Download - MICROLEPIDOPTERA PALAEARCTICA SEVENTH ... PALAEARCTICA - SEVENTH VOLUME GLYPHIPTERIGIDAE auctorurn sensu lato (Glyphipterygidae sensu MEYRICK, 19 13) conraining . TORTRICIDAE: Hilarographini

Page 1: MICROLEPIDOPTERA PALAEARCTICA SEVENTH ... PALAEARCTICA - SEVENTH VOLUME GLYPHIPTERIGIDAE auctorurn sensu lato (Glyphipterygidae sensu MEYRICK, 19 13) conraining . TORTRICIDAE: Hilarographini

M I C R O L E P I D O P T E R A P A L A E A R C T I C A -


GLYPHIPTERIGIDAE auctorurn sensu lato

(Glyphipterygidae sensu MEYRICK, 19 13)

conraining .






Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden




Page 2: MICROLEPIDOPTERA PALAEARCTICA SEVENTH ... PALAEARCTICA - SEVENTH VOLUME GLYPHIPTERIGIDAE auctorurn sensu lato (Glyphipterygidae sensu MEYRICK, 19 13) conraining . TORTRICIDAE: Hilarographini

Anthophila, Choreutidae

R e r n a r k s : T h e species is nearest ro A.fabriciana, differing by the more conspicuous pale ochreous costal spors and by [he very long lateral prong of rhe aedeagus, the use of nh ich seerns completely in- cornprehensible! Besides, the species is inreresting s)~srernatically, having typical paipi of a Prochoreirris, with a brush-like median segrnent, bu t with [he apical segment very iong, thin and straight, possibly showing sorne intermediate position between Anthophila and Prochorerrtis.

h í a r e r i a l s t u d i e d : Besides the hoiorype, aiso scudied: [he aliotype, gen. siide 10518, the para- type frorn rhe Sochi district, gen. slide 10019 d, and the above Carpathian rnaie.

L i t e r a t u r e : HEPPNER, 1981: 5C. - DIAKOSOFF, 1984: 62.


19 (2) Anthophila fabriciana (LISSAECS) (P1. 2, 3, fig. 19,.-3)

lhhalaena Tortrixfabriciana LINSAECS, 1767, Syst. Nar. , ed. 12: 883, nr. 321.

T y p e l o c a l i t y : Sweden: Hammarby.

H o l o t y p e : Lost; no t in the LISXEAS coliection (tesre Dr. G. S. ROBISSOS, i i i iit.).

S y n o n y r n y : P/mlaena Tinea oxyucanthella LIS';.AEIJS, 1767, Syst. h-ac., ed. 12, 2: 886, nr. 357. Type locality not

Tortrix ttrticana DENIS & SCHIFFERhlULLER, [ 17753, Lep. Wiener Gegend: 132. Type localir). Aus- indicated. Holotype. Wherenbouts unknonm. Presumably lost.

tria, District of Vienna. Holotype. Lost (teste HORK & KAHLE, 1936: 243).

Ph. [alaena] Pullium excirirm RETZIUS, 1783, Car. d e Geer Gen et Spec. Insectorum: 5 2 , no. 148

Phal. [aena] Tortrix gilibertianu C. I'ILLERS, 1789, C. Linn. Ent . Suaec., 2: 425, no. 761. T y p e iocal-

Crumbrrs oxyacanthae FABRICIUS, 1798, Species Insecr., Suppl.: 474, no. 59 (ernendation).

Tortris dentuna HUBNER [1799], Samml. eur. Schmett., Tortr., pl. 41, fig. 273. Type locality. Eu-

Anthophilafabricii HAWORTH, [ í 8 i 11, Ins. Brit.: 471, nr. 1 (emendation).

Anthophila oxyacanthae FABRICIL'S, 1794, Enr. Syst., 3 (2).

Asopia alternalis TREITSCHKE, 1829, Schrnett. Eur., 7: 163. Type localiry. Europe. Lectotype, O',

hereby selected / T'REITS. (black cadre, print and ink) / 2996 / G e n . no. 10049 i\. DI.X / Lectotype o', Asopia alterrialir TREITSCHKE, seiected by A. DLAKONOFF (black cadre, princ and ink) 1. YMAB.

Simaethis parietariae STAINTOS, 1855, Ent. Ann. 42. Type localiry. Great Britain. Holotype. Where- abouts unknown. Presurnably iosr (teste D. J. CARTER, in iit.).


ity. Europe. Holorype. Whereabours unknoa-n, presurnably losc.

rope. Holotype. Whereabouts unknown. Presurnably losr.

D i a g n o s i s : d, 10- 14 mm..Head and thoras light slat)--grey a-irh a purplish gloss, finely dusted n-ith a-hitish. Antenna da rk fuscous, ringed n-ith whire, scape n i t h a white do t o n upper side; aciculate- biciiiace, ciliations about 2, scape slaty-grey. Palpus creamy-n-hite, median segment a-ith a faint subapi- cal grey ring, terminal segment light slaty-grey, slighcly flartened dorsovenrrally, iongish, obruse. Abdo- men grey-fuscous n-ith a purple gloss, posterior edge of segrnents pale grey, vencer a-hite, anal tuf t dark fuscous. Segments 1-7 n i t h lateral siender pencils of long scaies, segment 8 strongly dilared, sorne- n-har funnel-like posterad, n i th long lateral pencils and a fringe of hair-scales along posterior edge above and iateraliy, ventraily absent. Valva deeply clefc, at the base of cleft on the outside n strongly spreading pencil of long hair-scales. Abdomen of 9 n i t h short lateral pencils along segrnenrs 3- 6 only.

Fore a-ing broadiy suboval, costa c u n e d throughour, apes obtusely pointed, terrnen gentiy sinuate above, rounded berieath, moderately oblique. Rarher dnrk glossy purplish-fuscous, sparsely dusted a-ith creamy-white. Basa1 patch under %, siightly more greyish-tinged and evenly dusced n i t h creamy, edge


Page 3: MICROLEPIDOPTERA PALAEARCTICA SEVENTH ... PALAEARCTICA - SEVENTH VOLUME GLYPHIPTERIGIDAE auctorurn sensu lato (Glyphipterygidae sensu MEYRICK, 19 13) conraining . TORTRICIDAE: Hilarographini


Anthophila, Choreutidae

rather distinct, vertical and straight, n i t h a srnall posterior projection just above fold, connecting with a sornewhat irregular blotch of similar dusting, frorn a white suffused rnark just beyond 7’ of costa to an opposite point of dorsurn, anterior edge well defined, straight, posterior strongly diffuse and rounded, an oblong spot of uninterrupted ground colour above fold; a transverse cornma-shaped white strigula on costa before %, outwards-concave, continued by a rhin zigzag line of whitish dusting across wing to dorsurn well before tornus; this line forrning a long acute posterior tooth below of disc and a srnall, blunter tooth just above fold; betneen these teeth and edges of a i n g the line strongly outwards-con- cave; a rather broad band of darker, uninterrupted ground colour, more or less parallel to zigzag h e , only opposire large tooth with a srnall crescentic white strigula, lirniting together a rhornboidal spot of deeper ground colour, ofteri ill-defined; zigzag line followed by a band of sparse crearny dusting from beloar costa to dorsum. Cilia fuscous, l o n e r third dark fuscous, uninterrupted, upper % with a white streak along upper half of terrnen and a less distinct srnaller blotch above tornus.

H ind wing light purple-fuscous, gradually becorning paler tow-ards costa, a rather faint irregular n h i t e streak frorn above tornus slightly undulate, running LO above rniddle of terrnen, gently diverging frorn edge of wing, alrnost interrupted in fold. Cilia light fuscous, frorn below apex to before tornus snon-n-hite, a continuous darker fuscous subbasal band and a fine pale basal line.

9 , i i - 14 rnrn. Darker, basal patch more contrasting, second irrorated patch srnaller, less well de- fined; zigzag line more distinct, large tooth dissolved, posterior band of pale irroration wider, ili-de- fined.

Hind wing slightly darker, becoming less paler towards costa, white submarginal streak more dis- tinct, thicker, longer. Ochemise similar to the rnale.

l ’ a r i a b i l i t j - : T h e tinge of the ground colour and the arnount of the light dusring rnayv-ary, espe- ciallp the Intter; the first costal n-hice rnark and the subrnedian blotch of irroration niay be strongly re- duced or disappear altogether.

h l a l e g e n i t a l i a (PI. 29): Tegurnen moderate, uncus pointed, conical. Socius a patch of dense hairs. Gnathos aell-developed, hooked. \‘inculurn triangular, rather broad. l‘alva oval, costa n i th a di- versely shaped and sized process; sacculus a strong roll, densely bristled posteriorly. Cucullus truncate, notched in rniddle, preceded by a large and dense bristly patch in disc; harpe rarher variable, a denticu- late basad-directed truncate blade, gradually narrom-ed posterad. Anellus, a large body, rnembranous o n upper half, subsclerotic and short-bristled o n basal half. Aedeagus thick, na r roned apicad, n i th a di- versel!. shaped median branching off process on the left side. Cornutus a central rnernbranous triangular sniall sac, a-ith the base denriculate on the outside.

F e rn a I e g e n i t a I i a (PI. 1 16): Ovipositor broad and short. Seventh sternite large erect-trapezoidal, n-ith less sclerotic median part. Ostiurn n i d e , at top of sternite, n i t h a pair of erect plates forrning os- tiurn proper. Ductus bursae srrong, tortuous. Corpus bursae ovoidal, asyrnrnetrical, n i th a subapical conscriction longitudinally, dividing a part of the Corpus opposite a srnall parietal signurn, the latter shaped as a scobinate lamina dentnta of variable length.

E a r l y s t a g e s a n d b i o n o r n i c s : T h e l a n a is bivoltine and lives in V-VI and VI11 in light n-eb- bing between leaves of ürtica dioica, Parietaria of icinalis and Syrnphytrrrn tirberosunr. Larva is described as being “n-hice-green a-ith a black head and dots” (SNELLEN, iSS.2). G R ~ B E (1955) says: “Larva ... in spun rogether rop leaves or in leaf-rolls . . . PRINZ reared the rnoths ones frorn a-illon catkins. Pupae i n or outside the lana1 aebbing, under tree bark or rnoss in a white, tough, spindle-shaped webbing. I t rests for 9- 13 daps. T h e auturnn generarion hibernates as a rule, the rnoth hibernates often as well.”

Di s t ri b u t i o n : Widely distributed over the a-hole region, frorn southern Europe to East Siberia, Sakhalin, South Kuril Is., Japan. h’ot i n the Nearctic Region, where a vicarious species occurs.

R e r n a r k s : This is one of the rnost cornrnon species of the Palaearctic fauna. T h e adults vary litcle as to rhe colouring and rnarkings, but they vary considerably, with regard to the rnale genitalia, viz., the shape of thé valva, the costal process, the discal harpe and the aedeagus; the extremes of these shapes, houever, are connected by interrnediates so that ir is not possible to separate distinct subspecific groups.


Page 4: MICROLEPIDOPTERA PALAEARCTICA SEVENTH ... PALAEARCTICA - SEVENTH VOLUME GLYPHIPTERIGIDAE auctorurn sensu lato (Glyphipterygidae sensu MEYRICK, 19 13) conraining . TORTRICIDAE: Hilarographini

Anthophila, Choreutidae

M a t e r i a l s r u d i e d : Withour wishing ro cite rhe entire European material of rhis mosr comrnon species, sorne iocalities along the far eastern peripher). of rhe Palaearctic region may be of interest and are presented here.

- S Kuril Is., Pararnushir I., 28. VIII. 1976, genit. slide 9903; Iturup I., Kurilsk, 11.1‘11. 1976. Ku- nashir 1. Tretyakovo, 29. VI. 1971, Alekhino, 15. VI. 1973, Malokurilskoye, 12. VII. 1965 (Al by ERMOLENKO). ZIAN.

- E Tannu-Ola, Tuwa, Shurrnak Pass, 2. VIII. 1969 (Y. KOSTYVK). UANK.

- Japan, Hokkaido, Sapporo, Moiwa, 18. VI. 1972 (T. KUM~TA) . Honshu, hlt. Hayachine 3. IX. 1965 (T. OKU). RMNH.

- ISSIKI Collecrion, USNM: Hokkaido, Sapporo, 14. VI. 1919. - Honshc: Kyoto, 22. VII. 1976 (A4. MU~LWRA). Kinki, Naraken, Dorogana, 29. VI. 1931 (A. MCTGVRA). - Sikoku: Turugi-san, 33.1‘. 1953, genit. slide 9772 (= 24416) (Al1 by S. ISSIKI).

- Taiwan: genit. slide 9771 (= 24415); Taiheisan, 8. 1’. 1942; Rarasan, 2s. 1’11. 1943, genit. slide 2770 (= 24414) (Al1 by S. ISSIKI). USNM. One specirnen \vith righr pair of wings rnissing, erroneously idenrified as “Simaethis hnliniora MEYRICK” (from Assam).

L i t e r a t u r e : Phalaena Tortrixf;zbriciam: L~XS.GUS, 1767, Syst. Nat., ed. 12: 883, nr. 324. - DE 1-ILLERS, 1789:

Pyrdisfabriciana: FABRICIUS, 1781: 276, nr . 143. - 1787: 236, nr. 1C9. - 1794: 276, nr. 143. Xylopodafa6riciana: LATREILLE, 1829: 412. - DUPONCHEL, 1834: 457, 463, t. 260 f 5. - BRLASD,

Chorerrtisfabriciana: DE G R ~ ~ F , 1862: 54 . - L.ARSES, 1916- 1917: 136. Simaethisfabriciatia: STEPHENS, 1829: 161, nr. 6781. - 1834: 29 [Simaethis (Choreiitij)]. - 1853:

248. - 1859: 210. - HERRICH-SCH~FFER, 1853: 93, nr. 142. - WOOD, 1839: 37, f . 7s3. - WOOD 8; WESTWOOD, 3854: 120, f . 783. - STAINTOX, 1859: 158. - ~‘LASS, 1862: 104. - 1S66: 356. - 1867a: 73. - 1867b: 840. - 1869: 387. - 1871: 7s. - ROESSLER, 1866: 237 (357). - STASCE, 1S69: 93. - HEIX‘EAL~NS ti WOCKE, 1870: 5. - JOURDHEL‘ILLE, 1870: 243. - STACDINCER, 1871: 27C. - SSELLEK, 1875: 73. - 1882: 436, 437. - TER H.A~R, 1866a: 32. - 1866b: 217. - FREY, 1880: 333. - SOR-

nr. 2315. - ROTHE, 1902: 97. - EBERT, 1903: 32. - REBEL, 1903a: 326. - 1903b: 247. - 1904: 345. - 1910: 349. - PROH.ISM, 1935: 17. - 1907: 276. - RICUZ.~, 1933: 19. - CROMBRXGE DE Prc- QUEXD.iELE, 1906: 2. - SCHOPFER, 1937: 283. - HOR>~LZ.~KI , 1907: 7s . - LEMEERE, 1937: 791. - NICKERL, 1908: 1. - Dis~tiÉ, 1938: 9S, 132, 138. - KRL:LIKO\:SKY, 1935: 261. - JO.ISSIS, 1939: 78s, nr . 273. - GRIEBEL, 1910: 43. - A ~ E Y R I C K , 1910: 226. - 1913: 36. - 1914: 22. - 192s: 707. - GRIBE, 3935: 63.

Phalaena Toririx oxyncantha~ia: HOLLE, 1 S65: 220, 3 10. Anihophila oxyacanthae: H.AWORTH, [ i s i i ] : 471, nr . 2. Siniaefhis oxyacanthelln: ZELLER, 1S6S: 619. - ST.~L‘DISGER 8; V?OCKE, 1S71 a : 263, nr. 1309. -

1871b: 18. - WALLESCRES, 1571: 1338. - B-~sc K.iiS, 1875: 1 . - híILLIERE, 1S76: 294. - A l A s s , 187s: 497. - ZELLER, 1S78: 116. - ST.iUDISGER, 1879: 264. - H.-\RTkí.iSS, lS79: 194, nr . 1339. - iSS0: 54, nr. 1329 (oxyacanthelln ti o x y m n t h e l l a u r . alienialis). - U’IELER, iSS?: 2s. - SCHOYES. 1881: 4 s . - DOSCKIER DE DOSCEEL, 1S82: 14. - CCRO, 1883: 2. - SORH.AGES, ISS6 : 139. - h1iS.i- P.~LOMBO R: FAILL.~-TED.ILDI, 1SS9: 159. - WALSINCH.~SI, 1891: 543, nr. 38. - NICKERL, 1894: 1 5 . - P.iVEL ¿!i UHRYK, 1896: 65. - REUTTI, 1898: 180. - c.IRIDJ.i, 1899: 196. - 1921: 112. - 1920: 13, nr. 2318. - ST.ISGE, 1899: 3. - EBERT, 1903: 32, nr. 322.


1845: 55. - GUEKÉE, 1845: 191.

HACEN, 1886: 139. - hlEYRICK, 1895: 707. - SEEBOLD, 1898: 3c8. - ST.iUDINGER & REBEL, 1901: 129,

Anthophila fabricii H.AWORTH, [ 18 1 i ] : 47 1, nr. 1. Hemerophiln fabricinria UC’.ALSISGH.~M, 1937: 989. Tortrix rrrticana DEXIS & SCHIFFER~LOLLER, 1775, 132, nr . 7, 8. - HGBNER, 1826, pl. 44, f. 273 (Tor -

trix) . - BRUAND, 1845: 155 (Xylopoda).


Page 5: MICROLEPIDOPTERA PALAEARCTICA SEVENTH ... PALAEARCTICA - SEVENTH VOLUME GLYPHIPTERIGIDAE auctorurn sensu lato (Glyphipterygidae sensu MEYRICK, 19 13) conraining . TORTRICIDAE: Hilarographini

Anthophila, Choreutidae

Anthophiiafaúriciana: híEESS in SPLLER, 1913: 297, pi. 87, f. 3. - H.ACDER, 1912: 154. - SCH.4-

B'ERD.I, 1913: 174. - MPLLER-RUTZ, 1914: 423. - .4non., 1915: 161, nr . 1945. - SCH.IWERD.I, 1916:

MCDUNKOUGH, 1917: 181, nr. 7603. - FORBES, 1923: 352, f. 217. - STEPH.\S, 1925: 117. - WEHRLI, 1925: 136. - VERBRODT, 1928: 116. - F Ü G E et al., 1930: 96. - H.ARTWIEG, 1930: 60. - SCHILLE, in RO>t.iNISZYN, 1930: 152. - HERIKG, 1932: 176. - ECKSTEIN, 1933: 108. - FLETCHER, 1933: 25. -

- TOLL, 1938: 164. - 1959: 183. - IT. iRI , 1911: 200, nr. 156. - BENANDER, 1946: 32. - FORD, 1949: 126. - Anon., 1950: 15. - OSTHELDER, 1951: 119, nr. 606. - FORD, 1954: 96, pl. 8, fig. 25 (recte 6). - TOLL, 1956: 6, 28, 29, f. 78-80. - I s s r ~ i , 1957: 33, pl. 4, f . 130. - MICKIELIS, 1957: 34. - BRAD- LEY 8i PELHAM-CLINTOS, 1957: 126. - BRADLEY, 1938: 130. - AMSEL, 1959: 8. - h4oUCH.I & NOVAK,

1961: 38, f. - POPESCU-GORJ, 1964: 45. - POPESCU-GORJ & NEMES, 1965: 161. - HRUBI, 1964: 261. - AGENJO, 1966: 22. - D.ASILE~WX, 1969: 926, fig. 7, 8. - CH.+LhIERS-HUNT, 1971: 19. - KROGERUS er al., 1971: 17. - ISSEKUTZ, 1972: 73, nr. 1540. - KARSHOLT 8i KRISTENSEN, 1974: 36. - GOATER, 1974: 51. - FORD, 1978: 82-83, pl. 8, fig. 6. - ENMET C.S., 1979: 65:- HEPPNER, 1981: 50. - MOR-

36. - M.ARTINI, 1916: 133. - B.IUES, 1917: 33. - REBEL, 1917: 42. - 1917: 60. - BARNES 8:

PIERCE & ?'.JETC.ALFE, 1935: 40, pl. 23. - SCHAWERD.I, 1936: 80. - 1937: 112. - MhRIANI, 1938: 169.

1962: 108. - LHOhIhfE, 1963: 496. - KLIMESCH, 1968: 150. - RIZOMSKI, 1969: 244. - KODAMA,

IL'TI, in ISOUE C.S., 1982, 1: 239; 2: 202, pl. 10: 33. - DIhKOSOFF, 1984: 62. Tortrix dentana HOBSER, 1796, pl. 1, fig. 4, 5 . Pyralis dentulis HCBNER, 1799, pl. 4, fig. 25. Hemerophila dentana H~BSER, 1825: 60, no. 4. Xylopoda dentana BERTHOLD, 1S27: 484. Asopin a i f e r n a h TREITSCHKE, 1829: 160, nr. 12. - FRE, 1858: 59. Choreiites dternaiis TREITSCHKE, 1835: 32. - ZETTERSTEDT, 1843: 971. - HEYDENREICH, 1851 : 63,

1857: 181. - SCHLEIDER, 1856: 668. - 1861: 192, nr . 4. - BENANDER, 1949: 52

nr. 187. - DE GRUF, 1851: 35. - KOCH, 1856: 310, nr. 187. - WlLDE,

(syn.). Sinznethis pnrietnrine ST.USTON, 1855: 64.

20 (3) Anthophila dischides D I ~ K O S O F F (PI. 3 , fig. 20)

Anthophila dischides DLIKOXOFF, 1978, Zool. Verh., 163: 3, fig. 1.

T y p e l o c a l i t y : China: Likiang.

H o l o t y p e : d /L i -k iang (China), Prosinz Nord-Yünnan, 12. 7. 1934, H. HONE (yellow label, typedj / Gen. Ko. 9425 / Holotype, d, nnthOphdU dirchides A. DLIKOSOFF, 1977 (black cadre) / T y p e (red label) /. M.AKB.

D i a g n o s i s : d, 13 mm. Head light glossy fuscous, f i ce below pale grey, vertex dusted with pale ochreous. Antenna dark fuscous, pale-ringed, ciliations 1. Palpus rather long, curved and ascending; fuscous, bssal segment white, median segment wirh a submedian and an apical white ring, dilated to- wards apex; terminal segment with a median white ring, tip obtusely pointed. T h o r a x fuscous, strewn with pale ochreous points. Abdomen dark fuscous, dorsum grey-fuscous towards base, dull.

Fore n-ing broadly sublanceolate, dilated, broadest ar y4, costa curved a t base, rather straight be- yond base, cun-ed again along posterior third, apex rather pointed, termen convex, oblique, rounded belon. Fuscous, partially finely irrorated n i t h light greyish (pale tips of scales), along fold and on pos- terior half suffused n i t h deeper glossy brownish-purple. A ver). faint and broad inwards-oblique subba- sal transverse band of pale greyish irroration; a slightly inwards-oblique faint pale grey transverse band frorn of costa, beginning n i t h an inwards-oblique pale ochreous marginal suffused rnark; a second similar rnark before Y3, forming a vertical small blotch to upper edge of cell, rather brighter ochreous, more or less continued across wing by a pair of irregular zigzag faint lines, ending with a similar trans-

Page 6: MICROLEPIDOPTERA PALAEARCTICA SEVENTH ... PALAEARCTICA - SEVENTH VOLUME GLYPHIPTERIGIDAE auctorurn sensu lato (Glyphipterygidae sensu MEYRICK, 19 13) conraining . TORTRICIDAE: Hilarographini

Tebenna. Choreutidae

the event of their availabiliry, rhe subspecies pretiosana a o u l d of course have to be relegated to the sra- tus of a forrn of bjerkandrella.

L i t e r a t u r e : Sirnaethij pretiosana: GUEKÉE, 1845: 191. - REBEL, 1892a: 266, 282, no. 43. - 1892b: 243. -

1896: 122, 146, no. 173. - 1906: 44, no. 202. - W.ALSINGH.AM, 1891: 545. - 1960: 28. - HORMUSAKI, 1907: 77.

Xylopoda pretiosana: ZELLER, iS52: 86. Choreirtis b j e rkandreh var. pretiosana: ST.~UDISCER 8; WOCKE, 187 1 a: 265, no. 1302 a. - 187 1 b:

18. - FERNALD, 1900: 241. - STAUDISGER 8c REBEL, 1931: 129, no. 2311 (2312). - C.~F.-\DJ.~, 1923: 34, no. 15 Porpe (Chorerrtes). - ZERLY, 1927: 471. - AMSEL, 1936: 353, no. 114.

Chorerrtispretiosana: MANN, 1869: 387. - 1873: 127. - REBEL, 1572: 243. - 1892%: 266, 282, nr. 43. - 1892b: 243. - 1896: 122, 146, 173. - 1906: 44, no. 232. - 1917: 41. - SSELLES, 1875: 74. - CHRISTOPH, 1875: 48. - MILLIERE, 1S76: 294. - WOLLASTOS, 1879: 342. - H.%R-rM%ss, 188C: 54 . - SEEBOLD, 1898: 308. - MEESS in SPULER, 1910: 29s. - HERISG, 1932: 706 (Choreir!is bjerkandrella race pretiosana). - h?r\Rl.iSI, 1938: 169. - WEBER, 1946: 869. - KL‘ZSETSOV, 1962: 28. - LHOMME, 1963: 498.

Tebenna pretiosana: HEPPNER, 1981: 5s (pretiosann). - DIAKOSOFF, 19S4: 64.

54 (4) Tebenna micalis (MASN) (Pl. 6, 7, fig. 5 4 , - 4 )

Choreirtis micalis hí,ixs, 1857, W’ien. ent. hionatschr., 1 : 181

T y p e l o c a l i t y : S Europe: Fiurne.

L e c t o t y p e : Lectotype, hereby designared, d /Fiume, 3.49 Xln (smnll, square green, black cadre and ink) / Coll. WOCKE (print) / hluseurn Leiden, Leccorype, d, Chorerrtic micalis ~ I ~ s s , Selected by A. DI.~KONOFF, 1978 (print 8: ink, black cndre) í T y p e (red) 1. Abdomen inrnct. ZI.Yí.

S y n o n y m y : Choreirtis pretiosnnn sensu h í lLLIERE, 1 E74. 3 17. pl. 14:. figs. 1-2 (error idenrif.) (nec DCPOSCHEL,

1842). Chorertiis ijshikii hl . \ lSGhlCRi, 193 1 ,

6000 111. Ins. Japan: 1378, nr. 21S-I. Type localiry. Japnn, Honshu : %’aknyamn Pre- fecture: Kii. Holorype. Lecrotype, se- lecred b!. Y. .ARIT.~, 1975, d /Kii. 15. \‘II, 19 13 ISSIKI (ink) / ó Genitnlin on slide Ko. G lp - j j ? T. K\w..IRE, 1973 (prinr 8; ¡nk) / . EIHU.

Smirhson. Contr. Zool., 56: 166, fig. 131, pl. 221. Type Iocality. N e a Zealand: Hsurnoana, Han.kes Ba)-. Holotype. d No. USNM 70102/Nen- Zealand, Hau- rnoana, Hawkes Bay, 13. XI. 1963 (T. H. DA~TES). USNhl.

D i a g n o s i s : óQ, 9.5-13 rnm. Head pnle greyish-taamy or greyish-olive, ver- tex slightly mised with whirish, face and frons nhitish-grey, face b e l o a ahi re . An-

Tebenna brudleyi CL.-\RK;E, 197 1

“ I a-=.?.,*-. -?i*z,nu nu micalir (M.+XX), d, a i n g venarion. -.. .- .

Page 7: MICROLEPIDOPTERA PALAEARCTICA SEVENTH ... PALAEARCTICA - SEVENTH VOLUME GLYPHIPTERIGIDAE auctorurn sensu lato (Glyphipterygidae sensu MEYRICK, 19 13) conraining . TORTRICIDAE: Hilarographini

Tebenna, Choreutidse

tions 1, scape greyish-olive, apex with a slight frontal scale-tooth. Palpus n i r h basal segment ah i t e , rne- dian with a white base and apex and a light t anny subapical broad band, frontal fringe long, pale grey, with 3 - 4 black parallel stripes, not crossing the segrnent itself, except the posterior subapical stripe. Thorax ra ther deep fuscous-tanny, a i t h a golden gloss, sometimes paler (never deep ochreous-bronn or alrnost ferruginous, as in bjerkandreflu), a thin nhitish parting line, inner edge of tegula broadly rne- tallic-silvery, tip of thorax rnixed n i th white. Abdomen opalescent grey, posterior edges of segments wich leaden bands.

Fore wing oblong, suboval, rnoderately broad, costa slightly curved, apes obtusely pointed, terrnen alrnost straight, long, oblique. Coloring variable, darker or paler: deep fuscous, partly suffused n i th ochreous-golden-tawny, n i t h KWO broad transverse bands of n-hite irroration, rnarkings brilliant rnetal- lic silvery, partly edged n i t h jet-balck. Basa1 patch to % of costa and over of dorsum, edge nel l de- fined; patch rraversed by a longer supraplical and a shorter subplical suffused ochreous golden, to }el- lowish, streak, slightly dilated, not quite reaching edge, a silvery subcostal streak and incornplete nar- row s i l v e v streaks in base of fold and halfn-ay dorsum, respectively; first fascia rather dilated d o n n - ward, frorn a a h i t e do t o n costa, parted on dorsum, innards-oblique, base tn ice as n a r r o n as thar of basal patch; second fascia frorn a double nh i t e do t on j% of costa, anterior do t Iargest; fascia angulate and gently extended posterad at 7, of its length, KO end of dorsurn along or just above fold, connected try a variably extended branch nirh first fascia, constricred b e l o n middle by black rnarkings, dilated again below these; median area n i t h upper yj broadly quadrare, loner third forrning a quadrate anteri- orly; black mnrkings arranged thus: a large prostrate-oval spot i r i Ion-er posterior angle of upper qiia- drare of median area, a fasciate patch beyond and slightly b e l o n preceding. on ternien, in second fas- cia, a third, round smnller parch on lone r quadrate posteriorl)., not quire renching dorsum; a fen- irre- gularly arranged black scales beyond firsr fascia, sornerirnes sorne more, before second; al1 black rnark- ings variably rnixed or centred ni rh Iarge, thick silvery-rnetallic scales; a streak of black suffusion along posterior end of costa and terrnen; variable silvery markings n i t h o u t black scales, arranged thus: spors on upper half of n i n g , viz., on posterior edge of iirst fascia, a pair of srnaller spors before second fascin, and one or rn-o groups be lon costa; a small group in apex and a line along costa before apex; al1 silve? markings subject KO considerable variation. Cilia long, basal half fuscous-bronze, n i t h an irregular nh i r e apical h e , follon.ed by a glossy deep fuscous band and a similar but paler apical band.

H i n d n i n g light greyish-fuscous a i t h a slight bronze gloss, n i r h apical third suffused darker grey- fuscous, this pnrt preceded b!. a nhi te , suffused and fnsciate transverse rnark, frorn vein 5 to 2, more ob- lique than terrnen. Cilia bronze-fuscous a i t h a n-h i te bnsal line and a submedian, and an apical n-hire band.

h í a l e g e n i t a l i a (PI. 46, 47). Tegumen Iarge, conical, tuba analis forrning tn-o Iarge lateral flaps, bristled along edge. l'inculurn almost nn equilnreral triangle, slightly variable probably on-ing to flatten- ing o u t in rnounts, saccus absenr, end of vinculurn sometimes slightl!. truncnte, caudal edge deeply tn-ice ernarginnte. l'alva small, short, rectangular; sncculus rop rectnngulnr, slighrl!. rounded, apicnl hali shortly and densely bristled, process of cucullus sernicrescentic, costa rectnngulnr, inner process reach- ing to rniddle of process of cucullus. Aedengus long and slender, cumed and nnrroned be!.ond caiilis, coecurn peiiis nioderately broad, lover edge of apical third denticulate, cornuti a long sheaf of acicula.

F e r n a l e g e n i t a l i a (PI. 127): Ovipositor rather slender. bivalval and tubu la r , postapophysis longer and more slender than antapophysis n-hich i s irregularl!. thickened, broadest in middle, apes bent. Srer- igrna simple, rounded-trapezoidal, sclerotic part ernarginate above, n i t h a n apicnl transverse band oi puncruiations (bases of scales). Osriurn indefinite, colliculurn a slender, subtubular funnel, on Ion-er hali becorning a serni-tubuiar band, abruptly dilated and spindle-shaped at end, n i rh central sclerotic slen- de r ridge. Ductus bursae simple. Corpus bursae erected-pear-shaped, Iarge. Signurn a slender and long lamina dentata, as long as half circumference of Corpus bursae.

E a r l y s r a g e s a n d b i o n o r n i c s : Lan-ae live under n h i t e webbing in spun top leaves of diverse ttiistles arid o ther Composirae, ofren on Ziiiifu species, and o n Pirficaria dyjcntericn (Sardinia, AhlSEl. ) .

