Download - Mexico weekly ledger. (Mexico, Mo.). 1880-09-02 [p ]. · years past, just enough mineral be-ing found to keep them at' work. Work was commenced August this year by sinking a shaft

Page 1: Mexico weekly ledger. (Mexico, Mo.). 1880-09-02 [p ]. · years past, just enough mineral be-ing found to keep them at' work. Work was commenced August this year by sinking a shaft


.T : . .. MKaMMMrt-WMMa- rMexico Dally Iedrep.MEXICO LEDGER


We learn this morning from Mr.Gvitry, who just received a letter

Jfow Hope Barbecue.Last Friday, in company with Jas.

Carroll, D. II. Mclntyre and B. F .Dobyns, we took m the New Hopebarbecue. We also noticed J. E.Jacoby, W. M. Sims, A. G. Turner,

gpBSDAT, SEPTEMBER 2, 1880. frc Ji Colorado, that a rich strike hasbeen made in the Colorado Lodes.

" The result , , :. tj conven-tion was mo. ; . . iory. Theticket nominated is strong in everyparticular. The rulings of the chair-man were just and well received inevery instance. Not a combination

situated at Howard's Fork of theOf Audrain, Nominated on The

First Ballot.Master W"B uaSSid fcr tit People now ea Earth.

San Mignett, Ouray, Col., owned bythe Mexico & San Juan Mining Co.There are but few stockholders . in

Dan Woodward and H. Greer from j

Mexico. We reached the grounds ;. ! was indulged in. We hear no com Clearance Sale. :

Our 'prices are reduced to closejust in time to do justice to some of ;fgge Mitchell's space. r

it. .lit i

out summer goods. Newport Ties

and Slippers in abundance and at abargain. Making room for fall goods.

plaints of "packing,", juggling, trad-ing, &c, as is , often the case. ", Asgenerally happens good and qualifiedmen were defeated, but no fault canbe found with single nomination.We think the result of the conventionwill be an increased majority for theparty this fall. ? r , v i


of Vandaiia, was nominated on tbefourth ballot for the Legislature.

Arrangements are being completedwhich will result in the Ledger's issu-ing a daily paper during the week ofthe fair. Hardly a day passes butwe are importuned to issu adaily all the time. Our reasons fornot complying are.that the town can-not afford to support a good daily--one

that could take the associatedpress despatches. Until we can runa good daily, one that would prove anhonor to the town and be the prideof our friends, we shall not ventureat all, except as our advertising pat-ronage demands it, as it does duringfair week . Mexico has one legitimatedaily paper which, for the support itgets and the size of the town, is agood one. Our fair daily will not berun in opposition to this. It will berun in the interest of the county,town and fair, and last, but not least,in the interest of Bob White. Partieswishing to advertise in the fair daily,should make arrangements with Mr.E. S. Frost, business manager of theMexico Dailt Ledger. We will only

this company, mostly citizens ofMexico. Among the principal own-ers are R. Gentry, J. McD. Trimble,B. R,.Cauthorn, Ed. Rmes, C. W.Baker, R. W. Turman, Warren Har-per, J. F. Llewelljn, Gen. Guitar, ofBoone county ; James Lupe, of St.Lou's. These gentlemen have beenworking this mine a little for twoyears past, just enough mineral be-

ing found to keep them at' work.Work was commenced August thisyear by sinking a shaft from the olddrift. Mineral was struck within afew feet, and at the depth of only

Our new paper is out, full of wit

and free to all. CaH and get one.

Audrain county fair September 14.The Warrenton Banner is 17 years

old and a sprightly charmer.Barnum was not with the show last

Saturday. Don't know as he eversaw it.

Col. Hutton took in the Sturgeonfair the day of the Congressionalconvention.

The weather is so warm in the cal-aboose the city is talking of puttingin a Bryon Hite heat fender.

The rolling stone gathers no moss,but it gathers the fellow that rides abicycle every time.

Money, must be plenty when a . cir-cus takes in over $5,000 at .pne per-

formance.The Greenbackers are complaining

because money is so scarce, Ac. Wenoticed the bulk of them at the circus.

Geo. Kabrich and W. H. Smith,the grocer, are having their storesrepainted and fitted up in the lateststyle.

Judge Gilliam's court is dailycrowded with parties seeking justice.They ask for justice and get the"stone pile."

The "Tale of two Tickets," inMonday's Intelligencer, should have

Mitchell's Shoe Stork. '

Charlie is a representative man of

fair this week.3 jpfgeoa

go lights last Saturday.


