Cisco Systems Inc (csco) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 S(partial)

SP Citizens financial group $15,001 $50,000 None None None P

SP Comcast Corporation CL A


$15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Constellation Brands inc (stz) cl a $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $1 $200 -

SP CVS Health corporation (cvs) None None Dividend & Capital


$2,501 $5,000 S

SP Devon energy corp $1,001 $15,000 None None None P

SP Dicks sporting goods $1,001 $15,000 None None None P

SP Disney Walt co (dis) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Dollar General Corp None None None None None S

SP Dow Chemical co (dow) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 PS(partial


SP D R Horton Inc (dhi) None None Dividend $1 $200 S

SP Dr Pepper snapple Group Inc


$15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Edwards Lifesciences Corp (ew) $1,001 $15,000 None None None S(partial)

SP Equifax inc $1,001 $15,000 - $1 $200 P

SP ExxonMobil Corp (xom) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 S(partial)

SP Facebook $15,001 $50,000 - - - P

SP Footlocker (fl) None None Dividend $1 $200 S

SP Ford Motor Company (f) None None Dividend $1 $200 PS

SP General Dynamics Corp (dps) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 -

SP General electric co (ge) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 S(partial)

SP Gilead sciences Inc (gild) None None Dividend $1 $200 S

SP Home Depot (hd) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Honeywell Intl Inc (Hon) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 S(partial)

SP Hormel Foods Corp None None Dividend $1 $200 PS

SP Illinois tool works inc $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Ingersoll rand plc $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Intel corp $1,001 $15,000 None None None P

SP Invesco Ltd (ivz) None None Dividend $201 $1,000 S

SP Johnson & Johnson (jnj) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 PS(partial


SP JP Morgan Chase & Co (jpm) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Kraft heinz co $1,001 $15,000 None None None P

SP Kroger Co (kr) None None Dividend $1 $200 S

SP L Brands Inc (lb) None None Dividend $201 $1,000 S

SP Lam Research Corp (rcx) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $1 $200 -

SP Lincoln National Corp (Lnc) None None Dividend $1 $200 S

SP Lockheed Martin Corp (lmt) Noe None Dividend & Capital


$2,501 $5,000 S

SP Microsoft Corp (msft) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 S(partial)

SP Mohawk inds inc $1,001 $15,000 None None None P

SP Mondelez International (mdlz) None None Dividend $1 $200 S

SP Morgan Stanley $1,001 $15,000 None None None P

SP Nike Inc Class B (nke) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 -

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SP Northern trust corp $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Northrop Grumman Corp (noc) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 S(partial)

SP O’Reilly Automotive Inc (orly) $1,001 $15,000 None None None -

SP pepsico inc $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Pfizer Inc (pfe) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Prologis inc $1,001 $15,000 None None None P

SP PPG Industries Inc None None Dividend $1 $200 S

SP Public Storage REIT (psa) None None Dividend $201 $1,000 S

SP Principal Financial Group (pfg) None None Dividend $201 $1,000 S

SP Raytheon co $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP S & P global inc $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Schlumbergerger Ltd (slb) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 S(partial)

SP Simon property group $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Skyworks Solutions Inc (Swks) None None Dividend $1 $200 S

SP Snap On Inc (sna) None None Dividend $1 $200 S

SP Stanley black & decker None None None None None S

SP State street corp $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Suntrust banks inc $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP TE connectivity ltd None None None None None S

SP Texas Instruments (txn) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP The Travelers Cos inc (trv) None None Dividend $1 $200 S

SP Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc


$1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 -

SP Total S A (tot) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 PS(partial


SP Tractor Supply Co (tsco) None None Dividend $1 $200 S

SP Tyson foods inc cl A $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP United health group $1,001 $15,000 - - - P

SP Universal Health Services inc


None None Dividend $1 $200 S

SP Valero energy corp $1,001 $15,000 - - - P

SP Vantiv inc cl A $1,001 $15,000 - - - P

SP Verizon communications inc (vz) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Visa inc (v) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 -

SP Vulcan materials co $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP WEC energy group inc $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Wells fargo & company (wfc) None None Dividend $201 $1,000 S

SP Wyndham Worldwide Corp


$1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

- MUTUAL FUNDS - - - - - -

SP AQR Managed Futures Strategy

(aqmix) Fund Class I

$100,001 $500,000 Dividend $1 $200 -

SP Artisans Fds Inc (artix)

international fund #661 Inv Class

$100,001 $250,000 Dividend $1,001 $2,500 -

SP Blackrock Fds (machvx) Equity

Dividend Institutional Class Fund


None None Capital gains $5,001 $15,000 S

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SP Blackrock Liquidity funds temp

fund institutional #24

$250,001 $500,000 dividend $1,001 $2,500 -

SP Blackrock Strategic Municipal


$500,001 $1,000,000 Dividend & Capital


$5,001 $15,000 P

SP Carlyle group LP $15,001 $50,000 - - - P

SP Cbre Clarion Long Short Fund

(clsix) fund #8651

None None Interest $5,001 $15,000 S

SP Diamond Hill Long Short Fund

(dhlex) Ci I

$100,001 $250,000 Capital gains $5,001 $15,000 -

SP Dodge & Cox International

(dodfx) Stock Fund #1048

$100,001 $250,000 Dividend $2,501 $5,000 -

SP Driehaus Active Income Fund

(Icmax) fund #640

$100,001 $250,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Eaton vance global macro absolut $250,001 $500,000 None None None P

SP Goldman Sachs Absolute (glrtx)

Return Tracker Fund Cl I Fund


$100,001 $250,000 Capital gains $201 $1,000 -

SP Harbor International Fund (hainx)

Class Ins Fd #2011

$100,001 $250,000 Dividend $2,501 $5,000 -

SP IsharesBarclays Tips Bond ETF None None None None None S

SP Ishares Iboxx$ Investment Grade

Corp Bond ETF

None None None None None S

SP Myovant sciences ltd $15,001 $50,000 - - - P

SP Pimco 0-5 Year High Yield

Corporate Bond Fund

None None None None None S

SP PMC money market fund #405 $250,001 $500,000 Interest $1,001 $2,500 -

SP Spdr nuveen barclays short term

municipal bond ETF

$500,001 $1,000,000 Dividend $1,001 $2,500 -

SP T Rowe Price Growth Stock

(prgfx) FD#40

$250,001 $500,000 Dividend & Capital


$15,001 $50,000 -

SP T Rowe Price Value Fd Inc

(trvix) Fd#107

$500,001 $1,000,000 Dividend & Capital


$15,001 $50,000 -

TOTAL $8,935,142 $26,876,000 $352,023 $911,000

[Kelly 2016 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 8/15/17]


Kelly Did Not Report Any Liabilities

Kelly Did Not Report Any Liabilities. [Kelly 2016 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 8/15/17]


2016 Kelly Positions

Position Name Of Organization

President Kelly Chevrolet Cadillac, Inc

President Mike Kelly Hyundai, Inc

President Mike Kelly Automotive

Board Member Emertis The Mardian Museum

Board Member Emertis Hyundai Hope On Wheels

[Kelly 2016 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 8/15/17]

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Kelly Did Not Report Any Agreements

Kelly Did Not Report Any Agreements. [Kelly 2016 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 8/15/17]

2015 – Federal Personal Financial Disclosure

Net Worth

2015: Kelly Had An Estimated Net Worth Between $9,471,144 And $27,795,000

2015: Kelly Had An Estimated Net Worth Between $9,471,144 And $27,795,000. [Kelly 2015 Public Financial

Disclosure Report, filed 8/12/16]

Earned Income

2015: Kelly Reported $24,000 In Earned Income

2015: Kelly Reported $24,000 In Earned Income From Kelly Chevrolet Cadillac, Inc. [Kelly 2015 Public

Financial Disclosure Report, filed 8/12/16]

2015 Kelly Earned Income

Source Type Amount

Kelly Chevrolet Cadillac, Inc. Butler, PA Spouse Salary N/A

Kelly Chevrolet Cadillac, Inc. Butler, PA Salary $24,000

[Kelly 2015 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 8/12/16]

Assets & Unearned Income

2015: Kelly Reported Between $553,961 And $2,997,700 In Unearned Income

2015: Kelly Reported Between $553,961 And $2,997,700 In Unearned Income. [Kelly 2015 Public Financial

Disclosure Report, filed 8/12/16]

2015 Kelly Assets & “Unearned” Income




Asset Year-End Value Type Of


Amount Of Income Tx. >

$1,000 Min Max Min Max

- Kelly Chevrolet Cadillac,

Automotive Dealership,

Butler, PA

$50,001 $100,000 Business


$15,001 $50,000 -

- Mike Kelly Hyundai, Inc.

