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Rotary Club of Hiranandani Estate26/4/09

Talk on “Everyone Needs a Coach”

Melarkode Narasimhan

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"Let him who would move the world first move himself."   -Socrates 

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No serious athlete would consider training for an Olympic event, or other challenging sports competition, without the assistance of an inspiring, skilled coach. Usiah Bolt

100 metres9.74 secs

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Coaching 74.700.000 pages

Mentoring 14.100.000 pages

Counselling 13.100.000 pages

Google search throws up 75 million pages on coaching

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With all the things that are remarkable about Tiger Woods, probably the most remarkable is the fact that he has a coach. (The coach may change from time to time but he always has one.)

Even Tiger Woods Has A Coach

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Why do you think Tiger Woods has a coach?


1.First, we cannot see our own mistakes and

2.If we are not getting better we are getting worse.

The second belief is probably the more powerful of the two in driving high-performance individuals

We have never met Tiger Woods so we don’t know for sure why he has a coach, but we’d like to think he has a coach for the same reason all high-performing individuals have one. Those who have hired a personal coach have done so because they subscribe to two overriding beliefs

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He is a great driver, consistent and quick, but he also makes mistakes like we all do, because he is a human being.“.

"These days racing is in the mind.” Everyone out there is good, and they all deserve to win.

Lewis needs to recapture his driving from last year. He needs to find that relaxed style again. We see him making the odd mistake, and that is not down to his ability. He wouldn't be doing that if he was driving naturally, the way he showed that he can.Lewis has been misled at times by the opinion of others.

He needs one advisor who is unbiased and unemotional, and to be his own worst critic in the most positive way."

Advice from Britain's latest world champion, multiple touring car championship title winner Andy Priaulx, hit a little closer to home

You have coaches in all other sports, so why not in motorsport?

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Every moment of one’s existence one’s growing into more or retreating into less. One is always living a little more or dying a little bit. Norman Mailer

Coaching is not new

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Seventeenth-century merchants turned to "cunning men," or wizards, for guidance;

entrepreneurs today turn to their more modern counterparts: coaches.

Ever since Machiavelli first advised a young prince, leaders have sought the counsel of outsiders. After all, it's lonely at the top.

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He founded the International Coach Federation in 1995, as well as several coach training schools,

Thomas Leonard is considered to be the founder of the modern coaching profession.

including CoachU, CoachVille, and the Graduate School of Coaching. He died suddenly in 2003, leaving behind a rapidly growing new profession. In 2005, the ICF reported over 8,500 coach-members and 132 chapters in 34 countries—double the number of members two years before that and an exponential increase since the Federation’s formation.

Thomas felt that "Everyone is a Coach.“Not a professional coach perhaps, but certainly a coach in their own way.

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From his perspective coaching was a set of advanced communication and relating skills, with knowledge and experience woven in.

For organizations,an effective, beneficial strategy for managing change, developing and retaining leaders, and changing the culture of organizations.

For individuals, it has awakened or rekindled purpose, mission and passion, enabling people to connect what matters most to them in their daily lives.

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Like sports coaches.professional and executive coaches perform similar functions.

Improving thinking skills,

improving imagery skills,

and taking purposeful action are key ingredients to achieving challenging goals.

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Coaches are taught to

“see” the highest potential in everyone they work with.

Coaches believe each person is an expert in their own life, and each is creative, resourceful and whole and therefore capable of creating their own solutions.

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MuramatsuMicromanager,consumed by tiny details

Runs the company on her own takes all decisions,operations

Creativity and passion getting depleted by business demands

Getting .feeling despondent

Coach’s Assessment

personal and professional accomplishment constraints

identify her goals and dreams,

step-by-step plan to get there.

Coachwork –taking the client to the next level

Time management ,delegation,smaller more manageable goals

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Dina Dwyer-OwensHead of Dwyer Group 36Succeeded her father Worked at the company

No time to sit and strategize

Joined a Group Coaching Program for Entrepreneurs

DifficultiesNot much time to prove herself

Transformation from employee to boss difficult

Male Dominated companySetting priorities a problem

Sucked into too many meetings

Not able to do the things that had to be done

She wouldn't have much time to prove herself.

Major changes incl acquisition

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encouraged the entrepreneurs to think about their calendars as consisting of three types of days:

"focus days," during which you do what's most valuable to expand the company;

"buffer days," spent preparing for focus days; and

"free days," time off to recharge the batteries. Pellegrini then explained that participants eventually should be taking 150 free days a year--a difficult concept for many in the room to swallow. "The control freaks in the room start to panic," Pellegrini says. People tend to calm down some when they learn that the number includes 104 Saturdays and Sundays. But it's still a big adjustment because many business owners don't slow down on weekends.

