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Page 1: Migrant Nation - · The Oxford handbook of modern Scottish history - T. M. Devine, Jenny Wormald, 2012 Book | Essential Eighteenth century Scotland: new perspectives

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Migrant Nation

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400 items

General History (24 items)For those students who are relatively new to modern Scottish history, it is recommendedthat they acquaint themselves with some or all of these general texts. Even students whoare relatively familiar with this period may find it advisable to start with these generaltexts in advance of studying more specific texts.

Scotland in the eighteenth century: union and enlightenment - David Allan, EbooksCorporation Limited, 2002

Book | Essential

Impaled upon a thistle: Scotland since 1880 - Ewen A. Cameron, Ebooks CorporationLimited, 2010

Book | Essential

Modern Scottish history: 1707 to the present, Vol. 1: The transformation of Scotland,1707-1850 - Anthony Cooke, 2007

Book | Essential

Modern Scottish history: 1707 to the present, Vol. 2: The modernisation of Scotland, 1850to the present - Anthony Cooke, 1998

Book | Essential

The Scottish nation, 1700-2007 - T. M. Devine, 2006Book | Essential

Scotland in the twentieth century - T. M. Devine, Richard J. Finlay, 1996Book | Essential

The Transformation of ScotlandThe Economy since 1700 - Tom M. Devine, Tom M. Devine,2005-02-01

Book | Essential

The Oxford handbook of modern Scottish history - T. M. Devine, Jenny Wormald, 2012Book | Essential

Eighteenth century Scotland: new perspectives - T. M. Devine, John R. Young, 1999Book | Essential

Modern Scotland: 1914-2000 - Richard J. Finlay, MyiLibrary, 2004Book | Essential

Scotland and nationalism: Scottish society and politics, 1707 to the present - Christopher


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Harvie, 2004Book | Essential

No gods and precious few heroes: Scotland 1900-2015 - Christopher Harvie, 2016Book | Essential

The new Penguin history of Scotland: from the earliest times to the present day - R. A.Houston, William Knox, 2002

Book | Essential

Industrial nation: work, culture and society in Scotland, 1800-present - William Knox, 1999Book | Essential

Scotland: a new history - Michael Lynch, 1991Book | Essential

Whaur extremes meet: Scotland's twentieth century - Catriona M. M. Macdonald, 2009Book | Essential

Scotland in the nineteenth century - John F. McCaffrey, 1998Book | Essential

A history of the Scottish people, 1560-1830 - T. C. Smout, 1998, 1969Book | Essential

A century of the Scottish people 1830-1950 - T. C. Smout, 1986Book | Essential

The Industrial Revolution in Scotland - Christopher A. Whatley, 1997Book | Essential

Scottish society, 1707-1830: beyond Jacobitism, towards industrialisation - Christopher A.Whatley, 2000

Book | Essential

People and society in Scotland: vol 1 1760-1830 - T. M. Devine, Rosalind Mitchison,Economic and Social History Society of Scotland, 1988

Book | Essential |

People and society in Scotland: vol 2 1830-1914 - W. Hamish Fraser, R.J. Morris, 1990Book | Essential

People and society in Scotland: vol 3 1914-1990 - Tony Dickson, James H. Treble, 1991Book | Essential

Scotland, Empire and Emigration (General) (25 items)

European Emigration, 1815-1930: looking at the emigration decision again - Dudley Baines, 1994



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The mobile Scot: a study of emigration and migration, 1861-1911 - Jeanette M. Brock,1999

Book | Essential

The Scots abroad: labour, capital, enterprise, 1750-1914 - R. A. Cage, 1985Book | Essential

At home abroad: ethnicity and enclave in the world of Scots traders in Northern Europe, c.1600-1800 - Douglas Catterall, 2004-12-01


Industry and ethos: Scotland, 1832-1914 - Olive Checkland, S. G. Checkland, 1989Book | See: Checkland, O. and S., ‘The outward impact: the Empire and beyond’

Scottish emigration and Scottish society: proceedings of the Scottish Historical StudiesSeminar, University of Strathclyde 1990-1991 - T. M. Devine, 1992

Book | Essential

Scotland's empire, 1600-1815 - T. M. Devine, 2003Book | Essential

To the ends of the earth: Scotland's global diaspora, 1750-2010 - T. M. Devine, 2012,c2011

Book | Essential

Scottish emigration and Scottish society: proceedings of the Scottish Historical StudiesSeminar, University of Strathclyde 1990-1991 - T. M. Devine, 1992

Book | Essential | See: Devine, T.M., ‘Introduction: the paradox of Scottish emigration’

The Scots overseas - Gordon Donaldson, 1966Book | Essential

The British Empire - C. H. Firth, 1918Article | Short article on the first use of the phrase ‘British Empire’

The Scottish empire - Michael Fry, 2001Book | Essential

Emigration from north-east Scotland: Vol. 1: Willing exiles - Marjory Harper, 1988Book

Emigration from north-east Scotland: Vol. 2: Beyond the broad Atlantic - Marjory Harper,1988


What drove the mass migrations from Europe in the late nineteenth century? - Timothy J.Hatton, Jeffrey G. Williamson, 1994


Scotland's radical exports: the Scots abroad - how they shaped politics and trade unions -Pat Kelly, 2011



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Adventurers and exiles: the great Scottish exodus - Dr Marjory Harper, 2010Book | Essential

Scotland and its first American colony, 1683-1765 - Ned C. Landsman, American Council ofLearned Societies, c1985


Scotland and the British Empire - John M. MacKenzie, T. M. Devine, 2011Book

Irish, Scottish, Welsh and English Worlds? A Four-Nation Approach to the History of theBritish Empire - John M. MacKenzie, September 2008


Global migrations: the Scottish diaspora since 1600 - T. M. Devine, 2018Book | Essential | See: McCarthy, Angela and MacKenzie, J.M., "Introduction: Global

Migrations: the Scottish diaspora since 1600", pp. 10 - 45.

The Oxford handbook of modern Scottish history - T. M. Devine, Jenny Wormald, 2012Book | See: Mijers, E. and Steve Murdoch, ‘Migrant Destinations, 1500-1750’

Britannia's children: emigration from England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland since 1600 -Eric Richards, 2004

Book | Essential

Europeans on the move - Nicholas Canny, 1994Book | See: Smout, T.C., Landsman, N.C. and Devine, T.M., ‘Scottish emigration in the

seventeenth and eighteenth centuries’, pp 76-95.