Automotive Dealership,

Butler, PA

$1,001 $15,000 S Corporation

Dividend and


$2,501 $5,000 -

JT Note Receivable - Claddagh

Propoerty LP - real estate

- - - - - -

- Pittsaburgh Road, Butler

County, PA

$1,000,001 $5,000,000 Interest $100,001 $1,000,000 -

- Note Receivable - Mike Kelly

Hyundai, Butler, PA

$1,000,001 $5,000,000 Interest $50,001 $100,000 -

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- Land 12.67 acres, Route 8,

Butler County, PA

$15,001 $50,000 None None None -

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 1985,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership


$1,001 $2,500 -

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 1989,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership


$1,001 $2,500 -

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2000,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership


$1,001 $2,500 -

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2001,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership


$1,001 $2,500 -

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2002,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership


$201 $1,000 -

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2006,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership


$1,001 $2,500 -

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2007,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership


$201 $1,000 -

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2007,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership


$201 $1,000 -

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2008,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership


$201 $1,000 -

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2008,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership


$201 $1,000 -

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2009,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership


$5,001 $15,000 -

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2010,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership


$2,501 $5,000 -

sp nts 2012 Blue Jay LP, Indiana,

PA Oil & Gas

$15,001 $50,000 Partnership


None None -

SP NTS 2013 Erwin LP, Indiana,

PA, Oil & Gas

$15,001 $50,000 Partnership


None None -

SP Campbells Gas Partners 2005 $1 $1,000 Partnership


$1 $200 -

- Campbells Gas Partners 2005 $1 $1,000 Partnership


$1 $200 -

SP Campbells Gas Partners 2004 $1 $1,000 Partnership


$201 $1,000 -

SP Campbells Gas Partners 2003 $1 $1,000 Partnership


$201 $1,000 -

SP Campbells Gas Partners 2002 $1 $1,000 Partnership


$201 $1,000 -

- 401(k) Investment as follows: - - - - - -

- Vanguard LT inv Grade fund $50,001 $100,000 Tax deferred None None -

- Ivy Asset Strategy Fund $1,001 $15,000 Tax deferred None None -

- Vanguard Windsor II Fund $15,001 $50,000 Tax deferred None None -

- T Rowe Price Large Cap


$15,001 $50,000 Tax deferred None None -

- Goldman Sachs Growth

Opportunities Fund

$15,001 $50,000 Deferred


Account, tax


None None -

- Ivy Small Cap Growth Fund

Class Y

$1,001 $15,000 Tax deferred None None -

- Dodge & Cox international

stock fund

$100,001 $250,000 Tax deferred None None -

- ivy Global Natural resources


$1,001 $15,000 Tax deferred None None -

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- Mary H. Phillips Residuary


$500,001 $1,000,000 Trust Income $15,001 $50,000 -

SP IRA as follows: - - - - - -

SP Powershards Exch Treaded Fd


$15,001 $50,000 Tax deferred None None -

SP Vanguard Bd Index Fd Inc $15,001 $50,000 Tax deferred None None -

- Athene Annuity and Life

(variable annuity) - S&P 500


- - - - - -

- Annual PTP Cap Activity $250,001 $500,000 Interest $15,001 $50,000 -

- General Motors Stock $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Anchorage Ak Elec Utility

Reve Sr Lien -SE Rev 4% due


$100,001 $250,000 Interest $2,501 $5,000 -

SP Arlington City VA Ser A Go

Bonds - 5% due 8/1/21

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 -

SP Blackrock Liquidity funds $50,001 $100,000 Interest $100,001 $1,000,000 -

SP California St Economic Ref

Ser A Bonds -5% due 7/1/16

None None Interest &

Capital gains

$5,001 $15,000 S

SP Chicago IL O-Hare

International Bond -5% due


$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 P

SP Citizens property insurance co

bonds -5% due 6/1/19

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 -

SP Georgia St Ser C Bonds -5%

due 10/1/21

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $2,501 $5,000 -

SP Illinois St Go Bonds -5% due


$50,001 $100,000 Interest $201 $1,000 P

SP Illinois St Sales Tax rev Agm

Call -5% due 6/15/19

None None Interest &

Capital gains

$1,001 $2,500 S

SP Maryland St 2nd S Go Call -

5% due 8/1/21

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 -

SP Michigan Mun Auth Rev

Clean Water Bonds -5% due


$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 -

SP Michigan St Environmental

Prog Bonds -5% due 5/1/17

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 -

SP Michigan State Trunk Line Fd

Ref Fsa -5.25% due 11/1/16

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 -

SP Minnesota St Public Facs

Auth Se Bond -5% due 3/1/19

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 -

SP Minnesota St St Var Purp Ser

A G -5% due 8/1/19

$50,001 $100,000 Interest $2,501 $5,000 -

SP Missouri St Hways & Trans

Commn Bonds -5% due


$100,001 $250,000 Interest $1,001 $2,500 -

SP Nevada St Unemployment

Compens Rev Call -5% due


$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 -

SP North Carolina St Esten Muni

P Ref Bonds -5% due 1/1/21

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 -

SP North Carolina St Ser A Go -

5% due 6/1/22

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $2,501 $5,000 P

SP Ohio St Common Sch G

Bonds - 5% due 9/15/22

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 -

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SP Ohio State Wtr ref Dev Auth

Wtr Ref in Bonds -5% due


None None Interest &

Capital gains

$5,001 $15,000 S

SP PrinceGeorges Cnty MD Ref

Com Bonds -5% due 9/15/15

None None Interest &

Capital gains

$1,001 $2,500 S

SP Tampa Bay Wtr Fl A Regl

Wtr Ref Bonds -5% due


$100,001 $250,000 Interest $2,501 $5,000 -

SP Utah St Sar A Go Bonds -5%

due 7/1/20

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $2,501 $5,000 P

SP Washington Md Surburban

San Dist -4% due 6/1/17

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $2,501 $5,000 -

SP Accenture PLC Class A (can) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Ace Limited (ace) None None Dividend &

Capital Gains

$201 $1,000 S

SP Aetna Inc New (set) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 S(partial)

SP Alaska Air Group Inc (alk) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Allstate Corp (all) None None Dividend &

Capital Gains

$201 $1,000 S

SP Alphabet Inc/c-a-cl a (googl)

(Formerly Google)

$15,001 $50,000 None None None P

SP Altria Group Inc (mo) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP American Electric Power Inc


$1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Prince Georges Cnty MD Ref

Cons Bonds -5% due 9/15/15

None None Dividend &

Capital Gains

$2,501 $5,000 S

SP Ameriprise Financial Inc


$1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Amgen Inc (amgn) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Apple Inc (appl) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Atossa Genetics inc None None None None None P,S

SP Becton Dickinson & co (bdx) None None Dividend &

Capital Gains

$2,501 $5,000 S

SP Berkshire Hathaway inc None None None None None P,S

SP Boeing co (be) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend &

Capital Gains

$201 $1,000 S(partial)

SP Celanese Corp-Series A (ce) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Check Point Software Tech $1,001 $15,000 None None None -

SP Cigna Corp (ci) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 S(partial)

SP Cintas Corp (ctas) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Cisco Systems Inc (csco) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 P

SP Comcast Corporation CL A


$15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Concophillips (cop) None None Dividend $201 $1,000 S

SP Constellation Brands inc (stz)

cl a

$15,001 $50,000 Dividend $1 $200 S(partial)

SP CVS Health corporation (cvs) $50,001 $100,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Delta Air Lines inc (del) None None Dividend &

Capital Gains

$2,501 $5,000 S

SP Discover Financial w/I (dfs) None None Dividend &

Capital Gains

$2,501 $5,000 S

SP Disney Walt co (dis) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 S(partial)

SP Dow Chemical co (dow) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP D R Horton Inc (dhi) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Dr Pepper snapple Group Inc


$15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 P

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SP Eastman Chem Co (emn) None None None None None S

SP Edwards Lifesciences Corp


$15,001 $50,000 None None None P

SP EOG Res inc (edg) None None Dividend &

Capital Gains

$1,001 $2,500 S

SP ExxonMobil Corp (xom) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Footlocker (fl) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 -

SP General Dynamics Corp (gd) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP General electric co (ge) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend &

Capital Gains

$1,001 $2,500 S(partial)

SP Gilead sciences Inc (gild) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P,S


SP Goldman Sachs Group inc None None Dividend $1 $200 P,S

SP Hanesbrands Inc -W/I (hbi) None None Dividend &

Capital Gains

$2,501 $5,000 S

SP HCA Holdings Inc (HCA) None None Capital gains $1,001 $2,500 S

SP Home Depot (hd) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 P

SP Honeywell Intl Inc (Hon) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 P

SP Invesco Ltd (ivz) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Johnson & Johnson (jnj) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP JP Morgan Chase & Co (jpm) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 P

SP Kroger Co (kr) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $1 $200 S(partial)

SP L Brands Inc (lb) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Lam Research Corp (rcx) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Lincoln National Corp (Lnc) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Lockheed Martin Corp (lmt) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend &

Capital Gains

$1,001 $2,500 S(partial)

SP Lyondellbasell industries N.V.


None None Dividend $1 $200 S

SP Magna International (MGA) None None Dividend &

Capital Gains

$1,001 $2,500 S

SP McKesson Corporation (mck) None None Dividend &

Capital Gains

$2,501 $5,000 S

SP Micron Technology inc (mu) None None Dividend $1 $200 S

SP Microsoft Corp (msft) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 P

SP Mondelez International (mdlz) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Nike Inc Class B (nke) $1,001 $15,000 None None None P

SP Northrop Grumman Corp


$15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 P

SP NXP Semiconductors (nxpl) None None Dividend &

Capital Gains

$5,001 $15,000 S

SP O’Reilly Automotive Inc


$1,001 $15,000 None None None P

SP Packaging Corp Pkg (pkg) None None Dividend $1 $200 S

SP Pfizer Inc (pfe) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 P

SP Polaris Inds inc (pil) None None Dividend &

Capital Gains

$2,501 $5,000 S

SP PPG Industries Inc $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Public Storage REIT (psa) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Principal Financial Group


$1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 P

SP Proctor & Gamble Co (pg) None None Dividend &

Capital Gains

$2,501 $5,000 S

SP Qualcomm (qcom) None None Dividend &

Capital Gains

$2,501 $5,00 P,S

SP Regions Financial Corp (RF) None None Dividend $1 $200 S

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SP Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd


None None Capital gains $1,001 $2,500 S

SP Schlumbergerger Ltd (slb) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 P

SP Signet Jewlers LTD None None None None None P,S

SP Skyworks Solutions Inc


$1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 S(partial)

SP Snap On Inc (sna) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend &

Capital Gains

$201 $5,000 P,S


SP Southwest Airlines Co (luv) None None Dividends &

Capital gains

$2,501 $5,000 S

SP Stanley black & decker $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP St Jude Medical Inc (stj) None None Dividend $1 $200 S

SP TE connectivity ltd $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Texas Instruments (txn) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 P

SP The Travelers Cos inc (trv) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 P

SP Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc


$1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Total S A (tot) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Tractor Supply Co (tsco) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Union Pacific Corp (unp) None None Dividend &

Capital Gains

$5,001 $15,000 S

SP United Rentals Inc (un) None None Dividend $1 $200 S

SP Universal Health Services inc


$1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Verizon communications inc


$15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 P

SP Voya Final Inc Com None None None None None P,S

SP Visa inc (v) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 -

SP Wells fargo & company (wfc) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $1,001 $2,500 S(partial)

SP Wisconsin Energy Corp (wec) None None Dividend &

Capital Gains

$201 $1,000 S(partial)