T h e larva mines in the early srages (Gtiuphaliirm Iicteo-albrirn, Cana ry Is.), later skeletonizing the upper


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Tebenna, Choreutidae

side of leaf, under cover of nebbing. Pupation is beca-een leaves in a nh i t e cocoon, ~usually fastened to rhe median vein of the leaf. In the Mediterranean region 2nd in hfaur i t ius the l a n a e are injurious to cultivated artichokes.

T h e n.ater-colour plate of ‘)retiosnnn”sensu ~ ~ I L L I E R E , 1 874, o n the contra? depicts micalis. Ti’hen describing the serious harm caused to arrichoke cultivation in h iorocco, JORD.IS (teste LHO.MIE, 1963) ascribes the injur)- to pretiosana. DGPOSCHEL and RCXS (1946), describing exactly the same injur), csll rhe oft’ender Choreiitis micalis Miss! So grearly confused are these t a o forms togerher with bjerkan- drelln, that the records in references cired for al1 three need confirmation. Sirnilarly i r is not possible at present to sor[ out rhe food plants for rhe three forms, n-hich mostiy are diverse Cornpositae, many of n-hich might be artacked by more than one of [he rhree forms, possibly even by al1 three.

According to .-WT.-\ (1975), the folloaing host plants have been recorded for Tebentia isshikii MAT- SC\[CRI in Japan by Y. T.AILIH.ISHI (1953, 1955) : Chryrnnfhemiim corotiari~irn LISX.IECS, Cynara mdymiis LPXIELS, Achillea sibirica LEDEBOUR and Ricimii cornmiinir LIS‘N.AEL‘S. They al1 belong to the Composi- tne, except the iast plant n-hich, surprisingly, beiongs to rhe Euphorbiaceae.

D i s t r i b u t io n : This is also nor quite rrustnorthy, as recorded by earlier authors, due to the same confusion. 7: micnlis decidedly has the n-idest distriburion of the three, occurring over central and east Europe, is plentiful in the hledirerranenn regioii a-here it flies together n i r h b. pretiosann and is re- corded from Armenia (Kasikaporan, CARADJ.~), Turkmenia (KCZSETSOV) and now found in Persia and Afghanistan. Ir occurs in híadeira and on the Canaries. Furrher records are Sardinia, Macedonia, Alba- nia, Rumania, Italy, Gafsa, Morocco - and Ardennes (in Central Europe). For further, surprising, re- cords, see beion-.

R e m a r k s : T h e species rnay easily be discerned f rom nominate bjerkandrella by srnaller size, paler [horas and basa1 patch of the fore n i n g and by n-idely diffrrenr male genitalia. From both bjerkandrella 2nd subsp. preti0jnti .z it differs at one glance by the presence of rhe black-and-silvery subdorsal S ~ O C .

For further discussion of [he differences see the remarks on I: bjerkmidrelln and b. pretiosana.

hf a t e r i a l s t u d i ec! : In connection n-ith the remarkabl), n.ide distribution of the present species (formerl!. attribured i i i p r t to bjcrkatidrclln THCSBERG), 1 present belon- the complete l i S t of material of 1 niicalij. identified b!- me.

Frnnce, Alpes hf2ritimeS (COSST.IST). - Spain, Bilbao. hlBSM; hlarbella, El hlirador, 8 . l r1 I . 1973 (E. TRICGOTT-OLSES), 1 ó, 1 Q , genir. slide 9642. R h t K H . - hlalaga, 16. l r I . 1914 (WOLFSCHL-~GER) (BCRXLASS Coll.). - Icnlia: Liguria: Capo hiele (named: ‘)retiosa>in”) J i i c w Coll. (USNM). Sardegna, Terranova, e. l . h d n , 24. 1-í. 1933 ( H . G. -+XI jEL) , I ó, 5 Q , genit. slides 9339 ó, 931C O, 9534 ó, 9625 Q . LNK, hlBS.\l.

N Xfricn, Tangier, 1-11, 1938, 1 O. - 1993 9 ( S ~ H L ~ T ) , 1 0. ZM.iS .

Dnlmntia, Herzegnovi, Ignlo, 8. l-. 193s (H. G . . \ \ í j € L ) , slide 9634 (LKK). - Dairnatia, Sucurac bri Spalnto, S. 1-1. 191s (SO\..AK) i o’, genit. siide ó 512 htus. l‘ind.; Spalnro, 1862, gen. slide d 513 htus. ’I-ind. XHXlYV.

Greece, Kerkyra, Dnssia, 5 km SE oi Knrakinnn, 16./32. l-. 1971 (B. <-.\s AIKTSES & J. B. WOLSCH- RIJS), 1 0, 1 Q, genit. slide 9379 0’. Zhl.+S, Coll. \Y‘OLSCHK[JS.

.+zerbaidzhan, ASSR, Khurdnrnir (indiscinct) 12. 1-11, 1963 (EFREso~.), genit. slide 9523, 1 ó. Z I - 1 s .

.Afghanistnn, Pagrnan, 32 krn i‘X’ of Kabul, 2132 m, 23. /32 . VII. 1962 (E. & A. VARTIAS), 1 9; N of Kabul, Ghorbrtndcsl, 1923 m, 33.1-111. 1956 (LIS)- & Y.ARTI.IT), 2 ó, genit. slide Sl32. Hamadan, 27.111. 193S, HP 93, genit. slide 9627. NHhlV, R b l K H .

S Iran,!-ari Kotd, 1930 m, ostl. Kazerun, 51 43’oL, 29 33’nB, 4.-7. VI. 1969 (H. G. AXISEL), genit. slide 9622. LNK.

Page 9: MICROLEPIDOPTERA PALAEARCTICA SEVENTH ... PALAEARCTICA - SEVENTH VOLUME GLYPHIPTERIGIDAE auctorurn sensu lato (Glyphipterygidae sensu MEYRICK, 19 13) conraining . TORTRICIDAE: Hilarographini

Tebenna, Choreutidae

South Afghanistan, Sarobi, 1100 rn, 30.V. 1931 (G. EEERT) 1 ó, 2 9 ; Gulbahar, 1700 rn, 2c. 8: 25. VIII. 1956 (H. G. AMEL), 1 d, - Herat, 970 m, 25. IV. 1956 (H. G. AMEL), 1 d, genit. slide 9537. - W Afghanistan, Baikh, 400 m, 24. i’. 1956 (H. G. AMSEL), 2 d, 4 9 , genit. slides 9540 ti 9621 d; Polichornri, 700 m, 28. V. 1956 (H. G. AMSEL), 1 ó. - SW Afghanistan, Registan-Wüste, Dameshan , 500 rn, 20.121. V. 1961 (G. EBERT), genit. slide 9624. - Bashgultal, 3759 m, Nurisran, 19. V. 1951 u. KLAPPERICH) i sp., without abd. - Afghanistan, Ghorbandtal (N Y. Kabul), 1900 m, 30. VII. 1965 (KASY & VARTIAN). NHMW. LNK, RMNH. Bukhara, Kashkad region, Kitab, 10. VII. 1926 (GERW hiov), 1 d, gen. slide 9538. ZIAN.

Nepal, Kathrnandu Valley, Godavari, 1600- 1800 rn, 22. V.-6. VI. 1967 (DIERL-FORSTER- SCHACHT), 11 specirnens. - Chauni, 1400 m, 1.-24.V. 1967. - Chisapani Garhi, 1600 m, i 1.-15. V. 1967 (DIERL-SCH,KHT). - Prov. nr. 2 East, Jiri, 2000 m, 10.-11. VII. 1964 (W. DIERL), 3 ó, 1 9, genit. slides 9421 d, 9422 9 . - Jumbesi, 2750 rn, 25.-31.VII. 1964 (31 specimens) (W. DIERL) MBSM, RMNH.

China, Prov. Chekiang, W Tien-mu-shan, 6. VI. 1932 (H. HOSE), genit. slide 9639 d. h4AKB. Japan, Tizuna-Kogen, Nagano-ken, Honshu, 17. VI. 1972 (T. OKC;), 1 ó, genit. slide 9626 (Leiden

Mus.). - Sakai, Osaka, 26. IX. 1965 e . 1. Arctiitm lappa L., 3 d, genit. slide 7045, 9722, 9731, 3 9 , slide 9731. - Honshu, Sinano, Ootakinawa ft., Ontakosan, 25. VII. 1957 ( S . MORIUTI), genir. slide nr. 3 fl. ARITA fec.). - Honsyu, Kyushu, Hokkaido; Okinaaa 1. (S. ISSIKI Coll.) USNhl . - Ryukyu Is., Ishigaki I., Loocho, 31. V. 1937 (A. SUGIMOTO), gen. 9630 (RMNH).

Extralimita1 material.

SW Arabix, Asir Range, 2000 m, Wadi h,lorah, 51 km S Biijurshi, 24.11‘. 1979 (H. G. AMSEL), 1 d, genit. slide 10261.

Mariannae Islands, Reunion, Les Colirnacons, S50 ni (J. ETIESSE) sur Feuilles d’artichaut (3 d, 7 Q), gen. 9673 d, 9674 9. h í H N P , RMNH and Keunion.

Indonesia, Java, Nongkodjadjar, 130C m (A. hl. R. X’ECSER), 3 d, 1 Q , gen. slides 9692, 9693, 9694. - Java, Tegal (LCC..iSSEK) (RMXH).

Australia, Canberra, 26. XI. 1948 (1. F. B. Coxvos), 1 ó, genit. slides 9724 d, 9723 Q (Canberra hlu s.).

Xew Zealand, NI, hlt. hlanganni, coast, 10. 11. 1949 (kl. A. LIEFTISCK) - Haumonna, Hna.kes Bay, 31. XI. 1965 (T. H . D.~vIEs), genir. slides 9637 d, 963s Q (paratypes of Tebentin brndleyi CL.~RK;E. USNM, R h l N H .

Finally i t rnay be stipulated that the material from Sourh .Africa, superficially similar to T: micalis, appears to have disrinct d genitalia and is nssigned to 3 distincr n e a subspecies.

1.i t e r a r u r e : Choreiitij pretiosana sensu hrfILLIERE, 1874: 317, pl. 142, figs. 1-2 (nec DCPONCHEL, 1542). Choreritis micalir: HEYDESREICH, i S 5 i : 63, nr . 192. - SSELLES, 1S72: 57. - GER-\SIUOV, 1933: 29,

pl. 13, fig. 3, pl. 11, fig. 8. - AMEL, 3936: 353, nr. 115. - KLNESCH, 1965: 119, nr. 845 . - REBEL, 1943: 34, 55. - KCZSETSOV, 1963: 2s. - RVSGS, 1945: 121.

Choreiifis bjerkandrelln yar. nriculij: C.iRlDJ.i, 1921 : 1 4 2 . - 1921: 15 (“Ubergangsform micolis”). - 1S99: 196.

Porpe bjerkandrella: -l-.UL+H.iSHI, 192s: 99, pis. 55-56, Teberim micalis (sic): D.\SILE\XY> 1969: 923. Choreittic bjcrka~drella (nec THCSBERC): hiEYRICK, 1913: 39. - i~’.-\LslsGH.+.xi, 185 I : 234. - I S S ~ K I ,

1932: 1453, fig. 2936. - 1953: 455, fig. 1237 (micalis syn.). - ISOCE, 1954: 19, nr . 243. - T.W,W~SHI, 1953: 189. - 1955: 3 2 , pl. 1, fig. 125. - KOD.i\[.i, 1961: 3s. - 1969: 121, pi. 58, fig. 229.

Choreirtij issikii: INOUE, 1954: 49, nr. 213. Tebenna issikii: 24R[T.4, 1973: 299, fig. 1, 4-5.


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Plate 45

52 - 53

Fig. 52. Tebenna bjerkandrefla Ljerkandrelln (THL'NBERC), GS 9623, Gerrnany, Ober-Bayern, Garrnisch, Ellrnan, ca. 1553 rn, 28. VIL 1924 (E. B.IUER). MAKB. pl. 6; Q pl. 127; p. 148

Fig. 53. ?: bjerkandrefla pretiosana DUPOSCHEL, GS 9535, Italy, Sardegna occ., S. Catharina, 3. VI . 1936 (H. G. AMSEL). LNK. pl. 6; p. 151

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9. Teberina Piate 45


. /'



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- --

Plate 47

54-3 - 54-4

Fig. 54->. Tebenna micalir ( h l . ~ X ) , GS 9639, China, W e s r Tien-mu-shan, Prov. C h e k i m g , 6 VI. 1932 (H. HOSE). RhlNH.

Fig. j4-+ 7: rn icd is h 1 . 4 ~ ~ (7: bradeyi C L ~ R K E , holor).pe), GS 9637, Nea. Zealand, Haumoana , Haxkes Ea?, i j . XI. 1965 (T. H. D.~vIEs). USNM. pl. 6 , 7 ; 9 pl. 127; p. 153

Page 13: MICROLEPIDOPTERA PALAEARCTICA SEVENTH ... PALAEARCTICA - SEVENTH VOLUME GLYPHIPTERIGIDAE auctorurn sensu lato (Glyphipterygidae sensu MEYRICK, 19 13) conraining . TORTRICIDAE: Hilarographini

9. Rbenna


Plate 47

54-3 - 54-4

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Tcbcnns, ChoreuIidnc !

Forc wiiig obloiig-suboval, dilatcd, costa sligliily curvcd. apcx obiuscly poinicd, tcrmcn roundcd, rather long, l i t i l c obliquc. Kaihcr dark fuscous-purplisli. nicdian arca darkcr; iwo broad transvcrsc ras- ciac of coarsc whitisli dustiiig dciisc. iingcd ycllowish, more so towards costa, f i r s i fascia a i %. inwards- obliquc. top gcnily turncd basad, middlc of postcrior cdgc vagucly exiendcd posicrad bciwccn ccll and fold. base of fascia iiidisiincily furcaic and slighily diiatcd; basa1 paich brighicr purplc bclow fold in ccrtain lighis, coniaining an oblong orangc-ochrcous subcostal mark from base, noi rcaching fascia, and more or lcss ciicirclcd by a brighi silvcry-mcrcury iiiciallic linc; somc similar mctaliic spoü iowards base of wiiig bclow niiddlc; sccond iransvcrsc fascia broadcr ihan first, gradually and modcratcly nar- rowcd downwards, rathcr suffuscd, a i aboui x of wing, strongly anguiatc abovc middlc, io fold bcfore its cnd or slighdy ovcr ii, sligliily cxtcnding aiong fold, no1 rcaching dorsum, on costa a whiic rlcndcr liiic forming anterior edgc of fascia; a purplc-black patch ovcr iowcr angle of cell, filliiig out concaviiy of sccoiid fa&, 'diabolo"-sliapcd, wiih cxciscd ciids; iliis patcli containing an angulatc, silvcry-mctal- lic niark; an doiigaic palcr purplc spoi Iidfway prcccding and icrmcn alniort fillcd with silvcry; small silvcry scalcr scaitcrcd along cdgc of median dark arca, a Iargcr clcvatcd doi in irr middlc towards costa; cdgc of wing bcyond sccond iransvcrsc fascia suffurcd bright orangcisli-fuscous. Cilia fuscous- bronzc, aloiig tcrnicn wiil i aii apical 2nd a incdian suffuscd pale pariiiig linc.

Hind wing fuscous-purplc. bcconiiiig grey-fuscous iowards and on basa1 tliird. Cilia broiirc-fuscous with a broad apical aiid a subnicdiaii whiiish parting band.

Va r i ab i l i i y : I'aratypcs witli sccond transvcrsc fascia broadcr, more conirasiing. bcing palcr wliit- isli-ochrcous aiid bccomiiig wliiic antcriorly iowards costa; sccond farcia lcss angulaic, inorc graduaily curvcd; middlc of dorsum with somc dccp purplc dusiing. Hind wiiig with a11 irregular, spindlc-shapcd, diort subicrniinal wliiic inark or a iongcr faint whiic linc.

M a l c gcii¡taI¡a (1'1. 49): Vcry siniilar 10 ihosc of T, bjrrkaii<lrclla~l'tiu~esnc, but wiili thc costal Iiook of valva longcr and tliinncr. thc apical proccss of sacculur alio narrowcr and loiigcr, whiic ilie cornuii complcx has a tliickciicd dark cdgc oii botli sidcs, rcaching io i l i c iip in the prcscnt spccics; in l>jerkandrclla iliis cdgc is iiarrow and abscnr aliogcthcr towards i h c iip of thc cornuii complcx.

Fcmalc gcn i t a l i a : Uiikiiown.

Ea r l y siagcr ai id bioiioiiiics: Uiiknown.Adulis flyiiig i n July in subalpiiic mcdows.

D i s i r i b u i i o n : Wcstcrn Caucasus. Dcsidcs i l i c Abkliasiaii Kaiigc, a i 1800-2500 in, also from t l i c

Rcmnrks : A robusi spccics. supcrficially somcwhat rcscmbliiig Ljcrkaiidrclla in i l i c orangcisli and

i v la ic r ia l s iud icd : T w o paraiypcs with t l i c sanic Iabclr as ihc holoiypc, bui oiic d of

Kardavach Kaiigc, 2700 in.

silvcry marhings, bui riiuch Icis bright and wiih quiic difícrciit broad transvcrsc fasciac.

17. vil. 1962, gciiii. didc 9470. anothcr of 18. vil. 1962, "rubaipinc nicadow".

L i t c ra i u r c : tiCI.PNEK, 1<)81:52. - DIAKONOI:~:. 1984:64.

52 (2) Tcbcnna bjcrksndrclls (TIIUNRERC) (1'1. 6, fig. 5ZI.J

dum, cf. NYE C.S.. 1977). 7iiicd bjcrkaiidrclla 'l'IIUNüliKG, 17x4, Diss. Ins. Succica: (24). pl. I , fig. 23-24. (Nomen conservan-

l'ypc l oca l i t y : Svcdcii: Mi. Kiiiiickullc.

I l o l o i y p r : l.oc:iiiwi uiikiiowii. I'rcsiiiiiably losi

sy i lo i i yn iy :

I>l,aleciia 7iirrri.v cxrdui SilWht. 1783, Nyc Saniling Koii. Dziiskc Vid. Sclsh. Skriíicr, 2 : 117. 'l'ypc

I!vra/is l jcrk~i i~lrai ia I;AIIKICIUS, 1787, Maiitissa Iiis., 2: 236 (cincnd.), locality, Norway. Holoiypc, losi. (Nomcn rcjcctum).

1 4 A

Tcbcnna, Chorcuiidse

rfinca prunncrclla Rossi, 1794, Mantissa Ins.: 46, nr. 484. Typc localiiy: Iialy, Etruria. Holotype:

'loririx vilrrtriu 1 LOIINLK, [ i B i 3 ] Swiinl. curop. Scliincii.: pl. )i, fig. 202. X'ypc localiiy not iiidi-

Porpcjibrand HUBNKK, [ 18251, Vcrr. bck. Schmcit.: 373 (lapsus). Chorcures vibralii TRUTSCHKE. 1835, Sclinicit. Eur.. 10: 33 (cniciid.). l 'r lr i i i~a kanwalci AKII'A. 1975, Koiiiyú 43: 301. fig. 3, 6-7. Typc localiiy. Japaii. Hoiisliti, Ni-

doagc. Holorypc, d ICci i . no. 9734, A. ü l h ~ . / Nidoagc, Gumma i'rcf., kionrliu, 28. vil. 1958 A. b- wme (priiit) I.ZLMU.

Diagnos is : d9, 13- 14 mm. Hcad grcyisli-fuscous or tawiiy-fuscous wiili a slight bronre gloss, somctimcs inixcd with brown, a pair of glossy siivcry-wliitish rpots at thc sidcs of facc, sometimes face inixcd witli whiic tliroughout, or wirh orbirr and facc whitc. Aiitcnna grcyisli, bandcd with whiu. PiI- pus with basa1 scgmcnt silvcry-whirc, median scgmcnt, light grcyish-olivc, long frontal fringe mixed with whiic i r base, morc or lcss strcakcd with blackish lincs, tcrminal scgmcnt light grcyish with a faint nicdian whitish ring. Thorax olivc-grcyish, grcy-fuscous, laterally and along l a te ra l half of tcgula suf- fuscd wirh oclircous-orange, lcss disriiict in palcr spccimcns, sometimes dccp orangc-oclircous ihrough- out, with an ochreous-brown apical spoc, thrce bright silvcry longitudinal svipes, glossy in ccrtain liglits: along inncr cdgc of cach tcgula 2nd in middlc of thorax, cxtrcmc apcx mixcd with wiiiic; me- iathorax leaden-mctallic. Abdomen grcyish-fuscour to furcous-bronzc, posicrior broad cdgcs of scg- nicnts lcadcn-silvcry.

Forc wing subtriangular-ovatc, rarhcr broad, costa curvcd, apcx obtuscly pointcd, tcrmcn roundcd, oliliquc, long. Coloration varying considcrably, ground colour froin dccp furcous-brown 10 lighr grcy- isli-fuscous, basal patcli of ground colour, coiitaining two longitudinal divcrgiiig strcaks, concolorous witli thorax, viz. dccp orangc-ochrcous in darkcr spccimcns, paic ycllowish and more limitcd in light: uppcr strcak spiiidlc-sliapcd, bctwccn cosia and fold, sccoiid sliortcr. bclow costa, iiivcrtcd-trapcroidal, both not quitc rcaching cdgc of patch whicli is straiglit and inwards-obliquc, variably durtcd with whit- isli, forming two transvcrsc fasciac, more or lcss irrcgularly inrcrconncctcd in middlc of disc, along fold and dorsuni; firsi band from bcyond of dorsum, rtraiglit or sligliily inwards-concavc, gradually dilatcd dowiiwards, sometimes faintly partcd bclow; sccond fascia from % of costa LO before ciid of dorsum, cxicndcd on boili sidcs on dorsum. aloiig aiid abovc fold coniicctcd witli f i rst fascia; siroiigly ~iigulatc posicrad abovc middlc of disc, angulation variably cxtcndcd posicrad, usually forin- ing ihrcc slcndcr strigulac along vcins; ihrcc black marks abovc posterior lid1 of fold, irregulariy and variably ccntrcd witli iliickcncd silvcry iiiciallic, somciinics l~ lu ish scalcs; f i r s t niark inodcratc, round, rccoiid inucli Iargcr, invcrtcd-trapczoidal. uppcr cdgc horizontal, tliird spot transvcrscly obloiig, in dark spccimcns coiiiiiiucd by a black rubniarginal band cxicnding froin fold io bclow !4 of costa, strongly dcntarc antcriorly and similarly ccntrcd with silvcry-mctallic; cciitral third of wing bciwecn farciac aiid abovc black iiiarkiiigs witli a11 irrcgular circlc of rniallcr iiiciallic silvcry inarks, wiihoui bhck. and a slcndcr su11cosiaI sircak iowards base; iii palc spccinicns i l i c uppcr hall of submarginal black posterior band abrciit, nictallic markings variably rcduccd; poricrior fourth of wiiig with a light- cr. iawny marginal baiid. Cilia glossy dccp fuscour-grey wiili a 11Iackisli basal linc inixcd with wliiic, in palcr spccimcns wiili a whiiish hasal band.

Hiiid wiiig subtrapcroidal, ratlicr ovcr 1, obtuscly pointcd, dccp broiizc-fuscous 10 palc fuscous- grcyisli, witli a variably dcvclopcd wliiiisli transvcrsc baiid, siroiigly concavc uitcriorly and dilatcd up- wards, in darkcr spcciniciis prcccdcd by a paralicl inucli narrowcr scniicircular siria. Cilia bronzc-fus- coiis or Iialcr; wiili a rlciidcr basd l i i ic, a suIiI>asaI fusmus baiid follawed by a whiiirii baiid, tips wliii- ish,

h la lc gcn i ta l ia (1'1. 45): 'I'cguincn darkly sclcrotic, a broad Iiaiid. Viiiculuiii cl(>ii6atc-triaiigular, with a striiiig cdgc, ~ l i n o ~ i witliout S ~ E C U S . Valva siroiigly concavc loiigiiudiiially, costal Iialf sclcrotic, cndiiig i i i 3 loiig curvrd Iiook, as loiig as of \,alva; cucullus mucli shortcr, tnp forining a ihick iraiis- vcrsc 2nd proinincnt hiiob, dcnscly loiig-lxixlcd, lowcr cdgc of valva gradually úiiaicd. Aiirllus short,

whcrcabouts unknown. prcsumably lost.

catcd. Holorypc, location unknown. Prcsumably lost.

of costa, 10

Page 15: MICROLEPIDOPTERA PALAEARCTICA SEVENTH ... PALAEARCTICA - SEVENTH VOLUME GLYPHIPTERIGIDAE auctorurn sensu lato (Glyphipterygidae sensu MEYRICK, 19 13) conraining . TORTRICIDAE: Hilarographini

lcbrnnm, Chorrulidac

conical. witli iwo pairs c ,Iciidcr radiaiing folds. Acdcagus modcraicly long, curvcd, apcx gcnily dil- aicd, obliqucly iruncaic. caulis ai %; cornuii a conical slicaf of acicula.

Fcmalc gcn i ia l ia (1'1. 127): Ovipositor shori and broad, lobus analis iransvcrsc, sciiiioval, apo- physcs of cqual lcngili, raihcr shori, aniapophysis dilaicd and wiili a shori branch bcforc middlc. Sicr- igina scriiinicmbranous, a irapcroidal sclcriic wiili roundcd uppcr anglcs i nd a mcdiaii brord vcriical dccply punciulaic band, dilaicd a i cxircmitics so as io form aii X-shapcd figurc. Osiium simple. forincd by a suboval, sligliily concavc sclcriic. Colliculum a liiilc curvcd sclcroiic iubc. Ducius bursac sliort. Corpus bursac wiih a siroiigly granulatc wall. Signuni a railicr broad, longiiudinally concavc sclcroric, punciulaic band, broadcsi in tiiiddlc, aboui Y, lcngih of Corpus bursac.

Ear ly stagcs a i i d b i o n o m i c s : l'hc larva i s yellowisli-grccn with a ycllow hcad and black-spot- icd proilioracic sliicld; piiiacula are bleck. 11 livcs in iop shoois of fnula rulicinu (BENANDEK, 1965) and in many oihcr Coniposiiac. c. g. Carduiii, Carlitiu, Cirriurn, Gnapbalium, iiekbryrum (HERINC, I 932), cic. Thc cxicnsivc lisi of food plaiiir by LHOMME (1963) ir unirusiwonliy. rcfcrring LO boih i l i c prcscni spccics, wiili subsp. prctioriira, 2nd vcry probably also io 7: micalir. Rciring of larvac on a largc scalc would Iiclp providc cxaci da13 on foodplants for cach spccics.

D i s t r i bu i i o i i : Widcly sprcad ovcr i l ic I'alacarciic rcgion, al1 ovcr Ccniral Europc up LO Swcdcn and Nonvay, bui noi fouiid iii ilic Ncihcrlands yci; al1 along ihc Mcdiierrancan rcgion, in Moroc-co, Madcira, thc Canary Islancl5, Si. Mclcm; Ccniral Asia; Japan: iionshu, Hokkaido, cic. Duc LO ilic su- pcrficial simihriiy of i l i c spccicr of ihc bjcrkandrtllu group, considcrsblc confu5ion as io ihcir idciiiiiy has prcvailcd for a long iinic, ihc iiiorc complicaicd bccausc iwo supcrficially disccrniblc fornis Ii ivc bui a subspccific diffcrcncc (6Jcrkandrclla and subrp. prctiorana), wliilc a third (micalir), raihcr similar io ilic orlicrs and with i l i c sai i ic biology, i s a disiinci spccier.

Kcniarks: 'Shc prcsciii spccics has bccn known for a long iiiiic uiidcr ihc nainc 6Jerkanúrclkz ~ ~ I I U N B C H C (1784), bccausc ihc cariicr ninic cardui STHOH (1783) wcnl unnoiiccd uniii WALLENGREN, in Ig110, and SCIIOYEN, iii 1893, discovcrcd and uscd ii. cacli of ihcni oiily once. Rcccnily Mcssrs. KAHS- 1101:T 2nd SCIIMIIJ~. NIEISIN bccaiiic awarc of ihc synoiiymy again. Aliliougli ilic dcscripiionr by ihc old auiliors of ihc adulir and ilic lawac Icavc no doubi as LO ilic idcntity of i l ic iwo spccics, rlic iypcs of boih carúiii and b]crkattdrc//a arc losi. Bcsidcs, thcre was a rcason againsi rcviving STR0hl's oldcr nanlc cardiii, bccausc a honioiiyiii. a gcncrally uscd namc. cxisicd in ilic Nociuidac - and would Iiavc io be supprcsscd iogcihcr w i i l i I>jrrkanJrclla. Thcrcforc i l i c Comniissioii of Zoological Noiiiciiclaiurc rulcd iliar bjcrkandrc/h br conservid aiid cardui SI-KOM supprcsscd. (Cf. NYE, KARSIIOI:~ & SCHMIU r N~LUI.N, 1977 and Opiiiion ZN(S) 2204).

Aiioihcr cariy namc for a ririiiiar spccics. .finca pririiticrcítd, givcii by i b 5 S l (1794) iii Eiruria, iiaiy, caiinoi be clcared. lis icrsc dcscripiion aiid noics on ilic food plniii aiid biology could apply LO aiiy of tlic ilircc íorms: 'ICbrnna 6jcrkandrcllas i ts subrp. prriioiana and 7: micalir MANN. As Rossi's iypes no longcr cxisi, thc iianic K r c a priinncrclfa rcniiins obscurc (Nomen obliiuni).

Somc i n i c r cs i i ng mater ia l s iud icd : High mouniaiiis of Ccriiral Europc: Xrol, (Brcniicr, 2000 ni); 1-lauic Savoic, I 100 ni; Vorarlbcrg; Obcr-Baycrii.

Caucasus: Ariiicnia: Kasikoparaii, 10. VIII. 1882, gciiii. iir. 9617 d. (ZIAN).

Sibcria: Jakuuk, 1.5. 1'11. 1914 ( S . RODIONOPF), gciiii. iir. Y628 Q. (ZIAN). S Kuril ls., Kuiiasliir I., cnv. of Mikliailovsk. 27. VII. 1971 (Y. K~~IYuY) , gcnii. nr. 9997 d; Sbi-

Japaii: Iiokkaido: Kiianii: Siratahi, 31. VII. 1974 (T. ~ C U M A ~ A ) . RMNIi. 'Tc6ciiiia k < t ~ d b ~ i " ~ ~ i . i ; \ ,

. -,

kotan 1.. Iiurup I., 20. VIL- 6. IX 1971 (EKMOLCNKO, Kosn~~n) . UANK.

i w o paraiypcs. Iibclr as oii Iioloiype, gcnii. slidcr 73 d and 74 0 (ARIIA fccii). ZLMU.

L i i c r a i u r c :

Pyralir lJcrkaiiúiina: FAUKIWS, 1787: 236, lir. i 12. - 1794: 278, nr. 150 (I'balacna). - TiiuNocKc, l n o l : 36, t . 4f. 24-25 ('línca 6jcrk~inúrcIl~).


