Download - Migration Tool

  • 8/13/2019 Migration Tool


    System Platform Migration Tool - Mig-OS

    Document Control

    Change Record


    Date Author Version Change Reference

    Nov 19, 2008 Bing yan Updated checklist for 1.5

    Nov 13, 2008 Bing an !erged "eepak#s ra$fs change for 1.5 net%ork&'ased"o$Us.

    Nov (, 2008 Bing an Updated %ith )sync*+

    +ct , 2008 )$arnath Updated "yna$ic t-ning for ! and "iscoverer.

    +ct 2, 2008 Bing an Updated dyna$ic t-ing for "B tier

    )-g 15, 2008 Bing an Updated /2 contengency plan

    )-g 13, 2008 Bing an Updated )ppendi " efresh

    )-g 12, 2008 Bing an Update for + para$eter t-ning

    )-g11,,2008 )$arnath Updated 1.2!! ! val-es for 11i.

    )-g 8, 2008 Bing an Update 14 val-es

    )-g , 2008 Bing an )dded h-gepages step for 2/

    )-g 4, 2008 )$arnath )dded 1.2 !! 12 ! val-es

    )-g 1,2008 Bing an )dded 1.2 !! changes

    -ly21, 2008 )$arnath )dded 1.2 !id!arket 6B+ val-es

    -ly 1(,2008 Bing an )dded s-pport for +675 physical only

    -n2, 2008 )$arnath )dded non&prod-ction ! val-es %ith :/! ; 1.

    -n24, 2008 Bing an )dded 'ack 9i "B t-ning val-es for 2 "B.

    -n12, 2008 )$arnath )dded para$eter and its val-es along %ith . athi tandardi?ed "B i?ing note added for +" standarddeploy$ent of 3 "B instances per /!)lso re$oved link to a @+ on age 18.

    +ct 31, 200( Bing an Updated 2/ init.ora < val-es for 3 "B instances

    +ct 19, 200( Bing an Updated 2/ init.ora < val-es

    ep 3, 200( >arish

  • 8/13/2019 Migration Tool



  • 8/13/2019 Migration Tool





    OS Save....................................................................................................................5

    Server / OS Upgrade.................................................................................................5

    OS Restore...............................................................................................................6

    Manual Steps............................................................................................................6

    Migration Test Sste! "etails #it$ Ti!ing..............................................................%

    &ppendi' & - Migrating (ro! R)*+ ,. to R)*+....................................................

    &ppendi' 0 - P,1 2 1,1 Migration Para!ter Resi3ing...........................................

    &ppendi' - 1,P Migration....................................................................................,

    &ppendi' " - Re(res$..............................................................................................,4


  • 8/13/2019 Migration Tool



    his doc-$ent descri'es the steps on ho% eisting +n "e$and +racle syste$ on>)2.1C>673C>674C+674 %ith 6B+ and ++ stack can 'e $igrated to >674C+674C+675 +. Note+675 is not yet availa'le for /irt-ali?ation. his tool can also 'e -sed for /irt-ali?ation "o$UCD-est +$igration. Aor "o$0C>ost + $igration, please refer to tool $ig&os&ov$


    -pport only +racle c-sto$er.E2 & hysical o hysicalF -pport 6B+ 11.5.8, 11.5.9 and 11.5.10 and ++.EC/2/ & hysical o /irt-alF !ini$-$ rereG-isites for +racle 6&B-siness -ite elease 11i %ith +racle /!H!etalink Note 45915.1

    +racle )pplications elease 11.5.10 .U5 patch 54(3858 or later.

    +racle "ata'ase or later.

    +racle "eveloper i atchset 18 .0.8.2(. or later.

    +racle *nitiator or later.

    >ard%are for $igration co-ld 'e the sa$e or different.Ne% servers %ill have the sa$e * address and hostna$e as eisting servers.)< %ill 'e $igrated to )< %ith the sa$e n-$'er of nodes.EC/2/F )< is not s-pported on 2/ $igration.

  • 8/13/2019 Migration Tool


    : lsnrctl stop L+)

  • 8/13/2019 Migration Tool


    Rac"2 #ire ne# ser$er

    E2F *f needed get ca'inets '-ilt o-t %ith ne% s%itches and servers.*f this is a )< set-p $ake s-re yo- have the correct a$o-nt of servers and that they are located in a ca'inet thathas 'een config-red to s-pport )ost + $igration, please refer to tool $ig&os&ov$