SP Wyndham Worldwide Corp


$1,001 $15,000 Capital gains $1,001 $2,500 S(partial),


SP 3M Company None None Dividend $1 $200 S,P

- MUTUAL FUNDS - - - - - -

SP AQR Managed Futures

Strategy (aqmix) Fund Class I

$100,001 $250,000 Dividend &

Capital Gains

$5,001 $15,000 -

SP Artisans Fds Inc (artix)

international fund #661 Inv


$100,001 $250,000 Dividend $1,001 $2,500 -

SP Blackrock Fds (bhyix) High

Yield Bd Portfolio Fd 318

Institutional Class

None None Dividend &

Capital Gains

$5,001 $15,000 S

SP Blackrock Fds (machvx)

Equity Dividend Institutional

Class Fund 383

$50,001 $100,000 Dividend &

Capital Gains

$1,001 $2,500 -

SP Blackrock Liquidity funds

temp fund institutional #24

$250,001 $500,000 Dividend $1,001 $2,500 -

SP Cbre Clarion Long Short Fund

(clsix) fund #8651

$100,001 $250,000 Dividend &

Capital Gains

$15,001 $50,000 -

SP Diamond Hill Long Short

Fund (dhlex) Ci I

$100,001 $250,000 Capital gains $1,001 $2,500 -

SP Dodge & Cox International

(dodfx) Stock Fund #1048

$100,001 $250,000 Dividend $2,501 $5,000 -

SP Driehaus Active Income Fund

(Icmax) fund #640

$100,001 $250,000 Dividend $5,001 $15,000 -

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SP Goldman Sachs Absolute

(glrtx) Return Tracker Fund Cl

I Fund #3279

$100,001 $250,000 Dividend &

Capital Gains

$2,501 $5,000 -

SP Harbor International Fund

(hainx) Class Ins Fd #2011

$100,001 $250,000 Dividend &

Capital Gains

$5,001 $15,000 -

SP Ishares Iboxx$ Investment

Grade Corp Bond ETF

$250,001 $500,000 Dividend $5,001 $15,000 S(partial)

SP Ishares JP Morgan Usd (emb)

Emerging Markets Bond ETF

None None Dividend $5,001 $15,000 S

SP Ishares MSCI Emerging

Markets (eem) ETF

None None Dividend $1,001 $2,500 S

SP Ishares Barclays Tips Bond


$250,001 $500,000 Interest $1,001 $2,500 S(partial)

SP Pimco 0-5 Year High Yield

Corporate Bond Fund

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 S(partial)

SP PNC small cap fund (ppcix)

class 1 fund #426

None None None None None S

SP Spdr nuveen barclays short

term municipal bond ETF

$500,001 $1,000,000 Interest $1,001 $2,500 P

SP T Rowe Price Growth Stock

(prgfx) FD#40

$250,001 $500,000 Capital gains $15,001 $50,000 -

SP T Rowe Price New Horizons

Fd Inc (pmhx) Fd #42

None None None None None S

SP T Rowe Price Value Fd Inc

(trvix) Fd#107

$250,001 $500,000 Dividend &

Capital gains

$15,001 $50,000 -

SP Vanguard Growth (vug) ETF $500,001 $1,000,000 Dividend $5,001 $15,000 -

SP Vanguard mid cap growth

index (vot) ETF

$100,001 $250,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 P

SP Vanguard mid cap value index


$100,001 $250,000 Dividend $1,001 $2,500 P

SP Vanguard mid cap (vo) ETF $250,001 $500,000 Dividend $2,501 $5,000 P

SP vanguard small cap (vb) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Vanguard small cap growth

(vbk) ETF

$50,001 $100,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP vanguard small cap value

(bvr) ETF

$50,001 $100,000 Dividend $1,001 $2,500 -

SP vanguard value (vv) ETF $250,001 $500,000 Dividend $5,001 $15,000 -

TOTAL $9,471,144 $27,795,000 TOTAL $553,961 $2,997,700

[Kelly 2015 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 8/12/16]


Kelly Did Not Report Any Liabilities

Kelly Did Not Report Any Liabilities. [Kelly 2015 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 8/12/16]


2015 Kelly Positions

Position Name Of Organization

President Kelly Chevrolet Cadillac, Inc

President Mike Kelly Hyundai, Inc

President Mike Kelly Automotive

Board Member Emertis The Mardian Museum

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Board Member Emertis Hyundai Hope On Wheels

[Kelly 2015 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 8/12/16]


Kelly Did Not Report Any Agreements

Kelly Did Not Report Any Agreements. [Kelly 2015 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 8/12/16]

2014 – Federal Personal Financial Disclosure

Net Worth

2014: Kelly Had An Estimated Net Worth Between $8,729,153 And $26,715,000

2014: Kelly Had An Estimated Net Worth Between $8,729,153 And $26,715,000. [Kelly 2014 Public Financial

Disclosure Report, filed 8/12/15; Kelly 2014 Public Financial Disclosure Report Amendment, filed 9/10/15]

Earned Income

2014: Kelly Reported $24,000 In Earned Income

2014: Kelly Reported $24,000 In Earned Income From Kelly Chevrolet Cadillac, Inc. [Kelly 2014 Public

Financial Disclosure Report, filed 8/12/15; Kelly 2014 Public Financial Disclosure Report Amendment, filed


2014 Kelly Earned Income

Source Type Amount

Kelly Chevrolet Cadillac, Inc. Butler, PA Spouse Salary N/A

Kelly Chevrolet Cadillac, Inc. Butler, PA Salary $24,000

[Kelly 2014 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 8/12/15; Kelly 2014 Public Financial Disclosure Report

Amendment, filed 9/10/15]

Assets & Unearned Income

2014: Kelly Reported Between $460,261 And $2,027,400 In Unearned Income

2014: Kelly Reported Between $460,261 And $2,027,400 In Unearned Income. [Kelly 2014 Public Financial

Disclosure Report, filed 8/12/15; Kelly 2014 Public Financial Disclosure Report Amendment, filed 9/10/15]

2014 Kelly Assets & “Unearned” Income


C/JT Asset

Year-End Value Type Of


Amount Of Income Tx. >

$1,000 Min Max Min Max

- Kelly Chevrolet Cadillac, Automotive

Dealership, Butler, PA

$50,001 $100,000 Business


$15,001 $50,000 -

- Mike Kelly Hyundai, Inc. Automotive

Dealership, Butler, PA

$1,001 $15,000 S Corporation

Dividend and


$2,501 $5,000 -

JT Note Receivable - Claddagh Propoerty

LP - real estate

- - - - - -

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- Pittsaburgh Road, Butler County, PA $1,000,001 $5,000,000 Interest $100,001 $1,000,000 -

- Note Receivable - Mike Kelly

Hyundai, Butler, PA

$1,000,001 $5,000,000 Interest $50,001 $100,000 -

- Land 12.67 acres, Route 8, Butler

County, PA

$15,001 $50,000 None None None -

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 1985,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership


$1,001 $2,500 -

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 1989,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership


$1,001 $2,500 -

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2000,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership


$1,001 $2,500 -

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2001,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership


$1,001 $2,500 -

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2002,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership


$201 $1,000 -

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2006,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership


$1,001 $2,500 -

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2007,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership


$201 $1,000 -

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2007,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership


$201 $1,000 -

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2008,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership


$201 $1,000 -

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2008,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership


$201 $1,000 -

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2009,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership


$5,001 $15,000 -

SP PC Exploration LTD Ptr 2010,

Warrendale, PA

$1,001 $15,000 Partnership


$2,501 $5,000 -

sp nts 2012 Blue Jay LP, Indiana, PA Oil

& Gas

$15,001 $50,000 Partnership


None None -

SP NTS 2013 Erwin LP, Indiana, PA, Oil

& Gas

$15,001 $50,000 Partnership


None None -

SP Campbells Gas Partners 2005 $1 $1,000 Partnership


$1 $200 -

- Campbells Gas Partners 2005 $1 $1,000 Partnership


$1 $200 -

SP Campbells Gas Partners 2004 $1 $1,000 Partnership


$201 $1,000 Note 1

SP Campbells Gas Partners 2003 $1 $1,000 Partnership


$201 $1,000 Note 1

SP Campbells Gas Partners 2002 $1 $1,000 Partnership


$201 $1,000 Note 1

- 401(k) Investment as follows: - - - - - -

- Vanguard LT inv Grade fund $50,001 $100,000 Tax deferred None None -

- Ivy Asset Strategy Fund $1,001 $15,000 Tax deferred None None -

- Vanguard Windsor II Fund $15,001 $50,000 Tax deferred None None -

- T Rowe Price Large Cap Growth $15,001 $50,000 Tax deferred None None -

- Goldman Sachs Growth Opportunities


$15,001 $50,000 Deferred


Account, tax


None None -

- Ivy Small Cap Growth Fund Class Y $1,001 $15,000 Tax deferred None None -

- Dodge & Cox international stock fund $100,001 $250,000 Tax deferred None None -

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- ivy Global Natural resources fund $1,001 $15,000 Tax deferred None None -

- Mary H. Phillips Residuary Trust $500,001 $1,000,000 Trust Income $15,001 $50,000 -

SP IRA as follows: - - - - - -

SP Powershards Exch Treaded Fd TSTII $15,001 $50,000 Tax deferred None None P

SP Vanguard Bd Index Fd Inc $15,001 $50,000 Tax deferred None None P

- Athene Annuity and Life (variable

annuity) - S&P 500 @

- - - - - -

- Annual PTP Cap Activity $250,001 $500,000 Interest $15,001 $50,000 P

- General Motors Stock $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $1 $200 -