Tcbrnnr, Chorculidae

'fiiiea pi#nncrcI ld: WEHNLBUKG. 1 1158: 57. ChorctriiJ carúiii: SCHOYEN, 11193: 38, i ir . 918. Toririx vibrana: I-~~~BNER, [i813], pl. 32, fig. 202. - ~íKCI'I5CIiKI:, 1830: 284: 12 (Coch)"ir). -

1835: 33, 34 (Cborcutii uilralii). - DUPONCI-IEL, 1842: 180, pl. 65, lig. n (Xylopoúu). - G U E N ~ E , 1845: IYI (Sirnaeibir uibruna). - ZELLBR. 1847: 643 (ChOrCitliJ). - HEYDLNKLICII, 11151: 63, nr. 188 (vibra- lis), - HERKICH-SCHAPFBK, 1855: 96, nr. 145.

tlcmerophih vibrana H ~ ~ B N L H , [ i 112.21: 66, no. 2 . Sinzaribis cardui: WALLENCREN, 1880: 1059. Cborruris bjerkandrclfa: MANN, 1867: 840. - Z~:LLLK, 11168: 619. - 1878: 116. - &INEMANN 8;

WOCKF., 1871a: 265, nr. 1302. - 1871b: 18. - MILLIERL, 1871: 203. - 1874: 315, pl. 140, fig. 3-6. - PEYEKIMI~oFF, 1872: 519. - CHRISTOPH, 1873: 48, nr. 3211. - EKSCHOIP, 1874: 95. - SNELLEN, 1875: 74. - MIUIERE, 1876: 293. - WoLLAsroN 18798.: 342. - 1879b: 29. - HAHTMANN, 1880: 54, nr. 1302. - MEYKICY, 11180: 215. - 1895: 706. - CURO, 18B3: 1. - MI:YHILY, 1907: 109, nr. 203. - 1913: 19. - 1914: 25. - 1928: 708. - DONCYIER DE DONCLI-I., 1882: 114. - WAIJINGIIAM 1871: 1059. - 1881: 234. - 1894: 537, 545, nr. 36. - KL.DCL. 1893: 527. - 1896: 122. - 1906: 44, nr. 202. - NI~CYCRI.. 1894: 15. - PAVBL & UHKYK, 1896: 64. - Stl:UOlU, 1898: 308. - I%KNALD. 1900: 241. - SI'AUUINGLR & ~l.FlI:L, 1901: 129, nr. 2312. - CAKAOJA, 1901b: 142. - ~<O~l'lll., 1902: 97. - PRO. 1910: 44. - Aiion., 1915: 161, nr. 941. - MAR'I'IN, 1916: 132. - C ~ K A S I ~ ~ O ~ . IYZO: 29, pl. 10, fig. 2. pl. 11, fig. 8. - I:LVlCHLH, 1921: 128, pl. 64, fig. 2. - ~ i ~ . i V i A N , 1925: 117. - ¡<OMhNlSZYN & SCHILLE, 1930: 151. - HLRING, 1932: 706. - 1937: 125, nr. 569, 132, iir. 608. 158, nr. 760, 244, nr. 1230,262, iir. 1262, 283, nr. 1386. - AMSEL, 1933. 124. - Anoii., 1935: 4. - I>ILRCI. 8( MC'ICALTL, 1935: 41, pl. 24. - MAHIANI, 1938: 169. - BLNANUEW, 1946: 32. - 1961: 244. - 1965: 8 . - I:ORD, 1949: 126. - Aiioii. 1950: 15. - OSI'HELDER, 1951: 118. - FOND, 1954: 96, 97, pl. 8. fig. 14. - b A Y I & 2.1, 1952: 458, fig. - 1957, 92, fig. - INOUB, 1954: 49, 111. 241. - IS5iK1, IY57: 32, pl. 4, fig. 125. - KOUAblA,

LIA~M, 1905: 17. - DISQUL, 1908: 55, 56, 62, 64, 74. - MLUS iii SIWIH, 1910: 297. - CRIEBBL,

IYGI: 39. - LIIOIIM, 1963: 407. - FOKD, 1978: u3, 84, pl. 8, fig. 1 4 . Porpcbjcrkandrclla: WALSINGHAM, 1908: 987, nr. 108 (231 1) . - CAKAUJA, 1920: 14, Porpc (Cboreu-

lis). - TOLL, 1956: 4-6, 18, 27, 29. - POiUCU-GüKj, 1964: 145. - HRULW. 1964. 261. - ACENJO, 1966: 22. - KKOGEKU~, 1971: 17. - BKADLCY, in KLOEI- & 1jINCK5, 1972: 12.

Simacibir bjrrkandrrlla: 'ToLI.. 1950: 1 83. 'ICbcrina újcd.'anúrc//a: N Y I : c. s., 1977: 106-107. - ~hIhI1:I'c. S., 1979: 65. - HI.I~I'NLK, 1981: 52

(6jcrkatidrclla, kaw16ci). - ~ 1 O K i w I I , iii iNOUI: c. s., 1982, 1 : 242; 2 : 203, pt. 10, fig. 43. - DIAYONO~F, IY84: 64.

53 (3) Tcbcnna bjcrAmndrrllm prciiosanm (DUPONCIIEL) (í'l. 6 , íig. 53,-,)

Xy/opoda prciioraiia DUPONCIICI., 11142, I-lisi. i iai . Lép. ou Pap. de Fraiicc, suppl. 4: 182, pl. 65,

l ' ypc l oca l i i y : Yriiicc (I'rovcncc and Corsica). Provciicc is Iicreby sclccicd as ihc rypc locality.

Lcc i o i ypc : d, Iirrcby dcsignaicd, tlic syiiiypc spcciriicii wliich rcrvcd for i l i c original illustraiion,

S y i i o n y m y : Cliorcirtir uibralir var. arirtralir ZCi.i.Cm, 1847, lsir: 643. 7ypc locality. Sicily. I loloiypc: whcrcabouis

uiiknown, probibly losi. Diagnosis: d . IZ nini. Hcad liglii iawiy-oclircour. facc palcr, ridcs of f.icc iiarrowly whiic-

cdgrd. Anrcniia dark fu5cou5, ringcd with wliiic, scapc liglii rawny-oclitcous, frontal iooili widi a biachisli iip, I'alpus WIIII basa1 scKiiicni ai id Ibaw al incdiaii whiic, iiicdiaii rcgmciii liglii rawny-oclirc- ous. frontal brusli niixcd wirh fuscous. tcriiiinal rcginciii liglii iawny. iIark-iipl>cd. 'I'liorax iawny-ochrc- ous, dccpcr colourcd ilim lid, a slcndcr mcdiaii longiiudinal Iinc, apcx, and narrow cdgcs to icgu- lac palc grcy, Abdonicii palc goldcii-grcyirli, vciiicr palc ochrcous, po~tci-ior cdb;cb of sigriiciiis wiih broad silvcry-grcy baiids.

fig. Y.

fig. Y on platc 65, circd abovc.


Page 16: MICROLEPIDOPTERA PALAEARCTICA SEVENTH ... PALAEARCTICA - SEVENTH VOLUME GLYPHIPTERIGIDAE auctorurn sensu lato (Glyphipterygidae sensu MEYRICK, 19 13) conraining . TORTRICIDAE: Hilarographini

Tcbcnno. Chorcuriduc

Forc wing clongatc-subiriangular, modcraicly broad, costa slightly cumcd at base, more so iowards apcx, apcx obtuscly poinicd, icrmcn roundcd, long. Liglii grcyish-tawny-oclircous, wiih a bronrc gloss along costa. Roldcn gloss clscwlicrc, dcnscly duricd wiili wliitc and crcainy (posicrior Iialvcs of scaics) and parily suffuscd wiih goldcii-oclircour. Bisal patch modcratc, to of costa and lcss ihan X of dor- sum, cdgc wcll-dcfincd, convcx; a goldcn-ochrcous diiarcd sircak from rpcx io cdgc of patch, its iop narrowcd aiid suffurcd; tliis strcak cdgcd on boih sidcs by a briliiani silvery subcosial mciallic strcak and a similar oiic abow 2nd dong fold, rcspcciivcly; a scmioval goldcn-ochrcour spor bclow fold, from bcyonri barc, no1 rcachiiig cdgc of basa1 paich; a broad band of whitc dusting following basa1 paicli,

slightly iiarrowcd only o11 costa; a sccond similar baiid from a whiic dot on of cosu. sirongly out- wards-obliquc, dilaicd and filiiiig oui dirc postcriorly, scparatcd froni first band by a broad transvcrsc bloich of Lrouiid colour across lcss [han uppcr hall of wiiig, wit l i onc Iargc silvcry spoi on iu interior cdgc. a sniallcr spur in iiiiddlc bclow costa and iwo ur ilircc sucli spou on posterior cdgc, cinitiing a baiid of grouiid colour io 5 of dorsum, parallcl io firsi palc band; posterior part of dorsum dcnscr dusicd wiil i crcaniy aiid rcparaicd froni lowcr par1 of sccond palc cosiai srrcak by iwo Iargc, iransvcrsc ici-blach bloiclics, parallci 10 tcrmcii, irrcgularly cciiircd witli silvcry and limiicd abovc by vcin 5, bclow by fold; aiiicrior of ihcsc blotclics slioricr and broadcr, iiarrowcd bclow, prcccdcd by a tliird, smallcr

rouiidish siniilar spoi, bcyoiid middlc of firsi iigh band; i n oblong silvcry spot bclow of cosia; a broad bnnd uf lcss dciisc whiic dusiiiig bcforc apcx and along tcrincn LO tornus, below liniiting ihc pos- icrior black paicli, nbovc scparatcd anicriorly froni rccond liglii band by a faint sircak of clcar ground colour, includiiig sliort loiigiiudiiial r i rc ikr along vcins 6-8, followcd by a clusicr of silvcry dois bc- furc apcx of wing. Cilia rlccp broiizc. wiili a whitc hasal baiid.

i-lind wing pa lc golilcii-fuscous, irrcgularly aiid niodrratcly suffuscd by dccprr fuscous-bronrc dustiiig; a faiiii wliitisli railicr sircply obliquc sircah Iialfway bciwccn lowcr anglc oí ccll niid icrincn 2nd a f a i i i i r r traiisvcrsr coiicavc hscia of whiic dusiitig brforc apcx. Cilia conculorous, wiih ilircc w h c lincs, basa1 iiarrow, subiiicdiao and apical, cqually broad.

M a l c ai id f c i i ia l r g r i i i t a l i i (Pl. 45): As in i l i c noniinaic Subspccicr.

Ear ly S i a g c s and bioi io i i i ics : Exactly siinilar 10 tliosc of subsp. bjcrkaridrclla. Tlic lawac arc cspccially coiiiiiion iii S ~ J I I Icavcs of Iiiida bui arc aiso Iound on otlicr ih is i lcs and iiiany otlicr spccics of Compositac.

D i s i r i bu t i u i i : A cuiiiiiioti bouihcrii Europcaii subrpccics, cspccially iii ilic Mcdiicrraricaii rcgiun, b U 1 ICSS E01111110ll 11iAli 'I: 1tIiCUliJ.

Z?LI.EN (1 847: 643) siaics ihai Iiis Chorcuiir vibrdir var. uiirtrulis cannot bc discriiiiiixaicd froiii ilic iioiniiiaic foriii (vir. "vibraíir", froiri Gcrmany), oihcr ihaii by sniallcr sizc and palcr colour. ?'iiis is cvi- dcncc, thnt aiirfralir is n syiionym of =Yylopod~'prctioraiia DUI>ONCtIEL and noi of %horeiriir" micalir ~ ~ A N N , bc~ausc onc cannoi thinh of ihc grcatcsi Microlcpidopicrisi of his iinic missing thc obvious dif- fcrencc of thc subdorsal black-aiid-silvcry spoi, totally abscnt in 6. prciiorana. bui prcscnr in micafir.

Ir ir a piiy ilmi ilic oiily rpcciiiicii from ihc DUPONCIIEL. collcciion la& ihc nanic Iabcl and i s a spcc- imcii of T rnicnlir, a mdc wiilioui ihc abdonicn.

DU~TJNCIIEI.'S bcautiful waicr-colour, platc 65, dcpicis as prctioraiia a palc spccinicn wirii ihc black- aiid-dvcry iiiarkiiigs xbovc i l i c fold of ilic forc wing prcsctit, iIiuugli rcduccd in sizc, asid wcll-dcfincd, bui witliout a iracc o( tlic dccisivc subplical spoi, wliilc alsu ilic colour is cxacily rorccct. Thcrcforc 1 Iiavc dc~igiialcd abovc as Iccioiypc ilic spccimcn ihai scrvcd for ihat original water-colour; this draw- iiig is nuw iii ihc Briiisli Muscuiii (Natural Hisiory) iii Londoii. wlicrc it camc wiil i WAüINtiiihM's lib- rary (cf: UI: JOANNIS, 1915).

"~y1opodu"prcfioJaii~ is a foriii iliat diffcrs quite sliarpiy froin X újerkandrcllu, in sizc, as wcll as iii

a coiisidcrably palcr colour, on ihc uilicr hznd 1 niusi agrcc witli G~:KASIMOV (1930) tliat ilicrc are no diffcrcnccs iii i l i c gcniulia wliaicvcr. 'l'licrcfor~ I vctiturc to ircai prciioraiia as a subspccics of bjerkan- drclla, also bccausc no cvidciicc ir hiiown io inc of ihcir occurriiig sidc by sidc. Howcvcr, iliis ir less casy 10 provc. Thcicfurc, if my rcadcrs havc proof of ihc conirary. I would bc obligcd for rccords. I i i


Trbrnna, Chorcufidnr

iIie cvcnt of i l i c i r av~ilabaiiiy, ihc sul>rpciics prciiortitii would oí iuursc I iavc 10 bc tclcgatcd 10 thc sta- iur of 3 foriii of újc~rkaiidrclla.

L i i c ra i u r c :

Sinineibij preiiorana: CUENEE, 1845: 191. - REBLL, 1892.a: 266, 282, no. 43. - 1892b: 243. - 1896: 122, 146,llo. 173. - 1906: 44,110. 202. - WALSINGIIAM, 1894: 545. - 1960: 28. - HOKMUSAKI, 1907: 77.

Xyíopoda prciiorana: ZELLER, 1852: 86. Choreufir bjerkaiiúrcíl var. preiiorana: STAUDINGER & WOCtiE, 1871 a: 265, no. 1302a. - 1871b:

18. - FERNALD, 1900: 241. - STAUDING~R & RESEL, 1901: 129, no. 2311 (2312). - CARAOJA, 1920: 34, no. 15 Porpe (Chorcricr). - ZERNY, 1927: 471. - AMSEL, 1936: 353, no. 114.

CborCrliJprc~iosuila: MANN, 1869: 387. - 1873: 127. - RLau, 1872: 243. - 1892s: 266, 282, nr. 43. - 1892b: 241. - 1896: 122, 146, 173. - 1906: 44, no. 202. - 1917: 41. - SNELLEN, 1875: 74. - CHRISlOi~Ii , 1875: 48. - MILLIEKE, 1876: 294. - wOi.lASiON, 1879: 342. - HAKIMANN, 1880: 54. - SLFJOLD, 11198: 308. - MEES in SIWLEK. 1910: 298. - IiEKINC, 1932: 706 (Cborcuiir 6jerkandrella rice prciioraiia). - MARIANI, 1938: 169. - WEBEK, 1946: 869. - KUZNE~-SOV, 1960: 28, - LHOMME, 1963: 4Yü.

Ífbeniia prciioraiia: HCPPNER, 198 I : 58 (prrrioruna). - DIAKONOI-I:, 1784: 64.

54 (4) Tcbeanr n i i c s l i s ( M ~ ~ ~ ) (Vi. 6, 7, fig. SJ,.,)

~/JorCifIil micuíir MANN, 1857, Wicii. cnt. hlunatsclir.. i : 181

Typc loca l i i y : S Europc: Viumc.

Lcc i o i ypc : Lccioiypc, licrcby dcsignatcd, d / I:iuiiic, 3.49 Mi1 (siiiaii, squarc grccn, black cadre aiid iiik) /Coll. Wociii: (prini) / Muscuin Lcidcii, ixcioiypc. d, Chorciitir mica/i$ hhNN, Scicctcd by A. DiAtioNoi-i:, 1978 (priiii 8i iiik, black cndrc) /'l-ypc (rcd) /. Abdoiiicn iniaci. ZIAN.

S y n on y ni y : Cltorciiiis prriiurum SCII~U Mii.t.ii.uI-, 1174: 317, pl. 140, 116%. 1 - i (crror idciitif.) (iicc DUI~ONC~-IEL,


6000 111. Ins. Japaii: 107% nr. 2184. 'lypc localiiy. Japan, Hoiishii: Wakayama I'rc- fccturc: Kii. Holorypc. Lccrorypc, sc- lccicd by Y. AKITA, 1975. ú / K i i , 15.V11. 1913 Issitit ( inh) /d Gciiiialia on slidc No. Clp-53, T. KAVABI, 1973 (print & ink)/. EIHU.

irúciim 6racllcyi CinKtiii, 1971,

pl. 224. Typc locality. Ncw Zcilaiid: Hauiiioana. klawkcs Bay. Holoiypc. d No. USNM 70102/Ncw Zcaland, Hau- inoaiii, tiawkcs Bny, l 3 .X l . IY63 0'. l i . DAvics). USNM.

Diagi iosis: dP,Y.5-10 inm. l icad palc grcyirli-iawiiy or grcyisli-olivc, vcr- tcx sligliily mixcd wiil i wliiiisli, lacc 2nd froiis wliitisli-grcy, ficc bclow wliitc. An- mina purplish bindcd wirb wliiic, cilia-

ClJurCUiir ir>hikii ~4ATSUMiJKA. 193 1 ,

.. Siiiirlison. Contr. Zool., 56: 166. fig. 1 3 1,

Fig. 13. 7 C L r n i ~ mir<tlu (MANN). d. wiiig vciiation.

Page 17: MICROLEPIDOPTERA PALAEARCTICA SEVENTH ... PALAEARCTICA - SEVENTH VOLUME GLYPHIPTERIGIDAE auctorurn sensu lato (Glyphipterygidae sensu MEYRICK, 19 13) conraining . TORTRICIDAE: Hilarographini

. Tcbrnnv, Chorcuiidvr

iioiis I scapc grcyish-< 'e, apcx with a sliglit frontal scalc-tootli. I'alpus with basal scgniciit whitc, mc- dian widi a wliiic base 2nd apcx aiid a liglit iawny subapica1 broad band, froiiial fringc Iong, palc grcy. wiili 3-4 black parallcl siripcs, noi crossing rhc scgmcnt itsclf, cxccpi ihc postcrior subapical stripc. Tiiorax ratlicr dccp fuscous-iawiiy, wiih a goldcn gloss, soinciimcs palcr (ncvcr dccp ochrcous-brown or alniost fcrruginous. as iii bjcrkatidrclla). a ihiii whitish pariing linc, inncr cdgc of tcgula broadly inc- iallic-silvcry, iip of ihorax niixcd wiih whiic. Abdoincn opalcrccnr grcyu postcrior cdgcs of scgmcnrs with Icadcii batids.

Iarc wiiig oblong, suboval, niodcratcly broad. costa slighily curvcd. apcx obtuscly poiiitcd, tcrnicn aliiiost rtraiglii. loiig, obliquc. Coloriiig variablc. darkcr or palcr: dccp fuscous, partly suffused wiili oclircous-goldrii-iawny, wiili iwo broad transvcrsc bands of wliiic irroraiion, niarkings brilliint mcial- i i c silvcry, parily cdgcd witli jci-balck. Basa1 patch to % of costa aiid ovcr X af dorsum, cdgc wcll dc- fiiicd; patcli travcrscd hy a lorigcr supraplical and a shortcr subplical suffused ochrcous goldcii, 10 ycl- lowish, strcak. sligliily dilaicd, 1101 quiic rcacliing cdgc, a silvcry subcostal rtrcak and incomplcic nar- row silvcry sircaks iii basc of fold aiid Iialfway dorsum. rcspcctivcly; first frscia railicr dilaicd down- ward, from a wliiic doi oii costa, paricd o11 dorsuiii, iiiwards-obliquc, base twicc as narrow as rliai of baral patch; secoiid fascia from a double wliiic doi on of costa, anicrior dot largcst; fascia aiigulaic i i id gciiily cxtciidcd posicrad at % of iu lcngtli, io cnd of dorsum along or just abovc fold, connccicd by a variably cxtciidcd liraiicli wiih firsi fascia, consrricicd bclow middlc by black niarkings, dilaicd agaiii bclow ilicsc; nicdiaii arca wiiii uppcr broadly quadratc, lowcr ihird formiiig a quadraic anicri- orly; Iilack inarkings arraiigcd ihus: a Iargc prosiraic-ovil spot in lowcr posterior ingle of uppcr qua- draic of incdian arca. a fa>ciaic paicli bcyoiid aiid sliglitly bclow prcccdiiig, on icrmcn, in sccond h s - cia, a ihird, rouiiJ sniallcr paicli oii lowcr quadratc posicriorly, noi quiic rcacliing dorsuin; a fcw i r rc - gularly arraiigcd Iilack ~ J c s Iicyoiid firsi fascia, roinctimcs soinc morc, bcforc sccond; al1 black inark- iiigs variahly iiiixcd «r cciiircd with Iargc, thick silvcry-nictallic scalcs; a strcak oí black suffusiori along posicrior ciid of costa 2nd icriiicii; variablc silvcry inarkings wiihoui black scalcs, arraiigcd tlius: spou 011 uppcr Iidf of wiiig, viz., oii posterior cdgc of f i rs i fascia, a pair of smallcr spois bcforc sccoiid fascia, and oiic or iwo groups bclow costa; a siiinll group in apcx and a linc aiong costa bcforc apcx; al1 si lvcry inarkings sulijcci io considcrnblc variaiion. Cilia long, basa1 Iialf fuscour-bronzc, witli an irregular wlliic apical liiic. followcd by a glos>y dccp fuscous band 2nd a siniilar bui palcr apical band.

1 l i i i d wiiig ligiii grryisll-fuscous wiih a sliglii ~TOIILC gloss, wiih +cal ihird suffuscd darkcr p c y - fuscous, tliis part prrrcdcd by a wliitc. rulfuscd aiid fasciaic iraiisvcrsc mark, from vcin 5 LO 2, more ob- lIquc ihaii icrincii. C i h broiizc-fuscous witli a wliiic liara1 Iizic .iiid a subnicdiaii, i i id a11 apical wl~itc I1and.

Malc geii¡ial¡:i (1'1. 46, 47). 'I'cguiiicii Iargc, conical, iuba aiialis forining two Iargc lateral flaps. brisilcd a b g cdgc. Vincuiuiii almosi an cquilatcral irianglc, sliglitly variahlc probably owing LO flaiicn- iiig out iii n~ounis. saccus abscni, cnd of viiiculuin soiiiciiiiics sliglitly truncate, caudal cdgc dccpiy iwicc ciiiargiiiaic. Valva smII, shori. rcctangular; S~CCUIUS rop rectangular, slighily roundcd, apical hall shortly and dcnscly brisilcd, proccss of cucullus scmicrcscciitic, cosia rcctangular, iniicr proccss rcacti- iiig lo middlc of proccss of cucuIIus. Acdcagus long and slciidcr. curvcd 1116 narrowcd bcyoiid caulis, coccuni pcnis niodcraicly I>road, lowcr edgc of apical ihird dcnticulatc, coriiuii a loiig slicaf of acicula.

Fciiialc gcn i i a l i a (1'1. 127): Ovipositor ratlicr slciidcr, bivalval aiid iubular, posraliopliysis loiigcr 2nd iiiorc slciidcr ihaii aiitapopliysis wliicli i s irrcgularly ihickcricd, broadcst in rniddlc, apcx bcnt. Stcr- igiiia siiiiplr, r«uiidcd-trapcLoidal. sclcrotic part cniargiiiaic abovc. with aii apical traiisvcrsc bsnd ol puiiciulatioiis (bares of scaics). Osiium indcfiiiitc. colliculuiii a slcndcr, subtubular funiicl, on iuwcr balf Licroiiiiiig i sciiii-tubular baiiil. rabruptly dilaicd aiid spiiidlc-sliapcd ai ciid. with ccntrai scicrotic sicn- dcr ridgc. Ductus bursac siiiiplc. Corpus bursac crecicd-pcar-shapcd, Iargc. Signum a slciidcr 2nd loiig Iaiiiiiia dciitaia, as loiig as hall circuiiifcrcncc of Corpus bursac.

1 a i . l ~ s i a g c s and bioi ioi i i ics: Llrvac l i vc undcr wliitc wcbbing in spun iop lcavcs of divcrse lhistlcs ai id O i h C r Coiiipositac, oftcn 011 h U k spccics, aiid on Piilicaria dyrciiicrica (Sardinia, AhisEL).

T l i c iaiva iniiics iii tlic cir ly stages (Giiaphaaliioin liiicu-a16i1m, Canary ls.), Iatcr skclctoniziiig ilir uppcr



...- ..;;

Trbcnan, Chorcutidae

sidc of id, undcr covcr of wcbliing. Pupaiion i s bcrwccn lcavcs in a wliitc cocooii, usually fasicncd LO

rbc incdian vcii i oi i i i c Icaf. In ilic Mcditcrrancan rcgion and iii Mauriiius thc ~arvac are injurious 10

culrivaicd articliokcs.

Thc waicr-colour plaic of preiioiana" scnsu M i u i f m E , 1874, on i l i c contrary dcpicis micalir. Wlicn dcscribing ilic scrious hnrm causcd 10 ariicliokc cultivarion in Morocco, JOKDAN (tcstc LtlOMME, 1963) ascribcs thc injury LO preiioiana. DUPONCHEL and RUNGS (1946). dcscrihing cxacrly rhc samc injury, cal1 t l ic offciidcr Chorculir micalir MANN! So grcarly confuscd are thcsc two forma rogcthcr with bjcrkan- drclla, ihai t l i c rccords in rcfcrciiccs ciicd for al1 tlircc nccd confirmaiion. Siinilarly ii ir noi possiblc al prcscnt 10 sort out tlic food planu for ihc thrcc forms, which mosrly arc divcrsc Composiiac, many of wliicli niiglii bc attacked by morc than onc of ihc thrcc forms, possibly cvcn by al1 thrcc.

According 10 AmirA (19754, ihc following host phnts liavc bccn rccordcd for Tcbcnna irrhikii MAT. SuhiUKA in Japaii by Y.~~AKA~IASHI (1950, 1955): Cbryranibemrrm coroiiariiim LINNAEUS, Cyn6ra JcoíyniuI LINNACUS, Achilka ri6irica LEDEBOUR and Riciti i i~ coniinutiir LINNAEUS. Tlicy al1 bclong 10 ihc Composi- tac, cxccpi t l i c lasi planr which, surprisiiigly, bclongs 10 i h c Euphorbiaccac.

D i s r r i bu t i on : Tliis is also not quiic rrusiwortliy, as rccordcd by carlicr iuthors, duc 10 thc samc coiifusion. T micalir dccidcdly has t l i c widcst distribuiion of tlic rlircc, occurring ovcr central ind casi Europc, is plcniiful i i i t l ic Mcditcrrancaii rcgioii whcrc ii flics iogctlicr wii l i b. preiioratia and is rc- cordcd froni Armeiiia (Kasikaporaii, CAKADJA), 'I'urkmcnia (KULNE~SOV) and now fouiid in Pcrsia and Afghanistan. It occurs in Madcira and on thc Ciiiarics, Iur i l icr rccords are Sardiiiia, Macedonia, Alba- nia, Kumania, Iialy, Ca~s;~ÓroCco~- aiid Ardciincs (in Cciitral Europc). 1:or furtlicr, surprising, re- cords, scc bclow.

Kc m a rks : Thc spccics may casily bc disccrncd froni nomiiiaic bjcrkan<lrclla by sinallcr sizc, palcr ihorax and basal paich of tlic forc wing and by widcly diffrrcnt malc gcnitalia. From boili bjcrkandrella aiid subsp. prciiorann ii diffcrs at oiic glaiicc by t l ic prcsciicc of thc black-and-silvcry subdorsal spor. I:or furihcr discussioii of ihc diffcrcnccs scc ilic rcinarks on 7: bjcrkatidrclla and b. prciiosana.

M a i c r i n l s iud icd : In coiiiicrrion wiili tlie rcmarkaldy widc di\ir¡l>uiiwi ,>f ihc pw>ciii spccics (íormcriy atirilutcú i u par1 10 újcrkliiirlrcllti 'I'iii~~iii.i<~.). 1 ~ I ' P S C I I L I > c l ~ w i l ic coq i l r i c lis of inaicrial of K itiicdii, idcniificd by inc.

h a w c , A l p biariiiiiirh (CUN\IANI). - 51~111. i h l l ~ i ~ ~ MiIShl. ! l~cIl . i~ 1 1 Mirador, P. VII. 1973 (F.. ' I ' i < A l i < . ~ ) i ~ i - ~ ~ i ~ i N). 1 d. 1 4. &cn¡i. slidc %JO. KMNI l . - hfal,q;~t> 16. VI. IYI4 (wUi.1.s<:IllACLH) (WRMANN Coll.). - Italia: Liguria: Capo Mclc (naincd: "~ICIIOI~~") J A C K ~ i Coll. (USNM). Sardcgna, Tcrraiiova, c. 1. I i iuL, 24. VI. 1933 (H. G. A~IsI.~.), 1 d, 5 9, gciiii. slidcs 9309 d, 9310 9. 9534 d, 9625 9. LNK, MUSh4.

N Africa, Tangicr, VII. 1908, I 9. - ¡BY3 Q (Sciiuur), I O . ZMAN. Dalinatia. 1-lcrzcgiiovi, Igalo. 8. V. 1938 (H. G. AAZS~I.), slidr 9634 (LNK). - Dalniatia, Sucurac

bci Spalato, X. VI. 191s (NOVAK) I d, gciiit. slidc d 512 Mus. Vind.; Spalato, 1862, gen. slidc d 513 Mus. Vind. NFIMW.

Grcccc, Kcrkyra, Dassia, 5 kni SE of tiorakiaiia, 16 130. V. 1971 (U. VAN AAm'rsi.N b J. B. Woucii. HIJN), I d, l 9, gciiii. slidc 9579 d. ZMAN, Coll. WOLSCIIHIJN.

Azerbaidzliaii, ASSU, Khurdaiiiir (iiidistiiici) 10. VII. IY63 (I:I.HI.Nov), gciiit. slidc 9523, i d. ZIAN.

Afgliaiiistaii, Paginan, 30 kni N W of Kabul, 2100 m, 20.130. V I I . 1962 (E. Br A. VAHUAN), 1 Q; N of Kahul, Gliorbandinl, 1900 m, 30. VII I . 1956 (GSY & VAR'IIAN), 2 d, jpii. slidc 8132. Hainadan, 27. 111. 1938, Hl' 90, gcnit. slidc 9627. NI-IMW, KMNH.

S h a n . hliyaii Kotal, 1900 m. dril. Kazrrun, 51 40'01., 29 30'1ii3, 4.- 7. VI. 1969 (tl , G. AMSLL), gcnii. slidc 9622. LNK.


Page 18: MICROLEPIDOPTERA PALAEARCTICA SEVENTH ... PALAEARCTICA - SEVENTH VOLUME GLYPHIPTERIGIDAE auctorurn sensu lato (Glyphipterygidae sensu MEYRICK, 19 13) conraining . TORTRICIDAE: Hilarographini

Tcbcnns. ChorcuIidsc

Souih I\fgliaiiiriaii. Sarobi, 1100 m. 30.V. 1901 (G. EWRT) I d, 2 O; Gulbahar, 1700 m, 20. & 25. Vl l l . 1956 (IH. G. AhiStL), I d, - Hcrai, 970 m, 25. IV. 1956 (H. G. AMSEL), I d , gcnii. slidc 9537. - W Afglianisiaii, Balkh, 400 m, 24. V. 1956 (H. G. AMSBL), 2 d, 4 O, gcnii. slidcs 9540 & 9621 d; I'olicliomri, 700 m, 28. V. 1956 (H. G. AMSEL), I d. - SW Afghanisian, Rcgistan-Wüstc, Dameshan, 500 m, 20.121. V. 1961 (G. EDEKT). gcnii. slidc 9624. - Bashgultal, 1750 rn, Nurisiaii, 19. V. 1954 (J. KUPPERICII) I sp., wiihoui abd. - Afghanisian, Gliorbandtal (N v. Kabul), 1900 m, 30. VII. 1965 ( K n S Y h VAK'I'IAN). NHMW. LNK, RMNH. Bukhara, Kashkad rcgion, Kitab, 1O.VII. 1926 (GEKASI. MOV), I d, gcn. slidc 9538. ZIAN.

Ncpal, Kailiinandu Vallcy, Godavari. 1600- 1800 m, 22. V.-6. VI. 1967 (DIERL-FORSTER- SCHACHT)), 1 1 spcciiiiciis. - Cliauni. 1400 m, 1.-24. V. 1967. - Chisapani Garhi, 1600 m, 11.- 15. V. 1967 (DiI~Ki.-SCiiACii.r). - Prov. nr. 2 Easi, Jiri, 2000 in, 10.- I l . VII. 1964 (W. DIERL), 3 d, I 9, gciiii. slidcs 9421 d, 9422 O. - Juinbcri, 2750 m, 25.-31. Vil. 1964 (31 spccimcns) (W. DICKL) MBSM, RMNH.

china, I'rov. Clickiaiig. W T¡cii-rnu-shan, 6. VI. 1932 (H. HONC), gcnii. slidc 9639 d. MAKB.

Japan, Tizuna-Kogcn, Nagano-kcn, 2-lonshu, 17. VI. 1972 (T. ORU), I d, gcnii. slidc 9626 (Lcidcn Mur.). - Sakai, Osaka, 26. IX. 1965 c. l . Arcfium lappa L., 3 d, gcnii. rlidc 7048, 9722,9731. 3 O. slidc 9731. - Hoiisliu, Siiiaiio, Ooiakinawa fi., Ontakosan, 25.VII. 1957 (S. MORIUTI), gcnit. slidc nr. 3 (Y. ARKIA fcc.). - Hoiisyu, Kyusliti, Hokkaido; Okiiiawa 1. (S. Issitii Coll.) USNM. - Ryukyu Is., Isliigaki 1.. I.oocho, 31. V. 1937 (A. Sucitdoro), gcn. 9630 (KMNH).

Exiraliiniial iiiaicrial.

