Download - Middle Ages. Russia Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.

Page 1: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.

Middle Ages

Page 2: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.


Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there

The Viking nobles were called boyars and they ruled from Kiev

Page 3: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.
Page 4: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.

Russia Vladimir, a king of

Kiev, converted to Greek Orthodox and made all his subjects convert

Russia now was linked with Byzantium through trade and religion

Page 5: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.

Russia Mongols invaded

Russia and destroyed Kiev

To keep the Russians safe, boyars under Alexander Nevsky cooperated with the Mongols and crushed any peasant rebellion

Page 6: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.

Russia The Mongols united

Russia and Moscow under Ivan I became the most powerful state in Russia

Page 7: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.

Russia Byzantium fell and

Ivan III married into the last emperor’s family= Russia was the 3rd Rome

He called himself czar (Russian version of Caesar)

He also defeated the Mongols and freed Russia

Page 8: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.


After Rome fell 5 changes occurred in Western Europe Disruption of Trade Downfall of Cities Population shifts from the cities to the

countryside Decline of learning Loss of common language

Page 9: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.


Social: Germans lived in small communities

under one chief Warriors followed the chief they could

see and not a king they never saw Family very important All land divided equally among sons

Page 10: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.

Germans Law: Wergeld system: kill or hurt someone

you pay the price for that person= stop blood fueds

Compurgation: 10 men say your innocent= your innocent, but if found guilty all die

Ordeal: fight to see if you are guilty or innocent

Page 11: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.


Women: Below men Witch trials: by burning or drowning

Page 12: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.

Germans The Franks took over Gaul and under the

great chief Clovis they converted to Christianity

He started the Merovingian Dynasty

Page 13: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.

Germans After Clovis’s death, the major domo

or mayor of the palace was more powerful than the king

Charles Martel was a major domo and beat the Muslims at the Battle of Tours

His son Pepin the Short eventually became king of the Franks and started the Carolingian Dynasty

Page 14: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.

Charles Martel


Page 15: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.


Charlemagne or Charles the Great took over after Pepin and built the largest kingdom since Rome

He stopped a mob from killing the Pope and in gratitude the Pope crowned him emperor

Page 16: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.
Page 17: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.


Charlemagne revived learning and started schools

Charlemagne died and he divided his kingdom between his 3 sons

The Treaty of Verdun officially divided the empire

Page 18: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.
Page 19: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.


Raiders invaded Europe between AD 700 and AD1000

Page 20: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.


Vikings invaded from Scandinavia They developed great boats that

could sail in the sea and on the rivers

Page 21: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.
Page 22: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.

Feudalism A northman or

Viking named Rollo was so bad that a French king gave him land in France to stop his raiding= this land became Normandy

Page 23: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.


Magyars came from the east on horseback

They did not settle, instead they captured people and sold them into slavery

Page 24: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.


With all the invasions, people turned to the local lords to protect them

This started Feudalism

Page 25: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.


Feudalism is a governing system where a lord, or landowner, gives land called a fief to a vassal in exchange for military protection

Page 26: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.

Feudalism Serfs or peasants

were the bottom of the social order.

Serfs were bound to the land, but they were not slaves

Page 27: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.

Feudalism Serfs rarely traveled 25 miles from their

birthplace They rarely ate meat. They mainly ate

barley soup There was a serious crime problem

There was an average of 24 corpses on Paris’s front gate to discourage criminals

Bloodletting was the main cure for illnesses Average life expectancy was 30 years old

Page 28: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.


The economic system of the time was manor system

The manor system is the lord gives land and protection to his vassals in exchange for working the land and giving a portion of their work to the lord

Page 29: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.
Page 30: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.

Knights 2 technological advances to make knights

more effective Leather saddle (keep knight on horse) Stirrups (to brace knight during collisions

Page 31: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.

Knights Lords required a

knight to fight 40 days a year in exchange for fiefs

Page 32: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.


To become a knight: At age 7, parents send son to another

lord to serve as page. They learn manners, chess, fight skills, and fighting strategies

At age 14, page becomes a squire. They take care of a knight and his horse and escorts the knight into battle

At age 21, squire becomes a knight

Page 33: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.


To stop brutal fighting, knights follow the code of chivalry which is a complex set of ideals that a knight has to follow when fighting for his 3 masters Lord Lady God

Page 34: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.


If coward, a knight will have his armor stripped, his shield cracked, spurs cut, sword broken, and knight thrown into a coffin and have a mock funeral service.

Page 35: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.


To stop violent urges, lords held tournaments or mock battles Jousting Sword fighting Hawking

Page 36: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.


To stop attacks, castles were built

Page 37: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.
Page 38: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.


To destroy castles, new weapons were invented Battering ram Tortoise (to protect soldiers from arrows) Trebuchet (giant slingshot) Mangonel (flinger of rocks) Siege tower Cross bow

Page 39: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.


Epic poetry was very popular during this time

The Song of Roland was the most famous epic poem. It was about French knights fight to the death against Muslims

Troubadours were the poet-musicians during this time

Page 40: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.


Women are to be protected and their power actually declined in society

They only had power in the home and in a convent

Page 41: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.

Church The Christian Church also became powerful

during this time.

They opened up monasteries or religious communities with monks and nuns

They became centers of learning

Page 42: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.



Pope Gregory I

Page 43: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.


Pope Gregory I made the church more secular, or involved in nonreligious things and he believed the Christian Church should be first in all lives

Page 44: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.


The Church provided sacraments or important religious ceremonies like: Baptism confirmation

Page 45: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.

Church The Church also had its own laws called

canon laws

One law was everyone had to pay a tithe to the Chuch. The tithe was 10% of your income

If someone disobeyed a canon law, bishops or the pope could excommunicate them (take them out of the Church)

Page 46: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.


The Church helped a king named Otto to form the Holy Roman Empire to control the many German princes

Page 47: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.
Page 48: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.


Many Germans thought that the Church was too powerful and tried to fight back

Emperor Henry IV tried to appoint his own bishops and the fought the pope over it.

Page 49: Middle Ages. Russia  Vikings came down the Russian Rivers and controlled the peasants that lived there  The Viking nobles were called boyars and they.


The fight between the German princes and the Church had 3 effects Germany was not unified during this time The Church excommunicated many