- BONDS - - - - - -

SP Blackrock Liquidity funds $50,001 $100,000 Interest $1 $200 -

SP Anchorage Ak Elec Utility Reve Sr

Lien -SE Rev 4% due 12/1/19

$100,001 $250,000 None None None P

SP Arlington City VA Ser A Go Bonds -

5% due 8/1/21

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $2,501 $5,000 P

SP Blackrock Fds High Yield Bond Port $100,001 $250,000 Interest $1 $200 P

SP California St Economic Ref Ser A

Bonds -5% due 7/1/16

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 -

SP California St General Obligation

Bonds -5% due 11/1/18

None None Interest &

Capital gains

$5,001 $15,000 S

SP Citizens property insurance co bonds -

5% due 6/1/19

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 -

SP Colorado St Hlth Facs Auth Rev

bonds-5% due 2/1/15

None None Interest $2,501 $5,000 S

SP Florida st brd cap outlay ser bonds-5%

due 1/1/15

None None Interest &

Capital gains

$2,501 $5,000 S

SP Georgia St Ser C Bonds -5% due


$100,001 $250,000 - $1,001 $2,500 P

SP Illinois St Go Bonds -5% due 4/1/20 None None - $1,001 $2,500 P,S

SP Illinois St Sales Tax rev Agm Call -

5% due 6/15/19

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 -

SP Maryland St 2nd S Go Call -5% due


$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 -

SP Michigan Mun Auth Rev Clean Water

Bonds -5% due 10/1/17

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 -

SP Michigan St Environmental Prog

Bonds -5% due 5/1/17

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 -

SP Michigan State Trunk Line Fd Ref Fsa

-5.25% due 11/1/16

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 -

SP Minnesota St Public Facs Auth Se

Bond -5% due 3/1/19

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 P

SP Minnesota St St Var Purp Ser A G -

5% due 8/1/19

$50,001 $100,000 Interest $1,001 $2,500 P

SP Missouri St Hways & Trans Commn

Bonds -5% due 2/1/19

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $2,501 $5,000 -

SP Nevada St Unemployment Compens

Rev Call -5% due 6/1/18

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 -

SP North Carolina St Esten Muni P Ref

Bonds -5% due 1/1/21

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 -

SP Ohio State Common Sch G Bonds -

5% due 9/15/22

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 -

SP Ohio State Wtr ref Dev Auth Wtr Ref

in Bonds -5% due 12/1/18

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 -

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SP PrinceGeorges Cnty MD Ref Com

Bonds -5% due 9/15/15

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 -

SP Tampa Bay Wtr Fl A Regl Wtr Ref

Bonds -5% due 10/1/18

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 -

SP Washington Md Surburban San Dist -

4% due 6/1/17

$100,001 $250,000 Interest $5,001 $15,000 P

SP Washington St Ser C.G.O Ambac

bonds -5% due 1/1/15

None None Interest &

Capital gains

$5,001 $15,000 S

- STOCKS - - - - - -

SP Ebay Inc Stock None None Capital gains $2,501 $5,000 S

SP Blackrock liquidityFFunds $1,001 $15,000 Interest $201 $1,000 -

SP Ace Limited (ace) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Aetna Inc New (set) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $1 $200 -

SP Allergan inc stock None None Dividend &

Capital Gains

$2,501 $5,000 S

SP Allstate Corp (all) $1,001 $15,000 None None None P

SP Atossa Genetics inc (ATOS) None None None None None S

SP Altria Group Inc (mo) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Amgen Inc (amgn) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 P

SP American Express Co stock $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 -

SP Apple Inc (appl) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP B/E Aeropspace Inc sstock None None Capital gains $2,501 $5,000 S

SP Becton Dickinson & co (bdx) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 -

SP Best Buy Stock None None None None None S

SP Boeing co (be) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd stock None None Dividend $1 $200 S

SP CBS Stock None None Dividend &

Capital Gains

$201 $1,000 S

SP Celgene Corp Stock None None Capital gains $201 $1,000 S

SP Chevron Corporation Stock None None Dividend &

Capital Gains

$2,501 $5,000 S

SP Cigna Corp (ci) $15,001 $50,000 None None None P

SP Check Point Software Tech $1,001 $15,000 None None None P

SP ChubbCorp stock None None Dividend &

Capital Gains

$1,001 $2,500 S

SP Cisco Systems Inc (csco) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 P

SP Citigroup inc stock None None Dividend &

Capital Gains

$2,501 $5,000 S

SP Coca-Cola co stock None None Dividend $1 $200 P,S

SP Comcast Corporation CL A (cmcsa) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 P

SP Concophillips (cop) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 P

SP Constellation Brands inc (stz) cl a $15,001 $50,000 None None None P

SP Crown Holdings inc stock None None None None None P,S

SP CVS Health corporation (cvs) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $1 $200 P,S

SP Delta Air Lines inc (del) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 S(partia


SP Discover Financial w/I (dfs) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Disney Walt co (dis) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

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SP Dr Pepper snapple Group Inc (dps) $1,001 $15,000 None None None P

SP Eastman Chem Co (emn) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP EOG Res inc (edg) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P,S(part


SP ExxonMobil Corp (xom) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 P

SP Fifth Third Bancorp stock None None Dividend &

Capital Gains

$1 $200 S

SP Footlocker (fl) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Franklin resources inc stock None None Dividend &

Capital Gains

$201 $1,000 S

SP General electric co (ge) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Gilead sciences Inc (gild) $1,001 $15,000 None None None P

SP Goldman Sachs Group inc None None Dividend &

Capital Gains

$201 $1,000 S

SP Google inc-CL A stock $1,001 $15,000 Dividend &

Capital Gains

$2,501 $5,000 S(partia


SP Halliburton Co stock None None Dividend &

Capital Gains

$1 $200 S

SP Hanesbrands Inc stock $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $2,501 $5,000 P

SP HCA Holdings Inc (HCA) $1,001 $15,000 - - - P

SP Helmerich & Payne inc stock None None Dividend &

Capital Gains

$1,001 $2,500 S

SP Invesco ltd stock $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 P

SP Home Depot (hd) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Jazz pharmaceuticals PLC stock None None Capital gains $1,001 $2,500 S

SP Kroger Co (kr) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 P

SP Johnson & Johnson $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP L Brands Inc (lb) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP JP Morgan Chase & Co stock $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 P

SP Las Vegas sands corp stock None None Dividend $1 $200 S

SP Lincoln National Corp (Lnc) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Lockheed Martin Corp (lmt) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Lyondellbasell industries N.V. (lyb) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Magna International (MGA) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Manpower Group inc stock None None Dividend $1 $200 P,S

SP Methanex Copr stock None None Dividend $1 $200 S

SP McKesson Corporation (mck) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $1 $200 -

SP Micron Technology stock $1,001 $15,000 None None None P

SP Microsoft Corp (msft) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend &

Capital Gains

$201 $1,000 P,S(part


SP Nike Inc Class B (nke) None None Dividend $1 $200 S

SP Noble energy stock None None None None None -

SP Norfolk southern stock None None None None None -

SP NXP Semiconductors (nxpl) $1,001 $15,000 None None None -

SP Nu Skin Enterprises inc stock None None None None None S

SP Omni Care Inc stock None None None None None S

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SP Oracle Corp (orcl) None None Dividend &

Capital Gains

$2,501 $5,000 S

SP Packaging Corp Pkg (pkg) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Polaris Inds inc (pil) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 -

SP Principal Financial Group stock $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP PPG Industries Inc None None Dividend &

Capital Gains

$201 $1,000 S

SP Proctor & Gamble Co (pg) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend &

Capital Gains

$201 $1,000 S(partia


SP PVH Corp stock None None Dividend &

Capital Gains

$201 $1,000 S

SP Qualcomm (qcom) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 -

SP Quanta Svcs inc stock None None None None None P,S

SP Regions Financial Corp stock $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 -

SP Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd stock $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Schlumbergerger Ltd (slb) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 P

SP Shire PLC stock None None Dividend &

Capital Gains

$15,001 $50,000 S

SP Skyworks Solutions Inc (Swks) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Snap On Inc (sna) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Southwest Airlines Co stock $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP St Jude Medical Inc (stj) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Suncor Energy inc stock None None Dividend $1 $200 P,S

SP Suntrust banks inc stock None None Dividend &

Capital Gains

$201 $1,000 P,S

SP TE connectivity ltd $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP The Hershey Company stock $1,001 $15,000 Dividend &

Capital Gains

$5,001 $15,000 S(partia


SP The Travelers Cos inc (trv) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 P

SP Union Pacific Corp (unp) $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 -

SP United Rentals Inc stock $1,001 $15,000 None None None P

SP United Technologies Corp stock None None Dividend &

Capital Gains

$2,501 $5,000 S

SP Verizon communications inc stock $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Visa inc class a stock $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $1 $200 -

SP Wells fargo & company (wfc) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Wisconsin Energy Corp stock $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Wyndham Worldwide Corp stock $1,001 $15,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 P

SP Yahoo inc stock None None Capital gains $201 $1,000 S

SP Zimmer Holdings Inc stock None None Dividend $1 $200 P,S

- MUTUAL FUNDS - - - - - -

SP AQR Managed Futures Strategy

(aqmix) Fund Class I

$100,001 $250,000 Dividend &

Capital Gains

$5,001 $15,000 -

SP Artisans Fds Inc international fund


$100,001 $250,000 Dividend $1,001 $2,500 -

SP Barclays Bank PLC Ipath Bloomberg

Commodity Index ETN (xx)

- - - - - -

- (formerly I-Path Dow Jones-UBS

Commodity Index Tot Ret)

None None None None None S

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SP Blackrock EFS High Yield Bond


$100,001 $250,000 Dividend &

Capital Gains

$2,501 $5,000 P

SP Blackrock Fds (machvx) Eq Div

Institutional Class Fd 383

$50,001 $100,000 Dividend &

Capital Gains

$1,001 $2,500 -

SP Blackrock Liquidity funds temp fund

institutional shrs #24

$15,001 $50,000 Dividend $1 $200 -

SP Cbre Clarion Long Short Fund (clsix)

fund #8651

$100,001 $250,000 None None None P

SP Diamond Hill Long Short Fund

(dhlex) Ci I

$100,001 $250,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Dodge & Cox International (dodfx)

Stock Fund #1048

$100,001 $250,000 Dividend $2,501 $5,000 -

SP Driehaus Active Income Fund (Icmax)

fund #640

$100,001 $250,000 Dividend $2,501 $5,000 -

SP Goldman Sachs Absolute (glrtx)