SW Arabia, Asir Raiigc. 2000 in, Wadi Morah, X I kin S Biljurslii, 24. IV. 1979 (i-l. G. AMSEL), 1 d ,

Mariaiiiiac Islaiids. I<cuiiion, Lcs Colimagons, 850 m (J. E-INNNE) sur fcuilics d'ariiciiaut (3 d ,

Iiidoiicsia, Java, Noiigkodjadjar. 1300 rn (A. M. R. WiicNtR), 3 d, I O, gen. slidcs 9692, 9693,

Ausiralia, Canbrrra. 26. XI. 1948 (1.1:. B. COMMON), I d, gcnii. slidcs 9724 d, 9725 Q (Caiibcrra

gciiii. slidc 10261.

7 O), gen. 9673 d , 9674 O. MHNI', RMNH and Rcuiiioii.

9694. - Java, Trgal (LUCASS.N) (RMNH).


NCW Zcalaiid, NI. Mi. Maitgaiini, coasi, 10. I I . 1949 (M. A. LILI'UNCK) - k & U i i l < J ~ i i ~ . , Hawkcs Bay, 31. XI. 1965 (T. 1-1. DA VI^:^), gciiii. slidcs 9637 d, 963X O (paraiypcs of Tcbciina brdlcyi C i ~ t i ~ . USNM, I<MNIi.

Fiiially i i inay bc siipulaicd t11at ilic iiiaicrial froiii Souili /\frica, supcrficially similar io T »iic<rlir. apprars io Iiavc disiiiici d gciiitalia and ir assigncd LO a disiiiici ncw subspccics.

1.i i c r a i u rc :

Churriiiir prcliuJaiw scmu Mii.i.iI:mi.., 1874: 317, pl. 140, figs. 1-2 (ncc DWONCIIEL, 1842). ClJurrirrir micalir: I~LYI>I.NHEI~I~, 1 8 5 1 : 63, iir. 190. - SNLLLLN, 1872: 57. - GERASIMOV, IYIO: 29,

pl. 10. fig. 3, pl. I I , fig. 8. - Abitsu., 1936: 353, nr. 115. - KLIMESCII, 1368: 149, nr. 845. - RtBti., 1'140: 54, 55. - KULNIXSOV. 1960: ZX. - KUNGS, 1945: 121.

ClJoreiriir bjerkaiidrcllu var. micirlis: CAIUDJA, 1901 : 142. - 1920: 15 ("Übcrgangsforni micalis"). - 1899: 196.

Porpr bjrrkatidrclla: 'I'AKAIIASIII, 1928: 99. pls. 55-56.

Cborciriir bjcrkandrella (iicc 'I'IIUNBEHG): MEYRICK. 191 3: 39. - WALSINGHAM, 188 1: 234. - Issrtii, 1932: 1483, fig. 2936. - 1950: 458, fig. 1237 (micalirsyn.). - INOUI:, 1954: 49, nr. 240. - TAKAI~ASHI, 1950: 189. - 1955: 32. pl. 4, fig. 125. - KOOAMA, 1961: 38. - 1969: 121, pl. 58, fig. 229.

'I'CbCioia IiiiCdlii (Sic): DANlLtVShY, 1969: 923.

Chorruiir irrikii: INOUI., 1954: 49. iir. 243. Trbc11iii1 irrikii: AKITA. 1975: 299, fig. 1, 4-5,


Tcbcnns, Choreuridsc

Tcbriiiia irrbikri. I-ILITNLK, 1981: 52. - MoKim-1, i i i INOUL c. s., 1982. 1 : 242; 2: 203, pl. 10, fig.

Tcbrniia micalis: iiCPI>NEH, 1981: 52. - DIARONOFF, 1984: 64. Tebeniin bradlcyi: I~LPI'NLR, 198 1: 52.

4 I ; pl. 25 1, fig. 8.

55 (5) Tcbcnns $ubniicsfis DANILLVSKY (Pi. 7, fig. 551-2)

'Tr.beiina ~i<l»riicalir DANILEVSKY, 1969, Rcv. Eni. URSS, 48: 923, fig. 5-6 (TC~CIIII~ , crr. iyp.).

T y p c loca l i ry : S Kuril Iriinds: Kunashir 1.

F lo l o i ypc : d / S Kuril Ir., Kunasliir, cnvirons of Scrnovodsk i i i i xcd wood, 20. IV. 1967, T. ZAU~LLO (iransl. Russian, black ink) holotypc, 'I'rbe~ina rirbsiculir DANILLVSKY (ink) / N P E (red, priiit) l . (Tcstc A. DIAKONOFF). ZIAN.

Diagnosis: d, I I mm. Hced liglit, olivc-grey with a faint bronzc gloss, sidcs of facc and VCITCX

iiarrowly cdgcd witli wliitc, face bclow narrowly wliitc, base of scapc cncirclcd with a whiic h c . An- icnna faintly subscrrulatc, ciliaiions in malc 15, whiic; dccp bronzc, baiidcd wiih whiic, scapc light olivc-grey, wliitc bclow. Palpus porrccicd, projccting thc tliickncss of Iicad bcyond facc, whiic, poste- rior half of median scgmenr palc fuscous, fringc wliiic, a broad longirudinal palc fuscous band, cor- rcsponding wiih spoi, postcriorly mixcd wiil i blackisli; tcrniiiial scgmcnt dark grey mixcd with whiic. Tliorax dark fuscous-grey, fincly partcd by whitc, icgula wiili a lcadcn gloss, silvcry-whitisli iippcd and cdgcd, iip of apcx wliitish, iiictailiorax Icadcn-mciallic. Abdonicn dccp grcy-fuscous, posterior cdgcs of scgmcnu d v c r y .

Forc wing suboval, costa modcnrcly c u n d , flattciicd towards apcx. apcx obluscly pointcd, icrmcn roundcd, long, obliquc. Liglii iawny-fuscous LO bronzc-fuscous. cxccpt on I>asal patcli, strcwn wiih wliitish scalcs, sligliily mixcd witli black. Basa1 patcli rarlicr grcyisli, uppcr Iialf suffurcd wiili palc goldcn-ochrcour, a thick brilliani silvcry subcostal sircak; romctimcs patcli darkcr fuscous-grey with cciiirc suffuscd liglit ochrcous. rravcrscd by a fuscous siria along fold; cdgc of patch rithcr wcll dc- fiiicd, in palcr (rubbcd?) spccimcns, niorc suffuscd; somcrimcs sliglitly projccting abovc fold, faindy coiicavc bclow fold; transvcrsc fasciac wliitc, usually no1 irroraicd cxccpt aiong cdgcs, bu1 in dirkcr spccimcns slightly dusicd wiili darkcr al1 ovcr, somciinics wliitc colour exicnding ovcr barc of dorsum; firsi fascia variable, usuilly gradually dilaicd, bclow fold somciimcs irrrgularly partcd by a úlotcli of ground colour, sliglitly sliifrcd postcrad 2nd iiot rcacliiiig dorsuni; sccoiid fascia froiii of corta to ciid of dorsuni. somciimcs infuscaied bclow fold, aiigularc and cxtcndcd posrcriorly abovc iis middlc by a L>loicli of varialJlc sizc ai id sliapc; wliitc un cosia, railicr dusicd w d i darkcr clscwlicrc. iiicluding a rinall black spoi bclow costa aiid a largrr bloich on posterior hall, cnding iii toriius; a broad spncc bciwccn fasciac dilaicd 10 x, tliriicc abrupily narrowcd almost 10 ha11 iu brcadrli. iiicluding a largc black, scmi- oval or semicircular spoi o n posicrior Iialf in middlc of disc, a cuncd scrics of m a l 1 spois on uppcr half, nicdiaii oi tl icsc costal. anJ a modcratc round spot bclow fold. al1 rhcsc variably and ihickly ccntrcd witli l)rilliant silvcry; riarrow spacc bcyoiid sccoiid wliitc fascia with a variably dcvclopcd marginal scrics of black, silvcry-ccntrcd rpou. Cilia wliiic, a narruw subbasal black linc and tips mixcd wiih black; in darkcr spccimcns light grey-fuscous, w d i a basa1 linc of wliitc du,iiiig, a blackirli-fuscous, irregular subbasal batid followcd by whirisli, iips of cilia mixcd wiih whitish.

Hiiid wiiig variably colourcd, palcr or darkcr: palc fuscous, uppcr ha11 of tcrminal cdgc suffuscd darkcr, witli apcx and cxtrcmc tcrniiiial cdgc suffuscd wiil i wliitc; a broad suffuscd whirc iransvcrsc sircak at yj, palcr on uppcr yj, concavc nnieriorly; iii dark rpcciinciis wiiig dccp and cvcn brontc-fus- cous, with a slcndcr wliitc strigula bctwccii vcins 2-5, Iialfway iowards margin. Cilia cntircly similar to

tliosc iii i l i c forc wiiig and siniilarly variablc.

iMalc gcn i ta l ia (i>i. 48): Vcry similar 10 ihosc of T niicalir bui witli viiiculuin sliglitly shoricr and broadcr, valva iiarrowcr and longcr, wirh ciid of saccuIus more rcciangular and lcss roundcd and cspc- cially, t l ic apical proccss of cosu srroiigly ciongarc, slcndcr and sinuatc, cxcccding thc dorsal lobc of


Page 19: MICROLEPIDOPTERA PALAEARCTICA SEVENTH ... PALAEARCTICA - SEVENTH VOLUME GLYPHIPTERIGIDAE auctorurn sensu lato (Glyphipterygidae sensu MEYRICK, 19 13) conraining . TORTRICIDAE: Hilarographini

Chorcufis, Chorrutidac

S y n o n y ni y :

Anihophila luiora 1828 HAU'ORl~ti, 18 1 1: 472, nr. 4. Typc locality. England. Holotypc: whcrcabouts

Aiopiir pirriirh TKCi.i.sCtiRL, 1829, in OCHSENHEIMLK, Schmcit. Eur., 7: 159, no. 11 (cincndaiion).

Diagnos i s : d, 10- 13 inni. H c a d dccp fuscous-brown, strcwii witli a fcw wliitc scalcs, facc bclow and orbits wliitc. Aiiicmia fcrruginous, whitc-bandcd, scapc fuscous. Palpus curvcd and asccnding, mc-

uiiknown, prcsumably losi.

. I . . 8 . 1 r * . . . , . . I ,

Chorcuiis. Chorcuíidae

74 (16) Chorcuiis scgvptiaca (ZELLLR) (Pi. 9, fig. 74i.1)

Siniaclbii acgypliirca ZELLLR, 1867, Sicii. cnt. Zcit., 26: 366.

T y p c i oca i i t y : Egypt.

H o l o t y p c : dll'ypc (disc, rcd cdgc, print)/Egypr O.E.C. 1864/BM. 1944-831Ziirir~'s typcs,

S y no t i y in y :

Eiiiromilh hypOCr0co DIAKONOFP, 1978, zool. Vcrii., 160: 23, fig. 15. Type iocaiity. Ncpal. Holo- iypc. d/Ncpal, líaihiiiaiidu-Cliauni, 1400 ni, 22.1V. 73, DICRL Icg., Siaatsslg. Münchcn/Ccn. no. 9544 1 Holoiypc d. Eiriromuld bypocrocn, A. DIAKONOI:~:, 19761. MBSM.

D iagnos is : d, 12-13 mm. I-lcad iight grcy, dustcd wiih whiic, facc wliiic, forclicad lcss dusicd wliitc. Aiiiciiiia dark grcy riiigcd with whitc. Palpus niodcraicly curvcd, subporrcctcd, projccting bc- yoiid facc, wiili sinootlily apprcsscd scalcs, tcrminal scgmcni slightly shoricr than mcdian, obtusc, flai- tcncd Iatcraily; wliiic. incdiaii and tcrminal scgmcnts cach wiih thrcc narrow dark tranrvcrsc striac. 'I'liorax liglit furcous-tawny, closcly dustcd w i h whiic (iips of scalcs), a whitc, strongly curvcd iinc bor- dcring apical fifth whicii is hardiy wliitc-dusicd. Posicrior icg whitc, apcx of tibia sulfuscd witii palc tawny, tarsus witli iwo siinilar rings, tip dark brown. Abdonicii wliirish-grey.

I'orc wing oblong-triaiigular, siroiigly dilatcd, rathcr broad. costa gently curvcd from basc to x , proinincni thcrc and niorc roundcd, apcx subrectangular littlc roundcd, icrmcn i i i t l c curvcd, raihcr straighr, litilc obliquc. i.igh1 grcy-fuscous. palcr towards basc, bccoiniiig gradually dccpcr arid vina- ccous-grcy iowards tcrmcn. Lcss ihan basa1 !4 cveniy dusicd wiih wliitc (iips of scaics). outcr cdgc ill- dcfiiicd, raihcr inbcnt, uppcr iiaif inwards, obliquc; 'a slcndcr iransvcrsc fascia of whitc dusting a1 %, gcnily divcrgiiig wiih cdgc of basa1 patcli dowiiwards, wiih a whitish iiiark on costal cdgc; an irregular broad siiiiilar iransvcrsc band at %, slightly outwards-coiivcx. rhiiiiy paricd by a linc of ground colour bcforc middic which is rathcr zigzaggiiig; anterior cdgc with lwo rcniicircuiar promiiicnccs along its uppcr ha11 and a broadcr subquadraic proinincncc bciwccii foid and dorsum; on costa t l i i s band includ- iiig a scmicircuiar and iil-dcfincd darkcr iiiac-grcy spot; a tcriiiiiial band of lcss dustcd, niorc vinaccous ground colour, wiih a iiarrow pak icrminal h e . Cilia slighdy projcciing a t apcx, at toriius aiid jusi abovc middlc; fuscous-grcy wiili a gciitle gloss, basa1 band dull dccp vinaccous-tawny.

Hind wiiig railicr briglii vinaccous-orangc, bccoming gradually paicr towards basc and dorsum an- tcriorly, apisal par1 wiih a coppcry gloss. Cilia glossy grcy wiili a piiihish tingc.

Va r i ab i l i t y : A sccoiid nialc (gcnit. slidc 9300) niorc dustcd wiih wiiitish or paic grcy. baral pstcli dcnscr dustcd a t basc, postcriorly almosi conflucni wiili firri transvcrsc fascia which is broad, morc or lcss cxtcnding ovcr mcdian dark arca of ground colour, cspccidly 011 dorsum; sccond iransvcrsc band niore rcguiariy bu1 lcss disiinctly cdgcd, with a finc darh median line in thc shape oí a quesiioii mark insicad of a pariing linc; icrmiiial arca broadcr, bui morc wiiitc-dusicd tlirougliout. Oiiicnvisc as in dc- scrihcd spccinicn.

IHind wiiig dcrpcr piiikisli-orangc posicriorly, bccoming orangc-ycllow antcrioriy, ciiia paicr, grcy- fuscous.

0 14 inni. Similar LO iiic inalc, cxccpi tlic Iiind wingr bcing railicr dccpcr vinaccous, with iiifuscatcd apical ihird.

M a l c gc i i i ta l ia (Pl. 60): 'fcgunicn modcraic, top broadiy roundcd. Tuba analis considcrabiy slioricr iliiln iii C. pariena. Viiicuiuni robust, broadly iriaiigular. Saccus iii-dcfiricd. Valva broad, raiiicr short, cnd of costa gcntly promincni, cucullus gradualiy roundcd; dcnsciy clothcd wiih f i i ic spincs and brisrlcs, starting froni sliglitly bcyond niiddic of costa; cnd of saccuius with a slighi transvcrsc ridgc ob- liquc. rloilicd wiili long, not vcry dcnsc bristics. Ancllus wcakiy sclcrotic. iop with a pair of iatcral rouiidrd iuincsccnccs. fiiicly short-iiaircd. Acdcagus ratiicr tliick. wiili a sliort coccum penis, morc thaii apicd iliird o f iop iiicnil>ranoias oii iinnrr &Ir. hrlmv ion 1 d m ~ h l ~ - F . '

Simacihir orgypiiacd ZELL. O. E. Cambridgc/ E25 (priiii) / BM(NH).

' ' 1 ' '

Chorrutis. ChorcuIidac

nous rubc. rathcr long, fiiicly short-iiaircd (cf. slidc 9490). Acdcagus modcratcly long, rathcr straight, with coccum penis, iop obliqucly truncate, at i l i c lcft sidc witli a darkly sclcrotic small subdcnticulate rini, somctimcs not too wcll dcfiiicd.

Fcmalc gcn i t a l i n (1'1. 140, 141): Scvciitli scgmciit conicai, sicrnitc rubirapcroidal. with broadly roundcd uppcr cdgc. Oniuni a broad circular cup-rhapcd imprcssion, with slightly scierotic vcntral edgc. Collicuiuin ill-dcfincd, an obiong subscicrotic part of tlic ductus burrac wiili a rcfracting wall, bc- low top niodcratcly constricicd. Ducrus bursac simple along its uppcr fourili, tlicncc gradually bccom-

I ?. ., . ---,:c.--.- c;" -,,, *rnki;n,r* ",&.,>l

Chorcuris, Chorculidac

Fcrnalc gcn i ta l ia (Pi. 139): Ovipositor slcndcr, long and cxtciisilc, botli cighth and ninth scg- mcnu disiinciiy clongatc. Lobus analis small, obiong, fiat, a frcc vcnrro-basa1 lobc cniircly abscnr. Posi- apopliyses marginal, vcry rhin, cnds gradually dilatcd. Antapophyscs about as long, cxtrcmciy thin, strongly sclcrotic. Scvciitli scgmciir modcratc, sicrniic slighdy sclcrotic, wii l i a ccniral round osiium with punciuiatc cdgc. Coilicuium looscly firiing in this ostium, a dark, modcrarc, obiiquc funncl. Duc- ius bursac firsr turncd dorsad, thcncc dcscciiding, vcry ioiig, modcrxcly broad. simplc. Ductus bullac originating sooii bclow colliculum. Corpus bursae with a fincly punctuiarc wail, fiattcncd, obiiqucly ovoidal, asymmctrical; base of ductus bursac diiated. Signum subcardiform, fincly scobinatc.

Ear ly siagcs arid b i o n o m i c s : Communicatcd by FLETCtIeK (1933) thus:

"The larva has becii rccordcd previousiy as webbing tcndcr icavcs of F¡WJ glomcrnin, but it has sincc bccn found on leaves of Ficur inhctorin and morc commonly on acrial roots of Ficur brngalenrir. fccd- ing on tiie ncw roodcu growing on thc oldcr oncs undcr a shcitcr of dense silkcn wcbbing siuck ovcr wiiii pellcu of cxcrcmcnt, sometimes sevcral iarvae undcr onc wcb. Thc full-grown larva is about 10 to 1 1 mm long and 1.25 to 1.5 mm broad, subcyiindrical. slightly fiaticned, slightly tapering postcrioriy, palc ycllow; hced flattcncd, glossy yellow or brownish-ycllow, vcrtcr. with a black marking on cach lobc; prorhoracic sliicid ligliily chirinizcd; ihoracic lcgs crcamy whitisli, claws brown; body-scgmcnu distinct, witli a iiarrow wiiitish or paic-ycliow middorsal siripc, subdorsally fuscous; four subdorsal irjpcroidally-irrangcd glossy black rubcrclcs (more proinincnt in somc individuals) cach bcaring a finc liair; supra-spiracular tubcrcic similar; spiraclcs roundcd, niinutc, narrowiy riinmcd wirh brown; fivc pairs of cqually dcvciopcd slcndcr palc-ycllow prolcgs with coiiiplctc circlcs of brown hooklcu; anal plarc siightiy cliitinizcd, giossy yciiowish. Pupaiioii occurs in a cioiigatc purc whitc cocoon, about

1 mm iong, usually formcd on a root. Thc pupa is aboui 5.5 mm long and 2 mm broad across thc ihor- acic rcgion, cylindrical, iapcring postcriorly. ycllow, cycs brown; hcid subtruncaicd. ncch constrictcd; tliird io scvcnth abdominal scgmcnrs antcriorly w¡tli a dorsal transvcrsr ridgc of sinall brown spincs; whcn thc abdomcn ir constrictcd sornc of thcsc ridgcs may bc hiddcn bcncatli tlic prcceding scgmcni; anal SCgmCilt bluni, armcd dorsaiiy widi a poiiitcd syiiiic whosc tip is upcurvcd; a fcw scaitcrcd thin hairs on iicad and abdoincn. Thc pupa1 pcriod is about a wcck at i l i c ciid of Junc."

D i s t r i bu t i on : Dcscribcd írom Egypt, Iatcr rccordcd from Transvaal, Socoira isiaiid aiid India. Also iii lsracl, Saudi Arabia, Ncpal and Ugaiida.

Kcniarks: Thc qxcics is casily rccognizable by i l i c ashy-grey forc wing aiid t l ic clcgant brighi orangc liind wing. 'I'hc labial palpus ir truncate and iaicraliy flattcncd. Judging from tlic fcmaic gcni- ialia, occupying a quite isolaicd position, bccausc of thc unusual, loiig aiid cxtciisilc oviposiKor. Judgiiig fruiii thc malc gciiitalia, Iiowevcr, sccmingly ncarcst LO C. pnriana CLLKCR.

M a i c r i a l s i ud i cd : Israel, "'Tcl-Aviv, Lichtf. Dünc, 17.V. 30 ( l i . G. AM$I..I.)" 1 d, gcnit. slidc 11137. LNK. - Israel, IV.-V. 1966 (TRIAI'ITZYN), I d, gcliit. rlidc Y400. ZIAN. - Saudi Arabia, Jcdda, IV. 1978 (SLNLCA) GP 10118. ZMKD.

ExiraiiniitaI rnaicrial, india: Pura, c.l. o n lcavcs of Acw itflccioria, 21. 111. 1920 ( ~ N C I ) . Coll. FLCTCHCK. RMNI-I. - Africa: Ugaiida, Kainpala, 3. XI. 1934 (H. tiAKCKEAVES). BM(NH).

L i i c ra ru r c : ZELLER. 1867, Trans. cnr. Soc. London, (1) 5 : 461, pl. 24. fig. l . - SNELLLN, 1875, Tijdsclir. Ent., 18: 72, 73. - REBEL, 1907, Lcp. Arab. & Socotra: 89. - Meufllch, 1913, Lcp. Cat., 13: 36. - 1914, Gcncra ins., 164: 22. - AMSEL, 1933. Zooiogica, 2: 262, nr. 248. - FLETCtlEK, 1920, Mcm. Dcpt. Agr. India, Eiit. 127 (Simaeíhir). - 1933: 24, pl. 22. (Anfhopbiín). - ~ ~ E P P N E K , 1981: 53. - DIAKONOFF, 1984: 66.

75 (17) Chorcufispmriana (CLERCK) (Pi. 9, fig. 75,.,)

Phalacna pariirna CIXKCK, 1759, Iconcs lns.: pl. 10, fig. 9

T y p c l o c a l i i y : Not iiidicaicd.

Page 20: MICROLEPIDOPTERA PALAEARCTICA SEVENTH ... PALAEARCTICA - SEVENTH VOLUME GLYPHIPTERIGIDAE auctorurn sensu lato (Glyphipterygidae sensu MEYRICK, 19 13) conraining . TORTRICIDAE: Hilarographini

Chorcuiis, Chorcufidac

C/~orciri i~ parinna: HOIINER. [i825]: 373, no. 3575. - TKCITSCHKE, 1835: 31. - WILDE, 1860: 26. - tlli1VNk.K. 1981: 54. - MOKIUII. iii INOUE C.S., 1982, 1: 239; 2: 203, pl. 10, fig. 26. - DIAKONOFF, 1984: 66.

Siniacihir parianu: S-IZPII~NS, 1829: 161, no. 6782. - 1834 (Siniaeihir Chorcrriir): WOOD, 1839: fig. 784. - 1854: 120, fig. 784. - HEKRICl1-SCHAFFER, 1855: 94, no. 141. - K o c i i , 1856: 310, no. 184 (puriah). - MANN, 1857: 181 (periah). - 1862: 104. - 158. - 1867: 356. - 1869: 387. - 1870: 43. - 1871: 78. - S’TAINTON, 1859: 158. - ROESSLER, 1866: 257 (357). - STANGE, 1869: 93. - 1899: 3. - VON IhNtMANN, 1870: 4. - JOUHDHEUILLE, 1870: 131. - WALLENCREN, 1871: 1057. - STAU-

270. - 1879:.264. - ERSCtiOki., 1874: 96. - MILLIBRE, 1876: 294. - SNELLEN, 1882: 436. - CUKO,

1883: 2. - SNI:Ll.kN, 1875: 73. - I-IAR’IMANN, 1880: 54, no. 1306. - WEUEK, 1880: 28. - WAL- SINGIIr\M, 1881: 234. - WOOU, 1882: fig. 784. - 1854: 120, fig. 784. - 1839: 784. - DONCKIEH DE DONCI~LI., 1882: 114 (part: pariah). - ’I’EH HAAK, 1886: 189, 220, 221. - SORHAGEN, 1886: 138. - 1901: 346. - NICKERL, 1894: 15. - 1905: l . - MEYRICK. 1895: 706. - 1913: 36. - 1914: 22. - I’AVEL h Ut1RYK. 1896: 65. - GENi’iIE. 1897: 65. - SEEBOLD, 1898: 308. - CAKADJA, 1899: 196. - 1901 b: 142. - I’E7ERSF.N. 1900: 109. - S’TAUDINGER & REUEL, 1901: 129, no. 2315. - ROTHE, 1902: 97. - REBEL. 1903: 325. - 1904: 345. - ~’ROHASU, 1905: 17. - 1907: 275. - RAcUZA, 1905: 19. - C R o h i u w c c E DE PICKENDALLE, 1906: 1. - HOKMUSEKI, 1907: 78. - L L M ~ E K E , 1907: 791 (synonyms crroiicous). - SCIIOI*FEH. 1907: 283. - ~Rui.iKOvsKY, 1908: 261. - DISQUB, 1908: 39, 50,67, 78, 107,

UINGBH & WOCKE. 1871 a : 265,110. 1306. - 1871 b: 8. - MILLIBRE, 1871: 294. - STAUDINGER, 1871:

110, 128, 132. - JOANNIS. 1909: 788. no. 272. - SCHHEINCK, 1909: 2. 16, 127. - MEESS, iii SPULLK, 1910: 297, pl. 8, fig. 2. - GHILUI:~., 1910: 113. - MOLLER-RUIZ. 1914: 423. - PROFER, 1914: 197. - MAKTINI, 1916: 133. - Aiioiiyiii., 1918: 161. no. 1943. - FOROES, 1923: 353. - HERINC, 1927: 34. -

116. - ~ClIII.l.E, ili I<OMANISLYN, 1930: 151. - ECKSI’CIN, 1933: 108, pl. 4, fig. 142. - S’WPHAN, 1935: 117. - Aiionyin, 1935: 14. - 1’ii:RCii & MEICALFE, 1935: 40, pl. 23. - MAHIANI, 1938: 169. - TOLL,

~tliiKNt.R, 1941: 26. - I’OKD, 1949: 126. - í‘OPliSCU-GOKJ, 1964: 45. - kiKUUY, 1964: 261. - PO- I~I:SCIJ-GOKJ & NEMLS, 1965: 161. - B~NANDEK, 1965: 8. - Kl.IMLSCI<, 1968: 149, no. 343. - Aiio- nyni., 1950: 15. - OSTHEI.UI:H. 1951: 118, 119. no. 604. - $, 1958: 64. - DOZDA, 1962: 126. - hlOCI:HUS c i al., 1971: 17. - iSSi.hUiL. 1972: 73. no. 1539. - LIIOMMI:, 1963: 495. - ACENJO, 1966: 22. - KAZOWSKI, 1969: 244. - WlI:iSHIHI~., 1975: 118.

1932: 176. - VoKBRoDr, 1928: 115. - HAKIWIBC, 1930: 60. - FOGE c t al., 1930: 96. - AMSEL, 1930:

19311: 164. - 1950: 1112. - 1956: l . 6, I X , 30, 31, 32. - GKAUE, 1955: 63. - VARI, 1941: 200. - ..

Churci~icr parialir: TRi:ri.sciinc. I 830: 34. - FRB. 1858: 59. Xylopodu pnriaíir: D~II>ONCIII.I, 1834: 457, 458, pl. 260, fig. 6. - GULNLK, 1845: 192. Choriwir pUl’¡diJ: %E.l~i.l.KS.i.Bl~l, [ IY39]: 974. - ZBLLI:H, 1846: 2OX (C/lorCulcJ). - ~~EYDCNREICII,

1851: 63, no. IH6. - D,: G w I , 1851: 35. - 1862: 54.

7, Xb. - F~KNALII, 1900: 236-237. /~rrncrop~ii~ap~ri<iaa: CAKAUJA. 1920: 15, no. 2316. - DANII.LVSKY a: KLLZNETSOV, 1973: 13, figs. 6,

Ei<rroi?iulnp<iriaiin: UKAULEY, iii #i.oi:-r& HINCKS. 1972: 12. - GOATCR, 1974: SI. - DIAKONOFF & AKITA, 1979: 27, iigS. 59-62. - ~ ~ ~ L I I ’ N E H , 1978: 40-41. - EMMEl. , 1979: 123-124. - EMhlLl’c .~ . , 1919: 65.

Iár i r ix /iriora: SAMOIII:I.LI~, 1819: 42. Sinrncihir flUOJ<i: ~ l l ~ i ’ t l l ~ N S , 1x29: 164. 110. 6783. - WOOU, 1832, fig. 785. - 1854: IZO, fig. 785. Siniacihir (Chorciriir) Iiriora: SI~ IY IENS, 1834: 29.

76 (iíi) Chorcuiis alrosignaia (CIIwsrurII) (1’1. 9 , fig. 76,.,)

Siniaribir airoiignaid CllKis-i-Ol~ii. I 888, Horac Soc. cnt . Koss., 22: 331

Yypc l oca l i i y : U.S.S.IL; 1% Eabt: Ussuri Kcgioii: Nikolskaya

Lcc i o i ypc : !.cctoiypc, dcsigriaicd by A. DIAKONOPI.; d/ l rc io typc Sirnrelhir eiroripaia CtIKIS.

‘IOI’II, I X K X (black cadrc) /9 lJ (siiiall pcntagonal Iabcl. purplc iiik)/a niauvc iiictal colourcd disc/a


Chorcutis, Chorcuiidae

goldcn disc/d Nikolsk. 16. IX. 76 (CHRISIOPH labcl: black cadrc, data on rcvcrsc ~~~~)/CIIKISTOI>H c o k (print) /WAIS INGHAM coil. 1910-427 (print) / Simaeihir nlrorignaia CHKIST. Horac soc. cnt. Ross., 22 p. 31 I (1888) Typc d (WALSINCHAM Collcction Iabcl, DUKRANI.’S hand)/.BM(Nii).

S y n o n yin y :

Simaeihij nioiuiana MATSUMUKA, 1931, 6000 111. Ins. Japan: 1080, nr. 2105. Typc locality. Japan: Hokkaido. Sapporo, Moiwa, Holotype O , Moiwa/ 13. IX. 1903/ Simnehir moiwniia MATS. (a11 labcls in black i i i k /a red rcctnngular blank labcl)/. EIHU.

iicmcrophila urrurienrij DANILEVSKY, 1973, Horac Soc. cnt. Union. Sov.. 56: 16, fig. 9. l’ypc local- ity. USSR: Far East: Ussuri Rcgion, Vinogradovka. Holotypc. d IGcn. no. 10052 A. D ~ ~ ~ . / V i n o g r a d - ovka, Ussur. 7. Vl l l . 929, DJAKONOV-Fil.lPJEV (print h ink. Russ.)/Micr. prcp. 9752 (priiit and ink)/ Holotypc d flcrnerophi/a urrurienrir DANIL. tcstc A. DIAKONOFF (ink) /Typc (rcd). ZIAN.

Diagnos i s : d. 12 mni. Hcad and thorax lighi tawny-grcy to grry-clicstnut, mixcd with sliglitly liglitcr and Jarkcr, facc below strcwn witl i wliitisb. Palpus crcamy-whitc, mcdim and tcrminal rcg- incnu blackisli, marblcd with whitc, terminal with a finc median ring. Abdoiiicn blackish (abdomcn of typc niissiiig).

Forc wing subtriangular. broad, thickly scalcd and dull, costa rathcr angulatc bcforc middlc, apcx subobtusc, tcrmcn promiiicnt in middlc, concavc abovc, gciitly sinuatc bclow this promincncc. Light tawiiy-grcyisli, rarlicr variegared with divcrsc tingcs of thcsc colours, sonicrimcs fiiicly durtcd wiih wliitisli and partly with black. Extrcmc base of uppcr hall of wing dark fuscous; cdgc of basa1 patch ratlicr dark brown marblcd with anthracitc-grey. on costa bcyond base wiili an aiitliracitc patch; CdgC of basa1 patcli black, vertical, strongly zigzag, dilitcd upwards, soinctimcs partly inicrruptcd, a l % of wing, o11 costa followcd by a sinall whirc dot; a broad palc wliitish-tiwny iiicdian arca, ratlicr faintly markcd with light fuscous: an irregular broad vcrtical submcdian band, palc following arca with a pair of dots on uppcr hall 2nd a strongly zigzag iiiwards-obliquc l i i i c originatiiig from postcrior cdgc of palc arca just above iu middlc; an oblong whitc costal dor bcyoiid middlc; a Iargc blackish costal blotch wcll bcforc apcx, variably shapcd. urually a vertical wcdgc or a ti-ianglc, prcrcdcd by a purplc-black out- wards-obliquc linc froni bcyoiid costal oblong whitc spot, LO middlc of disc; wcll dcfincd; a variably slinpcd suffuscd purplisli or brown conncction of dark patcli witli dorwni bcforc tornus; apcx arid tcr- mcii with a dccp brown-broiirc band, witli cxlrciiic postcrior cdgc dark purplc, soinctinics iriixcd with a fcw whitc scalcs.