Scottish migration overseas - J. David Wood, December 1964Article

Scottish Demography/Internal mobility (20 items)(See also Highlands)

People and society in Scotland: vol 2 1830-1914 - W. Hamish Fraser, R.J. Morris, 1990Book | See pp 8 - 45, Anderson, M. and Morse, D.J. ‘The people’

People and society in Scotland: vol 3 1914-1990 - Tony Dickson, James H. Treble, 1991Book | See: pp. 12 - 47, Anderson, M. ‘Population and family life’

High Fertility, High Emigration, Low Nuptiality: Adjustment Processes in Scotland'sDemographic Experience, 1861 - 1914, Part I - Michael Anderson, Donald J. Morse, 1993


High Fertility, High Emigration, Low Nuptiality: Adjustment Processes in Scotland'sDemographic Experience, 1861 - 1914, Part II - Michael Anderson, Donald J. Morse, 1993


Highland Migration to Lowland Scotland, 1760-1860 - T. M. Devine, 1983Article


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Modern Scottish history: 1707 to the present, Vol. 1: The transformation of Scotland,1707-1850 - Anthony Cooke, 2007

Book | See: chapters ‘Urbanisation’, and 'Rural Transformation and Lowland Society’

Scottish population history from the 17th century to the 1930s - M. W. Flinn, 1977Book | Essential

British population growth, 1700-1850 - M. W. Flinn, 1970Book

The demographic consequences of rapid industrial growth: A case study of Glasgow1801-1914 - Andrew Gibb, 1988


Mobility of Tenants on a Highland Estate in the Early Nineteenth Century - R. A. Gailey,1961


Scots on the move: Scots migrants 1750-1914 - Malcolm Gray, 1990Book | Essential

Cultural change in provincial Scottish towns, c. 1700-1820 - Bob Harris, 2011Article

Review of Scottish population migration studies - Huw R. Jones, 1982Book

Modern Scottish history: 1707 to the present, Vol. 2: The modernisation of Scotland, 1850to the present - Anthony Cooke, 1998

Book | See: pp. 95 - 118, Kenefick, B., ‘Demography’

Scotland's Population - J. G. Kyd, 1949Article

Scotland's shifting population, 1770-1850 - D. F. Macdonald, 1937Book

The Oxford handbook of modern Scottish history - T. M. Devine, Jenny Wormald, 2012Book | See: pp. 405 - 422, Nenadic, S., ‘Industrialisation and the Scottish People.’

The demographic impact of economic growth and decline: Portpatrick, 1820-1891 - N. L.Tranter, 1978


Highland communities in Dundee and Perth, 1787-1891: a study in the social history ofmigrant Highlanders - Charles W. J. Withers, 1986


Modern Scottish history: 1707 to the present, Vol. 1: The transformation of Scotland,1707-1850 - Anthony Cooke, 2007

Book | See: Whyte,I., 'Rural Transformation and Lowland Society’


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Imperial Encounters (55 items)

Scots in India in the eighteenth century - G. J. Bryant, 1985Article

Haggis in the Raj: private and public celebrations of Scottishness in late Imperial India -Elizabeth Buettner, 2002


The rise and fall of popular imperialism in Scotland, 1850 - 1950 - Richard J. Finlay, 1997Article

Empire and Union: Imperial and national identity in nineteenth century Scotland - David S.Forsyth, 1997


Scotland and Empire: ethnicity, environment and identity - John M. MacKenzie, 2010Article

A global clan: Scottish migrant networks and identities since the eighteenth century -Angela McCarthy, 2006

Book | See: MacKillop, A. ‘Europeans, Britons and Scots: Scottish sojourning networksand identities in Asia, c. 1700-1815’, pp. 19-47.

Exhibiting India in nineteenth-century Scotland and the impact on commerce, industry andpopular culture - Stana Nenadic, 2014


a.Case Study: Military Perspectives (16 items)

The thin red line: war, empire and visions of Scotland - Stuart Allan, Allan Carswell, 2004Book

Global migrations: the Scottish diaspora since 1600 - T. M. Devine, 2018Book | Essential | See: Allan, S. and Forsyth, D., ‘Our Old World Diff’rences are Dead:

the Scottish Migrant Military Tradition in the British Dominions during the First World War’.

The Napoleonic wars, military Scotland and Tory Highlandism in the early nineteenthcentury - J. E. Cookson, 1999


Early Nineteenth-Century Scottish Military Pensioners as Homecoming Soldiers - J. E.Cookson, 2009


Through an Imperial prism: land, liberty, and Highland loyalism in the War of AmericanIndependence - Matthew P. Dziennik, 2011


A global force: war, identities and Scotland's diaspora - 2016Book


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Scottish Officers in the British Army 1714-63 - James Hayes, 1958Article

More fruitful than the soil: army, empire and the Scottish Highlands, 1715-1815 - AndrewMackillop, 2000

Book | Essential

Military governors and imperial frontiers c. 1600-1800: a study of Scotland and empires -Andrew Mackillop, Steve Murdoch, 2003


Island heroes: the military history of the Hebrides - 2010Book | See: Mackillop, Andrew, ‘The Outer Hebrides during the wars of Empire &

Revolution, c. 1700-1815’

'Empire-Enlarging Genius': Scottish Imperial Yeomanry Volunteers in the Boer War - E. W.McFarland, 2006


Highland Soldier: imperial impact and image - Edward M. Spiers, 2010Article

The Scottish soldier and empire, 1854-1902 - Edward M. Spiers, Ebooks CorporationLimited, 2006

Book | Essential

A military history of Scotland - Edward M. Spiers, Jeremy A. Crang, Matthew Strickland,2012


Scotland's military identity - Hew Strachan, 2006Article

A global force: war, identities and Scotland's diaspora - 2016Book | See: Strachan, H, ‘The Scottish Soldier and Scotland 1914-1918’.

b.Case Study: Patronage (11 items)

Scots in India in the eighteenth century - G. J. Bryant, 1985Article

Anglo-Scottish relations from 1603 to 1900 - T. C. Smout, 2005Book | See: Devine, T.M., ‘Scottish Elites and the Indian Empire, 1700-1815’

The sword and the pen: the role of correspondence in the advancement tactics ofeighteenth-century military officers - Alison Duncan, 2009


Dundas Despotism - Michael Fry, 1992Book


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East India patronage and the British state: the Scottish elite and politics in the eighteenthcentury - George K. McGilvary, 2008


British India & British Scotland, 1780-1830: career building, empire building, and a Scottishschool of thought on Indian governance - Martha McLaren, 2001


A Union for Empire? Scotland, the English East India Company and the British Union -Andrew MacKillop, 2008


Military governors and imperial frontiers c. 1600-1800: a study of Scotland and empires -Andrew Mackillop, Steve Murdoch, 2003


Scotland and the British Empire - John M. MacKenzie, T. M. Devine, 2011Book | See: Mackillop, A., ‘Locality, Nation and Empire’