Return Tracker Fund Cl I Fund #3279

$100,001 $250,000 Capital gains $5,001 $15,000 -

SP Harbor Int’tl Fund (HAINX) Class Ins


$100,001 $250,000 Dividend $2,501 $5,000 -

SP Ishares Iboxx$ Investment Grade Corp

Bond ETF

$250,001 $500,000 Dividend $15,001 $50,000 -

SP Ishares JP Morgan Usd Emrg Mkts

Bond ETF

$250,001 $500,000 Dividend $15,001 $50,000 -

SP Ishares MSCI Emerging Markets

(eem) ETF

$100,001 $250,000 Dividend $2,501 $5,000 -

SP Ishares Barclays Tips Bond (TIP) ETF $250,001 $500,000 Dividend $5,001 $15,000 -

SP Pimco 0-5 Year High Yield (HYS)

Corporate Bond Fund ETF

$100,001 $250,000 Dividend &

Capital Gains

$5,001 $15,000 -

SP PNC small cap fund (ppcix) class 1

fund #426

$15,001 $50,000 Dividend &

Capital Gains

$1 $200 -

SP SPDR Barclays High Yield Bond ETF None None Dividend $15,001 $50,000 S

SP Spdr nGold Trust ETF None None - - - S

SP T Rowe Price Growth Stock (prgfx)


$100,001 $250,000 None None None -

SP T Rowe Price New Horizons Fd Inc

(pmhx) Fd #42

$15,001 $50,000 None None None -

SP T Rowe Price Value Fd Inc (trvix)


$250,001 $500,000 Dividend &

Capital gains

$2,501 $5,000 -

SP Vanguard Growth (vug) ETF $250,001 $500,000 Dividend $5,001 $15,000 -

SP Vanguard mid cap growth index (vot)


$100,001 $250,000 Dividend $1,001 $2,500 -

SP Vanguard mid cap value index (voe) $100,001 $250,000 Dividend $2,501 $5,000 -

SP vanguard small cap (vb) $15,001 $50,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP Vanguard small cap growth (vbk) ETF $50,001 $100,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP vanguard small cap value (bvr) ETF $50,001 $100,000 Dividend $201 $1,000 -

SP vanguard value (vv) ETF $250,001 $500,000 Dividend $5,001 $15,000 -

SP Vanguard mid-cap ETF $100,001 $250,000 Dividend $2,501 $5,000

Total: $8,729,153 $26,715,000 Total: $460,261 $2,027,400

[Kelly 2014 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 8/12/15; Kelly 2014 Public Financial Disclosure Report

Amendment, filed 9/10/15]


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Kelly Did Not Report Any Liabilities

Kelly Did Not Report Any Liabilities. [Kelly 2014 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 8/12/15; Kelly 2014

Public Financial Disclosure Report Amendment, filed 9/10/15]


2014 Kelly Positions

Position Name Of Organization

President Kelly Chevrolet Cadillac, Inc

President Mike Kelly Hyundai, Inc

President Mike Kelly Automotive

Board Member Emertis The Mardian Museum

Board Member Emertis Hyundai Hope On Wheels

[Kelly 2014 Public Financial Disclosure Report, filed 8/12/15; Kelly 2014 Public Financial Disclosure Report

Amendment, filed 9/10/15]


Kelly Did Not Report Any Agreements

Kelly Did Not Report Any Agreements.

NOTE: Further research on Kelly’s financial disclosure reports filed between 2010 and 2014 is necessary.

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Appendix II – Travel Expenditures

Official Foreign Travel Expenditures

Kelly Spent $19,249 On Taxpayer Funded Foreign Travel

Kelly Spent $19,249 On Taxpayer Funded Travel To 13 Countries

Kelly Spent $19,249 On Taxpayer Funded Travel To 13 Countries. [, accessed


2011: Kelly Traveled To South Korea On Taxpayer Funding

2011: Kelly Traveled To South Korea On Taxpayer Funding. [, accessed 9/21/18]

Kelly Taxpayer Funded Foreign Travel

Dates Destination Total Cost

5/26/2017 - 5/30/2017 Georgia, Ireland $1,228

2/18/2017 - 2/21/2017 Belgium $2,392

6/26/2016 - 6/28/2016 The Netherlands $2,647

1/7/2012 - 1/14/2012 Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, France $2,295

4/27/2011 - 5/2/2011 South Korea, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Philippines $10,687

TOTAL $19,249

[, accessed 9/21/18]

Kelly Private Travel Expenditures

Kelly Received $74,308 Worth Of Special Interests Funded Travel And Travelled To 6 Countries

Kelly Received $74,308 Worth Of Special Interest Funded Travel

Kelly Received $74,308 Worth Of Special Interest Funded Travel. [, accessed 9/21/18]

Kelly Travelled To 6 Countries From Special Interest Funds

Kelly Travelled To 6 Countries From Special Interest Funds. [, accessed 9/21/18]

2015: Kelly Traveled To South Korea

2015: Kelly Traveled To South Korea. [, accessed 9/21/18]

Kelly Privately Funded Travel

Date Destination Sponsor Total


8/6/2017 - 8/11/2017 Berlin, Germany Ripon Society, Franklin Center for Global Policy



11/9/2016 - 11/14/2016 London, United


Ripon Society, Franklin Center for Global Policy



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11/20/2015 -


Seoul, Korea MECEA Republic of Korea $0

8/10/2013 - 8/18/2013 Dublin, Ireland Franklin Center for Global Policy Exchange, Ripon



6/22/2013 - 6/23/2013 New York, NY ABC News $0

2/6/2013 - 2/8/2013 Baltimore, MD Heritage Foundation $0

10/7/2011 - 10/8/2011 Southampton, Bermuda Pennsylvania Automobile Dealers Assn $1,020

8/20/2011 - 8/28/2011 Tel Aviv, Israel American Israel Education Foundation $19,376

1/27/2011 - 1/29/2011 Westlake Village, CA Heritage Foundation $0

Total $74,308

[, accessed 9/21/18]

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Appendix III – Bill Sponsorships & Amendments


Kelly Sponsorship Toplines

Congress # of Sponsorships # Became Law

115th Congress (2017 - 2018) 32 2

114th Congress (2015 - 2016) 31 0

113th Congress (2013 - 2014) 15 0

112th Congress (2011 - 2012) 10 0

TOTAL 88 2

[, accessed 9/18/18]

NOTE: Table updated as of 9/18/2018.

Kelly Career Sponsorships By Subject

Subject # Of Bills Sponsored # Became Law

Taxation 31 0

Health 11 0

International Affairs 5 0

Science, Technology, Communications 5 0

Government Operations and Politics 4 0

Labor and Employment 4 0

Armed Forces and National Security 3 2

Social Welfare 3 0

Environmental Protection 2 0

Transportation and Public Works 2 0

Commerce 1 0

Economics and Public Finance 1 0

Education 1 0

Foreign Trade and International Finance 1 0

Immigration 1 0

[, accessed 9/18/18]

NOTE: Table updated as of 9/18/2018.

Only Two Of Kelly’s Sponsored Bills Became Law; Both Bills Named Veterans Affairs Facilities

Only Two Of The Bills Kelly Sponsored Became Law. [, accessed 9/18/18]

2017: Kelly’s Bill “To Designate The Community Living Center Of The Department Of Veterans Affairs In

Butler Township, Butler County, Pennsylvania, As The ‘Sergeant Joseph George Kusick VA Community

Living Center’” Became Law. [, accessed 9/18/18]

2017: Kelly’s Bill “To Designate The Department Of Veterans Affairs Health Care Center In Center

Township, Butler County, Pennsylvania, As The ‘Abie Abraham VA Clinic’” Became Law. [,

accessed 9/18/18]

115th Congress

NOTE: Updated as of 9/18/2018.
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Kelly Sponsored 32 Bills And Amendments, 2 Of Which Became Law

Kelly 115th Congress Sponsorships

Date Bill # Title


Action Last Action/ Effective Date 9/10/2018 H.R. 6757 Family Savings Act of 2018 9/13/2018 Ordered to be Reported in the Nature

of a Substitute by the Yeas and

Nays: 21 - 14.

9/6/2018 H.R. 6718 Health Coverage Reporting

Paperwork Reduction Act

9/6/2018 Referred to the House Committee on

Ways and Means.

7/3/2018 H.R. 6305 Bipartisan HSA Improvement Act of


7/19/2018 Placed on the Union Calendar,

Calendar No. 653.

6/15/2018 H.R. 6128 HSA Employer Flexibility Act 6/15/2018 Referred to the House Committee on

Ways and Means.

6/14/2018 H.R. 6104 Generating American Income and

Infrastructure Now Act

6/15/2018 Referred to the Subcommittee on

Economic Development, Public

Buildings and Emergency


6/6/2018 H.Amdt.


An amendment numbered 19 printed

in Part A of House Report 115-711

to state that in regards to WRDA

funding determinations, the Corps of

Engineers may consider operation

and maintenance of the locks on

Allegheny River for purposes of

recreational boat traffic levels and

related economic benefits.

6/6/2018 On agreeing to the Kelly (PA)

amendment (A019) Agreed to by

voice vote.

5/7/2018 H.R. 5684 Protecting Seniors From Opioid

Abuse Act

6/12/2018 Placed on the Union Calendar,

Calendar No. 576.

4/10/2018 H.R. 5443 To amend the Internal Revenue

Code of 1986 to require electronic

filing of the annual returns of exempt

organizations and provide for

making such returns available for

public inspection.

4/18/2018 Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res.

831, H.R. 5443 is laid on the table.

3/14/2018 H.R. 5282 Retirement Enhancement and

Savings Act of 2018

3/14/2018 Referred to the Committee on Ways

and Means, and in addition to the

Committee on Education and the

Workforce, for a period to be

subsequently determined by the

Speaker, in each case for

consideration of such provisions as

fall within the jurisdiction of the

committee concerned.

3/1/2018 H.R. 5138 Bipartisan HSA Improvement Act of


3/1/2018 Referred to the House Committee on

Ways and Means.

2/8/2018 H.R. 4993 Vaccine Access Improvement Act of


2/8/2018 Referred to the House Committee on

Ways and Means.

2/6/2018 H.R. 4952 Improving Seniors Access to Quality

Benefits Act

7/25/2018 Received in the Senate and Read

twice and referred to the Committee

on Finance.

10/31/2017 H.R. 4189 IRA Preservation Act of 2017 10/31/2017 Referred to the House Committee on

Ways and Means.