Cofewabia fair next week.

gooop the Hancock club.

jfexico needs a fire company. .

ffee real estate business is booming,

gjg Ssnte Fe picnic next Saturday.

fgrid's ir in em York in 1883-ge-e

Sootag's advertisement in this

jjot you can subdue the haughty';,

ffeiches and Pears by the basket at

Oonay, the Uute chief is dead.Horryl

IV watermelon crop suffered lastjitatoay. '

fla days are getting shorter at

loth ends.

inc Desc DatDecueu mutton we everate. A very good crowd was In at-

tendance. Although New Hope is inwhat is claimed to be a Greenbackstronghold, we found that the oldDemocratic spirit prevailed to agreater extent than we had expected.Wilson Township is all right. Shewill he found this fall with a goodDemocratic majority. Irv J. Simsopened the ball with his machinespeech, which is full of abuse of theDemocratic party. Irv don't dohimself justice this fall. We fear heis not very strong in the faith. Amongother things he said was that he didnot believe in party or party plat-forms : he did not represent any party,and would not if elected, but was acandidate in the interests of theworking classes of every party, &c ,We don't know what is the matterwith him. Can it be that he is outwith his party? Can it be that besees the fallacy of the so-call-ed

Greenback principles? Whatever may

The Congressional Convention ofthe Thirteenth District was called toorder Wednesday at 10 o'clock a. m.,by J. M. Edwsrds of St Charles,chairman of the central commitle.S. S. Nowlin of Montgomery wasnominated temporary chairman, andR. M. White temporary secretary.While the committees on credentials,order of business and permanent or-

ganization were out, Hon. D. H. Mc-

lntyre, Col. Theodore Brace and J.Perry Wood, Esq.; entertained theconvention with appropriate remarks.

S. S. Nowlin and Bi. M. Whitewere made permanent chairman andsecretary.

T. B. Buckner of Audrain, nomi-nat- d

Hon. A. H. Buckner for con-gress.

Col. Theo. Brace of Monroe, nom-inated Hon. A. M. Alexander ofMonroe county for congress.

A ballot was then t'en, but beforethe result was ar jounced Col. Bracemoved that the nomination of Buck-ner be made unanimous, which wascarried with wild applause.

A committee of three was then ap-

pointed to wait upon Hon. A. H.Buckner and notify him of his nomi-

nation. Judge Buckner then cameforward and responded in a neat andappropriate speech.

lion. A. M. Alexander being thencalled for, made a characteristic littlespeech, in which he said he was now

the county and will faithfully repre-sent his constituents in the LowerHouse. He is a young but true andlive Democrat and will Like pride inmaking a record.


the present incumbent, was nominated for Probate ' Judge by . acclamanave room for a limited number of tion. Judge Edwards is one of Au

seven feet a vein of nice ore wasfound from twelve to fourteen inchesthick, averaging 100 ounces in silverand about 60 per cent of Lead. Mr.Gentry feels much encouraged andexpects to find a real bonanza in thismine. If the ore body continues tothe bottom of the shaft, fifty feet,which is now being sunk by contract,$100,C00 would be a small price forthis mine.

At least 12,000 people were inMexico last Saturday to attend Bar-

num's show. No such crowd wasever gathered together in a countrytown in Missouri. There were 3,000horsemen and 2,500 wagons in andabout the city; 10,000 people wit-

nessed the show in the afbernoun andat least a thousand more turnedaway for lack of room.

advertisements, and think it willprove a good medium for advertising.We will issue every morning 600

drain's oldest and staunchest Demo-crats. In times of war and peace hehas ever been found true to his party .

copies, 100 being distributed free ofthe Home Club -- will be revived No man is better fitted for this officeor more of a party man . than Judgebeen continued through the week.ii mouth.

rs. Kodman has moved her mini S. M. Edwards.J. MD. TRIMBLE

charge over the city and 500 on thefairground. The paper will be ingreat demand, for it will each daycontain the awards of the day previ-iou- s

as well as the full programme.

r be the disease, he is evidently not

The judges for the Novemberelection are published in - this issue.Our readers win find that three oatof the four at each precinct, . araDemocrats. The Greeabackers aracrying fraud ; ; they say they willhave uo show at the election, Ac. ate.They know better than this--th-ey

know every man appointed as judgewill do his duty without reference topart)'. At the same time they knowthey have no show for , success andmust have some excuse for . being .

beaten. In our opinion they havefully as much representation as theydeserve. "

Not a day passes but what new

names are added to our list of sub-scri- be

rs which now makes more than1,200. Only 50 cents till Jan. 1st,1881. .'


"Providence blew up Barnum's

ery store aown stairs in tne room

gtyes is not taking in the fairsAjj lesson.

$ee advertisement of public sale

g tbit issue

very enthusiastic over the health offormerly occupied by R. H. Fowler. was nominated for to theoffice of prosecuting attorney by ac4

for the day on which it is issua clamation. Trimble has proved7

the party. Capt. D. II. Mclntyremade a two hour and a half speech,which was one solid argument logi-

cal in every particular. It was the

Six hundred conies will be issued a strong isucKnpr man, &c.The vote bv icounties was as fol- -

most efficient prosecutor, somethingthat Audrain needed badly. He VisIdle I'hihlreu.

jtopte tnine to the circus the,jgkt before.

