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Middle Ages Introduction

Ca. 500 – 1000 C.E.

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The Germanic Successor States

• Last Roman emperor deposed by Germanic Odoacer, 476 C.E.

• Administrative apparatus still in place, but cities lose population

• Germanic successor states:–Visigoths–Ostrogoths– Lombards– Franks

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Germanic Invasions 450 – 476 C.E.

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Medieval Christendom

• Two halves of what used to be the Roman Empire–Byzantine empire –Germanic states

• Inherited Christianity from Roman empire• After eighth century, tensions between two


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Successor States to the Roman Empire, ca. 600 C.E.

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The Early Byzantine Empire

• Capital: Byzantium• Commercial, strategic value of location• Constantine names capital after himself

(Constantinople), moves capital there after 330 C.E.

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Justinian (527-565 C.E.)

• The “sleepless emperor”• Wife Theodora as advisor–Background: “circus performer”

• Ambitious construction programs– The church of Hagia Sophia

• Justinian’s code: codification of Roman law

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Hagia Sophia (now the Ayasofya Müzesi)

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• Power centralized in figure of emperor • Christian leader cannot claim divinity, rather

divine authority• Political rule• Involved in religious rule as well• Authority absolute

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Muslim Conquests

• Seventh century, Arab Muslim expansion• Besieged Byzantium 674-678, 717-718• Defense made possible through use of “Greek

fire”• Constantinople eventually fell to Muslims in

1453 and was renamed Istanbul

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Expansion of Islam 632 – 733 C.E.

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The Carolingian Empire

• In 486, Clovis, King of the Franks conquered the former province of Gaul, which later became known as the kingdom of France.

• Clovis converted to Christianity, which was the religion of most people in Gaul.

• This also gave him an ally in the pope, the leader of the Christian Church in Rome.

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The Carolingian Empire

• The Muslim empire was also spreading, mostly across North Africa, but also into Europe.

• When Muslim armies moved into France, Charles Martel rallied Christian troops and defeated them at the Battle of Tours in 732.

• Muslims advanced no further into Western Europe, but continued to occupy what is now Spain.

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The Early Middle Ages

• In 786, the grandson of Martel became king of the Franks – his name was Charlemagne.

• Charlemagne helped Pope Leo III by arresting some rebels, so the Pope crowned him Emperor of the Romans

• How do you think the eastern Roman Empire felt about this?

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The Carolingian Empire

• Charlemagne continued to work with the church to unify Europe.

• Appointed powerful nobles to rule local areas.• Sent out missi dominici to stay in touch.• After Charlemagne died, his grandsons battled

each other for power. In 843 they split the kingdom into three regions and called for peace with the Treaty of Verdun.

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• South: Muslims• East: Magyars• North: Vikings– Norse expansion driven by population pressure,

quest for wealth– Superior seafaring technology

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The Vikings

• From village of Vik, Norway (hence “Viking”)• Boats with shallow drafts, capable of river

travel as well as on open seas• Attacked villages, cities, monasteries from

ninth century–Constantinople sacked three times

• Carolingians had no navy, dependent on local defenses

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Economy in Medieval Christendom

• Byzantium – economic powerhouse–Agricultural surplus– Long-distance trade

• Western Christendom–Repeated invasions contribute to

agricultural decline– Tenth century, increased political stability

leads to economic recovery