9/12/2017 H.R. 3354 An amendment numbered 156

printed in House Report 115-297 to

support funding of the Infant

9/12/2017 On agreeing to the Kelly (PA)

amendment (A138) Agreed to by

voice vote.

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Adoption Awareness Training

Program to train pregnancy and

health counselors regarding how to

offer adoption as an option to

women with unplanned pregnancies.

7/28/2017 H.R. 3596 Rightsizing Pension Premiums Act

of 2017

7/28/2017 Referred to the Committee on

Education and the Workforce, and in

addition to the Committees on Rules,

and the Budget, for a period to be

subsequently determined by the

Speaker, in each case for

consideration of such provisions as

fall within the jurisdiction of the

committee concerned.

7/28/2017 H.R. 3595 Strong Families Act 7/28/2017 Referred to the House Committee on

Ways and Means.

6/27/2017 H.R. 3068 Invent and Manufacture in America


6/27/2017 Referred to the House Committee on

Ways and Means.

6/15/2017 H.R. 2916 Charities Helping Americans

Regularly Throughout the Year Act

of 2017

6/15/2017 Referred to the House Committee on

Ways and Means.

5/24/2017 H.R. 2618 Working Families Relief Act 5/24/2017 Referred to the House Committee on

Ways and Means.

5/19/2017 H.R. 2562 Making Pharmaceutical Markets

More Competitive Act

5/26/2017 Referred to the Subcommittee on


5/4/2017 H.R. 2373 To amend title XVIII of the Social

Security Act with respect to the

accreditation of osteopathic

residency training programs for

purposes of graduate medical

education payments under the

Medicare program.

5/18/2017 Referred to the Subcommittee on


5/3/2017 H.R. 2310 Faith in Health Savings Accounts

Act of 2017

5/3/2017 Referred to the House Committee on

Ways and Means.

4/27/2017 H.R. 2210 To designate the community living

center of the Department of Veterans

Affairs in Butler Township, Butler

County, Pennsylvania, as the

“Sergeant Joseph George Kusick VA

Community Living Center”.

8/16/2017 Became Public Law No: 115-47.

4/5/2017 H.R. 1908 Investing In America: Unlocking the

Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund Act

4/6/2017 Referred to the Subcommittee on

Water Resources and Environment.

4/4/2017 H.R. 1881 Child Welfare Provider Inclusion

Act of 2017

4/17/2017 Referred to the Subcommittee on

Human Resources.

3/15/2017 H.R. 1543 Support Small Business R & D Act

of 2017

3/15/2017 Referred to the Committee on Ways

and Means, and in addition to the

Committee on Small Business, for a

period to be subsequently

determined by the Speaker, in each

case for consideration of such

provisions as fall within the

jurisdiction of the committee


2/16/2017 H.R. 1158 Historic Tax Credit Improvement

Act of 2017

2/16/2017 Referred to the House Committee on

Ways and Means.

2/7/2017 H.R. 960 To amend the Internal Revenue

Code of 1986 to provide for the tax-

2/7/2017 Referred to the House Committee on

Ways and Means.

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exempt financing of certain

government-owned buildings.

2/7/2017 H.R. 908 Medicare Advantage Quality

Payment Relief Act of 2017

2/21/2017 Referred to the Subcommittee on


2/1/2017 H.R. 792 Steel Industry Preservation Act 2/1/2017 Referred to the House Committee on

Ways and Means.

1/23/2017 H.R. 609 To designate the Department of

Veterans Affairs health care center

in Center Township, Butler County,

Pennsylvania, as the “Abie Abraham

VA Clinic”.

3/13/2017 Became Public Law No: 115-9.

1/3/2017 H.R. 173 Middle Class Health Benefits Tax

Repeal Act of 2017

1/13/2017 Referred to the Subcommittee on


[, accessed 9/18/18]

Kelly Sponsored Legislation As Part Of “Tax Reform 2.0” That Would Benefit Millionaires And

Cost The Government Around $627 Billion

The Family Savings Act Of 2018 Would Benefit The Nation’s Wealthiest Savers By Allowing Them To Set

Aside Money In Tax-Advantaged Accounts

The Family Savings Act Of 2018 Would Allow Savers To Set Aside Tax-Advantaged Money In Universal

Savings Accounts And The Withdrawals From The Accounts Would Be Tax-Free. “The second bill, the

Family Savings Act of 2018 (H.R. 6757), includes changes to retirement and education accounts and creates a new

tax-deferred savings account. […] The bill also endorses Universal Savings Accounts, which would allow savers to

set aside tax-advantaged money for basically anything. The accounts, which would come without restrictions on

when (or why) the owners can make use of them, would work similarly to Roth IRAs. Up to $2,500 of after-tax

income yearly could be contributed to an account, while the withdrawals — including any investment gain or

interest — would be tax-free.” [CNBC, 9/13/18]

The Universal Savings Accounts Would Benefit The Wealthiest Households By Allowing Them To Set Aside

Currently Taxable Income Into Tax-Advantaged Accounts. “The ‘Universal Savings Accounts’ (USA) proposal

in a new tax bill, part of what House Republican leaders have dubbed ‘Tax Reform 2.0,’[1] would drain federal

revenues substantially, distribute its tax benefits overwhelmingly to the nation’s wealthiest households, and not

likely boost private savings much at all.[2] […] USAs would deliver most of their tax benefits to wealthy

Americans while doing little for those in the middle or at the bottom.[10] In large part, that’s because the wealthy

are best positioned to take advantage of the main tax benefit of USAs: they can reduce their taxes by rearranging

their portfolios, shifting their savings from taxable accounts to tax-preferred USAs. Currently, wealthy households

have substantial assets in taxable accounts that they could shift into USAs.” [Center on Budget and Policy

Priorities, 9/19/18]

The Top 1% Of Wealthiest Households Would Have On Average $9.4 Million In Assets That Could Be

Shifted From Taxable To Tax-Advantaged Universal Savings Accounts. “The ‘Universal Savings

Accounts’ (USA) proposal in a new tax bill, part of what House Republican leaders have dubbed ‘Tax Reform

2.0,’[1] would drain federal revenues substantially, distribute its tax benefits overwhelmingly to the nation’s

wealthiest households, and not likely boost private savings much at all.[2] […] USAs would deliver most of

their tax benefits to wealthy Americans while doing little for those in the middle or at the bottom.[10] In large

part, that’s because the wealthy are best positioned to take advantage of the main tax benefit of USAs: they can

reduce their taxes by rearranging their portfolios, shifting their savings from taxable accounts to tax-preferred

USAs. Currently, wealthy households have substantial assets in taxable accounts that they could shift into

USAs. Households in the top 1 percent of wealth have, on average, $9.4 million in assets that they could shift

into USAs,[11] according to our analysis of the Federal Reserve’s Survey of Consumer Finances, using the

methodology of New York University economist Edward Wolff.” [Center on Budget and Policy Priorities,

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HEADLINE Center On Budget And Policy Priorities: ““Universal Savings Account” Proposal In New

Republican Tax Bill Is Ill-Conceived.” [Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 9/19/18]

CNBC: “Tax Reform 2.0” Would Cost The Government Around $627 Billion In Revenue

The Family Savings Act Of 2018 Was Part Of “Tax Reform 2.0.” “The House Ways and Means Committee on

Thursday approved several bills that Republicans have dubbed Tax Reform 2.0. The legislation would make the

recently reduced tax rates for individuals permanent and would expand tax-advantaged savings accounts, including

for retirement and education. […] The second bill, the Family Savings Act of 2018 (H.R. 6757), includes changes

to retirement and education accounts and creates a new tax-deferred savings account.” [CNBC, 9/13/18]

CNBC: “Tax Reform 2.0” Would Cost The Government Around $627 Billion In Revenue. “The House Ways

and Means Committee on Thursday approved several bills that Republicans have dubbed Tax Reform 2.0. The

legislation would make the recently reduced tax rates for individuals permanent and would expand tax-advantaged

savings accounts, including for retirement and education. […] One of the new legislative package’s biggest sticking

points is its price tag: an estimated $627 billion over the next decade, according to a recent analysis by the Joint

Committee on Taxation. That’s on top of the $1.5 trillion the already-passed tax cuts are projected to cost over the

next decade.” [CNBC, 9/13/18]

114th Congress

Kelly Sponsored 31 Pieces Of Legislation, 0 Of Which Became Law

Kelly Sponsored 31 Pieces Of Legislation, 0 Of Which Became Law. [, accessed 9/18/18]

Sponsored Legislation By Subject

114th Sponsorships By Subject

Subject # Of Bills Sponsored # Became Law

Taxation 13 0

Health 6 0

Science, Technology, Communications 3 0

Armed Forces and National Security 1 0

Education 1 0

Environmental Protection 1 0

Government Operations and Politics 1 0

International Affairs 1 0

Labor and Employment 1 0

Social Welfare 1 0

[, accessed 9/18/18]

Kelly Sponsored Legislation With Floor Consideration Or More

Kelly Sponsored 0 Pieces Of Legislation That Became Law

Kelly Sponsored 0 Pieces Of Legislation That Became Law In The 114th Congress. [, accessed


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Kelly Sponsored 3 Pieces Of Legislation That Passed The House

Kelly Sponsored 3 Pieces Of Legislation That Passed The House In The 114th Congress. [,

accessed 9/18/18]

Kelly 114th Congress Sponsorships With Floor Consideration Or More

Date Bill # Title Last Action





5/24/2016 H.R. 5317 To designate the Department of Veterans Affairs

health care center in Center Township, Butler

County, Pennsylvania, as the “Abie Abraham VA


Received in the Senate and

Read twice and referred to

the Committee on

Veterans’ Affairs.


5/21/2015 H.R. 2505 Medicare Advantage Coverage Transparency Act

of 2015

Received in the Senate and

Read twice and referred to

the Committee on Finance.


2/24/2015 H.R. 1026 Taxpayer Knowledge of IRS Investigations Act Received in the Senate and

Read twice and referred to

the Committee on Finance.