The Mexieo band is playing at thefair. .jurgeoB

lows:the pride of law abiding citizens abdbest speech we ever heard the Captain DRa-N- .

Eight thousand tickets for the Au-

drain County Fair arc being printedin the Ledger job rooms this week.

Miss Mary Brooks, a charmingyoung lady from New Bloomfield, isvisiting Mr. J. W. Plunkett and ladyof this city.

Two children died from suffocation

,.10 a terror to criminals. His record

By reference to the third plank ofthe Greenback platform, it will besceti that the Greenback party is infavor of "forbidding the employment

since he has been in office could notg, 8. Craig & Co. are doing a live.10




have been better . Iu short, Audrainsg business.

daily three thousand for the week.No better opportunity was ever offer-

ed our merchants for advertising.We trust our friends will appreciateour spirit of enterprise, and assist inmaking our undertaking a success.The Daily Ledger will be editedand conducted by the regular WeeklyLedger force. Telegraphic news willbe given each tlay.


make' and we think he did justice tothe subject.

The "Kight Man."Col. Reddington is again around

introducing his "new local editor."About every month he makes the

has one of the best, if not the bestHie Fair Daily Ledger will not be of children under 14 years of age."Under such an administration a poor

,.8 widow woman could not employ herprosecuting attorney in the State.MONKXM-!UY- .

tptteal sheet.Buckner. circus last Saturday afternoon."

$o whiskey will be sold at the Au-- i'ke.T i ti rjnjg Couoty Fair. If vou want to buy, sell or rentrouous wnu a new man. racu man ucjncr . 12

is "the the innew man ; right man, - right place ; the finest newspaper Buckner..... 6 j

land, confer with J. W. Daniel, who,The street parade to Barnuin's

boy to go to mill, to bring in wood,to milk the cow or to work in thegarden. He would simply grow upan idle lounger a fit ornament to theparty.

by personal observation, knows mostof was very poor.

man in the world ; he will bring the j

See notice of tax collector's ap- -every turn, crook, and cross-roa- d in ,

Audrain county . Law and Insuranceoffice, north side public square, Mex&c. HeHerald right out," &c

paBtmcDts in this issue.

in Barnum's show tent while at Ma-

con City during the afternoon per-


J. M. Menefee, who has just visit-

ed all the large eastern cities to pur-

chase furniture, returned home lastSaturdaj-- .

The biggest thing about Barnum'scircus wa9 the tents, which weroblown into carpet rags last Saturdayafternoon.

J. Linn Ladd, of the VandaiiaLeader, and I. Switelcr, of the Col-

umbia Statesmau, took in the show,

used to have a "new man' every ico, Mo. z"umonth ; then 'new man" everyIllinois will have no Republican

. '.... .1. - - r.ll

Judicial t'uiivt-iitiou- .

The Judicial Convention for the: third circuit met last Saturday in thisicity. Pike, with 13 delegates pre-jsent- ed

the name of E. Robinson.Montgomery, with seven delegates,

presented E. Hughes.Audrain, with nine delegates,

; brought forward the name of J. M.

Grapes fresh and in any quantity,SMOnlV UJ spare uus inn.


Buckner iAlexander 1


Buckner 4Total. Buckner, 49; Alexander,

25.The following congressional cen-

tral committeemen were then ap-

pointed :

Audrain, J. J. Steele ; Lincoln, Dr.J. A. Mudd ; Monroe, R. N. Bodine ;Montgomery, H. Clark; Pike, W. H.

week ; nowevery day."new men"

he has a "new man""New men" are cheap;are not acquainted with

Sam Grove had over 500 icople cheap, at Barnes & Winegard's, eastside square.

lie is tbe choice of all parties andboth sexes throughout the county.


of Salt River township, was nominat-ed for sheriff on the first ballot. Danis one of Audrain's most successfulfarmers and will prove a most worthyprompt and efficient sheriff. It isright that the farmers should be rep-

resented on our ticket and this officeseems always to be given to them.


present incumbent, was nominatedfor to tbe office of countycollector by acclamation. Ben hasproved a most worthy and efficientcollector and waa nominated withoutopposition. He has many and strongfriends throughout the county andwill poll the full strength of theparty.

kr tlioner last Saturday.the ways that are dark and the tricksOur merchants sold out their cheese

Gordon.Pay Up.