Cilin dark grcy-purplc, tips with tlic usual oblong-crcsccntic whitc strcaks, froin bclow apcx 10

abouc middlc and Irom bclow iniddlc 10 ahovc tornus, cxaggcratiiig rcallopcd appc.trciicc of tcrnicn.

H i r i J wing dark blackisli-bronzc with purplc rcflcctions, appcariiig dark grey iii ccrtain ligliu. C i l i a

palc grey, somctimcs ringcd vinaccous, with a basa1 and a broadcr mcdian black band, cilia oppositc apcx darkly suffuscd.

Va r i ab i l i t y : Somc malcs diffcr from thc Icctotypc, hciiig rather darkcr tiiigcd 2nd rnarkcd with more contrast. Base of forc wing bcforc tlic first transvcrsc fascia suffuscd witli rathcr dark slaiy-grcy, fnrcia jet-blñck on upper hall, iawny-fulvous oii lowcr; cdgc 01 t l i c so fornicd basa1 patch notchcd in iiiiddlc; palc nicdiaii spacc strongly conrrasting. including a rathcr broad brownisli iraiisvcrsc band (sccoiid iraiisvcrsc baiid) bcforc iiiiddlc of wing aiid a wcll-dcfiiied strongly zigzag light chcstnut linc froiii niiddlc of third traiisvcrsc fascia, dcscciiding LO bcyond of dorsuni. LO bcyoiid base of sccond transvcrsc fascia; tliis vcry dark, ratlicr obscurcd by rcrmiiial cdgc bcing cntircly fillcd out by dccp clicstnut-bronzc; terminal cdgc narrowly black-purplc; third fascia prcccdcd o11 costa by a Iarge wliitc obloiig doi aiid coiitrastiiig two sniall suffuscd wliitc dou; tlic dark subapical com l patcli turning an- tliracitc. C i l i a almost anihracitc.

Altliougli so niucli darkcr thaii tlic (possibly blcachcd) old Icctotypc spcciinrii, thcsc inalcs show al1 t l ic clcmcnis of t l ic typical paticrn; thc forc wing is conspicuosly broad, witli a strongly arclicd costa. Espccially cliaractcristic is tlic dccp vinaccous LO niirliracite-blackisli rubapicnl costal patcli.


Page 21: MICROLEPIDOPTERA PALAEARCTICA SEVENTH ... PALAEARCTICA - SEVENTH VOLUME GLYPHIPTERIGIDAE auctorurn sensu lato (Glyphipterygidae sensu MEYRICK, 19 13) conraining . TORTRICIDAE: Hilarographini

Chorcutis, Churruiidar

broad, ioriuour only iii niiddlc (3x). Corpus bursac ovoidal, irrcgularly Jcnscly rcticulaic. Signuin singlc, a roundcd scobinaic sclcritc (CS 9583).

Ea r i y s iagcr a i i d bioi ioni ics: I'ullgrown lama rccordcd 10 bc 12 mm long (ihat oípurianu is oiily 9 mm), pak ycllow-grccn, wiih conspicuous, largc, blackisli-browii pinacula of sctac, causing coarsc dutting. Hcad pilc ycllow-brown, a small brown inark oii check bclow, hind margin of hcad black; spiracula black-ringcd. 'lhoracic sliicld ycllow-browii. wiili scaiiercd dirk do=. Anal sliicld dccpcr ycllow ihan body. Prolcgs with some 19 crochcts iii a circlc. Sirth occllus vcstigial, ocelli 1 -3 scparatc, 3-5 closcly approxiniatcd. Antcnna wiili long scia of sccond scgmcni ovcr 4 times as long as ihird rcgincni. Livcs uiidcr slight wcbbing upon uppcr suríacc of lcif, skclcionising this in mal1 paiclics, thc lcaf bccoiiiiiig Iiyaliiic. Wlicii diriurbcd. drops dowii on a tlircad. VI-VIII. (KODAMA, IY69, no. 23 1). Food planir (iii Japan): Urotrrronciia k,~zii ioki SILBOLD aiid U. kaemphri SIELWLD (Mora- ccac) (KOUAMA, 1969; ARIIA, 1978).

D i s t r i bu i i on : Chiiia: Kiangsu (Hungtaii); Wcst Ticn-mu-shan. Slianghai. - Japaii: Honshu,

Kcniarks: A Iargc greyisli spccics u,iili ratlicr suffuscd and oficii iridisrinci niarkiiigs, of whicli niosi cliaracicririic and consuni is ilic sharp wliiic sirigula pariiiig i l i c blackisli mcdiaii suffusion on costa. Oraiigcish di3c.d iiiarks of thc Iiind wing oficii arc ill-dcíiiicd. 'rhc prcsciii spccics docs no1 rc- srinblc E. ttcmoriIru. bui judgiiig froiii tlic malc gcniialia it is closcly allicd.

M a i c r i a l s iud icd : Japan: Iioiishu: I:usliiki. 1886 (LLKII). gcriit. slidc Y583 d. - IHasinioto, Kii. IX 1920 (IssiKi), gciiii. s l idc 913s 9 (LNK). - Iiikoraii (Uurcn), 2Y.Vl1. 1953 (H. KUROho), gciiil. S l i d C 8139 d. - TJUIiagi, IWaiC, 24. v. 1970 (r. OrU), gcnii. slidc Y658 9 ; 12. v. 19615, gcnit. slidc 9287 9 (RMNt l ) . - J u d o , Aoinori I'rcf., 2. VIII. 1970, ('1'. OKU), gcnit. slidc Y659 Q (KMNI-1, I.NK. DEIE). - Japaii (WN SII~UOLU) (RMNH; 3 worn spcciniciis).

china: Shaiighai, ir;. 191 S (Coll. CARAUJA, MCAB). - Luiigiaii bci Nankiiig, Prov. Kiaiigsu, 12. 7. 1Y33 (14. HONI.), gciiii. slirlc 9655 d. - W Xcn-inu-shan, 9. 6. 1935 (IH. l-IdNc), gciiit. slidc Y657 9. (MAKU).

1 - i tc ra iu rc : Mi.uRi<h. 1913: 35. - 1914: 21. - CAKAUJA, I<)26: 158. - MKISUWJRA, 1 ~ 1 1 : 1079. nr. 2192 ( & i d i r ) . - lisAhi. 1952: 457, fig. - INOUI . . 1954: 48. nr. 231. - issiri, 1957: 33, pl. 4, fig. 129. - OKAN«. IY5Y: 273. p1. 101, fig. I l. - ~ ~ O D A A I A . 1961: 3Y, fig. - 1Y6Y: 122. pl. 58. 1ig. 231 ( h : l / i o p / ~ i / a ) . - A U I ~ A 9c DIAhONOYI., 1'179: 33, figs. 9, 17. 25, 67, 611 ( l~irlromii/a), - ~ ~ I . I * I ~ N ~ . , K ,

198 1 : 54. - MoRiirri. S., iii H. INOiik c. J., 1982, 1: 240; 2: 203, pl. 10, fig. ZY. pl. 239. fig. 2. - Dinn. ONvlI:, 1984: 66.


HI (23) Chorruii.s nrnroranx ( I I ( IHNEI( ) (1'1. 10. fig. Y i i . L ) - ~ o r l r i x ncmorana t~iiJiiNi'k, [ i79Y], Saninii. h r . Sciimcii., 'rurir.. 7, pi. 1, fig. 3.

l ' y p c l o c i l i t y : liuropc.

I i o lo t ypc : Wlicrcal>outs uiiknowii. prcsuiiiably lo>[.

S y no i i y ni y : Aropir i~i~i~~lil '~ 'Kl . l i 'SClihl . . iS29, Sciinicii. Europa. 7: 157. 'I'ypc iocaiity: Austria (iicrcwith sc-

Ircicd). Lccioiypc: hcrcwitli <Iccigiiaicd, d /'l'mi.Irs 2Y94 (Iilack cadrc, pi-iiii, nuincrals iii black ink, syn- iypc froiii T K i : i IXilhl coii) / Gcii. 8 1 0 . 10043 A. Di~ti . / i.ccti>iypc d, ücsigiintcd by A. ~ I A K O N O I - I ,

1978 (lh& cadrc) / . T K I . I IbCI ihl. CullCri¡oii. .I'MAI3.

Diagnos i s : d9. 12.5- 17 iiiiii. Hcail light grcydi-iawiiy, dciiscly iiiixed witli whiic, facc aiid iiicdiaii band oí froiis whitc i i i ixcd wiili grcyisli-iawiiy. Aiiiciina purplc. bandcd wiili wliiic, ciliaiions in iii.iIc unúcr i, rrapc liglii grcpli-iawiiy. 1'aIpus flaitciicd laicraiiy, loiig, ni basc rccisnguiarly bciit, tlicncc porrccicd. nicdian rcgiiiciit gcntly upcurvcd towards apcx. icrniiiial scgniciit obliqucly ssccnd-


Choreutis. Chorrutidae

iiig; whiic, median scgmcni with frontal friiigc slightly mixcd with grcy, tcrminal scgmcni cxccpt at base niixcd or suffuscd wirh grcyish; rmooih latcrally, more or lcss rough aloiig lowcr cdgc, median rcgnicnt on postcrior Ii i lf of lowcr cdgc wiili a inodcraic, rough. projccting fringc, terminal scgmcnt spindlc-shapcd, rubobtusc, on dorsal sidc with a short poinicd iufi. Thorar rathcr bright grcyish-ful- vous, slightly mixcd wiili whiic, shouldcr suffuscd whitc, a narrow nnd faint submcdian transvcrsc whiic linc, angulate rostrad in middlc, iip of rhorax narrowly whitc. Abdomcn dccp grey-bronzc, on posicrior half bccomiiig suffuscd with purplisli-fcrruginour, anal i u f i dark fcrruginous.

Porc wing broad, subtriangular. costa strongly curvcd al basc, l i d c curvcd in niiddlc, flattcncd along posterior fourih, apcx obtuscly rectangular, icrmcn proinincnt in niiddlc, gcntly concavc abovc and bclow this, littlc obliquc. More ihan basa1 half bright grcyirli-fulvous, bccoming briglitcr fulvous towards costa and posteriorly, somewhat palcr grcyisli-suffuscd towards base of dorsum; posterior cdgc of tliis arca almosi vcriical, portmcdian, rathcr wcll-dcfincd, bluntly angulate abovc middlc, broadly concavc bclow tli is; a slcnder whitc linc on cosia bcyond basc and a wliitc strcak bcyond %, contiiiucd by a slcndcr fascia of whitish dusting LO dorsum bcforc middlc, inodcraicly ouiwardr-convcx 3bovc and again bclow fold, gently angulate inwards ~ U J L below fold; a brighrer largcr wliitc strcak on cosia bcyoiid middlc, lollowcd by a sinall fulvous tranrvcrsc niark; rcinaindcr oí wing olivc-ochrcous, cxccpi ;iiolig costa and lcrmcn dusicd witli fulvous aiid wliitisli (wliitc cdgcs LO íulvous scaics); a dark vertical iiidistinct fascia of dccp brown dustiiig rising from torilus but not rcacliiiig costa.; a fcrruginous rubniargiiial suffusioii along tcrmcn and bcforc apcx, followcd by a narrow marginal sircak of dccp purpic and whitc dusiing (purplc scaics wirh whiic tips). cii ia dccp purpiish, basai third lightcr purpiisii- viiiaccous, iips of cilia foriiiing tlircc promincnccs: iii apcx, broadcr iii iniddlc, broadcst towards iornus, bctwccn ihcsc proiniiicnccs tilis of cilia whitc, so cxaggcratiiig scallopcd appcaraiicc of wing.

Hind wing dccp purple, mcdian third from base LO just bcforc margin variably colourcd goldcn- oclircous, more or lcss iouclicd on cdgcs with viiiaccous, a baiid of sparrc purpk dusting paralle1 10 tcr- mrii across ochrcous spor; dorsum as far as vcin Ic palc grcy, dusicd with purplc, suffuscd with purplc lowards toriius. Cilia palc-grcyisli, barai rliird with a grcyish-purplc band o11 botli sidcs, cdgcd by a wliitc liiic, rcmaiiidcr of cilia suffurcd with dccp purplc along Iowcr tliird of tcrmcn aiid a ~ i i i a l l spot

Var i ab i l i i y : l ' l i c spccicr is liitlc variablc as LO i l i c paiicrii, bu1 IIIC colours inay vary slightly: rhc i c rmi id baiid may bc briglitly ochrcous. Oic prcccding h a J band iiiay bc palcr, wliitisli-grey; tbc hind wiiig witli Iight spois niay bc broadcr or ziarrowcr, morc oraiigc or goldcii with a nictaiiic gloSS, cte.

M a l c gc i i i ta l in (1'1. 66):'lcgumcn iiiodcraic. viiicuhni iohs l . as h i g 3 s ic,:umcn, siroiigly con- cavc. 'ruba aiialis aiid wcii loiigcr tlinn trgunicn, rigid aiid ~on1c.11. Valva obli<lucly i r ~ i i c ~ i c ; cosia broad, scinioval, LO middlc of disc of valva, basad strongly narrowcd. cucullus íoriiiing 3 scparaic ob- loiig ai id rouiidcd pioccss, dcnrcly loiig-brisilcd. Sacculus co~icavc. sclcroiic, narrowcd. a t iop wiih a I t i i i~iiudinal 1131 harpc, dciiscly brisilcd througliout; cdgc uf valva I i r i u ~ c c i i cucuIIus and saccuIus slighily «I>liquc, iiraight and simple. Ancllus a sclcrouc rolwst cyl¡ndcr, t u cxtcndcd apical edgc witk J.

sniaii dorsal tooih. Juxia Jl.kroi¡c, robust and ~iivcricd-T-s~ia~icd. Acdcagus iiiodcraicky iong, siiorlcr i l inn vslva, slr3igh1, gradually aiiciiuatcd, top slciidcr. obliqucly cut off bclow. biíid, coccum pcnis iiioJcraic, cornuii aliscni.

i:cmalc g r n i i a l i a (1'1. 142): Ovipositor normal. l iglitl i icrgiic a sclcrotic lialf-riiig. Scvcnih stcr- inite sclcrotic, caudal rdgc íorniing an indistiiicr obloiig-triangular [ir scinicrcsccntic sicriginn, riiiall tri- aiiguiar 5ClCrileJ a l its angics. Osrium slnaii, siraighi bcliind cdgc of sicriginn. Coiiicuium narrow, iittic sclcroiized, irrcgulnrly plicaic. Ductus bursac with uppcr par1 3 tiincs tortuous. in iiicdiaii dilatcd coil, a scmiiubular irrcgular dark ccsiuin. Corpus bursac crccicd-ovoidal. proriinal pan iranrgrcssing gradu- ally imo ducius hrJar . Sigiiuiii a deiiiiculair ruboval sclcritc, with downcunrd uppcr c i d .

Ear ly stagcs and bioi ioni ics: L w a c oii fig ircc (Iitur curic~ l..). in a slighi nciliiig or wcb upoii iippcr aidc of Icavcs, cating holcs, h l l y inaking a long¡iud¡iial spun fold of thc undcr sidc and


opposirc apex.

Page 22: MICROLEPIDOPTERA PALAEARCTICA SEVENTH ... PALAEARCTICA - SEVENTH VOLUME GLYPHIPTERIGIDAE auctorurn sensu lato (Glyphipterygidae sensu MEYRICK, 19 13) conraining . TORTRICIDAE: Hilarographini

. c .

Chorruris, Chorcuridnc

pupatiiig thcrciii. usually rnaking bui l i i i l c dariiagc (LIIOMME. 1963). According LO DANILWSKI & Kuz. NE'I'SOV (1973), in spring ilic larvac cat holcs ¡ii lcavcs, in summcr and autumn also cal figs. which ilicy damagc oii i h c oumidc, or iuiincl iiisidc.

D i s i r i b u i i o n : Widcly disiributcd in i l i c souilicrn Palacarctic iogctlxr wiih thc food plant, bui lo- cnlly pcnciraiing iioriliwards aiid rccordcú from rcgions whcrc no figs grow (cf. KOCH, 1856, in Wics- bndcii!), but prohably sucli rccords are crroncous (cf. OSTHELDER. 1951, S Baycrn). Central Europc, Circuni-h.lcdiicrrancan 10 STirol. also C?nary Is., Madcira, Mal ia , NW Africa, Asia Minor, Iran; Cri- nica, Caucasus. Ccorgia, Azcrbaidjaii, Armcnia. Turkmcnia, Uzbckisian (DANILEVSKI & KUZN~TSOV, 1972).

I t c inarks : A hrgc, oraiigcisli qiccics, cuiiimoii iii rcgioiis wiili i l i c domcstic fig irec. I i is distiii- guishcd by iis broad wiiigs aiid scallopcd icrincn of i l i c forc atid Iiind wing, cxaggeratcd by thc wliiLc iips of cilia. 'Thc spccics varics liiilc. I r is closcly rclaicd 10 ilic Iiigli mountain spccics C. iandaracina MCYKICK, froiii Siinla.

h l a i c r i a l s i i id icd : Spcciiiiciis of iiiicrcst: a fcnialc, alas wiihoui abdomcn, bui without doubi coiispccific: China, Likiaiig, I'rov. N Yuiiiian, 4. V111. 1935 ( l i . HONE, LNK). Two femalcs, '~ 'KCl iaCl iKE's Syiitypcs. al1 IallCllcd wiih thc Sanie Iabch as i h c Icclotypc: "~1'KI:IIS 2994".

.. 'ti _-

L i r c ra i u r c :

'IOririw iicniorma: LINCKIN, 1x21 : 97. I 16. Xylopoda ncniurma: DUi~~Ncill:i., 1834: 24, 457. 462, 1. 260 f. 7. - CUI.NLE 1845: 192. Iicmcrophila nemorana: H ~ B N B R , [1U22]: 62, nr. 3. Ilcsirropliila (Siisarthir) niiiioraita: CARADJA, 1920: 15. llcmcrophila IIClIloralia: WAI.SINtitIALI, 1908: 9U8. Chorciitir ucnioraiia: HUDNCK [ iL?5]: 373, nr. 3577. - MANN, 1869: 387. - 1873: 127. - I~CPI? .

NLK, IY8 I : 54. - DIARONOII:, 1984: 66. ~ i l l l d C l b i ~ l1CIWr~l1ú: ~ ~ ~ l K H I < I I - ~ C I I A I ~ F I K , 1855: 95, llr. 143 (= i l i c i d i i TK., Iaps.). - I.I-DI:KEK,

1857: 102. - 1863: 46. - MANN, 1862: 104. - SIAUDINGIK, 1870: 271. - HKINCMANN & WOChI:,

1870: 4. - SLWUINC~.K & WOC~I, 1x712: 265, nr. 1305. - IB7lb: 18. - WALI.I:NGHEN, 1871: 1058. - MILLI~~KI:. 1871: 294. - SNLi.I.IN, 1875: 73. - 1<oSSl.l.K. 1877: 376. - HAK~MANN, 1879: 194, ni: 1305. - 1880: 54, iir. 1305. - SIAUDINGLK, 1879: 264. - CAKO, 1883: 2. - MINA-I~AI.O~IDO & ~ ~ A l l . l . A - ~ ~ ' ~ U A i . D l , 1889: 159. - i<i:ui.i., 1892: 266, 282, nr. 44, - InY3: 527. - 1896: 122, 146, nr . 173. - 18YLIa: 3 8 . 4 , REWL (& ROGENIIOFEK), 1894: 88, nr. 157.- IY03: 325.- 1904: 345.- 1906: 44, [ir. 203. - I Y I O : 349. - 1Y17: 60. - WAIS~N~~IIAM, 1894: 537, 545. nr. 37, - NICKI;KI.. 11194: 15. - I'hVl.1. & UI IKYK. 18Y6: 65. - Si.i:uoi.O. 1896: 308. - CAKADJA. IXYY: 196. - 1901 b: 142. - SIALI. I>iNGI.K & Ki:Ui.I.. 1901: 12Y. iir. 2314. - I<Aw~A. 1905: I Y . - Disyui.., 1YO8: 77. -, in Si~ui.i.i<. 1910: 297. - MEYKICK, 1913: 36. - IY14: 32. - ML~I.I.IR-I<IJ~.L. 1914: 428. - KUVAYAMA, 1Y24, iir. 254: 49-57, iir. 155~69-76. - MINKII~VICL. 1925: 330-365. - CUSCIANNA, 1927: 17-34, f . 1- 11. - KIui.i., in NORUMANN, 1931: 16. - SC~~AVERLIA, 1936: 80. - MAKIANI, 1938: 169. - KLIMESCII, 1942: 361. - 1951: 2Y. - Wl:lllK, 1946: 36Y. - I - ~KMAN. 1952: 8. - O ~ r l - l t l . ~ ~ ~ , 1951: IIY. - KurNLlsov, 1960: 2U. - AGENJo, 1966: 22. - VALLBI-IA, 1973: XI.

Allvtioiiynia (Sitnacihir) itcuIordna: ~i.IMt.SCi1, IY6ü: I4Y1 iir. 344. AJlthopbila llclllordlld: i - iAANSl l iJs , 1935: 199. - OSI.Hk.I.UI:K. 1936: 71. - tiLIMESCIi, 1951: 29. -

C/lorctiliJ itIcira1ii: %I:.I.I.I:KSI.CDI. 1840: 974. - ZI:LI.i.K, lU47: 23. - 1-iLYDCNREICIi, 1851 : 63. nr. LIIOMML. 1963: 494.

184. - Kocii, 1856:319. - MANN, 18543574. - 1857: 181. - 1861: 192. - OSI~~LLULK. 1951:49. hUpia il lCiJU/iS: %l:l.l.l K, 1847: 640.


Chorculis, Chorcuiidnc

82 (24) Cborcutis smndnrncinn (M~uarcr ) (1'1. 10. fig. 8 2 )

Siiiracthir randararina MCYRICK. 1907, J. Bonibay Nat. t-list. Soc., 17: 748.

%yllc l oca l i i y : l l innlaya: Sinila.

Lcs io i ype : d l lcc io iypc (print, round, rcd ccntrc)/Siinla, Uiiiialaya, C. G. N., Y.98 (MLYKICK'S Iiaiid, black inh)/lcctoiypc, Sirnacthir íandaraciria MtYKICh, J. 1:. C. C., 1 9 4 9 / d Gcnitalia on slidc 15. 111. 1949, J. F, G. C. Y204 (print & ink, cadrc)/ Sitrireihir ratidaracina IMLYK. 3 / 1 , E. MEYKICK dci., iii MLYKICK Coll./ iatihraci~ia MEYR. (M~YKICK'S hand)/. B M ( N H ) .

D iagnos is : d, 17.5 nim. Hcad lighi grcyish-tnwny, dcnscly dusicd witli whitc, fncc bclow whitc. Palpus rnilicr long, dilntcd and ihickcned bcyond basc, curvcd aiid asccnding, nicdian scgmcnr rough- isli along lowcr cdge, tcrrninal scgmcnt broad and short, clavaic, rop rougliisli; whitc. o11 apical IiaIf modcratcly dusicd wiih palc iawny. Anicniia purplc, bandcd abovc with wliiic, scapc liglit grcyisli- tawny, dustcd wiili whitc; ciliations undcr 1. -íhorax fuivous, parliy m¡Xcd wilh liglit grey ScakS CdgCd on apical pari wii l i whitc, tcgula appcaring whiiisli-cdgcd.

Forc wing broad, dilaicd subtriangular, costa curvcd. apcx subobiusc, tcrmcn slighily roundcd, loiig, l i i i l c obliquc. Briglit fulvous wiili a median transvcrsc band of dccpcr fcrruginous-fulvous suffu- sioii. lcss distinci on dorsum; baral paicli dccpcr fcrruginous, o11 dorsal third iurning grcyisli (scaics fincly cdgcd witli whitc), on costa bcyoiid basc wiih a whitc transvcrx siria 10 fold; basa1 patcli cdgcd wiih a wliiic siria (firri strcak) on costa LO ccll, ihcncc LO dorsurn bccomiiig grcyish (whiic CdgcS of scalcs), convcx aborc, concavc on fold, railicr aiigulatc and projccting postcrad abovc dorsum; costa bcyond wliiic strcak suffuscd wiih light OrnngC; secoiid strcak formcd by a hroadcr whiic fasciarc mark just bcyoiid middlc, rcacliiiig LO CCII, rhciicc conrinued by a vcry irrcgular and inicrrupicd palc grey s t icah io of dorsum, l i t i l c ouiwards-obliquc; costa bcyoiid rccond sircak LO bcforc apcx witli a largc ycllowisli-olivc sulfuscd paicli; a sulfuscd broadcr whitish-grcy subtcrrniiial fascia, sligliily sinuaic and dilaicd dowiiwards from costa bcforc apcx LO toriius, surroundcd by a dccp rcddisli-fcrrugiiious ruffu- sioii, filliiig out tcrnicn. Cilia dccp fcrrugiiious. o11 costa bcforc apcx briglii oclircous, iowards tornus bccomiiig purplish; cilia aloiig tcrnicn diriincily scallopcd: projcciiiig a1 apcx. iiiorc so i i i niiddlc. lcss oii tornus, concavc in bctwccn.

1 liiid wiiig glossy briglii goldcii-oraiigc, costa as far as cc l l froin base tu tcrincii. suffuscd with dark purplc (palc lcadcn uiidcr dorsum of forc wing). dorsum as far as vciii ILi glosry fuscous. Cilia long, glossy fuscous-bronzc, bccoiiiiiig wliiiisli arouiid apcx. blackisli arouiid toriius, ilirougliout witli a broiirc baral iliird, scparaicd by a palc ruffuscd subbaral l i i ic; a blachi,li-lustous suffusion aloiig central iliird of icrmcii, obscuring palc subbasal liiic ilicrc.

Ma l c gcn i i a l i a (III. 66): 'Icguiiicii radicr high, iiibn nnalis sma11, socii f l a i niid ~lcndcr Iaicral ridgcs. Vinculuiii vcry sironl;, ihickciicd at i l i c sidcs, sclcroiic. Valva iiiodcrntc, iiariowcd, broad and dccply concavc at basc; sacculus wiil i a ridgc-likc modcraic. dcnscly I iaircd liarpc; top of valva obli- qucly truiicaic aiid sligliily curvcd dowiiwards. wiih a dcnsc, liiniicd paicl i of Iirisilcs. Ancllus a long cyliiidcr, wiih a Iiiglicr, siniply cmarginarc vcniral cdgc anJ dorsal cJgc cxciscd icctanl;ularly. Acdca- g u i slciidcr, siraighi, gciiily dibtcd apiwd, coccuin pciiis sinall.

l:c i i inlc gc n i t a l i n : Uiikiiowii.

Ear ly stagcs a n d bionoinics: Unkiiowti. Adult tahcti VI11 Dis t r i bu t i o i i : Knowii only froiii tlic iypc locality.

Kcmarhs: hii clcgairtly colourcd, briglii (ulvous spccics wiil i Jisiiirct traiisvcrsc l i i icr, wliitc on costa, palc asliy-grey iii disc. T l ic spccics rcscrnblcs ratlicr C. ~ienioríl~ia l-iUllNl..H whicli witlioui doubi is iis ncarcsi rclativc; it Jiffcrs froin tlic forincr by a lcss siiiuatc acdcagus and lcss proiiiinciit hair paictics of thc valva.

L i i c r a t u r c : I I L I I ~ N L N , 1Y111: 55. - DlAhONOII:, 19x4: 66.


Page 23: MICROLEPIDOPTERA PALAEARCTICA SEVENTH ... PALAEARCTICA - SEVENTH VOLUME GLYPHIPTERIGIDAE auctorurn sensu lato (Glyphipterygidae sensu MEYRICK, 19 13) conraining . TORTRICIDAE: Hilarographini

Yponomeuioidca, Cl)pht$crigid#c

nitc sclcrotic o r subsclcrotic, scldoni modiiicd. Osiium bursac in inicrsegmcnial mcmbranc, mosily a wcak funncl. Ducius bursac, a vcry narrow and long dclicaic iubc, usually slightly dilaicd at cntcring Corpus bursac. somctimcs gcnily sclcrotic hcrc or coniaining a bivalval dark sclcriic (modificd ccsium); scldom ihis is cnlargcd and of complicaied shapc; dircctly bcsidc this originaics a mcmbranous slcndcr ducius scminalis, lcading io ovoidal bulla seminalis. Corpus bursac simplc, ovoidal, fincly punciulatc. Signum mosily abscni, vcry scldom a pair of flat, horn-sliapcd or narrow rod-likc rigna.

E a r l y s i a g c s a n d b iono in ics : Thc Iarvac Iiavc conccalcd lifc habiu and are still unkiiown for mosi, cvcii quiic common, spccics. Tlicy fccd on sccdr and usuaily livc in flowers or sccd hcads of di- vcrsc rpccies of Graniincac. Juncaccac and Cypcraccac; a fcw are known LO mine lcavcr and stcms of planü (Glyphipicrix unibiliri HERINC). Thc adulü fly in day-time among grasses in moisi placer and are bcsi collcctcd by swccping. Thcir peculiar habii is 10 sit upon planu, slowly moving thc wings up and down.

D i s t r i b u i i o n a n d r c m a r k s : Thc fainily is rcprcscnted in thc Palacariic Rcgion cliicfly by ihc Iargc gcnur Glyphipicrix H ~ B N E R , with 54 spccies, whilc thc ihrcc other gcncra are small, wiih onc or iwo spccicr only; ihcsc sinall gcncra musi be of tropical origin, bcing more numcrous in thc Far Easi, Japan and China, romc of ilicin sparkling wiih clcgani meiallic colourr. Thc specics of Glyphipicrix are oftcii not casy 10 rccognizc; a closc study of thc minor diffcrcnccr of ihc markings, iogcthcr wiili tlic gciiital cliaractcrs of inalc aiid fcnialc is usually ncccssary. Tlic idcniificaiion is complicatcd by consid- crablc variaiioii of ilic forc wiiig paticrn, ofrcn displaying 3 kiiid of polymorphisin and rcsulting in dis- appcarancc of oiic or morc cosial whiic sireaks or niciallic discal dots, wliilc ihc shapc of tlic whiic dor- 5.11 mark aiid iis lcngtli inay vary considcrably. Tlicrcforc thc use of a singlc such characicr for idciiiifi- cation can be niislcading aiiJ has causcd crcaiion of synonyms. This kind of polymorphism iii somc Eu- ropcaii spccics (cspccially tlic rimpliciclla group), is thc more frustrating, bccausc of lrck of informaiion about ilic carly siagcs and biologics.

As tlic ductus bursac xnd úucius scminalis are of liitlc iaxonomic valuc, thcy havc ciilicr bccn omii- tcd in sonic figures or drawii oiily at ilic base; tlic bulla sciiiiiiaiis has bccn omiitcd for thc samc rcason.

Thc probablc autapomorpliic charactcrs of ihc Glyphipicrigidac arc summcd up by KYRKI (1984: 78, Iiis 'Clyphipicrix H ~ B N E R supragcncric group"), as follows: "hcad smooth scalcd, icguminal pro- ccsscs abrcni. larva wiih two L-group sctac and cnlargcd. dorsally sliificd rpiraclcs in ihc 8th abdominal group"; but hc rcinarks ihai al1 thcsc characicrs are sliarcd wiih somc othcr yponomcutoid gcnus group, and so Iiavc iciitaiivc valuc.

Uncertain species I i has noi hccn possiblc LO fiiid any niaicrial of 'Urrara hilarokr" MEYRICK, IY35, from China:

Tienmurhan, and ihus 10 clarify its idcntity and asccrtain whcihcr ii is indccd conspccific with Glyphip- i cvx hihroúcr MEYILICK, 1909, from Assam, as siaicd by ihai auihor. Conscqucndy also tlic qucstion re- inains opcii wlicilicr ilic foriiicr nainc pcrtains io a Palacarctic gcnus and spccics.