Dwyer-Owens grasped these time-management concepts immediately. In fact, the whole notion of an organized system held enormous appeal because it reminded her of the systems that her own company puts in place to help franchisees run their businesses.

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Drivers for the coaching movement in India

• Unprecedented upheaval in the basic structure of our societies

– Global Organisations, matrix structures, flat hierarchies– Meritocracy, productivity, efficiency, mobility in employment– Reduced workforce, downsizing, outsourcing, rationalising, networking, – Generally moving around

• Feeling a lack of meaning and purpose to their work.

• Not reaching to full potential for lack of feedback, training and mentoring.

• One off solutions were not working.

• Need for something much more fundamental

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Typical challenges that successful executives face

• Loneliness of command: the feeling of being isolated given the transient and task based relationships

• Fear of envy: Fear of being the subject of envy

• What now?: Successful executives feel a sense of depression, feeling there is little left to strive for

• Feeling constantly watched: In an over transparent world, you always fear being on watch

• Addiction to power: The fear of losing what has been so difficult to gain

• Feeling of personal guilt: The sense of guilt about the price by others for his success

• Ever steep learning curve: Accepting the reality that one must learn constantly to fight obsolescence.

Coaching is a great way of helping executives address these challenges

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Executive Coaching addresses the individuals impact /effect in organisations

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Business coaching addresses the personal and business effectiveness overlap

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Executive Coaching- It’s all about supporting behaviour CHANGE

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. “The central issue is never strategy, structure, culture, or systems. The core of the matter is always about changing the behavior of people”

“Behavior change happens mostly by speaking to people’s feelings. In highly successful change efforts, people find ways to help others see the problems or solutions in ways that influence emotions, not just thought” (p. 55).

Supporting change efforts with a coaching approach that addresses the soft, people issues and deals with coachees’ feelings can help sustain those efforts and add lasting value to improvement investments.

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Coaching is behaviour based

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  "Behavior change and strategy realization are the two primary desired results of business

                     coaching..Behavior change means that when specific behaviors are identified, examined and modified,

                     coaches help executives change to be more effective. Strategy realization means that the executive

                     needs guidance in clarifying the business strategy to help the business achieve financial, customer

                     or organization goals."

                         -'Professor D. Ulrich at the Ross School of Business, University of Michigan. 

                                                             - Some differences between Behavior based Coaching and "traditional coaching":

             "Executives should seek coaching when they feel that a change in behavior can make a difference

               in their own success or the success of their team or organization."    -Harvard Business Report All people and systems are dynamic -changing throughout time.

For people to grow they have to do different things, change certain habits and that means a change in their behavior. Without that nothing changes.

"Behavior change and strategy realization are the two primary desired results of business coaching

Behavior change means that when specific behaviors are identified, examined and modified, coaches help executives change to be more effective

. Strategy realization means that the executive  needs guidance in clarifying the business strategy to help the business achieve financial, customer  or organization goals."     -'Professor D. Ulrich at the Ross School of Business, University of Michigan.  All people and systems are dynamic -changing throughout time.

For people to grow they have to do different things, change certain habits and that means a change in their behavior. Without that nothing changes.

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, whom you'd hire to address a particular operational or technical problem.

And they're not psychotherapists, whom you'd tap to work through emotional issues.

Coaches generally focus on one thing: improving your performance as a leaderThey do this in much the same way sports coaches work with athletes: by helping you make the most of your natural abilities and find ways to work around your weaknesses. A good coach will make sure you meet your commitments, behave like a grownup, and otherwise stay out of your own way--things nearly all of us can use a little help with.

Executive coaches are not quite business consultants

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Individual Benefits

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•A skilled coach helps individuals create change—in what they think, in what they believe, and ultimately, in what they do.

•A coach is a highly skilled professional who works with people to unlock their hidden potential to bring about extraordinary results.

•Coaches inspire people to get out of their comfort zones to reach their full promise.

•Coaches provide ongoing support through challenging change efforts to help individuals and organizations create lasting change.

•Coaches are change agents. They are experts in creating change in people and organizations.

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Organisational Benefits

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One hundred executives from Fortune 100 companies received executive coaching that was both change oriented—aimed at changing certain behaviors or skills—and growth oriented—aimed at sharpening performance. Organizational benefits included

• Increased organizational strength• Increased executive retention• Increased productivity• Increased quality• Reduced complaints• Improved working relationships with staff• Improved teamwork• Improved job satisfaction• Conflict reduction• Increased organizational commitment

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•Coaching is an alliance between two people: the coachee, who wants or can benefit from coaching, and the coach who is skilled and experienced in listening deeply to what the coachee wants and what’s in the way of achieving it. Together, they create a pathway to change.