We have sent out statements of theto newudmckers last Saturday. that are mean of the friendmen."S. A, Craddock was elected chair- -r. v n t , ii

New Irea.On account of our increased num-

ber of subscribers we find it neces-sary to improve our machinery. Weare now making arrangements to pur-chase one of the latest style powerpresses. In order to do this our de-

linquents must come ta our assistance.

Married.At the residence of Mr. Herndon

Bruning in East Mexico, by the Rev.S. H. Pollard, Mr. Jas. W. Toungand Miss Sarah J. Webb, all of Au-drain county.

Attendants, Moses Young and MissRosa Wilson.

Mr. John Fant and Miss KitticMcCloud of Callaway county, were

accounts of several of our delinquents. ,

Gentlemen, you must attend to thisma a., Brown is nuying mutes in . . ; flP ,.,.- - in hv . ahftwt Hau aim jl jj. uutnuci acireiiUiy. j -

r and Cole counties. Poller; Ralls, J. Perry Wood; St."The Wind Hlowrtli Where it I.UU-th,.-- "The wind last Saturday afternoonThere being 29 votes in the conveo- - Charles, R. B. Dula ; Warren, P. F.Every man should have a melon came very near damaging Pollock's Peitz.

matter; we have waited long anafaithful for this money. If it is not .

paid Bhorlly, the accounts will beplaced in the hands of an officer, tf.

The Herald will run some timeyet. The proprietor was able to dis-

pose of his complimentary to theshow .

pitch on bis country seat.

Barnum's managerio departmentmill seriously ; as it was, only about40 feet of the roof from the south endof the addition was blown off. The

J. A. Mudd of Lincoln, was electedcliairniat , and J. J.Steele of Audrain,secretary.

The convention then adjourned.lilt aot up to the average .

Political straws sometimes havew end in a glass or barrel. Ad Outrage.

On Monday morning, Aug. 31st, married yesterday.FKOM LADDOMA.

Dr. Patterson, druggist, has our

a. a. TURNER

was nominated for county treasureron the second ballot. Mr. Turneris one of our most successful mer-

chants and the funds of the county

tion 15 were necessary to a choice.The first ballot was taken with the

following result: Gordon 8, Hughes7 and Robinson 14.

The second ballot was taken with-

out change.On the third ballot E. Robinson, of

Bowling Green, was nominated withthe following vote : Gordon 4 2,

Hughes 7 and Robinson 17 2.

The nomination was then wadeunanimous, after which the followingjudicial comro.ttee was appointed:From Audrain, G. B. Macfarlane;from Montgomery, A. O. Saunders;

liinks fur favors again I his week.

damage to the roof and the contentsof the mill will amount to about$500. The wind caught under thesoutheast corner of the tin roof andwould have torn it off completely if ithad not been sccurclj' fastened tothe elevator, not far from the southend. If the whole roof had been

Barnum did not show in St. LouisMonday afternoon. It took thewhole company and fifty sail makersall day to repair the canvass.

J. R. Haislip can always be foundat his place of business at Marlins-bur- g,

really to wait upon his cus-


The Hancock and English clubshould have an executive meetingshortly. If we are organized for

Wallace J. Davis of the ColumbiaISeatiDel, Las our thanks for favors.

It is to the interest of every farmerhaving produce to sell, to call on G.D.FERRIS, as he pays thi bestprices for ChickenB, Eggs, Hides,Pelts, Feathers, Tallow, Batter, oldIron, Rags. Beeswax, &c And he hasfor sale everything a farmer wants,such as Dry Goods, Notions,. Shoes, ,

Hats, Bibbons, Corsets, Gloves, Gro-ceries, Queensware, Lamps, Clothing. .

Furniture, Sewing Machines lowerthan any house in Mexico, and , allkinds of Sewing Machine needles at .

the low price of thirty cents per do- -

en. It will pay any farmer to giveG. D. a call if they want a good price ,

for their produce, and he sella goods'lower than anybody. Store oppositeentrance to Bingo House. . 42 tf

J. M. Menefee and Sara Locke

will be safe in his hands. All thecompetitors for this office were worthyand popular, but only one could beelected. ,m gone north on a pleasure trip.

Those who "waited" for Barnum's C. D. ROGERS

1880, two well dressed ladies droveto the Mexico cemetery in a hand-some buggy and robbed a number ofthe best improved lots of a largequantity of flowers, which they load-ed into their buggy and broughtaway with them. The most startlingfeature ,of the business is the possi-bility that any person being in a civ-

ilized community should be foundguilty of such conduct. How refinedladies could be guilty of an act thatthe most illiterate and depravedwould instinctively shrink from is in-

deed a mystery. Recently there havebeen some notices erected in the cem-etery warning all persons againstsuch offenses, heuce there is no ex-cuse for even the most reckless.

irday night show are waiting still.

LaddokiaJMo., Sept. 1st.Editor Ledger : The people have

at lat !een refreshed by a bountifulrain and all animals wear smilingfaces since they can now drink at thefountain of life.