British India & British Scotland, 1780-1830: career building, empire building, and a Scottishschool of thought on Indian governance - Martha McLaren, 2001


Scots in London in the eighteenth century - Stana Nenadic, 2009Book

c.Case Study: Trade (14 items)

The Thread of Migration: A Scottish-French Linen and Jute Works and its Workers in France,c. 1845–c. 1870 - Fabrice Bensimon, Christopher A. Whatley, 2016-03-22


The Scots abroad: labour, capital, enterprise, 1750-1914 - R. A. Cage, 1985Book | Essential

An elite revisited: Glasgow West India merchants, 1783 - 1877 - Anthony Cooke, 2012Article

The Colonial Trades and Industrial Investment in Scotland, c. 1700-1815 - T. M. Devine,1976


An eighteenth-century business élite: Glasgow-West India merchants, c. 1750-1815 - T. M.Devine, 1978


Scotland's empire, 1600-1815 - T. M. Devine, 2003Book | See: pp. 320 - 345, 'Empire and the Transformation of Scotland’

Did slavery make Scotia great? - T. M. Devine, 2011Article


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Eighteenth century Scotland: new perspectives - T. M. Devine, John R. Young, 1999Book | See: pp. 53 - 69, Fry, M., ‘A commercial empire: Scotland and British expansion

in the eighteenth century’

Scotland, the Caribbean and the Atlantic World 1750–1820 - Douglas Hamilton, 2010Book

East India patronage and the British state: the Scottish elite and politics in the eighteenthcentury - George K. McGilvary, 2008


A Glasgow-West India merchant house and the imperial dividend, 1779 - 1867 - StephenMullen, 2013


Maritime enterprise and empire: Sir William Mackinnon and his business network, 1823-93- J. Forbes Munro, 2003


Scottish overseas enterprise and the lure of London: the MacKinnon Shipping Group,1847-1893 - J. Forbes Munro, 1988


Men of spirit and enterprise: Scots and Orkneymen in the Hudson's Bay Company,1780-1821 - Suzanne Rigg, 2011


d.Case Study: Mission (7 items)

Empire and Scottish society: the impact of foreign missions at home, c.1790 to c.1914 -Esther Breitenbach, 2009


Scottish missionaries, 'Protestant Hinduism' and the Scottish sense of Empire innineteenth- and early twentieth-century India - Philip Constable, 2007


Attempting to bring the gospel home: Scottish missions to Palestine, 1839-1917 - MichaelMarten, 2006


Dr. Livingstone, I presume?: missionaries, journalists, explorers, and empire - Clare Pettitt,2007


David Livingstone: mission and empire - Andrew C. Ross, 2002Book

David Livingstone the Scot - George Shepperson, 1960Article


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Mission to educate: a history of the educational work of the Scottish Presbyterian missionin East Nigeria, 1846-1960 - William H. Taylor, 1996


Emigration: Country Profiles (85 items)The works of David Dobson and Bill Lawson cover a good many of these countries and,indeed, the Carribean. Many of their publications are reference works, but should you beaddressing one country in particular, they are certainly worth perusing.

a.Canada (32 items)

Print culture in exile: the Scottish emigrant reader in the nineteenth century - Bill Bell,1998


Oatmeal and the catechism: Scottish Gaelic settlers in Quebec - Margaret Bennett, 2003Book | Essential

Scottish emigration to the Maritimes 1770-1815: A new look at an old theme - J.M.Bumsted, 1981


Scots in Canada - Jenni Calder, 2003Book

Songs remembered in exile: traditional Gaelic songs from Nova Scotia recorded in CapeBreton and Antigonish County in 1937 with an account of the causes of the HighlandEmigration, 1790-1835 - John Lorne Campbell, Seamus Ennis, Colm O'Baoill, 1999


The Scotsman in Canada - Wilfred Campbell, George Bryce, 1911Book

After the Hector: the Scottish pioneers of Nova Scotia and Cape Breton, 1773-1852 -Lucille H. Campey, 2004


The Silver Chief: Lord Selkirk and the Scottish pioneers of Belfast, Baldoon and Red River -Lucille H. Campey, 2003


"A very fine class of immigrants": Prince Edward Island's Scottish pioneers, 1770-1850 -Lucille H. Campey, 2001


Highland settler: a portrait of the Scottish Gael in Cape Breton and Eastern Nova Scotia -Charles W. Dunn, 1991


Practical notes made during a tour in Canada, and a portion of the United States, in


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MDCCCXXXI - Adam Fergusson, 1833Book

The Lochaber emigrants to Glengarry - Rae Bruce Fleming, 1994Book

Language and poverty: the persistence of Scottish Gaelic in eastern Canada - GilbertFoster, 1988


Scots in Canada: a history of the settlement of the Dominion from the earliest days to thepresent time - John Murray Gibbon, 1911


Myth, migration and the making of memory: Scotia and Nova Scotia, c.1700-1990 - MarjoryHarper, Michael E. Vance, 1999


Enticing the emigrant: Canadian agents in Ireland and Scotland, c. 1870 - c. 1920 - MarjoryHarper, 2004


Socio-economic dislocation and inter-war emigration to Canada and the United States: aScottish snapshot - Marjory Harper, Nicholas J. Evans, 2006


Second thoughts of a Scotsman on the make: politics, nationalism and myth in JohnBuchan - Christopher Harvie, 1991


Nineteenth-century Cape Breton: a historical geography - Stephen Hornsby, 1992Book

Patterns of Scottish emigration to Canada, 1750-1870 - S.J. Hornsby, 1992Article

A narrative of the rise & progress of emigration, from the counties of Lanark & Renfrew, tothe new settlements in Upper Canada, on Government grant: comprising the proceedingsof the Glasgow Committee for directing the affairs and embarkation of the societies : witha map of the townships, designs for cottages, and a plan of the ship Earl ofBuckinghamshire : also interesting letters from the settlements - Robert Lamond, c1978,c1821


The Canada Company and the Huron Tract, 1826-1853: personalities, profits and politics -Robert C. Lee, 2004


The island "Gàidhealtachd": The Scottish Gaelic community of Prince Edward Island -Michael D. Linkletter, 1997



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The people of Glengarry: Highlanders in transition, 1745-1820 - Marianne McLean, 1991Book

Lord Elgin in Canada. 1847-1854 - J. L. Morison, 1912Article

Architecture and identity on the edge of empire: the early domestic architecture ofScottish settlers in Nova Scotia, Canada, 1800-1850 - Daniel Maudlin, 2007


Help us to a better land: crofter colonies in the prairie west - Wayne R. Norton, 1994Book

The settlement of Scottish immigrants in Nova Scotia, 1770-1830 - Brian William Preston,1986


