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  • 8/11/2019 Microeconomics Introduction


    Managerial EconomicsMicroeconomics


    Prof.Nilanjan GuptaJyotirmoy School Of


    8/18/14 1Prof.Nilanjan Gupta

  • 8/11/2019 Microeconomics Introduction



    After this session,you should be able to:

    Define Eono!is

    Disuss fators that differ bet"een Eono!i #yste!s

    Differentiate bet"een $aroeono!is and$iroeono!is

    8/18/14 %Prof.Nilanjan Gupta

  • 8/11/2019 Microeconomics Introduction



    Distin&uish bet"een Positi'e and Nor!ati'e Eono!isand &i'e an e(a!ple of eah.

    Define the Eono!i Proble! and e(plain the roleplayed by soiety)s li!ited resoures o!pared to

    people)s unli!ited "ants.

    8/18/14 *Prof.Nilanjan Gupta

  • 8/11/2019 Microeconomics Introduction


    hat is economics!

    Eono!is is the study of choice. +t studies ho" people

    hoose to use sare resoures to produe 'ariouso!!odities and distribute these &oods to 'arious

    !e!bers of the soiety for their onsu!ption.

    8/18/14 4Prof.Nilanjan Gupta

  • 8/11/2019 Microeconomics Introduction


    "imited #esources $ersus%nlimited ants

    u!an "ants -the a!ounts of &oods that "ould bedesired if they "ere free are unli!ited but resoures are

    li!ited. hus, the la" of sarity states that "ants

    al"ays e(eed soiety)s ability to !eet the!.

    herefore, e'ery soiety faes the eono!i proble! ofso!eho" hoosin& what to produce, how to produce,

    and for whom to produce.

    8/18/14 0Prof.Nilanjan Gupta

  • 8/11/2019 Microeconomics Introduction


    &he Basic Economic Pro'lems

    Any soiety therefore faes * basi proble!s:

    1. Whato!!odities shall be produed in "hat uantities

    shall they be produed and "hen shall they be


    2. Howshall the &oods be produed ,i.e., by "ho! 3 "ith

    "hat resoures 3 in "hat tehnolo&ial !anner are they

    to be produed2

    3. For whomshall the &oods be produed2

    8/18/14 Prof.Nilanjan Gupta

  • 8/11/2019 Microeconomics Introduction


    (llocation Of Scarce #esources

    he i!balane bet"een "ants and the ability to !eetthe! reuires an eono!i syste! to pro'ide for orderly

    alloation of sare resoures

    8/18/14 5Prof.Nilanjan Gupta

  • 8/11/2019 Microeconomics Introduction


    )i*erent resources in a society

    he resoures in a soiety an be di'ided into * !ain&roups:

    1. All the free &ifts of nature: land, forest, !inerals et.

    o!!only 6no"n as natural resoures 3 6no"n to

    eono!ist as land.

    %. All hu!an resoures !ental and physial 6no"n as


    *. All those !an !ade aids to further the prodution suh

    as tools, !ahinery, plant 3 euip!ent "hih

    eono!ists alled capital.

    hese resoures are alled fators of prodution

    8/18/14 8Prof.Nilanjan Gupta

  • 8/11/2019 Microeconomics Introduction


    )i*erent resources in a society

    7ften a fourth fatorEntrepreneurship is alsodistin&uished.

    An entrepreneur is one "ho ta6es ris6s. e or&ani9es the other fators of prodution 3 diretsthe! alon& ne" lines.

    8/18/14 Prof.Nilanjan Gupta

  • 8/11/2019 Microeconomics Introduction


    Commodities Divisions

    he thin&s that are produed by the fators of produtionare alled o!!odities.

    ;o!!odities !ay be di'ided into:

    A Goods 3

  • 8/11/2019 Microeconomics Introduction


    Production + ,onsumption

    Goods 3 ser'ies are atually re&arded as !eans forsatisfyin& "ants.

    he at of !a6in& &oods 3 ser'ies is alledproduction"hile the at of usin& these &ood 3 ser'ies is alled


    E'en thou&h the "ants are unli!ited the resoures ofthe eono!y are li!ited.

    $ost of the proble!s of eono!y arise out of the use ofsare resoures to satisfy hu!an "ants.

    8/18/14 11Prof.Nilanjan Gupta

  • 8/11/2019 Microeconomics Introduction


  • 8/11/2019 Microeconomics Introduction


    - uestions all economies face

    %. (y what methods the commodities are to be


    his uestion arises beause there are tehniallydifferent "ays of produin& &oods 3 ser'ies.

    ?uestions about hoie of !ethods of prodution isdealt by !E"#$ "% #"D)C'"*.

    *. ?uestion re&ardin& how goods & services are divided

    among the members of the society is onerned "ith

    the distribution of ino!e a!on& different indi'iduals 3

    &roups of people.

    his is dealt by !E"#$ "% D'+#'()'"*.

    8/18/14 1*Prof.Nilanjan Gupta

  • 8/11/2019 Microeconomics Introduction


    - uestions all economies face

    4.!ow efficient is the society,s production &


    o" an effiieny be jud&ed2

    Prodution is said to be effiiently or&ani9ed if it is notpossible to inrease the prodution of one o!!odity

    "ithout reduin& the prodution of any other o!!odity.

    his uestion is dealt in WE-%#E EC"*"/'C+.

