Download - Michael Pado, Sr. Family Timeline

Page 1: Michael Pado, Sr. Family Timeline

1840 1860 1880 1900

Life of Claude Monet

Life of Vincent van Gogh

Pacific War

Michael Pado Sr.

Cleveland elected president in U.S.

Congo becomes possession of Belgium under King Leopold II

British evacuate Sudan

American Federation of Labor

Interstate Commerce Act

Van Gogh paints "Moulin de la Galette"

Harrison elected president in U.S.

Anna Pastirik

Atlanta Compromise proposed

Sherman Silver Purchase Act

Battle at Wounded Knee

McKinley Tariff

Triple Alliance renewed

Cleveland reelected president in U.S.

"The Nutcracker" by Tchaikovsky

Homestead Strike

Pullman Strike

Republic of Hawaii declared

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Michael Pado, Sr. Family Timeline1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020

Cleveland elected president in U.S.

Congo becomes possession of Belgium under King Leopold II

British evacuate Sudan

American Federation of Labor

Interstate Commerce Act

Van Gogh paints "Moulin de la Galette"

Harrison elected president in U.S.

Atlanta Compromise proposed

Sherman Silver Purchase Act

Battle at Wounded Knee

McKinley Tariff

Triple Alliance renewed

Cleveland reelected president in U.S.

"The Nutcracker" by Tchaikovsky

Homestead Strike

Pullman Strike

Republic of Hawaii declared

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Republic of Hawaii declared

Chinese - Japanese War

Cuban Revolution

McKinley elected president in U.S.

Peace of Constantinople

U.S. declares war on Spain

McKinley reelected president in U.S.

Commonwealth of Australia created

Boxer uprising and rebellion

Albert Ludington

Life of Louis Armstrong

Roosevelt becomes president in U.S.

McKinley, U.S. president, assassinated

Morgan forms U.S. Steel

Coal strike in U.S.

Wright brothers' first flight

Russo-Japanese War

Earle William Holmes

Special Theory of Relativity formulated by Albert Einstein

Myron B. Brady

Anna Pado

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Republic of Hawaii declared

Chinese - Japanese War

Cuban Revolution

McKinley elected president in U.S.

Peace of Constantinople

U.S. declares war on Spain

McKinley reelected president in U.S.

Commonwealth of Australia created

Boxer uprising and rebellion

Albert Ludington

Life of Louis Armstrong

Roosevelt becomes president in U.S.

McKinley, U.S. president, assassinated

Morgan forms U.S. Steel

Coal strike in U.S.

Wright brothers' first flight

Russo-Japanese War

Earle William Holmes

Special Theory of Relativity formulated by Albert Einstein

Panama canal built

NAACP formed

Taft becomes president in U.S.

Civil War in Honduras

Myron B. Brady

Anna Pado

Beginning of Turk-Italian War

Armistice ends Mexican Civil War

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Marie Cleveland

Mary Pado

Eldred Kenneth Brown

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Armistice ends Mexican Civil War

Marie Cleveland

Wilson elected president in U.S.

Mary Pado

Eldred Kenneth Brown

Sixteenth Amendment

Federal Reserve Act

Seventeenth Amendment

U.S. Federal Reserve System established

Elizabeth Pado

Federal Trade Commission Created

World War I

First transcontinental telephone call

Michael Pado Jr.

Henry Frederick Konecny Jr.

Pancho Villa raids U.S.

Susan Margaret Pado

Mary Yusko

Lynne Bennett

Global influenza epidemic kills over 20 million people

Louis Felo

War between Brit., Indian, and Afghanistan

War between Finland and U.S.S.R.

Prohibition throughout U.S.

Mary Huda

Russian Civil War ends

19th Amendment

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19th Amendment

Harding elected president in U.S.

In Paris the League of Nations formed

True structure of the Milky Way shown

John Pado

Fall of German mark

Tutankhamen's tomb discovered

Mussolini forms Fascist government

Soviet states form the U.S.S.R.

Rose Elaine Pado

Sigmund Freud: "The Ego and the Id"

Germany declares policy of passive resistance

Miguel Primo de Rivera becomes dictator of Spain

Coolidge elected president in U.S.

First elections in Italy under Fascism

Pan-American Treaty

Gandhi fasts for 21 days

Albanian Republic founded

George Pado

Unemployment Insurance Act enacted in Britain

Hitler reorganizes the Nazi Party

Ralph Deforest Green Jr.