A narrative of facts relative to work done for Christ, in connection with the Orphan Homesof Scotland, Destitute Children's Emigration Homes, and City Home and Mission, Glasgow:for twenty-sixth year, ending 31st October, 1897 - William Quarrier, 1897


Scots in the Hudson's Bay Company, c. 1779-1821 - Suzanne Rigg, 2011Article

The Scot and Canada - James Alexander Roy, 1947Book

Exporting radicalism within the empire: Scots Presbyterian political values in Scotland andBritish North America, c.1815-c.1850 - Valerie Wallace, 2010


b.USA (27 items)

Cargoes of despair and hope: Scottish emigration to North America, 1603-1803 - Ian H.Adams, Meredyth Somerville, 1993

Book | Essential

The people's clearance: Highland emigration to British North America, 1770-1815 - J. M.Bumsted, 1982

Book | Essential

Scots in the USA - Jenni Calder, 2006Book

White people, Indians, and Highlanders: tribal peoples and colonial encounters in Scotlandand America - Colin G. Calloway, Oxford University Press, 2008


Global migrations: the Scottish diaspora since 1600 - T. M. Devine, 2018Book | Essential | See: Calloway, Colin, ‘Have the Scotch no Claim upon the Cherokee?:


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Scots, Indians and Scots Indians in the American South’, pp. 81 - 97.

A comparative analysis of European immigrant streams to the United States during theearly mass migration - Raymond L. Cohn, 1995


The Scottish role in midlands America with particular reference to Wyoming, 1865-1895 -Paul M. Edwards, 1978


"I wish they were all here": Scottish Highlanders in Ohio 1802-1840 - Amanda Epperson,2002


Bold, independent, unconquer'd and free: how the Scots made America safe for liberty,democracy and capitalism - Michael Fry, 2003


The rise and fall of indentured servitude in the Americas: an economic analysis - David W.Galenson, 1984-3


A Scottish venture in the United States: The Glasgow Ohio Company 1824 - Andrew Gibb,1984


Colonists from Scotland: emigration to North America, 1707-1783 - Ian Charles CargillGraham, 1956


Socio-economic dislocation and inter-war emigration to Canada and the United States: aScottish snapshot - Marjory Harper, Nicholas J. Evans, 2006-12


Tam Blake & Co: the story of the Scots in America - Jim Hewitson, 1995, c1993Book

Immigration and the American Century - Charles Hirschman, 2005Article

A dance called America: the Scottish Highlands, the United States and Canada - JamesHunter, 1994


Nation and province in the first British Empire: Scotland and the Americas, 1600-1800 -Ned C. Landsman, 2001


Nation, migration, and the province in the First British Empire: Scotland and the Americas,1600-1800 - Ned C. Landsman, 1999



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Between empires and cultures: Scots in New Netherland and New York - Esther Mijers,2013


Scotland and America, c. 1600-c.1800 - Alexander Murdoch, 2010Book | Essential

Hector McAllister in North Carolina, Argyll and Arran: family and memory in returnmigration to Scotland in the eighteenth century - Alexander Murdoch, 2013


Scottish Highlanders in colonial Georgia: the recruitment, emigration, and settlement atDarien, 1735-1748 - Anthony W. Parker, 1997


Credit and ethnicity in the urban Atlantic world: Scottish associational culture in ColonialPhiladelphia - K. Tawny Paul, 2015


Scottish colonization in the province New York - George S. Pryde, 1935Article

Scottish heritage southern style - Celeste Ray, 1998Article

The Scot in America - Peter Ross, 1896Book

Hands across the water: emigration from Northern Scotland to North America :proceedings of the 6th Annual Conference of the Scottish Association of Family HistorySocieties held on 22nd April at the University of Aberdeen - Scottish Association of FamilyHistory Societies. Conference, Aberdeen and North East Scotland Family History Society,1995


c.Australasia (22 items)

An initial investigation into the early dissemination of Scottish music in Australia - AlmutBoehme, 2008


The heather and the fern: Scottish migration & New Zealand settlement - Tom Brooking,Jennie Coleman, 2003

Book | Essential

Private enterprise and the peopling of Australasia, 1831-50 - Frank J. A. Broeze, 1982Article

Scottish ethnicity and the making of New Zealand society, 1850-1930 - Tanja Bueltmann,2011

Book | Essential


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Scottish national identity in an Australian colony - Cliff Cumming, 1993Article

Global migrations: the Scottish diaspora since 1600 - T. M. Devine, 2018Book | Essential | See: Curthoys, Ann, ‘Conflicts of Interest, Crises of Conscience: Scots

and Aboriginal People in Eastern Australia, 1830s-1861’.

Scottish criminals and transportation to Australia, 1786-1852 - Ian Donnachie, 1984Article

The Convicts of 1830: Scottish Criminals Transported to New South Wales - Ian Donnachie,1986


Scottish migration to the Eastern Australian outback - Alyson L. Greiner, Terry G.Jordan‐Bychkov, 1997


The persuaders: recruiting Scots for New Zealand - M. Harper, 2010Article

A century of Scottish emigration to New Zealand - Marjory Harper, 2011Article

Far off in sunlit places: the Scots in Australia and New Zealand - Jim Hewitson, 1998Book

The role of family and community in the decision to emigrate: evidence from a case studyof Scottish emigration to Queensland 1885–88 - Elspeth Johnson, 2006


Scotland and Australia, 1788-1850: emigration, commerce and investment - David S.Macmillan, 1967


The Scottish Australian Company, 1840-50: The Origins and Growth of an AberdeenVenture in Colonial Development - David S. MacMillan, 1960


Home and Away: a schoolmistress in Lowland Scotland and Colonial Australia in thesecond half of the nineteenth century - Jane McDermid, 2011


The Great Emigration of 1841: recruitment for New South Wales in British emigration fields- John McDonald, Eric Richards, 1997


Scottish Roman Catholics in nineteenth-century Australia - Malcolm D. Prentis, 1982Article

Haggis on the high seas: shipboard experiences of scottish emigrants to Australia,1821–1897 - Malcolm Prentis, 2004


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From Hirta to Port Phillip: the St Kilda emigration to Australia in 1852 - Eric Richards, 2010Book

St Kilda and Australia: emigrants at peril, 1852-3 - Eric Richards, 1992Article

Lairds of Suburbia: Scottish migrant settlement and housing in Australian cities,1880–1930 - Ben Wilkie, 2016


d.South Africa (4 items)

'Echoes of Midlothian': Scottish liberalism and the South African War, 1899-1902 - StewartJ. Brown, 1992


Cape Town Highlanders, Transvaal Scottish: military ‘Scottishness’ and social power innineteenth and twentieth century South Africa - Jonathan Hyslop, 2002