    Install ne# OS from OSCC

    E2F erfor$ a clean install of latest +

  • 8/13/2019 Migration Tool


    EC/2/F Aor elease 1.5 %ith net%ork&'ased "o$Us,

  • 8/13/2019 Migration Tool


    Restart Oracle Ser$ices


    !ake s-re to start all instances on all nodes nor$ally, incl-ding cl-ster $anager orac$, gsd for 9i or o$epage co$es -p.E6B+F -n as Q)ctive UserR conc-rrent reG-est.E6B+F perfor$ the standard B-ddy ealth

  • 8/13/2019 Migration Tool


    Migration Test System Details #ith Timing

    Migration from R3 +14 to R3 8


  • 8/13/2019 Migration Tool


    Aendi: A - Migrating from R3&9 +14 to R3&95

    !igrating fro$ ed >at 6nterprise 7in- 2.1 to ed >at 6nterprise 7in- 3

    10. ost cp&os steps. "B) andCor )

    Ailes to !erge"B)s can find o-t %hether or not vl$ sol-tion is -sed to increase sga greater than 1.( DB. Based on thatinfor$ation "B) andCor ) can $erge reG-ired files as follo%sH

    1. CetcCsysctl.conf and CetcCrc.local

    !ost kernel para$eters for >67 2.1 are different fro$ >67 3. Ne% CetcCsysctl.conf file is created 'y>67 3 install $-st 'e -sed. B-t if 'igpages are set in ColdIrootCetcClilo.conf file in ) 2.1$&-se&'igpages is set to val-e 1 in ColdIrootCetcCsysctl.conf file, ena'le h-gepages in >673.

    &na.le0Ad;ust hugeages setting for Prod instancesH efer to >3 docor>4C+674 docfor ho% to ena'le

    /7! and h-gepages.!etalink Note 401(49.1provides sa$ple shell script to calc-late

    reco$$ended val-es 'ased on c-rrent shared $e$ory -sage.

    2. +racle -ser profile file. CJoracle -ser $o-nt pointKCoracleC.profile)dd follo%ing line to oracle -ser or*" .profile file. 6a$ple of profile file for oracle -ser

    &CpsgdsiCoracleC.profile. Use ColdIrootCetcCpass%d or CetcCpass%d file to find o-t oracle -sers ho$e directory

    and profile files are located in this directory.

    e:ort 9D

  • 8/13/2019 Migration Tool


    e'oot the $achine.@atch closely for service errors on re'oot.evie% the logs, pay special attention to anything that did not start -p correctly.+nce it co$es 'ack -p check follo%ing.

    !ake s-re that all net%orking interfaces are -p and r-nning.

  • 8/13/2019 Migration Tool


    Product0Version Stes Remar"s


    9204 and higher 1. et direct*+ option as follo%s in data'ase initiali?ationfile spfile or pfile.filesystemiodirectIO

    )pply interim atch +88??8 for DirectIO o$er ()Ssee '-g 40(8(45, if it has not 'een applied.

    NoteH atch 2448994 $ay 'e applied as a s-'set patch inlatest

  • 8/13/2019 Migration Tool


    Aro$ a Bo-rne, Bash, or =orn shell, type the follo%ingH

    7"I)U!6I=6N67;2.4.19eport 7"I)U!6I=6N67

    his step is already co$pleted in -pgrade step 10 c

    2. %D! $ersion 16115' Patch 55667& ) 3293983N66" + *N6 8.0. +)+!6 replacing 3293983 SMetalin" (otes 4+B7714

    atch *nstallation *nstr-ctionsHo- $-st login to yo-r 7in- $achine as the +racle soft%areo%ner 'efore applying this patch. o-r setting for+)+!6 $-st 'e the val-e for the Aor$s i 8.0.

    'ased +)+!6 and yo- $-st have %rite previlages

    to this area.E1F o apply the patch, -n?ip the 6 container fileH V -n?ip p383080(I803I7*NUW.?ipE2F et yo-r c-rrent directory to the directory %here the

    patch is located, egH V cd 383080(E3F )dd eec-te per$ission to the script s-pplied in this

    patch V ch$od -X patch.shE4F 'efore r-nning lease check yo-r files -nderL+)+!6Cnet%orkCre11Cli' to see %hich one of thea'ove is appropriate on yo-r syste$. he sa$eL7"I7*B)I)> sho-ld 'e -sed at r-n&ti$e.E5F -n the script s-pplied 'y this patch V .Cpatch.shEF elink all )pplications eec-ta'les. *n )")d$inistration, choose Zelink )pplications progra$sZ fro$the ZDenerate )pplications AilesZ $en-.he installation of the patch is no% co$plete.