Known food plants of the Palaearctic Glyphipterigidac As is rcmarkcd ahovc. classic Lepidoptcrisis often rccordcd namcs of planü upon or around which

adulü of ccruin specicr wcre collecicd. When copying thcrc records - a common praciice - thc fol- lowing auihorr apparcnily rccordcd ihcre names as ihose of ihe food planü of ihe Glyphipicrix spccics concerncd, 2nd ihus ihcy havc rcmaincd for a long time. A noiorious cxamplc is Drorcra spccics, statcd ovci and ovcr as bcing hosts of C. Ihraronclla by divcrsc auiliors, finally by LHOMME (1963). Thcsc rc- cordr mighi havc originatcd from a noic by Kocti (1856), of Acchmia'ihraronclla 'swarming around a spoi of Drorcra rofirnd&¡a" bui KOCH also repom %cchm¡a'~rcher¡e~!a 'in young twigs of raspbcr- rics" (!). T w o niore qucsiionablc rccords are by MILLKRE, in 1871: of 'G. cquiiclla"aucit., fccding o11


Yponomcutoidca, Ciyphiplcrigidae

lcavcs of Silenc (Caryophyllaccac) and, in 1872: of G. baworihann fccding (?) on Arplcnium frichomancr L., which soundr most unlikely LO mc. Again for thc probable complcx 'G. cquiiel[a"aucti. KALTENBACH (1870, rcferring LO WWRE, rccords Saponaria ofricinalir L. as host. Thcrc al1 too improhablc rccordr are omiitcd from ihc following list.

Gramincac Daciylh g!OmClAia b N N A E U S

Glyphipicrix rimplicich (~TEPHENS): sccd borcr; througiiout thc rcgion (HARThlhNN, 1880, STAINTON, 1870, CHOPM, 1925).

ierfuca spec. Glyphipicrix jurcouiridclla (HAWORTH), ? culin borer, in England (HERINC, 1957) (LHOMME. 1963).

Clyphipicrix rcmgauana Issiri, culm borcr, in Japan (Moñirni, 1960). PlCiobhlJiur urtr¡CgaLUJ MAKINO var. U¡l¡d¡J MAKINO.

Cypcraccac C61P.X SpCC.

G. rhraronclla (Scomu), culm borcr (DIsQu~., 1901).

SCilpIlJ SpCC. G., ihraronclla (SCOI~OLI), culin borcr (DISQUL, 1908).

Glyphiprcrixforricrclla (SCOI'OLI), sccd borcr, in England (MLYKICR, 1726).

Glyphipicrix schoenicolclh BOUD, sccd borcr (Lc MARC~~ANU, 1737), in Girondc (LkIOMMi, 1763).

Carcx vulpina LINNAEUS

Cypcrur longur LINNAEUS

Eriophorum angurii/olium HONCK. Eriophorum gracilc KoCH Eriophorum [anafuni ( - h i j i o h m HoPrE?)

Glyphipicrix haworihana (STEPHENS), sccd borcr, ihrougliout tlic rcgion (STAINTON, 1870) (HARTMANN, 1880).

Juncaccac Juncur giomeraia THUNLIERC (- /. cflulur LINNAEUS). Juncur rpcc.

Glyphtpierix thra~onella (ScoroLi), culm borcr, throughout thc rcgioii (HARTMANN, 1880) (MERSHEVSKAYA, 1976); Lithuania.

Glypbiprcrix nicarda MOscHLER, smokcd out from dcnsc growth in grcat numbcrs, pcrhaps fccding on this plan1 (WEBER, 1946).

Glyphiprenx furcoviridella (HAWORTH), rtcm borcr, aiso in icavcs, in Europc (MEYRICK, 1928)

? Juncur injidur LINNAEUS


(LIiOMME, 1961). Lurula piíorn (L.) WiUD. Luzrrln spcc. Luzula luzuloidcr (LAM.) DANDY & WILM. ( - al6iúa (HOFPM.) DC.)

Glyphipicrix bcrgliracrrere~ia (FAURICIUS), slcm borcr, in Europc (ME€%, in SPULER, 1910) (WOCKE, 1874, S C H ~ L E , 1931), closc LO fooi of thc culni. P~YERIMIIOFF (1872: L pilora) (M~LLER-RWL, 1914) (HERING, 1932: culm). Culm borcr, ncar base (DISQUE, 1891). Also in sccds (GRABE, 1955).


Page 24: MICROLEPIDOPTERA PALAEARCTICA SEVENTH ... PALAEARCTICA - SEVENTH VOLUME GLYPHIPTERIGIDAE auctorurn sensu lato (Glyphipterygidae sensu MEYRICK, 19 13) conraining . TORTRICIDAE: Hilarographini

Ypononiculoides, Giyphipierigidse

Araccac Acornr cnlainui LINNAEUS. (ARITA, iii litt.). Acorui graniincui SOLANU

Lrpido~~rphiuipcromarcllni (WALKER), sicm borcr, i r i Japari (KOUAMA, 1961).

Crassulaccac Coiylrdon umbilicur LINNAEUS ( - Umbilicur prndulinur DC.)

Sccurigrra rpcc.

Scdrni acre LINNAEUS

G. umbilici HERING, I ca f ininer (HERING, 1927), Canary Is., Mcdiicrrancan.

G. cquiiella (SCOP.), on Icaver, Europc (HERING, 1957).

'G. rquitrlla*auci., sicm and Icaves, in Europc (STAINTON, 1870, HAKTMNN, 1880, KLIMESCII, 1951). G. minorrlla SNF.LLEN, idcin (SNELLEN, 1882).

'C. cquiiclla'auci. (SCiiUi-ZC, IYII), Icavcs and buds (N~CKLRL, IYOX) (in Bohcmia).

"G. rquiiclla' auci. (LARSEN, 1916; TOLL, 1931; WOCKK, 1874) (Sclilcricn), Icavcs and buds (SORHAGEN. 1886).

Scúirm rclrphium LINNAEUS "G. cquiiclla" auct.. in Bohciiiia (NICKERL, 1908), IC~VCS and buds.

Srdirm daiyphyllum LINNAEUS 'G. cquiirlla"auci., iii siaiks (MEYKICK, 1928) and niiniiig in Icnvcs (C~IRLTIEN, 1897).

Srdirm album LINNAEUS

Srdum scxangularr LINNAKUS

Kcy lo lhc I'alncnrclic genera ol lhe Glyphiptcrigidne, bnscd on the superliciil chnrxters

1. Palc grey forc wing inarkcd only with a row of black, rilvcr-ceiiircd do^, morily aiong posterior iiaif of wing. Hausicllum somciiincr abreni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chryroccnlris, p. 340

..................... -. Forc wing palc grey bui markings oilicnvirc ......... 2 2. Abdomen brighily colourcd. witli dcnrc

-. Abdonicn normal, noi so colourcd, nor f 3. Forc wing with veins 7 aiid 8 rliori-rialk

costal rircaks ......................

.................................. ...............

-. Fore wing wiih vciiir 7 aiid ........................ ........................... Glyphipirrix. p. 262

Kcy Lo lhe Ynlienrctic genera of thc Clyphipicrigidnc, bscd on the chnrscters o í lhe mnle gcniinlin

1. Valva dccply biprt i ic longitudiiiail -. Valva cntire .................. 2. Valva rhomboidal, wiili apicnl curv accus Iiid acdcagur loiig,

............................. -. Valva oblong-oval or rpaiuiatc, so

acdcagus no1 so ioiig, siraiglii, i ior

3. Valva obloiig-oval, soniciimcs loiig-poinicd . . . . . -. valva inorc or lcsr spaiuinir ........................................ Chryrocrnlrir, p. 340

2 52

Lepidolsrphius. Glyphiprerigidrr

Kcy l o lhe P i l ie i rc l i c genera of lhr Clyphipicrigidnc, bascd on lhe chiracters ol lhc ícmalc gcnitalin

1. Ducius burrae with basa1 rubrclcroiic cerium sliapcd as an invcncd funncl. Lcpiáoiarphius, p. 253 2 -. Ductus bursae with basa1 ccsium, if picrcnt, no1 tlius .............................

2. Ostium a frce, crect, scieroiic tubc. Signa abscnt ........................ Cnnnrniina, p. 259 -. Ostium noi ihur. Signa prcscni or abscnr ....................................... 3. Ductus burrae wirh a sclcrotic modified ccsium at base and/or signa prcscnt . . . . . . . . . . . . .

......................................................... Glyphipirrix (partim), p. 262


-. Ductus bursae without a ccruim, wiihoui rigna ChtyJotrnlriJ and Glyphipirrix (prrrim), p. 340 and

p. 262

16 Lepidofnrphius PWYEW (Pi. 11; 1 species: 97- 98)

Lcpiúuiarphiur PRYER, 1377, Cisiuia Enr., 2: 235.

Typc- rpcc ics : Lcpidoiarphius ~ p l ~ i i d ~ r i ~ 1Wi .u (- Glypbipicryx pcroniafrlla WAIKLK), by niono- 1YPY.

S y n oii y m y : Dcrmido~onia ERSCI Ioi'b, 11192, Memoires LCpid., 6: 672. 'I'~pc-spccier: ~la in io l l ia j ; r~gci iJ EusCliot:i:,

D¡agnos i s : Hcad digliily comprcrscd dorso-vcnirally, smootli-scalcd. occllus posterior, con- ccalcd undrr scaics. tiaustclium rhorr, conccalcd. Aniciiiia in malc modcratciy fiattcncd, sliort-rcrraic along Iowcr cdgc, not perccpiibly ciliatc, somcwhai shortcr tlian forc wing; antcniia in fcmalc slcndcr, sliori-scrrulaie, iiot pcrccpiibly ciliatc. Maxi i lary palpus rudimciitary, 2-scgmciitcd, baral scgmcni

by O r i g i i i d dCS¡gnXt¡On.

.I'L -,

Fig. 12. Lqido iqd i iu i prrontrlcllui (WALKCR), Pig. 23. I.cpibrarphiui prrornaiclliis (WAI.KCR), d, shcich 01 the abdomen with literal rcalc iufir, vcniril rqxct .

d shcrcli oí hcid aiid wiiig vcnalion.


Page 25: MICROLEPIDOPTERA PALAEARCTICA SEVENTH ... PALAEARCTICA - SEVENTH VOLUME GLYPHIPTERIGIDAE auctorurn sensu lato (Glyphipterygidae sensu MEYRICK, 19 13) conraining . TORTRICIDAE: Hilarographini

Glyph;picr;x, Clyphiptcrigidae

from cnd of dorsum, almosi vcrtical, gradually cxcurvcd, top roundcd, cxtrcmc basc purc whitc; a modcraic srrcak bcforc and parallcl 10 lowcr half of icrmcn, narrowcr than prcceding strcak. cnds roundcd, anicrior somcwhai irrcgular; a raihcr Iargc roundcd-suboval silvcry do1 halfway bctwccn tops of fourth cosial and subtcrminal marks, rcspccrivcly; a iransvcrsc smallcr silvcry spoi, continucd ovcr basa1 ha11 of cilia. on concaviiy bclow apcx; apcx fillcd out with silvcry black. Cilia whitc, basal half bronzc-grey wiih darkcr iips, cilia abovc apcx wirh a jet-blach marginal strcak, cilia on cnd of dorsum dark grey-fuscous with a whirc bar from basc of sccond dorsal mark.

Hind wing rathcr broad. oblong-semioval, tcrmcn much more curvcd than costa, rathcr p a k glossy fuscous-goldcn. Cilia dccpcr fuscous-goldcn-bronzc.

Va r i ab i l i t y : dQ 15- 16.5 mm. Gciicrally darkcr grey-oiivc-goidcn with dccpcr purpic suffusion postcriorly; onc O from Francc (gcnit. slidc 9334) morc suffuscd with dccp rcddish-purplc; somcrimcs costa and basc in darkcr spccimcns with a grccnish huc. Females cxactly similar to males. Third costal strcak domciimcs as iong as sccond, boili sirongly clavatc by silvcry; dark cdgcs of markings on postc- rior par1 of wing variably dilaicd and somctimcs cxtcnding in horizontal striac bctwccn markings; rhrcc posterior cosial marh somctimcs lOiigCr than in ilic rypc; dorsal strcnk variably clavatc and divcrscly niore or ICSS pointcd, bui invariably bcnr inost at thc basa1 tliird; prctcrminal mark oftcn brokcii into ilircc roundish dorr, two anterior soiiictiincs more approximatcd.

IHind wing usually darkcr ihaii iii i l ic typc spccimcn, grcy-fuscous witli a faintcr gioss. Cilia morc grcyish-tingcd.

A nicc scrics of ihis litilc known spccics from Italy, Francc and Austria cnablcs me 10 prcscnt ihcsc minor dctails of rhc variation, which actually is slight.

M n l c gcni ta l ia (1’1. 98): Tcgumcn higli and raihcr narrow, dorsal wall cnding in an crccied poinr. Vinculum modcratc, lowcr cdgc rhickcncd but without a distinct ridgc, uppcr fronul anglcs lormiiig disiincr roundcd knobs, highcr ilian broad. Saccus straight, poinrcd, inodcraic, slightly shortcr rliaii thc hcight of vinculum in its middlc. Valva robust. oblong-spatulatc, basal third nakcd md consid- crably narrowcd, cxircmc basc niuch dilaicd and dccply cmargiiiatc in middlc, so forming a largcr dorso-baral proccss and a smallcr pointcd vcntro-basa1 onc. Acdcagus modcratc, lcss than % lcngth of valya, srraiglit, gcndy and modcraicly dilaicd along apical hall, top roundcd. Cornutus, a modcratc iubc gcnily narrowcd postcriorly, ciid witli finc numcrous backwards-dircctcd spincs. Ancllus with ba- sal Iialf a widc. ovoid sac.

Fcmalc g c n i i a l i a (1’1. 163): Lobi anales very small. Apophyscs 10116, robust, antapophyscs sinu- ate, widi a rlight thichcning abovc iniddlc and a vcry shon branch abovc ihis. Ostium complctcly hya- liric, as arc ductus and Corpus bursac; ostium with a small central dark cup-shapcd sclcriic, ‘thc cork”; ccsium small, an oblong sclcriic wiih numcrous longitudinal folds aiid a complicarcd basa1 dilatation, slinpcd as short and widc folds.

Ea r l y stagcs and b ionomics : Unknown. A mountain spccics. in Francc collcctcd ar 2000 m abovc scc lcvcl in VII-VIII, in üigiic, at 600 m, VI. In Italy, Montc Baldo, at 1400- 1500 m, VII, V I l l and in Spanish Pyrcnccs, at 1400 m, VI.

D is i r ibua ion: Mouiiuins of C aiid S Europc: Italy, Tirol. I’yrfnccs; Francc, Alps and Eastcrn Pyrénécs; Swiizcrland; Austria. USSR: Caucasus.

Rcmarks : A fiiic largc spccics, t l i c largcsi of t l ic spccics group. I t is rccognitablc by ¡u sizc and also by tlic long, litilc dilaicd dorsal strcak, sirongly curvcd bclow niiddlc and rathcr obiuscly poinicd. Both scxcs havc distinciivc gciiiulia. For a dctailcd comparisoii wiih t l ic spccics that rcscmblc giancl- liclh niost closcly, viz. G. cqiiiiclla, scc Kcinarks undcr diat spccics.

Thc sinall cestum, charactcristic for tlic prcscnt group, ir a coniplicatcd sclcrotic body at thc cx- ircnic ciid of tlic ducius bursac, a shori iubc wiil i sirongly longitudinal~y plicatc wall and with shori ad- ditional walls ihat dilate iu basc. This ccstuni i s quite similar in thc spccics of thc G. equiiella group; in giawlliclla i t i s Iargcst. Othcr small supcrficial diffcrcnccs arc t l ic Iargc sizc of thc inscct and ihc shapc


Giyphipicrix, Clyphlplcrig¡dne

of thc hind Wing, uscful and important charactcrs in addition to tliosc of thc gcnitalia, bur only afrcr sufficicnt cxpcricncc. An cndcavour is mide LO usc ihcm in ihc kcy 10 thc spccics and varictics of thc group.

According LO CHKÉTI~N (1899), thc typc locality “Turin” sliould be spccificd as Col de Tcndc, ncar Turin, in Picmontc.

Ma te r i a l s tud icd : Italy: Montc Baldo, Bocco di Navcnc, 1500 m, VII. 1970, gcnii. slidc 93330; thc sanic, 1400 m, M. VII. 1968, gcnit. 93440. Swiizcrland: Campocologno, 1. VI.-7. V11. 1928, 1929, 1915. Pontrcsina, 7. VIII. 1929. - S Tirol, Umhauscn, 29. V. 1948; Khuscn, 27. V. 1954. - Francc, Dignc, 600 m, 2.-5. VI. 1959, gcnit. 93340. - Spain, PyrcnCcs, La Molina. 1400 m. 30. VI. 1960. - Austria id,, Dilrnsicin, I.VI. 1941 (KLIMESCH). (Al1 by K. BURMANN. Coll. BURMANN). - Spain, Lcr- ida, 1400 m, 28. VIL 1975 (C. GIEUS). - Francc, Pyrénécs or., Si.-Marrin-dc-Canigou, 5. VIII . 1894; Puy-Vachcr (La Grave) (LE MARCHAND). iscrgcbirgc, 480 m (SOFFNER). - Nay (CHRETIEN). - Swit- zcrland, Valais. MNRP.; Zcrmatt, 1700 m (NBSM, LNK). lscr Mu., 480 m (SOFFNEK). - Italy, Pic- monte, Susa, Rocciamclonc, 1000 m, 8.-20. VI. 1959. - Switzerland, Triftschlucht, 17.VII. 1932 (E. JAcKH). JXCKH Coll., al1 namcd ‘G. majoreíla HEIN.”. USNM. - USSR, Caucasus. Daghcsian, Lc- vashi. 21. VI. 1926 (RYABOV), gcnii. slidc 9252 d.

L i t c ra tu r c : GíypíJiplefyx gianriíiríla: FKEY, 1880: 381. - CtlRETiEN, 1899: 147. - STAUDlNGER & REDEL, 1901:

130, in. 2330. - MEESS, in SI>ULER. 1910: 299. - GIANELLI, 1910: 552. - MEYRICK, 1911: 43. - 1914: 30. - CAKADJA, 1920: 15. - HERINC, 1927: 432. - LE MARCIIAND, 1939: 193. - LIIOMMF., 1963: 503. - HtPPNER, 1 9 8 2 ~ : 50. - DIAKONOFF, 1984: 70.

146 (45) CIypliipkrix cquiiclla (SCOPOU) staius nov. (PI. 17, fig. 1461-4)

Phalacsa cquiielía SCOP~LI, 1763, Ent. Carniolica: 254, no. 659

Typc loca l i ty : Yugoslavia: Slovcnia

H o l o i y p c : Whcrcabouu unknown. Prcsumably losi

S y n o n y ni y *): /iecbitiia InajorCííaVON biElNEMANN & WOCKl.. [lX76], Schiii. Dcuischi. Schwiz. 3 (2): 397,’I‘ypr io-

caliiy. Eiivirons of Vicnna, Austria. Lccioiypc: Iicrcby dcsigiiatcd, t l ic Iargcst inalc spccimcn of t l ic ori- ginal scrics of VON HLINEMANN & WOCKE, from t l ic cnvirons ol Vicnna. Whcrcabouts unknowii. ZIAN?

GfYjdJipicryx rniiiorcílu SNELLEN, 11182, Vlindcrs Ncdcrl.: 753. Typc locality. Tlic Nctlicrlands, Pro- vincc of Noord-Holland: Vogclcnzang. Lectotypc, Q /gen. no. 9361 /Vogclciizang 20. 6. 80 Q (fadcd inh, SNELLEN’S hnnd) / Coll. SNELLEN (print) / Museum Lcidcn G~ypbipicryx cquilclla Sc. Dct. ~ [ A N ] ELkCKE] (prini and ink + black cadrc) / Lccioiypc Q Glyphiplcrix niinorclla SNELLLN, dcsign. by A. DIA. KONOFF, 1978 (priiir + ink)/. RMNH.

Glyphipic>yx crarrilvnclla REDEL, 1916, Ann. Naiurliisi. Hofnius.: 157. Typc locality. Grcccc, Creic Id. Lcctotypc, Iicrcby designaicd, d/Gcn. no. X35 11 Kristaknia (prini) IKrcia, RDL. ‘04 / Cí. crarrih- nclh RaL. Typc (iii RUIEL’S Iiaiid) / Leciotypc 1. NHMW.

Glyphipleryx zcnnaiicnrir AMS~I., 1933, Dcuuchc cni. Zcitsclir. Bcrlin, (1932): 20, pl. 1 , fig. 1. Typc locality. Switzcrland: L rmat i . Holotypc. Whcrcabouu unknown. l’rcsumabiy lost.

cality. I’oland: Wolszkow. tiolotypc. Whcrcabouts unknown. Prcsumably losi (icsic J. RAZOWSKI, in Glyphiplcfyx rcxguiiclla T o L L , 1936, Ann. Mus. 2001. I’olon., I 1: 404, fig. 1 4 (iicc fig. I 5). Typc IO-


‘) Fur ihc ruriiiizcd synunymy of Oecophora anguloiclla O. C. COSTA, 1 ~ 3 4 , cf. rcmarks 011 unclcarcd specics, ”. 375.


Page 26: MICROLEPIDOPTERA PALAEARCTICA SEVENTH ... PALAEARCTICA - SEVENTH VOLUME GLYPHIPTERIGIDAE auctorurn sensu lato (Glyphipterygidae sensu MEYRICK, 19 13) conraining . TORTRICIDAE: Hilarographini

Giyphipicrix, Clyphipterigidae

D i a g i i o s i s : d 9 , 9-13.5 mm. Hcad and ihorax dccp goldcn-bronzc-fuscous, sidcs of VCKCX nar- rowly cdged witli whitc. Antciina dark fuscous, fiiicly whitc-ringcd, scapc from bclow whitc. Palpus rathcr long, whcn bcni. tlic tip cxcccding vcrtcx; rathcr ihickcncd with sliort bristiy scalcs roughish bc- ncaih, cxccpi on basa1 half of mcdian rcgmcnt; white, median segrncnt with two obliquc dark purplc strcaks closc togethcr across apical l i d , iop whitc, terminal scgmcnt acutely pointcd, shorter than mc- dian, decp purplc, with an obliquc white submcdian transversc strcak and a lateral longitudinai white strcak. Abdomcn palc grey-fuscous-goldcn, posterior edgcs of segmenü and tip of apcx grcyish-white.

Forc wing oblong-lanccolaie, modcraicly broad, costa rathcr curvcd along basa1 half, less curvcd postcriorly, apcx obiusciy pointcd, tcrmcn gcnily concave bclow apcx, modcratcly roundcd and very obliquc bclow. Olivc-fuscous with a goldcn gloss, posicrior suffuscd with dccp purplc, cdgc of suffu- sioii iraccablc, inwards-obliquc. Markings white, somctimcs somcwhai irregular, morc or lcss darkcr- cdgcd, in disc iurning mctallic lilac-silvcry. Costa with white strcaks, usually thcrc are six, oftcn fivc, scldom scvcn; thcir posiiion and sliapc are raihcr constant, so in case of fivc obviously thc sixth (subapi- cal) strcak is abscnt, in casc of scvcn tlicrc is a short whitc mark halfway bctwccn sccond and iiiird strcak; first strcrk sirongly obliquc and radicr straighi, or curvcd at cxtrcmc basc, rcaching below % of disc; sccond usually morc slcndcr, with lowcr half silvcry and clavaic, somciimcs touching discal ineiai- lic spoi; tlircc or iwo following marks wcdge-shapcd or dcntoid. scldom rarhcr slcndcr, with tips sil- vcry; tlicsc niarks in a cioscly approximatcd group distani from ihird strcak and convcrging 10 divcrse degrccs; sccond spacc (bciwccn sccond and ihird strcak) usually slighiiy bu1 disrinctly widcr than first and third spacc. Firsi dorsal sircak slightly variable, bu1 usually gradually and strongly curvcd in mid- dlc, acuicly poinicd and so appearing icss obliquc and aiways shorter ihan in gianrlliella, but iü curvc, shapc and lcngth arc subjcct LO sliglit variation (which makcs ccnain specimcns rathcr similar 10 gianrl- lirlla), but always sniallcr, with narrowcr, morc poinicd hind wings; sccond dorsal sircak mctallic lilac- silvcry cxccpt tlic slighiiy dilatcd wliiic basc, cxcurvcd, siighiiy inwards-obliquc, iop clavate, sonictimcs joincd io ihai of ilic sccond costal strcak, so as LO form a slendcr transvcrsc fascia, with median third stroiigly outwards-corivcx; an clongaic subtcrminal mark, clavaic at boili cnds beforc and parailcl 10

lowcr part of termcn; a round dot in disc Iialfway bctwccii prcccding and tip of founh costal strcak, a slcndcr iiiciallic mark ovcr basc of subapical conciviiy of tcrmcn. Cilia whitc, lcss than baral half dccp Icadcn-grey wiih blackish iips, a wiiiic notcli bclow apex. cilia abovc apcx with a jet-bhck marginal h c , cilia on cnd of dorsum grcy with a whitc bar.

Hind wing broadly lanccolaic. costa liiilc curvcd, icrmcn and dorsuin togctlicr forming a gcndc gradual CUNC; apcx ratlicr pointcd, liglit luscous with a palc grey basa1 ihird, with a silky gloss tliroughout. Cilia lighi fuscous-grey wiili a bronzc gloss.

V a r i a b i l i i y : As alrcadystaicd abovc thc markings are variablc, as LO ilic number of costal strcaks (six, somciirncs five, scldom scven) and thc shapc, curve, position and icngtli of the first dorsal strcak.

M a l c g c n i i a l i a (Pi. 9X, 99): Railicr similar LO thosc of G. gianclliclla, bur somcwliai lcss sclcro- iizcd. icgumcn lcss higli and tlicrcforc rhoricr, vinculum Iargcr, cup-shapcd, lowcr cdgc rathcr conical, poinicd iii middlc wiih a marginal ridgc or thickcning wliicli in its middlc gives risc 10 a narrow kccl, continucd ovcr saccus; saccus dark. disiinci, iü frcc p a n nbout as iong as thc ridgc is widc. Valva as in giaiiclliclla but shortcr, at base sacculus cdgc morc concave than costal cdgc (in gianclliclla ihc rcvcrsc); basc of valva dccply cmargiiiatc, uppcr proccss largc and broad, lowcr shortcr, pointcd. Acdcagus straighi, top more abruptly diiaicd. Ancllus a widc hyalinc sac, fincly brisdcd on rlic vergc of rctracrcd portion. Cornuius a rathcr widc siraighi iubc.

F c m a l c g c n i i a l i a (Pi. 163): Lobus arialis modcratc. Apopliyscs sirong darkly sclcroiizcd, aiiiapopliysis simpic, noi furcaic, a i basa1 !l, distincily beiit forward (vcntrad; tlicrcforc clcarly distinct from tlicsc of gianclliclla). Ostiuni hyaiine, funncl-sliapcd, with a concave dark sclcritc (a 'cork"); ccs- tum similar to iliat in gianclliclla.

Ear ly s t a g c s and b iono in ics : I h c larva has a black hcad. I'rothoracic platc btackish-brown. B d y palc ycllow, with small, darh pinicula. A small transvcrsc dorsal plaic on abdominal scgmcni iX


Giyphiplerix, Giyphipterigidac

and anal platc dark brown. Thoracic legs brown-ringcd. Mines in stems and lcavcs of Sedum acre, prob- ably also in S. anglicum (in Britain), and on oihcr Scdum spccics. Mincd planü bccomc whiiish and wiilicrcd. Larva full grown end V. Pupa in thick cocoon bcrwccn Icavcs or on rocks. (PELIMM-CLIN- TON, in lit.).

D i s t r i b u i i o n : Central and souihcrn Europc, probably also northcrn Europc, but in wesicrn Eu- ropc oniy in thc South: Francc, ? Bclgium. The typical, largc form, not in the Ncthcrlands nor in Eng- Iand: .. . . in England we have sccn nothing at a11 analogour to this majorclla varicty." (STAINTON, 1870: 282). Gcrmany, Ausrria, Switzcrland up to 2800 m, Poland, Romania, Hungary, Buigaria, Grccce, Dalmaiia, Italy, Spain, S Francc, Israel?, Caucasur, Central USSR, Dcnmark?, Swcden?.

R c m a r k s : FISCHER VON ROESLERSTAMM, as well as HERRICH-SCI~FFER, liad rccordcd ihc occur- reiicc of a largcr (10-1 i mm) and a smallcr (7.5-8.5 mm) 'form" of the prcscnr spccics, but did no1 find any othcr diffcrcnccs cxccpi thc sizc. MANN (1854). howcvcr, liad introduccd thc namc "majorclla milii" (a nomen nudum) for ihc largcr form and VON HEINEMNN subscquenily stated tliat this was no1 only Iargcr but also had rclativcly broadcr forc wings, thc dorsal whitc strcak lcss acurciy' pointcd and thc mctallic dos lcss rcddish-tinged. He rcgardcd thc largcr form as a disiinct spccics and dcscribcd ii under MANN'S iiamc, G. majorclla VON HEINEMANN; ir has bccii knowii uiidcr tliis namc cvcr sincc. (Wc will scc tliai a11 ilic diffcrcnccs summcd up by liim are infra-spccific).

Howcvcr, SNELL~N (1882) asiutcly argucd diat no1 tlie smallcr of thc two "spccics". bui tlic Iargcr, is Scoro~i's rquitclla, bccausc tlic original dcscripiion staics its sirc LO be 2% lincs wliich is only 7, linc (or 0.7 mm) smallcr than thc average sizc of ihe common G. fhraionellu (SCOPOLI). As SNELLEN did 1101 havc thc larger form, whicli docs not occur in thc Ncthcrlands, he rcfrained from a judgcmcnt of iis spccific status, bu[ ncverthclcss suggcsicd a ncw namc for thc smallcr form, vir. minorclla. Apparcntly SNLLLEN'S statcmcnü, publislicd in Dutch, cscapcd attcntion, so that ihc namc G. majorclla VON HEINE. MAKN rcmaincd in gencral use, bcside G. equitclla (SCO~OLI).

SNELLEN'S rrgumcnt, howcver, obviously turns thc scalc. ir is not rhc smallcr, but rhe largcr insccr ihat is thc typicai G. cquifclla (Scoro~i). T o thc smallcr spccics, that has hardly distinct rnale and fcmalc gcniialia, thc namc Glyphipferyx blemaniiclla FABRICIUS, 178 1, sccmcd 10 apply, supcrccding G. minor- clla SNELLLN, 1882. Howcvcr, 1 had the privilcgc to siudy tlie iypc of klcmaniiclla FABKICIUS, which provcd 10 be conspecific wiih G. ihrasonella (SCOIQLI) (cf. thcrc). Anoiher namc brought forward in tliis conncction, viz. "Occopbora aiigulosrlla" O. C . COSIA, 1834, in niy opiriion sliould be rcgardcd as an unclcired name. (cf. p. 375).

M a i c r i a l s i u d i c d : Austria, N Tirol, Vcniiiial, 1500-1600 m, Vi. 1943-1968. gcnit. siidcs 9332 d, 9336 9 ; Umhauscn. 15. V1I. 1944-45; Tclfcs, 1100 ni, Iiiiisbruch, Aucr, V-VI: Dürnstciii (KLIMESCII). (Al1 Coll. K. BURMANN.)

1-Iuiigary, Máriarcmcic, 25. Vlll. 1935 (BUNIJAY); Saslicgy, 21. V. 1874 (PAVLI.). 'TAMB. Gcrinaiiy, Obcrpfalz, Barnau; 1-i, Gumpoldskirclicn, 325 in (KOSGI~ALIEK): Obcrbiyern, Miticlwald,

Fraiicc, Basses-Al~>cs. Digne, 650 m, 3.-6. Vi. 1759 (GLASEH). Switrerland. Zermatt, 1700 m. 1.-24. VI1. 1935 (H. G. AMSEI.). ZMA. Gorncrgrat, 31. VII. 1932

( W E B ~ K ) (sub 'zcrmniienrii"). KLIMtSCtI coll. Wailir, Simplon, 1400 m (E. BAULH), slidc 9364 9. MIISM.

genir. 9259 d . MBSM.

Italy,Aosia, Cognc-l.iliac, 1700 m, 6. VIL 1961.

Spain, Por1 Bou, 21. 111. 196X (KLiMLSCii) KLihmci i Coll., Saniml. EHTI.. gcnit. slidc 9467 9.

Austria, Wicn, gcnir. slidcs Y318 9,9321 9.

Poland, Pieniny, Cliorsziyn. V.-VI. 1Y4Y - 1950 (S. TOI.L, K. Zutiowsni). PANK.



Page 27: MICROLEPIDOPTERA PALAEARCTICA SEVENTH ... PALAEARCTICA - SEVENTH VOLUME GLYPHIPTERIGIDAE auctorurn sensu lato (Glyphipterygidae sensu MEYRICK, 19 13) conraining . TORTRICIDAE: Hilarographini

Clyphiplerix, Giyphiplcrigidac

Li t c r a t u r e : Phalncna iiiica cquilciía: DI. VILLERS, 1789: 583, no. 1008 (i’an. ?). Acchmia cquiic~ia: FISCHER VON ROESLERSTAMM, 1838: 240, pi. 82, fig. 21-d (part.). - HEYDEN-

REICH, 1851: 87 (part.). - BRUAND, 1845: 112 (pari.). - MANN, 1855: 467 (pan.). - 1867: 73 (part.). - FOLOCNE, 1863: 138 (pari.), - ROSSLER, 1866: 256 (356). - STAUDINGER, 1871: 270 (pan.).