[, accessed 9/18/18]

113th Congress

Kelly Sponsored 15 Pieces Of Legislation, 0 Of Which Became Law

Kelly Sponsored 15 Pieces Of Legislation In The 113th Congress, 0 Of Which Became Law. [,

accessed 9/18/18]

Sponsored Legislation By Subject

113th Sponsorships By Subject

Subject # Of Bills Sponsored # Became Law

Taxation 3 0

Government Operations and Politics 2 0

Science, Technology, Communications 2 0

Environmental Protection 1 0

Immigration 1 0

International Affairs 1 0

Labor and Employment 1 0

Social Welfare 1 0

[, accessed 9/18/18]

Kelly Sponsored Legislation With Floor Consideration Or More

Kelly Sponsored 0 Pieces Of Legislation That Became Law

Kelly Sponsored 0 Pieces Of Legislation That Became Law In The 113th Congress. [, accessed


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Kelly Sponsored 0 Pieces Of Legislation That Passed The House

Kelly Sponsored 0 Pieces Of Legislation That Passed The House In The 113th Congress. [,

accessed 9/18/18]

Kelly 113th Congress Sponsorships With Floor Consideration Or More

Date Bill # Title Last Action





6/28/2013 H.R.2579 Government Employee Accountability Act Pursuant to the provisions

of H. Res. 322, H.R. 2579

is laid on the table.


[, accessed 9/18/18]

112th Congress

Kelly Sponsored 10 Pieces Of Legislation, 0 Of Which Became Law

Kelly Sponsored 10 Pieces Of Legislation In The 112th Congress, XX Of Which Became Law. [,

accessed 9/18/18]

Sponsored Legislation By Subject

112th Sponsorships By Subject

Subject # Of Bills Sponsored # Became Law

International Affairs 3 0

Taxation 2 0

Foreign Trade and International Finance 1 0

Government Operations and Politics 1 0

Labor and Employment 1 0

Transportation and Public Works 1 0

[, accessed 9/18/18]

Kelly Sponsored Legislation With Floor Consideration Or More

Kelly Sponsored 0 Pieces Of Legislation That Became Law

Kelly Sponsored 0 Pieces Of Legislation That Became Law In The 112th Congress. [, accessed


Kelly Sponsored 2 Pieces Of Legislation That Passed The House

Kelly Sponsored 2 Pieces Of Legislation That Passed The House In The 112th Congress. [,

accessed 9/18/18]

Kelly 112th Congress Sponsorships With Floor Consideration Or More

Date Bill # Title Last Action





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12/17/2012 H.Res. 834 Urging the governments of Europe and the

European Union to designate Hizballah as a

terrorist organization and impose sanctions, and

urging the President to provide information about

Hizballah to the European allies of the United

States and to support the Government of Bulgaria

in investigating the July 18, 2012, terrorist attack

in Burgas.

Motion to reconsider laid

on the table Agreed to

without objection.


6/21/2012 H.R. 6016 Government Employee Accountability Act Received in the Senate and

Read twice and referred to

the Committee on

Homeland Security and

Governmental Affairs.


[, accessed 9/18/18]

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Appendix IV – Bill Co-Sponsorships


Kelly Co-Sponsored 1,165 Pieces Of Legislation; 61 Or 5.2 Percent Became Law

As Of September 2018, Kelly Co-sponsored 1,165 Pieces Of Legislation; 61 Or 5.2 Percent Of Became Law. [, accessed 9/18/18]


Kelly Co-Sponsorship Toplines

# of Co-sponsorships # Became Law Percentage Became Law

115th Congress (2017 - 2018) 285 12 4.2%

114th Congress (2015 - 2016) 377 17 4.5%

113th Congress (2013 - 2014) 300 16 5.3%

112th Congress (2011 - 2012) 203 16 7.9%

TOTAL 1,165 61 5.2%

[, accessed 9/18/18]


Kelly Career Co-Sponsorships By Subject


# Of Bills Co-


# Became


Percentage Became


Health 243 3 1%

Taxation 153 4 3%

International Affairs 77 4 5%

Government Operations and Politics 61 7 1%

Armed Forces and National Security 59 7 1%

Crime and Law Enforcement 58 2 3%

Environmental Protection 46 1 2%

Education 41 0 0%

Finance and Financial Sector 35 9 3%

Social Welfare 32 1 3%

Labor and Employment 28 1 4%

Public Lands and Natural Resources 28 1 4%

Energy 23 0 0%

Transportation and Public Works 21 4 2%

Foreign Trade and International

Finance 20 2 10%

Immigration 17 0 0%

Families 16 1 6%

Economics and Public Finance 15 1 7%

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Civil Rights and Liberties, Minority

Issues 14 1 7%

Commerce 13 0 0%

Congress 13 0 0%

Sports and Recreation 9 1 11%

Agriculture and Food 8 0 0%

Arts, Culture, Religion 6 0 0%

Emergency Management 6 2 33%

Science, Technology, Communications 6 0 0%

Animals 5 0 0%

Law 5 0 0%

Water Resources Development 4 0 0%

Housing and Community Development 2 0 0%

Native Americans 1 0 0%

Social Sciences and History 1 0 0%

[, accessed 9/18/18] NOTE: Table updated as of September 18, 2018.

Kelly Co-Sponsored 104 Bills With Fewer Than 10 Other Members

Kelly Co-Sponsorships With Fewer Than 10 Other Members



Bill # Title Sponsor # of Co-


7/26/2018 H.R. 6560 ChiPACC Act of 2018 Rep. DeGette, Diana



7/25/2018 H.R. 6507 Oil Region National Heritage Area Reauthorization Act Rep. Thompson,

Glenn [R-PA-5]


7/19/2018 H.R. 6440 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) and

Trade in Schools Act

Rep. Knight, Stephen



6/1/2018 H.R. 5990 Protecting Our Kids Act Rep. Barletta, Lou



5/18/2018 H.R. 5881 PAID Act Rep. Bilirakis, Gus

M. [R-FL-12]


5/15/2018 H.R. 5788 STOP Act of 2018 Rep. Bishop, Mike



5/11/2018 H.R. 5773 Preventing Addiction for Susceptible Seniors Act of 2018 Rep. Roskam, Peter

J. [R-IL-6]


5/9/2018 H.Res. 884 Expressing appreciation of the goals of American Craft

Beer Week and commending the small and independent

craft brewers of the United States.

Rep. DeFazio, Peter

A. [D-OR-4]


3/21/2018 H.R. 5375 To require the Secretary of the Treasury to submit to

Congress a comprehensive customer service strategy for

the Internal Revenue Service.

Rep. Reed, Tom [R-



1/11/2018 H.R. 4772 To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to provide

for clarification under the Medicare program about

minimal self-adjustment for off-the-shelf orthotics.

Rep. Bishop, Mike





H.R. 4701 CARES Act of 2017 Rep. Renacci, James

B. [R-OH-16]




H.R. 4616 To amend the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

to provide for a temporary moratorium on the employer

mandate and to provide for a delay in the implementation

Rep. Nunes, Devin



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of the excise tax on high cost employer-sponsored health




H.R. 4613 Ensuring Patient Access to Healthcare Records Act of


Rep. McMorris

Rodgers, Cathy [R-





H.R. 4458 To amend the Congressional Accountability Act of 1995

to prohibit the use of public funds for the payment of a

settlement or award under such Act in connection with a

claim arising from sexual harassment committed by a

Member of Congress, and for other purposes.

Rep. Marino, Tom



10/3/2017 H.R. 3920 To establish a Medicare demonstration program on the use

of third-party interest-free payment arrangements to

reduce Medicare hospital part A bad debt claims.

Rep. Walorski, Jackie



9/7/2017 H.R. 3700 Investing in 21st Century Schools Act Rep. Kind, Ron [D-



7/25/2017 H.R. 3386 Improving the Quality of Disability Decisions Act of 2017 Rep. Johnson, Sam



7/19/2017 H.R. 3315 Protecting Consumer Access to Vision Care Act of 2017 Rep. Renacci, James

B. [R-OH-16]


6/29/2017 H.R. 3161 BTU Act of 2017 Rep. Welch, Peter

[D-VT-At Large]


6/22/2017 H.R. 3006 School Food Modernization Act Rep. Barletta, Lou



6/8/2017 H.R. 2866 Reducing Unnecessary Barriers for Relative Foster Parents


Rep. Smucker, Lloyd



6/6/2017 H.R. 2792 Control Unlawful Fugitive Felons Act of 2017 Rep. Noem, Kristi L.

[R-SD-At Large]


5/25/2017 H.R. 2742 Modernizing the Interstate Placement of Children in Foster

Care Act

Rep. Walorski, Jackie



5/2/2017 H.R. 2297 PARTNER Act Rep. Meehan, Patrick



4/28/2017 H.R. 2249 HAND UP Act Rep. Reed, Tom [R-



4/6/2017 H.R. 2031 Social Security Disability Insurance and Unemployment

Benefits Double Dip Elimination Act

Rep. Johnson, Sam



4/6/2017 H.R. 1991 Protecting Volunteer Firefighters and Emergency

Responders Act

Rep. Barletta, Lou



3/23/2017 H.Res. 223 Calling on the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to cease

its retaliatory measures against the Republic of Korea in

response to the deployment of the U.S. Terminal High

Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) to U.S. Forces Korea

(USFK), and for other purposes.

Rep. Yoho, Ted S.



2/16/2017 H.R. 1175 Health Savings Act of 2017 Rep. Paulsen, Erik



2/16/2017 H.R. 1119 SENSE Act Rep. Rothfus, Keith

J. [R-PA-12]


2/15/2017 H.R. 1100 Veterans Preventive Health Coverage Fairness Act Rep. Zeldin, Lee M.



12/8/2016 H.Res. 954 Congratulating the Chicago Cubs on winning the 2016

Major League Baseball World Series.

Rep. Quigley, Mike



7/13/2016 H.R. 5772 BENES Act of 2016 Rep. Ruiz, Raul [D-



6/28/2016 H.R. 5588 Veterans’ Compensation COLA Act of 2016 Rep. Abraham, Ralph

Lee [R-LA-5]


2/11/2016 H.R. 4544 Energy Sovereignty Act Rep. Perry, Scott [R-



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2/4/2016 H.R. 4472 Modernizing the Interstate Placement of Children in Foster

Care Act

Rep. Young, Todd C.