The Scots in South Africa: ethnicity, identity, gender and race, 1772-1914 - John M.MacKenzie, Nigel Dalziel, 2007


Commemoration of the South African War in Scotland, 1900-10 - E. W. McFarland, 2010Article

Irish Immigration (37 items)

Catholic Church building in Scotland from the Reformation until the outbreak of the FirstWorld-War, 1560-1914 - Peter F. Anson, 1954


The formation of the Catholic community in the West of Scotland: some preliminaryoutlines - Bernard Aspinwall, 1982


Sport, culture, politics and Scottish society: Irish immigrants and the Gaelic AthleticAssociation - Joseph M. Bradley, 1998


'Outside the Covenant': The Scottish Presbyterian churches and Irish immigration,1922-1938 - Stewart J. Brown, 1991


Irish: the remarkable saga of a nation and a city - John Burrowes, 2004Book


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Comparative aspects of Scottish and Irish economic and social history, 1600-1900 - T. C.Smout, L. M. Cullen, 1977


The Catholic population of Scotland, 1878 - 1977 - James Darragh, 1978Article

Irish immigrants and Scottish society in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries:proceedings of the Scottish Historical Studies Seminar University of Strathclyde 1989-1990- T. M. Devine, 1991


New perspectives on the Irish in Scotland - Martin J. Mitchell, 2008Book | See: pp. 20-30, Devine, T. M., ‘The Great Irish Famine and Scottish history’

Nationalism, race, religion and the Irish Question in inter-war Scotland - Richard J. Finlay,1991


Glasgow: the uneasy peace : religious tension in modern Scotland - Tom Gallagher, 1987Book

Protestant extremism in urban Scotland 1930-1939: its growth and contraction - TomGallagher, 1985


Jewish responses to fascism and antisemitism in Edinburgh, 1933–1945 - Mark Gilfillan,2015


The Irish in modern Scotland - J. E. Handley, 1947Book | Essential

The Irish in modern Scotland - J. E. Handley, 1947Book | See pp. 93-121, ‘Religious and racial discord’

The Irish in Scotland 1798-1845 - J. E. Handley, 1943Book | Essential

The two unions: Ireland, Scotland, and the survival of the United Kingdom 1707-2007 -Alvin Jackson, Oxford University Press, 2012


Women and Irish diaspora identities: theories, concepts and new perspectives - 2014Book | See: pp. 152-167, Kehoe, Karly, ‘Border crossings: being Irish in

nineteenth-century Scotland and Canada’

Unionism, nationalism and the Scottish Catholic periphery, 1850 - 1930 - S. Karly Kehoe,2011


Creating a Scottish church: Catholicism, gender and ethnicity in nineteenth-century


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Scotland - S. K. Kehoe, 2010Book

Ulster and Scotland, 1600-2000: history, language and identity - William Kelly, John R.Young, 2004


The Jews and Irish in modern Scotland: anti-Semitism, sectarianism and social mobility -William Kenefick, 2013


Irish Seasonal Migration to Great Britain, 1800-38 - Barbara M. Kerr, 1943Article

The experience of Irish migrants to Glasgow, Scotland, 1863-1891: a new way of beingIrish - Terence McBride, 2006


John Ferguson, 1836-1906: Irish issues in Scottish politics - E. W. McFarland, 2003Book

'How the Irish paid their debt': Irish Catholics in Scotland and voluntary enlistment, August1914-July 1915 - Elaine McFarland, 2003


A reality and yet impalpable: the Fenian panic in mid-Victorian Scotland - Elaine W.McFarland, 1998


Ireland and Scotland: culture and society, 1700-2000 - Liam McIlvanney, Ray Ryan, 2005Book

The emergence of women's Orange Lodges in Scotland: gender, ethnicity and women'sactivism, 1909 - 1940 - D. A.J. MacPherson, 2013


Migration and the female Orange Order: Irish Protestant identity, diaspora and empire inScotland, 1909 - 40 - D. A. J. MacPherson, 2012


Ireland and masculinities in history: from the sixteenth century to the present - RebeccaBarr, Sean Brady, Jane McGaughey, 2016

Book | See: MacPherson, J., 'Irish Protestant Masculinities and Orangewomen inScotland, Canada and England, 1890-1930'

The Glasgow Mission, 1792-1799 - Alexander MacWilliam, 1953Article

New perspectives on the Irish in Scotland - Martin J. Mitchell, 2008Book

The Irish in the west of Scotland 1797-1848: trade unions, strikes and political movements


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- Martin J. Mitchell, 1998Book

Celebrating Columba: Irish-Scottish connections, 597-1997 - T. M. Devine, James F.McMillan, 1999

Book | See: pp 50-83, Mitchell, Martin, ‘The Catholic Irish in the West of Scotland’

The civil magistrate: the Scottish Office and the anti-Irish campaign, 1922-1929 - DavidRitchie, 2012


Irish immigrants and Scottish society in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries:proceedings of the Scottish Historical Studies Seminar University of Strathclyde 1989-1990- T. M. Devine, 1991

Book | See: pp. 44-66, Walker, G.,‘The Protestant Irish in Scotland’

Highlands (32 items)

The Causes of the Highland Emigrations of 1783-1803 - Margaret I. Adam, 1920Article

The Highland Emigration of 1770 - Margaret I. Adam, 1919Article

The people's clearance: Highland emigration to British North America, 1770-1815 - J. M.Bumsted, 1982

Book | Essential

Recovering from the Clearances: land struggle, resettlement, and community ownership inthe Hebrides : the proceedings of a conference held in the Isle of Lewis, 5-8 September2012 - Ewen A. Cameron, 2013


Temporary migration and the Scottish Highlands in the nineteenth century - T. M. Devine,1979


Highland Migration to Lowland Scotland, 1760-1860 - T. M. Devine, 1983Article

The Great Highland Famine: hunger, emigration and the Scottish Highlands in thenineteenth century - T. M. Devine, 1988


Celebrating Columba: Irish-Scottish connections, 597-1997 - T. M. Devine, James F.McMillan, 1999


Ireland and Scotland 1600-1850: parallels and contrasts in economic and socialdevelopment - T. M. Devine, David Dickson, 1983



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'It would be my earnest desire that you all would come': Networks, the migration processand Highland emigration - Amanda Epperson, 2009


Recovering from the Clearances: land struggle, resettlement, and community ownership inthe Hebrides : the proceedings of a conference held in the Isle of Lewis, 5-8 September2012 - Ewen A. Cameron, 2013

Book | See: Harper, M-AD., 'The land struggle and emigration'

Migration and economic change in the northern Highlands during the nineteenth century,with particular reference to the period 1851-1891 - R.N. Hildebrandt, 1980