Laddonia was almost deserted lastSaturday, as nearly everyone went tothe show. We thought we had seencrowds of people before, but therewere certainly more people on asmall space of ground than we eversaw congregated before. The res-taurants and hotels, and all eatinghouses took many a dime in. Incompany with many others we left

was nominated tor county surveyorby acclamation, J. H. Haydon draw

blown off the loss on wheat and -- flourby the rain would have been veryheavy as it was, the loss was light.Everything was put in good shapeSaturday night so the rains of Sun-

day night did no damage. Mr. Pol-

lock was not in bad spirits after his

from Pike, J. W. Matson.Men can raise money to go thefircus when they cau't pay their debts. ing off before a ballot was taken

work, let us go at it at once.

J. R. Haislip is doing a heavy bus-

iness in the drug trade at Martins-bur- g.

He would Ite pleased lo have

his friends call and see him .

The convention yesterday was the

Charlie is a young man but wellHave your hair cut short, U youqualified for the place, having justttogt the advantage of your

I iiiortiut.Being very busy with our editorial

and other work, we have placed someof our accounts in the hands of a col-

lector. We trust that none of ourfriends will take offense at this. Weknow that they intend to pay what

completed a course of surveying atthe State University.

lust of the season, we think. Now!A. J. Stacy is night policeman in

bad luck, but narrow estape.

lie TNk Flavor! tig.Circus day a cousin from one of

the rural districts, overcome by dustand heat, entered Hall's drug store

j Mexico for home about five o'clocki of L. Smith, who resigned last The penalty for misdemeanors of

From On Part Mareury. v

Col. White, of the Mexico Ledger, '

has a bran new "stove pipe" hatJames Carroll made him a present of ,it. Now if the Colonel can just man-

age to get enough cow'a-hid- e togetherto clothe his feet, be will be set upalio. K.

that grade is a fine of not less than$20 nor more than $200. It must be

p.m., and oh! the rain, the ran,how it did come in perfect torrents,and in five uiinutes after it began tofall the company was dripinz wet ;

The Democrats of this county will

J. P. BEATTT,present incumbent, was nominatedfor for assessor. Johnnyhas proved a faithful and correctofficer and was worthy of being re-


let s work, and work together, andmake the Democratic majority largerthau ever.

The corn crop in Audrain will thisseason average but little over onehalf a crop, although the rain last

ttbat every township goes Demo--

they justly owe us, and when calledon we trust they will promptly settleand save us further trouble. 20-t- f.

Hannibal Railroad.A county, as a corporation, cannot

aonroDiiate monev to a railroad for

and politely asked Col. Jacoby, whowas clerking there that day, for a

glass of soda wutcr. "Jake" askedhim what flavoring he would have.

"Why, sedy water, of course.""But what flavor do you wish?"

Several of our citizens are attend Fresh grapes cheap and in Vny

flowers and feathers were droopedand summer bats bid farewell to thisvain world of fashion. All thatcould get a place to stay at, stopped ;some had to drive home, and a dark-er, muddier night never came, and

ee soldier's re-uni-on at Kirks-- quantity, at Barnes & Winegard's,east side square. .

19-2-L . .

Saturday night will bring out the late J

corn. t

VVc hear Judge W. O. Fornst jj

'iiie. Mo.

distinctly understood that such van-dalism will not be tolerated. Thelaws governing in such cases will bestrictly enforced. S. W. Bicklkt,

Sup't.The colored fair will not be held

until the 25th of September. TheColumbia colored fair being on the22d necessitated this change.

Palmer Martin is closing out hisstock of books andstationery. YoungDick Brooks & Co. will succeed himin the same line of business.

"Why, soda water, you fool.""But. you know," returned Jake,

f ....... . .!.. I. ft....."Tke Tree Bkall be

abitaker's ears proved a poorlapaign document for the Republi- - talked of as a candidate for congress

many a buggy ran off a bridge andwent wandering through the prairie.Luckily no serious accident happen-ed to any of the company, but some

by Its Frwlt.'on the Republican ticket in this disparty.

one of our most talented young law- -'

yers, and enthusiastic young Demo-crats, was nominated for public ad-

ministrator. George has alwaysproved true to every trust given tohim and we can safely say he willalways do his duty whenever andwherever he may be found. .. ...

V DR. W. , W. RODVAN i,U . ;

was nominated for coroner. WilL Isone of Mexico's most successful

trict juice, such as pineapple, strawberry,etc."