2/4/2016 H.R. 4463 Brownfields Reauthorization Act of 2016 Rep. Esty, Elizabeth

H. [D-CT-5]


1/13/2016 H.Con.Res

. 108

Affirming the importance of religious freedom as a

fundamental human right that is essential to a free society

and is protected for all Americans by the text of the

Constitution, and recognizing the 230th anniversary of the

enactment of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom.

Rep. Forbes, J.

Randy [R-VA-4]


11/5/2015 H.R. 3939 EPA Maximum Achievable Contraction of Technocrats

Act of 2015

Rep. Griffith, H.

Morgan [R-VA-9]




H.R. 3797 SENSE Act Rep. Rothfus, Keith

J. [R-PA-12]


10/7/2015 H.R. 3703 Investing in 21st Century Schools Act Rep. Kind, Ron [D-



10/1/2015 H.Res. 459 Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that

Christians in the Middle East are victims of genocide.

Rep. Rohrabacher,

Dana [R-CA-48]


9/28/2015 H.R. 3623 Fairness and Opportunities for Married Households With

Student Loans Act

Rep. Marchant,

Kenny [R-TX-24]


7/21/2015 H.R. 3120 Great Lakes Assurance Program Verification Act of 2015 Rep. Miller, Candice

S. [R-MI-10]


5/21/2015 H.R. 2504 Control Unlawful Fugitive Felons Act of 2015 Rep. Noem, Kristi L.

[R-SD-At Large]


5/15/2015 H.R. 2359 Disability Fraud Reduction and Unethical Deception

(FRAUD) Prevention Act

Rep. Johnson, Sam



4/30/2015 H.R. 2179 PARTNER Act Rep. Meehan, Patrick



4/30/2015 H.R. 2136 Improving the Quality of Disability Decisions Act of 2015 Rep. Johnson, Sam



4/22/2015 H.R. 1936 Improving the Integrity of Disability Evidence Act Rep. Johnson, Sam



4/15/2015 H.R. 1795 Promoting Opportunity through Informed Choice Act Rep. Johnson, Sam



3/26/2015 H.R. 1663 Infrastructure Jobs and Energy Independence Act Rep. Murphy, Tim



3/25/2015 H.R. 1631 Enhancing the Stature and Visibility of Medical

Rehabilitation Research at NIH Act

Rep. Langevin,

James R. [D-RI-2]


3/24/2015 H.R. 1589 To prohibit the use of funds by the Secretary of the

Interior to make a final determination on the listing of the

northern long-eared bat under the Endangered Species Act

of 1973.

Rep. Noem, Kristi L.

[R-SD-At Large]


3/19/2015 H.R. 1522 To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend

and improve the Indian coal production tax credit.

Rep. Zinke, Ryan K.

[R-MT-At Large]


3/19/2015 H.R. 1474 Social Security Child Protection Act of 2015 Rep. Marchant,

Kenny [R-TX-24]


3/16/2015 H.R. 1371 Safer Trucks and Buses Act of 2015 Rep. Barletta, Lou



2/26/2015 H.R. 1104 Fair Treatment for All Gifts Act Rep. Roskam, Peter

J. [R-IL-6]


2/20/2015 H.R. 1017 Veterans Information Security Improvement Act Rep. Walorski, Jackie



2/2/2015 H.R. 644 Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act of 2015 Rep. Reed, Tom [R-



1/26/2015 H.R. 534 HAND UP Act Rep. Reed, Tom [R-



1/22/2015 H.R. 510 Defense of Property Rights Act Rep. Reed, Tom [R-



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1/22/2015 H.R. 473 Increasing the Department of Veterans Affairs

Accountability to Veterans Act of 2015

Rep. Miller, Jeff [R-



1/14/2015 H.R. 373 Good Samaritan Search and Recovery Act Rep. Heck, Joseph J.



12/8/2014 H.R. 5806 Supporting America’s Charities Act Rep. Camp, Dave [R-



12/4/2014 H.R. 5792 To establish a special rule for determining normal

retirement age for certain existing defined benefit plans.

Rep. Kind, Ron [D-





H.R. 5682 To approve the Keystone XL Pipeline. Rep. Cassidy, Bill



9/9/2014 H.R. 5420 To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to permit the

release of information regarding the status of certain


Rep. Boustany,

Charles W., Jr. [R-



9/9/2014 H.R. 5419 To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide

for a right to an administrative appeal relating to adverse

determinations of tax-exempt status of certain


Rep. Boustany,

Charles W., Jr. [R-



9/9/2014 H.R. 5418 To prohibit officers and employees of the Internal

Revenue Service from using personal email accounts to

conduct official business.

Rep. Boustany,

Charles W., Jr. [R-



7/31/2014 H.R. 5382 To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exempt

aircraft management services from the ticket tax.

Rep. Tiberi, Patrick J.



7/31/2014 H.R. 5347 To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend

qualified zone academy bonds for 2 years and to reduce

the private business contribution requirement with respect

to such bonds, and for other purposes.

Rep. Kind, Ron [D-



7/30/2014 H.R. 5260 Stop Disability Fraud Act of 2014 Rep. Johnson, Sam



7/15/2014 H.R. 5113 Protecting Seniors’ Medicare Choices from Obamacare

Act of 2014

Rep. Coffman, Mike



6/23/2014 H.R. 4935 Child Tax Credit Improvement Act of 2014 Rep. Jenkins, Lynn



6/12/2014 H.R. 4855 To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide

an exception from the passive loss rules for investments in

high technology research small business pass-thru entities.

Rep. Gerlach, Jim [R-



5/30/2014 H.R. 4785 To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend

and improve the Indian coal production tax credit.

Rep. Daines, Steve

[R-MT-At Large]


5/22/2014 H.R. 4719 America Gives More Act of 2014 Rep. Reed, Tom [R-



5/21/2014 H.R. 4696 Startup Innovation Credit Act of 2014 Rep. Gerlach, Jim [R-



5/8/2014 H.R. 4619 Permanent IRA Charitable Contribution Act of 2014 Rep. Schock, Aaron



5/8/2014 H.R. 4617 School Attendance Improves Lives Act of 2014 Rep. Reed, Tom [R-



5/1/2014 H.R. 4543 PACE Pilot Act of 2014 Rep. Smith,

Christopher H. [R-



3/21/2014 H.R. 4278 Ukraine Support Act Rep. Royce, Edward

R. [R-CA-39]


3/14/2014 H.R. 4252 Mutual Bank Choice and Continuity Act of 2014 Rep. Rothfus, Keith

J. [R-PA-12]


3/11/2014 H.R. 4206 HAND UP Act Rep. Reed, Tom [R-



3/6/2014 H.R. 4160 Keep the Promise to Seniors Act of 2014 Rep. Ellmers, Renee

L. [R-NC-2]


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1/15/2014 H.R. 3885 GROWTH Act Rep. Dent, Charles

W. [R-PA-15]




H.R. 3285 To make technical corrections to the Pay Our Military Act

to include midshipmen at the United States Merchant

Marine Academy, who are appointed as midshipmen in the

Navy Reserve.

Rep. Grimm, Michael

G. [R-NY-11]


9/19/2013 H.R. 3151 Promoting Assistance with Transitional Help Act Rep. Reed, Tom [R-



7/31/2013 H.R. 2879 Stop Government Abuse Act Rep. Jenkins, Lynn



7/24/2013 H.R. 2806 Residue Entries and Streamlining Trade Act Rep. Marchant,

Kenny [R-TX-24]


7/11/2013 H.R. 2658 ACE Act Rep. Thompson,

Glenn [R-PA-5]


6/18/2013 H.R. 2418 Control Unlawful Fugitive Felons Act of 2013 Rep. Griffin, Tim [R-



6/13/2013 H.R. 2360 To reauthorize the Rivers of Steel National Heritage Area,

the Lackawanna Valley National Heritage Area, the

Delaware and Lehigh National Heritage Corridor, and the

Schuylkill River Valley National Heritage Area.

Rep. Fitzpatrick,

Michael G. [R-PA-8]


5/17/2013 H.R. 2046 Recreational Lands Self-Defense Act of 2013 Rep. Gibbs, Bob [R-



5/9/2013 H.R. 1926 State Trade Coordination Act Rep. Chabot, Steve



4/26/2013 H.R. 1792 Infectious Disease Reporting Act Rep. Coffman, Mike



4/9/2013 H.R. 1409 Export Promotion Reform Act Rep. Engel, Eliot L.



2/28/2013 H.R. 886 America’s Small Business Tax Relief Act of 2013 Rep. Gerlach, Jim [R-



8/2/2012 H.R. 6289 Making College Affordable Act of 2012 Rep. Gardner, Cory



7/12/2012 H.R. 6115 Give Families Better Tools to Save for Education Act of


Rep. Buerkle, Ann

Marie [R-NY-25]


6/29/2012 H.R. 6070 To require the Comptroller General of the United States to

conduct a study to determine the impact on the United

States of the policy announced by the Secretary of

Homeland Security on June 15, 2012, concerning the

exercise of prosecutorial discretion with respect to

individuals who came to the United States illegally as

children, and for other purposes.

Rep. Barletta, Lou



6/8/2012 H.R. 5932 Expand Opportunity for Education Savings Act of 2012 Rep. Buerkle, Ann

Marie [R-NY-25]


5/30/2012 H.R. 5859 To repeal an obsolete provision in title 49, United States

Code, requiring motor vehicle insurance cost reporting.

Rep. Harper, Gregg



4/25/2012 H.R. 4631 GSA Act of 2012 Rep. Walsh, Joe [R-



[, accessed 9/8/18]

Kelly Co-Sponsored 137 Bills With Democratic Sponsors

As Of September 2018, Kelly Cosponsored 137 Bills (12%) Sponsored By A Democrat. [,

accessed 9/8/18]

Kelly Co-Sponsorships With Democratic Sponsor

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# of Co-sponsorships # With Dem Sponsor % With Dem Sponsor

115th Congress (2017 - 2018) 285 43 15%

114th Congress (2015 - 2016) 377 44 12%

113th Congress (2013 - 2014) 300 32 11%

112th Congress (2011 - 2012) 203 18 9%

TOTAL 1,165 137 12%

[, accessed 9/8/18]