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MARCH 2014Question 4List and explain any three (3) techniques in group decision making.Answer :• Nominal Group Technique ( NGT)Is a structured process designed to stimulate creative group decision making in which agreement is lacking or the members have incomplete knowledge of the problem.• Delphi TechniqueThis technique do not meet face to face.It enable groups to consult experts and use their predictions and forecast about the future.• Dialectical InquiryA method that approaches a decision from two opposite points and structure a debate between conflicting views

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A. Nominal Group Technique (NGT)• To stimulate creative group decision making in which agreement is lacking or the

members have incomplete knowledge of nature of the problem. NGT is used in situation which group members must pool their judgments to solve the problem and determine a satisfactory course of action. For example the meeting of all agency.

B. Delphi method• Enable group to consult experts and use their predictions and forecasts about future

events. Delphi technique participants do not meet face to face .With Delphi participant experts can be thousands of miles apart. For example share opinion with expert by using online services such as chat.

C. Dialectical Inquiry• A method that approaches a decision from two opposite points and structures a debate

between conflicting views. This technique forces the group to confront the implications of their assumptions in the decision process .Team members are encouraged to bring up divergent ideas and offer different points of views.

D. Devil’s Advocacy Approach

E. Brainstorming

OCT 2014


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September 2013

Question 3Briefly explain five (5) disadvantage of group decision making.Answer:• Greater time requirementThe time costs money, same goes to time that the group could have been made just as effectively by an individual working alone.• Social pressureHappen on individuals to conform to established or expected patterns behaviour.• Minority dominationThe effectiveness can be reduced if one individual dominates the discussion by talking too much or being closed to other points of view.

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• Concern for individual rather than group goalsthey may become a sidetracked in trying to win an argument that they forgot about group performances• GroupthinkIs a physiological process where the group member will isolated themselves from the group

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March 2013

Part c :Question 1Decision making is the process through which a manager identifies and resolves problems. List and explain the steps involved in a decision making process.Answer:

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• Identifying Opportunities and Diagnosing Problems

Manager needs to review data related to their responsibility either outside information and reports and information from within the organization.

Example : Chief Executive Officer asks manager to prepare proposal on having joint venture with other company in Malaysia.

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• Identifying ObjectivesObjectives reflect the result the organization

wants to attain. It referring to targets, standards, and outputs.

Example: Manager state all the objective that related to the joint venture and decide to have five years joint venture regarding the products quality and company development.

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• Generating AlternativesManagers develop various ways to solve the

problem and achieve objectives.Example: Managers come out with a list of

the potential companies that related to the objectives of the joint venture.

• Evaluating AlternativesDetermining the value of the alternatives to

evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the alternatives.

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Example: Manager needs to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threaten from the list of potential companies.

• Reaching Decisions After examining all the facts and determining the

sufficient information, then select the best alternative.Example: Chief Executive Officer and manager having a

meeting to discuss the selected company to have a joint venture for company development in future.

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Participative in decision making


• Easy to get more information ,data and facts accumulated.

• Need desire more information and consider more alternatives

• Greater acceptance and commitment to decision

• They have low tolerance

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Social pressure Happen on individual to confirm to establish or expected pattern behavior .For example desire to maintain friendship and avoid disagree. Greater time requirement The time cost money ,same goes to time that a group could have been made just as effectively by individuals working alone .For example need more time to wait another group member comes.

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OCTOBER 2010PART D (Questions 3)a)Briefly explain programmed and non-programmed decisions. (4m)• Programmed

Decisions made in response to routine situations that have occurred in the past. Indentifying alternative courses of actions in such situations is usually routine. For example, the staff in any organization who absent to work more than 3 days without notice can be terminated as written in the appointment letter.

• Non-ProgrammedDecisions made in response to situations that are unique and

unstructured .Required creativity , cleverness and innovation to elicit a list of reasonable alternative courses of action. New management tried to restructured company. For example, when Malaysia is facing economic crisis, all companies will be effected. So in taking drastic actions , CEO decide to implement retrenchment strategy to reducing operations cost.

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b)Explain 3 conditions in decision making. Give example. (6m)• Certainty Situations in which a decision maker can make accurate decisions because the outcome of every alternative is known. The probabilities associated with the various alternatives are guaranted.For example a fix deposit • Uncertainty Situations in which a decisions maker has neither certainty nor reasonable probability estimates available. Limited amount of information and the consequences that will take place when an alternative is implemented later. For example , a new product in organization (AXIA).

• Risk Conditions in which a decisions maker is able to estimates the likelihood of certain outcomes. Decisions may end up in losses rather than the expected result. Example, Bursa Malaysia- A share trading.

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APRIL 2011PART C (Questions 3)Identifying and explain 3 conditions in decisions making. Give example (5m)• Certainty Situations in which a decision maker can make accurate decisions because the outcome of every alternative is known. The probabilities associated with the various alternatives are guaranted.For example a fix deposit • Uncertainty Situations in which a decisions maker has neither certainty nor reasonable probability estimates available. Limited amount of information and the consequences that will take place when an alternative is implemented later. For example , a new product in organization . AXIA

• Risk Conditions in which a decisions maker is able to estimates the likelihood of certain outcomes. Decisions may end up in losses rather than the expected result. Example, Bursa Malaysia- A share trading.