The Gaelic connection: The Highlands, Ireland and nationalism, 1873-1922 - James Hunter,1975


Caraid nan Gaidheal and 'Friend of Emigration': Gaelic emigration literature of the 1840s -Sheila M. Kidd, 2002


'Agricultural improvement and Highland Clearance: The Isle of Arran, 1766-1829' - J. I.Little, 1999


Dr John Mackenzie (1803-86): Proponent of Scientific Agriculture and Opponent of HighlandEmigration - Neil MacGillivray, 2013-05


The Highland Clearances - Rosalind Mitchison, 1981Article

The Impact of the military profession on Highland gentry families, c. 1730 - 1830 - StanaNenadic, 2006


Ireland, radicalism, and the Scottish Highlands, c. 1870-1912 - Andrew G. Newby, 2007Book

Malcolm McNeill and the emigrationist alternative to Highland land reform, 1886-1893 -Wayne Norton, 1991


The Highland Clearances: people, landlords and rural turmoil - Eric Richards, 2012Book

A history of the Highland clearances: Vol. 2: Emigration, protest, reasons - Eric Richards,1985


Debating the Highland Clearances - Eric Richards, 2007Book


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Highland Emigration in the Age of Malthus: Scourie, 1841-55 - Eric Richards, 2011Article

The decline of St Kilda: demography, economy and emigration - Eric Richards, 1992Article

Observations on the present state of the Highlands of Scotland: with a view of emigration -Thomas Douglas Selkirk, 1969


'They Go Much from Home': nineteenth-century islanders of Gigha, Scotland - MargaretStorrie, 1996


Highland migration to Dundee, Perth and Stirling, 1753-1891 - Charles W.J. Withers, 1985Article

Gaelic in Scotland, 1698-1981: the geographical history of a language - Charles W. J.Withers, 1984


Urban Highlanders: Highland-Lowland migration and urban Gaelic culture, 1700-1900 -Charles W. J. Withers, 1998

Book | Essential

Highland clubs and chapels: Glasgow's Gaelic community in the eighteenth century -Charles W. J. Withers, 1985


Transatlantic land reform: America and the Crofters' Revolt 1878-1888 - John D. Wood,1984


Immigrant Communities (46 items)

Multiculturalism in practice: Irish, Jewish, Italian and Pakistani migration to Scotland -Suzanne Audrey, 2000


Scottish Muslims through a decade of change: wounded by the stigma, healed by Islam,rescued by Scotland - Stefano Bonino, 2015


The influence of immigration on the growth, urban concentration and composition of theScottish population, 1841 - 1911 - Ben Braber, 2012


Moving worlds: personal recollections of twenty-one immigrants to Edinburgh - TimEdensor, Mij Kelly, 1989



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The thistle and the crescent - Bashir Maan, 2008Book

European immigration into Scotland: proceedings of the 4th Annual Conference of theScottish Association of Family History Societies, held in the Mitchell Theatre Complex,Glasgow, Saturday, September 12th 1992 - Scottish Association of Family HistorySocieties. Conference, 1993


a.Jews (17 items)

Jute, Journalism, Jam and Jews: the anomalous survival of the Dundee Hebrewcongregation - Nathan Abrams, 2012


Jews in Glasgow 1879-1939: immigration and integration - Ben Braber, 2007Book

Open Windows: Jewish refugee artists in Scotland during the twentieth century - BenBraber, 2012


Integration of Jewish immigrants in Glasgow, 1880-1939 - Ben Braber, 1992Thesis

The work of the Church of Scotland among the Jews in Scotland since 1943, with specialreference to Glasgow - James Robertson Buchanan, 1954


Scotland's Jews: a guide to the history and community of the Jews in Scotland - Kenneth E.Collins, E. J. Borowski, Leah Granat, 2008

Book | Essential

Be well!: Jewish health and welfare in Glasgow, 1860-1914 - Kenneth E. Collins, 2001Book

Second city Jewry: the Jews of Glasgow in the age of expansion, 1790-1919 - Kenneth E.Collins, 1990


200 years of Scottish Jewry: a demographic and genealogical profile - Michael Tobias,Neville Lamdan, Kenneth Collins, 2016


Two worlds: an Edinburgh Jewish childhood ; Promised lands : a portrait of my father -David Daiches, 1997


Jewish women in Glasgow c1880-1950: gender ethnicity and the immigrant experience -Linda Fleming, 2005



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The Jews and Irish in modern Scotland: anti-Semitism, sectarianism and social mobility -William Kenefick, 2013


The Gorbals Jewish community in 1901 - Harvey L. Kaplan, 2006Book

The origins of Scottish Jewry - Abraham Levy, 1958Book

Attitudes to Jewish immigration in the west of Scotland to 1905 - Henry Maitles, 1995Article

Blackshirts across the Border: The British Union of Fascists in Scotland - Henry Maitles,2003


A history of the origins of the first Jewish community in Scotland - Edinburgh, 1816 - AbelPhillips, 1979


b.Italians (8 items)

The Scottish Italian Community: senza un campanile? - Terri Colpi, 1993Article

Isle of the displaced: an Italian-Scot's memoirs of internment during the Second World War- Joe Pieri, 1997


River of memory: memoirs of a Scots-Italian - Joe Pieri, 2006Book

Italian emigration to Scotland - Ralph Richardson, 1913Article

They took the low road: a brief history of the emigration of the Barghigiani to Scotland -Bruno Sereni, 1974


Experiencing war as the 'enemy other': Italian Scottish experience in World War II - WendyUgolini, 2011


The Internal Enemy 'OTHER': recovering the World War Two narratives of Italian Scottishwomen - Wendy Ugolini, 2004


Italian Scottish identities and connections: with a case study on Trentino : atti delconvegno, 15 September 2000, Queen Margaret University College, Edimburgo =proceedings of the symposium, 15 September 2000, Queen Margaret University College,


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Edinburgh - Emanuela Rossini, Margaret Rose, 2000Book

c.English (10 items)

‘Hail Brither Scots O' Coaly Tyne’: Networking and Identity among Scottish Migrants in theNorth-east of England, ca. 1860–2000 - John A. Burnett, 2007


The Scots abroad: labour, capital, enterprise, 1750-1914 - R. A. Cage, 1985Book | See: Cage, R.A., ‘The Scots in England’.

English Workmen in Glasgow, 1758-1805 - 1891Article

The structuring of service-class migration: English migration to Scottish cities - CassieHiggins, Allan M. Findlay, Aileen Stockdale, Caroline Hoy, 2003


"Come to Corby": a Scottish steel town in the heart of England - Marjory Harper, 2013Article

Scots in London in the eighteenth century - Stana Nenadic, 2009Book

Ecosse: l'identité nationale en question = Scotland : questioning national identity - BernardSellin, Annie Thiec, Pierre Carboni, 2009

Book | See: Pentland, Gordon ‘“Like Jews they Spread, And as Infection Fly”: Scots andJews in English Political Culture, c.1750 – c.1830’, pp. 89-97.