Aechmin mejorciía MANN, 1854: 590 (nomen nudum). - HERRICti-SCHAFFER, 1855: 56. - HEYDEN- REICH. 1651:87,no.740. - SNELLEN, 1882:753.

Glyphipleryx rquiiclh var. maJorc/k: FREY, 1854: 175. - HERKICH-SCIIAFFER, 1854: 93. - HEINE. MANN & WOCKE, 1876: 387.

Glyphipicryx majorrlla HEINEMANN & WOCKE, 1876: 397. - WIELER, 1880: 30. - REDEL, in STAU- DINGER & REBEL, 1901: 130, nr. 2332. - KOTHE, 1902: 197. - PROHASKA, 1905: 19 (maiorC116). - MEESS, in SruLcn, 1910: 299. - MEYRICK, 1913: 13. - 1914: 30. - MOLLER-R~Z, 1914: 425. - 1922: 24. - Anon., 1915: 161. - SCHAWERDA, 1916: 36. - VORDRODT, 1928: 116. - HERING, 1927: 433 (maiorclln). - 1932: 117. - MAKIANI, 1938: 68 (Clyphipierix mniorclla). - WEBER, 1946: 369. - OSTHELDER, 1951: 120. - TOLL, 1956: I I , figs. 13, 18-19, 23-29. - KLIMESCH, 1958: 63. - LHOMME, 1963: 504. - HRUDY, 1964: 259. - POPESCU-GORJ, 1955: 161. - KLIMESCH, 1968: 150, nr. 850.

Glyphipicryxrcxgurrclln’roi.L, 1938: 126. - 1956: 6, 1 I (G. rqidiiclla ab. rexgidln). Glyphipicryx zrrma~irnrir: WEDER, 1945: 369. Glyphiplrryx equiiclk aucti. (scnsu lato) (partim). - ZELLER, 1839: 203. - Kmti , 1856: 418, nr.

739. - SCHLEICHER, 1956: 668. - MANN, 1867: 840. - WOCKE, 1874: 74. - B W E R , 1880: 450. - FREY, 1880: 380. - DONKlER DE DONCEEL, 1882: 133. - CURO, 1883: 69. - JOURDHEUILLE, 1883: 190. - KEBEL, 1893: 527. - NICKERL, 1894: 24. - PAVEL-UHRYK, 1896: 172. - MINA-PALOMDO 1.’ALlA’rEDALDI. 1897: 187. - REUITl, 1898: 181. - CARADJA, 1899: 208. - STANGE, 1899: 137. - KOTHE, 1902: 97. - REBEL, 1904: 345. - RAGUSA, 1905: 19. - PROHASM, 1907: 276. - DISQU~, 1908: 124. - KRULIKOVSKY, 1908: 261. - JOANNIS, 1909: 788. - GKANELLI, 1910: 76, nr. 5-53? - GKIEDEL; 1910: 144. - PnotiAsM. 1911: 19. - HAUSLER, 1912: 155. - Anon., 1915: 161. - REBEL, 1917: 126. - MARTINI. 1916: 133. - S’I’EPIIAN, 1925: 117. - HERING, 1927: 433. - ZERNY, 1927: 471. - FEI-CHER, 1927: 35. - MEYRICK, 1928: 710. - VORBKODT, 1928: 116. - Anon.. 1930: 44. - I ~ ü ~ ~ c t a l . , 193O:Yi. - Sciiífrzc, 1931: 196. - VON UFFELN, 1931: 16. - SCHILLE, 1931: 153, nr.672. - ECKSTEIN, IY33: 106, nr. 662. - MERING, 1937: 484, nr. 2393. - SCIIAU’EHDA, 1937: 112. - TOLL, 1938: 126. - MARIANI , 1938: 168. - JACKH, 1942: 194. - FORO, 1949: 127, nr. 847. - 1954: 98, Pl. 6, fig. 28. - 1970: 85, pl. U , fig. 28. - OsTllELDtR, 1951: 120. - KLIMESCH, 1951: 29. - GRADE, 1955: 63. - TOLL, 1956: 5 .6 , 11-15. - KLIMESCH, 1958: 22. - AGENJO, 1966: 22. - SOFFNER, 1967: 113. - BARRE~T, 1974: 69. - DlAKONoFi;, 1976: 83. - HEPPNER, 1 9 8 2 ~ : 48 (crarrifunr~~a). - DIAKONO~I;, 1984: 70.

147 (46) CQphipicrix cquiiclir forma rninorcll#SPi~LLE~ sinlus nov. (Pl. 17, fig. 147i-,)

Glyphipicryx minorclln SNELLEN, 1882, Vliiidcrs Ncdcrl.: 773.

T y p c l o c a l i i y : Nctherlaiids: I’rovincc of Noord-Holland: Vogclcnzang. L c c t o r y p c : 9, hcrcwith dcsignarcd/ /Vog.[elcn]zang, 2 0 / 6 / 8 0 Q (fadcd ink,

SNLLLEN’S Iiand) / Coll. SNELLEN (print) / Muscum Lcidcn GfyphipIcryx cqu i i rh Sc. Dct. VlnN] ElECKE] (print and ink + black cadrc) / Lcctoiypc 9 Glyphiprcrix miiiorcfla S N E U ~ N , dcsign. by A. DIAKONOFF, 1978 (prinr + iiik)/. RMNH.

S y n o n y m y : Glyphiptrryx equiich aucit. (iicc Sco i>o~i , 1763) (crr. idcnt.).

Glyphipirryx irxgriic/ln TOLL, 1936, Ann. Mur. zool. polon., 11: 404, fig. 14 (ncc fig. 15). Typc lo- caliry. Poland, Wolszkow. Iioloiypc. Whcrcabouu unkiiown. Prcsuinably lost (rcsrc J. R A L O W S K I , in lilt.).


Ciyphipfcrix, Ciyphip fcrigidae

D i a g i i o s i s : dQ, 7-9.5 mm. Hcad palc grey-bronrc, vcncx and orbiu finely cdgcd with whiic. Palpus modcraic, curvcd, baral scgmcni whitc, median goldcn-bronzc wiih iwo convcrging iransvcrsc whitc lincs, terminal scgmcnr wliiic abovc. bronzc bclow. Anicnna bronzc. palcr iowards basc. Abdo- men palc purplc, cdgcr of scgmciiu and sidcs palcr, grcyisli-silvery in ccnain lighu.

Forc wing raihcr narrow, oblong-oval, broadcsi at K , cosia litilc curvcd ai ends, apex subobiuse, ccrmcn gcntly concavc, rtrongly oblique. Dcep bronzc-purplc, bccoming palcr o n basa1 fifth, whiic, sil- vcry and pale violct. Five thick wedgc-shapcd costal sircaks, anicrior iwo obliquc, othcrs almosi vcni- cal; first sircak wcll bcforc middlc, wcll dcfincd, gcnily outwards-curvcd, acuie. 10 Y, of disc bcyond middlc, sccond strcak Icss obliquc, rlighily shoricr, midway berwccn firsr and third, this slightly closcr 10 founh, fifth shon, just bcforc apcx; first dorsal srreak from dorsum beyond of wing lcngth, ihick, modcraicly obliquc, litrlc narrowcd from basc 10 jusi bclow middlc of disc, ihcncc curvcd posicrad and almosi horizontal, poinicd, iip a trifle undcr iliai of first costal strcak; second dorsal a whitc marginal subtriangular dot ai thc bcginning of cilia (cnd of dorsum indcfiniic), coniinucd by a silvcry sircak, an- guhic in middlc of disc a1 X lcngih of wing, ihcncc LO cnd of sccond costal rircak (in right wing noi rcaching tliis end); discal mctallic d o s vcry small, rarhcr ill dcfincd: two bcforc icrmcn, onc Iargcr, on icrininal concaviiy, anothcr, minurc, bcforc this in disc; apcx wiili a round black dor. Cilia whitc, on basa1 half suffuscd with palc bronzc, bordcr linc dcepcr sulfuscd wiili bronzc, around apcx darkcr, cos- ial cilia wiili a black marginal linc.

Hind wing narrowly Ianccolaic, acuicly pointcd, whiiish-gray, wiih a silvcry gloss. Cilia palc fus- cous, wiili a goldcn gloss.

V a r i a b i l i t y : Thc sligliily rubbcd malc, 8 mm, is palcr, wiili markings exactly similar but lcss con- trasting.

Sir additioiial spccimcns, ranging lrom 8.5-9.5 mm arc railicr darkcr, wiili rathcr variable shapc of forc wing (morc or Icss dilaicd) and shapc and lcngih of firsi dorsal strcak: soniciimcs morc curvcd, morc slcndcr, mosrly rcaching as far as, romctimcr cxcecding, ilic rip of first costal strcak, while sccond dorsal may be more or lcss obliquc (cf. discussion bclow).

M a l c g c n i i a l i a (PI. 99): Tcgumcn raiher slcndcr and Iiigli. Vinculuni robust, broadly scmioval. Saccus sliori, simple, with a median ihin furrow. Valva oblong, obliqucly clavaic, basa1 half modcraiely narrowcd, sacculus cdgc stronger convcx ihan costa, morc thaii basa1 ha11 wiili long brisily hairs. Ancl- lus sliort, cylindrical. ACdCagus slcndcr, iop curvcd upwards, dcniiculatc. Central cornuius narrowcd, with a ihick wall.

F c m a l c gc i i i t a l i a (1’1. 164): Ovipositor modcratc, flcsliy and wcak. Posiapophyscs ihin and long, soiiiciiincs ihickencd abovc middlc. Antapophyscs sliglitly ihickcr, quiic shortcr, widi proximal paru morc or less sclerotic, variably dilaicd. Eighth sicrnirc fincly aciculaic, with a single railicr irregular subinarginal almosi complcic row of finc brisilcs. Osiium a modcraic funncl, withoui sclcroiizaiions. Ducius bursac slcndcr, modcraic, ccsium, a modcraic sliglitly curvcd wrinklcd tubc with abruptly di- Iatcd barc. Corpus bursac oblong-oval.

E a r l y s i a g c s and b i o n o n i i c s : Apparcnily tlic samc as in tlic nomiiiatc form. Lrvac V, in leavcs and stems of Sedum acre. palc ycllow. hcad and thoracic sliicid black (STAINION, 1854a). Ad& VI- IX, appxcnily univoltiiic. Cocoon iough, bciwccn spuii Icavcs.

D i r t r i b u i i o n : Central, Wcsr and Souih Europc. Probably widcly disiribuicd, bui confuscd with tlic nominaic form, which usually is much largcr. Gcrmany, ?Ausrria, Swirzcrland, I’olaiid (Podolia: rcxguitella), thc Nctherlaiids, Grcat Briiain, Greccc, Transcaucasus: Daghcsian.

K c m a r k s : 1 am saiisficd tliat minorclla should be rcgardcd a form of rquiiclla aiid iioi a varicty.

The variability of thc prcscni maicrial is considcrablc, bcing of thc samc kind as in tlic nomiiiatc subspccics, G. c. cquiiclla (SCO~OLI). Minor diffcrcnces arc lound in ihc sliapc of tlic forc wing and in thc shapc and posiiion of iu markings, but are slight; thcy may bccomc morc cvidcnt whcn siudying a long scrics, not availablc now. Soniciimcs this variaiion is considerable, particulsrly widl rcgard to iIic


Page 28: MICROLEPIDOPTERA PALAEARCTICA SEVENTH ... PALAEARCTICA - SEVENTH VOLUME GLYPHIPTERIGIDAE auctorurn sensu lato (Glyphipterygidae sensu MEYRICK, 19 13) conraining . TORTRICIDAE: Hilarographini

Clyphiplcrix, Glyphipicrigidac

dorsal strcak; howcvcr, clore siudy of thc gcnitalia does not support tlicsc diffcrciiccr as bcing spccif- ically imponant. In my opinion thcy must bc infra-rpecific; one rimply has LO allow a widcr cxtcnt of variability in rhc cquitella group of rpecics and formae than in otherr.

Howevcr, ihc diffcrcnces of thc gcnitalia do providc a mcans for scparating e. rquiitlla and iu formr: niinorclla and sbsp. cranilunclla. There are again the pcculiariticr of the cighth sterniie of thc fc- malc, viz. thc cloihing with bristlcs and tlic dcgrce of dcvclopmcnt of thc sublatcral lobcs (- rclcritcs) that facilitate the rcparation of e. f . niiiiorella from e. equiiclla.

Judging from thc rire of rexgiiiiclla TOLL, 7 nim, ii must be a rynonym of minorda. Unfortunatcly tlic typc specimcn of tlic fornicr could not be locaicd and must be rcgardcd as lost u. RUOWSKI, in iitt.).

M a i c r i a l r i u d i c d : Tlic Nctlicrlands. Dcn Haag, 12. Junc 1896 P. T. C. SNELEN, 1 O , genit. slidc 9286; ihc rime, 14. IX. 1879, 1 O (no abd.). RMNH. - Lccuwardcn, VI (ALBARDA), 1 O, genit. slidc 9398 (ZMA); Huisscii 16. VIII. (VAN MEDEMMCH DE Roou), I O (MIZA). Melissant. 31.VIII. 1969 íj. K. HUISMAN), gcnit. siidc 10109. - Germany, Siicsia, Sclinokch, 30. 5 . 1856 (coil. WocKe), 1 d, genit. slidc 9325 d; O, Ems (abdomen missing). ZIAN. - Gcrmany, Obcrbaycrn, Mittclwald, un- tcrlialb dcs Jarthal, 1750 ni, 20. VIL 1920. Cenit. slidc 9363 d; Ncustadi, 2 í', genit. slidcs 9323 9 (lo- cality illcgiblc). MBSM. - N Grcccc, Olympus, Katapliygioii Al, 2100 m (F. KASY), 2 O, gcnit. rlidc 9338 9, I d, CS 9362 d. NI-IMW. - Gallia incr.. Mi. Pacanaglia, 16. VI. 1963 (M. u. W. GIASER). - Macedonia, Marka, Treschkasclilucht, 23.-27. VI. 1955 U. KLIMLSCH). Coll. KUMESCH. - Gcrmany, Mii iclr l ici i i , Lorclcy, A. VI. 19311 (E. JAcnii).

L iLcra iurc : DIAKONWI:, 1976: 83. - LEMPKE, 1976: 19. - EMMCl C.S., 1979: 66. - t!cppncr, l9KZc: 51. - DIAKONOI:F, 1984: 70 (var.).

Rcmarks: Thc two closcly allied subspccics of this group and tlic forma minorclía havc in com- mun thc Iargc dorsal crcsccntic sircak tliat ir rubjcct 10 considcrablc variation, in ¡ir Icngtli and shape, and thcrcforc presents a rarlicr unirurtworiliy characicr. In general i t is not always casy to scparate thc spccicr witli cxternal charactcrs only, wliilc tlic genital charactcrs, tliough bcing raiher constani, are

Supcrficially G. gianrlliella KAGONW can be scparatcd by ihc prcscncc of scvcn costal whitc marks, but usually thcre are only six, sincc oiic oftcn disappears. Alro in oilicr spccicr a single or cvcn two morc or lcss abortivc additional costal marks may occur, somciinics in onc wing only, orbe asymmcrri- cal right aiid lcfi. Anothcr characicr, crpccially iii thc prcseni group, is tlic s i rc of thc aduli, gianelliella bcing by far thc Iargcst, followcd by r. eqiiiiella, then but slighily smallcr e. crarrilunella and finally c. f. minorclla. Howcvcr sizc ir of not an absolutc criterion.

T l i c superficial chiracicrs of markings: Icngth and shapc of tlic dorsal strcak cspccially, are cxtcii- sivcly dcscribcd undcr cach rpccics. Thc following may be raid in gcncral of thc gcnitalia, offcring ap- parcnily t l ic only rcliablc criicria for thc rcparation of t l ic laxa.

i h c valva in giancllirlla. wliicli in liiic with its Iargc sirc, has also i l i e most robust gcnitalia, ir lon- gcrt, with a dilaicd postcrior Y, bcing oblong-oval, gcntly rouiidcd at tlic top; in e. equitclla thc vaba is ratlicr clavaic, witli top more roundcd h a n in tlic other iwo; in e. f. miriorclla it ir leasi dilatcd; tlic rac- cus ir longcst, intcrmcdiaic and rhortcst, in gianclliella, e. equiielld and e. f. minorella, rcspecuvely ; ili~ proccssus basalis niorc oval in t l ic iwo first, poiiiicd in minorella.

Kailicr inorc disiinci are t l ic fcnialc gciiiulia. Althougli tlic intcrnal paru: ostium, ductus bursac, ccstum and corpus bursac, arc siniilar, ilic SCUC of the scvcnih stcrnitc arc important. In gianrlliella ihc two sclcrotic vciitro-larcral lohcr (stcriial lobcs) are traccable (in i l i c othcrs thcy are complctcly ibscnt) aiid are bcsci wiih long bristles along tlicir posterior cdge, in lcss that a scmicircle; thcir bases are somc- wbat tliickcncd aiid clcvatcd; iii e. cqi~iirlla only four or fivc bristlcs are prcrent on each sidc, wirh wcak, not clcvaicd bases; whilc iii e. f. niinorclla thcre are no bristlcs at a11 (in this forni ii is casy 10 inis- iakc thc brisilcr along i l i c dorsal cdgc of t l i c cighih scgmcnt, showing through thc abdomen, lor t l ic


V C V dighl.

<,_ , . . . . . . -.-T-=lrT . .. .. .... - ..

Giyphipierix, Glyphiplerigidae

stcrnal bristlcs: tlicsc dorsal scrac are wcak aiid soincwliai irrcgularly spaccd along tlic width of ihc cn- iirc scgmcni).

Thc oviposiior in giancllirlla ir sinall, witli tips of anal lolics produccd in sulirigid sliort proccsscs; iii c. eqiiiiclle thc ovipositor is subobture, top simply split; in e. f. miiiorclla the oviposiior is usually more poinicd, coarsely short-bristlcd and dccpcr split. Tl ic portapopliyscs arc much longcr in gianrlliella.

148 (47) C/yph@ferix cquilelia crassi/unelia R ~ ~ ~ ~ s t a t u s nov. (Pl. 17, fig. 148)

Glyphipicryx crarriliiidla REUEL, 1916, Ann. iiaturhisr. Hofmus.: 157

Typc I oca l i t y : Crctc

Lcc to typc : hcrcby dcsignatcd, d /Ccn. no. 9351 I Krisiallciiia (priiit)/Krcia, RUL. '04 / Cl. crai- rilunella KEL. Typc (iii KEBEL'S hand) / Lcctorypc. Clypbipferyx crairilunella REUEL. Dcsignatcd by A. DIAKONOPF, 1976i. NHMW.

Diagnosis: d. l l mm. Hcad liglit olivc-grcyisli wii l i a goldcn glors, face wliiiisli, orbits narrowly whitc. Antciina lighi olivc-grcyish. front of scape whire. Palpus rathcr long, curvcd, poinicd. l i t i l c flni- iciicd dorso-vcnirally, tcrminal scgmeni as loiig as mcdiaii; median scgmcnt wiih long roughisli bristly projcctiiig scalcs bclow, wliite with a subapical dark bronzc band; tcrminal scgmciit slcndcr, roughish bclow. bronrc witli a subbasa1 aiid a submcdiaii w!iitc baiids, apical ha11 wliiic, bronrc in front. Thorax goldcn-bronrc.

Forc uing Ianccolatc, rathcr broad, broadcst in iniddlc, costa curvcd througlioui, apcx obtuscly poiiitcd, tcrmcn scarccly concavc bclow apcx, gciiily convcx bclow. Kailicr dccp uiiicolorous goidcn- bronzc with a purplc glors. Costa with fivc somcwhat irregular wliiic strcaks, firri tliickcr and longcr tlian othcrs. obliquc and slightly sinuatc, iurning horizontal juri abovc middlc of disc, sccond and ihird sircaks slcndcr, f i r s i spacc somcwhat rmallcr than sccond, third strcak slioricr. as lar from sccond as from fourili; fourtli irrcgularly quadraic, shorr, fiftli loiigcr, slciidcr and straighi, slightly inwards-ob- liquc, dorsum with a curvcd tliick strcak froni just bclorc middlc, curving ouiwards, cnd acutc and hor- izoiital, not rcaching that of firsi costal sircak; sccoiid dorsal strcak modcraic, ratlicr faint; mciallic dis- cal inarks minuic, liglit violct: small points on cnds of costnl lincs, narrow conncction of sccond costal aiid dorsal sircaks, i1 single, longiiudinal, subdorsal and a rniiiutc prcapical, diseal mark; a narrow siri- gula on icrmcn bclow apcx; apcx with a dull black spot. Cilia with apical Iialf (dainagcd) whitisli, baral Iialf glorsy furcous with black iips, a white "iiotcli" bclow apcx aiid a black apical strigula along cnd of co~ta.

I-iiiid wiiig ratlicr broadly Ianccolaie. ovcr Y>. costa lcss curvcd ihii irrincn, railirr Jull bronzc-fus-

Ear ly stagcs a i i d b iononi ics: Uiikiiowii.

D i s t r i bu t i on : For a loiig tinic kiiown oiily froni i l i c rypc locality; i iuw alro froiii Sardinia aiid t l ic Caiiary Islands.

Rcniarks: A modcratc-sizcd rubrpccics, as LO tlic facies, iiitcrnicdiaic bctwccn e. cquiiclla m d e. f. miirorelld. Thc dorsal strcak ir quite charactcristic. in thc tlirce syntypcs ii ir thick. sirongly but gradually cxcurvcd aiid gcntly, also gradually of narrowcd, with oiily thc apical pnrt iiarrowcd niorc abruptly; in other material (cf. bclow) ii is quite similar. C. c. cquiulla is distiiicily Iargcr, witli hroadcr forcwings, with dorsal strcak considcrably variablc, but ncvcr so thick, bcsidcs mosily angulatc in or abovc middle, rclJom bclow middlc; G. r. f. minorella ir smallcr, ilic dorsal strcak niucli tliiiincr 2nd so appcaring loiigcr, if ratlicr tliick tlicii narrowcd along iu cntirc lcngth and noi so abrupily, wiih t l ic tip lcss acutc.

Tlic inalc gcnitalia of i l i c tlirce forms: of eqi~iiella (rquiiclla, minorrlla and crarrilunella) are vcry s i - milar, iii minorclla ihc valva hcing a triflc narrowcr at thc basc, tlic saccus cxiremcly short, in cquiiclla thc SICCUS raihcr longcr and a trille clavatc, iii crarrilunelb (1'1. 100) thc saccus of intermcdiarc lcngtli. T l i e bristliiig of thc cighih stcrnitc in thc fcnialcr of minorella aiid equiíclla is dccidcdly diflcrcnt. Oí

35 I

COUS, unicolorous. Cilia glossy fuscous.

Page 29: MICROLEPIDOPTERA PALAEARCTICA SEVENTH ... PALAEARCTICA - SEVENTH VOLUME GLYPHIPTERIGIDAE auctorurn sensu lato (Glyphipterygidae sensu MEYRICK, 19 13) conraining . TORTRICIDAE: Hilarographini

G&phipfcrix, Clyphipfcrigidae

sbsp. crassiliinclla unfortunaicly no fcnialcs are known. In vicw of chis cvidcncc I am compcllcd to as- sign 10 ihc prcscnt cr~siiluiicllu ilic status of a subspccics, pciiding i l i c discovcry of thc fcmaics.

Ma te r i a l s iud icd : Crcic, Krisiallcnia, 2 syniypcs (iiow Icctoparaiypcs), markcd witli rcd iiih 'rypc", in REBEL'S Iiand, gcnii. slidc 9382 (anothcr. withoui abdomcn). NHMW. - Sardinia, TCmpio- Paus.[ania], l . and 6. V. 1933,Z d (H. G. AMSEL). LNK. Canary Ir., Bandana, d (F. KAsY). NHMW.

L i i c ra tu r c : Cf. sub G. rgiriicl/a.

I 4 Y (48) Cwphipfcrix unibilici l l ~ n i ~ c (1% 17, fig. 149)

G/ypbiprcryx iritil>i/ici i-it.KiNG, IY27. zooi. Jaiirb. Sysl. 53: 431.

'I'ypc i oca l i i y : Caiiary Isiands, I'alma

H o l o i y p c : d/l'alma, El Paso/Canar. lns., 28.1V. 1926, No. 2826, O. h M. H ~ ~ i ~ t / M i n c an Uml>i/iclis p c r d d i i i i s / Holoiypc (rcd) / Glyphipirryx iim6ilici. det. MART. HERING / Gcii. no. 9236 /. LNK.

Synonymy :

Glypbipicrix iulliuuki DIAKONWF, IY7B,Zool. Vcrli., 160: 61, hgs. 47, 49. Typc locality. Ncar Easi: Lcbaiion. Holotypc. d/Gci i . no. Y57ü/Alcy, Lcbanon, 10. V. 1942, A. S . TALHOUK coll. (print 2nd bluc ink) / Holotypc d Glyphiprerix iní/~ouki A. DIAKONOIC', 1975 (black cadrc)/. KMNH.

D iagnos is : d, 11.5 niin. Hcad aiid tliorax palc ochrcous-fuscous wiih a goidcn-purplish gloss. An- icnna pdc oclircous-fulvous. i'alpus modcratcly iong, curvcd, subasccnding, rathcr thick, basa1 scg- mcni siiow-wliiic, mcdiaii wliiic, with four black iransvcrsc bands, gcnily convcrging iowards middlc of scgmciii, tcrininal scgiiicni aboui % mcdian, rip subobtusc, fiaticncd fronio-caudally, in froni wii l i a black parting l i i ic, slightly shiíicd Iaicrad. Posterior lcg purplisli-fuscous, ariiculations bandcd whiic, spurs whiic. Abdonicn fuscous-grcy, witli bronzc rclicciions, Lasal icrgitc siivcry.

Forc wing ovaic-laiiccolaic, costa gcnily curvcd, apcx aiid icrmcn roundcd, cilia bclow apcx appcar 10 bc iiotclicd, tcrincn vcry oblique. I:uscous-broiizc-purplish with sonic olivc tingc iowards base aiid costa anicriorly. Costa wiili fivc wli i ic marks, two fasciatc, thrcc dcntoid, firsr froin niiddlc of cosia io niiddlc of wiiig brcadtli, pointcd. iowards ciid iouclicd wiih palc fuscous, point slightly upcurvcd; scc- ond niark closc úcyond first, slcndcr and ill-dcfincd. sligliily slioricr and coiivcrging but poini frcc of firsr iiiark; a silvcry-purplisli brilliani mciailic sircak from bclow iniddlc of sccond whitc marh, gcntly ouiwards-obliquc abovc, vcrtical froni middlc of wing io dorsuin bcíorc ioriius, third costal niark sinall, iooih-sliapcd. coiiiinucd by a clavarc mctailic strcak noi rcaching iniddic oí wing brcadili; a comma- shapcd ihick spoi abovc iornus. two posterior costal dou approxiniaicd, in a subapical pair. wcdgc- sliapcd, fourtli witli a iiiiiiutc nictallic iiinrk on tip, fiftli purc whitc; a sniall wcdgc-shapcd mctallic niark on uppcr third of icrmcn; a small mciailic poini in disc bcforc iliis; apcx ccntrcd with a sinal l dccp furcous-purplisli doi. Cilia wli i ic with dccp furcous-broiizc basa1 Iialf. iioichcd by wiiiic opposiic tcrmi- iial mciailic niark, cilia uii cosia bcíorc apcx cmittiiig a siciider blackish marginal sirigula ovcr apcx.

Hirid wiiig palc fuscous-purplisli, witli a rliglit silky gloss, bccoming paicr towards basc. Cilia con- coiorous, along costa palc grey.

M a l e gc i i i ta l ia (1'1. 101): Tcgumcn higli and rathcr iiarrow, top rouiidcd. Tuba analis poinicd, raihcr sleiidcr, aboui !4 tlic iciigili of tcgunicn. Vinculuiii obloiig-scniioval, sclcrotizcd, % lcngtli of i e - gunicii, cnd wiih an oval small appciidix. Saccus sliort, slcndcr, originating bcforc and vcnirad of thc cnd of tcguincn, lcss tliaii Iiall iis lciigth. Valva i imow, loiigcr ihaii tcgumcn, apical half oblong-sub- o d , bristly, iop rouiidcd, base broadcst; basa1 I ial f narrowcd iowards x, nakcd cxccpr a submcdian scrics of sparsc bristlcs, base dilaicd; Iabis niodcraic, uiarigular. Transtiila sclcroiizcd, dark, triangular. Acdcagus slcndcr, straiglit, % lcngtli of rcgumcii + vinculum, iop iiiodcraicly dilaicd, fincly granuiaic. Coriiutus a railicr loiig poinicd rod. Aiicllus iiidistiiict.

I'ciiialc gcn i ta l ia (1'1. 165): lab i aiiaics scparatc. acuicly poiiitcd. Postapophyscs long, niodcr- aicly tiiickcncd along posterior haif. Ninctli scgmcni mcmbranous and ill-dcfincd, bclow iliis a pair of


Clyphiplcrix, ~IyphiQlerigidae

sublaterni crcsccntic sinall foids are just visible, concavc ouiwardly. Sicrigma unmodificd, postcrior cdgc oí scvcnili + cightli sicrnitc siraighi. Osrium a small cup of sligliily divcrsc s k c (cf. figs.). Cestuni modcratc, two narrow and pointed siraiglit or sliglitly curvcd (":c~l/iouki*) valvcs. Corpus bursac pluiiic- shapcd. Signa a pair of round dchcaic scobinations.

Ea r l y sragcs and b ionomics : Larva making 'Bcidcrscitigc Ganginincn"') in tlic lcavcs of üm- b i h ~ l pcndulinui D.C., wiih a broad rrack of cxcrcment in tlic middlc. "Dic Larvc wcchscltc Oftcr das Blaii und crrcugic zuictri sogar grossc Platrmincn. Zur Vcrpuppung wurdc dic Minc vcrlasscn . . . An- fang April 1926 gcfundcnc Minen crgabcn Endc des Moni is und Anfang Juni den Faltcr . . ." (HERING, 1957: 431). In Sardiiiia flying in Junc (AMSEL h HARTIG, 1951).

Dis i r i bu i i on : Canary lslands. Sardinia. - Ncar East: Lcbanon.

Rcmarks : Thc specics somcwhat rcscmbics G. tqi~iirllu sbsp. crnsrifunda REBEL, but diffcrs by dark cdgcs LO whiie markings, by much more approximaicd and both longer and convcrgcnt first and sccond costal strcaks, by shorter, more approximaicd and aimost triangular fourth and fifth strcaks, tic., and also by i l i c distinct gcniialia in both scxcs.

Aficr closc comparison with addirional matcrial of i l ie prcscni subspccics, 1 am satisficd lhar tlic spccific nmic G. ia//~ouou/ri is not tcnablc and musi be sunk as a synonyni.

Ma te r i a l studicd: d/Palma, El PssolCanar. los. Zü. IV. 1926. No. 2826, O. & M. HERING~ Minc an Umbilicri pri iduhus/ Paratypc [red] / Glyphipicryx iiml>i/¡ci, dci. MAHT. HERINC/G~~ . no. 9236/.- 9, idciiiical labcls, but:/Gcn. no. 9237/. d, l. V. 1933, 9, 6. V. 1933. Sardcgna, Tcnipio- I'aus. (1-1. C. AMSLL), 2 spccinicns. LNK.

L i l c ra tu r c : AMSW & khRTlC. 1951: 92. - kltl'PNER, 1 9 8 2 ~ : 54. - DIAKONOPF, 1984: 70. : . .

150 (4Y) Clyphipfcrix pcrrcnuis DIAKONOFI. (1'1. 111, íig. ISC)

Glyp/iipirrix pcricniiii DIAKONOFF, 1979, Zool. Mcd. Lciden, 54: 306, fig. 12.

Typc l oca l i i y : N Africa: Tunisin, El Ariana.

H o l o t y p c : d/Gci i . no. 9349 A. DiAK./Tunisia, El Ariana, I2.V. 19I3IHoloiype d Glyphip- rcrix prrrciiirir A. DIAKONO~:~:, 1979 (black cadrc) 1. RMNI-l.

Diagnosis: d, 7 nim. Hcad and thorax grcyish-purplc, wiili a briglii goldcii gloss. Anicniia fus- cous-bronrc, minuicly pubcsccnt. Labial palpur rathcr long, curvcd and asccnding, slightly flattcncd dorso-vcnirally. poinicd; bclow palc ochrcous, iowards tip sligliily iiifurcaicd, abovc silvcry-whiic; api- cal scgnicnt as long as nicdiaii. Abdomcn grcyish-broiizc.

