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Adidas The Brotherhood History of the Brand: Adidas was formed by German sports apparel by the founder Adi Dassler during the 1920s. While Dassler was in his mothers wash room he decided to begin an athletic shoe. After he made the shoe he had help from his brother and twelve other people to produce around 50 handmade shoes per day. These athletic shoes were made for running and training. For over 80 years, Adidas has been part of the world of sports on every level, delivering state-of-the-art sports footwear, apparel and accessories. Today, Adidas is a global leader not only in the shoe industry, but also in the sporting goods industry. Shoes from the Adidas are available in virtually every country of the world. Oddball is proud to carry quality large size Adidas, ( Recently Adidas and the NBA joined forces and made The Brotherhood. The Brotherhood consists of Tracy McGRady of The Houston Rockets, Dwyane Wade of The Miami Heat, Tim Duncan of The San Antonio Spurs, Chauncey Billups of the Detroit Pistons and Gilbert Arenas of the Washington Wizards. When it came down to it Adidas and the NBA came up with the slogan called Basketball is a Brotherhood. The main focus of The Brotherhood was Adidas to sponsor the NBA. The way these six players were selected was by their athletic ability which is why they are also known as all stars. Then these six players decided to form a series that would help kids to discover their dream by playing with NBA Stars. This link

Richard Unger

Midterm Project

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( is a clip of The Brotherhood series. Media: The media that was used of The Brother Hood will be television, magazines and Internet. Media Vehicles: The media vehicles that were used for television will be ABC basketball games, TNT basketball games, ESPN basketball games and ESPN 2 basketball games and ESPNs Sports Center. The media vehicles that were going to be used for magazines were Sports Illustrated and ESPN Magazine. The media vehicles that are use for Internet were ESPN website (, NBA website (, Adidas website (, Sports Illustrated website ( Advertising unit: When it came to the advertising unit for television Adidas only runs: 30 seconds ads since most of these ads are played during NBA games. The ads in magazines are full page. When it came to the Internet ads are a top banner. For example, on page five you will see the ad which it a top banner. Seasonality: Since The Brotherhood is made up of The NBA the seasonality will be during the fourth quarter. The reason for this is that the basketball season begins in October which is in the fourth quarter.

Richard Unger

Midterm Project

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The time of day in which The Brotherhood would be run on television is during the evening while the NBA is holding their regular games. When it comes to the Internet The Brotherhood is advertise daily and at all times. Target Audience: When it came to any product the audience is very important. You need to know who are going to be interested in the product. When it came down to this The Brotherhood is mostly for boys ages 8-20 and for older males. For example, on page four you will see TMAC jersey for boys 8-20 and older males. Selection of Media: The reason that this media was selected was because television, magazines and Internet were the best way in which Adidas were able to show there customers their products. As you see below the picture on the third page that says Adidas NBA Shop, in order for Adidas to promote the The Brotherhood they had to come up with a slogan in which they called it NBA is a Brotherhood.

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Midterm Project

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Example of Media Buys: These jerseys are for boys ages 8-20. This TMAC jersey is usually sold for $55 around all Adidas stores. These jerseys are for older males. This TMAC jersey is usually sold for $75.

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Midterm Project

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TS Lightspeed T-MAC This is one type of TMAC shoe that is sold in all Adidas stores. This type of shoe is sold for $100.

Richard Unger

Midterm Project

Page 5 of 8 From Right to Left: Kevin Garnet, Dwyane Wade, Chauncey Billups, Tracy McGRady, Tim Duncan and Gilbert Arenas

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Midterm Project

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Questions: 1. How many of you have either wore, bought Adidas shoes or clothes or went into an Adidas store?

2. After seeing the video of The Brotherhood series what are some thoughts about this?

3. What is you opinion about Adidas teaming up and sponsoring the NBA to form The Brotherhood?

4. When you heard the slogan on page 5 Basket is a brotherhood what do you think this means?

Richard Unger

Midterm Project

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1.A Short History of Adidas Shoes. Oddball Shoe Company. 2008.

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Midterm Project

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