The Scottish community and Scottish organisations on Merseyside: development anddecline of a diaspora - Duncan Sim, 2011


Being English in Scotland - Murray Watson, 2003Book

‘The English Diaspora: Discovering Scotland's Invisible Migrants - 1945 to 2000’ - MurrayWatson, 2002


d.Poles/Lithuanians (5 items)

Baptisms, marriages and Lithuanians; or, 'Ghetto? What Ghetto?' Some reflections onmodern Catholic historical assumptions - Bernard Aspinwall, 2000


Scotland and Poland: historical encounters, 1500-2010 - 2011Book | See; pp. 173 - 185, Clements, R., ‘Press reception of Polish migrants in Scotland,



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Scotland and Poland: historical encounters, 1500-2010 - 2011Book

The Polish community in Scotland - Thomas Kemberg, 1990Thesis

'To keep our fathers' faith...': Lithuanian immigrant religious aspirations and the policy ofWest of Scotland Catholic clergy, 1889-1914. - Ellen O'Donnell, 1998


Scottish Diaspora in the Twentieth Century (19 items)Read alongside next list for some topics.

Hearing women's voices: female migration to Canada in the early twentieth century -Marilyn Barber, 2005


Changes in Scottish incomes, 1924-49 - A. D. Campbell, 1955Article

Scottish emigration in the 1980s: a migration channels approach to the study of skilledinternational migration - Allan M. Findlay, Lesley Garrick, 1990


Global migrations: the Scottish diaspora since 1600 - T. M. Devine, 2018Book | Essential | See: Fitzpatrick, ‘What Scottish Diaspora?’

Emigration from Scotland between the wars: opportunity or exile? - Marjory Harper, 1998Book

Scotland no more?: the Scots who left Scotland in the twentieth century - Marjory Harper,2012


Scotland's diaspora and overseas-born population - Julie Carr, Luke Cavanagh, 2009Document

The mark of Scottish America: heritage identity and the tartan monster - RichardZumkhawala-Cook, 2005


The Empire Exhibition of 1938: the last Durbar - Robert A. Crampsey, 1988Book

British Empire Exhibition 1938Website

Aspects of Scottish migration history with particular emphasis on contemporary Pakistaniand Bangladeshi migration - Elizabeth Anne Dunlop, 1988



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Migration to and from Scotland Since 1961 - Huw R. Jones, 1970Article

Modern emigration from Scotland to Canada - Huw R. Jones, 1979Article

Imagining the Scottish Diaspora: emigration and transnational literature in the LateModern Period - Catriona M. M. Macdonald, 2012


'The only place worth thinking about': personal testimony and Irish and Scottish migrantsin Australasia, 1921-61 - Angela McCarthy, 2008


Personal accounts of leaving Scotland, 1921-1954 - Angela McCarthy, 2004Article

Nationality, citizenship, and migration to Britain, 1945-1951 - Robert Miles, 1989Article

Emigration of Scottish steelworkers to Canada: impacts on social networks - K. BruceNewbold, Susannah Watson, Anne Ellaway, 2015


Migration to Scotland in the age of total war: submitted for award of M.Litt., Department ofSociology, University of Glasgow, September 1995 - Stephen Roberts, 1995


Diasporic Identity and Legacy (11 items)

Ties of bluid, kin and countrie: Scottish associational culture in the diaspora - GraemeMorton, Tanja Bueltmann, Andrew Hinson, 2009

Book | Essential

Manly games, athletic sports and the commodification of Scottish identity: Caledoniangatherings in New Zealand to 1915 - Tanja Bueltmann, 2010


Myth, migration and the making of memory: Scotia and Nova Scotia, c.1700-1990 - MarjoryHarper, Michael E. Vance, 1999


Scottish exodus: travels among a worldwide clan - James Hunter, 2005Book

The modern Scottish diaspora: contemporary debates and perspectives - Murray StewartLeith, Duncan Sim, 2014


Scotland's diaspora strategy: the view from the current American diaspora - MurrayStewart Leith, Duncan Sim, 2016


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A global clan: Scottish migrant networks and identities since the eighteenth century -Angela McCarthy, 2006


The Caledonian games in nineteenth-century America - Gerald Redmond, 1971Book

Back to Caledonia: Scottish homecomings from the seventeenth century to the present -Mario Varricchio, 2012

Book | See: pp 109 - 127, Morton, G., ‘Returning nationalists, returning Scotland: JamesGrant and Theodore Napier’

Back to Caledonia: Scottish homecomings from the seventeenth century to the present -Mario Varricchio, 2012


Global migrations: the Scottish diaspora since 1600 - T. M. Devine, 2018Book | Essential | See various essays.

Globalisation, Scotland, and the End of Empire (14 items)

Joining Europe: Ireland, Scotland, and the Celtic response to European integration, 1961 -1975 - Andrew D. Devenney, 2010


The Break-Up of Britain? Scotland and the end of Empire: the Prothero Lecture - T. M.Devine, 2006


Characteristics and intentions of immigrants to and emigrants from Scotland - review ofexisting evidence - Franca Eirich


'For or Against?': Scottish Nationalists and the British Empire, 1919-39 - Richard J. Finlay,1992


Scottish emigration in the 1980s: a migration channels approach to the study of skilledinternational migration - Allan M. Findlay, Lesley Garrick, 1990


The Scottish nation at empire's end - Bryan Glass, 2014Book

New Scots and migration in the Scottish independence referendum - Eve Hepburn, 2015Article

The modern Scottish diaspora: contemporary debates and perspectives - Murray StewartLeith, Duncan Sim, 2014


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Britannia's children: emigration from England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland since 1600 -Eric Richards, 2004

Book | See pp. 255-277, Richards, E., ‘The end of diaspora’

Recent migration into Scotland: the evidence base - Heather Rolfe, Hilary Metcalf, March2009


Malcolm MacDonald: bringing an end to empire - Clyde Sanger, 1995Book

Scotland's Population 2009 - The Registrar General's annual review of demographic trends- Scottish Government, August 2006

Document | See: Chapter 5, 'Migration'

Diaspora Engagement Plan: reaching out to Scotland's international family - ScottishGovernment, 2010


The Deglobalisation of Dundee, c. 1900 - 2000 - Jim Tomlinson, 2009Article

Other (5 items)

Reference (3 items)

The Scots overseas: a selected bibliography - Donald Whyte, 1995Book

Guide to census reports, Great Britain, 1801-1966 - Office of Population Censuses andSurveys, General Register Office (Scotland), 1977


Scottish Population Statistics: including Webster's analysis of population 1755 - James KydDocument

Web Links (2 items)

The Statistical Accounts of Scotland 1791 - 1799 and 1845Webpage

SCRAN (Scottish Cultural Resources Access Network)Website | A wide range of illustrations can be found on the SCRAN (Scottish Cultural

Resources Archive Network) website.