    Patch 55667 Verification

    here is no straight for%ard %ay of finding, %hether thispatch is applied on the instance.@e can co$pare the o-tp-t of mdBsum on li.c-+1415-stu.1sofile delivered along %ith this patch and file -nderL+)+!6Cli'Cst-'s. *f o-tp-t of T$d5s-$T$atches then %e can concl-de that patch is appliedother%ise not.L$d5s-$ li'c&2.1.3&st-'.soeecce04(2caa3eaead0038a5c5fde li'c&2.1.3&st-'.so

    discoverer.*t isreG-ired in>673environ$ent, for

    discovererto f-nctionproperly.his patchdoes notalter any ofthediscovererli'raries or'inariesand hancehas nodependencyondiscoverer4i one&offreleases.


  • 8/13/2019 Migration Tool


    3. %Disco$erer Plus or Vie#er 8i' Patch 54764+ -76+H>6730H+)D6N "U! O then enter the follo%ing co$$andH V opatch apply*f the +racle inventory is not set-p correctly this -tility %illfail. o check accessi'ility to the inventory yo- can -se theco$$and V opatch lsinventory*f yo- have any pro'le$s installing this 6 or are not s-re

    a'o-t inventory set-p please call +racle s-pport.

    5. %D! $ersion 141718' Patch 586 & 8.1.( >673.0)7*

  • 8/13/2019 Migration Tool


    he installation of the patch is no% co$plete.

    Patch 586 VerificationE

    V $d5s-$ L+)+!6Cli'Cst-'sCli'c&2.1.3&st-'.so

    eecce04(2caa3eaead0038a5c5fde li'c&2.1.3&st-'.so

    .%De$eloer )orms i' Patch 8B6 - UN)B76 +67*N= 7*B*A)*0.+ *N >)3.0 S Metalin" (otes4+B7714

    *nstallation instr-ctionsEart 1F h-t do%n the listeners and copy the patch files1. top yo-r %e' listeners and Aor$s erver.2. !ake a patch directory %ithin yo-r L+)+!6and -n?ip this file

    %ithin it to create a ne% s-'directory containing the oneoff

    files.Note that L+)+!6 refers to the 8.0.&'ased

    Aor$s i ho$e.V cd L+)+!6

    V $kdir patchV cd patch

    V -n?ip JpatchIfileK.?ipEart 2F elink the Aor$s $iddle tier3.

  • 8/13/2019 Migration Tool


    AN"! "oes Not pa%n


    )fter -pgrading the 7in- version AN"! process does notstart.he application listener log file indicates the follo%ing errorH24&)&200( 22H4H29 T

  • 8/13/2019 Migration Tool


    Aendi: ! - P+V F V+V Migration Paramter ResiGing

    Middle Tier Paramter Tuning alica.le to $irtual MT of any siGe/

    )or Release 41B #ith RCTT Dynamic TuningE

    lease refer to this docfor

  • 8/13/2019 Migration Tool


    1W3 4 25 1 4 25 1 4 25 1

    )or Release 41+ and riorE

    )or Production Instances one instance one machine/E


    OACore OA )M )ormsMin Ma: of HVM Min Ma: of HVM Min Ma: of HVM

    1W2 4 25 1 4 25 1 4 25 1

    2W4 128 512 1 4 25 1 4 25 1

    2W 128 512 2 4 25 1 4 25 1

    4W1 25 1024 2 4 25 1 4 25 1

    )or (on-Production InstancesE



    OACore OA )M )orms

    Min Ma: of HVM Min Ma: of HVM Min Ma: of HVM

    1W2 4 25 1 4 25 1 4 25 1

    2W4 128 512 1 4 25 1 4 25 1

    2W 128 512 1 4 25 1 4 25 1

    4W1 25 1024 1 4 25 1 4 25 1

    he follo%ing contet varia'les $-st 'e changed in the contet fileH+)

  • 8/13/2019 Migration Tool


    13 4 25 1

    )or Release 41+ and riorE

    M0C ConfigDisco Shared/

    Min Ma: of HVM

    1W2 4 25 1

    2W4 128 512 1

    2W 128 512 1

    4W1 128 512 1

    D! and OS Paramter Tuning

    )or Release 41B #ith Dynamic TuningE

    lease refer to this docfor

  • 8/13/2019 Migration Tool


    )or Release 41+ and riorE

    )or 46gR+ 8.itE

    Parameter +: #ith uto + D!

    test and de$/

    +: #ith uto 5 D!

    stage/d'IcacheIsi?e (20! 500!

    sharedIpoolIsi?e 544! 34!

    sharedIpoolIreservedIsi?e 50! 34!

    avaIpoolIsi?e 4! 4!

    pgaIaggregateItarget 800! 534!

    d'I%riterIprocesses 1 1

    ecoveryIparallelis$ 0 0parallelI$inIservers 0 0

    rocesses 400 400

    essions 800 800

    openIc-rsors 500 500

    sessionIcachedIc-rsors 500 500

    )or ?iR+ 5+.itEParameter +: #ith uto + D!