•Coaching is a process, a powerful, confidential relationship, a strategy and dozens of skills and techniques that support an individual or an organization through a change process.

• Coaching is about making desired change to achieve an external or internal goals.

•Coaching is an action-oriented, results-focused, and positive ,helps busy people feel they’re in action toward their highest priorities versus being in constant motion and feeling unaccomplished.

•Coaching focuses on the inner self, on gaining clarity about what excites us and how we may need to grow and change, to achieve the outer results wanted in professional or personal lives.

The Coaching Process

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The CFI Process

The CFI Coaching model comprises three overall phases, with the second phase becoming functionally operational through Gerard Egan’s “Skilled Helper” model which unfolds through three stages linked to specific processes, tasks, skills and actions.

A synoptic overview of “CFI’s Coaching Engagement model”:

–  Phase I Pre- Coaching Engagement - Preliminaries of coaching.–  Phase II Coaching Engagement    - Actual coaching process.  Stage I – Current Scenario   Stage II – Preferred Scenario-    Stage III – Strategies and Plans for Action  – Phase III Closing phase –   Coaching Closure.

(Throughout the coaching engagement process, apt skills, diagnostic tools are used.)

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The CFI framework

Tools & Templates

Skills Process

CFI’s framework places significant emphasis on skills. It sees skills and process as quite interlinked. It sees tools as enablers.

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How Coaching is different from its related fields

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Major Differences between therapy and coaching

• Therapists tend to focus on the resolution of old pains and old issues whereas coaches acknowledge their historical impact but do not explore these in-depth.

• Therapists tend to deal with dysfunction, either vague or specific; whereas coaching moves a functional person on to greater success and refers clients for clinical issues.

• Therapy tends to focus on past related feelings, whereas coaching is about setting goals and forward action.

• Therapy explores resistance and negative transference whereas coaching attempts to rephrase complaints into goals.

• Therapy is about progress whereas coaching is about performance.

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Major Differences between counseling and coaching

• Counseling looks for causes behind the problem or performance deficit, whereas coaching emphasizes new competencies.

• Counseling generally involves minimal assessment whereas the coaching model interfaces with learning and development tools (Eg. 360 degree feedback) and behaviorally diagnostic assessment tools introduced at the beginning of the coaching engagement.

• Counseling focuses on exploring reactive problems and behaviors, whereas coaching is proactive and looks to recognize and prevent problems before they arise.

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Major Differences between consulting and coaching

• Consultant’s services are information-based whereas coaching revolves around relationships.

• Consultants are frequently expected to provide answers whereas coaches evoke answers from the client.

• Consultants tend to prescribe canned or commercial solution whereas coaching is more personalized and concerned with the individual’s needs, values and goals.

• Consultants generally focus on work aspects whereas coaching is more holistic and considers other aspects of an individual’s life.

• Consultants tend to deal with specific problems whereas coaches are more forward looking and always ready to create and take advantage of opportunities.

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Major Differences between Mentoring and coaching

• Mentoring process is critical in the socialization phase for a new entrant in the organization whereas coaching process occurs in the context of work environment for effective performance.

• Mentoring encourages an informal relationship whereas coaching is a formal contractual relationship.

• The emphasis of mentoring is reflection and guidance whereas coaching develops specific skills & learning.

• Mentoring passes on wisdom, whereas coaching emphasizes on personal change via self-awareness and reflection.

• In mentoring, solutions are offered whereas in coaching solutions are explored and discovered.

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First Law of Professional Coaching:

          Coaching = Achieving SUSTAINABLE, MEASURABLE CHANGE

        Change = BEHAVIOR

        Behavioral Change = Can only be obtained through the use and mastery of TOOLS,

          TECHNIQUES and PROCESSES  that have a basis in the behavioral sciences

1 The ability to locate, assess and measure the appropriate behavioral aspects impacting upon a personal/professional (learning or development) change initiative or the performance of a specific professional skill set to be enhanced. 

2 The ability to translate behavioral feedback into an action plan. 

3  And, the ability to determine the relationship between the personal behavior of the individual and the organizational and business context in which the executive operates                

The Three Critical Abilities -a coach requires to create a successful development plan for a client

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right coach

inspire wisecaring

guide develop


Qualities of a good coach

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If you need coaching


If you want to pursue a career in coaching

ContactMelarkode Narasimhan

[email protected] 600 609

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