Download - MFL Strategic Learning Network

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Strategic Learning Networks Last 2 years - 355 SLN’s

in England 2,490 schools involved 4-15 schools per

network and each has lead school

2007-9 phase 1 and 2. Phase 3 –funding for

only 1 SLN per authority.

Enable teachers to work together to increase the quality and consistency of teaching and learning in KS3

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To improve teaching and learning in MFL To disseminate our work To embed a change in practice across city

schools. To provide case studies and evaluations to

be submitted to CILT - national picture. To empower you all as “leaders” within the

city. To achieve a TLA accreditation (embedding

your learning and so helping to change your practice).

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Time ProcessDay 1Thursday 24th Sept. 20099.30am – 3.30pmJudgemeadow

Experience of and familiarisation with a range of strategies/approachesIdentification of collaborative groups and focus for collaborative planning for use in classrooms

½ Day 2 Week beginning :12.30am – 3.30pmJudgemeadow

Further collaboration and development Trial of

strategies in the


½ Day 3Week beginning :Date, venue & actions to be confirmed by participants

½ day for team-teaching/ peer-observation/ further development of strategies/ resources (flexible day)

½ Day 4 Week beginning :12.30am – 3.30pmJudgemeadow

Review and feedbackFurther collaboration and development / refinement

Final Half/ Full Day Week beginning :Judgemeadow

Feedback to group. Evaluation of impact in classroom Amendment/ final collation of planning and resourcesMFL HOD’s

NetworkSummer Term, 2010

Share practice with colleagues across the city.

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By the end of today we will have identified: Features of skills based teaching and strategies and

approaches to promote this. Who you will collaborate with. A class/ year group/ unit of work with which the

activities/approaches/strategies will be trialed. How you are going to measure impact. Agreed actions to undertake before our next

collaboration date. An agreed date for the next collaboration! Any support/ materials/ preparation required.

Today’s Desired Outcomes

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The new secondary curriculum

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Ofsted on Key Stage 3:“Weaker features of teaching

included..too much emphasis on memorising individual words and phrases at the expense of teaching language skills”

“Too close an adherence to the course book was often a feature of mundane and unexciting learning.”

The Changing Landscape of Languages: An evaluation of language learning 2004-2007

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Subject matter and activities of interest in their own right

Passive learning/

low cognition

Skills/ independenc


Dull/ unchallenging subject matter and activities

A Dual Continuum

Thanks to Kathy Wicksteed

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What are the key features

of the new mfl secondary


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Focus on skillsActive learning

Cross-curricular linksMeaningful topics


Learning beyond the classroom

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What skills do they possess?What are they able to do?

What does a good language learner look


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Functional skillsMaths


Cross-curricular skills

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Which skills?How are we going to teach these?

How are we going to know if they can use these skills?

Skills that can be taught/learnt through MFL.

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Online 5 strands, 26 substrands, 26 sets of

objectives for Y7/8/9 8 cross-cutting objectives Exemplification and guidance New online modules

◦ Using the Framework and Planning◦ Creativity

The renewed KS3 Framework

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Key stage 2 Framework

Renewed key stage 3 Framework

Oracy Listening and speaking

Literacy Reading and writing

Intercultural understanding

Intercultural understanding

Knowledge about language


Knowledge about languages

Language learning strategies


Language learning strategies

(cross-cutting)(Kathy Wicksteed)

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Programme of Study

Key concepts, key processes, range

and content, curriculum

opportunitiesRevised KS3 Framework

Strands, objectives,

exemplification, guidelines, online

modules/case studies

map of the territory

route guide

Thanks to Kathy Wicksteed

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The focus for our network

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1. Listening and speaking2. Reading and writing3. Intercultural understanding4. Knowledge about Language5. Language learning


The 5 Strands

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4. Knowledge about Language Pupils will develop their understanding of

how a language works and then how to manipulate it.