Tas Greenbackers acknowledge HSSk J. H. KMsTZ,Ladle Pkjraietea. i .

laughable scenes took place. Nobodyhere wants to go to a show for aBicklev & Moore are excavating a j

bave no strength and cry fraud The countryman scratched hishead for about five minutes and then

week at least.The Sunday school convention meteonne. Dr. J. M. KoonU and wife, sole

proprietors of the French care forking us in that wood while the said : here last Thursday and Friday. Rev.Bernard, the president of the district

A meeting of the Hancock andEnglish club should be called Satur-day night.

women, and also other Justly cele-brated family medicines of their ownare good, so we will be sup--

for winter. compound, are still located ki Mexico,young physicians and well worthy of

"which we are thankful. Parties want-

ing a railroad in the county, will have

to raise the money by private sub-

scription. The Hannibal road will

never be built this way. If the road

is worth building, it will be t&ken

hold of by some other railroad corpo-

rations. Private parties blowing theirmoney into such an enterprise, will

be in the same fix the "Texas boys"are.

The Greenbackers made a mistake

by not putting a Republican on their

ticket at least that is what some ofthem think. It is not too late, mostany of the candidates would like toget out of the race if they could do

so gracefully. The only trouble

would be in finding a Republican

that would run on the Greenback

convention was present and conduct-ed the convention, Thirteen Sundayschools were represented, East Lick,litre will be no horse race at a place on the ticket.In spite of the repeated warnings

of the Ledokr some of our citizenswceater next Saturday both of R. B. BOOTON

"Guess I'll take . watermelyon.Watermelyon is my best holt."

We learned afterwards that he wasa native of Callaway.

ElUah Rtibiimon.The nomination made by the ju-

dicial connveniion last Saturday, will

was nominated for as conleft their houses unguarded duringthe parade last Saturday and sufferednteei are put off.

Farbcr, : Hickory Grove, SabbathHome, West Quiver, West Lick,Benton City, Chapel Grove, John'sBranch, Mexico, Laddonia, Martins-bur- g

and Martin's School. But few

stable of Salt River township. Bob,J. I). Tucker and wife have return- - accordingly. Mrs. Beck lost $60 inis justly a very popular young man,money, a fine watch and an elegantfrora a very pleasant visit to St.

set of jewelry. Several other robber always accommodating and a mostud the lakes. be vcrv acceptable to the people of

where they can be consulted in regardto their medicines and diseases whichthey are recommended . for. Tbe .

French cure for woman is the onlyremedy of the kind prepared and soldin America, and so acknowledged byall ladies, who have' given it a trial, ,

to be the only reliable - remedyon earth for all diseases peculiar to --

the female organization. Preparedand for sale only by them.1 Alsomidwifery and chronic diseases ofwoman aoade a specialty by Mrs. J.M. KoonU, who has had over 14 years ;

experience in the practice of medi- - ;

cine among the female sex i AU per-- ;

large cellar in the rear of their store.They will also build an addition to it

R. B. Speed of the Warrenton Ban-

ner, was a delegate to congressionalconvention, and made us a pleasant

cal.The booths of the Audrain County

Fair will be let at auction at the fairground at 2 p. m. next Saturday,Sept. 4th.

Senator Cockrell will be his own

successor. We wtre very glad

to see with what pleasure andour convention instruct-

ed for him.

Another unprecedented "break."The Intelligencer in a column article

writes up a circus peformance thesame as it would a Sunday School


The "Grecnb:ickers will have a

fair count they need not begin

speakers chosen for the occasion werepresent, yet they made a lively and in-

teresting time. Short speeches weremade by Elders Bouder, Bernard,

efficient officer.

CAPT. UBIGSBT,E. Bridges, formerly of this

lJ is now agent for the C. & A.

ies were committed on the same day..There is always a gang of thieveshanging around a circus.

Dr. W. Pipino.

the whole circuit. While Montgom-

ery prefered Mr. Hughes, as he was

a native of. that county, she will giveKohinson her hearty support. Mr.

a staunch farmer of Cuivre township,C. Alexander, Whitside, Mr. Jobna-- at Kansas City. was nominated for county judge inDon't fail to hear the Hon. D. II. the eastern district.

'R. CREED CARTER, ,Intyre speak next Saturday night

Beal, Mr. Hoyle, Miss Kate Wilder,Mr. Kelly, Mr. Gleason, Mrs. Alex-ander, W. H. Beal and others. Thenext county convention will be heldat Marlinsburg on Friday before the

1 court house. also a farmer, was nominated forEery man, woman or child in the sons calling at the residence will getcounty judge from the wester dis

Robinson is one of the most talentedand energetic men in the State. Hissuccess as a lawyer is without par-arell-

He has every qualificationwhich a jurist should possess, and will

administer justice without fear orfavor.

fourth Sunday in 'Sept., 1880, andty that reads a newspaper, reads will continue three days. For tbe