Germany admitted to the League of Nations

Hirohito becomes Emperor of Japan

The Jazz Singer, first talkie

Black Friday in Germany

Jazz Singer, first talkie

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Jazz Singer, first talkie

Trotsky expelled from Communist Party

Sophia Pado

Life of Andy Warhol

Hoover elected president in U.S.

First television broadcast

"Great Depression" in the U.S.

Inter-American Treaty of Arbitration

Gerald Elwood Strope

Bette ?

"Black Friday" in U.S.

Revolution in Argentina

Lloyd Bert Ludington

Thelma May Holmes

Sylvia Louise Talkiewicz

Paul Pado

Elmer George Stevenson

Britain abandons gold standard

"Star-Spangled Banner" written

Earle Frederick Holmes

Roosevelt becomes president in U.S.

Famine in U.S.S.R.

Indian Congress declared illegal

Loma Gay Hudson

Andrew Michael Pado

Joyce Ann Ludington

First Superman comic

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First Superman comic

21st Amendment repeals prohibition

Japan withdraws from League of Nations

Adolf Hitler appointed German Chancellor

The New Deal

U.S.S.R. admitted to League of Nations

Marjorie Mix

Norman Gilbert Holmes

German troops occupy Rhineland

Spanish Civil War

Richard George Pado Wells

Marilyn Elizabeth DuMont

Amelia Earhart lost on Pacific flight

David Jorgenson


World War II

Films of Gone with the Wind and Wizard of Oz

Barbara Anne Ward

Ramon Fish

David Albert Ludington

David Vialla

Pat Eggleston

"Manhattan Project" began development of the A-bomb

Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

Kevin Sullivan

Phillip Trask Holley

Enrico Fermi (U.S.) splits the atom

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Enrico Fermi (U.S.) splits the atom

Ronald Henry Konecny

Rationing begins in U.S. for WWII

Eileen Rose Felo

Kathy Joy Gropp

Sharon Jean Ludington

Mark Michael Moody

Todd Cooper


Allies evacuate troops from France

United Nations is formed

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Shintoism abolished in Japan

Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombed by U.S.

Russians occupy Berlin

Power in Japan transferred from the Emperor to an elected assembly

New York is declared permanent UN headquarters

Gerald George Brady

Kenneth Eldred Brown

Tennessee Williams:"A Streetcar Named Desire"

Carol Ann Hathaway

Ademir Frutuoso de Oliveira

British railroads nationalized

Gandhi assassinated

Jessie Pizzardi

Janet Louise Hickok

Linda Lee Green

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Linda Lee Green

Janice Eileen Hunter

Apartheid program established in South Africa

Kathleen Jill Webster

Louis Michael Felo

Britain recognizes Communist China

Korean War

Stephen Earle Strope

Larry Morgan

Mikhail N. Elenberg

Linda Newman

22nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

Britain produces atomic bomb

Eisenhower elected president in U.S.

U.S.S.R. Communist Party meets Congress

H-bomb tests in Pacific

Robert Grant

Debra Ann Green

Glenn Elwood Strope

Stephen Bernard Charsky

Larry Osmond

Arthur Benjamin Oliver

Wanda Louise Parmelee

Sherry Rae Laszewski

Ralph Deforest Green III

Debbie Palmer

Segregation in public schools deemed illegal

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Segregation in public schools deemed illegal

Nancy Gay Holmes

Christine Helene Pado

Paul Turner

Daniel Korba

Deborah Ludington

David Eldred Strope

Vietnam War

Debra Lou Jeanne Horton

Heartbreak Hotel, Elvis Presley

Japan admitted to United Nations

Nasser seizes Suez Canal

Valerie Mae Green

Paul Edward Strope

Ronald Ludington

Holly Ann Pado

Bradley Earle Holmes

Mary Ellen Kinnlay

Jack Kerouac:"On the Road"

International Atomic Energy Agency established

Israeli forces withdraw from Sinai Penninsula

First earth satellites launched

Renee Pado

Karl Knowles

Michael Norman Holmes

NASA established by U.S.

Boris Pasternak: "Dr. Zhivago"

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Boris Pasternak: "Dr. Zhivago"

European Common Market formed

Prince Charles becomes Prince of Wales

Mark Frederick Holmes

Karl William Jahn Jr.

Steven Michael Pado

Karen Marie Massey

Barry Gordy starts Motown Records

Printing strike in Britain

Hawaii becomes 50th state of the U.S.