4.1 Letters and sounds

Yr 7 : apply knowledge of common letter strings, sound patterns, accents and other characters

Strand 4: KAL

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Jolly phonics

4.1 Letters and sounds

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1 PhonicsHow it works1. Take time to

embed the sounds of the language (VAK to strengthen memory)

2. Build on this knowledge at every opportunity

3. Improve on existing resources – increase the challenge


Active learning


Links with other subjects


Engaging topics


Rachel Hawkes, Regional Subject Advisor

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1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16

araña elefante idea


universo cerdo ciclista casa

coche cucaracha



España zumo guitarra llave

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ca a i len as

res st ri ba le

tu le lla as va

na ón cia las ri

as cia ca mur is







1. Asturias

2. Castilla-León3. Valencia

4. Islas Baleares5. Murcia

6. Islas Canarias

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Don AlrevesDon Cosquillas

Don TontainasDon Glotón Don Feliz Don Curioso

Don Pupas Don Lioso

Don Pequeño Don Vago Don QuisquillosoDon Inteligente

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4.1 Letters and sounds

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Using art

4.2 Words4.4 Sentence structure

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Describing places

4.4 Sentence structure4.5 Verbs and tenses

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5. Language Learning Strategies Pupils will become increasingly able to

manage their own learning by selecting, using and evaluating different language learning strategies. (Cross-cutting strand)

5.2Memorising Yr 7/8/9 :discuss, compare and use a

range of techniques for memorising words, phrases, structures and spellings.

Strand 5: LLS

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Memorising techniques

5.2 Memorising

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Collective Memory

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Collective memory!How it works

1. Material to be memorised prepared on A4 sheet

2. Learners grouped in 4s or 5s

3. 1 learner from each group comes to front and get 20 secs to look at the material

4. Back at table, s/he tries to commit to paper

5. Discussion in groups – revise plan of action

6. All learners take turns – re-construction continues

7. Plenary – reviews learning on different levels: linguistic, cognitive, strategic

Skills and active learning

Memory Group work Noticing Analysis & thinking


Rachel Hawkes

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Skill This means:Did you use this today?

Give an example:

Identification of vocabulary Finding out the meanings of words

Memory Working out ways to store information in your mind and retrieve it again

Planning and adapting a strategy

Deciding how to do a task but perhaps changing your plan if necessary half way through

Noticing Looking really hard to try to see all the relevant details

Reflection Sheet

Q1 What did you do to get the most out of your memory in this task?

Q2 How effective were these strategies? What do you think is worth trying again in different situations?

Q3 Choose one skill from the 4 above and write down how it might be useful in other subjects OR at home

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5.3 Using knowledge of English or another language.

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Español la pronunciación

unos cognados

Rachel Hawkes)

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¿Qué es un cognado?

un animal eléctrico



un círculouna familia

un hospital un adulto

un continente

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¿Qué son estas palabras?

1. group 2. lion 3. map 4. million5. plant 6. list 7. park 8. photo

9. much/a lot 10. part 11. plans 12. sofa

pa ón par fo li po

nes cho gru plan fá mi

llón to sta pla mu te

par ta so le que ma

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Y ahora, pelucas para perros Una empresa de California creó un nuevo producto para el mercado de accesorios de mascotas: pelucas para perros. Las pelucas fueron creadas en 2007 y fueron tan populares que las empresarias Jenny y Crissy Slaughter decidieron iniciar la producción en masa de las pelucas. Cada peluca cuesta en promedio US$30 y se comercializan en seis países y la respuesta ha sido tan positiva que otras empresas iniciarán la producción de artículos similares pero para gatos. Las primeras pelucas fueron inspiradas en personalidades como Paris Hilton y la modelo Betty Page. Además de pelucas, también hay zapatos, lentes de sol, collares personalizados y ropas para los animalitos.

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¿Qué?¿Cuándo?¿Dónde?¿Quién?¿Por qué?

Pelucas para perros

(desde) 2007

En los EE UU (o 6 países)

Las empresarias Slaughter


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Songs, rhythm and poems

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La cucaracha, la cucarachaYa no puede caminarPorque no tiene, porque le faltaLimonada que tomar

La cucaracha, la cucarachaYa no puede caminarPorque porque le falta, porque no tiene La patita principal.


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Tengo, tengo, tengoTú no tienes nadaTengo tres ovejas en una cabañaUna me da lecheOtra me da lanaY otra mantequilla para la semana


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Familia rap


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Dime, ¿cómo es tu familia?Y ¿cuántas personas hay?Pero dime, ¿cómo es tu familia?Y ¿cuántas personas hay?