Digitised Readings (27 items)


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A history of everyday life in Scotland, 1800 to 1900 - Trevor Griffiths, Graeme Morton,Ebooks Corporation Limited, c2010

Book | See: Durie A., Movement, transport and tourism, pp. 147-169.

A military history of Scotland - Edward M. Spiers, Jeremy A. Crang, Matthew Strickland,Ebooks Corporation Limited, c2012

Book | See: Spiers E. M., Scots and the wars of Empire, pp. 458-485.

Back to Caledonia: Scottish homecomings from the seventeenth century to the present -Mario Varricchio, 2012

Book | See: Morton G., Returning nationalists, returning Scotland, pp. 109-127, availablevia Online Resource button.

Britannia's children: emigration from England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland since 1600 -Eric Richards, 2004

Book | See: Richards E., The end of the diaspora, pp. 255-277, available via OnlineResource button.

Celebrating Columba: Irish-Scottish connections, 597-1997 - T. M. Devine, James F.McMillan, 1999

Book | See: Mitchell M., The Catholic Irish in the West of Scotland, pp. 50-83, availablevia Online Resource button.

Eighteenth century Scotland: new perspectives - T. M. Devine, John R. Young, University ofStrathclyde. Research Centre in Scottish History, c1999

Book | See: Fry M., A commerical empire, pp. 53-69, available via Online Resourcebutton.

Industry and ethos: Scotland, 1832-1914 - Olive Checkland, S. G. Checkland, 1989Book | See: Checkland O. and S., The outward impact, pp. 155-164, available via Online

Resource button.

Irish immigrants and Scottish society in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries:proceedings of the Scottish Historical Studies Seminar University of Strathclyde 1989-1990- T. M. Devine, Scottish Historical Studies Seminar, 1991

Book | See: Walker G., The Protestant Irish in Scotland, pp. 44-66, available via OnlineResource button.

The Irish in modern Scotland - J. E. Handley, 1947Book | See: Handley J., Religious and radical discord, pp. 93-121, available via Online

Resource button.

Modern Scottish history: 1707 to the present, Vol. 2: The modernisation of Scotland, 1850to the present - Anthony Cooke, Open University. Open University in Scotland, Universityof Dundee, 1998

Book | See: Kenefick, Demography, pp. 95-118, available via Online Resource button.

Modern Scottish history: 1707 to the present, Vol. 5: Major documents - Anthony Cooke,Open University. Open University in Scotland, University of Dundee, 1998

Book | See: Document 106, Parliamentary Paper Extract, pp. 211-212, available viaOnline Resource button.


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Modern Scottish history: 1707 to the present, Vol. 5: Major documents - Anthony Cooke,Open University. Open University in Scotland, University of Dundee, 1998

Book | See: Document 107, Parliamentary Paper Extract, pp. 213-215, available viaOnline Resource button.

Modern Scottish history: 1707 to the present, Vol. 1: The transformation of Scotland,1707-1850 - Open University. Open University in Scotland, University of Dundee, 2007

Book | See: Whyte I., Rural transformation and Lowland society, pp. 86-107, availablevia Online Resource button.

New perspectives on the Irish in Scotland - Martin J. Mitchell, c2008Book | See: Devine T., The Great Irish Famine in Scottish History, pp. 20-30, available

via Online Resource button.

People and society in Scotland - T. M. Devine, Rosalind Mitchison, W. Hamish Fraser,Economic and Social History Society of Scotland, 1988-1990

Book | See: Devine T., Urbanisation, vol. 1, pp. 27-52, available via Online Resourcebutton.

People and society in Scotland - T. M. Devine, Rosalind Mitchison, W. Hamish Fraser,Economic and Social History Society of Scotland, 1988-1990

Book | See: Anderosn M. and Morse D. J., The people, vol. 2, pp. 8-45, available viaOnline Resource button.

People and society in Scotland - T. M. Devine, Rosalind Mitchison, W. Hamish Fraser,Economic and Social History Society of Scotland, 1988-1990

Book | See: Anderson M., Population and family life, vol. 3., pp. 12-47, available viaOnline Resource button.

Scotland and Poland: historical encounters, 1500-2010 - Ebooks Corporation Limited, 2011Book | See: Clements R., Press reception of Polish migrants in Scotland, 1940-2010, pp.


Scotland and the British Empire - John M. MacKenzie, T. M. Devine, Oxford University Press,2011

Book | See: Mackillop A., Locality, nation and empire, pp. 54-83.

Scotland and the Union, 1707-2007 - T. M. Devine, 2008Book | See: Devine T., The spoils of empire, pp. 91-108.

Scotland's empire, 1600-1815 - T. M. Devine, 2003Book | See: Devine T., Empire and the transformation of Scotland, pp. 320-345,

available via Online Resource button.

Scottish emigration and Scottish society: proceedings of the Scottish Historical StudiesSeminar, University of Strathclyde 1990-1991 - T. M. Devine, Scottish Historical StudiesSeminar, c1992

Book | See: Devine T., Introduction: the paradox of Scottish emigration, pp. 1-15,available via Online Resource button.

Scottish ethnicity and the making of New Zealand Society 1850-1930 - Tanja Bueltmann,c2011


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Book | See: Bueltmann T., Far distant from their native land, pp. 180-202.

Scottish society, 1707-1830: beyond Jacobitism, towards industrialisation - Christopher A.Whatley, 2000

Book | See: Whatley C., Scottish society in the age of revolutions, pp. 263-300, availablevia Online Resource button.

The orphan country: children of Scotland's broken homes from 1845 to the present day -Lynn Abrams, 1998

Book | See: Abrams L., The emigrant child, pp. 122-161, available via Online Resourcebutton.

The Scots abroad: labour, capital, enterprise, 1750-1914 - R. A. Cage, c1985Book | See: Macmillan D., Scottish enterprise and influence in Canada, pp. 46-79,

available via Online Resource button.

Ties of bluid, kin and countrie: Scottish associational culture in the diaspora - GraemeMorton, Tanja Bueltmann, Andrew Hinson, University of Guelph. Centre for Scottish Studies, 2009

Book | See: Bueltmann T., Introduction: diaspora, associations and Scottish identity, pp.1-18, available via Online Resource button.