David Michael O'Donnell

Darryl Victor Pado

Susan Marie Strope

Brenda Ann Ludington

Denise Pado

Kennedy elected president in U.S.

Sharon Kay Creekmur

Warsaw massacre

Joseph Heller: "Catch-22"

Sherena Kay Brown

Penny Lynne Ludington

Karen Michelle Self

Cuban Missile Crisis

June Ratteree

Kennedy, U.S. president, assassinated; Johnson takes over

Michael John Pado

Sue Ann Lane

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Sue Ann Lane

Joey Williamson

Richard George Wells Jr.

Suzanne Marian Carroll-Goddard

Shari Anne Holmes

24th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution

Johnson elected president in U.S.

Civil Rights Act

Beatles on Ed Sullivan Show

Zanibar declared a republic

Barbara Ann Wells

Paul Robert Pado

Susan Green

Lawrence Eric Pado

Tracy Lee Ostergard

Ramon Ludington

Christopher Edwards

Valerie Lynn Buckles

Russell William Holmes

Nixon elected president in U.S.

Lisa Eileen Holley

David James Seibel

Gayle Farina

Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. assassinated

Senator Robert F. Kennedy assassinated

Virgil Kemp Leggett


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Mrs. Golda Meir becomes Israel's fourth Prime Minister

Phillip Scott Holmes

Neil Armstrong first man to walk on moon

Christian Ronald Konecny

Brenda Wakeman

Scott Carter Simmons

Amy Lynn Strope

Shannon Leah Brady

Amy Lynn Stout

Kyle James Brown

Scott Matthew Konecny

Watergate Affair begins

Bryan Scott Franklin

Jessica Oaska

Rachel Christine Holley

Kari Lorraine Brown

Daniel Andrew Pado

Civil War breaks out in Afghanistan

Jennifer Alisha Johnson

Baby Girl Strope

Kristi Lynn Hawn

Michelle Strope

Ryan Patrick Brady

Melissa Suzanne Grant

Nixon resigns; Ford becomes president in U.S.

Jason Lee Geib

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Jason Lee Geib

Laura Osmond

Scott Christopher Strope

April Nicole Justice

Allyson Elizabeth Fuller

Ellen Lorraine Konecny

Jehard Morgan

Michael Joel Felo

Tammy Grant

Rex Allen Bell

Carter elected president in U.S.

Antony DeSantis

Jamie Osmond

Star Wars

Punk Rock

Keli Elizabeth Brown

Brian Jeffords

Nicole Lyn Strope

Christa Valerie Grant

Grant Walsh

Andrew Benjamin Oliver

Elisabeth Ann Strope

Christianne Rachelle Felo

Peace Treaty between Egypt and Israel

Amber Leigh Stevenson

Kristin Nikole Thompson

Christopher John Holmes

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Christopher John Holmes

Kimberly Erin Morgan

Amanda Pado

Reagan elected president in U.S.

Holly Lynn Ludington

Adam Bruce Oliver

Melissa Marie Strope

Karen Yvonne Holmes

Charles Steven Jewett

Prince Charles marries Lady Diana, Great Britain

Jennifer Leigh Holmes

Sean Michael O'Donnell

Jared Pado

Kimberly Annette Webber

First CD players

Allison Brooke Oliver

Michael Turner

Rebecca Lynn Strope

Steven Pado

Kraig David Strope

Christopher Ludington

Lance Pado

John Michael Green

David Andrew Strope

Michael John Pado Jr.

Erin Kathleen O'Donnell

Daniel Steven Strope

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Daniel Steven Strope

Abby Michelle Holmes

Steven Gattis

Lauren Elizabeth Korba

Samuel Eldred Strope

Danielle Lynne Jorgenson

Tienamen Square demonstrations in China

U.S. Space shuttle Challenger explodes

Lindsey Turner

Kyle Bradley Holmes

Thomas Daniel Green

Bush elected president in U.S.

Emily Katherine Holmes

Nicholas Andrew Korba

Berlin wall opened

Iron Curtain cracks

U.S. troops sent to Panama

Doh! First Simpson's episode airs

Persian Gulf War between U.S. and Iraq

Nelson Mandela freed from prison

Ryan Patrrick Sullivan

Stephen Edward Strope

Lynsey Blair Jorgenson

Katherine Lynn Jahn

Johnny Carson's final appearance as Host of The Tonight Show

Euro-Disney opens in France

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Bill Clinton is President of the United States of America

Apartheid ended in S. Africa

Steven Cooper

Ashley Elizabeth Franklin

Martin Luther King's birthday observed in all 50 states for the first time

Intel introduces first Pentium chip

European Union comes into existence

World Trade Center bombed

Brennan Michael Sullivan

Kevin Ryan Jahn

Anna Kathyrn Holmes

Christian Pado

North American Free Trade Agreement ratified

Daniel Cooper

Jenna Ann Moody

Elizabeth Gail Holmes

US launches Discovery Shuttle

Giant Earthquake rocks Kobe, Japan

Michael Norman Holmes Jr.