Pues en mi familia somos cincoMi papá, mi mamá y yoEl abuelito y tía MaríaEl perro Tico el gato Limón.

Mi mamá tiene los ojos azulesEl pelo negro y usa lentes tambiénMi papá es un poco alto con el pelo castaño Es delgado y se viste muy bien

El gato Limón es muy calladoSolo quiere jugar y dormerMi perro siempre está a mi ladoY conmigo él quiere salir

Dime, ¿cómo es tu familia?Y ¿cuántas personas hay?Pero dime, ¿cómo es tu familia?Y ¿cuántas personas hay?

Dime, ¿cómo es tu familia?Y ¿cuántas personas hay?Pero dime, ¿cómo es tu familia?Y ¿cuántas personas hay?

Dime, ¿cómo es tu familia?Y ¿cuántas personas hay?Pero dime, ¿cómo es tu familia?Y ¿cuántas personas hay?

Mi tía María es muy bonitaCon los ojos de color caféMi abuelito es gracioso con el pelo canosoCuenta chistes y duerme hasta las diez.


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Using a dictionary

5.5 Using reference materials

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3. Intercultural Understanding Pupils will learn to recognise that people in other

countries and communities using the target language may have different beliefs and attitudes. In so doing they will develop a better understanding of their own lives.

3.2 Recognising different ways of seeing the world

Yr 7 : explore interests and opinions of young people and compare them with their own.

Strand 3: ICU

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Mi mundo

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3. Intercultural Understanding

3.2 Recognising different ways of seeing the world

Yr 7 :reflect on and challenge stereotypes

Strand 3: ICU

Example from the exemplification

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Eg from exemplification

1) Pupils engage in language activities built around a comparison of photos of 2 classrooms in 2 very different countries where the TL is spoken.

Facilities are more basic in one classroom than in the other. The activities introduce or recycle language such as “One can see.... / There is no..../ there are more...”

2) pupils take part in a discussion in English in which they address questions such as :

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In your view, do these photos mean that education is perceived as less important in one country than in another?

Do you think pupil motivation may be higher in one school than in the other?

Does every classroom in this country have the same facilities as the classroom in this photo?

How might you find out? Etc This discussion work all links to work on PLTS 3) pupils carry out simple research on schools

in one of the 2 countries, using a website, a paper resource or other media. (LLS 5.5 Using ref. Materials)

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“The renewed framework and on-line cpd modules”

Exemplification of strands Series of e-learning units focusing on

improving MFL teaching and learning. The units examine ways in which the

framework helps by providing a generic structure of objectives and how a variety of teaching strategies might be employed to enhance learning.

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Planning collaborative project

Decide exactly what you would like to pilot. Need to decide who you would like to collaborate

with. Decide which year group/class /unit of work you

would like to work on. Agree actions to undertake before next collaboration

meeting. Agree next collaboration date as a group. Exchange e-mails. Decide upon any support/materials/preparation

required. Devise ways of being able to measure impact. Reminder that findings will be presented to and

shared at HOD’s network meeting in the summer term 2010.

CILT requires evaluation of work and impact (Feb) TLA: official accreditation for work carried out.

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The Teacher Learning Academy


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Time ProcessDay 1Thursday 24th Sept. 20099.30am – 3.30pmJudgemeadow

Experience of and familiarisation with a range of strategies/approachesIdentification of collaborative groups and focus for collaborative planning for use in classrooms

½ Day 2 Week beginning 12.30am – 3.30pmJudgemeadow

Further collaboration and development Trial of

strategies in the


½ Day 3Week beginning Date, venue & actions to be confirmed by participants

½ day for team-teaching/ peer-observation/ further development of strategies/ resources (flexible day)

½ Day 4 Week beginning 12.30am – 3.30pmJudgemeadow

Review and feedbackFurther collaboration and development / refinement

Final Half/ Full Day (tbc)Week beginningJudgemeadow

Feedback to group. Evaluation of impact in classroom Amendment/ final collation of planning and resourcesMFL HOD’s

NetworkSummer Term, 2010

Share practice with colleagues across the city.