Forc wiiig oblong-lanccohtc, apcx produccd, iiarrowcd aiid poinicd, costa gcnily curvcd tlirougli- out, sligliily concave beforc apcx, icrmcn vcry oblique, sliglitly cxcavatc bclow apcx, obliqucly roundcd bclow. Crcyisli-bronzc wirli a svong goldcn glors. Costa wiili scvcn wliiic niarhs. oii boili ridcs faintly cdgcd wiili fuscotis suffusion; first sircak modcratc, froin middlc, sccond similar. gcntly convcrging, not rcaching middlc of disc. following marks small. short, aimosi dor-likc. aboui cquidisirnr and dc- crcasinl: in sizc postcriorly; a black dot in apcx; dorsal srrcak from bcforc middlc, long and slcndcr, gradually curvcd, narrowcd and pointcd. only base niorc abruptiy dilatcd. its iip iiot quitc rcaching bc- low iip of first cosui; sccond dorsal strcak ili-dcfincd, linear, icnding io rcach iip of sccond dorsal; dis- cal mciallic dois no1 cvidcni, probably duc iu rubbiiig. Cilia missing.

1-lind wiiig laiiccolaic, modcratc, poiiitcd, costa aiid dorsuiii siiiiilarly curvcd; liglii bronzc. Cilia niissing.

h la lc gcn i ia l ia (1'1. 101): Kcscmbliiig tliosc of G. Iicpr~glyphcl/a 2nd JII~COI~, but wiil i a dis i i i i c i saccus: vcry slcndcr aiid cxtcrnally Y, timcs tlic Iicighi of rhc vinculum, wliich is mucli loiigcr than in ihc first iiamcd spccics (whcrc tlicrc is oiily a rouiidcd vcry sliort stuinp) and niuch i l i i i i i i c r and aiso longer

.._ -

*) Turincl mines visiblc uu botli sidcs of tlic l c d .


Page 30: MICROLEPIDOPTERA PALAEARCTICA SEVENTH ... PALAEARCTICA - SEVENTH VOLUME GLYPHIPTERIGIDAE auctorurn sensu lato (Glyphipterygidae sensu MEYRICK, 19 13) conraining . TORTRICIDAE: Hilarographini

Ciyphiptcrix, Clyphip Icrigidae

XVIII. C. simpIicieI1a group of species A group of considerable cxicnc, coniaining small to minuic bronrc o r purplish spccics wiih usual

markings. Again thc gcniialia, cspccially ihosc of thc kmalc, providc ihc only irusiworiliy cliaracicrs for ihc scparaiion of ilic spccics.

Malc gcniialia. Gcncrally similar 10 thosc of thc prcccding cquiiclla group, bui with slight rpccific diffcrcnccs in thc rliapc of valva and oihcr parrc, cspccially saccus, thc comparaiivc sizc of thc ancllus and lcngrh of thc acdcagus. Vinculum divcrscly dcvclopcd, as also ir saccus. Valva narrow and long, of a spccific shapc: morc o r lcsr narrowcd a i base. morc or lcss dilatcd postcriorly, top roundcd rymmctri- cally or obliqucly. cic.

Pcmalc gciiitalia (iiot of al1 spccics availablc). Ovipositor picrcing: lobi anales sclcrotic, acmcly poinicd, with postapophyscs dilaicd poricrad and sclcrotic, bccoming much thickcr than aniapopliyscs. Eigliih ricrnitc wiili spccifically disiinct brisiling. Ducius bursac oficn shori. Ccrium, longitudinally wriiiklcd trrmiiial tubc, inostly prcsciit. Corpus bursac somctinics with paircd punciulatc paricial rigna.

160 (59) G&ph@Icri.% pJg~YiUiClh KCBk:L (1% 18, fig. 160)

G l y p l ~ i p i ~ ~ p pygriiucclla I¿~DI:I., 1896, Aiiii. Naturhisi. Hofinus., I I : 132.

T y p c locn l i iy : Caiiary 1s.: Gran Canaria 1.

L c c t o i y p c : hcrcby dcsignatcd, d / G c n . no. 93521 10. V. (pcncil)/Gr. Canaria L. Palrnas-H~u. 95 (fadcd ink)/ Glyphipi. Sgmaerlla RBL. Typc (fadcd black and rcd ink)/Lcctoiypc d Glyphipicrix pygmacrlla KEDEL. Dcsignatcd by A. DIAKONOFF, 1978 (black c a d r c ) / N P E (rcd, oblong, prini) 1. NHMW.

D i a g n o s i s : d, 7 nini. Hcad and iliorax ricli fuscour-bronzc, unicolorous, with a rcddish gloss, Iicad sonicwhai deprcsscd. Aiiicnna concolorous. I i lpus slcndcr, raihcr long, curvcd and flaiicncd dorso-vcnirally; dark bronzc wiih usual whitc obliquc transvcrrc stripcs oucwardly, snow-wliiic inwardly (abovc). Abdonicii palcr bronzc.

Forc wing rich fuscous-bronzc, sliglitly pnlcr and grcyisli along basa1 third exccpt at margiiis, sooii bccoming ricli purplisli-bronzc postcriorly. Cosia with fivc silvcry-whiic sircaks, firsi io third out-

wards-obliquc, bccoming gcntly morc curvcd ouiwards, lowcr Iialvcs niorc iingcd silvcry, sccond and tliird wiih rilvcry tips chvaic; sircaks four and fivc shortcr, liiilc curvcd, gcnily inwards-obliquc; firsi dorsal wliitc sircak Iargc, railicr bcforc middlc, cxcurvcd, thick a1 bisc, gradually narrowcd upwards, in niiddlc of disc vcry narrow and Iiorizonial, iip noi rouching firsi cosial sircak; rccond costal rircak slciidcr, litilc inwards-obliquc, fuscd wiili iip of sccoiid cosul, silvery with a whiic rlighily dilatcd basc; aii oblong silvciy-violct oval spot bcforc icrmcn, a rouiid silvcry dot on tip of palc "notch" of tlic cilia, in disc prcccdcd by a miiiuic violct poiiii, somctimcs not iraccablc; a black doi in apcx. Cilia palc grcy- broiirc wiili a wliiiisli noicli-likc wcdgc o11 lowcr half of cilia; apical Iialf of cilia iliroughout wliitisli- grcy.

M a l c g c n i t a l i a (Pl. 105): Similar 10 thosc of G. rq i r i ie l l~ f. minorclla, but with smallcr vinculuin and longcr and niorc roburi saccur; valva long and raihcr narrow, iop rcgularly roundcd and modcr- ntcly dilatcd; base lcss narruwcd, acdcagus longcr; in cqiriiclla sbsp. crariilunella sacculus ir mucli strongcr and loiigcr.

I'c ni a I c g c n i i a I i a : Unkiiowii.

E a r l y s t a g c s a n d bioi ioi i i ics: Uiikiiown.

D i s t r i b u i i o n : 0ril;iiially dcscribcd froiii tlic Caiiary lslands: Tcncrifc and Gran Canaria. Now also rccordcd from Hungary.


Glyphiplcrix, Clyphiplcrigidac

R c n i a r k s : Thc small spccics ir rccognirablc by ihc dentoidal small dorsal rircak, abruptly nar- rowcd io a finc linc on uppcr half, so having more or lcss ihc rhapc of a minutc drop and ir much smallcr tlian this mark in iiiy oilicr spccicr of thc prcsciii group, whcre ii urually is sciriiiunar.

M a i c r i a l s t u d i c d : 'icncriic, Oroiava (HED.), 1895, paralcciorypc (no abdomen). RMNH. - Tcncrifc, 1883, Gcnit. slidc 9951, 2 d. MGAB. - Hungary, Mcczck Tubcs, 10. VI. 1965 (SZELO~YI); Brarsó, Kanész, 5. VI. 1910. TAMB.

L i t c r a l u r c : REBEL, in STAUDINCER & REBEL, 1901: 130, nr. 2333. - 1906: 4y, nr. 204. - 1910: 1 d/ 350. - WALSINCHAM, 1907: 989. - MEYRICK, 1913: 43. - 1914: 30. - REDEL, 1917: 60. - CARADJA,

í 1920: 15, nr. 2333. - HEit iNG, 1927: 433. - HEPPNER, 1 9 8 2 ~ : 52. - DIAKONOFF, 1984: 71. . ~

HcriLria rinip&//a STEPHENS. 1834, 111. Br. Eni., (Hausi.), 4: 263.

T y p c l o c a l i t y : England.

L c c i o i y p c d : dcsignaicd by A. DIAKONOI-F, 1976, thc spccimcn Iabcllcd:/Typc (round Iabcl, rcd margin, prini) / iimpliciclla mihi (prini) / STLI~HENS COL, Glyphipieryx j¡rcherieh d. Namcd by $TE- PHENS (prini and ink)l . ln ihc Briiish Collcction, BM(NH). Abdomen intact (icsie A. DIARONOW).

S y n o n y m y : tkribcia cognnicl[a STF-PHENS, 1834. 111. Brit. Eni., Haustcllata, 4 : 26. Typc locality. Grcat Britain.

Lccrorypc d, dcsignaicd by A. DIAKONOFF, 1976:ITypc (round Iabcl, r td cadrc, prini) / cognaiella mihi (prini)/STEPHENs coll. Glyphipieryx cognrirl~a c. Namcd by STEPHENS (print and ink) /. In thc British Collcciion, BM(NH). Abdoincn intact (tcstc A. DIAKONOFF).

Oe[cophora] conjundda O. G. COSTA, 1834a. Spccic nuovc Lcpidort. Rcgno Napoli, 5, pl. 2, figs. 5.1-c. (tcsic W. G. 'rRCMtWAN, 1977). Typc localiiy. Italy, Naplcs Kcgioii. Holotypc, whcrcabou~ un- known, prcsuinably losi.

Ornix rollirripennclla O. G. COSIA, I W b , Aniiuar. zool. Napoli, 1834: 77 (noincn iiudum); €/a- &la (Ornix) colluripennch O. G. C o s i . ~ , [l836], Fauna Kcgno Napoli, Lcp. [301], [312], pl. [Lcp. Nott.] 2, figr. 5a-c (icsic W. G. TREMLWAN, 1977). Invalid: unncccssary subsrituic namc for 04~0. phora] conjunciclla O. G. COSTA, 1834a.

Elach ia acchmiclla DUIWNCHLL, I83& iii G0uAR.r 81 DUI>ONCIILI., Hirt. nat. clicnillcs Lép. mcd., 1 1 : 533, no. 1637, pl. 308, fig. 7. Typc locility. Francc, "departcmcnt d u Nord". Holotypc. d/TYPE (rcd, prini) / C. DUIWNCIIEL (ink, round) / U 1 6 (do) /acchmiella D. (ink) / Muscum Lcidcn, Glyphi- picrix rimplicirlla ( S r m i . ) (tcsic A. DIAKONOI:F) (ink and priiii) /Gcn. no. 931 4 A. DIAR. /.

Acchmia/irchrrir/ía ZCLILER, 183Y, Isis, 32: 204, nr. 3. Typc locality. Bolicmia and Poland (Glogau). Holotypc. Wlicrcabourc unknown. Apparcnily lost.

. . . . . ., deiiderclla FISCHLR VON ROLSLERSTAMM, I 84 1 , Abbild. z. Bcrichi.: 242 (non hinom.).

Acchmia dc~ider~~leiía DUMNCHEL, 1842, Hist. mi. U p . Francc, Suppl.: 322 (lapsus).

Aechmia rocderriamme~~a FISCHER VON ROESLERS'rAMM, 1843, Abb. Bcriclii. Ergliir. Sclim., 17: 308, pl. 82, fig. 3a-d. Typc localiry, hcrcby dcsignaicd: Schonnbrunn, Austria'). Iii a foo inotc in thc above work wc rcad: 'Auf dcr Kupfcnífcl D d e r e l l a bcrcichiict", whilc DUIVNCHEL, 1843, Up. Francc, Suppl. 4 : 322, no. 481, pl. 77, fig. 3, indicaics iliis spccics wiih ilic namc "Aechmia deri¿eraicllam. Holo- iypc. Whcrcabouts unkiiowii. Apparcnily losi.

*) Whcrc ihc rpccicr war collccicd by FlSCliEU VON ROLSLERSTAMM himrelí.


Page 31: MICROLEPIDOPTERA PALAEARCTICA SEVENTH ... PALAEARCTICA - SEVENTH VOLUME GLYPHIPTERIGIDAE auctorurn sensu lato (Glyphipterygidae sensu MEYRICK, 19 13) conraining . TORTRICIDAE: Hilarographini

Clyphiplcrix, Clyphiplcrigidac

rcaciiiiig rip of rccoiid discal rtrcak; firsi inicrspacc always smallcr ihan sccond; ihird 10 fifth sircakr sliorrcr, curvcd-wcdgc-shapcd. bccoiiiiiig lcss obiiquc posicrad; f i r s i dorsal strcak iong, slcndcr, modcr- atcly curvcd, nut quite gradually narrowcd bu1 of variable width and shapc, 10 wcll bclow and bcyond tip of firsi costal; secoiid dorsal railicr slcndcr bu1 ihickcr ilian secoiid costal, iittlc obliquc, dilated downward, mixcd wiih silvcry-mciallic in disc; subrerminal mark thick, roundcd-oval, palc violci; sub- apical terminal doi modcraic, iransvcrsc, palc violct. Cilia palc grcy, baral half glossy slaty-grcy with darkcr fuscuus suffurioii aloiig cdgc of this colour, a whitc wcdgc-shapcd (notcli-iikc) spot bciow apcx.

Hind wing ratlicr palc grcy-broiizc, basa1 half palc grcy (in Iccioiypc), 10 rarhcr dark purplc- bronzc, with a silky gloss. Cilia glossy purplisli-furcous or, rcldom, grey-fuscous. darkcr suffuscd io- wards base, cilia along baral Iialf or sligliily morc, of dorsum, whiic to snow-whitc, i h c h i t of this CO-

lor raihcr wcll-dcfincd.

Malc similar LO ihc fcmalc.

Va r i ab i l i i y : Tlic rpccics varies slightly in rizc: 6- 9 mm, widili of t l ic forc wiiig, lcngth and thickncss of tlic firsi dorsal sircak.

M a l c gcn i ra l ia (1'1. 105): Tcgunicn higlr, with almost parallcl sidcs, iop obture. Vinculum rcmi- oval, wiih lowcr cdgc rtroiigly thickcncd. Saccus rathcr short. witli a mcdian caviry. Valva long, slcn- dcr, gcnily curvcd upwards, vcry gradually dilaicd posicrad, top of cucullus niorc disrincriy roundcd, obiusc. Acdcagus straighi, raihcr ihick, Iiardly constricicd bcforc top, ihis coarscly spiiicd. Cornurus a club-likc tubular sclcritc, iiarrowcd iowards iop.

Fcnialc gcn i ia l ia (Pl. 169): Ovipositor roburi, rhomboidal, wiih acuic. sclcroiizcd lobus aiialis, wiil i an apical spinc. I'ostapopliyscs strong, thickcncd. roburt aiid riraighi, soldcrcd with lobus analis. Antapophyscs ovcr ihc half icnglh o1 posiapopliyscs. Scvcnih stcrnitc hrgc, sclcroiizcd, irapczoidal. Eighili stcrnite in ccntrc wiih iwo sinall brisily papillac, cach with 5 or more brisilcr. Ortium a simplc smooili scmisphcroidal cup (Iargcr h a n iii simpliciclla), colliculuin tubular, liitic wider ihan ductus bur- sac, ihir riiort. Ccrium a plicarc cylindcr a i ihc cnd of ductus. Corpus bursac ovoidal, soinctimcs sliglitly constricicd abovc dirial ciid. rliortcr aiid widcr ihan in rimpliciclla. Signa cntircly abrcni.

Ear iy stagcs 2nd bioi ioni ics: Aithougii ihc spccics war dcscribcd and i l i c conncction with its food plaiii publirhcd as long ago as 1859, thc validity of Jchocnimieíía was rccognizcd only in 1928, af- icr its iiicorporatioii in Mk.YKICK's "Kcviscd Handbook". In tlic sanic ycar WATEWS rcponcd claboratcly on i l i c spccics and its biulogy iii Sourlicrn England. Tl ic Iarvac borc in tlic sccds of Schocnur iiigricanr aiid fccd from May onwards, produciiig adultr bctwccn July and Augur1 in i l i c samc ycar, but much carlicr occurrcncc of t l ic adulis froni tlic bcginning of May is probabic and may coniinuc until Scptcm- bcr. Thc full growii larva is &out 4 nim. palc ycliowisli-grccn. ihc hcad and proihoracic and supra-anal siiiclds glorsy black; ii i s Iargcr ihan i l i c larva of G. Jimpliciclla whicli has black dots and a transversc blackisli linc supra-anally, bu1 no rliicld. ' l l i c spccics ir widcly disiributcd in Grcat Britain and may be fuuiid wlicrcvcr iis food plan1 grows. Iii Britrin oniy onc lung gcncration, no larvac LO bc found in au- iumn; larvac and pupac collcctcd any iimc during rumnicr producc motlir t l i c sainc ycar (PELHAM- CI.iNI'ON, iii iil.).

D i s i r i b u i i o n : Dcscribcd froiii Eiiglaiid aiiJ for a long iiinc known oiiiy from Oxford and Cam- bridgc, ihcrc locally coiniiion. Laicly rccordcd from Francc (Girundc), wlicrc it appcarr 10 Iivc iii Cy- pcriu lotigei L. (LL MAKC~~AND) in iv and V.

Mitcrial riudicd includcs some ncw rccordr lisicd bclow: t l ic Nctlicrlandr (Thc Haguc, thc Islaiid o l Tcxcl), Gcrinaiiy (üavaria), "Auriria" (no particulars), Uulgaria, Grcccc, lu ly, Spain and Tunisia. Apparciitly thc spccics is widcly distribuicd ovcr westcrii aiid southcrn Palacarctic rcgion - and pcr- Iiaps clrcwlicrc. I i foliowr tlic localiiics of its food piant. Schocniir iiigricmi L., viz. the inland sidc of sea duncs 2nd rucli saridy bu1 inoist placcs. wlicrc Cyperirs longui also occurs; tlic record of this sccond food plani should be coiifiriiicd, Iiowcvcr. Collcciiiig of Schoctiiir sccd Iicads aiid rearing will provc, 1 am surc, iliat ihc spccics liar a widc disiribution.


Glyphiplcrix, Glyphiplrrigidsc

Rcmarks: Thc spccics is vcry similar io G. rimplicirlla, bui is Iargcr, slightly lighicr colourcd, has a iriflc more pointcd forc wings and - as a rulc - longcr and morc curvcd dorsal rircak, whilc first and sccond cosul sircaks arc ncarcr 10 cach othcr ihan sccond and ihird. Thc laucr charactcr, howcvcr. i s untrustwonhy, for such posirion of costal marlu can bc cncounicrcd in iimpliciclla as wcll. Thc cxccl- lcnr chancicr ir thc whitc dorsal cilia in thc hind wings which ir dccisivc, as far as 1 know. Thc gcnitaiia in ihc two scxcs, of coursc. are alro disiinci; thcsc diffcrcnccs from Jimpíicieiia, noi conrpicuous, but constani, arc as follows. Malc: ihc valva is gcnily dilaicd bcyond middlc. with iop more roundcd (in iiniplicieíla ii ir noi nuiiccably dilaicd. narrowcr, wiih top morc poinicd); ihc saccus is iongcr; ihc vin- culum Ic:s ruundcd, morc semi-ovoidal; ihc acdcagus ihickcr, wiilioui thc noich bcforc iop of ihc dor- sal sidc, or (as in rimpliciella) thir noich is hardly traccablc, iop a triflc morc clavaic. Fcmalc: ostium a simplc, ample, rcgularly remisphcrical cup wiih smooth walls (in rimpliciclla raihcr comprcsscd, a ihick pancakc wiih conccntric siructurc). The cighth stcrniic wiih a pair of small brisiiy papillac in iu ccntrc; in rimpliciella only a pair of singlc or somctimcs doubic brisilcs; this ir a uscful and trusiworthy charac- ter.

Ma te r i a l r t u d i c d (al1 comparcd wiih thc Iccioiypc): Thc Ncihcrlands, Provincc Souih Holland, Vogclenzang. 20. VI. 1880 (P. C. T. SNELLEN Coll.), l d, gcnii. slide 9437. - Tcxcl Island, de Koog, dc Muy, 2. V111. 1957 (A. DIAKONOFF), 1 9, gcnii. rlidc 9260. RMNH. - Gcrniany (Dcuischc Bundcs- rcpublik), Bavaria mcr., Grabcnrciicr Moor bci Münchcn, 5. 1X. 1940 (L. OSTHEDER), 10, gcnir. slidc 9439 (MBSM). - 'Aurrria"/Archcriella ALIW./ 10, gcnii. slidc 9438 (ZIAN). - Sp.[cycr?] 25. V. 1884 (MBSM). - Tuniria, El Ariana, 9.- 13. V. 13, 1 d, gcnit. slidc 9440 (MGAB). - Bulgaria, Ncsscbar, 24. VI.-5. VII. 1964 u. SOFFNLR). Coll. SOFFNER, Siassfuri. - Grcecc, Pclo., Zachlorou (KIav), 26. VI.-). V IL 1964 U. KLIMESCH). - Iialy, Liguria, Noli, Savona, I0.-20. IX. 1951 0. KLI. MESCH). - Spain. Arag., Albarracin, 12.-22. vi. 1953 u. KLIMESCH).

L i t c ra tu r c :

Glyphiptctyx rchocnicolclla: S~AINTON, 1859a: 153. - 1859b: 365. - 1870: 266, pl. 7 , lig. 1. - SIAUDINCI~R & WOCKt, 1871: 309, nr. 2314. - HAKTMANN, 1880: 93, nr. 2314. - RLULL, 1896: 133. - MEYRICK, 1928: 709. - WAlERS, 1928: 252-253. - PIERCE & MLTCAL~E, 1935: 42, t. 24. - ZER. ROVTI'L, 1946: 129. - FORO, 1949: 127. - 1954: 98, pl. 8, fig. 9. - 1978: 85, p!. 8, fig. 9. - LHOMME, 1963: 502. - BRADLEY & I'CLHAM-CLINTON, 1967: 126. - BMDLLY, in KLOU & HINCKS, 1972: 12 (part.). - SVLNSSON, 1974: 159.

Giyphiplerix schoenicuíellc FOKU. 1949: 127. - 19542: 911. - 1954b: 98, pl. ü, f. 9. - K K O ~ ~ E K U S , 1971: 17. - BMDLEY, in Ki.uEr & HINCKS. 1972: 1.7 (part.). - GOArLK, 1974: 52. - í%AKRElT, 1974: 69. - DIAKONOPF, 1976: 83. - LEMPKC, 1976: 19. - EMME'i c. s., 1979: 66. - HEPPNCR, 1 9 8 2 ~ : 52. - D~AKONOFF. 19114: 71.

43. - 1914: 30. . Glyphipleiyxjiichrriclía (ncc ZLLLEK): CROMUKUGGII~ uc I'ICQUCNDAELL, 1906: 3. - MLYRICK, 1913:

163 (62) Clyphipirri.x furiunsleiia WALSlNGIlAM (1'1. 18, fig. 163)

Glyphipieiyx fortunairlla WALSINCHAM. 1908, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond.: 989, pl. 52, fig. 18.

Typc l oca l i i y : Canary Islands. Tcncrifc I., Guimar.

Lcc i o i ypc : hcrcwiili dcsignaicd, d. nr. 9Y 103 WALSINGHAM Cokctiun, Tcncrifc, Guimar,

Diagnosis: d, 6.5 iiini. Hcad and ihorax glossy golden olivc-fuscous. Palpi raihcr lung, modcr- atcly curvcd, flaiicncd dorso-vcniraliy and diverging; glossy wliitc, incdian scgnieni wiih iwo Iaicral obliquc blackish bands, icrininal segmcni as long as mcdian, with a basal and a submcdiaii blackirh rings, iip blackisli in Iront. Abdoiiicn palc golden, anal tufr iippcd wiil i whitc.

Forc wing Ianccolaic, railicr iiarrow, costa curvcd ai cxircmiiics, apcx poiiltcd, icrmcn gcntly roundcd, vcry obliquc, toriius indcíiniie. Paje goldcn-íuscous, tingcd olivc, palcr on basal Iialf, mark-


10.-14. IV. 1907. BM(NH).

Page 32: MICROLEPIDOPTERA PALAEARCTICA SEVENTH ... PALAEARCTICA - SEVENTH VOLUME GLYPHIPTERIGIDAE auctorurn sensu lato (Glyphipterygidae sensu MEYRICK, 19 13) conraining . TORTRICIDAE: Hilarographini

2 .~.

4' a,

Clyphipterix, C~phipfcrigidac

ingr purc whiic, cdgcd wiih dccpcr fuscous. iii disc brilliant mcrcury dots. Costa wiil i fivc whiie ratlicr ioiig sircaks. dirtincily alicriiaicd and no1 rcaching middlc of dirc, firsi linc from middle, sirongly obli- que, longcsi, acutc and ra thcr ihick; rccond linc raihcr closc 10 firsr. gcntly convcrging, rlighily shorrcr, tliird sliort, almosi vertical, rcmotc froin rccond, ihird 10 fiftli cquidistant and approximarcd, bccoming a i r i f l c longcr. rcrpcciivcly, and nppcariiig mucli longcr, being conrinucd ovcr dark costal cilia; firsr dorsal sircak froin middlc, vcry slcndcr. no1 aticnuatcd, gradually oniy genily curved, tip rcaching bc- yond iliai of firri cosial linc; a rmall rpot on cnd of dorsum, ruffusedly dilarcd and continucd ovcr cilia, indistinctly coniinued by a curvcd inciallic strigula morc or lcss parnllcl LO middle par1 of tcrmcn; cnd of sccond line and a rircak from subapical notcli of cilia limiiing a dull black apical rpoi, briiiiantly sil- vcry wiili a íaiiitcsi piiikisli iingc. Cilia wliiiisli, baral half glorry goldcn-fuscour with blnckirh tips, cilia on corta dccp fuscous ilirouglioui, disiiiictly barred wiih whitc oppositc fourrh and fifrh costal lincr, rc- spcciivcly, wiih a marginal blachirh linc around apcx; a narrow whirc notcli wcll bclow apex; cilia on c i d of dorsurn infurcaicd ilirougliuui, wirh a whitc bar opposirc sccond dorsal mark.

M n l c gcn i i a l i a (Pi. 105): 0 1 ilic C. rimpficielfa STEPHENS typc. Tcgumcn raihcr largc, modcr- atciy broad. Vinculuni brondcr ihin Iiigh. Sacculur riraight, vcry rlcndcr, rarhcr shori. Valva long and dcndcr, gcntly narrowcd bcyond basc, gradually but l i t t lc dilatcd porrcriorly, brisilcd only over Icss ilian cosial ihird. Acdcagur siraighr, iiiodcraic, gcnily clnvaic ai top. coccum pcnir roundcd; cornuti f i i ic dcniiculaiionr and a rlcndcr central iube. Ancilus a modcrarc cylindcr.

Fcmalc gc i i i la l ia (1'1. 169): Ovipuriior iong, cxicnriie, cighrh segmciit clongatc. Lobi anales rclcroiic. cuiring, wirh acuic, iiccdlc-likc iips. Postrpophyrcs iong and ihick, anrapophyscs shortcr, rlcn- dcr, a1 cxircme barc wiih sotnc thrcc slcndcr brisilcs. placcd far latcrally; cighih srcrnirc appnrcnrly dc- void of any bririlcr. nakcd; rcrgiic wiiii a sclcroiic median siripc. Scvcnrh sicrniie swollcn, forming an oval thickciicd lip, bciiiiid ihis a modcratc oval osiium ir conccalcd. Ductus bursae shon, collicuium iil- dcfiiicd, slcndcr aiid iubular. Ccrtum a long,, modcraiely curvcd iuhc, sclcroiic and dcnrcly plicaic kngihwisc aiid bui iiiilc diorrcr tliai) rcinaiiidcr oí ducrur bursac. with cndr i i i i l c dilatcd; Corpus bursac rniail, oblong-ovoidal. rimplc.

Ear ly s iagcr a n d bioiioniics: Unkiiowii. Adults flyiiig I V aiid V.

D i r i r i b u i i o i i : Caiiary lsiaiids, Tcncrifc 1.: Guimar, Villa Oroiava, Rcalcjo.

Rcinarhs : ' i l i ir iiny spccics is ilic sniallcsi I'alacarciic Giyphipierix known to nic.The long ciiia of i i i c iiarrow forc wiiigr havc a long biack iongirudind bar abovc thc apcr, giving thc inscci an appcar- OICC of a Phylloiiorycrcr spccics.

d, gcnir. slidc 9231, [Rcc. in cxcliangc. Ex coll. üM(NH)]. LNK. - Tcficrifc, Los Silos, 1972; Gom- cra, Iicmiga u. KLIMESCH). KLIMESCII Coll.

M a i c r i a l s iud icd : l'ciicrifc. Rcalcjo, 7. V. 1V07, nr. 7U548 WALSINCHAM Collection, paratypc

i . i i c ra iu rc : MI-TKICh, 1913: 43. - 1914: 30. - HI:IVNI.K, 1 9 x 2 ~ : 49. - DIAKONOFI:, 19U4: 71.

CIiOHEUTIDAE Tiiicaprirnnerclh Rossi. 1794: 4b, no. 484. (? Trúeniia). p. 148

CLYPHIPTEHICIDAE C~p/i>liiprcnxnarfaniCOZMANY, 1954: 277, fig. 14 - ? G. iimplicirllu 5 ir i~ i i i :Ns . 1834: 132 p.368,370

p. 250 Ursara iiilarodcr MCYKICK, 1935: ncc üiyphipierix hilarodcr MEYnIcti, IYOY. Elachkta angulorclla O. G. COSl'A, 18341. - E . prrnicipcncllil O. G. Cos-rA, 1836.

Oc~copliora/an~ulosclla O. G. CosrA, 11134a, Spccic nuovc Lcpidoii. Rcgiio Napoli: 4, pl. 1, figs. 41-c (icslc W. G. TREMEWAN. 1977). Typc localiiy: Italy, Kiiigdoni of Naplcs. Holoiypc: whcrcabouts unhnown, prcsumably lost.

? E/achiria (ornix) prmicipcnnci/a O. G. C0s'i.A. 1834, I'auna Kcgiio Napoli, Lcp.: 3011 311, pl. / Lcp. Noit. 1 2 , figs. 4a-c (tcstc W. G. TKEM~WAN. 1977). lnvaiid nainc: unncccssary substiiuic nainc for Oc[cophora] angidorella O. G. COSIA, I ü34a.

Oc[cophoru] ai~grlorcila CosrA has bccn coiisidcrcd ~i porriblc rynoiiyni of Glypbipicilx eqiriirllu SCOIWLI" CrREMEWAN, 1977). Howcvcr, judgiiig from lhc iiaturaI sizc of ilic forincr, V ~ L . aboui 8 mm, as indicaicd undcr dic original figure (pi. 2, fig. 4b), C0~i .h '~ spccics cannoi bc ihai, bui raihcr 'Gly- phipierix cqiiiicfla auciorum", ihc corrcci namc for which is G. cqiriiclla f. minorclla SNLLLFN, as is clab- oraicd abovc. Howcvcr Cosrh'r figure 4a dcpicis a quite unusually inarkcd spccics 011 íorm, viz. with thc tliird costal mark an cquilaicral irianglc; CosrA's dcscripiion docr noi agrcc widi ilicsc marhings. Thcrcforc it is noi possiblc 10 idcniify 'aiigidorrlla" wiili SNI.LI.KNS Glyphipicrix rqiiiirlla f. miiiorella aiid i l i c forincr nainc angirlorcl1,a should bc rclcgaicd LO i l i c caicgory of unclcarcd naincr (noiiiina du- bia).


Glypli>liiprcr¡x nicd¡.ariclla ' I ~ K A T I ti Fioni, 1930, Mcin. Soc. mi. iial., 6 9 : T l i c iypc ir 1011 (icsic HAn. 'TIC;, iii liit.), and iiic idcniiiy oí ilic spccics rci i ia i i is uiihiiown.

%ra aliorr~rrc/la HUnNtlt, 1796. Saniml. curop. Sciinicii., Tiiicac V, pl. 26, fig. 178. l'lic original figurc ir iiot dccisivc, rcscnibling a small Glyphipierix, darh wiili a singlc whitc obli<luc sircak 011 i l i c dorsuin. Onc of ilic carly siudcnis of H~BNER'S worh. I - ~ ~ K H I C I I - S C H A I - I - ~ R , 1834, Sysi. ücarb. Schmctt. Eur.. 5, syiioriyniic i ir i : 49, rccords ihc narnc ihus: "~ho r~~e re~ la ti. 178 (aiilyrllu) v. ihr~~oiiella", T'hcrc- forc, icniaiivcly, 1 havc placcd i h c name in i h c synonyniy of G ihraroiirl/a SCOI.OI.I.