    8/18/14 14Prof.Nilanjan Gupta

  • 8/11/2019 Microeconomics Introduction


    - uestions all economies face

    ?uestions 1 to 4 are related to the alloation ofresoures 3 distribution of ino!e.

    hey are inti!ately related to the "ay in "hih the priesyste! "or6s.

    hese are &rouped to&ether under the headin& of


    8/18/14 10Prof.Nilanjan Gupta

  • 8/11/2019 Microeconomics Introduction


    - uestions all economies face the countries resources being fully utilised or

    some of them are lying idle?

    E'en thou&h resoures are sare, so!eti!es theyre!ain unutili9ed or in'oluntarily une!ployed.


    his subjet !atter is dealt in #DE C$C-E !E"#$.

    his subjet reei'ed stron& i!petus "ith thepubliation of General heory 7f E!ploy!ent, +nterest 3

    $oney in 1* by @.$ eynes.8/18/14 1Prof.Nilanjan Gupta

  • 8/11/2019 Microeconomics Introduction


    - uestions all economies face

    his branh of eono!is is 6no"n as


    . 's the purchasing power of money constant or is it

    being eroded because of inflation?

    #ubjet !atter of $aroeono!is

    5. 's the economy,s capacity to produce goods &

    services growing from year to year or is it remaining


    Dealt by !E"#$ "% EC"*"/'C 0#"W!.

    8/18/14 15Prof.Nilanjan Gupta

    n er epen ence o

  • 8/11/2019 Microeconomics Introduction


    n er epen ence oMicroeconomics +Macroeconomics


    1. A&&re&ate in'est!ent funtion an be deri'ed fro! the

    indi'idual in'est!ent deisions of the fir!s. #o, here "e

    ha'e macroeconomics depending on


    %. he deter!ination of fator pries li6e rent, "a&e,

    interest 3 profit is inluded in the subjet !atter of


  • 8/11/2019 Microeconomics Introduction


    Microeconomics +Macroeconomics

    Profit is the result of unertainty bearin& 3 unertainty isreated as a result of a&&re&ate de!and. E(a!ple:

    Groery store, s"eet shop et.

    ere, "e ha'e microeconomics depending onmacroeconomics.

    herefore, "e an say that microeconomics &

    macroeconomics are complementary ratherthan competitive.

    8/18/14 1Prof.Nilanjan Gupta

    os t /e econom cs ormat /e

  • 8/11/2019 Microeconomics Introduction


    os t /e econom cs ormat /eeconomics

    Eono!i theory an be di'ided into % ate&ories:

    1. ositive Economics

    . his is onerned "ith the desription of fats,iru!stanes, relationships in the eono!y et.

    . +t desribes theories 3 la"s to e(plain obser'edeono!i pheno!ena.


    Bhat is the une!ploy!ent rate today2

    o" "ill a ta( on petrol affet its use2

    . These questions can be resolved only by reerence

    to acts.8/18/14 %=Prof.Nilanjan Gupta

    os t /e econom cs ormat /e

  • 8/11/2019 Microeconomics Introduction


    os t /e econom cs ormat /eeconomics

    2.*ormative Economics

    his in'ol'es ethis 3 'alue jud&e!ents.

  • 8/11/2019 Microeconomics Introduction


    $alue + Price

    alue of a o!!odity !eans its 'alueinuse.

    Prie is represented by 'alueine(han&e.

    Eample: Bater has &reat 'alueinuse but 'ery little'alueine(han&e. Dia!ond has little 'alueinuse but

    &reat 'alueine(han&e.

    BaterDia!ond parado(: #o!e 'ery useful o!!oditiesha'e 'ery lo" pries "hereas ertain nonessential

    ite!s ha'e 'ery hi&h pries.

    8/18/14 %%Prof.Nilanjan Gupta

  • 8/11/2019 Microeconomics Introduction


    Scope of Microeconomics

    he subjet !atter of !iroeono!i theory an bedi'ided into three broad &roups:

    Theory of Consumer Behaviour

    A. heory of Produt Priin& Theory of Production & Cost

    Theory of Pricing/Markets


  • 8/11/2019 Microeconomics Introduction


    %ses of Microeconomic &heory

    1. igh!y usefu! for the formu!ation of economic "o!icies

    #hich #i!! "romote the #e!fare of the "o"u!ation.

    +n other "ords, it tells us ho" a free !ar6et eono!y

    "ith its lar&e nu!ber of onsu!ers and produers "or6

    to deide about the alloation of resoures a!on& the

    thousands of alternati'e use.

    %. It can $e a""!ied to economic "o!icies. his !eans "e

    an use !iroeono!is to analyse the ations of the

    &o'ern!ent "hen it funtions to influene the eono!y. For example! the effet of i!position of ta( on a

    o!!odity an be e(plained "ith the help of

    !iroeono!i theory.

    8/18/14 %4Prof.Nilanjan Gupta

  • 8/11/2019 Microeconomics Introduction


    %ses of Microeconomic &heory

    *. Manageria! economics dea!s #ith the a""!ication of

    microeconomic mode!sto help the deision !a6ers inthe business enterprises.

    4. Internationa! economics is a!so another a""!ication of

    microeconomics. or e(a!ple, ho" the &ains fro! international trade an

    be distributed a!on& the partiipants.

    +n the deter!ination of euilibriu! rate of e(han&e the

    tools of DD 3 ## are used.

    8/18/14 %0Prof.Nilanjan Gupta

  • 8/11/2019 Microeconomics Introduction


    !*3 $")

    8/18/14 %Prof.Nilanjan Gupta