The heavy wiud last Saturday af-

ternoon blew down Barnum's "waterand wind proff" tent, tearing the

canvass almost to shreds. The wind

and rain continuing there was no

show at night The managers of the

show bought all the drilling in Mexi

trict. ' He is live, energetic manand will prove a worthy Judge.county convention Col. Hulton was

The above ticket in toto will beThe Fulton fair, we hear, was notlucc8 as to the crowd in attend- -

In this issue of he Ledger can befound the card ct r. V. C. Pipinoof Quincy . Tbe n'oct for two yearswas surgeon of the Blessing hospital,Quincy. For three years he was thephysician of the Orphan's Home,Quincy. From letters of introduc-tion which the doctor has, and fromresolutions passed by the staff ofBlessing hospital, we shoald judgethat Dr. Pipino was a good physicianand a most excellent surgeon, aswell as a polished and sociable gen-tleman. He comes to ' exico wellrecommended and we tae pleasureiu tendering his services to the pub-lic and the hospitalities of Mexico tohim. -

elected. In what particular (exceptat least. squealing this soon. They are even perhaps on account of personal feel-

ings) could any man of any party

an honest opinion tn regard to tneucase and for . chronic diseases can .

have treatment and medicine faralah- -ed them containing full directionsand Instructions , tor using at very ;

reasonable rates. All medicine gear- - , .

anteed to be entirely .vegetable. Forconsultation caU at residence on tcorner of ProeaenadB Washington 'sts., in the Dr. Boarne


Mo. V.Mexico, :j

; See ictebaire apace.uQii

now trying to find an excuso for theirTe Democratic party has been

The last vehicle in the parade lastSaturday was intended, we suppose,to add tone to the tail of the parade.It contained a professional man ofthis city of high standing.

og for twenty years and it hasn'twish a change.' It is a strong ticketand will receive a strong majority. '

anticipated defeat.

We hear-som- e talk of a paper millmm- WT ., ! naa nrvi lrl

much water either.

electer president, and IS. I. Lockevice-preside- nt at large, and each Sun-day school in the county the follow-ing vice-preside- : Josiah Wright,N. S. Johnson, P. Ingram, DoctorMitchell, D. R. Earsman and the oth-ers to make their selections. Thefollowing delegates were elected toattend tbe district convention atLouisiana: J. B. Schrull, Miss KateWilder, II. W. Gleason. Alternates :Mrs. Julia Bruton, W. II. Beal, Jas.Carroll. , Committee on programmefor next county ' convention : Dr.Bark, Prof. DuvaH and Elder Mar-lo- w.

From some cause the secretary

ttfie Bodgers fe in Callaway

co in order to have the canvass mend-

ed in time to show in St. Louis Mon-


It is only a matter of time when

fast horses will be brought down lo

a mile in two minutes. Only lastweek at Hartford, Conn., St. Julientrotted a mile in 2:11 4.


UTTLKBV Mexico. ..wrapping umlie made here from flax straw, &c.

We will notice this matter at length,MS, working with Halloway, coun-- L. Phillip will close his store next

Monday and Tuesday to observe re-

ligious services . Wednesday mornwyor of Callaway. Messrs. Bingo Eubaok'sEverybody very much disappointed

shortly.' - If the wind storm of last Saturdayhad happened between 1 and 5 p. nu,

at some men lack in brains is with Barnum's 'Greatest Show on barouche can be found on the-publi- c

square from X until o'clock, p. the the Star Clothing Store will beThe rain last Saturday night was Earth." - ':"-- r 'f7BP in conceit. What others it would have caused great loss of All seem pleased with the result ofworth thousands of dollars to this

life on the show ground. The teatFirst boor, 11.&0 ; each . MK'.arwalhoar, 11. Passengers aeywhere lathe corporate limits, 24 ets. --tf.

the Democratic convention, , especint made up at all. '

RiiHip. one of our most erenu- -

in full blast again. Phillip has alarger stock of goods than ever, whichbe will sell or give away he don'tcare which. It will pay to call and

county. It blew Barnum s tent --on was instructed to change the name ofIt looked natural to see W. K.

Potts on the police foraa last Satur-

day. Marshall Coons," Mr Potts andally toe nomination of ; Capt.was packed.and a great many children

its base," and in this way saved the Grigshy for county court Justice."mocrals. has our thanks for a at least would have suffered .Elder Marlow forKev. Myers.

During tba last few days our townhas been alive with hogs ; several car

county over four tuonsana uoiiars,fWlar "Hancock" picture. Abe corn crop in Ibis oeignborooodwill be cut short one-ha-lf br theOakaa Brother. Regular eTirainitions first Sntnrday

in each month. All w4attej certa--assistants deserve great cretin ior me

good order kept on that day. loads will be shipped to-da- y. - Hog--besides being of great good to the

late corn and the fall grass.Evidence blew down the circus The. OakeB Brothers give a first- - drouth. ... 'T : ;

nrtes must attenddrivers are not as particular as theyTh min.l ,!.. . k m. 3rokok D. BowYAjr,The rain came just in time to .savethe cattle on tbe prairie from suffer- -

' 'see him.