    test and de$/

    +: #ith uto 5 D!

    stage/d'I%riterIprocesses 1 1

    recoveryIparallelis$ 0 0

    parallelI$inIservers 0 0

    avaIpoolIsi?e 1(825(92




    sharedIpoolIsi?e 1803550(21845493(T


    sharedIpoolIreservedIsi?e 1803550( 12023(1

    d'IcacheIsi?e (108840 44(39242452984832T

    pgaIaggregateItarget 8053038 538(0912

    processes 500 500

    sessions 1000 1000

    openIc-rsors 500 500

    )or ?iR+ 8.itEParameter +: #ith uto + D!

    test and de$/

    +: #ith uto 5 D!

    stage/d'I%riterIprocesses 1 1recoveryIparallelis$ 0 0

    parallelI$inIservers 0 0

    avaIpoolIsi?e 298844133554432T


    sharedIpoolIsi?e 3025141(318((104T


    sharedIpoolIreservedIsi?e 3025141( 201(11

    d'IcacheIsi?e 1003290 (108840

    Note:For all On Demand Depoyments that are based on this version of this P2V Migration Tooldocument, the recommended configuration for the DBTier is 2! VM running upto " DB instances

    for stage only and a total of upto 2 DB instances for dev and test


  • 8/13/2019 Migration Tool


    pgaIaggregateItarget 8053038 538(0912

    processes 500 500

    sessions 1000 1000

    openIc-rsors 500 500

    TH /al-es in 'races are the act-al n-$'ers reported 'y "B instances after setting the reco$$ended val-es in the initpara$eter files.


  • 8/13/2019 Migration Tool


    P0V+V Migration Process )lo#

    #top DB #ervices$nmount %F# shares&un script 'mig(os)#hutdo*n source server

    Source DB

    &un script 'mig(os)Mount %F# shares#tart DB #ervices

    Target DB

    #top MT #ervices$nmount %F# shares&un script 'mig(os)#hutdo*n source server

    Source MT

    &un script 'mig(os)Mount %F# shares#tart MT #ervices

    Target MT




    Source machine

    #top MT services#top DB services$nmount %F# shares&un script 'mig(os)#hutdo*n source server

    &un script 'mig(os)Mount %F# shares#tart DB #ervices#tart MT #ervices

    Target machine




  • 8/13/2019 Migration Tool


    Aendi: C - V+P Migration

    he %e'link provided 'elo% provides a high&level plan of $igrating a virt-al $achine r-nning 6Bi? application to aphysical $achine in case c-sto$er reG-ests for it or the r-nning application doesn#t perfor$ as epected$CcontentC!yharedAoldersC/irt-ali?ationV20+nV20"e$andCeleaseV20"ocsCv1.2!!C/2I

  • 8/13/2019 Migration Tool


    Aendi: D - Refresh

    Post Refresh Configuration

    )fter instance refresh, refer to Aendi: !a'ove to set para$eters as doc-$ented.

    Scenanrios #here mo$ing instances/ to different hostname are required as art of P+V F

    V+V migration


  • 8/13/2019 Migration Tool


    *se Case 4E P+V

    6B+ non&prod-ction environ$ent deploy$ent topology for &!SO (on Production&n$ironment 8 Stage &n$ironments/H

    SourceE2 physical servers, one %ith hostna$e ) for tage "B E1&4F and the other %ith hostna$e B for tage !E1&4F

    TargetE2 virt-ali?ed servers, one %ith /!1 hostna$e ) for tage "B E1&3F, /!2 hostna$e B for stage ! E1&3Fand the other %ith /!1 hostna$e < for tage "B4 and /!2 hostna$e " for tage !4.


    efresh tage instance 4"B4 and !4 fro$ so-rce to target /!s

  • 8/13/2019 Migration Tool


    *se Case +E V+V (AS to DAS/

    6B+ non&prod-ction environ$ent deploy$ent topology for &!SO (on Production&n$ironment + instances 4 Test F 4 De$/ &n$ironments/H

    SourceE1 virt-ali?ed servers, %ith /!1 2 hostna$e ) for est "B \ "ev "B and /!2 2 hostna$e B forest ! and "ev !.

    TargetE2 virt-ali?ed servers, one %ith /!1 14 hostna$e ) for est "B and /!2 13 hostna$e B for est!, the other %ith /!3 14 hostan$e < for "ev "B and /!4 13 hostna$e " for "ev !.


    efresh "ev instances "B and ! fro$ so-rce to target /!s hostna$e < and " acordingly

    e$ove "ev instance "B and ! fro$ so-rce

    )ppy 2/ proced-re to $ove re$aining est instances "B and ! to the /!s ) and B