Meagan Renee Seibel

Matthew Robert Pado

Kyle Stephen Franklin

Galileo spacecraft arrives on Jupiter

100th Olympiad in Atlanta, Georgia

Megan Nicole Edwards

Ashley Pado

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Martin Luther King's birthday observed in all 50 states for the first time

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Ashley Pado

Dolly the cloned sheep

Great Britian returns Hong Kong to China

Elisabeth Janelle Seibel

Olivia Marie Holmes

McKayla Pizzardi

Princess Diana dies in car accident at age 36

Benjamin Eric Pado

Michael Jordon retires from the NBA

Alex Mikhail Elenberg

Dylan Pizzardi

Devin William Holmes

Madison Elizibeth Williamson

Sophie Holmes

Brendan K. J. Brown

Claire Holmes

Joel Aron Ostergard

Audrey Erin Pado

Internet bubble bursts

George W. Bush is president of the United States of America

World survives Y2K

Rebecca Brooke Seibel

Kathryn Alicia Leggett

Tristan Dane Brown

Taylor Renea Edwards

First space tourist

Karlie Anne Jahn

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George W. Bush is president of the United States of America

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Karlie Anne Jahn

Morgan Elizabeth Simmons

Terror attacks in the U.S.

U.S. and British forces launch air strikes against the Taliban and al Qaeda

Anthrax scare hits the U.S.

Liam Robert Holmes

Enron Corporation declares bankruptcy

Taliban regime in Afghanistan collapses

China becomes 143rd World Trade Organization member

The Euro becomes the sole currency within the European Union

Winter Olympics open in Salt Lake City, Utah

England's Queen Mother dies at 101 years old

Bailey Kathleen Geib

Joshua Louis Felo

Jacob Daniel Ostergard

Former President Jimmy Carter wins Nobel Peace Prize

Eastan Scott Brown

Stephanie Ellen Holmes

Department of Homeland Security created

North Korea withdraws from treaty on nonproliferation of nuclear weapons

Ariel Sharon elected Israeli prime minister

U.S. invades Iraq

Lilly Rae Holmes

Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), a deadly form of pneumonia, first detected in southern China

POW Jessica Lynch rescued by fellow US soldiers in Iraq

Fossilized skulls that were discovered in Ethiopia in 1997 identified as oldest known remains of modern humans – 160,000 years old

U.S. Fed cut interest rates to a 45-year low of 1 percent

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U.S. and British forces launch air strikes against the Taliban and al Qaeda

China becomes 143rd World Trade Organization member

The Euro becomes the sole currency within the European Union

Former President Jimmy Carter wins Nobel Peace Prize

North Korea withdraws from treaty on nonproliferation of nuclear weapons

Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), a deadly form of pneumonia, first detected in southern China

POW Jessica Lynch rescued by fellow US soldiers in Iraq

Fossilized skulls that were discovered in Ethiopia in 1997 identified as oldest known remains of modern humans – 160,000 years old

U.S. Fed cut interest rates to a 45-year low of 1 percent

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1840 1860 1880 1900

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1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020

U.S. Fed cut interest rates to a 45-year low of 1 percent

Space Shuttle Columbia explodes on descent

Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger wins historical recall election to become governor of California

U.S. Forces capture Saddam Hussein in Adwar, Iraq

Carter Brady Simmons

Logan Riely Holmes

Serena Grace Geib

Cory Paul Jewett

Victoria Grace Jeffords

Sophie Grace DeSantis

Dawson Kendrick Bell

Josiah David Ostergard

Nicole Elizabeth Geib

Annabelle Sage DeSantis

Judah John Walsh

Liam James Bell

Alexander Johnathan Lee Jeffords

Nila Helen Strope

Mason Charles Jewett


Kaidence Annette O'Donnell

Luke Ryland Gattis

Andrew Michael Pado

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U.S. Fed cut interest rates to a 45-year low of 1 percent

Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger wins historical recall election to become governor of California