The Curtain Valla.The only child of Hade Brown,

who was executed at Moberly a few

months since, was drowned by fallinginto a well at Madison, Mo.,last week.

should be, and tne citizens nogs get 5 fSome of the Greenbackers who arefit theclass entertainment at the operahouse to-nig- ht. The entertainmentwill be chaste and legitimate.-- . They

in their droves and are taken off. We TJoontyril 1. tan. ,iBg-for-wa- - v

not very sanguine either about the liear many complaints of this kind.

Two cherry trees at least nine

inchess in diameter, in front of Mrs.

Pilcher'B, on Promenade street, were

broken off by the wind last Saturday

afternoon. :


ttou,? the artistic : painter,' is in AMHU LAUBIB.principles or success of their party,claimed to have .been coaxed to runHa is doiMT some very fine

Mr. Scott uays is a candidate torconstable of Prairie township.

Rev. ? Shackefbrd, of Mexico, . Isconducting a very interrestiag Met

goiVkstWoU-fci- ed

77. W-tf- ci

Don't stray after tfstick to your treefriend, I. Fbabk.

The death of the - child, under suchhave met with crowded houses allover the country, and will be greetedwith a full house to-nig-

DtM Bros. Bluoi. circumstances, looks like the fittingfinale of a series of awful tragedies . Tbe theory of introducing medi ing at the Methodist church, south ofEvans has returned to Mexi-- a

. Railroads are a great benefit toft cine into tbe system by absorptionwith Mr. Hunter will con- - town. bouehLpayed for and run by aK. Mm. JL tL Xn&m tnumber 0 csndc tcrZa. tt

here. '

Pro Hugh Logan leaves for NewFlorence this week to take charse as

to contract for bonding of al responsible company. Tbe peoplethrough the pores of tbe skin, is nowproven, by the great success of Day'sKidaey Pad, to be the only true

The paternal grandfather killed byhis brother-in-la- the maternalgrandmother killed by tbe father, theof this county have no-- objection to principal of the publk schools at that

Tbe railroad meeting Tuesdaynight was very well attended. Thepeople of 'Mexico' appreciate " thebenefit of' a railroad, at the sametime they believe in the railroad com-

pany building their own road. The

method ofenrin'tf' and controlling the14 least a ear lnJ nf hoar another railroad, but do not intend

for office, Ac. We are really sorryto see some of our friends made asacrifice, of by men who have per-

suaded them tbey could be elected.

W. F. Reed was telegraphed toreturn home from New Tork City tho

first of this week on account of the

illness of his wife. He will have tore-tar- n,

as he did not have lime to trans-

act his business. He found his wife

greatly improved whew -- he wived

was father executed on the gallows, themother taking her own life with a

v ;CaU at I. P,QSSJtsat:tory ead tke Crr--' lTzj yto buy and present it to ... rtiii-.v- .

: Mr. J. W. Bates, of tide neighbor-hood, has bought ont Baltnrope'slivery stable at Vandaiia. ,

(11 Mexico last Saturday, nod at

.Si--n- - . .. - .

most prevalent and fatal diseases thatafflict mankind. In this paper tiersappears an , advertisement thistruly wsnderful discoverr,- - and no

pistol, the child drowned in a wall.The Greenbackers aay the reason iold road-be- d has cost this county

s ' ' lilTTLUTtther did not Pt ; RepoUtean GotiCytnow 1100,000. .Wa the Jatte'an accident? Wasit remorseless ' and . relentless ' fate?Perhaps it was best for the child. '

We learn this morning that the

thstr ticket Is that they do not need

nor want the Republican vote. Time

j r uw not arunaen nan waa

lljy on of tb warmeatwr experienced.. Tbe only

?te keep cqoi WM to tftfc off your(4att in your bones on tut

.' Policeman Smith . has gone - toTexas. He will try to make arrange

one ibould&il to read it; and if af-

flicted with any of the complaints forwhich it is recommended try it atonce, as we are assured by the manu-facturers that nothing is claimed foxit that it will not positively effect.

L. Phillip, while in New York,called on Gen. Hancock and sayshe to a very sociable and entertaiairj

home. Mrs. Reed has Deen very ,Uhea at FiiUoajrir- - U-y&- Wments to have his newspaper: movedabove is all a mistake, the boy isainlr. and we are srlad to be able towill ahow what they need and thatthey do not get what they need and

hwant. r-'-

down in a few weeksalive and well. Ed. Ledger.atete that she is naoch better.Brian Hite Hut Fasdar.